Revival Closes At Double Shoals TMW ti« Baptised Ai Result Of ItmUag. PnwmIi or People Marine About. fSpaolal vo The Star > Double 3hoal*. July 88.—The re vival .naeuag cloMd at. the Baptist church SaSmity morning. Rov. H K 'Waldrop o( Shelby, did the preaching. lie brought a powerful moorage evih morning and eve ning to the congregation. The pas tor. Rev, J. W. 8ut4Je, who has been *tck and remains physically weak was able to be at moat of the serv let*. and on Sunday p. m. at 2:30 baptised 10 boys and 3 girls and the services were ended after preaching at 3 o'clock. The church was glad to have each visitor from the various communities The teachers meeting will be ai 81* church on Thursday night at 8 o’olock. Each teacher and officer la urged *o be there, J. W. Costner is directing a Sun day school enlargement campaign at North Brook church In Lincoln ooimty. running from .Tulv 28 to August 4. Miss Grace Toney of the city hoe V*«al at Oastonla. spent, Friday night at norae Mlt- Marr Ruth Toney of Shel by, spent last week In the romraun By with ner grandmother, Mrs. A. A Toney. tkii Kav Toney spent Wednesday wish Mary Eskridge Mi and Mrs. Edd Spangler .spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. S. B Bakrldge Misses Bessie and Mae Eskridge .spent, the week-end with Mrs. A. A. Toney. Mr Worth Toney spent Saturday night with Carl Eskridge. Misee* Eva Toney. Elizabeth Bowen spent Thursday nlgght with Mae and Muriel Eskridge. Misa Margaret Bclsm spent Tues day night with Fay Toney. Miss Flora Ivester of near Bel wood. apent several days last week wdth her sister, Mrs. Blain Toney. Misses Pauline nnd Ruth Ded mon of Shelby, spent, a few days In the community visiting relatives. Mrs H. E. Waldrop and daugh ter. Mrs. Thackson, rendered spe cial music on Friday night, to the delight of the church. Mary’s Grove Has Revival Meeting On (Special to The Star > The revival meeting began Sun day • morning July 28 at Mary’s Grove church. It will continue this week. Services will be held at 10:30 1n the morning and 8 o'clock in the evening. Mr. Grady Sellers and family visited Mr. Miller Sneeds of near Lineolnton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Biggerstaff apent last week with Mr. Blggri itaff’s parents near Ellenboro. Miss Lorene Sellers spent Sun day with Misses Lillie and Willie Huffstetler. Miss Emma Sellers Is visiting rel atives and friends In the commun ity this week. Misses Madge Self and Dona Beatie visited Miss Eva Kiser Sun day evening. Miss Vada Wright, visited friend: tn Kings Mountain Saturday eve ning. Miss Edna Norman of Kings Mountain, and a friend of Bess emer visited Miss Lillie Huffstetler 6unday evening. Mr. Cleophus Wright and wife were visitors of Mr. and Mrs F. W. Wright Sunday. Mr. John Black and family at tended the revival meeting at Falls ton last week. Large Snake Hat Miraculous Cures An American steamship officer Juat* xefurnert from Ecuador tarings beck a tale oi miracles performed in a hospital in that. South American eountvy. A ten-foot boa constrictor Jnio tee cripples ward ot the hoepttai, and lama men ran and paralytic* jumped. One man par •ifted and unstale to move for more than a year, lumped sit feet from hia bad to a window. Doctors later examined him and pronounced him cored. A general alarm was sound ed and the snake was killed before any serious injury was done. "Nature," said the philosopher, "always makes compensations. If one eye loses sight, ths other be comes stronger; if one loses the hea-tog of one ear, the other be comes more acute.” "I oetleve you're right," eald an Irishman. "I’ve always no tieed that -when a man has one leg short, ths other is longer." Notice. Having Qualified as administrator of the estate of Carrie Me Bee, de ceased. late of Cleveland county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons haring claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Shelby, S. C.. on or before the 10th day of JWy, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tate wW please make Immediate ■Moment, This 10th day of July, --PRANK L. HOYLB. Ad ministrator of Corrle Mr news” hapf Of Kings Mo MRS. W. K. CROOK, Reorlei Item* Of News Will Be Appreciated Miss Ruth Plonk was the most attractive hostess to a number of her friends Tuesday afternoon at 3:30. Bridge was played at six j tables, after which the hostess serv ed a delicious frozen salad course, followed by mints. Miss Carrie (Mae Baldwin won high score | prize and Miss Lurilir Canslcr low score. Among those enjoying Miss Plonk's hospitality were Miss Fan ny Carpenter. Miss Jennie Lee Kerr, Miss Margaret Neisler. Miss Kath leen Williams, Mrs. Helen Huff man of'Columbus, Ohio, Mrs. Booth Gillespie and guests. Misses Carrie Mae and Ermine Baldwin of Mi. Gilead, Miss Sara Kate Ormond, Miss Sara Allison. Miss Mary Plonk, Miss Pearle Pulton, Mrs, Percy Hil ling, Mrs C. Troy Carpenter, Mrs. E A. Smith. Jr . Mrs. J A Neisler, Mrs p. M. Neisler and Mrs. Ruftio Plonk. Mrs. Ferguson and Miss Elizabeth White of Bessemer City Adelphlan Club Meets. The membership of the Adclphian club and a number of invited guests were most delightfully en tertained by Mrs Arthur Hav at her home on Gaston street. Thurs day afternoon at. 3:30. The home was attractively arranged with gay colored garden flowers. After a short program consisting of a read ing, “Tlie Octagon House." by Mrs C T. Carpenter and a vocal solo, "O Heart Of Mine." by Mrs. P. M. Npislar. Mrs. W. K. Mauney, ac compantst. rook was played at eight tables. Aftrr thp Ramp thp hostess served sliced ham, tomatoes, slow and tea followed by a swept course. Those present were Mrs. P. M. Nelslnr, Mrs. C T. Carpenter. Mrs. E. W. C.riffln, Mrs. B. M. Ormond. Mrs. E L. Campbell, Mrs. M. A Ware. Mrs. W. P. Fulton, Mrs Joe Grimes, Mrs. O. C. Farrel. Mrs. Hayne Blackmer, Mrs. O. B Car penter. Mrs, Joe Nelsler. Mrs. C E. Nelsler, Jr., Mrs Houston, Mrs. Marchee and mother. Mrs Strick land. Mrs. E L McElroy, and daughter, Mrs. Crook of Spartan burg, and Mrs. l,ee, Mrs. J. E An thony. Mrs. J. O. Hord and sister. Mrs. John White of Garland. Tex , Mrs. E A Smith, jr.. Mrs. D. C Mauney. Mrs E. A Smith, sr, Mrs. L. C. Parsons and Mrs. S. A. Lowry, A pretty party of last week was the one given by Miss Martha Par t arson at her home on West. Oo’d street Thursday afternoon at 3:30. The home was artistically arrang ed with bowls an< baskets of flow ers. Rook was played at three tables. After a number of progres sions the hostess assisted by her mother served a tempting congp-.l salad course to the following. Miss Laura Jullletta Mauney, Miss Sara Virginia Finger, Miss Vida Wrigh., Miss Dorothy Patterson. MLs Mary Francis Hord, Miss Elizabeth Anthony. Miss Rebbeca Bradford. Miss Marion Patterson. Mary Frances McGinnis. Miss Margaret Plonk, Miss Virginia Parsons and Miss Ruth Patterson of Rock Hill A lovely party of last Thursday afternoon was the one given by Mr-. M. L Harmon at her home on West King street. The entire lower floor was thrown cnsuite and beautifully arranged with baskets of bright colored garden flowers. Mrs George Patterson announced the following program, a piano solo by Miss Ruth McGinnis, a reading by Miss Ozelle Kiser, a piano solo by Miss Elizabeth White of Bessemer ’ENINGS untain -Phone 177— City, a reading, Miss Ruth Herd The postman then arrived brine ing a letter to each guest, whicn whe.i opened read thus, "Mary Ellen Plonk R Lawrence Lowell. Sept ember." Mrs. Patterson then toa - ed the bride and read the poem, "Some One to Love ’’ The hostess assisted by Mrs. M. L. Plonk, Mr1;. Patterson. Miss .Irtte Plonk. Mrs. Frank Schell of Brandenton, Fla Miss Mae Plonk served a delicious congealed salad course followed by an ice course Among those present were Miss Mary Plonk, Miss .T. S Maunev. Mrs, R. C Baker. Mrs. Sage Fulton. Miss Lottie Goforth. Mrs J HI Lifford. Mrs. L. P. Baker, Mrs A M. Huffman, Mrs W K Crook, Mrs. Campbell Phifer, Mrs W A Ware. Mrs. Olarencp Plonk. Mrs. T A McGill. Mrs Rufus Plonk, Mrs. Junius Aderholdt. Mrs. Percy Dilllng, Mrs Archie Saunder, Mrs. Fleming Ramseur, Mrs Paul Maunev, Mrs. Laura Maunev, Miss Lucy Kiser, Miss Margaret Ken drick, Miss Laura Plonk, Miss Ell? Hannon, Mrs. Fetor Harrlll, Miss Ozrlle Kiser, Miss Sudie Mae Dry of Concord. Miss Faith Kohn of Mt. Holly, Mrs. Rufus Plonk and Miss Elizabeth White of Bessemer City, Miss Ruth Hold and Miss Hut 1 McGinnis Ms. nnd Mrs Booth Gillespie most delightfully entertained their bridge club Thursday evening at their home on Piedmont avenue nridge was played at seven tables after which the hostess served a salad course followed by peach short cake. The high score prize was won by Mrs P M. Neisler and Mr. Joe Neisler nnd Misses Carrie Mar and Erminr Baldwin of Ml Gilead were presented with gifts. I Those present were. Misses Carrie Mae and Ermine Baldwin of M'. Ollead, Mr and Mrs. J. A Neisler, Mr end Mrs Hayne Blackmer, Mr. and Mrs Percy Dilling, Mr. and Mrs P M. Neisler, Mr and Mrs. Marcher. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Bearh. Miss Margaret Neisler, Miss Jennie lee Kerr. Miss Sara Allison. Miss Ruth Plonk. Miss Sara Kate Ormond and Messrs. Kenneth Kirby, Hugh Neisler, Hugh Ormond, Arnold Kiser, and Dr Bill Ramseur. Among those enjoying a swim and picnic lunch at. Armstrong's park in Gastonia Friday evening were. Miss Margaret Neisler. Miss Jennie Lee Kerr. Miss Fanny Car penter, Miss Helen Black, Mr. and Mrs Joe Neisler. Mr. and Mrs. \V K Crook and Messrs. Frank Love, Bill Baker. Dr. Bill Ramseur and Harold Hunnicutt. of Charlotte Miss Fanny Carpenter, Mrs. Marcus Carpenter and Mrs M E Herndon spent Thursday and Fri day at Little Switzerland. Mrs Booth Gillespie had as her guests the past week Misses Carrie Mae and Ermine Baldwin of Mt. Gilead. Mrs J D Smith is in the Merry hospital in Charlotte where she un derwent an operation last Monday. Mrs. Cora Dilling Hunter is spending some time at Bon darken attending the conference Mr. and Mrs. M. A Ware and Mr. and Mrs. Boyce McGill Spent last Sunday at Bon darken. Mr and Mrs. W. K. Crook had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs A. C. Dawson and daughter. Betty, of Greenville. S. C , and Mrs W P Crook. Miss Elizabeth Crook and Mr. C. G. Crook of Charlotte Big Consolidated School In No. 8 Opens With 500 Pupils ' Special to The Star ) No 8 Township high school open ed on Wednesday, J"ly 24 with 481 present the first day. The enroll ment has Increased now to about 500, and many others are expected to enter at an early date The school Is now operating six trucks, trans porting about 400 pupils. Last year was a very successful one with the school, there being 12 high school graduates and several hundred promotions in the lower grades. This year promises to be the most successful school year in the history of this township since the high school department has been made standard, having met the state requirements and having hern placed in group two, class A by state high school inspector, J L. Memory The people of this communully are very proud of this distinction which very few schools win during one year's operation. To date there are enrolled in the high school About 17 of this number belong to the senior class and are expected to graduate next spring. This year two new departments, agriculture and bookkeeping, have been added Both add greatly to the efficiency or I he school and w ill prove to be valuable to the community, es pecially in the field of agriculture Also a successful year is antici pated in athletics Last year, many remember, the entire county was surprised at the success ol of the basketball team of No 8 school, which came very near winning county honors. Football has not yet been organized, but we hope that within another year plans will be m operation for a grid team, Equip ment and training are the only needs in this sport nans air now being made to level up the school grounds and later in the fall shrubbery will be planted bv the teachers and pupils This work is badly needed to be done and will add much to the beauty of the fine brick building which is the pride of this community It is hop ed that all the patrons of the school will heartily cooperate with the teachers and pupils in carrying out the plans which are being made in this respect It’s true we are proud of this fine school, but wc are not content with our present achievements. We realize the need of n vocational building for shop work and home economics, an indoor basketball court, and a teachcry. We hope to to see all these a reality in the near future, and the writer believes that the people who have made it pos sible for such a beautiful school will not "slow down ’ until these oilier needs are also added. During this school year the fol-1 lowing organizations are expected, to be effected: Parent-Teachers' As sociation, Dramatic dub. Glee club, Literary societies and a Young Tar Heel Farmers' club Plans to en large the library are also In oper ation. with one hundred books to be added during the summer months. A good book or the priee of one would be a nice and helpful gift to the school. We. wish to congratulate Mr. Jam es L. Dennis and his co-teachers for their splendid achievements last year. Riid we, as patrons of the school, pledge them our hearty sup port in the future Following is a list of this year’s teachers and their subjects, etc : James L. Dennis, graduate of j Newberry college and several sum mers of graduate work at U N C.. principal; C. W. Harrill, A. B. from Wake Forest, teacher of science; E L. Dillingham of Asheville, gradu ate of State college, teacher of agri culture and athletic coach; Miss Mardecia Faker, graduate of N C C. W, teacher of English and French; Miss Ethel Reinhart, grad uate of Lenoir-Rhine college, teach er of history and english. Elemen tary teachers: N A. Mess, seventh grade; Miss Ruth Smith, sixth grade: Miss Pauline Waddell, fifth grade; Miss Odessa Moss, fourth and fifth grades; Mrs. W. H. Cov ington, fourth grade; Miss Della Powell, third grade; Mrs. Plato Elliott, second grade; Miss Margar et Kennedy, second grade; Mrs Blanche Lattimore. first grade; Miss Lizzie Mae Lee. first grade; Miss Alice Potent, music. Try Star Wants Ads. At All Drug Storn, Adults 75o, Children «0e. You'tl Appreciate Its Worth Farm Board Passes Up Rest For Work Washington.—Buried deep in work at the end of its first week, the federal farm board passed up the half holiday enjoyed by other gov ernment workers to go ahead with its task of organization. The Florida lrnit emergency caused by the fruit fly, is the first and only specific proposition to gain the attention of the board. The Floridians were told to get all state agencies together 01 tiie question of relief for inarke - ing and to reappear on Monday Pending further consideration of the Florida situation, the board tackled again its problem of deter minating a general policy for the uplift of agriculture and for liandl mg tlie $150,000,000 as its disposal for loans. Hit Right Back. The janitor's little boy, vert black, was nicknamed “Midnight by his white friends. He didn'i nnnd their calling him that, be1 when one day one of his own^ai excldimcd, “Hello, Midnight!" hi retorted indignantly: "itouse jes, about quarter t( twelve yo’self.” Thv Key... -To the National Prohibition Situation An Exceediiiir'.' Controversial Topic Treated In An Exceptionally Intelli* gent Manner. ivou 7/ All Be Interested to Know the Facts V “The inside of Prohibition” lly The Person Most Capa : Of Revealing the Truth MABEL WALKER W1LLEBRANDT Former Assistant U. S. Attorney General In Charge Of Prohibition She tells the whole unvarnished story of eight years of enforcing the eighteenth amendment . . .the great job of trying to make America dry. She tells the truth as she saw it. She tells about: "The Bootlegger who reached flip par of a pre-ldent" ' l lie politicians who demoralized the government enforcement staff* ' The 'higher-lips’ who protec ted crooked officers'* * I he intertill! dissension that liroke down the morale'* 'The up-hill fight to clean out the nooks" "The many hard-won cases’* ' The victory of Miami" 'Damming the hlg leaks'* "The war with the racketeer-** "The battles with rum-ruunns" Is Prohibition Enforrahtr 1' thr Cioiernmrnt Winnin IVhat Is thp Outlook Indeed a Thrilling Tale And You’ll Surely Want To Read It—Beginning Next Monday In—.. The Charlotte Newj “Greater Charlotte's Home Newspaperff Circulation Department Charlotte .Sens, c harlmte, \ i I am Interested In this s*rte«, ef articles "The Inside Of Pro hibition," which begins tn THE CHARLOTTE NEWS next. Men-, day. Flea, - hay.e your .carrier deliver paper to tny address be low. for which I agree tn pay News carrier 20c weekly. Name ... Vddress ................. ... 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