Parson Would turn Death Juice Upon N. C. Victims Free Rutherford Ex-Divine Make* Only Condition That He rick Victims. Raleigh—There Is at least one preacher In North Carolina, or one who was a preacher before he found out he could make a better living wrltin# books, who has no conscien tious objections to capital punish ment and who accordingly was among the nearly 100 applicants for the Job of Official state Execution er, lately resigned by one J. E Thomas, after he had been seeing the ghosts of the men lie had elec trocuted pace the corridors of the prison. The applicant for the job was the Rev. Arthur Taimadge Abernathy of Rutherford College. Burke County. Bxtracta from his letter of applica tion to Goorge Ross I'ou. superin tendent of the State Prison, follows: Cracks Al I'* Newspapers. "I see In one of the 57 varieties of doilies that fail to bring me the news that you are in sore need of a Statt executioner and that the man who lands the Job will be allowed $35 per piece for every gink he scientifically shoots to Sheol by the electric limited line "I have just this hour declined a job In West Virginia at the surpris ing sum of Two Thousand Dollars a Month to act as advance man and collector for a Psychoanalyst nut who seems to have more money than brains, and I really am not much in need of a job. Somehow', I sort of got discouraged on the last Job I hid and swore off. They had a regula tion or something attached to It. that X had to work. I never could tee much wdsdom in working—if you can get along without it. It never did appeal to me. I feel certain that if I had the time and inclination to gaaette the returns, that X could prove by statistics and blind-fold tests that work Is responsible for perspiration, halitosis, premature fatigue and doubtless housemaid's knee. There is an epidemic cf the latter all over the country now, and you can see housemaids' knees end all other sorts, even hand-made and hand-manipulated. Provisions. to fix look a long tv ay before you'll find mere real truth then in this Judge "The indictment rays that in addition to $10,000 you Oils*ppropri*ted. you took auite » considerable amount, oi other valuables, such as watches, jewel ry and clothlng. Prlsoner: "Sure. T happened to remember that money alone doesn't bring pleasure." Money isn't everything, but it s wise to save it. You cm save money by using SINCLAIR gas and OPALINE oil exclusively. The pleasure of driving your car plus the additional mileage and motor preservation these pro ducts afford are in themselves economical features. Try SIN- ! CLAIR OAS fer power on even i the steepest hills. I Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors •'But this fit at r Executioner job I appeals to me and I would like to have the Job. provided: • That the State Executioner be al lowed to furnish his own subjects. Then 1 would be willing to under take the Job without the $25 per head, and let you eat my lunch each day I work. There are so many peo ple I know that I would enjoy turn ins the State current into, with the Commonwealth authorities on Ivitd to sweep up the debris and save me the trouble of cluttering up the side walk* with their remains. So if you can arrange with Governor Gard ner or Judge Townsend or Nutty W. O Saunders, or whoever runs that department, to select, my own vic tims. I will pari; right up, come right down and start executing a la mode. r. D. Q." The letter was signed “Your bro ther in crime's closeness." It 1* understood that the Rev. Mr. Abernethy's application was refused because he might enjoy the Job too much. FEG-LEGG7D DOG GETS FOXES QUICK AS OTHERS Klnst.on.-~A three-legged hunting dog which chases foxes and rabbits with the best of them was describee, today by Dan McLean. The owner of the honnd straps a wooden leg to the stump of the beast's missing limb when he goes hunting, ac cording to McLean. "The dor; runs as fast as most fox hounds with the aid of the "peg." it ap pears to experience little discom fort. Of course, there Is a slight limp, but the owner believes th's can be eliminated by building up the peg w ith a tight spring." McLean said the dog lost the leg when it was a puppy. It chased a meat packer's truck load ed with sausage, and in its eagei ness to impress the driver got too close to the front wheels. The question now is. Which boo’;', to take with you for a two weeks' endurance flight.—Tampa Tribune. Only 2.5 per cent of the dairy rows in North Carolina are pu v bred, registered animals A Well Baby Is A Happy Baby Dr. Thornton's Easy Tecther Is used to destroy the germs that cause stomach and bowel diseases of teething babies and older children. It acts on tne Liver, Kidneys, etc., ridding the blood and system of impurities. Pleasant to take as loaf sugar. Contains no opiates. Sold by druggists or sent direct ,: for 25c. I EAST TEETHER MEDICINE, CO., Westminster, S. C. LANDIS SHOE SHOP For The Best Shoe Rebuilding;* Rebuilt And New Shoes For Sale. Also Headquarters For Singer Sewing Machines & Parts. West Marion St. 3rd Door From Western Union. Shelby, N. C. Rocks On Head To Get Walking Grace Chicago Beauty Expert Has Plan To Eliminate Wiggling Of Shoulder Or Hips. Chicago.—Teaching women how to walk without a wiggle of shoul ders and hips, says one who has made a living out ot such teaching demands and interest, in books— any old books. Lester Esslg who developed a "charm” school lrom a costuming and cosmetic business, first teaches his pupils how to walk. And to rid them of the shaking shoulder and wiggling hip, he starts them walk ing around with a book or two on their heads. - Esslg first taught folk of the stage how to walk, hold the'r hands, stand, what to wear and how to make-up. His admittance of a few society women opened the way for all women, and now even] men are students of grace and charm. Esaig#thlnks American women do not know how to walk, and he see* that as their obstacle to complet; domination in the international beauty field. "They strike the pavement with their heels and slump their should ers,” he says. "The slump drops down and becomes a wiggle when it reaches the hips. The wiggle 's scarcely graceful. "Most, women walk stiff legged and stiff Jointed. They swing along from the shoulders. The center of grace Is In the hips, and In walk ing the shoulders should be steady and the head poised." That’s where the books come In A shoulder shimmy and a hip wave can’t be done with a boo* balanced on the head. Carmen Sylvia, who taught Uni versity of Missouri co-eds tote pretatlve dancing, now coaches Es sig’s pupils In what to do with the hands. Forget 'em. Is the axiom, but not until after the charm can LAKE LURE k INN 50 miles from Shelby. A delightful week-end trip or evening drive. An Alpine __ setting on beautiful_ LAKE LURE. SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES TO FLORIDA SATURDAY. AUGUST 2ITII, ir>39. •VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Round-Trip Fare From Shelby N. C. To Jacksonville, Fla. - 515.50 Miami, Fla.525.50 Tampa. Fla. .. . --- 523.09 Brunswick. Ga. ..512.50 Havana. Cuba . 550.23 Savannah, Ga. ..57,50 Tickets on vale August 24th. Final limit. Savannih August 31st. Brunswick and Jackaonvilin Sept. 1st. Other destinations September 5th. and Havana. Cuba September .12th. Round-trip fares to other re sorts in Florida. ASK TICXtET AGENTS. RELIEF that la REFRESHING "W» have uaed Thedford'i Black-Draught for yeara in our family. I oan highly recom mend it for many ailmenta. Wo take it for colda and for con stipation. have four children, and I give it to them. When my little girl gets bilious, 1 ft.1 or complains of headache, I give her a treatment of Black-Draught, and she is all right in a day or two. "Sometimes when I have indigestion from improper eating. I have headache. Then I take Black-Draught. I always feel fresh and have more energy after I have taken it"—Mrs. E. Reich, 2215 East First Street Austin, Texas. Ukc CAKDUl la w otcr SO r*am. didate knows that the thumb should be so and so. the wrist flexed just right and the arm correctly poised. Make-up rules art- against lo-.V foreheads and bangs and a nose “tip tilted like a rise—that‘s how the instructions read—and spit curls. Essig's wife instructs in “clothes sense.” That means the student should have a sports clothes con sciousness an evening gown ap preciation. or a bathing suit sense Long swinging strides are for chiffon. Length of skirt to set off sports wear, shorter strides tor the particular woman also is de cided. Essig shows the candidates then progress with motion pictures. Prof it-And-Loss-Account. I took Deborah to the play And later to a fine cafe, Whereat she promptly put away: 1 order chicken salad; 1 lobster; 1 lot assorted vegetables. The check was large for what I earn. v No matter—for her love T yearn. And then I did get in return. 1 roguish glance: 1 pat on the arm; 1 whiff of perfumery. ft's all in the point of view. China objects to losing its face m the east and Russia its foot.—Dallas News. 666 is * Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known Executor's Notice. Having qualified as csccutor of; the will of Alice Frances Green, dr- ■ ceased, late of Cleveland county, N C., this is to notify all persons hav-1 Ing claims against the estate cf .said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at Shelby, N. C.. on or before the 13th day of Augm., 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, of such Indebtedness. This the 13th day of August. * Wm. UNEBBRGER. Executor of will of Alice Frances Green, deceased. Newton Sc Newton. Attomeyo. -- - NOTICE OK SALE OK BUILDING EQUIPMENT. Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred on the un dersigned by an order from Hon. H F, seawell. jr.. U. S. referee in bankruptcy, I will on Saturday, August 31. 1829, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, on the vacant lot near the old sample room, at the rear of the Hotel C'harleg in the city of Shelby, Cleveland county. North Carolina, offer for public sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to wit: 2 John T Byers Machine Co. hoisting engines and complete rigs; one Osekosh Mfg. Co. mixer and boiler, together with other small’ equipment such as pulleys, cable, blocks, etc. Any one desiring to see this property can do so by applying to Mr. Charles Burrus, Atty., „t Shelby, N. C. This August. 9. 1923 J. C. PITTMAN. Trustee •I. W. Stout and Comr«n:. Bankrupts, Sanford, N C. ' August lt-21-26-30. Trustee's Sale Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Fred J. Wright and wife, Jennie Lee Wright, to The Commercial National Bank of High Point, North Carolina, as lo cal trustee for the Central Trust company of Charleston, West, Vir ginia. which deed of trust la of rec ord in book 150. at page 69, of the registry of Cleveland county. North Carolina, said deed of trust having been given to secure an indebted ness for forty five hundred ($4500) dollars, and said indebtedness not having been paid according to the terms of payment, and the holder of the notes thereby secured hav ing called upon the undersigned trustee to foreclose said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Shelby, N. C.. at 12 m. on the 31st day of August. 1929, the fol lowing house and lot in the City of Shelby, N. C„ described as fol lows: Being the western portion of lots Nos. 9 and 10 of the Love property, which was conveyed to J. H. Whit wortti and wife, Eva- Mary Whit worth, by deed dated July 24, 1924. and of record in the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county. N. C , in book "000", at page 547, reference to which is hereby mad*. Beginning at a stake in the line of lot 13: thence w ith the line of lot 13, south 2 1-2 east. 100 feet to a stake In the north edge of Sut tle street: thence with the north edge of Suttle street east 60 feet to a stake: thence a new line north 2 1-2 west, 100 feet, to a stake In the line of lot 11: thence with the line of lot 11 west 60 feet to the begin ning. and being the same lot con veyed by J. H. Whitworth and Eva Mary Whitworth, his wife, to Fred J. Wright and wife, Jennie Lee Wright, by deed of record In the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county, N. C„ in book 3-R, at page 565. This, the 30th dav of July, 1929 ' THE COMMERCIAL NA TIONAL BANK OF HIGH POINT. N. C. Loral Trustee. Newton