[ Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost Kates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 26c. This size type 1 cent per word each Insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. k Ads that amount to less than 25c, will be charged 26c for tirst insertion, IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO build, let us make an estimate. Plans and sketches cheerfully suo mltted. First class workmanship guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con tractors, Phone 727-J. tl 18c WANTED TO clean your blankets, rugs and quilts. Shel by Steam Laundry. Phone 18. tf-24c CARS WASHED and Greased; also storage. Texaco pro ducts. Temple Service Station rear Masonic Building, Phones 774 796. tf-lOc FOR RENT—STORE ROOM ON West Marion Street, fronting East side Garage, numbing and lights and plate glass show window. Lee B. Weathers. tf-2 SHELBY AUTO AND WAGON Company, specialiizng In rebuild ing wrecked cars, building commer cial bodies, duco painting, top up holstering and glass work. Black smithing. Phone 753-J. South Mor gan Street. tf 15c MEAT SCRAP FOR SALE, analizes 55 per cent protein. Excel lent for hog and chicken feed. $70 per ton. City Abattoir. Apply at City Hall. tf 7c BATTERY SERVICE, Au tomobile Glass Replacements, Starter and Generator Re pairing. J. L. GAFFNEY, tf-c ONE GOOD HOUSE FOR RENT, newly painted. Call or see W. A Broadway or Mrs. H. Clay Cox. tfl4c FOR SALE: LOT 50 BY 193 FT. Brick store building and filling sta tion, good car shed in back. S. Shelby, N. C., .101. S, rsemna* si See B. O. Dodd, Fair Ground Serv ice Station. lOt 1‘Jc STOP AT WEBBERS at Mooresboro if you want best Bar-B-Cu, hot dogs, cold drinks, hot coffee. Au30 WE REPAIR BAT TERIES, Generators and Starters. Turner & Williams Garage, tf FOR SALE—ONE FORD DE 3ivery truck, in good condition. Shelby Steam Laundry Inc. Phono 18. tf-c WANTED: FARM LANDS, FOR sale. Hove prospects for most any size place. Write or phone Anthony and Harris. 4t 19c FOR RENT, LEASE OR SELL. Fair Ground Service Station. Best in county. See B. O. Dodd at Fr'r Ground Service Station. lot 19c FOR RENT - NICE Six Room House o n paved street close in. Roomy front and back porches and hot wa ter tank for stove. Two good poultry houses. Rent reason able. Rex Cigar Co., or J. F. Ledford. 2t-23 FOR RENT — TWO OR THREE rooms on East Marion street, partly furnished, Mrs. Gene Gamble. tf23c FOR SALE—RECONDITIONED three phase, 220 volt, 7 1-2 horse power motor. Ted Gordon, C'.'.v Hall. 2t-23p FOE SALE: 47 ACRE FARM. New four room house and barn Good fresh productive land. School 300 yards of house. Price $45 per acre. Write William W. Rogers. Rutherfordton, N. C., R-3. 3t 23p FOR SHEET COPPER AND Nickled Plated zinc see Smith Roofing Co., opposite A. Blanton O’d stand. if 2Jr j t JUST RECEIVED AT O. E Ford company a car of galvenized roofing in all lengths and the price Is right, 2t-26c FOR RENT: ONE 9-ROOM house on S. LaFayette St. s. A. Ellis. tf 13c STRAYED—PAIR MULES. NOW in possession of H. F. Hamrick. Mooresboro route 2. 2t-26p SEE O. E. FORD CO. FOR EVAP orators and furnaces for molasses making. 2t-26c FOR SALE: ONE PIANO IN good condition, only $235. See W. C Maloney at 511 Live Oak Avc. 5tl'Jo IF YOU NEED ANY RUBBER belting O. E. Ford company can supply you with any widths, and it will pay you to see them. 2t-26e ™SEE SMITH ROOFING~CO. for all kinds of sheet metal work. Repairing and painting metal roofs. Agents lor Careys Bonded Asphalt Roofs. tf 23c FOR SALE: TWO ADJUSTABLE shelf book cases. Dr. R. C. Ellis. 4t 21c MAKE A REAL NICE FAT HOG right quick out of a runt by feed ing O. E. Ford company's digester tankage. It is also fine feed for chickens. 2t-2Se WANTED: 40 TO 60 ACRES, near good school. Cleveland coun ty with good buildings, have pros pective purchaser. Anthony and Harris. 4t 19c F U R N ISHED CONNECTING rooms for light house keeping. 319 S. LaFayette St. tf 14c PHONE 73 FOR your hardware needs. Free Delivery, Quick Service. Cleveland Hardware Co., f o r Bargains call us. ltc CUT YOUR CORN WITH A corn harvester at a big savings. O. F. Ford company can furfitsh ft Tor you. 2t-26c LIST YOUR FARM LANDS FOR sale. We have several prospective buyers. Anthony and Harris. 4t 19c FOR LIME. CEMENT AND brick be sure and see O. E. Ford company. 2t-2Ge Cleveland Marble Granite Wks., West Warren street, manu facturers of memori als that please. See us before you buy. 12t21c FOR RENT: TWO FIVE ROOM houses. W. A. Pendleton. 2t 23c STRAY BAY MULE WEIGHINO about 700 pounds at my house Owner identify, pay feed bill and this adv. Bert Hawkins. Moorer boro. 2t 2.1 p 24 POUNDS FLOUR 85c; F. & L. Cleanser 2 for 15c; Fairy Soap 8 for 25c; 98 pounds Flour $3.50. C. H. Reinhardt, South Shel by. 2t-26c DONT WORRY WITH THAT old wornout wagon when O. E. Ford company has such a big sup ply at the right price. 2t-26c WANTED? SHOE REPAIRER. Apply Shelby Shoes Shop. 2t 26d FOR RENT: THREE con necting rooms for light housekeep ing. One block from square. Mamie Jones. 3t 26c FOR RENT OR SALE: NEW brick veneered house. Five rooms, hall, bath and lights on Maple St Mrs. Clarence Spangler, Shelby. 3t 26p W E ARE OVER STOCKED on Nails Now is time to huild.1 Get our price. Cleve land Hardware Co, Washburn’s tand. ltri GUS AND GUSSIE”- They Can’t Even Borrow Trouble . .......... , \ HEV GuSSfE LET’S VOU AN ME. AS THE BScADWiVMEftS FOR THIS ASVLUM GO 'NTO a huddle an’ disgust WAVS AN MEANS TO > FRUSTRUATE THE ^ WOLF I've tramped from cafe TO CAFE . SEEN ALL THE AGENCIES, CAN'T GET A RUMBLE ANVWHERE • - SO MANV MEN GOING WITHOUT HATS NOW THAT THE CHECKROOM RACKE AS LIVELV AS THE DEAD SEA — VOU KNOW HOW WELCOME HERB AN ANN 15 WITH US BUT IT'S TWO MORE MOUTHS TO PEED r AND WITH HEALTHV RURAL APPETITES -■ WE CAN'T LET THEM PAY BOARD ■ THEV'RE 6UESTS an outside o' THE DICTATES O' WOSPlTAUTy THEV AIN* C50T NO MONEV y Fifteen Good Reasons well, I GOT A Ll'u WINDFALL, GuSSlE - 1 PICKED UP A OFFER O' FIFTEEN BUCKS FOR VbU AM' ME TO dtVE OUT OUR -DOUBLE SONG, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, " ON THE RADIO.. 'f Thats hotsv • i've always WANTED TO BROADCAST... *T^E IOC*. To ME »S %\E FIFTEEN.. IFHlS FAM'LV NEEDS READV XJOOcSH ■ - -"S FIFTEEN SMACKERS WON' T GO VERV FAR V it's A SHAMfe To \ TAKE »T, SUt_H A 1 SHA96V PRK.E J 1 WOUuDN' O / LISTENED AT IT •p- vjc wasn so HARO UR V LET s'TURN *T ooww , mew . HAVE WJB WO P«1DB LBPT * LIVED 8 YEARS Oil BARREN ISLANDS Account Of Two Castaways’ Life On Desolate Sandbars Is Revealed. Durham.—Thrust by fate on a barren island, where not so muc.i as a blade of grass grew, or a drop of fresh water be had. could it iX' possible for any human being t j live for a period of years? Robinson Crusoe lived in reason able comfort for years on an other wise uninhabited and unfrequento:1 island, but Crusoe is a fictitious character. His adventures take oft an aspect of a well-ordered summ-f camp routine compared to the rigor ous experiences of one Macse Joan STRUCK A HARD BLOW She had thrown acid in her husband’s face and when the Judge asked her why she did it replied: “I grew so tired of seeing the same face across from the break fast table every morning.” We never tire of seeing smiling faces because .Sin clair gas and Opaline nil al ways guarantees uncondi tion satisfaction. To use these products is tn realize that better service and greater mileage is simply a matter of quality. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors * a Spanish sailor who, during Mi’ years of 1528-1536, answered in the affirmative lo the above question. After 400 years Maese Joans mis earable existence as a castaway on the Serrana Keys in the Caribbean Sea has been brought to light for the first time, and authenticated be yond the doubt of scholars who re cently found the story in the ‘‘Doc umented, Ineditos del Archieve de in dias, X, 57-66,’ in Seville, Spain. The story Is told in English lor the first time in "The Hispanic Ameri can Historical Review." published this month at Duke university. Just as Crusoe had his man Fri day, Maese Joan had companion ship. Two men and a boy were also cast on the sanbar when Joan's shin was wrecked, but after a month our of the men, crazed by lack of food and water, began to eat his own arm and later died raving; while the other man was lost when he tried to leave the island on a frail craft. For eight years Joan and the boy lived on the lonely keys, owing their existence solely to seals, turtles, and $ea crows. Mpnins passed Driore tney were able to start a fire, meanwhile they ate the raw flesh and drank the blood of seals. Turtle eggs fur nished food five months out of th» year, and they driea them in sum mer for use in winter. As the whites of turtle eggs turn to water after being buried for some time in sand, they found this liquid sufficient fo their use. Rain fell out once a yea \ but they werp unable to keep a supply of pure water. There was not so much as a tree on the island for shelter, but drift wood and seal skins eventually were shaped Into a rude tent. J5kms also served for clothing, and they even made a boat of . skins, seeling the scams with grease. '.Vinters were bd ter cold, summers extremely hot, hut in Joan's own word;', "what caus.M the most pain and torment was the crabs and sea snadr, because at night wp could not prevail against them. and. we protected ourselves with skins, and most of the time we made day of night and night of day." Work prevented them from going insane, so they kept. busy. Their biggest task was the building of two stone towers, 24 feet high, at the top of which they kept smoke ftr«s After eight lonely years had passed, the castaways sighted a sail and quickly made a great smoke from their towers. “And when those on board the ship saw us.” continues Joan’s story, "they lowered a boat, and the master and sailors landed, and the master, whose name is Joan Bautista Jinoves. a citizen of Triana, took testimony of every thing he saw.” Lesley Byrd Simpson, of Berkley. Calif., has translated the original manuscript of Maese Joan, width was addressed to the King of Spain by royal command. That his re markable story could have gone al most unnoticed for four centuries is considered unusual by the iransla tor, who is the author of the a" count in the Duke university jour nal. There has been a lot of talk abort spinach having health-giving qual ities. and we wonder why nobody has tried to emphasize that it can ’I'-o give a person a lot of grit.— | Judge. .MB. NEELY CAMP WAS A RESPECTED CITIZEN (Special to The Star t Mr. Neely Camp, a highly rr i.pectcd citizen of New Prospect community passed aft ay quietly at his home Sunday night at 11 :C0 o'clock. Mr. Camp had been sick for several months with the dreaded disease, cancer. Yet he bore his suf fering with fortitude until the end tame. Then he wrapped the drapery of his couch around him and lay down to sleep In pleasant dream* for ever more. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tyrell Camp. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and two children. Gaffney Camps. Mrs. E. E. White, both’ of Shelby. Four grandchildren, one brother and two sisters. He Joined the church and lived a devoted Christian life. H" always had a cheerful word and a SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES TO FLORIDA SATURDAY, AUGUST 24TH, 192!). AT A SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Round-Trip Farr From Shelby N. C. To Jacksonville, Fla. __ S15.50 Miami, Fla. ..$25.50 Tampa, Fla. $23.00 Brunswick. Ga. _$12.50 Havana, Cuba _ $50.25 Savannah, Ga._ $7.50 Tickets on sale August 24th. Final limit, Savannah August 31st. Brunswick and Jacksonville Sept. 1st. Other destination* September 5th, and Havana, Cuba September 12th. Round-trip fares to other re sorts in Florida. ASK TICKET AGENTS. pleasant smile tor everybody dur ing his illness he often expressed to his many friends he would soon pass out of his old house into his new A wealth of floral tributes deck ed his grave and a large concourse of citizens at his funeral testified I to the appreciation of the worth of the beloved citizen. The body wu3 laid to rest Tuesday at eleven o'clock at Pleasant H1U cemetery An Immense crowd attended the) funeral services. Rev. W. E. Lowe his pastor, conducted the funeral ; and tenderly dwelt on the chwncte' 1 of the greatly mtsked eitteen *' The pall bearers were Mr. Rav mond Ledford. Roscoe Hoppe \ Josh Beam, Everett Alexander, Wal ter White. Lewis- Allen. Acting a . flower- girls were Ills grandcliiidrfcn and rrtvres. ’ * ■ MISSING TEXAS SONG WRITER IS DISCOVERED IN WEW VORK New York—Mrs. W C. Edwards, song writer of Beaumont, Tex., who was believed to have committed' suicide in the East river Saturday has been located at the hotel j Pennsylvania, police reportrd. She was registered at the hotel under the name of Lois Kelly and was under the care of- th,- house physician and two nurses suffering from amnesia. Police had been searching for the young woman since Saturday when relatives in Beaumont notified them that she had failed to write home for several weeks. Administrator's Notice, Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. E. A. Taylor late of Cleveland county, N. C., all persons holding claims against the undersigned on or before 13th day of August 1930 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to me. This Aug. 9. 1929. J. L. TAYLOR. Adminis trator of Mrs. E A. Tay lor's Estate. B. T. Palls, Atty. ./jnrou LIVE IN THIS TERRITORY IT WILL. PAY l/Oll TO THAT WE MAKE THE VERY BEST fine screen CopperHalf-tones J Newspaper Half-tones "Zinc Line Etcfjir^s C Color Work, Ke CITIZEN ENGRAVING CO. Telephone 876 Citizen Buildi h8 Asheville.N.C J. H Murray of St. Louis, charged with intoxication. was released when he deftly picked up two pin* placed on the courtroom floor to test the steadiness of his eye and hand. A Well Baby b A Happy Baby Or. Thornton'* Easy Teethcr Is used to destroy the perms that cause stomach and bowel diseases or teething babies and older children. It acts on tire Mver, KMneys, etc., ridding the blood and system ot impurities. Pleasant to take as loal sugar. Contains no oplstes. Sold by druggists or sent direct , I at 25c. EAST TEETHER MEDICINE CO, Westminster, 8. C. I it I : POPULAR EXCURSION FARES Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM SATURDAY, AUGUST SI, IMS ROUND TRir FARES FROM SHELBY, N. C. fO • •«' v.>-« •••• 4 4 •* Washington, D. C. ....... 113.00 Norfolk, Va..,.. 910.15 Old Point Comfort Virginia Beach_....... |H« Kicbmond, Va. ......I-' *.. 30.T5 LIMIT 5 DAYS, r , .< . Tickets good rolnf uijl rclam ing rcgalar trains. ASK TICKET AGENTS. . < QUEEN CITY COACH LINES FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON* FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS; LEAVE SHELBY;—9:45 a. m.; 1:45 p. m.; 3:45 p._ m.; 8:45 p.m. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:50 a. m.; 10:50 a. m.; 12:60 p. m.; 2:50 p. m.; 4:50 p. m.; 6:50 p. m.; 9:60 p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—10:50 a. m.; 2:50 p. m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:50 a. m.; 10:50 a.m.; 2:50 p. m. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE 450 QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY LOW ROUND TRIP FARES To WASHINGTON, D. C., RICHMOND, NORFOLK, PORTSMOUTH, VA. . Via SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY SATURDAY, AUGUST 31ST, 1929. ROUND TRIP FARES • Shelby to Washington_ $13.00r Shelby to Portsmouth_$10.75 Shelby to Richmond_ $9.76 Tickets will be sold for all trains August 31st, with final return limit of September 6th, tickets good in pull man cars on payment regular pullman fare. For further information and pullman reservations call on any Seaboard ticket agent, or . . & . „ * H. A. HARRIS. Agl. JOHN T. WEST. D. P. A. SheIbv. N. €. Raleigh, N. C.

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