I 10 PAGES | TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. ^8 SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY. AUGUST 16. 1D2D. Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons By man, per year (In advance) $349 Carrier, per year Un advance) 93.00 LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, per pound _-10c Coton Seed, per bu._..... 40 !j Showers Likely. Today's North Carolina Weather Report; Cloudy and possibly show ers in cast portion tonight and Sat urday. Not much change in tem perature. Miller - Jones Open Shoe Store Here Saturday Full Line Will Be Carried In Store ' Building Ceased On South La Fayette Street. t - Miller-Jones company factory dis tributor* for eleven shoe factories in and around Columbus, Ohio will open on Saturday, an exclusive shoe ! store, handling a popular priced * line of shoes for men. women and children on South LaFayette Street 1 in the Webb-Weathcrs-Hord build ing. A five year lease has been se cured on the store room formerly occupied by the men’s wear depart ment of the Gilmer Department store. The Miller-Jones company orper - ates 156 stores in the mid-west and the two Carolines where the com pany Is now engaged in opening in many cities. For the past two weeks W. B. Carter, general manager of the Carolinas and Carl Wagner, manager of the Pennsylvania dis trict have been here supervising the remodelling of the store front and interior and placing the stock which arrived this week from the factory. The store building is very attractive. Mr. Jimmie Crane of Spartanburg, S. C., who has been in training in Miller-Jones stores in Gastonia and Spartanburg, will bo manager of the local store. Messrs. Carter and Wagner are engaged in opening a number of other stores in the two Carolinas. but will be In Shelby for the formal opening on Saturday. Missionary Union Meets At Fallsto. Each Church In The Kings Moun tain Association Asked To Send Delegates. The Woman's Mission union of the Kings Mountain association will hold their annual meeting at Fallston on Thursday and Friday. August 29-30, 1929. Each church in the association is asked to send delegates even if they do not have W. M. U. organizations. The state president. Mrs. W. N. Jones, of Raleigh, will be one of t>c outstanding speakers. Following is the program: 10:30—Devotional, Mrs. J. M. Pos ton: organization; address of wel come, Mrs. W. F. Hamrick; re sponse, Mrs. Robert Cline: roll call of churches; recognition of new so cieties, visitors and pastors; report of officers; presentations of ban ners; song. The Kingdom is Com ing; superintendent's address, A Goodly Heritage; Why 1 Belong to a Missionary Society, Casar W. M S.; address, Mrs. W. N. Jones, Ra leigh; announcements. Lunch. 1:45—Devotional. Mrs. W. C. Cav ney; minutes; mission study super intendent's report; mission study demonstration by Bolling Springs W. M. S.; address, Miss Attie Bos tic; duet, Mesdames Stamey and Sperling; Our W. M. U. Specials, Mrs. J. A. Liles; announcements. Night Session. 8:00—Devotional, Rev. G. P. Aber nethy; Seeing the Unseen with W. M. U., Pleasant Grove; address, Dr. Wade Bostic. Friday. Young peoples session: Mrs*. ,W. F. Hamrick, junior superintendent pre siding. 10:15—Devotional, Double Shoals, prayer, Hubert Smith; welcome, Roberta Royster; response, Miss Walker; toll call of organizations; demonstration by Sunbeams, Pleas ant Grove; duet. Boiling Springs Y. W. A.; demonstration by Sun beams, Boiling Springs; pantomine, The Holy City, Lawndale G. As; the Pearl of Great Price, Fallston; prayer for our young people, Mr. Abernethy. Lunch. Devotional—Mrs. Vertus Williams minutes; address, Keeping Faitn With Our Pledges to the Centennial Fund, Dr. J. B. Davis; Echoes from South Mountain; report of com mittees; closing service. ‘‘A Mis sionary Message,” by Mrs. Wade Bostic. Presbyterians On Picnic At Lake Today Members of the Sunday school of the Presbyterian church Sunday ' school are leaving from the church this afternoon at 4 o’clock for a picnic at Pineview lake. Mr. Wm. McCord, the superintendent was ex pecting a large crowd and plans are being made for a most enjoyable outing with lunch served in the late afternoon before returning home. Record Cotton Crop Predicted For County ****** ****** Leaders Urge Governmental Changes Here City Manager Form Praised; Stop Spending O. M. MuU Advocates Decrease In County Organizations. Abol ish City School Board. "Cleveland county Is infested with too many tax spending organizations," declared Rep resentative O. M. Mull speak ing last night before the Ki wanis elub on a program stag ed by Kiwanian D. 7.. Newton, who had two speakers to tell what to their minds are the most important things to do for the welfare of Shelby and Cleveland county. Kiwanian J. D. Lineberger who was the other speaker on “Our Greatest Needs” suggest ed the eity manager form of government for the city of Shelby and the abolition of the city board of education with schools affairs handled in Shel by by the city council, which body should have a dozen of Shelby's best business men to sit with them as a board of ad visers in order that* the best business methods could be em ployed. Systems Critcised. Both speakers had no criticism to offer for the various officials of city and county. On the other hand they praised them for their honesty and for the improvement that has been made, but "we are working under antiquated systems which should be changed, in order that economies can be affected which will result in the lowering of the tax rate.” Convict System Costlv. "It is an economic crime,” said Mr. Mull that No. 6 township i. levying 24c on the $100 property valuation which raises $32,000 an nually. After paying interest on bonds and creating a sinking fund, nearly $25,000 is spent anually through the convict system of road building and maintenance. This is too much. When No. 6 issued $100. 000 in bonds for sand clay road3. about 106 miles of improved high ways were built. Thirty miles of this system over which 80 per cent of the traffic moving in the township passes, have been taken over by the state, yet the same levy of 24c is being made and the same amount of money is being expended for roads. The best I can figure, it is costing between $200 and $300 a year per mile to maintain the sand clay roads of the township under tire convict system. Biggest Tax Waste. “The biggest tax waste in Cleve land county, is not what we spent for schools or county government but for roads. We are collecting $115,000 in Cleveland county and spending this sum through 33 road offices in the 11 townships of the county. When state highway offi cials, they leave in disgust because it is impossible to get 33 township and district road officials together to confer about anything for the welfare of our road3. What we need Is one central road body." Road To Marion Urged, Mr. Mull particularly stressed t>e importance of building a road from Polkville to the Rutherford county line, the terminal to be Marion. Five miles of this proposed new road are in Cleveland county, Ruth-_ (Continued on page ten.) Labor Agitators In Kings Mountain A rea Agitator Has Bern Speaking Just Out Of City Limits There. (Special to The Star.) Kings Mountain, Aug. 16.— Textile workers in and about this town are now being ha rangued by labor agitators, pre sumably representatives of the National Textile Workers Un ion, the organization which has been active about Gastonia and Bessemer City. For the last three Saturday nights one or more speakers have ap peared here, and general reports are that there will be another meet ing and speaking tomorrow night. Just Beyond Limits. The speakings so far have been held just beyond the city limits on the Grover road, the speakers using the railroad embankment as their platform. For some time, it is understood, these representatives have been at tempting to rent a building In the city, stating that they wished a lease for one year, and late rumors are that a building has been rented but the location, if so, has not as yet become public knowledge. Reports made by those who have attended the meetings state that the speakers follow the usual ha rangue about poor labor conditions, long hours, and the “virtual slav ery’’ of Southern textile workers. Just what strength the organiza tion has in the east Cleveland coun ty town, or what the prevailing sentiment among mill workers is as regards the agitation is not known Injured Youth Not • Conscious As Yet; Hurt Last Friday Hudson Blanton Lingers In Serious Condition At Hospital For Week. Semi-conscious for several hour1: over one week, since he was mys teriously injured a week ago this morning in the Dover mill, Hudson Blanton, 15-year-old sweeper in the mill, lingers near death’s door at the Shelby hospital. At the hospital today it was learn-, ed that there was very little change in young Blanton's condition and that he was still in a semi-conscious stupor, although a few days back improvement could be noted in his condition. Never having regained full con sciousness since he was found by other workers lying on the lloor in the card room last Friday morning, he has not been able to tell just how he received the mysterious frac ture of his skull just above one eye. No one witnessed the accident, which may claim the youth’s life, and since his clothes were not to- n and he was not bruised except for the fracture it is a problem to fig ure out just how he was hurt. Wray Improves. James N. Wray, 51-year-old man, whose left hand was mangled in » card last Tuesday morning at the Lawndale mill, was reported to he doing nicely at the hospital today. Mr. and Mrs. Springs Borders, of Nashville. Tenn., leave tomorrow for their home after a visit to Mrs. F. R. Morgan. Shelby Grows Smaller As 18-Day Diet Strikes Town If you pull a boner some of these afternoons by failing to recognize a feminine acquaint ance on the streets of Shelby, don't blame your eyesight—it may all be because of the 18 day diet craw. It has hit Shelby. Unofficial Information from circles where ‘‘mum's the word'* has it that any number of Shelby women, who have tried everything from reducing tablets to radio's daily dozen in their desire to be willowy young flap pers instead of pleasingly plump young ladies, are now in the midst of taking off pounds by teasing their appetites along with little more than dry toast and orange juice—the three* weeks starvation craze as Jiggs has depicted it in “Bringing Up Father.” So far the grocers axe not complaining. They’ve encoun tered these diet fads before, though this one appears to have a better grip than the others, and they know that once those dieting do start hack to eating —Oh, how they do! Yet, reports have it, the pres ent diet plan is getting results. Addicts are joyfully telling each other of dropping from 15 to 20 unnecessary pounds during the 18 days of semi-fasting. Good Games I n League Here On Saturday’s Bill Local and county baseball fan* are assured some Interest ing contest* tn the four game* of the Cleveland county league to be played tomorrow. Satur day afternoon tn Shelby and two point* tn the county. In Shelby the doublehradcr will line up as follows: Cleveland Cloth vs. Bolling Springs, and Lily Mill vs. Lawn dale. Eastside will play Knob Creek on the Knob Creek groonds. Dover-Ora will play Union at Union. Thousand At Beam Reunion Annual Gathering Of John Teter Beam’s Descendants Thursday. Approximately 1,000 descendants and connections of descendants of John Teter Beam, the first of the family to settle as a pioneer In this section of North Carolina, were in attendance upon the annual Beam reunion yesterday at New Prospect church this county. Dr. A. Pitt Beam, of Shelby, pre sided at the gathering, and at the election of officers was named pres ident of the assemblage for the com ing year. Other officers of the fam ily organization elected were: Willi* Beam, of Lincoln county, vice-pres ident; Ruth Beam, of Cherryvtllc, secretary and treasurer. The reunion next year will be held upon the regular date—Thurs day before the third Sunday in August. The report of the secretary in cluded the roll of members of the family who had died since th* re union last year, the list including: Dr. J. F. Beam. C. W. Beam, of Cherryville, and Cephus Beam of Lincoln county; and Rev. John Beam, of Person county. Many From A Distance. Relatives present for the day in addition to those from Cleveland county came from Lincoln, Ruther ford, Catawba, and Person counties. Present also was cne great grand daughter of John Teter Beam, com ing from Utica. New York, and Mrs J. A. Beam, of Roxboro. A short history of the J. T. Beam descendants was given by Postmas ter J. H. Quinn of Shelby, and fol lowing a decision to revise the fam ily history Mr. Quinn was named chairman of the committee for that task. Suggest Monument. A suggestion of a monument to the pioneer Beam met with consid erable approval and some subscrip tions for the monument were taken upon the reunion grounds. Real Ficnic Feed. The business session of the big clan was followed by the bountiful spread under the old trees planted by the family ancestors—a spread beyond description—hams, chickens, pies, cakes and the usual great ar ray of delectable accessories which go with an old-time, rural picnic feed. Southern Officials Inspect Freight Depot Officials of the Southern railway were here Thursday inspecting the Southern freight depot in response to a request on the part of the Ki wanis club. Kiwanian John Mc Knight suggested a week ago that the club ask the Southern to mod ernise the freight station which Is entirely inadequate to the present needs and after this request was made the officials of the railroad responded quickly, making an in spection. Whether or not the sta tion will be modernised, has not been learned. It is understood their recommendation will be made short ly. Col. J. W. Harrelson, of Raleigh, is visiting his mother here this week. Litton Takes Over Chrysler Agency Here Move* To Former Thompson I,ora tion And Will Sell Three Makes. 'Hip Litton Motor company, head ed by F. B. Litton, is engaged these several days removing to thetr new location on West Warren streeL Formerly, tor two years or more, the motor company has been oc cupying the Washburn building on Morgan street. Henceforth tney will occupy the building on the north side of west Warren street, near the railroad, formerly leased by the George Thompson Motor company, Chrysler agents. Not only has the Litton Motor company taken ever the former Chrysler building, but ha3 also taken over the agency for thu pop ular car. Hereafter and including the pres ent. they will sell three makes of automobiles. The Dodge, which was the first love, the Plymouth, which they took on this year, and lastly^ the Chrysler. Meantime Mr. Thompson has leased the garage building on Sum ter street, formerly occupied by the Chevrolet before the Crawford com pany moved to their new home on East Warren street. It Is understood Mr. Thompson will do general re pair work, and it Is also said he will shortly announce his acquisition of an agency for one of the popular cars. I -- Cline, Cleveland’* Manager, Elected To Office In N. C. Body A. E. Cline, head of the Cleveland county government, was this weelc elevated to an important state of fice in the organization of county commissioners and county account ants. The organization, which meets annually, and this week assembled in Asheville, is known as the State Association of County Commission ers and County Accountants. Mr. Cline was elected vice presi dent of the body, an important of fice in itself, but which leads direct ly to the presidency in 1930. Claude McGhee, of Franklin county, vice president last year was this year elevated to the head of the associa tion. It is understood that some sixty counties were represented at the conclave of county bosses, the con fab embracing about two hundred. The program, extending over three days, was comprehensive as regards county work, several heads of state government departments delivering addresses, setting forth various points of view with relation to rural administration. COTTON SHOW WOMEN TO MEET TUESDAY All the chairmen of the different committees of the cotton fashion show tp be held during the county fair, together with the clothing chairmen of the home demonstra tive clubs are asked to meet the gen eral committee Tuesday afternoon August 20, in the Woman’s clu'o room at 2:30 o’clock. Everyone is urged to be present, as the rules and regulations will be given out and the whole affair explained. To Direct New Marketing Plan It appears certain that full co op; tat.on . > i •1 'eral harm Board will be given the new $50,(X)0,000 t*ut and vegetable co-operative venture of the United Fruit Growers’ Association of America. Mr, Julius II. Barnes, chairman of the Board of the United States Chamber of Commerce (icii), will head the new association and will be ably assisted by William M. Jardine fright), former U. S. Secretary of Agriculture. v « i nt*rn» ilon*l Kiwirwl) Section Flooded Year Ago Crops Inundated By Heavy Rains In County Year Ago Today Out : ' yz First and Second Broad rivers and in every section of Cleve land county things are not so wet as they were a year ago today. It was jt yaar ago yesterday and last night, August 15, that Cleveland county and the Carolinas were vis ited with the second heavy rain within two weck3 and the lowlands of the entire section inundated, causing thousands of dollars damage to crops and bridges. The first heavy rains, it will be remembered, fell on August 11 and 12. This downpour, including a cloudburst. was said to be heavier than any since the flood of 1916, the cloud burst drowning hundreds of spar rows in the court square trees. With the ground still soaked from the rains of August 11 the heavy, con tinued rains of August 15 sent riv ers and other streams from their banks. covered many acres of bot tom land, washed away bridges, and in many scctioas of the two Caro linas travel was stopped for several days. In the two weeks period It inch es of rain fell in Shelby. Bronc Busting, Trick Riding To Feature Shelby Horse Show A Great Grandmother Makes Visit To Texas A thousand mile trip to visit re. atives isn't any big thing with i; great grandmother in these days of modern and comfortable travel. Mrs. Elvie Borders, 90-year-old Shelby woman, left here Tuesday morning of this week with her daugn ter, Mrs. W. A. Wesson for Mrs. Wesson's home at Waxahachee, Tex as, where she will visit for some time, Word reaching Shelby today stated that the 40-year-old lady had reached New Orleans by train Wed nesday morning and was standing the trip fine. Mrs. Wesson, her son, Berkley Wesson, his wife and daugn ter, ChRrline, had been visiting here for a month, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hopper, a sister of Mrs Wesson. Mr. and Mrs. Berkley Wes son and daughter left for the return trip by auto Monday. Miss Minnie Eddins Roberts re turned last night from a visit to Miss Marion Siler in LaPayette, Ala. Mnrf Than 50 High Class Hones To Be Exhibited In Show Thursday. A touch of the old West, where a rider Is believed to have a yellow streak down his spine when he ‘ pulls leather,” will feature the horse show to be staged at the Cleveland County fair grounds next Thursday afternoon, August 22, at 2 o'clock. The show is being staged by the Shelby Riding club, one of the state's select groups fond of horse manship, which maintains the com munity riding club and barn in east Shelby. The program for the afternoon calls for trick riding bronc busting and other features in addition to the show program. Between 50 and 60 high-class saddle horses, many of them never seen in action here before, will be exhibited in the show. The several classes in tire contests will include the jumping class and the. trotting race. Numerous out-of-town visitors are expected for the event. Mill People Bring Flowers To Funeral Of ‘Mystery Man;’ Burial Here Today Flowers will cover the grave of Fred W. Andrews, Shelby's mystery man, when the last rays of the setting sun this evening strike the new mound in pot ter’s field, thanks to the friends he made about the Shelby tex tile mills during bis few short days here prior io his death. Funeral services over the un known, whose relatives and home cannot be located, were held last night at the Lutz and Jackson funeral chapel, with Rev. Henry C. Sisk officiating, and with something like 50 of the mill people, who knew the strange, well educated elderly man. in attendance. The flow ers they brought to the service, which was held in the evening so that the mill workers might attend, was a last token of re spect from a sympatheitc peo ple to man who had no close friends or relatives to tender him honor before he was placed in a pauper’s grave. The burial of the body in Cleveland county's potter field was underway this afternoon, with the county furnishing the coffin and the Cuts and Jack son firm the burial garb. Unless something comes to light in the years to come no one here will ever know just who the mysterious “Fred W. An drews” was who died here sud denly last Sunday night. While his body lay in the morgue, of* ficers attempted to unravel the identity of the quiet, 63-year-old fellow, but without success. Po lice Chief McBride Poston, how ever., has hopes of eventually learning who he was. Yeterday Chief Poston found two photo graphs of ‘'Andrews." apparent ly made In the public park at Wasbintgon. These photos pic tured him as a well dressed gentlemen who appeared to have been much higher in the world than he was at the time of his death. But as yet the question as to where he came from is as mueli of a mystery as is where he has gone 70,000 Bales Likely, Thinks Suttle, Others Cotton Buyer Say* 63,000, Anyway) One-Tenth Of Entire State Yield. Ik it possible for Cleveland county this year to break her record cotton crop of M,0W hales this year and thus pro* duce one-tenth of North Caro lina’s entire cotton crop? Some of those closely con nected with the cotton fame think so. Bass Suttle. well knows farmer, predicts '0,000 bales. John Campbell, cotton buyer, says “*5,000 bales anyway.” Dr. S. 8. Royster wouldn’t be surprised at "5,000 bales. To appreciate the full kick of this narrative. you should know Baeu Suttle. Mr. Suttle, cotton planter, cotton authority, and a member ofl that choice group composing that Doqgett filling station San Redritt* is one of those rare persons wh® only speaks when he has something to say. You wouldn’t call him enthusias tic; he has not an ear mark of thd bird who goes off, as the saying goes, half cocked; who makes state* meats one day and modifies theflQ the next. Mr. Suttle ponders whs* he says before he says It, and aa • consequence his word carries, wha* we call weight. It is those facts concerning hint which make his statement . con cerning the forthcoming cotton yield In Cleveland county so signi ficant. Suttle Predicts. The Star asked him this weak what he considers the yield will b*. His answer was so full of pap an* pure unadulterated optimism, that at first It seemed strange; sort of out of keeping with the man. Speaking in his slow and measured manner. ho said: “Cleveland connty this year la going to make the greatest cot- . ton crop in Its history. Wo are going to produce one tenth of the cotton yield of the state. “We are going to make sev enty thousand hales.” ’ \ Readers of this article, iamili** with local cotton history, will recall that last year the county producofl something like 53,000 bales, leadiae the state, and everything thought! and most everybody sal® that that was the limit. And now, according to Mr. Sut tle, we are on the verge of adding seventeen thousand bales to that record. Think it over. Expects Fair Price. The gentleman was asked wha* price, in his opinion, will prevail. He said: “Considering the carry over. and the government estimate. I think the price will be from eigh teen to twenty-two cents.” He went on to say that hd thought the crop would be great-4 than facilities for handling It. In other words, the farmers are no* going to be able to harvest all od it. There Is, In his opinion, naf labor enough available for the Job. Corn Also Good. Speaking of the local agricultural situation generally he said that there la also an abundance of cons in the county, enough he believes for the county’s use through the year. “And I have never seen bette* corn,” he added. “All In all it ha* been a wonderful season.” Diogenes—Listen! Takes New Tire But Leaves An Old On* Charlie Reinhardt, of South Shel by (you know him, of course) tele phoned The Star yesterday to sa/ he knew a man who knew au hoj est thief. The person of the first part is a Mr. C. M. Long/of Char lotte, a traveling man, who called on Reinhardt and in the course of the visit told him of an experience of the night before. A man had taken a perfectly good r.ew tire off his car. and replaced it with an old on*: Long wasn't so much impressed 91 the loss of the new tire; that’s f common enough experience; but & man who would go to the troutal# of putting an old one back on thf rim—Long says he would like to meet such a man socially. Church Notice. Mr. Raymond Long will conduct next Sabbath at 11 o'clock, preaching at night. services at the Presbyterian church

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