Revival Meeting Closes. Several At Opening Of St. Paul's New Church. (Special to The Star.) Beams Mill. Aug 6.—The revival meeting closed Saturday night a great success. The pastor, Rev. G. r. Abernethy, did the preaching. Mr. and Mrs. .J L. Calhoun of Norfolk, Va , and Mrs. L. C. Dal ton and children of Portsmouth, are spending some time with their par ents, Mr and Mrs. Caleb Hoyle. Mrs. Ed Crawford and children of Gastonia, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. J. Y. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver Willis are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Hoyle. Miss Helen Seism spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hoyle visited Mr. and Mrs Audrey Turner of Hick or.v last Wednesday Miss Lena Williams and Miss Vel va Hamrick were the dinner guests of Misses Eleanor and Vevette El liott Sunday. Miss Annie Laurel and Josephine Beam visited Miss Ruby Wright last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bridges of Shelby spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hoyle. Muss Dovie Barnett spent Tues day night with Misses Ethel and Mattie Williams. Miss Eloice Royster and Nellie Stanley of Fallston visited Miss Beatrice Hendrick last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carpenter were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Hoyle Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grigs also Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams visited Mr. and Mrs. Kim Williams last w eek. Several from this community at tended the opening of the new church Sunday at St. Paul. GASTONIA KILLER IS TAKEN IN BALTIMORE Gastonia. Aug. 6. Louis Wrst brork. 19-year-old Gastonia negro, who was arrested in Baltimore, Md., Friday and brought back to Gas tonia last night by Plainclothc,small Adam Hord. will be given a hear ing in recorder's court today on a charge of murdering Edgar Meore, negro, in a fight here a week or more ago. HENDERSON COUNTY REDUCES TAX RATE Hendersonville, Aug. 6.—The coun ty-wide tax rate for Henderson for the current year has been establish ed at $1.87 by the commissioners. It is based on estimated required expenditures of $523,600, and a val uation for the county which has, through the collation of tax valua tion figures, been placed at twenty eight million dollars. Although the valuation last year was $29,622,000 and the rate was $2 the assessed valuation is more than a million and a half dollars less than it was last year, and the coun ty commissioners have reduced the flat rate in the county by 13 cents SITE TENDERED FOR SHEPPARD LIBRARY Greenville, Aug 6 -Complying with a request from the board of aldermen of Greenville that they do nate a site for the erection of the $50,000 Sheppard Memorial Library a gift to this city by Harper D. Shep pard, of Hanover, Penn., members of the board of trustees of the city schools in session today tendered the old Evans street school site, with certain conditions set forth in reso lution to be presented to the board of aldermen at their meeting on Thursday evening. FINAL CLEARANCE SALE OF WRAY’S SHORT LOTS AND ODDS AND ENDS LEFT OVER FROM OUR RECENT SALE. Every short lot must go regardless of price in order to give ample room for our mammoth Fall Stock which is al ready arriving. THREE GROUPS OF , LADIES’ DRESS SLIPPERS In high, medium and low heels. Patents, Satins, Kids, blondes— 79c $1-69 & $2-39 TURKISH TOWELS Double Warp, lily white bleached— 13c EACH MEN’S ATHLETIC UNIONS Good quality, all sizes 39c MEN’S DRESS SOCKS Solids and fancies, rayon. Giving away— 5c PAIR PILLOW CASES 42x36 - Hemmed 17c LADIES’ SILK HOSE Real light shades, irregu lars. The last you will get 10c pair LADIES’ RAYON BLOOMERS All colors and sizes. 80c Grade— 49c PAIR CHILDREN’S GOLF SOX Fancy rolled - Colored tops 40 dozen 5c PA,R MEN’S NIGHT GOWNS Slightly soiled - Good grade 79c CHILDREN’S RAYON BLOOMERS Colors, white, flesh and peach. Sizes 2 to 10. 23c BRADLEY’S BATHING SUITS The Best To Be Had at SALE PRICE. — RECEIVED THIS WEEK Sixteen Hundred and Twenty pairs of our Famous $1.00 Full Fashion Silk Hose. Colors: White. Flesh, Flesh Pink, Nude, Atmosphere, Champagne, Dorado. Kid. Sand. The cream of the real light shades. WHY PAY MORE. A. V. WRAY & 6 SONS Grover Column Of Late Community Happenings (Special to The Start Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mullinax. and two daughters. Miss Aline and Evelylinc, and little Miss Alweda Hollins, a grand daughter, spent part of last week at Myrtle Beach. Mr. Herbert Hogue and Miss ! Elizabeth Falls of Clover, S C spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs ' Ophelia Rollins. Mr. J. A. Dover of Charlotte, spent part of last week in Grover with his father. Mr. W. A. Dovrr. Mr. and Mrs A H Hollins and family are spending part of this week at Wrlghtsville Beach Hev. T. P. Dendy. accompanied bv Mrs Dendy and daughter. Miss Elizabeth spent last week at Wrlghtsville Beach Mr. and Mrs n i. rocxrr mo tored to Charleston. S C . for their vacation and they report pood roads and a fine time throughout the trip. There are many points of in terest in this old southern city by the sea Mr. and Mrs Avcrv Hardin, and little son came over from Lenoir recentlv to visit the formers mother Mrs. C M. HaVdin. Mr. R. B. Keeter of Shelby ac companied by his wife, and little daughter Betty Lou. spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Keeter. Kermit Keeter of Shelby was a visitor to our town Sunday and at t.eded services at the Baptist church. Mrs. L. C. Hamrick had as dinner guests for Sunday Mr. C. O. Ham bright of Greenville, S. C , and 1 Ollie Harris of Shelby, Miss Marveda Turner of Morgan - ton, spent several days recently with her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Keeter. Muss Marie Martin of Spartan burg. S. C., came over to visit her sister, Mrs. D A. Moss the latter part of the week. Mr and Mrs R. Pinkelton was in Greensboro over the week-end on account of the death of Mr Pink elton's sister-in-law Mrs. Charley Pinkelton. They were accompanied by two of their children Jack and Louise. Mr. and Mrs Rube Rollins and family are spending a few days this week at Wrightsville Beach. Mrs. Clifford Hamilton of Clay ton and her little daughter Jean were a recent visitor in the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Keeter, On Fishing Trip. Rev. W. E. Furcron and family and Mr. C. E. Byers and family. Mr. John Dixon and Mrs. Charley Moss and family went to Bridgewa ter last week for a. fish fry and they were successful in making a fine catch. Altogether it was a de 1 lightful outing. Rev. Amos Clary of Greensboro, Va., filled the pulpit of the First Baptist church of Blacksburg last Sunday. He was a dinner guest of Mrs. Q. E. Byers together with his mother who is Mrs. Byers’ aunt. We were delighted to meet this ) friend of other days again and made him promise to return in the near future and preach for us at Grover. Handsome New Home. I Mr C. F. Hambright is building a nine room residence for himself and family on Bob Vance street. It is brick veneered with slate roof and the very latest in modern equipment, two bath rooms, electric lights double pipe vapor heating system and when finished will be one of the finest homes in this sec tion. Mr. W. T. Duncan of Gaffney is the contractor and is giving this building his personal supervision. I Mill Running Fine. In this day of strech out systems and strikes and general unrest in the textile plants over the country, it is indeed a Joy to visit the Min ettc Mill here in Grover. Mr. C. F. Harry the genial president, is all smiles when talking of this plant and he ran well afford to smile, for ! this plant has one of the finest ’ records of any industry in the south, for the past six years it has run continuously night and day without a break and it has trebled its floor space and machinery in that time. It is now housed in one of the finest plants in the country and they have now 72 looms. The last installment of looms were Cromp ton-Knowles, latest four-box mag azine type and are motor driven. The dyeing system is the very last word In equipment, their weekly out put is 6,0000 pounds of rayon filling and 3,500 pounds of cotton and mercerized warp. They man ufacture the highest class of rayon draperies, bed spreads, luncheon sets „and mattress ticking, and with enough orders already booked for the next six months It is no wonder that every one connected with this enterprise is happy. No stretch-out system, no dissatisfied help, no shoddy work Mr. E O. Becknell is general su perintendent, assisted In the man agement. by H. H. Becknell and W E. Davis. Mr. W. S. Hicks, is su perintendent of the finishing de partment and he has such splen did help in his department that he has the smile that wont come off. Grover is Justly proud of Mr. Harry and this splendid plant. The Peoples Drug store has re cently added an up to date Built Rite soda fount, and that is at present the drawing card for young and old alike. NO. 1 TOWNSHIP HSU Mrs. Oro tills Head. Sinking School Marts. Picnic Planned. Personals. ' Sperta! to Tlie Star > The singing school started last , Monday r.t Camp Creek with Prof Leroy .lollcv in charge, Mr and Mrs. Darrle Martin and son. Paul of Shelby, spep' last Sun- j day at Mr F.ari Bridges Miss Selma Surratt of Grassy ' Pond. S C spent, last Friday night | with Miss Exie Humphries The girls Sunday school class of Camp Creek are giving an Ice cream supper next Saturday night, at. Mr. Kester Hamrick's Spring This class is taught by Mr. Garland Hamrick and is trying to raise money to buy heat of some form for their room bv fall of the year. Everybody in vited to come Mr. Roland Hamrick spent the week-end at Mr Kester Hamrick Miss Exie Humphries spent the week-end with Miss Selma Surratt of Grassy Pond, 9 C Miss Myrtle Bridges of Spai tan burg. S. C„ spent the week-end with home folks Mr. Harry Abernathy of Spartan burg, S. C , spent, last week with his grandmother. Mrs C. Jones, Mr. Void Humphries and sisters of Hickory Grove, spent last Sun day at, Mr Guy Humphries A number of people from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Cleo Ellis at Boiling Springs last. Satur day morning at 11 a. in. Mrs. Ellis was making her home with her son. Fred, near Gaffney, but was well known here having lived In this community for several years. Her husband died last spring and was buried at Boiling Springs. She is survived by the following children, Love of this place, Fred of near Gaffney, Early of Alabama. Ola of Gaffney route 1, and Efflc of Cltffstde, and Tobe. Mrs. Ellis was 79 years of age. Messrs. Blaine Davis. Dillard Bridges and Bate Blanton were visitors in Spartanburg, S C., last Monday. Mrs. Ola Christie and children are spending this week with her sisters at Converse. Those visiting at Mr. Dee Byars last Sunday were Mr and Mrs. Thamcr Humphries, Herman and | Neressa Humphries. Onie and Flay Humphries, Mr. and Mrs. Bulo Earls, Mr. A. Humphries A number of our people attended preaching at Grassy Pond last Sun day night. Misses Lillie and Eula Bailey spent Sunday night with Musses Inez and Bunah Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Rome Davis and children spent last Sunday after noon at Mr. Frank Baileys. Mr. and Mrs. Void Bailey visited in Cliffside Sunday. Revival meeting will begin at Camp Creek Sunday. There will be two services daily, one at 11 a m. and one at 7:30 p. m. Miss Lucille Huskey spent last Sunday and Sunday night with Miss Mayme Earl. Mr. Carl Huskey and family spent last Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. Furman Jolley of Ellenboro, spent last Wednesday at Mr. W. W. Hawkins. Mr; Thurman Byars Is playing ball with the Cliffside team. They are expecting to play the New York Blooker Girls next Thursday after noon. A number from here will at tend. Mr.. Bryon Hawkins visited his sister. Dessie of Ellenboro, the first of last week. Miss Viola Bridges is improving after having the mumps. Messrs. Bulo. Richard and Broadus Earls, Clay Hawkins and Collis Jones attended the singing school at Flint Hill last week. Aged Folk In Quest Of Marriage Papers Gaffney Ledger: For he first time In several months the office of Probate Judge Lake W. Stroup was invaded this week-end by old age in quest of a marriage license The couple was Pink Kiser, of Forest City, who gave his age as 70, and Martha Mc Daniel, of Spindale, who claimed to be 66. Other white men and wom en who bought licenses were: Glenn Queen and Vertie Self, both of Casar. Emmett Norman and Ruby Turn er. both of Lawndale Bill Blanton and Marjorie Sum mey, both of Gastonia, Theodore Lovelare and Nora Pruitt, both of Henrietta John Frank Gamble, and Minnie Lee Davis, both of Kings Mountain. Pink Kiser, Forest Oity. and Martha McDaniel, Spindale. Ralph Horton, Forest City, and Louise Wood, Shelby. Candler Strickland and Ola De vine, both of Shelby. Benjamin Porter and Ava Cook, both of Shelby. Try Star Want# Ads. Final CLEARANCE £ All Summer DRESSES JUST 2 GROUPS JUST 2 PRICES V2 Original Price — GROUP 1 — ALL $12.95 DRESSES NOW.$6.50 — GROUP 2 — ALL $19.95 DRESSES NOW ... $10.00 SUMMER HATS. .$1.00 WRIGHT-BAKER Co. GOOD WILL GOOD WORDS FOR. A FINECAR r i . i ThB food opinion of Oldsmobile that itinvariably expressed when the diacusaion tuma to motor cara is con clusive evidence of the increaaing public favor thia fine car it winning throughout America. 8uch priceleaa good will can be achieved in only one way — the con tinued satisfaction of thousands of owners over a long period of time. This satisfaction and enthusiasm on the part of Oldsmobile owners have been expressed time and again—not only from one neighbor to another — but in the multitude of written mess axes which flow constantly into the Oldsmobile factory. Oldsmobile owners are loyal because they know that Oldsmobile is loyal to its owners. The exhilaration of Olds mobile performance—its brilliant speed, power, and getaway — is theirs to enjoy, day after day. The roomy comfort of Oldsmobile's bodies by The VIKING aiaflaman nryf through nl^mohila dealers. At $1599 frr all model*, f. o. b. factory. Lancia*. Michigan, ft la ae outstanding in value in its 6a!3 •e the popular OMimMt Six. the 6ne cur of low price. Fisher— the rutful (riding MM vided by wide, deep-cushioned i and four Loveioy hydraulic shock absorbers — the luxury of richly fur* niahed interiors add infinite pleasure to their motoring. And above all, they have absolute confidence in their care —confidence that is born of months and years of faithful service. Yet these splendid qualities—and the additional advantages of handling ease, parking ease, and operating ecac*> omy—are available in Oldamobile Me remarkably low price. Good will—good words—and unhrefw sal good opinion unmistakably stamp this Oldsmobile as a fine car—an ante* mobile that will serve you long and well. Study the facts yourself. Drive the car and examine its many points of merit. Make critical comparisons. And then you will agree, with thou sands of owners, that Oldsmobile hss fully earned this widespread popularity. TWO DOOR SEDAN ■ •th.. / * k /«*«* t—*««. SSsSilissS so*.*«« s*. HAWKINS BROTHERS SHEL BY, N. C.

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