School At Casar - Opens August 5 th llii Of Teachers Given. School On AmtmIIM Mot For Pul Two Tears. (Special to The Star. Monday, August 6. has been nam ed a» the opening date of the Casar high school for the coming year. Teachers for the coming ygar ar' ha follows: First grad* — Miss Kathleen Smith of Newton; second grade, Miss Mary D. Palmer of Lawndale. R-l; third grade. Miss Maude Ava Hord. of Waco; fourth and fifth grades. Miss Letha Branton of Shelby; sixth grade. Miss Earclo Dellinger of Cherryville: seventh grade, Mr, C. R. Wilkins ot Bre vard. High achool—Mr. H. M Lov. prin cipal. history and mathematics. Mist Mary Ferguson, Winnsbon 0. O , English and French; M.\ Lloyd B. Wilson, Fallhton, mathe anatlce and science. I For the past two years this school )has been run as an accredited high school and Is accomplishing a very Nflne work lor No. 11 township. Tohadoo curing and grading has how begun in earnest in all parts eg t$e state. Growers are encourag ed* bt». the good prices prevailing on the'Georgia markets. WMWTBra SALE OF REAL ES TATE—HOUSE A LOTS - Under,and by virtue of the power tontatoed la A certain deed of trust, executed and delivered by B. P. Jones et al, May 24th, 1910, and re dded In the office of the register o« deeds for Cleveland county Nort.i *%rpUny.r )n book 107. and because w default! to payment ot the tn debtedaeae thegeby acc.ured and be toauM ot Che failure to carry out ■the agreement and stipulations thereto contained and pursuant to the demand of the owner and hold lea of the indebtedness so secured, the undersigned trustee will expose to sale at public auction to the hfcheet bidder for cash at the court bourn door of Cleveland county. N. C., at 12 o’clock noon, on Monday the Slat day of August 1929. all those two lot* or parcels of land, lying and being in the Town of Earl, Cleveland county, N. O . town ship No. 3. and more particularly described as follows. That lot of land situated In the town of Earl, N. C., and being first lot Nol 58 on the plat of said town. to which reference Is hereby had, and bounded on the east by Broad street on the south hjf Fourth street, on the north by the lot No. 57. and on the west by Johnson stree.. fronting on Broad street. *78 reel and 8 Inches and running back wih Fourth street 200 feet containing 15,338 sq. feet more or less. Second the south half of lot No. 57 adjoin ing tha above lot, as shown on the plat of said town to which refer ence is hereby had. Bounded on the Heat by Broad street, on the south by lot No. 56, on the west by Johnson street, and on the north by lot Not 58. fronting On Broad street, 38 feet and 4 Inches, and one eighth running back to John | eon street, 200 feet containing 7 - ■888 1-2 aq. ft. more or less. The ‘same being the property conveyed ta Mrs. Blanche Hester by N. M. Webber by deed dated March 2, [1908, as appears of record In book ; ”00“ page 477, in the office of the ■ regfetar of Deeds for Cleveland eoupty North Carolina, and to which all needed reference la here !by made. The same being also [property owned by J. T. Webber, 'deceased and Is the same property [which was conveyed to the parties [of the .first part hereof by Thomas (Heater and wife on April 20th, 1916 'etc. i -This the 35th day of July, 1929. * C; B. McBRAYER, Trustee. ~-- ■ > I W. H. C. DIXON V DENTIST f Office Over Woolworth’s. TELEPHONE 195 f# ■ 11 1 I -BILLIARDS j Cleveland Cigar Store r B«M Charles Bldf, Corner Trade and W. Warren Sts. V. ... r ■ * ■ Dr. C. M. Peeler —DENTIST— Office Over Wool worth Residence Phone 460-W Office Phone 99-W Dr. D. M. Morrison OPTOMETRIST. Bye* Examined, Glasses Fitted And Repaired. Located In Webb Buildiny, Down Stain Next To Hanes Shoe ■ — Stove, Telephone MS. Shelby. N. C. Writing New Chapter in History of Peace SECRETARY STtMSON FRANK B. KELLOGG CALVIN COOLIDGE PRESIDENT HOOVER BENATOR BORAH Here is the historic scene as President Hoover delivered the proclamation of the Treaty for the Renunciation ot War to diplomatic rep resentati'ves of fnrtv or The fortv-si.< rations which have formally signed thf Kellogp Briand cact at the White Home / I TnUrr »' |an|t N*W«r#«1 Nobody’s Business GEE McGEE— (Exclusive In The Star In this section.) Casualties. Well, we had some festivities on the night of July Fourth m tin park.. Uncle Joe and Aunt Min ervy and 'mike Clark, rid” and 1 were all present 1 paid for the tickets as Uncle Joe forgot fits pooketbook and mlk> ( lark rid 25-dollar bill <so he oil id), and we all went In. We suffered many disappoint ment* on this eventful night To begin with. 1 paid 10 cents for t cushion and after 1 got on the in side. 1 found that there was only standing room to be had They had a few i-ee acts, but I had to stand back so far from the .stage, I couldn't, tell whether the women were crying, singing, calling pig . or exposing their tonsils to the electric lights. Unde Joe's poeketbook was stol en, and m checking up his loss. 1 discovered that it contained a dune and a 19-and-19 dog tax receipt. He mourned the disappearance of that purse with much vehemence and persistent sorrow. d got mv Information from Aunt Mtnervv regarding the contents of pig'. ear ) But Uncle Joe kept mutter ing something about I hundred ami 54 dollars and 75 cents besides sev eral 20-dollar gold pieces He in timated that I ought to be forced to re-hnburse him just because I took him to the thing Aunt Minervy was pusheu about and jammed against, folk and fences until she iookr*l like a next year's bird’s nest Stic said if she ever got out of that crowd that, she’d never go anywhere’: else except to the church where there was always plenty room Her hat was mashed from a be fore-the-war-mode! to a flapper's choice for this summer. <The on ly change male in women’s hr‘s from year to year is In fie mat ter of mashing them into defer ent shapes:! Her corns hurt her powerful through the per formate t and she complained some ol indi gestion; caused by 2 bags of pop corn and 15 cents worth of goob ers-I bought for her after she;had drunk 3 dopes mike Clark, rfd. went in mad and come out madder. he set! someboddy stepped on his in growing nail 14 times and that t.f he had the e50 back 1 paid tor them tickets, he'd go home ami stay there. he claimed that Uk fire-works smelt like beef, and he kept insisting that a certain or; fat woman quit that pushing him agin the telegram 'post that hail some spikes in it he got ready to leave about 11 .so p m„ an 1 told the gate minder to nte or foam him the next morning and let him know how manny folks got squezz to death and tromppe a on so's he could get up his in quest papci-s. ansoforth, but no in quests was hell mutch to his dis appointment. Sun-back dresses are here to stay They are now being worn after sun-down, but our "sons beam” on them persistently, except in case: where curvature of the spina makes them unattractive. Paris insists that I hire ajxnyfe not resell too U. ^ « down as it might make an uncom fortable feeling conic over a per son should ihe seal on which she might mi is made of fcold» marble. it Is not becoming lor a church I member to say such -atlung.- but 1 am »f the opinion that lots of folk; won't be at all'.satisfied m heaven l * if they should get there t if they jrant have an automobile of the.r own At this willing, however,' it seems that a great many so-called Christians art going to hell in I ears;' If government. farm relief ever amount > to anything, it will help the wheat- tanner first, the corn farmer - will come next, then per haps the cattle-man will be con sidered. and possibly the milkman will get a "peek" at prosperity, and after at It lye, other types of tann ing of the north and the east and the west, the cotton fanner will be invited to tell his troubles to the Judge. This is, the only etteet ever made by oiir politicians to outlaw supply and demand. and here's w ishi ng t hem luck. I a in 60 per cent farmer, 30 per rent merchant, and 1 per cent mature writer; but 1 do- not intend to hang up my sock for a year of so. Those Cleveland aviators stayed up in the air for 173 hours. Shucks that ain't nothing. 1 know hundred; tit men that have been up in the air ever since the "binder boy " left Florida, and nary a soul has offered to re-fuel them And fourth ermore. there was mor high-fly ing during that nrehipcligo-boom than was ever seen before or eve1, will be seen again . . during the ttfe ot the federal reserve, and pos sibly the fruit fly. My. wife amcrl !> pounds while she was m the-hospital, and it. cos: tne exactly to dollars per pound for that flesh, but as she might.' road fhis, l must say that whit those 0 pounds came pretty high 1 am glad beef steak is sold at a more reasonable future, and am also delighted to state that I we ;had she came home before she ginned much more, andsoforth A friend of mine called me on the phone the other morning ami asked me if I could use a girl and t asked him what for and no said do von want a good stenotrrnptv: uid t told .him 1 was morr interest ed In her ability than her piety ami he said that was what he meant and explained that she WSs very fast- and I assured him that 1 lilted that kind and he said she could do 50 words tier minute and 1 explain ed to him before saying goodbye | •bat-1 was not in .the market for one. but. it i;<*ver felt the need or one that could talk that last. I'd "write or foam' him. Differences Fundamental. Washington. — Secretary Davis 1 said he had been informed from New Orleans that A. B Patterson, manager of the New Orleans Publfo Service, Incorporated, had declared the differences between his com pany and the striding employes were fundamental and could not be migrated, * RECEIVERSHIP FOR MILL IS SOUGHT Gastonia.—How to get a court order signed when there is no judge around handy was the problem that confronted attorneys here this aft ernoon when the Catawba Spin ning company. of Mount Holly, '■ought the appointment of a tem porarv receiver to take over its af lairs Attorney E A. Woltz, repre enting the corporation. R. F. Craig, vice president and C. H. Potter, secretary. Hie last named slated to be named receiver, had the neces ary papers all in readiness at the i courthouse I hen the question of get ting the order properly signed came i up. .lodge Thomas G Shaw, now | holding court in this district, is 'away lor two weeks Judge Harding of Charlotte, resident, judge, is hold ing court in another ciisfriet. Judge M. V Barnhill, of Rocky Mount, lias been appointed by Governor Gardner to hold a special term of court here beginning next Monday lor the trial of the strike murder cases, but ins commission is not on file here and no one knew whether lus appointment was limited to tint particular case or not Hence the papers are not yet signed. It is prob able. however, that the papers will be signed tonight or in the morn ing. The receivership is sought bv the Lola Manufacturing company, of Stanley, a creditor. It is understood that the mill's financial difficulties [resulted from a heavy loss in cot ton sustained several years ago I which was gradually being overcome when the failure of the Commer cial Bank and Trust company, in April, added to its embarrassments. The corporation's liabilities are said to be about $167,000 with onlv about $37,000 quick assets, the reil value, however, being estimated at $173,000 INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY New York, July 10th. 10^Q The Board of Directors have declared a quarterly <li\idend of siity (60c) centsa e, on the common sfoi k of this com pany, payable August 15th, 1920, to l onvmon Stockholders of record, at the close of business August 1st, 1929. t hecks to lie mailed. Transter hooks "ill not close. Owkn Shephebu, Vue Prrj anj Treat. INTERNATIONAL PAPER and POWER COMPANY Boston, July 10th, 1929 T he Board of Directors have declared a quarterly dividend of sixty (60c) cents a share, on the Class A Common Stock of this company, payable August 15th, 1929, to Class A Common Stockholders ol record, at the close of business August 1 1st, 1929. ( hecks to be maded. Transfer books will not close. It (». [.sue, .4er l Treasurer Have Your Eyes Examined Regularly DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTOMETRISTS Office Over Paul Webb & Son’s Drug Store. CASAR BATCH OF Mr. Joe Costner Dead. Child Gets Oram Corn In Nose. School Opens August 5lh. • Special to The Star.) Casar, July 26.—Our crops are looking fine and the farmers are almost through work, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pru ett a line baby boy July 15. Miss Maud Ava Hord of Waco was a visitor at Mr. John Ramsey's Sunday afternoon. Miss Darlas Wortman Is home from N C. C. W. where she at tended summer school. Mr A A Richard and family arc spending the week at Ridgecrest and Asheville. Mrs. Richard Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jerry Smith, at Asheville Miss Manta Horton and Madge Downs spent the week-end at home with their parents. They are at tending summer school at Boone Messrs T F Morrison, Dr. David Morrison. T. M. Newton, M. A. Canipe, Pink Self and Lawrence Norman returned today from a fish ing trip to Lake James. Miss Eloise Stroup is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. T Buff this week. Mrs Joe Queen visited her sister, Mrs. J. P. Horton, in Morganton Thursday. Born to Mr and Mrs. Bryson Newton July 16 a fine daughter, Eva. Mr. Clyde McNtelly’s little son had the misfortune to get a grain of corn in his no6e which could not be removed at Shelby yester day. The revival meeting which is go ing on at Pisgah church this week has been well attended. Rev. J. J. Waldrop is doing the preaching In a very forceful manner. A gdbd meeting has been reported. Rev. A. C. Swafford and family of Gastonia, visited Mr. Jim Self and other friends and relatives this week. Miss Lela Wortman from Char lotte visited her parents last week, Mr and Mrs. A. L. Wortman. Mr. Joe Costner died Thursday of last week. Mr. Costner was 74 years, 7 months old. He had a stroke of paralysis a few days prior to his death He had suffered for a long time with high blood pressure. H • was married twice, the first mar riage to Miss Donie Hull and to this union were born three children, one girl and two boys The boys are living. D. A. and A. K. Costner. He was last married to Miss Maltndy Buff and to this union urere bon 5 children, two dead and three liv ing. Surviving are Mrs. Costne-, Mrs. Curtiss White, Mrs. Summie Canipe and Caleb Costner, a large number of grand children and two great-grand children He was a member of Pisgah t " ' 1 ' 'T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book Seller Phone — 82 GEO. P. WEBB — REAL ESTATE — Farms and City Property UNION TRUST BLDG. SHELBY — Telephone 454-J — Peyton McSwain Attorney-at-Law Civil and Criminal Practice In All Courts Office: Union Trust Co, Building - --- , ■ , REAL ESTATE Farms And Town Property. W. A. Broadway Royster Bldg., Shelby, N. C. Office Phone 775. Residence Phone 471. —- -m J DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Surveyor Farm Surveys, Sub-divis ions, Plats and General Engineering Practice. - Phone 417 - Baptist church. He will be greatly missed at his church and Sunday schoM as he was most always pres ent to till his seat. He was very kind and wit^i a friendly disposi tion. No one Could speak harm of him. Messrs. Bill and O, K. Newton are spending the week in Morgan ton on business. Mr. A. A. Richard has purchased a new Ford roadster. Prof. H. M. Loy was a Casar visitor Wednesday. The Casar high school will open Monday August 5 with Prof. H. M Loy as principal. He has been our principal for two years and has done very successful work. We are' glad to have him back again. Miss Belle Brittain has returned home from Kings Business college at Charlotte. Dr. J. T. Buff left today on a business trip to Chesterfield, S. C. Mr. Wesley Richard and J C. Hunt bought a large farm from Mr. A. A. Warllck this week. The farm is In No. 8 township near the Rutherford county line arfd s known as the Edley Hunt farm. The consideration being $7,500. "While I do not positively assert, that Blank is a dishonest man," said Blanks acquaintance, "I strongly recommend people who shake hands with him to coun* their fingers carefully when he leaves go.”—J, N. 8. Special Excursion Fares To Washington. D. C. Friday, Aug. 2nd, 1929. Via Southern Railway System Round-Trip Fare From SHELBY, N. C. $13.00 Final Limit 5 Days Big League Baseball Games Detroit vs Weshington August 3, 4 and 5. Ask Ticket Agents. I® SPELLS OF "I BACKACHE "I ha vs used Cerdui at inter* vals for sixteen | years, whan I suf ered from weak* ! ness, and it al [ ways helped me,** says Mrs. J. W. Jinright, R. F. D. 2, Troy, Ala. "Mostly I was afflicted with bad spells or Decs- * 1111 ache. At times I felt as if my back would break. I would drag one foot after the other, in a helpless sort of a way, and once I got down in bed. My husband urged me to take Cardui, and I soon found what a fine medicine it really was. "When my second child was little, I was in very bad health. I did m>t pick up as I should hive. I was weak and sickly. I do not believe that I would have I come I CarduL’ . a k. I through, but for AUGUST 1ST EXCURSION To ASHEVILLE, N. C. SPECIAL TRAIN Round Trip Fares And Schedule Leave Sched. Rt. Fare Rock Hill 7:00 AM $2.50 York 7:30 AM 2.50 Sharon 7:40 AM 2.50 Blacksburg 8:35 AM 2.25 Shelby 9:20 AM 2.00 Lattimore 9:45 AM 2.00 Mooreaboro 9:55 AM 2.00 •Forest City 10:20 AM 1.75 Spindale 10:35 AM 1.75 Rutherf’n 10:45 AM 1.75 Thermal C’ 11:15 AM 1.75 Marion 12:10 PM 1.50 Arrive Asheville 1:40 P. M. Returning special train leaves Asheville 7:15 P. M. same date. High class coach accom modations for white and colored. Plenty of room for everybody. Refresh ment car. Spend the day in the “Land of the Sky.” Ask Ticket Agents, SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM. The Kodiak bear is the largest carnivorous land mammal in ex istence. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have this day qualified as executor of the will of W. T. McKinney, late of Cleveland county, N. C. and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent them to me properly proven for payment on or before July 20. 1930. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All per sons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned This July 19, 1929. R. V. GREENE. Executor of! the Will of W. T. McKinney, Deceased. Administratrix's Notice. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of J. O. Bridges, de ceased, late of Cleveland countv, North Carolina, tills is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at he: home, Mooresboro, N. C.. R-2, or to her attorneys, Quinn, Hamrick A Harris, Shelby. N. C„ on or before the 19th day of July, 1930, or thv notice will be pleaded in bar of thci recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pelase make lm medite payment. This the 19th day of July, 1929 MRS. S. E. BRIDGES. Administratrix of J. O Bridges, deceased. Quinn. Hamrick & Hams, Attys Killed... 135 Civilians, 55 Government Agents Don't Miss “The Inside Of Prohi bition” In her series of stones. The Inside Of Prohibition.” MABEL WALKER WILLE BRANDT, former Assistant U. S. At. tomey General in charge of prohibi tion. condemns the unjustifiable use of firearms and relate* excitlgg stories of gun battles between rurn runners and federal officers. Everyone is interested In the vital subject of Prohibition . . . and you will eurely want to read these extremely Interesting stories which will begin to appear next Monday in— The Charlotte News “Greater Charlotte’s Home Newspaper’’ circulation Department Charlotte News, Charlotte, N. C. I am Interested In this series of articles "The Inside Of Prohibition,” which begins In THE CHARLOTTE NEWS next Monday. Please have your carrier deliver paper to my address below, for which I agree to pay News carrier 20c weekly. Name ..... Address .. Tear, atgn and Mall Thl* Coupon Now! LOW ROUND TRIP FARES TO Norfolk, Portsmouth & Richmond, Va. VIA SEABOARD AIRLINE RAILWAY FRIDAY, AUGUST 9TH, 1929. ROUND TRIP FARE— Shelby to Portsmouth___$10.75 Shelby to Richmond _*____.._$9.75 Shelby to Old Point Comfort ___ $10.75 Shelby to Virginia Beach ___$11.25 Tickets will be sold for all trains August 9th, with final return limit of August 14th. Tickets good in Pull man cars on payment of regular pullman fare. For further information and pullman reservations call on any Seaboard ticket agent, or H. A. HARRIS, Agent. JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A. Shelby, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. is LOW ROUND TRIP FARES WASHINGTON, D. C. via SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Friday, August 2nd, 1929. $13.00 — Round Trip Fare — $13.00 From SHELBY, N. C. Tickets will he sold for all trains August 2nd, with final return limit of August 7th. Big League Baseball; Aug. 3, 4, 5. Washington vs Detroit For further information and pullman reservations call on any Seaboard ticket agent, or H. A. Harris, Agt. John T. West DP A. Shelby, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. QUEEN CITY COACH LINES FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—9:45 a. m.; 1:45 p. m.; 3:45 p. m.; 8:45 p. m. FOR CHARLOITE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY;—7:50 a. m.; 10:50 a. m.; 12:50 p. m.; 2:50 p. m.; 4:50 p. m.; 6:50 p, m.; 9:50 p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—10:50 a. m.; 2:50 p. m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:50 a. m.; 10:50 a.m.; 2:50 p. m. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE 450 QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY . . .. :• ' - v

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