WEBB THEATRE — TONIGHT — HOOT GIBSON In “POINTS WEST” Universal thriller. Also other attractions. Prices... 10 and 30c — TUESDAY — “THE BRIDGE of SAN LUIS REY” A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture—with a Ttiu Cast. “The Novel Sensation—Now a Film Masterpiece. One Day Only. — SPECIAL NOTICE — There have been a lot of things found in the Theatre recently and owners can get same by calling at Theatre any morning after 8 o'clock and identifying same. CLAUDE WEBB, Manager-Owner. Beer 000 Don’t Miss “The Inside Of Prohi bition” Extortion, Briherv Illegal diapniiuon oi liquor, Intoxication. Assault, False Re ports, Theft. ... on these and other charges, 7S0 prohibition agents were dismissed before Civil Service require ments were, put ln*o effect, but the reel trouble was higher up, according to MABEL WALKER WILLEBRANDT. former Assistant U. S. Attorney General In charge of prohibition, who places the blfcme exactly where it belongs. Everyone Is Interested in the vital subject of prohibition and you will surely want to read Miss Wtllebrandt's articles on this subject which will be gin to appear next Monday in— The Charlotte News “Greyer Charlotte’s Home Newsppf Circulation Department Charlotte News. Charlotte. N. C. I am interested In this series of articles • The Inside Of Prohibition.” which begins In THE CHARLOTTE NEWS next Monde". t Please have your carrier deliver paper to mv address below, for which I agree to pay News carrier 20c weekly. Name Address I ear. Sign and Mall Thl» roupop Now! HOME OWNERS Why not pay off your mortgage on an easy, monthly payment plan? Principal and interest are conveniently financed with Life Insurance included as an extra safeguard. It will cost you nothing to in quire, and may mean everything to you and your family. NOTHING KEEPS GNAWING AWAY SO STEADILY as interest on a mortgage. Why not take care of both interest and reduction of principal by adopting the Equitable’s Home Purchase Plan? A simple 10-Year repayment arrangement on easy monthly basis. LIFE INSURANCE INCLUDED. For complete details see: H. S. WHITE Special Agent EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY Office over Charles Store. SHelby, N. C. VACATION DAYS AHEAD! Know the joy of packing trunks and bags with clothes immaculately ready to be put on when you reach the mountains or the beach. We honestly believe you can find no finer dry cleaning than the work done by our crafts men. They put quality in their work—give careful personal attention to every garment. Old clothes are new clothes when they leave the capable hands of our cleaning ex perts. PHONE US TODAY! The WHITEWAY “QUALITY” CLEANERS — DYERS .’HONES: *05 - 106 207 N. LaFay6tte SL LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Miss Eudora Dover of Ruck Hill, 5 C.. spent several days with Misses Mildred and Estelle Harrell Misses Iris Rollins and Margaret 3reen of Mooresboro, spent Mon lay with Miss Mildred Harrell. Miss Iva Watterson spent yester lay with her mother, Mrs. J. D Watterson at Kings Mountain. Miss Bennie lee O'Brien of Rock ingham is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ingram. Mrs Pearl Blades and daughter. Miss Virginia Blades of Rutherford on. are spending several weeks at Cleveland Springs hotel. Mr. and Mrs T. W Hamrick and Hisses Reba and Margaret Ham rick spent yesterday in Greenville. 5. C. Misses Reba and Margaret •emained tor a week’s visit to their lunt. Mrs. Henry Marks. Miss Frances Lucas spent last week with Miss Christine Hamrick m the Fallston road. Miss Montrose Mull returned to lay from attending a house party :he past week at Lake Waeamaw. Mr. S L Gillespie is visiting his nephew. Mr John Cornwell, at. Nashville. Mrs. J. C. Beavers and family of Hopkinsville. Ky will arrive Fri day to visit her brother. Mr. w. G Graham at Earl. Mr. and Mrs Clyde Short and Mrs Chas. Williams returned Sat urdav night from a motor trip to Niagara Falls and New1 York. Mesdames Sallie Whaley and Earl Clanton of Charlotte, and Mrs. Daisy Dukes and children of Oainsville. Fla . visited Mr and Mrs. T. W. Hamrick Friday. Miss Elizabeth Roberts spent sev eral days In Charlotte last week with Miss Laura Burton Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Maddox, who have been at Cleveland Springs for some time, left Thursday for a visit to Cincinnati. Ohio. Miss Myrtle Johnson of Coca, Fla . is the guest of Mrs J. D. Hcarst at Cleveland Springs hote'. Mr and Mrs. H. R. Reesides of Washington. D. C, are spending a month at Cleveland Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Allen and two sons of Winston-Salem were guests of their aunt, Mrs. E. T. Switzer last Sunday. Misses Mattie Sue Camp and Mar garet Davis of Charlotte visited then cousin, Miss Frances Farmer last week. Mrs. Ben Goforth carried her lit tle son. Ben. jr., home to Kings Mountain Friday. Ben had been in the Shelby hospital five weeks from having both legs broken by being run over by an automobile. Mr. and Mrs M. A Spangler visit ed in Spartanburg on Saturday. Mrs Chas Hubbard is spending two weeks with her parents in New nan, Ga. Dr A R Kistler of Moiganton. visited Mr r.nd Mrs. Paul Kistler last week. Mrs. G G Reid of Charlotte, is spending this week with Mrs D R. MeWhirter. Mrs. Curtis Weathers of High Point, is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T Spangler. Misses Minnie Eddins and Mary Adelaide Roberts and Mr, Forrest Eskridge visited Mrs. W. J. Roberts at the Charlotte Eye, Ear and Nose hospital Friday and again yester day Mrs. Roberts is recoverlni from a right serious operation ami hopes to be able to come home this j week. Mrs. W. L. Packard and Miss Jen nie Lee Packard spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Shuford at Cliffsidp Misses Georgia Lutz, Beryl Ford, Jack Ford of Grover and Miss Lutz’s guests. Miss Eva Lynn DAld of At lanta and Miss Jean Lutz of Falls ton, were visitors in the city Sat urday. Miss Annie Miller, well known woman of Shelby who, today to quote O. O. McIntyre, made good In the city, was a visitor to her native heath last week. Miss Miller is now located in New York City doing exceedingly well as an ad writer. Formerly she was society editor of The Star, and later, held the same position on the Charlotte News. Looking well, and in bright spirits, she said she enjoyed immensely her visit to the home folks. This week she is visit ing in Charlotte before returning north Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Lovelace oi Goldsboro, will arrive Thursday for j a visit to thetr parents, Mr. and j Mrs J. A Lovelace. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Self and Mr and Mrs. D. Champion left Sunday for a week's stay in Geor gia and Florida, visiting relatives. Mrs H D Wilson returned Sa - urdav from Long Island New York where she has been at the bed-side of her son Crawley. who was buried Friday. Mr and Mrs W P Ingram re turned Saturday from a weeks visit to relatives in Morven and Wades boro. Miss OlUc Sherrill of Greensboro visited lier parents. Rev and Mrs C. F Slierrill and Mrr .J D Llnc berger last week Born to Mr and Mrs Albert Terry, a daughter. Mother and baby are both doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs O C. Smith and two children. Richard and Marie visited Mrs. Poe Frady Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Proctor re turned Saturday night from a visit with relatives at Harrisburg. Pa They were accompanied home by two nieces of Mrs. Proctor, Mildred Stephens and Grady Day who will visit for awhile. Mr and Mrs. Wm MeCord are spending this week at a conference at Montreat, the Presbyterian as sembly ground M's. N E. Terry, Mr and Mr* Mack White, spent Thursday with Mrs. f?. C. Smart. Miss Mary Helen Lattimore re turned home Thursday night from Winthrop college where she has been taJcing a six weeks summer course in music, under Dorsey Whit tington, a famous musician and teacher. Mr and Mrs J J. Lat timore motored to Rock Hill Thurs day and attended the recital bring ing Miss Lattimore home after wards. Misses Ruth and Mary Sue Turn er. who have been in Philadelphia arrived last week with their friend Bill Russell for a visit to their aunt, Mrs. Durham Moore. Mrs. Graham Dellinger and chil dren returned Friday from a visit to relatives In Hendersonville. The Junior Epworth League and Boy Scouts had charge of the serv ice at the Central Methodist churcn last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Hoyle and Mr. and Mrs. John McClurd were dinner guest.s at Caldwell hotel in Morganton last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wilson ol Winston-Salem have been spend ing some time at the Isaac Shelby hotel. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lattimore and Miss Helen Lattimore spent yester day at Blowing Rock. Mrs. Marion Putnam and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Rots and family of Charlotte, spent yesterday with Mrs. Pinkney Hamrick, who ac companied hem home for several days visit. Mesdames C. A. Grier of Chicago Bailey Craig of Petersburg, Va., ar rived yesterday to attend the fu neral of their mother. Mrs. Green, which will be held today. E. G Hilliard, a young attorney of Little Rock, Ark., is visiting his sister, Mrs. F. Bobo Scruggs. Dr and Mrs. Scruggs and Mr. Hilliard spent yesterday at Chimney Rock Mr. and Mrs. R. A Smith oi Chester, spent yesterday with their, daughter, Mrs. F. P. Patton William Webb of Asheville, spent the week-end with Judge and Mrs. J. L. Webb. Dr. O Mackenty Schmidt of New York is a visitor in the city. Lieut, and Mrs. A. A Dobak of Pt. Banning. Ga, will arrive Wednesday for a visit to Mrs. Do bak’s aunt and uncle, Mrs. Lewis Forney and Roy Sisk Mrs. L. H Ledford and Misr Madge. Sperling spent today in Charlotte shopping. Mr. and Mrs. J. A Suttie ar companied their visitor. Mrs. P. P. Pemell to Statesville Friday, where she will visit for a few days before returning to her home at Frana linton.' Mrs. R. R. Brown and children of Charlotte, spent the week-end' with Mrs. J. R. Crawford. Born Thursday to Mr. and Mrs M. P. Elliott at the Shelby hos pital. ? daughter. Mrs. Elliott be fore marriage was Miss C stner. PERSONALS Mtss Clara SperlinR Is visitin; Mrs Victor Groce at Rutherfotd ton Dr. and Mrs. R. T. FerRerson ot Charlotte, visited Mr. and Mi Ocorgr Blanton yesterday Dr anot Mrs Kemp Funderburk r>f Monroe, spent yesterday witn Mr and Mrs Hoyle Alevande John Fox. jr of Teneck. N J arrived yesterday lo spend a few days with Mrs. Fox at tire home <•>: her parents, Mr and Mrs J (t Dover Miss Marjorie Brown ef Cha lode visited Mias Mary Per\-s Forney over the week-end and w s accompanied home bv Miss Konv-v Lhis morning, who wilt spend sei rral days in Charlotte. Mr and Mrs Clayton Carpmtr of Cincinnati arrived yesterday to visit. Mrs Carpenter's father, Mr C H Hull and Mrs Hull. Miss Katherine Lite of Landis. Is visiting Miss Mane Sperlinc Mr. Geo E Ppcrlinc Joined Mr Out. :n C'h„:-Iotif today, and the\ lease tojii&Ut for a trip to Atlanta..* City and New York Mt ,i O Poston remains critical ly Ul at his home three miles East | of town Dr. .1 O Nolan of Kannapolis ; \lifted his parents, Mr and Mrs. J ; B Nolan o\er the week-end Mr and Mrs C P Oelllnge spent Sunday wild relatives at I Fore’t Cttv Born to Mr and Mrs. M A I ongg of Lawndale, .> son. Sundav j morning at the Shelby hospital. Misses Kathleen Nolan and Flore Pettit motored to Asheville Satur day, where thrv attended the wed ding of Miss Ann Simpson to Mr Lin wood Smith at Urove Park Inn Miss Pear! .tarkjon spent last, week with Miss Mattie Laughridr’ j in Hickory Miss Laughridge came; home with her Sunday for a week'I V IMt Mr and Mrs Ladd Eskridge et Newberry, S C spent Sunday witn Mr and Mas Chas L. Eskridge. Cash For Poultry Car coming to SEABOARD DEPOT, Shelby, Wednesday, July 31st, (Next Wednesday.) PRICES:— Heavy Hens ..22 cents lb. Leghorn Hens. 18 cents lb. Colored Broilers . . 24 cents lb. Leghorn Broilers." 22 cents lb. Cocks .. 10 cents lb. Eagle Poultry Co. SHELBY, N. C. ALVIN HARDIN, Representative. JILTED “DEVIL-DOG” PROVES HIS [ METTLE WITH U. S. MARINES IN THE TROPICS. SEE Monte Blue IN “From Headquarters” A corking “Come-Back” story, the regen eration of an outcast. Today and Tomorrow ALSO:— “DON’T BE NERVOUS”-All Talking Comedy. paramount’news. VITAPHONE ACTS. ADMISSION: 10 and 25 Cent,. PRINCESS Theatre Home of the Best Pictures, and the Cool est Spot in Town. EYESIGHT Eye Strain Manv people engaged in tasks requiring con stant use of the eyes on "near” work find con siderable difference between their vision in the morning and midaftemoon. The reason tor this is eye-strain resulting from the constant involuntary muscular effort of the eyes to focus at a near point Even normal eyes are benefited by wearing glasses which help to relieve this strain while thoee having defective vision should have special spectacles for this particular purpose. If von will call at mir office, we will gladly discuss your eye needs with you. T. W. Hamrick Co. Jewelers & Optometrists OBSERVATIONS TO ASSURE YOURSELF Of the BEST Dry Cleaning Work— Send Your Clothing to us. Service Dry Cleaning Company Phone 33. We»t Graham St., N«xt To Ideal Ice Plant. WHAT DOES YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT DO FOR YOU? It Helps To Give You Credit Standing WHEN your savings pass-book shows regular deposits, it is proof that you have assets and the ability to manage your personal finances well. Regular savings shows you are a person of worth and character and so builds your credit standing so necessary to succesl. Make deposits regularly each pay day* FIRST NATIONAL BANK SHELBY, N. C. A SAFE BANK FOR SAVINGS.

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