10 PAGES TODAY T SHKUi.y. N. (J. WKDN'K^D’V, AUG. 21. 19-9 1’ublished Monday, Wednesday, and i- r.day Alternoons By mall, per year (In advance) $2.50 Carrier, per year (in advance) $3.00 State Juniors To Meet In Shelby Next Year Amit Robbery Of Store In Shelby, To Higher Court One Of Three Negroes Take* Stand And Tells Of Robbing In gram-Liles. The Sunday round-up of three young colored men thought to have been connected with recent store robberies here resulted in damag ing testimony against the trio in county court yesterday when one of them took the stand and confessed that he and the others broke into and robbed the Ingram-Liles cloth ing store i ere early in August. The defendant taking the stand was Odell Eskridge, who was also charged with entering and robbing Quinn’s drug store and Pender’s grocery early last Sunday morn ing. He failed to "squeal” tibout the robbery at Quinn's and Pender’a j but was sent to Superior court under a $500 bond in each of the three ! charges, or a total bond of $1,500, by judge Horace Kennedy. The two others, John Hogue and Ed Pool, did not take the stand, but were bound over to cqurt under a $500 bond each. Hogue and Pool gave bond, but Eskridge at last ac count had failed to secure his. Got Clothing. Eskridge said that he and the others entered the Ingram-Liles store and took away four suits of clothing, all of which have been re covered by city officers. Twelve Dollar Chickens. Some chickens cost more. and others cost less—three young whitr boys of the No. 8 township section paid $12.35 per chicken for a trio of friers they picked up recently. Re corder Kennedy weighed out the chickens, or rather, put the price tag on them. The three young fel lows were charged with going In the bam of Melvin Tessnear in No. 8 and stealing three chickens. After the evidence was in they were tax ed with the costs each and $1 25 for each chicken, a total of $12.35 per chicken and-per boy. Woman In Charlotte Inquires Of Mystery Man Buried In City Says Tn tatter To Police Chief That She Might Have Known Him. It could be that “Fred W. An drews,” the mystery man who was buried in potter’s field in Shelby, was the man a Charlotte woman has been looking for for years. “Andrews” photograph made in Washington and bearing his own handwriting on the back may de cide it. This week Police Chief Poston re ceived a letter from Mrs. Clare Mays, of Charlotte. statins that she had seen the photo of the mys tery man in a newspaper and that in some respects it resembled "a man we've been looking for for years.” Just what Mrs. Mays has been looking for “Andrews” for was not stated. She asked that the ori ginal photograph of the man be sent her together with some ofTiis writing as she could not see the features clearly in the blurred newspaper photo. Chief Poston in a return letter informed her that the photo and handwriting of the mystery man might be seen at the office of a Charlotte newspaper, but he has not since heard from Mrs. Mays and does not know if she recognized the elderly stranger buried in a paup er’s grave here. Shelby Star To Enter Ga. Tech Big Joe Singleton. all-state tackle at Shelby high two years ago. and one of the huskiest athletes ever produc ed in this section, will be the first Shelby high star to ever enter Georgia Tech whose Golden Tornado la«t year won the national foot ball title. Singleton announced today that he would enter Tech this fall and be a candidate for an end berth on the fresh eleven. Tipping the scales near 190 pounds, all of which is muscle and speed, young Singleton is also an amateur boxer of state-wide fame. Snook To Die In Death Chair On November 29 Presiding Judge Owrnln Motion Made For New Trial For Slayer. Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 21.—Dr James H. Snook was sentenced to be electrocuted on November 29 for the killing of his co-ed sweetheart, Theora Hix, by Judge Henry L Scarlett yesterday after a motion for a new trial had been overruled. The former professor, heard the pronouncement of death without a tremor. The same calm with which he faced a crowded court room during the three weeks of his trial that ended last Wednesday when a jury found him guilty of murder in the first degree without recommendation of mercy, was displayed by the de fendant. He was taken immediately to a waiting automobile and whisked to the penitentiary where he was lodged in a cell in death row. Smith Returns And Opens Plumbing Shop R. D. Smith who worked in Shelby for two years, has come back and opened a plumbing busi ness at 301 N. Washington street. He was born and reared between Shelby and Kings Mountain and says he is glad to get back to stay in the county of his nativity. Mr. Smith has had five years experi ence as a plumbing contractor, one year of which time was spent in Shelby. He will operate under the name of Smith Plumbing company. Tom Sweezy Gets Good Copper Still Deputy Sheriff Tom Sweezy has added another booze-making plant to the junk pile. Monday afternoon he located and captured a fine, 25-gallon copper, distillery on a small stream above Double Shoals. No operators were in sight when the find was made County Fair Premium Lists Are Nou) Being Distributed rremlum lists to the num ber of 1.800 copies have been de livered by The Star to Dr. 3. S. Dorton, secretary of the Cleveland County fair and he In turn will distribute them to the farmers, housewives and others Interested In entering ex hibits at the county fair and competing for the $6,000 In prizes offered this year. The front cover of the fair list this year is printed with green ink on white cover {taper anil the list embraces over 65 pages of matter that will be of interest to patrons of the big fair. This year the fair opens Sept. 54 and runs through the 58lh with Rubin and Cherry's famous shows as the mid-way attrac tions. Dr. Dorton says these prem ' ium lists will be placed at Paul Webb's Drug store, the Coart House, Star office and many other business places In Shelby. Directors of the fair In each of the townships of the county and the heads of the various de partments will be furnished copies for distribution. The fair secretary is anxious that every body who is Interested in fur nishing an exhibit get a copy of this pretty premium list and study it. This year the range of prizes is wider than ever before, with a number of new departments added. Starts World Cruise Ernest Fischback, the fifteen year-old German cabin boy on the Graf Zeppelin, will be the youngest person to entirely circle the world by air if the giant airship completes the world cruise in safety. Fisch 5ack is a bright, cheerful youngster and a great favorite with passengers and crew, (IKtrittioail Nivsrtii) Told Sons To “Do Right” Before He Took Hi* Own Life Lee Cook, former Shelby police man, who killed himself last week near Albemarle, apparently had thought It over before firing the fatal bullet into his brain. The Stanly News-Herald, a news paper published at Albemarle, states that Cook, before walking into the small patch of woods to shoot him self, called his three small sons, kissed them boodbye, and urged them to "do right.'1 One of the three young sons was considered unlucky, It will be re membered, when the family lived in Shelby. In school last year he fell and broke his arm, then later when the burglarly scare was on in Shel by, the youngster shot himself In the leg with the pistol his father left at the house for his mothe.-'s protection. Hold Two In Slugging Here Negro Slugged And Robbed Is Par tially Paralysed But la Talking. Two people, a white youth and a negro man. have been jailed by Shelby police in connection with the brutal slugging and apparent robbery early Sunday morning of Boyce Meeks. negro gardener, in his shack near the Southern rail way. Those in jail, it is said. are a young white man by the name of Green, and Louis Ellis, a negro. Talks To Chief. The two were jailed after Meeks, whose skull was badly fractured by the blow, recovered sufficiently yes terday to tell officers the names of those who had been with him in his shack Saturday night and Sunday morning prior to the time he was delt the blow which may yet cause his death. The fracture was on the rear of the head and although the negro was conscious at intervals today it was stated at the hospital that he was partially paralyzed and his condition is still regarded as very critical. | Meeks told Police Chief Poston that the white man and Ellis, the negro, w’ere there “when I got messed up.” He didn't seem to re member very much about what hap pened Just before he was slugged from behind by a wood ax, althougn it may be that officers are keeping silent about some of the information he gave them until they trace down other clues. The bloody ax has not as yet been examined by a finger print expert. Green, officers say, admits that he had been to the shack of Meeks Saturday night, leaving in the early hours Sunday morning, but de clares that Meeks had not been hit when he left, although it is said that he stated there had been con siderable drinking of a bottled al cohol sold in nearly all store:. When Green left he said Ellis, the negro being held, was lying across Meeks' bed. Home Coming Week For This County Talked Committee Named For Occasion In October. Native Minister* May Return. Cleveland county may have a home-coming week-end on Satur day and Sunday. October 12 and 13. The last legislature set aside the week of October 13-19 as Home Coming and state fair week. The central committee then met and de cided each county shou'd have a home-coming occasion on October 12 and 13. Committee Htff, The committee named to arrange the event in this county follows: J. C. Newton, Lee. B. Weathers, O. G Page. Alvin Hardin. O. M. Mull, J H. Grigg, A M Hamrick, A. r. Newton, H. A. Logan, A. E. Cline, W. A Rldrnhour and W. E. White. It is suggested that the home coming program lor the counties consist of a public meeting at the county seat, public speaking by some distinguished son of the county now living in another state or county, dinner, picnic or barbecue, and a sightseeing trip on Saturday, Octo ber 12. On Sunday, October 13, the churches might like to have na tive sons, now preaching elsewhere, return for sermons in the old home county. The central committee also sug gests that the county commltte. should have a meeting at once, elect a permanent chairman, expand the committee, and appoint additional committees, if it so wishes, and bi gin work without delay. 500 Bales Cotton Likely Within City Limits Of Shelby Visitor Thinks Shelby Holds City Record As Producer Of Cotton. Not only Is Shelby the county seat of North Carolina's leading cotton producing county, but it is also the leading cotton producing city in the state, and perhaps in the South. That's the opinion of Mr H. Dix on Smith, of Columbus, Ga , who is here on a visit. Mr. Smith having heard that Cleveland county this year was hop ing to produce around 70,000 bales of cotton and thus break its own record decided while here to drive around and see some of what Is termed the best cotton ever grown hereabouts. “If the county does fall to make $70,000 bales, which it shouldn't from the present condition of the crop, it surely will not be the fault of Shelby. I firmly believe that at least 500 bales of cotton will be picked within the city limits of Shelby this fall," ne declared after his motor tour. No doubt that is what the so phisticated writers call real “city farming.” Egg Market Set In One Instance In one Instance at least, the ess market is stabalized. A certain eat ing house in Bhelby is supplied two crates of egg a week throughout the year by a poult^'man of the county. Regardless of what the price might be in the open market, the farmer arid cafe trade at the set price of 35c per dozen. This week eggs are selling in the open market at from 55 to 60 cents per dozen, yet with these two, producer and consumer, the price is 35c and both are satisfied. When the mar ket was down to 20 and 25 cents in the spring the cafe paid the set J5 cent price. Only Four County Couples Get Their License In Gaffney Only four Cleveland county couples secured marriage license ir. Gaffney, S. C., last week, accord ing to Gaffney dispatches. They were: Neil Moore and Pauline Jolley, both of Lattimore; Everett Sarr^tt nnd Hattie Crowder, both of Lawn dale; Clyde Nolan, of Shelby, and Flora Pettit, of Gaffney; Roy Ham rick, of C'.iffside. and Vera Mc Mahan. of Shelby. America s Only Speed Hope Lieutenant Aiford J. Williams, America’s outstanding racing ace, appears to he the only hope that this country has as a promising entrant in the Schneider Cup races to be held in England on September 6. He is shown here trying out his Mer cury racer on the Severn river at Annapolis. At top Williams, left, is seen being congratulated by Admiral Moffett. 1In in nu'inrut Over 100 Violent Deaths In N. C, In July, Report Shows Raleigh.—A total of 772 deaths, of which 111 were violent, were re ported in the state last month ac cording to figures compiled by the state board of health, which show j automobile accidents with a toll of, 45 to be the leading cause of vio- j lent, deaths, and tuberculosis to oe 1 the most common cause of death in the state with 199 attributed to this disease last month. The violent deaths included eignt, by lightning, 16 suicides. 12 homi cides, 14 by drowning, eight from i railroad accidents, six from burnr ! two from accidental gunshot t wounds, one from gunshot of doubt - i ful nature, and 45 from automobi'e accidents. Diarrhea and enteritis stood next j to tuberculosis in the number cf > victims it claimed, with 164 chi!- J dren under two years of age dytnu i last month. Pellagra caused 70 deaths, pneumonia 138, and septt'- i sore throat 58. Typhoid and para- [ typhoid fever caused 27 deaths j which is regarded low for this j time of year. Infantile paralys:?, i over which there was considerable! apprehension in Iredell and sur rounding counties last month, caus ed only two deaths. The death rate for July was 13 S per 1,000, or slightly above the aver age for the past year of 12.3 Th<; birth rate was 27.3 per 1,000 popu lation, while the death rate for chil dren under two years of age was 2.1 per 1,000 poulation. or about the same as the average for the p|st year. I Read About Trip Over Salt Desert Crossing a desert of sa't. where vegetation refuses to grow, is the installment todav of Renn Drum's travelogue to appear in The Star. And Salt Lake City, ‘‘a rose blooming ir a bleak desert,” one of Amer ica's most beautiful cities, the home of the Mormon church Mr. Drum will tell you some thing about Mormonism. a religion that centers there. If you overlooked reading his installment in Monday's issue of The Star on San Francisco's Chinatown, the big Sequoia trees and beauti ful Yosemite park where na tural beauty and native gain* are preserved, go back ann pick up that installment. Mr. Drum Is writing his trip on rubber across the contin ent and back and these arti cles are appearing exclusive ly In The Star. They alone ar» worth the price of a year's subscription. iLce B. Weath ers, editor.) Age Incorrect. The news article in Monday's Star telling of the death of Mr. Issac Mooney, Confederate veteran of this county, due to a typographi cal error gave his age at 67. It should have been 87. Story Has It That Patrolman For State Pinched County Cop There is an old Mary, you rcca'1, to the effect, that when two Greeks get together, a cafe is opened. What do two policemen, unac quainted with each other, wo when one catches the other violating a law? A story told by motorists on the streets of Shelby recently offers the answer that one cop pinched the other who was violating a law. The state has it that one of the new state motorcycle patrolmen was riding along highway 20 !o Rutherford county recently when He noticed a car ahead of him driving on tlje wrong side of the line in the renter of the road. The patrolmen speeded up. drove beside of the car and asked the driver to pull to one side. The driver did. “Partner, you're driving on the wrong side of the road," it is said the patrolmen told the driver of the auto. “Well, what if I was?” is the re ported reply of the motorist. “I'm the county traffic cop.” y “Well, what if you are?” came back the patrolman'. "I’m the stat“ traffic cop. Let's go see a magis trate.” Group Accepts Invitation Of . Local Juniors Shelby Wins Out Over More* head City For Meeting. The Junior Order of North Carolina will hold its 1930) convention in Shelby, and thiat city scores again in the move* ment to revive the town’s re putation as a convention city, A telegram this afternoon from Messrs. H. L. Toms and J. A. Liles from High Point, where the Juniors are now ini session, declared that thai State council had voted to ac cept Shelby's invitation fot the next convention. Morchead City also bid fo* the convention and until tha decision today it was though^ that the seaside resort had the best chance to land th$ meeting. However, the morn than 1,000 juniors in Cleve land county presented a strong plea for the meeting through! their representatives at High Point. W. s. Walker, of Lattimore, ha* been nominated as one of the two candidates for one of the state of fices—that of inside sentinel. Tha final election will be held today. Mr. Thorne Is Buried In S. C. __ '\ %tfd Gentleman Of Old South Carolina Family Died In Shelby Hospital. Funeral services for Mr. Phillip Boone Thorne, 76-year-old native of South Carolina who died in Shelby last Friday, were held Sunday at. Kingstree. s. C„ and interment waa f there. Mr. Thorne for some time liad J been making his nome with hl*| daughter Mrs. Harry Hudson and *f short time back due to his declin-1 ing health he entered the Shelby 1 hospital for treatment, death result-| ing there from Bright's disease. J The deceased was a member of one of the oldest and most Dromin ent families in-South Carolina, and had not been living in Shelby for eny great length of time, he and hb wife, who died a short tlmo back, coming here to make their home with Mr. and Mrs, Hudson. Webb Boys Downed By Lyle And His Partner In Match Former Pro Here And I*sl Hand Close Defeat To Kid Golfer*. Shelby's youthful golf champs, who. with the daring spirit of youth tosse