Washington —-At the urgencc of the clubwomen of the country. Serv itor Capper. of Kansas plans to in troduce • uniform marriage and divorce bill in the senate when it ‘ reconvenes next month, j "i do not believe that there are ' many thinking men and women in this country who have not come to see that one of our great social and I moral needs is a federal marriage I end divorce law," says Capper. "It seems to me thar. there Is ,u> I greater question before the count.v today than that of establishing a sane. Just marriage and divoree lev which will be alike in all states, on,! which will do Justice to both parlies and to the children that arc the fruit of the union.'* A constitutional amendment will be necessary m order that the fed eral government, may have jurisdlc .ton over marriage and divorce, and Senator Capper will introduce such *n amendment when he introduces' WHEN CHILDREN Need a Laxative "We haw need Thadford’a Black-Draught in oar family for nineteen years, I haw found it of great halp to rale, ing my family. "l haw given it to all mt of my children. VNTiervever they complain of ujv ■at atnmneh. oar begin to look pels and tick It, i make a tea of Black Draught and begin airing It to them. In a day or two Uwy are all right "I give it to them for constipation, and my hus band and I both taka it I always give it far colds in winter, for I believe a way to prevent them is to keep the system dean."—Mrs. Doahie Terry, 1206 4th Ave., Decatur, Ala. (hr marriage and divorce bill. The Capper bill has the indorsement o: the Federation of Women's clubs and the American Bar association In fact they collaborated in wrUtt”, the bill. "The purpose ol the bill is to uiu* form the laws rather than to re form them,” say* Mrs. Edward 3. White, ot Indiana, who was chair man of the federation's legislative committee while t lie bill was being formulated it, will be pushed in the coming session of congress by the present, chairman of the com mittee, Mrs Clarence Fruim, ol ufiautrr. sincp it uwnw wuc mic major items in the federation’s iro gram for the coming season. There is no similar bill before the house at the moment, and the feminine members of the house av chary of commenting on such a bill until they have the text before them. Representative Edith N Rogers, of Massachusetts, however, says that, while she is in favor of uniform marriage and divorce la?, she thinks the states ought to ac complish this uniformity, without further centralization ol power In (lie federal government The Capper bill will provide that ten days must elapse between ap plication for a marriage license and the issuance thereof, and applica tion* will be publicly posted. Di vorces will be. granted for adultery, cruelty and inhuman frontmen' abandonment, failure to provide, in sanity and conviction oi an in famous crime Alimony and the disposition of children will rest jyith the court. The object of tire bill is that all marriage and divorce regulation:, shall Ire identical tn all states and territories, tin* purpose being more important to supporters ot the hill than the especial features of ‘.he bill. VIRGINIA 810ASHORE EXCURSIONS' A »a SOUTHERN RAILWAY Friday, August 9th., 1929 Round Trip Pares From SHELBY, N C. To: t Norfolk, Ya. . . 5f 10.7.N Old Point Comfoil 10.75 Virginia Tkach --11.25 Richmond, Vn.__9.75 Limit 5 Days. Tickets Good going and returning regular trains. Ask Ticket. Agents. Should this ERRING WIFE be forgiven ? pOR hours she set hr the window* •* stermg w ith »|«p|tu, unseeing e ves »s the dun world outside. Should she tell her husbend-— confess her sin-— hrrng down upon him the humilution end esonv of knowing thet *hc bed sheeted end diehonored him? "Vou ere the purest, noblest, most beeutiful women elivc," he hed often old her. Aod ehe hed glosved with vide et his loving preise. But thet sves before she hed met the iiSvinaring parry law tence. The mere touch of btahandhadaet her pulses to poupdtng—had warned her of the danger that lav •head. Again and again ahe tried to force him our of her life-rosave herself before it was too late. But when Harry finally swept her tnto bis arms and she September Partial Contents ^ Jor September My Son's Sin How Could Any Mto Refuse Her# Wbu Opt Wonts Did For Uni future Blinded tot His Brothtr’s Honor felt his l*p« crushed to her—something stronger than (ear, more powerful than loyaltyotdury seemed tooverwhelmher. “Oh, 1 love youl" he whispered. “Why struggle agaiost a love like ours? Why—" But read the atory —and then ask yourself; Can < women really love her husband end take even a temporary in terest in another man? Should an err ing wife tell her husband? Has she any right to expect his forciveness? Don t miss this young wife's surelin* storv en titled “Love s Greet Sec rifice," in Septerabet True Story Megeiine. Turn in on tin Thu Stay Hhw br»ttk»!t ti'tfy FnJaj nth tur W*OR snd r*t Lo.kinita Chsw. Ctmuli Ytnr Psptr fur Ex set Tim*. Out Nowt True Story At All Newsstands—only 25c r =====^ LOW ROUND TRIP FARES TO Norfolk, Portsmouth & Richmond, Va. VIA SEABOARD AIRLINE RAILWAY FRIDAY, AUGUST 9TH, 1929. ROUND TRIP FARE— Shelby to Portsmouth_a..$10.76 Shelby to Richmond.IIII. $9/16 Shelby to Old Point Comfort_$10.75 Shelby to Virginia Beach ....S11.25 Tickets will be sold for all trains August 9th, with final return limit of August 14th. Tickets good in Pull man cars on payment of regular pullman fare. For further information and pullman reservations call on any Seaboard ticket agent or H. A. HARRIS. Agent. JOHN T. WEST. I). P. A. Shelby, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. ^ _ /I POINT OUT DANGER IN FOOD. DRINK EXCESSES Dr. Copeland, Commenting on the Report That Diabetes Is on Increase, Agrees That General Die tary Knowledge Will Help Prevent This Disease. Bv ROYAI. S. COPELAND, M. I). United States Senator from New York. Former Commissioner of Health, Hew York City■ IN a recent report of n great life insurance company appears this significant statement: “It Is our best judgment that diabetes is on the increase, in spite of the use of insulin.’’ “But why?’’ you will ask. “Because of the dietary excesses prac OR COPLAND ticed by tha American people. This report shows that for the first three months of 1929. the death rate from diabetes iras in excess of 23 for each 100,000 of the popu lation. It ia feared that this year will show the highest percentage of death* ever recorded from this cause. .... Overindulgence in food and drink is regarded as the chief factor in producing the disease. Hut bore la a comforting statement: “This is one of the diseases which, among older people, may be prevented by popular education." Nature ia more than generous. She Is even prodigal in bestowing her gifts. She has equipped the body with organs and parts that are capable of supplying all the digestive substance* that are needed by reasonably sensible human beings. She even prepares for moderate excesses. All of us ore Interested in the experiments made to refuel th* airships. Without fuel there must com* an *na to any flight. The refueling experiment* have proven that the machine itself is capable of sustained flying far beyond the time necessary to half ’round th# world, or even more. The present problem is to find a way for on* airship to carry* l ha necessary fuel for eucb a pro longed flight. In a sons* the body la tike the air ship With Ha present equipment for th* auppiy of digeaUv* materials, it cannot go beyond th* normal field of II* flight*. Insulin helps to refuel, but unfortunately. Ill use Is not suitabla for every casa. Con aonuantly, it la not safe to overdo tha thing* that rnav rosuli In thi* form of physical disaster. The eon sumption of food muat b« limited to aurh quantities as can ba bandied bv lha digestive organs. Many chemical wonders are per formed wilhin th* body. One of tharu U the manufacture in the "•pancreas" —• the "sweet-bread'’ — of an Important aubstanca. This Is added to the food content of the In testinal tract, fnr tha purpnee of making tha augar we *at acceptable to the blood and body. Without an abundance of thla pancreatic sub stance. Ultra ante a eerie* of symp lomi resulting In Impaired health This tr diabetaa. This disease may raault Irons one of two causes—a deerena* in th* quantity of th* pancreatic chemical cr tha habitual eating of foods in agrees of the quantity that can be I acted upon by thi* chemical. Pcs | slbly both causes may eslsf, with increased probability of aarloua trouble Diabetes is only pns of th* had re sults that follow overindulgenao in food and drink Temperance is the only rule of safety. £ Ansvrra to lloaltli Queries 1 B. H. Q —Hew murh should a girl aged 17, a f»*t • inches tall weigh? A,—She should weigh about K* pounds *aa M. B O —What causes ee« to w.ik* up in the morning with a severe heartache? ■5 —What cau*ea Itching of th* body? A —Th* common causes of head ache are ty* *iraln. Infected taeth, tonaila and sinuses constipation. *uto-iruo»leaUon, Indication or natal catarrh. I. —This may he due to auto-tn toaicalion. intestinal disturbances or to soms food poisoning, Certain dis eases of the nervous system may also causa this condition * • • C. T. Q—Does an acid condition of the system produce, a rad rash over the entire body, causing eices *iva irritation? A.—Tea Correct your dist and avoid constipation. For further par ticulars send self-addressed stamped •nvelopt and repeat your question. • • • J. S. Q.—What do you advise for superfluous hair? A.—Send self-addressed, stamped fnvelopo for full particulars and re peat your question. m » * J. ft Q.—What will increase the growth of the eyebrows? A —Apply one per cent yellnw oside of mercury ointment at night. M M. Q—What do jou advise for perspiring hands? A.—Hatha the hand* in wm water to which a little alum has been added. A N Q—What do you adilse for •enema? A —For full particular e>-nd self addressed, stamped envelope and re peat your quaatton. F. n Q.—What should a girl weigh who is II years old and » feet 2 Inches tail? A—For her sge and height sh* should weigh about Ilf pounds J S. Q—What *hould a h*n weigh who is IS years old and 5 fset S inches i*ll? A.—For your age and height you should weish about 13U pounds Conyfffdt <*>.>, Nmmp***.* fniur* '■*<v SSP tIMW HUB.. BL.1 JUJU-. ,111 um n r Department Heads To Back Economy Plan For Gardner Egg Prices To Rise; I Poultry To Decline I Willi increased supplies of poul ■ 1i y In prospect tins fall and winter, | ihr mid-summer outlook report of the bureau of agricultural cconorn* ; ics secs consequent reductions poultry prices probable. Egg sup plies are expected to remain low and egg prices to be well main tained through the fall but prob able production increases In the late winter md spring seem likely to reduce prices somewhat below the level of a year earlier, unless an exceptional proportion of the flocks arc marketed thla fall. There was an Increase of 10 per cent in young chickens on hand July 1 over a year ago, in dicating larger marketings of poultry this fall and winter. Smaller expected layings dome the last half of the year than the same period last year and ex tremely light storage reserves point to higher egg prices this fall with prices probably dropping slightly i' the expected winter increase of production materializes. NORTH CAROLINA COW WINS GOLD MEDAL Fanny's Golden Star 839581, a purebred Jersey cow owned by J. O. Lutz of Newton has won the American Jersey Cattle Club Gold Medal for her excellent production record recently completed Start ing at the age of five years and five months Golden star producer a total of 661 95 pounds of butter fat and 14.123 pounds of mills tn 305 days. She was with calf 190 days of the test. To maintain this fine record her yield of butter fat was above the 53 pound mark every complete month of the ten reached 84.63 pounds in her best month. Golden Star was previously tested and starting at the age of 4 years and 3 months she produce! 556.09 pounds of butterfat and 11.• 463 of milk. This new medal w in - ner is only one of the heavy pro ducers in Mr. Lutz's herd. Raleigh —Full cooperation in. Gov ernor Gardner's economy plan for Itlxe next two years in order (a | avoid an apparent deficit of ntarlv 11-’,000,000 at the end of the period. I was promised by heads of depart j inents and agencies at a meeting j this morning at which Judge N. A (Townsend executive councel, placed ! before them the conditions, in he absence of Governor Gardner. Judge Townsend read the state ment Governor Gardner made to the heads of the state's educational charitable and correctional institu tions last week and rxplauicd Ine statement. P. H, Williams, assist ant director of the budget and Cap tain Nathan OBerry also spoke of financial status of the state while A. J. Maxwell, commissioner of reve nue, spoke briefly on the collections. Baxter Durham, state auditor, along with others, spoke briefly. Fullest cooperation in holding expenditures, not only within the appropriations, but within the ex pected revenues, is expected from all spending agencies of the state, voluntarily, thus avoiding a hort rontal percentage cut made by the governor, as director of the budget. Judge Townsend Is assured. my sum want nos A Well Baby U A Happy Baby Dr. Thornton's Easy Teether !a used to destroy the germs that cause stomach and bowel diseases of teething babies and older children. It acts on the Liver, Kidneys, etc., ridding the blood and system of impurities. Pleasant to take as loaf sugar. Contains no opiates. Sold by druggists or sent direct for 25c. EASV TEETHER MEDICINE CO., Westminster, S. C. TOWN IMS FOR INVALID! "Dad" Wilder Believed Mr Was i Stricken Because Of His Sins. Riehton Miss —A shrine of pen- ! anec was closed here late yesterday j evening with the interment of J. T Wilder, former logging superinten dent for the Riehton Lumber com pany and for the past three vrais 1 total invalid. All business houses m Riehton were closed as the town paid tribute to "Dad" Wild:1. V exemplary life. Wilder had been a resident of this community for many years and sev eral years ago lie was stricken with a form of rheumatism which grad ually grew so serious that Uire' years ago he was confined to im bed. and 18 months ago he became paralyzed and was unable to move hand or foot Soon after hb misfortune over took him. Wilder declared that lie was quite certain that He was be ing providentially punished because lie had spent a good portion of his life in disobedience to an early call to the ministry. Although his body was useless, hh mind was unusually active amt in the midst of intense sufferings he maintained a cheerful and hopeful spirit. Bo firmly did he believe in divine manifestation in his afflic tion and so faithfully did he hold to his religious faith, that his 'vd stde became a community shrine Visitors came from distant points to visit him- Ministers of vary in: faiths came to sit at his bedside to talk of their religion and to pray with "Daddy" Wilder. When “Dad" finally passed ay Tuesday night, this entire commun ity went into mourning. Funeral services were held at the Bap 1st church with Rrv. J. II. Cothen of ficiating. e — WANTED — Experienced Toppers and Knitters, Also Loopers. Wanted Experienced Fix ers on S. & W., B*5 Machin es. Apply in person. Marion Knitting Mills, Inc. MARION, N. C. 9t-21c SUES SLAVER OF HER HUSBAND FOR $50,000 Wilminston.—Alleging her hus band died from wounds inflicted by D. J Hall, of Chadboiun. who with out warning and with malice, Mr-s Ruby L. Sellers, administratrix, has started suit in New Hanovi r county superior court against Ha'l in an effort to collect $50,000 dam ages for the death of Robert u. Sellers, 45 years old, who died in the hospital here July 9, after hav- i ing been wounded at a filling sta tion near Chadbourn May 28, The plaintiff alleges that on the morn ing of May 28, her husband in ‘he company of two other men drove up to a filling station in Columbus county to purchase gasoline While there, the complaint, alleges, Kail, without warning and with malice, j whiperi a pistol into play and fired upon her husband, seriously wound ing him. Blessed Are The Merciful. The officer of the day was :u riinrd to be punctilious, and when , an officer gets that way, >ou kiipv. how inclined he can b* "That man on post nmnbci four let a soldier go through Uie line last night, without cha'lengin? him, he announced “What's the idea?''* ‘‘Aw, have a heart, Skipper pleaded the corporal ol the guard "He's only been In the army a couple of weeks and still gets his general orders mixed up with the Beatitudes.” The Kodiak bear is the large.t carnivorous land mammal in ex istence. Star Advertising Pays 666 is a Prescription for Colds, (irippe. Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known LAKE LURE JNN i) t nine.-' mini ouemy. delightful v.et'k-'.'iul trip or evening drive . An Alpine _ netting' oil beuuliiul __ LAKE LURE. Tobacco curing and grading lia now begun in earnest in all parti of the state. Growers are encourag ed by the good prices prevailing >n the Georgia markets. EXCURSION TO NEW YORK August 10th, 1020. Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Round Trip Fare From SHELBY, N. C. $21.20 Limit 18 Day?, Tickets good going and returning regular trains— (Except Crescent Limited.) i ... I I me opportunity to visit New York at small expense. A: k Ticket Agents. Meet Me At The— BLUE BIRD Where You Get The Most And Best Ice Cream For Your Money. Good Place To Rest. — Always Welcome — BLUE BIRD ICE CREAM STORE I WEST WARREN STREET. L ngineers vJ Endorse At a Fair Price 30c per Quart All Grades At the Si in of the Oran it Disc A ~ / -Automotive Engineer. agree that the properly blended two-base oil is the best for the modern automobile motor. We are taking the best properties of the paraffine and naphthene base crudes and blending them into an ideal automobile lubricant—eliminating many of the objectionable features of single ^ase oil* made from either crude. Reducing Carbon Deposits Minimizing Crankcase Dilutio Increasing Heat Resistance We urge you to test Gulf Supreme Motor Oil Any GulJ Station or Dealer GULF REFINING CO. Manufacturers of the Famous Gulf Venom Insecticide Aug. S, 1929

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