Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost i|lates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size type 1 cent per word each Insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. ifhis size type 3c per word each insertion. !Ads that amount to less than 25c. will be charged 25c for fc first insertion. -- f IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO .build, let us make an estimate. 'Plans and sketches cheerfully sub mitted. First class workmanship guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con tractors, Phone 727-J. tf 18c l FOR RENT: ONE 9-ROOM house on S. LaFayette St. S. A. Ellis. tl 13c J I HAVE SEVERAL thousand dollars to lend on improved farms in Cleveland > county. See or write j Marvin Blanton, Led-' better building, Shel by. W-F-tf I WANTED TO clean your blankets, rugs and quilts. Shel by Steam Laundry. Phone 18. tf-24c CARS WASHED and Greased; also storage. Texaco pro k ducts. Temple Service Station rear Masonic Building, Phones 774 796. tf-lOc SHELBY AUTO AND WAGON Company, specialiizng in rebuild ing wrecked cars, building commer cial bodies, duco painting, top up holstering and glass work. Black smithing. Phone 753-J. South Mor gan Street. tf 15c MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, analizes 55 per cent protein. Excel lent tor hog and chicken teed. $70. per ton. City Abattoir. Apply at | City Hall. tl 7c BATTERY SERVICE, Au tomobile Glass Replacements, Starter and Generator Re pairing. J. L. GAFFNEY, tf-c FOR SALE—ONE FORD DE hvery truck, in good condition. Shelby Steam Laundry Inc. Phone 13. tf-c OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR sale at The Star office. Twen ty cents per hundred. Call at the press room. tf-26x FOR RENT—NEW FIVE ROOM house with al! modern conveniences in Hillcrest. Phone 561, W. E. Vick erv. tf-26c FOR SALE - ENG LISH Setter Puppies. Blood lines, Eugene M., Topsy Hawk; Ma jor Kid and Gunner. Paper with them. F. S. Wray. tf-24c WANTED—TO TRADE CHEAP house and lot for used car. Apply Star office. 3t-26c LOST AT CHAMPION SALE or lost in moving in March a can sealer. Reward. Notify Broad us Champion R-3 Lawndale. 3t-29p WANTED - CAST I Iron. Will pay 20c per hundred pounds. D. A. Beam Co. 3t-24c FOR SALE—SEVERAL HUN dred bales selected second-hand -bagging A real bargain. Eastside Manufacturing Co. 3t-c24 Choice PEACHES for sale at my Buffalo Mt. farm near Toluca. Tom Webb, Shelby Phone 467-J. 4t-24p FOR SALE: 5 ROOM BUNGA jow. Modern improvements. Jeffer son street. See C. A. Mormon, tf29c A CiOOD LOT OF DRY VRAM ini? lumber Tor sale S, A. Ellis. 4t-32c. WE SPECIALIZE ON, generators, starters, horns, and magnetos. Turner and ; Williams Garage. tf 10c t Executors Nolice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W F. Sisk, de ceased, late of Cleveland county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Cherry ville, N. C . on or before the 20th day of July, 1930, or this .notice will be pleaded in bar of tb%ir re covery. Al persons indebted to said estate will please make Im mediate payment. This the 11th day of July, 1929. CLAUD SISK, Executor of W. F. Sisk, deceased. Notice of re-Sale Of House And Lot North Carolina, Cleveland County, in superior court. J. G. Dudley & Sons versus ft H. Ponder, defendant. By virtue of an execution direct ed to the undersigned from the su perior court of Cleveland county, N. C., in the above entitled action, and because of a raise of bid, I will on Monday, July 22nd, 1929, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house doc: of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said ex ecution all the right title and inter est which the said R. H. Ponder, the defendant, has in and to the following described real estate, to wit: A house and lot in the town of Shelby, No. 6 township, Cleveland county, N. C.. and located on Is. E. Warren street, thereof, adjoin ing lands of J. Weaver on the West; the lands of John Roberts on the East; facing E. Warren street on the South and an Allen on the North. The said lot has a frontage of ?0 feet or more and a depth of 175 feet more or less. For a further de scription see deed book 3-S at page 483 in the office of Register of deeds for Cleveland county, N. 3. This 5th day of July 1929. I. M. Allen, Sheriff Cleveland county, N. C TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust executed and delivered by P. F. McSwain and wife Minnie McSwain to me as trustee for Jane E. Dover which deed of trust is of record in the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county, N. C., in book 144 page 103, dated June 20, 1927, as security for two hundred and fifty dolars and eighty cents <$250 80> which is for balance of purchase money, said note being due cn June 20, 1929, and said note not having been paid at maturity of same, and the holder of said note having called on me to fore close said deed of t^ust I as trus tee will offer for sale at public auc tion at the court house door in Shelby, N. C., on the 14th day of August, 1929, at 12 M, the following described property, lying in No. 4 township, Cleveland county, N. C., and being all of tract No. 1 of the J. M. Dover land joining lands with Robert Dover, Mrs. Jane . EDover, j. o. price and others, containing 95.3 acres more or less, a descrip tion of same being as follows: Beginning on an iron stake. Rob ert Dover’s corner in the old Green public road: thence north 1 east 4.25 chains with said road to a stone in the road: thence south 69 east 15.20 chains with line of lot No. 5 of the said J. M. Dover land to a sour wood in J. B. Price's line; thence south 24’i west 38.25 chains to the Price line to a stake in mid dle of Beason creek, corner of lot or track No. 2 of the said J. M. Dover land; thence north 73 wrest 31 chains with middle of said creek to a stake; thence north 77>4 west 5.62 chains to a stake at mouth of old channel of Buffalo? thence north 63 east 2 chains to a stake; thence north 25 east 1.30 chains to a stake: thence north 11 west 3.40 chains to a stake in old channel of Buffalo; thence north 54east 3.82 chains to a box elder in line of tract No. 3 of the said J. M Dover land; thence north 64’., east 3.80 chains with line of tract No. 3 to stake and pointers; thence north 34'; east 10 chains to a small pine; thence north 35 east 5 chains to a stake in guley; thence south 88'4 east 12.86 chains to a stake in the old Green road; thence south 88'1 east 12.86 chains to a stake in the old Green road; thence north 29 east 3.67 chains to a stake in said road; thence north 1214 east 10.10 chains to the point of beginning, containing 95.3 acres. Terms; This sale will be made subject to a prior mortgage of $800.00 held by Joint Stock Laud Bank. This loan to be assumed and the remainder is to be cash. This the mii dav of-hilly, 1929. O. S. ANTiiO^V. Try*tee. “GUS AND GUSS1E”- And How The Native# Do Dress. TWERE'-S A BARN S DANCE T'N\C>HT~ ) 1 DON'T S'POSE s SUCM AS THAT'D INT'Re&T 'VOO BUaTO^iN POLKS- • ■ i X GUESS HERB'LL \ / COULD THOSE. TAKE ME TO THE Vv BE THESE ? BARN DANCE, T'N\GHT-- j NOBODY BUT HE ALWAYS <SUS, 'N THE DOES ( / FLESH, IS 60IN1 TO ESCORT" THE PRETTY BABY IN THIS . NECK O' THE V jungle-*-- _ I VOU WOULD "THINK. O' "THAT COME HERE, GUS = DON'T VOU PUT ON 006 FOR THAT BARN DANCE AND } <,,.PFT Ol' SHOW THESE YOKELS \ 00SS1E UP--- - DRESS LIKE / ALwA.y; ONE OE THE. P'TECTIN' NATIVES-L ) OTHER PEOPLE'S WILL, TOO-_ y FEEL'MS - -- V TV'S A BET. r WE'RE \ ' READY.'! X,/'; x„ // The Language Of Clothe*. AIN'T SHE PRETT\ER'N A SPECKLED CALF, ANN? HOW CAN . ANYBODY BE SO LOVELY AN1 LNE? IS A LOOKER, = I WISH I HAD WHAT SHE'S GOT- • LOOK at HER — UKE ONE O' THE ROSES SHE’S waterin' SHE'S BEAUTIFUL CjUS = ADORABLE SHE'D BE A SENSAT\ON IN TOWN. 1 %AvJ YOU AND (SOSSlE LOOKING AT ME - WHAT A YOKEL I MUST HAVE SEEMED TO YOU, ALONGSIDE OE , HER oh,YEH? NOW I KNOW WHY THEY’ CALL THEM THINGS OVERALLS BECUS IN 'EM YOU GOT IT OVER em ALL. Feminine Fascination For The Pants Is Benefiting Industry Boston—Trousers for women are becoming an ally of the cotton in dustry in a fashion world which has continuously decreed short skirls the past few years. Beach pajamas, • overalls and trousers cut sailor fashion with a pirate sash are the 1929 mode in the evolution of trousers which be gan with the bloomers worn bv the daring few during the bicycle craze of the •'Gay Nineties." Women throughout the country : will don pajamas for hou=e wear and even porch and lawn ure with in a year, the style advisory board of the National Association of Cot ton Manufacturers predicts in its monthly report issued today. "The present vogue for trousers had its beginning in the bloomers worn with bicycling costumes," the stylists report continues "At that time, there was a loud ' u breaking up of the home ard sub serviance of men. etc. "But the entrance of w’amen into the field of war work was a .different story. It was considered a noble duty to discard feminine frivolity. The farmerette appeared, women donned overalls in factcr - end uniforms were a!mo t gen eral. “Trousers for women during the period between 1919 and 1924 meant men’s knickerbockers, worn for any possible excuse. The idea was there to stay. So fashion de cided to capitalize it. “The demand for sun and air brought the idea out in the open. In Venice, on the Lido, smart so ciety found that it could be both smart and comfortable lying around the beaches all day in pajamas. Tire sun tan fashion was then so new that there was still a cry for more protection than the bathing suit could give. Besides, a wet bathing suit is not the most com fortable thing in the world. “The latest development is the overalls translated in cotton, whether printed or plain, with hats of rough straw or cotton fabric, and the logical answer to men’s plus fours is the long duck or crash trousers cut sailor fashion and worn with a sleeveless tilck-in shirt and pirate sash for tennis or sailing. “It seems a curious thing that the more feminine the mode grows, for certainly the tendency has Four Causes Of Crime Are Listed Most Of Youthful Criminals Come From Broken Homes. Not A Single Scout In Bunch. University News Letter During the last twenty years 20 - 000 young men between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five years have been admitted to the Indiana Re formatory now at Pendleton. More than 85 per cent of them came from broken homes, where the father and mother had separated and remarried. Only one per cent of Indiana's population cannot read or wTite but that one per cent furnishes 37 per cent of the reformatory Inmates. Only one college graduate and only fifteen high school graduates were In all that 20,000 youth. Get those figures. Not a single Boy Scout has ever been sent to the reformatory. Only four percent of the 20,000 prisoners belonged to a church. The percentage of negroes and foreign ers is very low, most of the crimi nals being everyday Americans, born and reared in this country. These figures mean something to every good citizen. That broken homes breed crimes and the person who breaks up a home should be punished as a criminal. That our compulsory education laws should be strengthened, as edu cation lessens crime. That the Boy Scout movement should have the moral and financial backing of every good citizen. It seems to be the surest way to keep boys out of the penitentiary. That church membership seems to be 96 percent effective and should be encouraged. To oppose our churches is to encourage crime. Here are four splendid ways to dis courage crime—lessen divorce, sup port education, the Boy Scouts and the church. been all that way since 1U2S, the more intrigued women become with the possibilities of trousers.” Star Advertising Pays NITRATE OF SODA THE FAMOUS ‘CHAMPION BRAND” I am broker for the two Carolinas for this famous soda. Phone, wire or write for times on your requirements. CLAUDE C. FALLS OFFICES: SHELBY, N. C. and FALLSTON, N. C. J Thirteen. tJonothan Daniels in News and Observer.» There has always been some argu ment on the subject of the luckiness and unluckiness of this mystic num ber thirteen Hamlet has got a mar. who ought to be an expert, on it. He's chief or Police T W Miller whose wife has Just presented him with his thirteenth son. As a sort of side dish. Chief of Police and Mrs Miller also have three girls We wonder if the exclamations of Joy Increase in the Miller family to maice thirteen a jubilant numb*.1 or if Chief Miller being a mor ■ prosaic individual regards thirteen in its ancient and ominous light. I' would be valuable to hear from the chief and then after he is done with his oratory, there might be one word from Mrs. Miller Not that Mrs. Miller's comment would amount to anything Women's place If you remember. Is in the home Reuben Bland took the trip to Washington. Johnson May Be In Race For Governor friends of Thomas L Johnson Liunberton attorney, secretary of the sfate Democratic committee, and state senator trom Robeson coun ty, say that his hat will lie In the rim; in the race for governor in 1932. There is nothing new in this situation to friends of the cental Liunberton politician hereabouts. for the probability of his candidacy has been dtscuscd quietly sines the last election. Some of theo? same friends go so far as to figure on a term at Raleigh which would expire in 1936, pust in time to take up the toga which would almost certainly be laid down by Senator Simmons at, that time. There Is in all this figuring several big “Us." There are a goodly number of amateur politicians who believe that Senator Simmons will involuntarily give up the toga next year. THE CHALLENGER has the k to Challenging \4riety at our COME see at our Color Show the beauty and variety of color which Essex offers at no extra cost. With its open challenge, that excepts no car— —with its 24% greater power, greater beauty, adult-size capacity, riding ease and economy— —Essex establishes also an outstanding leadership in proven VALUE. Essex offers standard fine car equip ment, formerly identified only with costly car#, available only at extra cost on cars of Essex price. At no extra cost—these features in clude: 4 Hydraulic shock absorbers — Starter and electric gauge for fuel and oil on dash — Radiator shutters for heat control — Adjustable seats, front and rear—All bright parts chromium-plated — saddle lamps — controls on steering wheel—electrolock—New type double action 4-wheel brakes uniformly effec tive in all weather—Patented Super-Six advantages eliminating vibration. AT'lfO EXTRA COST Shelby Cliff side The H. M. C. Purchate Plan offer* the lowest term* available. D. H. Cline CL.r MOTOR CO. North' Carolinfc North Carolina

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