I Latest News In Sports TWO SHELBY YOUTHS CHALLENGE LAXTONS BOYS FOR GOLF MATCH iL'ANJON. TKe Cliff'Mo Slugger ic Event Sla ted To Be Held Here Tomorrow Nieht ight< fans-^of Shelby igdaphlff immediate section have beet)' taticipating with a great deal interest comes tomorrow falghti jwheo the _principal athletic event} pt jnonths.is staged in the Thompson building, beginning promptly at 3 o’clock. Varied amusettejlts to,suit any and all arc ot) the Card for the evening and thd promoteri^Arthur Sides, who has putTpit*the program under the auxpiceS.cf the American Legion, says that'the demand fob tickets is imprededented, a large number having peen^sold in Chariot*?. Gas tonia, Kings Mountain and sur rounding towns. One otjhe chid affairs, of thej evening win b^the' wTestling match . be tween'Romanol f. known as “The Tarzafl 'of the Apes" and Joe Turner,_ £est liked of all North , Carolina i wrestlers. Next; iij 6rder comes thp 10- I round bout" between Jack Cunning ham, known as "The Colored Jack Dempsey” and Bat Conway, “Col ored Cyclone. If the fans don't pet action during this melee> It will be *, surprise to all concerned. Holding one of the chief spots of interest so far as the fight fans are concerned Is the semi-final be tween Jack Blanton, the Cliffside Slugger;! and o. E.Lybrand of Bel mont. Preliminaries listed for the cve r 10 consist of bouts between Logan ■ Tube” Carr of Cleveland Cloth inill and Jerome Spangler of Shel by; Crown Lynn of Ora mill and Phate McSwain of South Shelby; Bob McCurry of Ora mill and Irvin McSwain of Eastside; Stump Bras well of McAdenville and Kid Phelps of Gastonia. The battle royal between five big boys will be the most hilarous thing seen In these parts in many moons and that alone should be sufficient to attract many spectators. Every arrangement will be made * to have the hall as cool and com fortable tomorrow night as is humanly possible and it is promis ed In advance that the best of order will prevail. Ladies wilt be admitted free, according to a recent statement of the manage ment;. It is said that the promoters have gone to greater expense on putting on this athletic program in Shelby than they have ever en countered and if the fans do no respond in liberal measure it will be a pretty fair indication that Shelby doesn't care much for the ' fight game. Thompson building is the place ind 8 o'clock is the opening hour: those who have failed to obtain their t tickets prior to this time might do well to get them before night as in dications are that there will be a crush at the door. Three Heat Victims. Detroit, July 24.—Heat claimed the lives of three Detroit men yes terday and caused the prostration of several others as the mercury tlimbed to a peak of 91 at 4 p m In Davin Final* George M. Lott, young Chicago netrnan, will replace Francis T. Hunter, court veteran, in the final round of the Davis Cup play with France, at Paris. Lott and Tilden will now tytar the singles burden of the meet, with Allison and Van Ryn forming the doubles partner ship Crackers Obtain New Huge Mascot Atlanta fans recently had their first view of the largest mascot in organized hall in the person of Joe Mullins, "ho joined the club a few days ago. Mullins is -even fr^t four inches high,, weighs 240 pound:, and wears a No. 16 shoe. He can pick up five baseballs in cne hand. and also claims to be able to stand at home plate and throw a ball over th? centerfield • fence/ He believes his presence will help keep the Crackers in the first division. Pete And “Snooks” Say They Arc Willing To Play Just Any where, Any Time. No Shelby people douot the statement that Fred ana Irwin Lax } ton of Charlotte, are good goiter.-, —that ly none of the local peopit acquainted with the ancient and honorable game—but what all of the golf fans in Shelby and over Cleveland county want to know Is why is it unpossible to make ar rangements for a match between Pete and 'Snooks'1 Webb of Shelby and the Laxton pair in Charlotte’ That has been the burning ques tion in Shelby for some, weeks now and it has noi been answered with any degree of satisfaction to an" of those concerned. It will be recalled that arrange- j ment.s were perfected >or so locrl I people thought) lor the Laxton! youngsters to come to Shelby about three weeks ago to play a match one Saturday with the two Webb young sters. but some reason that affair had to be called off and it was agreed that, the match would take place the following Saturday. At the proper hour the Webb boys, Pete and Fred, went to the Country club and there remained for a good two hours or more but the young golfers from Charlo* ' failed to put in an appearance and they have not shown up here yet so far as is known Pete and Snooks say that they are not particular about play'ng over the Cleveland golf club course. Thev say that if the young golfers in Charlotte feel that this would give the Shelby players an advan tage, they are perfectly willing to come to Charlotte and play over the course there, or they are willing to meet the Laxton boys on any neutral course. In other words, they don't care where they play so they get a chance to play. Shelby - I course is agreeable to Pete and Snooks. but likewise agreeable is Gastonia, or if that doesn’t suit, any course in Charlotte. The young chaps from Shelby are in earnest about wanting to get the match staged and so they are willing to leave all arrangements to the Laxtons and let Fred and Irwin select the date and the place. It might be mentioned just here that Pete Webb is 16 years old, and that "Fred or “Snooks” as he is known to all his friends, is 14. but they have demonstrated the fact, time and time again that they can hold their own with all comers. Error Is Made In League Schedule It has been discovered that an er ror was made in the published sche dule for the Cleveland County Base ball league as regards the last game to be played this season. That sche dule as originally published shows the Boiling Springs team playing at two different places the same after noon, which is, of course, incorrect. The final game of the season will be played on Saturday, August 31 and will be between the following teams at the points designated. Lily Mill versus Eastside Mill at Shelby. Cleveland Cloth Mill versus Dover at Shelby. Knob Creek versus Lawndale ad Knob Creek. Boiling 8prtngs versus Union at Union. Captain Ross G. Hoyt, attempt ing a round trip flight from New York to Nome, Alaska, crashed near Edmonton, Alberta, on the third leg of the return trip. He left Mitchell Field. N. Y. Thursday and expected to get back to New York Wednes day. Sets Southern Record 'The*reported price of $12,500 in coin of the realm paid to the Tampa club, of the Southern League, by John McGraw, of the Giants, for the services of Wat lie Brush, above, is the highest price ever paid for a player from this loop. Brush, for ,all his slight build, is piling up an en viable record in the minors and should be a big help to the Giants, if he live? up to aihance reports, when the team comes to the home stretch. * < International Nrwsrtsl) Robinson Urges Use Of Care In Choosing Umps “I regret very much that a certain amount of dissatisfac tion has appeared relative to the umpiring done in some of the games played thus far in the Cleveland County iBaseball League,” said President J. R. Robinson this morning. “It Is up to the teams to obtain the right sort of men for umpires and I hope that from this time forward they will endea vor to use a little more care in making their selections - than has been the case here tofore. Plenty of good men %re available and I want to see the league function with out friction, hut I realize that if we get poor umpiring, we are going to have poor ball games. I certainly hope that all managers will try to use more care In the future in getting the right sort of men for this important work.” City Park To. See Twin Bill Dick Norment. the one arm and one legged boy from Lumberton is slated to hurl for the Cleveland Cloth mill team in the opener against the Lily Mill club at Shelby park tomorrow. This will give the fans hereabout a chance to see the much talked of high school pitcher in afction once more. He has lost one game out of seven starts. Dover-Ora plays Eastside in the nightcap. This promises to be worth the price of the ticket alon<" First game is to be called prompt ly at 2:30 and all ladies are to be admitted fre<> Fast Games On Tap Over County League Tomorrow Attendance Growing l.argrr Anil Keener Rivalry Bring M a n i - > tested By Clubs. An increasing amount of interest is being evidenced by the fans ami the officials of the Cleveland Base ball league in the various games be ing played in the circuit and Pres ident Robinson and those associated with him in forming the league say that they feel much encouraged. They feel that Shelby and the rural sections holding membership in th: league are having an opportunity to see as good amateur baseball this season as any other towns and com munities in this section and that the fans should take advantage of this opportunity by turning out in large numbers. The a t t e n'd a nee has been thoroughly gratifying thus far, about $100 having been taken in at the gate cn one recent Saturday at the Shelby park and this is about as good as some of the South Atlantic league teams have been known tt do cn some days. Saturday's schedule calls for sonr: hot games in the Cleveland county league and there should be big crowds in all the parks where con tests are to be played. The follow ing is the schedule for the approach ing games tomorrow: Lily mill versus the Cleve land Cloth mill at Shelby. Eastside mill versus Dover Ora at Shelby. Knob Creek versus Cnion at Cnion. Lawndale versus Bolling Springs at Bolling Springs. The Cleveland Star wishes to urge that the official scorers of the league pay a little more attention to keeping the scores correctly and getting the proper records to this newspaper office on Saturday night Some of the teams have neglected to comply with this request and the result has been that possibly the league standings as published In this newspaper and as understood by the league officials may be wrong. If the official scores arc not furnished here, it is natural!',' out of the question to give any team credit for, the proper number of victories or to chiuge any dmi with the propei number of defeats Greensboro baseball tans are said to be seeking a berth in the South Atlantic league for next season. It Is a known fart that Greensboro has had pretty hard work ba'ancing her finances even In the Pledinon* circuit, so It Is difficult to under stand how she could hope to keep up her end In a faster circuit. Shelby fans had wanted pro fessional baseball earlier in the summer, but since the beginning of the Cleveland county league, with two good double headers staged at the Shelby park Sat urday afternoons, It has become evident that the professional game Isn’t needed here. The amateurs are playing as good ball as anyone should want to see. No Josephine, a fan doesn t keep rou from getting hot. Not if it Is he kind that frams you on the back ,\hen the local slugger clouts a home run • • • Shelby golf lovers don't doubt that the last on kids over In/ Charlotte ran play good golf, hut they know equally well that Pete and Fred Webb of Shelby can play a stellar brand of the same game and to save U( we can’t understand why the four boys can’t get together and ar range an exhibition. The local youths say they are ready and have been ready but don’t ap pear to be able to obtain any satisfaction from the Charlotte lads. That affair would draw a big gallery, either In Shelby or In Charlotte and everyone would welcome the announce ment that It was going t^be staged. Far be It from us to tell the Char lotte newspaper sport wTlters how to handle their jobs; but we do wish they would learn the name of the Cuban pitcher they acquired not so long ago from Spartanburg. Botn papers over there insist on spelling hta name John Eckelson. whereas the swarthy hurler told the writer, in the best language the Cuban has at his command, that his correct name is Juan Ekelson Small ma' ter, perhaps, but IX Ekelson ever goes up to the big time, as he has a very good chance of doing, the record should be straight. The Atlanta Cracker* of the. Southern league have obtained a player weighing 225 pounds and standing seven feet two inches in his stocking feet (that is, if he wears any sox). We presume the idea is to scare the other club to death. Shelby baseball fans take a lot of Interest In the South Atlantic league, almost as much as they would if Shelby had a berth in that circuit. They would l.ke for some enterprising sports writer to sit down and spend a day compiling a list of all former Sally stars now shining In the major show. It Is safe to say that there have been more ball players graduated from ’the South Atlantic circuit to the ma jor leagues than from all other leagues put together The splendid (fame of tennis may be on the wane in some sections of the country, but that isn’t true in Shelby. More and more devotees are appearing here dally and the only trouble is a lack of courts. If sufficient courts were provided. there would be even more interest in the sport and it would he a fine thing for all concerned. There Is every reason to believe that the biggest, crowd ever seen at an athletic event of that kind will gather in Shelby Saturday night for the combined wrestling-boxing ex hibition to be staged here under the auspices of the American Legion. With Romanoff. Joe Turner, the two negro heavyweights, to sav nothing of the boys in the pre liminaries, signed for an appearance here tomorrow night, there should be a tremendous crowd on hand. This isn't a*ty small town exhib' tion, by any manner of means, and fans will be here from Charlotte. Gastonia, and all the other near by hamlets. Grapevine wireless re ports say that the tickets are go ing fast More than 1.500 convicts in Clin ton prison at Dannemora, N. Y., made a break for liberty yesterde.v following a revolt. The 124 officers of the prison manned the walls with rifles, revolvers and machine guns and kept'the mob at bay. State troopers were called on to help the prison officials to control the si* uation. Two convicts were killed. Forest Wardens In This State Named Raleigh. July 24.—Appointment ct four county forest wardens in coun ties which have recently provided fore fire protecton was announced to day by Chas. H. Flory, assistant forester In charge of fire control. County forest wardens appointed are as follows: Washington. Hnr v Stall; Warren, E H. Pennell; Rich mond, O. A Seawall; and Colum bus. M. Formyduval All of these newly appointed officials are also serving aa county game wardens. Selection of the game wardens t > fill the position of forest warden also, according to the assistant for ester, follows the policy of the d ■ partment of conservation and de velopment in combining the two offices under the same official wherever practicable and to thr in terest of both services Six prohibition agents. live of them negroes, raided what, Is satrt to have been the biggest speake v In New York on Friday, There nr > 150 customers In the place when the officers took charge All the cus tomers were allowed to leave, white two big trucks were loaded with barrels, kegs, etc, of illicit liquor and lurnlshtngs. notice of sale of land. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of trust by E. Durham Whisnant and wife. Evte Whisnant. to the First Na tional hank of Durham. N. C., trus tee, dated September 1, 1928, and recorded in book 150, page 340. Cleveland county registry, the First National bank of Durham, N. C, trustee, will on AUGUST 27. 1920. at, the court house door In Cleve land county, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following described property: kill '!-"-!■—I--S-LLLILI Beginning s', ,1 it.tkr on the south edge of Highland avenue the ! northwest, corner of lot. No 82, awl runs thence with the east line oi satd lot south 221 cast, lliO feet to i la stake In Oeorge Pendleton/ line, I [thence with this line north i>7 , east SO feet to a stake in die we; • hue ot lot No. 79; said lot. No 7) bein’! now owned by J A Peeler thence' with said line of said lot north 22' west 160 feet to a stake in the south'! edge of Highland avenue: them'” with said edge of said avenue soul : 67\ west 50 feet to the place of be ginning. Same being lots No 80 and 81 of the Lackey-Thompson property a plat of which Is of record In bools of plats No. 1 at page 82 In the of llcc of the register of deeds ol Cleveland county. North Carolina* reference to which plat and record e hereby made for further identU Oration and description of said tw<| lots. Tins sale is made on account o| default in the payment of the in* debtedness secured by the said deed! of trust. The the 23rd day of July, 1920. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP DURHAM, NORTH CARO LINA, Trustee n H Covington, Attorneys, Durham N, C. THIS GENEROUS OFFER TO YOU nv PAtT, WEBB A- SON DRUG STORE Aon arr hereby authorised to deliver one $1.00 bottle of Lee's Antisep tic Oil and liniment FREE with each bottle of Lees Laxative Com pound and Cathartic. A $2.25 VALUE FOR $1.25. Money Hark If lee's Laxative Compound And Cathartic Doesn't Give You Relief. A Proven Remedy That Helps You. And Doe* It BY REMOVING THE PRINCIPAL CAUSE OF INDIGESTION" Hence It Is unexcelled in the treatment of Indication, Acid Stomach, Dyspepsia, Smir Stomach. Foul Breath, Oas. Nausea. Gastritis, Sick Headache. Constipation and Rheumatism