VOL. XXXV, No. 90 SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY. JULY 29, 1929. Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons I 8 PAGES I TODAY * By mall, per year (In advanoe) $2.50 Carrier, per year (In advance) $3.00 LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, per pound __ 19c Coton Seed, per bu._40 !£ Weather Forecast. Thundershowers tonight and Tuesday; not quite so warm Tucs day in the north portion. To Stage Horse Show Here Soon Horse Fanciers Hold Picnir Here Friday And Plan For Exhibit Here Aug. 22nd. Shelby Is to have a horse show August 22 to be staged either a the county fair grounds or on the aviation field at Cleveland Springs. This was decided here Friday aft ernoon at a picnic of the Shelby Riding club held at Lineberger Springs in Belvedere park. Some of the fanciest horses in the state are expected to enter, including many of the pretty horses owned by local people. The Shelby Riding club recently erected and is oc cupying a new community barn which is now housing 36 fine rid ing horses. Thirty eight riders on high stepping mounts, rode through the streets Friday afternoon, pre senting a beautiful sight and they gathered at the Lineberger Spring where a picnic lunch was served to a total of, 75 members and their families. After the picnic was held, the horse show was planned. Will Are;/ is president of the riding club, Win. Lineberger and C. C Blanton are vice presidents and Tom Nolan is secretary treasurer. Shelby Folk At Catalina Island A card from Renn Drum, news editor of The Cleveland Star, ad vises that he and Mrs. Drum and Mr. and Mrs. Casey Morris have been spending the past few days at Catalina Island, jCal, and have been having the time of tljoir lives.” In his brief communication Mr. Drum . ays he will attempt to set forth none of the happenings of the trip, as he wall have plenty to say i hrough the columns of The Star on that score when he gets back home. The party made the trip from Shelby via automobile and expect to return by the same route. Eastside Mill Is Giving A Vacation The Eastside Cotton mill, one of the largest in the city, is closed during the present week to -allow all its workers the usual one-week rummer vacation. Some of the other mills were closed last week nd it is understood that the re mainder will probably close for a week during the next fortnight. No general shutdown is anticipated, ac cording to cotton mill officials. Civil Court Hears No Jury Cases Yet With Judge W. F. Harding of Charlotte presiding, the civil sec tion of superior court for Cleveland county convened here this morn ing at 10 o'clock. The docket was rounded, but when the hour for the noon recess arrived, no cases for trial by jury had come on. The court ts supposed to continue for the remainder of the week. FOUND WITH RIFLE IN STATE GAME PRESERVE Danbury—Caught within the bounds of the Sauratown Game Preserve, carrying a .22 calibre rifle, equipped witli a Maxim silencer. Robert White young white man re siding near here, was Wednesday arrested and tried before Justice of the Peace N. A. Martin and taxed with fine and costs. Body Of Negro Found On Track Of The Railway Cleveland county officials were notified this morning that the body of a dead ne gro, thought to be Pearly Brown of Lawndale, was found on the Southern Rail way tracks yesterday be tween Bessemer C'itv and Kings Mountain. Thr pre sumption is that the negro was beating a ride on a freight train and fell there from, death resulting from his impact with the ground as his body was badly bruised but not mangled. No inquest has yet been held and it was stated this afternoon that the body was still being held at a Kings Mountain undertaking estab lishment, where it was taken after discovery bv a train crew. \ Seaboard Head Pays A Visit To This Section President Of Great Railroad In spects Shelby And Is Pleased With Reception. A Shelby had the honor Saturday of a short visit from L. W Powell, jr.. president of the Seaboard Air Line railroad system. W. H. King, jr.. assistant to the president and C. H Sauls, superintendent of the road They were passing through on an inspection trip of this divi sion to Ruthcrfordton. when Mayor McMurry learned of their coming and wired an invitation for the pri vilege of driving the party over the city. The invitation was immediate ly accepted and. in the two houis they were here, they were shown over the city and a portion of the farming section up Highway No. 18, the officials declaring themselves very favorably impressed with the evidences of thrift and progress on every hand. Shelby is the largest station and shows the largest freight receipts of any station west of Charlotte. It was Mr. Powell's first visit in this section. Less than a year ago he was promoted to the presidency of the road, succeeding S. Davies War field who died. In the party showing the visitors the city were Mayor McMurry, C, C. Blanton, Paul Webb, John 0. McKnight. Agent H. A. Harris and Editor Lee B. Weathers. Lightning Strikes And Bums A Barn Plavcd Pranks Thursday Afternoon On Morrison Farm Near Grover. Lightning played pranks on the farm of Sam Morrison, run by his brother Phillip Morrison near Grover Thursday afternoon, during a thunderstorm, striking the Mor rison barn and burning a mule, fifty*bales of straw and a quantity of other property stored in the barn at the time. About 50 feet from the barn Is a store and grist mill and in the store at the time the lightning struck were nine people, all of whom were knocked unconscious for a short time, for the lightning seemed to have struck the store first and then the barn. One side of the mill was knocked out, the floor was torn into splinters and a ditch torn out between the store and the barn As soon as the stricken men recov ered consciousness, they discovered the fire at the barn and attempted to quench the blaze, but it was too far along. Some of the stock how ever. was saved, but one mule lost its life. INDUSTRY SURVEY OF „ BOONE TO BE MADE Boone.—Upon the initiative of the Boone Civitan club, the town of Boone has authorized a complete industrial survey of the county seat and adjoining section and the survey is now being commenced by a firm located in Washington, D. C Engineer B. C. Curtis is the engi neer in charge. Mr. Curtis promises that there soon shall be available for Boone and for prospective in vestors and industrialists all date. Bankers Brought To Bar Of Justice I PHILLIP CLARKE HUDSON CLARKE JAMES RAE CLARKE OHN BOUKER Here are the famous four Clarke partners photographed as they fa^ed the court in Gen eral Sessions, New York. More than 200 de positors attended the meeting in a courtroom in the Federal Building and heard Federal Attorney Charles H. Tuttle speak with opti mism of the possibilities of recouping part, at least, of the $5,000,000 deficit. James R. Clarke pleaded guilty to the State’s charges, dramatically accepting the blame for the crash and promised to turn over all his prop erty. , Divorce Is Granted In Superior Court An order of divorce was filed Saturday in the office of the clerk of court for Cleveland county in the case of O. D. Copeland. by h‘s guardian, A. V, McMurry, versus Lucy Copeland. The order was signed by Judge Harding and sets forth that the matter at issue was heard by a jury and all the allega tions of the plaintiff, the said O. D. Copeland, appear to have been sustained and therefore “the plain tiff is granted an absolute divorce from the defendant and the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant are hereby forever dissolved.” School Principals Are Meeting Today Supt. B. L. Smith of ,thc city schools, is holding a meeting today with the seven principals of the local schools, the purpose of the meeting being to plan for the open ing of schools which has been set for September 9 and discuss the general routine of school affairs. Grand Jury Advises Clock Be Put In Running Order A recommendation that the town clock In thr cupola of the Cleveland county court house, long a thorn in the side of the local citizenry, be repaired, is contained in the final report of the grand jury for the July term of court as submitted to Superior Court Judge Ha:ding. The report also reports that the jail, chaingang camp and court house are in good condi tion The report as submitted though the foreman. D. W Royster, follows in full: To His Honor. J. F. Hard in;;. judge presiding at the July term of Superior court of Cleve land county, North Carolina: We, the grand jury of this term of court, wish to report that we have disposed of all matters coming up before us and have visited the different county institutions in different committees. "We find the county jail in very good condition; it is well kept and in a very satisfactory condition in every respect. We should like to suggest that the | walls m the sheriff's living quarters be painted "We also inspected No. fi. township chaingang and find it to be in good condition with sanitary and well ventilated quarters and plenty of food is provided for the prisoners. “We find the county court house and grounds to be in good condition except a leak in the grand jury room and a leak in the tower; also a broken gutter on the west side of the court house, all of which we recom mend be repaired We also rec ommend that the glass grating removed on the east side of the court house be put in proper condition. We also find that the clock in the tower of the court house is out of commission and we recommend that same be repaired and be put in run ning order. “We find that the property af, the county home is in good con dition,- though the sleeping quarters are somewhat crowd ed. We recommend very strong ly that an addition cooking range be provided or replace the present range with a large one.” Heavy Sentences Imposed By Judge Harding As The Court Term Here Is Ended Submit Report On Great Work George Blanton of Shelby, vica president of the First National bank of this city and one of the trustees of the North Carolina Or thopaedic hospital, located at Gas tonia. where hundreds of crippled children are treated monthly by the state without expense to the individual families, attended a meeting Friday of the directors of that institution, held at Gastonia, and brings back from intensely in teresting figures relative to the great work being done by the North Carolina institution Referring to the statistical re port submitted by Miss Harriet J McCollum, the superintendent of the institution, Mr. Blanton point:; out that on June t, 1929 there were 123 children in the hospital for treatment, while on July 1 the number had increased to 134 and that the plant of the institution is just about taxed to its capacity. There is always a long waiting list of children in urgent need of treat ment, but these cannot be admit ted solely ana simply because the hospital lacks the housing facilities, according to Miss McCollum's re' port. Her figures show that at pres ent there are on the waiting lists 271 white children and 35 negro children and these would be ad mitted most cheerfully if the hos pital had facilities to care for then1. The detailed report shows in ad dition that the cost per day for caring for each individual child is $2.20 which is regarded by those in a position to know as being a most reasonable outlay, in view of the service rendered The report is filled with data o! great interest to all North Carolin ians interested in the welfare of crippled and unfortunate children and Mr. Blanton says he wishes a copy of it could be in the hands of every taxpayer and voter in North Carolina. The people of North Carolina are said to be inordinately proud of the magnificent work being done at the Gastonia institution and out siders familiar with this work say that the state as a whole has a per fect right to be proud of it. Superior Court Comes To Con elusion Late Friday After Trial Of Many Cases. Practically all business In the criminal section of Superior court, for Cleveland county was conclud ed at a late hour Friday afternoon and Judge W. F. Harding ordered a recess taken until today, the civti court docket being taken up today. The following is a record of the business disposed of before the criminal court adjourned Friday: George Hamrick, grand larceny, capias issued and continued. Cat Allen, vagrancy, capias is sued and continued B. F. Spake, jr., worthless checks, the defendant sentenced to serve 30 days on the public works, such sentence to become operative fls ot July 17. The same defendant. Indicted on the same charge, was giyen an ad ditional sentence of 30 days. the same to become operative at the ex piration of the first sentence. J. L. Taylor, violation of the pro hibition law, sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and the costs Frank Ellis, bad check, forfei ture heretofore imposed ordered stricken out. A. E. Greogry, sentence hereto fore imposed ordered stricken out. Hatcher Glover, violation of the prohibition law. fine of $25 and the costs. Hunter Ripp.v. drunk and disor derly, nolle prosse with leave. Roy Branton, drunk and disorder ly. Forfeiture stricken out and de fendant ordered to pay a line of $50 and costs and to serve BO days upon the public works. Upon pay ment of the fine, the remainder of the sentence to stand suspended upon condition that the defendant appear before the clerk the first Monday of each month and show that he has not drank any intoxi cating liquor. John Kerk. receiving and possess ing, forfeiture ordered stricken ou* Jessie Green, charged with' vio lating the prohibition law. demand ed jury trial. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty as to selling liquor, but was unable to agree on having beverages and a mistrial was ordered, Joe Hayes, violating the prohi bition law, 30 days upon the puWic works. Bill Huffstetler. violating prohi • (Continued On Page Eight) City Schools Open Sept. 9; Making Audit Audit of School Books About Com plete And Will Be Published. Commercial Course. I Monday, September 9 has been ' set. for the opening of the city school. It was decided Sat urday at a meeting of the school board. The teaching staff has been completed and will be published in a few days, The school board made an In spection tour Saturday looking over the various buildings The audit of the school books is now under way and will be publish ed Just as soon as completed. Bombhart and company, certified accountants of Charlotte are doing the auditing Commercial course be offered to graduates and other outsiders who care to take the course. Typewrit ing. shorthand, and bookkeeping will be offered. There will be no tuition charge. All who want the work should make reservation with Sup*. Smith at once. Miss Louise GiH, head of the teacher training department, Is ex pected within a few days to make arrangements for that course. A few more pupils can still be ac comodated In the class. There is no charge for it. The credit gives the equivalent of one year’s colleg. work on a teacher’s certificate. It also enables one to complete the two year normal course m any of the state normal schools In *8 weeks. All graduates of standard high schools who live In Cleveland county or holders of elementary "B” certificates are eligible to take the work. Dr. Wall Pleases At Church Conference One of the men attending the mid-summer conference of North Carolina workers at Ridgecrest last week, who made an indelible im pression on his hearers was the Rev. Zeno Wall. D.D., of Shelby. Dr. Wall was the Inspirational speaker for three days, and certain ly no finer messages have been heard at the entire conference ses sion than his say those present. Many comments were heard to the effect that his sermons justified the reputation he has of being one of the Tar Heels' best pulpit men Numbers of North Carolinians are going to Ridgecrest for a vacation period. The hotel is enjoyjng wide popularity under the management of R. F. Staples, and the cafeteria under the same management is thriving for those who desire in formal meal hours, due to vacation sports or late sleeping in the morn ings. The lake Is popular, and the ten nis courts are claiming the atten tion of the younger crowd, of whom there are a large number here. With the coming of Dr. Georg? TrueLt August 19 through August 25 there will probably be the largest crowds. Ridgecrest is the summer assem bly of Southern Baptist and fc higher in altitude than any of the summer assemblies. Numbers of col lege girls and boys are spending the summer working here. DEFENSE WILL ASK CHANGE OF VENUE IN GASTONIA CASE Four Member Of Grand Jury Are Excused Because They Are Connected With Tex tile Industry. Foreign Element Fails To Be Represented In Court Room But Many Newspaper Men Are There. (Special to The Star) Gastonia, July 29.—Notice was served this morning by the members of legal counsel for the 16 defendants charged with the murder here of Police Chief O. F. Aderholt that they would this afternoon make a motion for a change of venue and endeavor to transfer the trial of the case from Gaston county to either Lincoln or Cleveland county. Failing Ui the effort to have a change of venue granted, it is under stood that the defense counsel will ask that a jury be brought to Gaston county from some adjoining county. This was ex pected to he the first action taken after court reconvened this afternoon following the luncheon recess. I-—■ Mrs. Green Dies Suddenly Here Mother Of Mrs. George Moore Passed With Stroke Of Apo plexy. Aire 64 Years. Local friends of Mrs. Alice Prances Johnston Green were sad dened Saturday to learn of her sudden death at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Moore with whom she made her home on We it Marion street. Mrs. Oreen was stricken with apoplexy and expired tn a few minutes. She had been up and about, the house all day when the end came about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Mrs. Green was born In Maryland and before marriage to R. L. Green was Miss Alice Prances Johnston. Her husband preceded her to the grave tn 1919, leaving surviving four children, Mrs. C. A, Grier of Chicago, Mrs. A. A. Roberts of Charlotte, Mrs. Baily Craig of Pet ersburg, Va . and Mrs. Geo. Moore of Shelby. One sister, Mrs. Lucretia Knight Johnston of Philadelphia also survives. All of the children from distant points arrived over the week-end to attend the funeral which will be conducted this afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Moore residence by Rev. Mr. Guingard of Lincoln ton, rector of the Episcopal church of which she was a member. In terment will be in Sunset cemetery. Oakland Morrison Has Joined Navy Oakland Morrison. 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Morrison of Martinsville, Va., left yesterday for Richmond where he Joined the U. S. navy. Young Morrison was an eagle scout in the Shelby troop of boy scouts and with the many hon ors he won in that organization he was erAbled to be admitted into the hospital corps division of the navy. The Morrisons recently mov ed ro Virginia from Shelby. Australian Ballot Booth Is Erected In Court House Here Acting in accordance with the provisions of the Australian bal lot system, and which becomes effective in North Carolina Car alina July 1, the commission ers of election for the school bond issue election to be held here tomorrow today caused to be erected in the Cleveland county court house a screened voting booth. This is the first time the Australian balloting system has been used In Cleve land county and the probability is that it is the first time the new system has ever been put into practice in North Carolina. Under the terms of the Aus tralian system, only one voter may enter the booth at a time and he or she must be unac companied. The ballots and pencils are placed therein and no one is supposed to see how the voter is casting his ballot. The law further provides that one teller per 100 voters be pro vided. so that if the voter is unable to read or write, this le gal teller may enter the booth with the voter and assist in the preparation of the ballot, but no friend or relative is permit ed to perform that service for the voter. There is to be only one voting precinct in tomorrow's election and that will be located in the court house. The proposition qn which those eligible will make their decision is whether the taxpayers of school district No. 33 of Cleveland county, embrac ing the city of Shelby, shall is sue bonds in the sum of $58,000 with which to retire an accu mulated deficit of several years and repay a loan made with which the schools were conduct ed for nine months last year in stead of eight months. It has been learned from the official registrar that a total of 1,102 registered to participate in tomorrow's election and there fore for the bond issue to pre vail, It wifi be necessary that at least 552 voters cast their bal lots tomorrow for the measure. Less than this number will de feat the undertaking and the school board will be left with a serious financial problem with which to deal. The polls open tomorrow at sunrise and close at sunset and only registered voters will be eligible to participate. Barnhill rresidr*.. Court convened here this morn ing at 10 o’clock: with Judge M. V. Barnhill of Rocky Mount presiding as special Judge. The indictments were read and handed to the grand Jury following which that body re turned a true bill charging mur der to 1(5 and assault with intent to kill to seven defendants. One of the original defendants had been charged with assault with intent to kill, but the grand Jury, without di rection from the court, changed the wording of this to read murder, in creasing the total Indicted for the capital offense by one. When the court convened, the solicitor stated that he understood four members of the grand Jury were directly or indirectly connected with the textile industry and m Justice to all concerned, he would ask that they be excused and their places filled by disinterested parties. The court so ordered and these four gentlemen were replaced. No Big Crowd. Contrary to general expectations, there was no great crowd in the court house this morning. The auditorium was well filled, but it was not packed and there was a marked absence of the foreign element which had expected to be present, ^fost of those in the court house appeared to be O as ton la, people. About 30 newspapers from all over the United States have rep resentatives present, including The Associated Press. Young Soldier Lucky, Unlucky Word coming to Shelby today from the Morehead City hospital is to the effect that young Dewey Howell, a member of Company K, 120th Infantry. Is making very sat isfactory progress after his opera tion and the attaches there believe he will be discharged at no distant date. The young man, who is a son of Grover Howell of Shelby, accom panied the local company of militia on the recent encampment and while in camp was seized with an acute attack of appendicitis. The young guardsman was rushed to a Morehead City hospital where he underwent an operation and +>><« was said to have been entirely suc cessful. It will be of passing interest to Mr. Howell's friends and all those interested in the National Guard to learn that he will not only receive pay from the government for his full time at camp, but aU his oper ation and hospital expenses are dis charged by the government and in addition thereto, he will receive from the government the sum of $1.15 per day for such time as he has to remain in the hospital. His friends here say that if the young fellow had to have an attack of appendicitis, he certainly chose the most reasonable and economical time to undergo, the experience. Cash Scores Again. The community of which he is a member will be interested to know that Mr. W. J. Cash, of Boiling Springs, will, in the September is sue of The American Mercury, have an article entitled “Hie Southern Mind,” in which the writer segre gates and analyses the mind of his native section of America. It will doubtless prove to be readable and instructive. It will be recalled that Mr. Cash recently had an article in The Mercury on Senator Simmons of this state, whieh was broadly read and commented upon.