tar 8 PAGES TODAY SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESD’Y, JULY 31,1929 Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons By mall, per year On advance) *2.50 Carrier, per year (In advance) $3.00 VOL. XXXV, No. LATE NEWS I'he Markets. Cotton, per pound .1-l'Jc Coton Seed, per bu. _401 i One-Man Riot Serious difficulty is said to have been narrowly averted last night at | Lawndale cotton mill, 12 miles from this city, when it is alleged that Glenn (anipr, a Tfl-yrar-old youth is charged with having attacked John Sehemk, president of the mill, with a knife. It appears that on the previous evening, ( anipr visited the mill and made threats against one Jim Ashley, and learning of this oc currence, Mr. Sehemk is said to havr told the boy to stay out of I the mill. Itrports here have il that ! Canipe lay in waiting until Mr. Schenek left the mill last night and then advanced upon him with a drawn knife. The mill owner suc ceeded in holding the youth off. al though suffering several blows in the face in the meanwhile, until i help arrived. Sheriff I. M. Allen and Deputy Slirriff Bob Kendrick at once went to the scene but < a nipe had fled and thus far iiis whereabouts Is unknown. New Record Set By The Juniors In Taking In 656 Largest Number Of Candidates Came From Shelby Rut Other Counties Represented. Regarded front a standpoint of numbers as the biggest. fraternal event Shelby has seen in a long time, Shelby Council No. 436, Jun ior Order United American Mechan ics, put on a monster initiation in the Masonic temple here Monday night, at which time 650 candidates were initiated into the mysteries of the order The spacious Masonic temple was packed to suffocation for the event, and It is believed that Shelby probably set a record for all time in taking in this large number of new members at, one session. The outstanding feature of the evening was the presence of D. W. Sorrell, of Durham, state, councillor and highest ranking officer. Mr Sorrell made a brief hut splendid address in which he discussed the i cardinal principals of the order, these including the Bible, the home, the immigration law. Of the candidates taking the dr- j gree Monday night, 533 were Shelby ! men while the remainder came from Lincoln and Rutherford counties, j Much was added to the pleasure ! of the everting by the presence of j Dilworth Council No. 32 degree team from Charlotte Attired in their natty sailor uniforms, they made quite an impression. Governor O. Max Gardner is a i member of the Shelby council and had been expected to attend and ! speak but, was unable to reach here i from Roarin Gap in time for the! meeting. Aged Resident Of The City Is Dead •James Osborne Poston, 72 years of ago. died at his home just east of C!e\eland county chib at 9:4“) o'clock this morning following an illness of several years. Mr. Poston suffered a stroke of paralysis about five years ago, since which time he has been in failing health but his condition did not become critical until about three weeks ago. since w hich time he has been confined *c his bed Mr. Poston was married on Octo ber 1. 1884 to Miss Ellen Kerr and his widow survives him, as do 10 children, six girls, and four boys. Funeral .services are to be con ducted at the late residence tomor row afternon at. 3 o'clock and in terment will take place at Elizabeth Baptist church, of which the dc •pased was a life-long member. Fire an I Death Sweep Auburn Prison 'he photograph above shows the exterior of Auburn Prison at Auburn, N. Y.f built 121 years ago. An armed revolt raged for six hours within these walls while 1,700 convicts sought to shoot their way to liberty. Every building was set afire and all communications cut off. Massed attacks on the gates were repelled by the guards with the aid of the State troopers. national guard, police and fire departments. This second outbreak was a repetition of the attempted revolt at Dannemora, but the lead ers had learned their lesson from the defeat of that uprising and they came closer to victory. Thirteen guards were shot, two convicts were killed and four escaped. (JnUrnatloDftl K'«wnr«*i' Making Fair Ground Ready For Big Show Swinp Building Bring Erected. Poulin- Hall Bring Enlarged As Writ As Grandstand. To make ready for the big Cleve land County fair which begins Sept. 24 and runs to Sept 28. Dr. J. S. Dorton. the enterprising secretary has carpenters employed enlarging the poultry hall and connecting the present, exhibit building with the manufacturers hall. It was found hecessarv to enlarge the poultry department to care for the bird-, brought here annually for this feature at the fair. Heretofore, many exhibit birds have been turn ed away because of the lack of room. The building for swine Is some thing new. This department of the fair has gradually grown and the officials have decided to provide a separate building for this depart ment. The space between the two ex hibit halls is being covered, making one continuous building 250 feet or more long The front row seats in. the grand hand is being lowered so that the people in the rear can see the tract close to the stand, and an additional tier of box seats are be ing provided with separate entrance. The outlook for the largest fair Cleveland county has ever held Js ‘ ery bright, says the secretary. Editor To Speak At Antioch Home-Come Home coming will be held at An tioch Baptist church near Grover >n Sunday and Editor Lee B. Wea thers of The Star will deliver an iddress at 11 o'clock. The Rev W. E Lowe is pastor of the church. An ill day service will be held with dinner served in picnic style. MASONIC WORK HERE ON FRIDAY NIGHT Work will be done in the second degree at the Masonic Hall Friday night of this week. There are three candidates to be initiated. Lightning Strikes Shelby Woman But Will Recover Mrs. Preston L, Glascoe, about. 30 years of age, who resides on West Warren street, had a nar row escape from being killed about 9 o'clock, last night when sh“ was struck by a bolt of lightning during the electrical storm which descended upon Shelby and vicinity Mrs. Glascoe remained, unconscious from the time of the happening until about 10 o'clock this morning, at which time she recalled what had happened but was still not able to leave her bea. No one else in the house at the time was injured, although Mr. Glascoe, who wras standing in the front door, was severely shocked, although not sufficient ly so to cause him any great in convenience. The children in the house at the tune suffered j no ill-effects nor did the resi dence. Mr Glascoe says he is not sure whether his wife was in the kitchen at the time or in the bed room. He heard the crash and immediately thereafter his wile called out. H? rushed to thj bed room and found.her ly ing actors the bed in an un conscious condition Sr remain ed in a coma throughout the night and for a time it was feared, that, -she might not re cover A local physician reached the scene in a few minutes and ap plied first-aid methods as best lie could, but was unable to rouse the patient until this morning. H is now believed that Mrs. Glascoe will recover within a few days alter rest and quid. City Tax Rate Boosted 25 Cents To Clear Up Large Inherited Debt Notes And Accounts Payable Amount To $87,760. Budget For Ensuing Year Cut $64,328. Tax Rate Will Be Raised From $1.25 To $1.50 Per $1001irSfe<4by, I Shelby’s (ax rate will be boosted twenty-five cents on the $100 property valuation from $1.25 last year to $1.50 this year, according to Mayor S. A. McMurry, in an an nouncement made this morning. This increase in rate was made necessary, says Mr. McMurry, by an inherited in debtedness from former administrations of $87,760.63. Of this amount due in accounts and notes $47,637.50 must be paid before the end of the fiscal year. May 31, 1930. Local Concerns Are Unaware Of Law Provisions AH Must Comply With Workmen’s Compensation Art By First Of August. Shelby people as a whole are not very thoroughly acquainted with the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act, which became a law in North Carolina July 1. but 30 days of grace are allowed to com ply with the provisions therewith, and accordingly local merchants and business houses do not have to perfect their final arrangements in this connection until August 1. The law provides that those dis regarding the law are subject to a penalty of from $10 to $50 per day for each and every day that the law is violated. The firms who are affected by this act do not have to take out the insurance, but have several courses open to them, namely: 1. Notify the commission in writ ing that they reject the act, tor) Insure their risk in a casual ty insurance company or become a self-insurer by depositing with the commission either government or state bonds, or cash. Every merchant in the county should meet with these require ments before August 1st. MRS. ROBERS HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL Friends of Mrs. W. J. Roberts will be pleased to learn that she was brought home from the Charlotte Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat hospital yesterday, steadily improving, fol lowing a treatment and operation for sinus trouble. RAINFALL THREE AND A HALF INCHES Rain was general throughout the county Tuesday night, with much thunder and lightning in most ev ery section. The rain was not only general, but heavy- Mr. Dargan Grigg. reporting a rainfall of three and a half inches at his home three miles east of Shelby. The mayor and board say the raise in the tax rate is made very reluctantly, but necessarily. They have cut down the budget for the current year $64,328.66 and after this is done it will require $296 - 298 to meet appropriations for ex penses and extensions for the cur rent year. In the formal statement made by Mayor McMurry, he says, "It is our aim during this adminis tration to wipe out. all outstanding debts, leaving the city owning only bonds that have been made.” Mayor McMurry's official state ment^ is as follows: “On assuming charge as mayor of the City of Shelby, we find that we have inherited a current in debtedness of $87,760.63 from prior administrations. This amount con sists of notes $60,921.95 and accounts $26,838.68. The accounts are now due and notes amounting to $47. 637.50 come due in the fiscal year ending May 31, 1930. ‘ Our prepared appropriations for expenses and extensions for the year amounts to $296,298 00, which is $64,328.66 less than was expended during the past year. These ap propriations represent the lowest es timated figures with which the City of Shelby can be operated under the most favorable circumstances, and we will be fortunate if we can keep expenditures down to the ap propriations. “In addition to this amount of $296,298.00 as stated above, we will have to pay $74,476.18 for notes and accounts which will make our total expenditures $370,174.18. "Our estimated receipts w’ill amount to $311,326.75, which is $58,847.43 less than Our proposed budget and the notes and accounts which we have inherited and will be forced to pay. “In order to do this we will be compelled to raise the general fund tax levy from 42c to 67c, which will raise the total tax levy from $1.25 to $1 50. “While the mayor and board re gret to do this, we find that -it is absolutely Impassible to run the city and meet our present obliga tions without raising taxes. “It is our aim during this ad ministration to wipe out all out standing debts, leaving the city owing only bonds that have been made. We feel as a purely business proposition this is the only thing we tan do S. A. McMURRY, Mayor. Bond Election For Schools Is Carried Easily Srvrml Hundred More Than Re quired (lave Their Appfnral To luur At Polls Marked* by unusually heavy bal loting, (ar more so than had been anticipated bv the general jubltr. the citizens of Shelby went to the polls yesterday and bv an over whelming majority approved the is suance ot $58,000 in sehool bonds in pay off a past Indebtedness of school district No. 33 and to repav the loan made In order to condurt the schools for full nine months last year instead of eight as one time appeared might be the case The remarkable thing about the election is that of the 1,103 voters registered to participate. 314 failed to go to the polls at. all and ac cordingly their votes had to be car! against, the measure There was only one voting pre cinct and this was located in the court house, and the Australian bal lot system, which became law in North Carolina duly 1, was some thing a little strange to local peo ple. there was some slight con fusion, but the entire election ap pears to have been conducted in ac cordance with law. For tne nrst. ump in uir niswny of Shelby, the Australian ballot was invoked here Tuesday. The question at Issue was whether or not school district No. 33, which embraces the city of Shelby, would issuq bonds in the sum of $58,000 to retire a deficit which has ac cumulated over a per,od of years In addition, at the end of eight months term last season school trustees found themselves without funds to continue nine months. The election was carried easily. A total of 150 citizens signed a petition last spring under the terms of which they agreed to repay the expenses of the ninth month. Tuesday's election was to deter mine whether the deficit would be retired and the additional ninth month would be paid for. The vote stood: 708 in favor of the proposition; 81 against and 3H of those registered did not. vote The total registration was 1.103. therefore. 552 votes was necessary for the bond Issue to prevail Rufus Roberts Awarded Cup Former Shelby Man, Now Editor Of The Virginia Star Is Awarded A Trophy. ‘"lhe Virginia Star” has been awarded a silver loving cup for be ing the best weekly newspaper in the Old Dominion, The award was made last week at the annual meet ing of the Virginia State Press as sociation held at Danville, Va. The Star is edited and owned by Rufus G. Roberts, son of Mrs. Eliza Rob erts of Shelby. He worked many years ago for The Cleveland Star, later going to Culpepper, Va.. where he has since been editing the Vir ginia Star. The silver loving cup is a highly coveted prize, given annually by Mr. Fred Gruman of the Mergenthaler Linotype company. It is a similar prize to that offered in North Caro lina and won this year by the Al bemarle Press of Albemarle. The Virginia Star is a weekly newspaper in Orange county. Foreign War Vets, Organized Here There was a meeting of veterans of all wars having had foreign serv ice, held in the court room Tues day night. Comrade John G. Lewis member of the national council of administration, gave a good talk and endeavored to explain the Con stitution and working order of the veterans of foreign wars of the United States. Tills meeting was held for the purpose of organiza tion of a veterans foreign wai post in the City of Shelby. The work of organization of the post was immediately gone into Comrade Lewis acting as tempor ary chairman called the meeting to order. Comrade Charles Woodson w as unanimously elected commander Comrade George A. Johnson was elected quartermaster; Comrade James C. Alexander was appointed adjutant. There was an agreement that these officers have the privi ledge of appointing the remaining officers. Comrade Lewis immediate ly gave the obligations of the or der. and then installed the officers. After which this post became No. 1706 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. The meeting then adjourned to meet again on August 8. at the Isaac Shelby hotel. t DEFENDANTS IN GASTONIA MURDER CASE GET CHANGE OF VENUE TO CHARLOTTE Mr*. Houser Will Be 98 August 9th How does t( feel to hr 98 year* of age and to have livrd and witnevsrd thr change in the time* during nearly a full century? M r a. KlUabclh Houser Is perhaps the oldest resident of Cleveland county. She will reach her 98th mile stone along the road of life on August 9th and her birth day will he observed on that time. All friends and relatives are asked to attend with baskets of dinner at the home of her grand-son. Mr. Herbert Borders near the county home. Judge Barnhill Issues Ruling After He Hears Witnesses Swear That Accused Could Not Get A Fair Trial In Gaston Capital. Some Evidence Of Intimidation. Gastonia, July 30.—Solicitor John G. Carpenter tonijrhf. said the trial of 233 members of the National Textile Work* era union for the slaving of (). F. Aderholt, Gastonia chief of police, would probably he at the regular term of Mecklen burg Superior court August 20. The cases were adjourned from Gaston to Mecklenburg Superior court today. Gastonia July 31 -Sixteen members and officials of the National Textile Workers union and affiliated organization, amused of the mur der of Chief O D Aderholt. late today were granted a change of venue to Mecklenburg county, The case, hearing on which started nt a special lerm of Gastonia Superior court yesterday, will be resumed in Charlotte at a date to be set by Governor O. Max Gardner. THE PRIDE OF SHELBY A challenge to the golf players, not only of North anil South Carolina but of the United States, has been issued here by Pete and “Snooks” Webb, generally regarded locally as being marvels and acclaimed to the skies everywhere they have played. Whether the challenge will be accepted, re mains to be seen, since the young golfers in Charlotte and other nearby towns appear perfectly willing to let the Shel by boys retain all the laurels they possess. “Pete'’ on the left in the picture above, and Fred or “Snooks" as he is fat^better known, on the right, have put Shelby on the map so far as golf is concerned and if they did not wish to retain their amateur standing, it is generally believed that either of them could get a place as club professional anywhere in this part of the country. In issuing their challenge. the Shelby boys say that they would naturally prefer to play over the Cleveland Springs golf course, but, if other golfers are not willing to come here, then they are willing to go anywhere in the United States for their bare expenses and they feel pretty confident of bringing home the bacon if they can arrange some matches. The remarkable thing about the playing of "Pete" and “Snooks" is their youthfulness. “Pete" in only 16 years old, while “Snooks' has just barely turned 14, and there fore they should have a good many years of fine golf ahead of them Last year when the North Caro lina Amateur tournament was stag ed, “Pete" was the champion, com ing home ahead of the field by a wide margin, and he was figured to repeat this year, but instead of that happening, when the tournament took place at Sedgefield County club. Greensboro, the title was copped by Fred but since the title (Continued On Page Eight) I nr ruling of Judge M V. Barn hill. of Rocky Mount, named by Governor Gardner to preside at the special term here, came at the end of a day of reading of affidavits and tearing of a number of witness es The defense alleged intimida tion of witnesses and attorneys while the prosecution sought to prevent the case being taken out of the county. Judge Barnhill ordered Amy Sche chtC-\ Workers International Relief worker; Sophie Melvin, organizer for the young pioneers of America, and Vera Buch, National Textile Work ers union organizer released on $5, 000 bail each. Solicitor Carpenter had announced that the first de gree murder charge against them would be amended to second degree murder He ordered Fred Erwin Beat, southern organizer for the union: Joseph Harrison, union organizer: George Carter, K. O. Byers, W. M. McGinnis, *J. C. Hefner, Robert Allen, Russell Knight. N. F. Gib son, K. Y. Hendricks, Delmar Hamp ton, Clarence Miller and Louis Mc Laughlin confined in the Gaston county jail until the first day of the session of Mecklenburg Super ior court called for resumption of the hearings. When the trial is resumed in Charlotte all questions holding off selection of a jury and a heari'g of evidence will have been com pleted. The prisoners were arraign ed here yesterday and all prelimi nary motions disposed or. Affidavits alleging intimidation of witnesses and attorneys for the de fense were introduced today by the state by cross examining the mak ers of the affidavits and presenting of counter-affidavits to break down the charge that a fair trial could not be given in Gaston county, even with a jury from another county. Attorneys Tom P. Jim Ison, of Char lotte. and John Randolph Neal, of Knoxville. Tenn., appearing for the defendants, made affidavits th*S they had been threatened last Sat urday night in a local restaurant. State Denies Charge. This was denied by the state. This afternoon Solicitor Carpenter pre sented an affidavit made by L. J. Hammill, of Gstonia, stating that he had cursed Jlmison. but that he had not threatened either Jimison or Neal. Halus G. Moore Of This County New Farm Agent Halus G Moore, a native or Boil ing Springs and a graduate of North Carolina college, at Raleigh, was appointed farm agent for Cleveland county yesterday at a special meeting of the county com missioners, to succeed Alvin Hardin, recently resigned, E. L Millsaps, district agent was here from States ville, and recommended an outside man. it being the policy of the state which supplements the salary of the (arm agents, to insist on agents who are not natives of the counties in which they work, but in this par ticular case the county commission ers expressed a preference for Mr. Moore and so endorsed him. His appointment must be approved, how ever, by the state which pays half or more of the salary and iff the event the state extension depart ment does not approve, the matter will be given further consideration by the county officials. Mr. Moore is the son of M. D. Moore and his ability to handle the work was not questioned, but if the extension department insists on its policy of not approving citizens ofj the county for work within their own county, the state and county officials will try to get together again on a suitable man. Gard Hamrick Enters Upon Federal Job Boiling Springs Citizen Is Made United States Deputy Marshal. Gard Hamrick of Boiling Springs, one of the most influential Repub licans in Cleveland county and one who has never held a political job before, has been appointed United States Deputy Marshal, succeeding A. P. Willis of Lincoln county who resigned the position in order to become prohibition agent. His ajp* pointmeut was made by Marshal Brownlow Jackson. Mr. Hamrick entered upon hie duties this week, although he has been in the office for the past ten days getting acquainted with af fairs. His headquarters will be in Charlotte in the Federal Court building.

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