LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, per pound -- 19e Coton Seed, per bu. .......... 40ij Fair Thursday. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight. Thursday partly cloudy with little change in temperature. it Heads Legion. |' CoL George K. Freeman, of Golds boro. was yesterday elected com I mender of the North Carolina de I partmenfr of the American Legion •t the state convention in Raleigh. Mrs. R. S. McGeachy, of Kinston, was named president of the Legion auxiliary. Talkies Take * Away Sole Fun Of Deaf People Shelby Deaf Say Talking Pictures Deprive Them Of One Lone 1Show Pleasure. ; Occasionally progress has heart aches attached thereto. While the big percentage of American movie fans, includ ng those of Shelby, are heralding the latest successful invention the talk ing movies, better known as the “talkies,” there is a class which Is deprived of one of its greatest amusements thereby. Think what the talkies mean to the deaf? Talking, on paper, to The Star yesterday Tommy Hamrick, well educated young son of Mr. T. W. Hamrick, and Robert C. Miller, former instructor for the deaf at the State school in Morgan ton, both of whom are deaf, declared that the advent of the talkies had taken away from the deaf one of their greatest pleasures, expressing the hope that the silent pictures would remain, in one form or another, for a long time. Miss Stillies. “The deaf certainly miss the silent pictures,” young Hamrick wrote. "Those of us so situated as to make it possible attended the movies every other day when the silent pictures were being shown. Now since the talkies have arrived we get very little benefit from the theatre, except when we pick out days the ailent pictures are being shown! Occasionally we attend the theatres on days when talkies are being shown, but we go only-to see the comedies and the news r«.ls; we get nothing out of the talkies,” The average movie fan likely has never considered the plight in which the talkies have left the deaf peo ple. Unable to get anything trom stage shows because they cannot hear the spoken. voice, and unable to participate in the average amuse ments of those not deaf, the deaf people for years have found j’-eaf pleasure and entertainment in the movie houses. There, when the silent pictures were the go, '.hey could read the titles and sub-titles, keep the drift-of the plot and en joy the show as much as others not so handicapped—in fact, enjoy it more beoause with other pleasures denied them the movies meant far more to the deaf than to hearing people. Now the talkies have to a degree removed that pleasure in which they could participate equal ly with others. When the Vitaphone Is not wont ing properly and there is little co ordination between the sounds and the actions upon the screen a talkie is as much of a puzzle to the theatre goer as the Chinese alphabet. Think how much could be secured from a picture without titles, if the talk ing could not be heard? "It is impossible for us to read the lips of the players,” young Hamrick writes, and movie fans who haVe tried to do so when the talk ing was not plain will readily realize how impossible it is. "Sometimes,” he continued, “we catch the drift of the story as all people must do in the movies, but it is hard to figure it all out to the extent that one will enjoy it. We miss the silent pictures terribly. They meant so much to us, but I guess they will stay awhile yet for a certain class. We have that to thankful for.” Campbell Open* New Cotton Office Here Mr. John Campbell. for some years cotton buyer for the McMurry firm and prior to that time an in dependent, buyer here, has resigned from the McMurry firm and openec. a new cotton office of his own in the Lineberger building just over the Western Union. Mr. Campbell at his new office will represent the Lowery Brothers, of Columbia, S. C., one of the larg est cotton buying firms in the south and he feels as if the location here of the big Columbia firm will have a tendency to enlarge the Shelby cotton market. Miss Louise Hardin returned yes terday from Norfolk, Va., where she has been visiting with a party from Kings Mountain. I 10 PAGES I TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. 102 SHELBY. N. C. WEDNESDAY, AUt!. 28, 1020 Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons Pick Jury Today In Trial Of Gastonia Strikers For Murder Testimony May Be Restricted To What Happened At Tent Colony. Charlotte, Aug. 27.—A brief court I session this morning to conclude hearing of defense motions, and ex amination of state’s witnesses in private by defense attorneys ‘.his afternoon, were the outstanding ac tivities in superior court proceedings involving charges of murder aga*nsf 16 Gastonia cotton mill strikers and leaders. The 16 are accused of be ing responsible through a conspir acy for the death of O. F. Aderholt, chief of police of Gastotnia, who died June 8 of wounds received in a fight at a tent colony maintained for strikers by the National Textile Workers union and International Workers Relief. Court officials today hoped to get under way tomorrow with the final phase of the case, the selection of a jury and actual hearing of evi dence. Deputy sheriffs tonight had summoned all who could be found of the 200 veniremen chosen for possible duty on the jury. At mis mornings court session Judge M. V. Barnhill, of Rocky Mount, assigned by Gov. O. Max Gardner to conduct a special term of court, overruled a motion of the defense for an amended bill of par ticulars. But in turning down this move he indicated that he would confine the evidence to occurrences on or about the tent colony and would not permit incidents that oc curred between April 2 when a strike was called at the Loray mill of the Manvile-Jenckes company, and the time of the shooting, to be brought into the case. “I will intimate,” said the judge, “that it is the purpose of this court to limit it /evidence) to conspiracy about the grounds where the shoot ing occurred.” Approximately 85 state witnesses appeared at the court house today for the defense examination. They had originally been summoned for a special term of Gaston superio* court a month ago but a change of venue took the trial to Charlotte. The defense attorneys conducted their examination in private but In the presence of prosecution attor neys. In North Carolina this ques tioning of prosecution witnesses prior to the trial is permitted in capital cases when the defense re quests it. The defense excused 37 of the state's witnesses without questioning. New Jewelry Opens Here This Saturday Former Mooresville Business Man And Son In Charge. Praises Shelby Activity. Abernethy’s. the new jewelry siore in the Blanton block (the former Cinderella Bootery stand', is an nouncing the opening of the new es tablishment for this coming Satur day. Mr. R. M. Abernethy is head of the new enterprise, assisted by his son, Mr. D. S. Abernethy. They are coming to Shelby from Mooresville, this state. The new store is very attractively arranged, and tastefully stocked with the latest in jewelry and the allied lines. The newcomers are being made welcome here, and congratulated upon the selection of Shelby, the “best of the smaller cities of the state” for business. County League Honors Up To Saturday Game Battle Between Cloth Mil! And Eastside To End League Season. If it doesn't rain, which it did last Saturday, the Cleveland coun ty league curtain will drop Saturday and either the Cleveland Cloth mill club or the Eastside team will bp the pennant winner. Due to a re-arrangement of the two final games of the schedu'e these two strong teams, both unde feated this year, will lock horns, or cross bats, with each other in the first game of the last double-head er Saturday at the city park. Rain Checks Good. Last Saturday tne two trims were scheduled to meet in the frame which would have decided the championship, but it rained. The second game rained out here Satur day was between the Lily mill "lub and Dover Ora. The coming Satur day’s schedule had the four Shelby teams playing at home but lacing different opposition. Due to the fact that the Cloth Mill-Eastside game will really decide the series it was decided by the clubs involved that the rained-out schedule of last Sat urday be played this Saturday as the final game of the season in stead of the schedule arranged for Saturday. This means that the Cloth mill club and Eastside will start their game at 2 o’clock, with last Saturday's rain checks holding good for admission this Saturday. Dover-Ora and Eastside will play it: the second game of the double bill. The Lawndale and Union g»m? was played last Saturday, but the Boiling Springs-Knob Creek game was not. Whether- these teams will follow the regular schedule Sctur day is not known, although Presi dent Robinson has been advised that Knob Creek and Boiling Springs are ready to draw the season to an end. Pitcher’s Battle. With another week’s rest the strong Eastside and Cloth mill teams are at fever heat to get at each other on the diamond. 'Both camps predict victory. The East siders cannot see how Sherrill Ham rick can be licked, and the Ray-m ites do not believe the opposition can stick a bat to Curly Smith's hooks. The two premier high school stars are in fine condition for the tilt and if Saturday’s game isn’t a nip-and-tuck baseball affair the cause will likely be found elsewhere than on the mound. wim anoiner wees ior nt ians supporting the two teams to get a bit more excited about the big game it is anticipated that the contest will draw the largest crowd of the season. ORGANIZING MON CLUB IN SHELBY THIS WEEK A representative is in Shelby try ing to organize a Lions club, a social and civic organization similar in character to the Kiwanis and Ro tary clubs. Members are being sought and a number have been enlisted. rr No Front Side To Court House Here, Many Argue Xl Cleveland county’s court house in the center of Shelby, either has no front side, or it has four front sides, according to prevailing opin ion about Shelby since the question was brought up in the "Around Our Town” column of The tar. Many citizens of the city vho have seen the court structure for years had never for a moment thought about which side was the front side until the question was asked here recently by a photo grapher, but now it is one of the big arguments in Shelby. “The court square when Shelby was surveyed was the center of the town and the court house, the pres ent one, was erected in the exact center of the square.” is the pre vailing argument, "therefore each of the four sides is the front s'de as it was not built to face any spe cial direction but to face in all four directions, the building being erect* ed exactly along north and south lines. In the lobby of the court house, in the exact center of the building, there is a small hole in concrete floor which is the center of the square and of the town as orig inally surveyed. This spot centers the corridor no matter which door you enter the court house, and since the building was so erected the idea was that all four sides were to be considered fronts.” Another view upholding the north side as the front side is an archi tectural technicality. The corner stone of a building is usually placed on one of the front corners, as Is evidenced by the postoffice and the Masonic temple, and the cornerstone of the court house is on the right corner of the north side as you emerge from the building. Perhaps, since all debating the question would be pleased, it is best to answer the controversy by saying that each side is the front, side. Eckener Conquers Pacific in Record Time Piloted by Commander tckener over stormy teas and against strong winds the giant Graf Zeppelin is seen here as she arrived over San Francisco after her memorable flight from Tokio. The arrival over the city of the Golden Gate marks the first crossing of the Pacific by an airship and after refueling is completed at Los Angeles the “Queen ol the Air” will leave on the last leg of its world cruise for Lake hurst. » ral«photo>lnt«rnaUonal N«war««l > Vale Farmer Has Six - Legged P i g Over at Vale, just across th« Cleveland line in Lincoln county, is a freak of the Kinston variety—a sli-Iegged ' PiC The pic, which is the prop erty of Mr. Joe Friddle, 1* more of a freak because in moving about ft uses all six legs just as it would the cus tomary four legs. Mr. Friddle, according to the Lincoln County News, has had several offers for his freak pig but has refused them alL Get Man Drunk In Court And Two On County Court Square Fellow’s Who Took On A Couple To i Enjoy Court Trials Are Nabbed. Shelby hasn't a real honest-to goodness speakesy Insofar as the officers know, but the court house and the court square are about to become the favorite drinkir g places about town, while, the country court grind has come to be a strong rival of the theatres in entertaining the fellows with a nip or two in them and out to see the sights. Tuesday County Judge Kennedy tried three men who had been ar rested Oh Monday for drunkencss, one being nabbed while sitting in the court room while the two others were arrested on the court square. All admitted having taken on sev eral shots before coming to court to look on as the week-end imbibers were tried. Ten dollars and the costs was the penalty Imposed upon each for offending the dignity of the court by becoming pickled in or near the court rcom. Two Youth* Believe In Star Advertising Newspaper Locates A Home For The Overnight. One Yet To Place. Two young boys who did not have a home when the sun set Mon day night were in comfortable homes and well-fixed last night, thanks, they say, along with J. B Smith, county welfare officer, to Star advertising. The Star Monday afternoon car ried a news article about three young boys who were homeless due to unfortunate conditions in their home, an appeal being made in the item to aid the welfare officer in securing good homes for the boys. Tuesday morning when Mr. Smith reached his office several people were on hand ready to take the boys. One of the youths has not been definitely placed yet, but the welfare officer think that he tan be located in a good home befora the end of the week. New City Team To Play Union Thursday The newly organised city base ball club in Shelby plays the strong Union team at the city park here tomorrow, Thursday, afternoon. "Lefty” Moore, Shelby high hurler, is scheduled to do the hurling for the Shelby team, which is compos ed largely of high school and college i stars. Webb Brothers To Play Big Match With Gobel On Monday Noted Charlotte Pro Offer* To Ploy Best Ball Of Young Golfer*. Shelby'* golfing sensation*, the Webb brothers, no4 being sought for exhibition matches all over the two Carolina*, will perforin in the biggest contest of their youthful careers here next Monday afternoon on the Cleveland Spring* course when they play Bill Goebel, Char lotte County club professional who is one of the South's out standing golfer*. Mr. poebel, who ha* played In nearly ali or the big matches In golfdom, Issued a challange saying that he would play the best ball of the two Shelby boys In an 18-hole match here and another match in Charlotte. The challenge was im mediately accepted by the Cleveland Springs golf club and the Webb boys, Pete and Fred, for hereabouts it is believed that Bobby Jones him self could not lick the Webb boys’ best ball on the Shelby course. Big Features. In addition to the match play, which should draw more golfing fans than any event in this section in years, doebel will give an exhi bition of trick shots after the match together with a lecture on the game. In trick shots the Charlotte pro is a close second to Joe Kirkwood, the internationally known trick player, and his tricks with the driver and other clubs will be a big treat for the golf fans who gather here Mon day. Big Drawing Cards. The remarkable performances re cently of the two slender Webb boys, one only 15 and the other 16, have come to be the talk of golfers in tw'o states, and it appears as if golf clubs throughout the Carolines are anxious for the Shelby wizards to help them make their towns golf minded. Wires and telegrams are coming in frem golf clubs over the two states asking the youngsters to give exhibition matches, which, they as sure, will be followed by large gal leries “as you boys have everybody who knows anything about golf talking about you.’’ Yesterday the Webbs, who are (Continued on page ©ine.) Breaks Neck In Fall Downstairs, Is Dead Mr. Charlie Stamey, son of Mr John P. Stamey, of the Vale section, fell down the stairs at his home Aug, }7, and broke his ncck„re aulting in his death. Mr. Stamey leaves his wife and several children to woum their loss. The funeral was conducted at Wilkes Qrove, Monday. Episcopalian Pastor Takes Over Charge Rev. A. R. Gulgnard. Of Lincolnton Who FUled Pulpit Here, Makes Change. Lincoln—Rev. S. R GuiRttard. rector of St. Luke's Episcopal church, leaves Lincolnton thisw^k for Columbia, S. C.. where he has accepted a pastorate there a'ter serving the Lincolnton church for eight years. A farewell service was held for him last Friday night In the Parish House, at which various men, repre- i senting the different fraternal and j civic lodges and clubs, spoke in j complimentary terms of the records and achievements of the divine. He preached his farewell sermon here yesterday and he and his family will leave for Columbia Wednesday He has two children. Sanders, Jr., of South Carolina and one daugh ter, Miss Clara, who was graduated at N. C. C. W. last commencement with honors and who won the Weil Fellowship which gives her a year’s study at the University of Chicago next year in Sociology. Mrs. Gulg nard was presented a gift from „he Sorosis club of Lincolnton, by Mrs. George Rhyne at the farewell oarty for them. Rev. Mr. Guignard has been fill ing the pulpit of the Shelby Epis copalian church for a number of months and has made many friends heye who will regret to hear of the change. Miss Sadie Beverly who has heen in the office of Dr. E. A. Ho.tser for some time. has resigned and will devote her attention to private nursing. Miss Beverly was graduated from the Shelby hospital and has become a registered nurse. (r -^ Yellow And White Races To Enter War Next Year, Says Winston-Salem—One of the greatest master-minds of the negro race was heard here Monday night when C. P. Checizzli, noted min isterial educator of Abyssinia, for mer ecclesiastical envoy of tha* country and now president of the Internationa! Researchers of Truth, preached on "Wliat Is the Newest Democracy of Jesus?" The educator is 69 years old and terms himself "100 per cent black man, whose ideal is to see black, think black and walk black." "The time has come when ne groes must begin to think and act for themselves thoughts and actions that become daily factors,” said Dr. Checizzli, ‘‘for while the ethically minded white man may be ready to help in the dcvc'opmcnt of the ne gro he cannot be expected to take bread from the mouth of his race and feed the negro, as race preser vation is the first law of nature The time has come when cwery race must try to preserve its own inter est. This interest after 1930 shall be real, for armies of the whites and yellows shall be in deadly strug gle. But the blacks, who shall be neutral, shall be able to see the des tiny of having art empire of his own after 1932 in Africa.” In 1912 he spoke at the Grace Presbyterian church in this city and predicted the World war. He is a graduate of Oxford, Paris and Cam bridge universities and. it is said speaks 15 languages. He is the only negro to have preached in Christ Episcopal church, Alexandria. Va.. where Georrje Washington worship ped County Man Cannot Be Farm Agent Here Says Extension Head No Large Yield Of Cotton Seen For This State Shedding Squarr* Have Caused Most Damage So Far. 7*7,000 Bales. Wliile the appearance of the cot ton crop ts good and has Improved within the last few weeks, prospects for a large yield are still poor. Be cause of the conditions, according to the ;.tate department of agricul ture say Raleigh dispatches. It is considered as a possibility that the August forecast of 787,000 bales for North Carolina will probably stand and that susequent government re ports may bring the figure still lower. It Is still to early, how;ver, to give any accurate estimate on the crop except that it will prob ably not exceed 787.000 bales, as there is still too much tim* In which conditions may change, ac cording to the Crop Reporting fi»r vice. But. even a yield of this amount is unusually small for North Carolina, and considering the acre age this year, will be the smallest yield per acre in many years. Cotton Shedding. While the boll weevil has eon-1 tlnued to prosper and increase in numbers, It has not done as exten sive damage so far as had been feared, according to state entomol ogists. However, recent reports are that cotton has been shedding badly, and this is causing concern. For every square that is shed means one less potential boll of cotton. Frank Parker, chief of the TJ. 8. State Crop Reporting Service, is spending all of this week on a tour through some twenty eastern North Carolina counties, studying the condition of cotton in partic ular and other crops in geenral Mr. Parker said before leaving that he hoped he would find conditions better than reports indicate. | Youth Consciou* But Cannot Recall What Inflicted Hi* Hurt Felt Like Lightning, Hudson Blanton Says. Other Injured Are Improving. Hudson Blanton, 15-year-old sweeper In the Dover mill, who was found in an unconscious condition on the mill floor a couple of weeks back, has regained consciousness and is improving to the extent that he will be able to leave the Shelby hospital In a few days, but he can not remember how he was hurt The manner in which the youth suffered the severe fracture of the skull over the left eye remains a mystery. It hardly seemed possible that he could have been caught in any of the machinery. It is said, be cause his clothes were not torn and there were no bruises other than the fracture. Asked when he came out of the semi-conscious stupor. In which state he remained for a week or more, as to what hit him. the youth is said to have replied that he did not know. ‘‘Something hit me,’ ’he is quoted as saying. “Some thing like lightning, and I felt mv self going through the air. That’s all I know." Boyce Meeks, negro gardener, who was found slugged and robbed in his shack near the railroad Sunday a week ago, is recovering at she Shelby hospital, but full details as to who hit him over the back of the bead with the wood ax, inflicting what was first thought to be a f=*tal wound, have not teen cleared up as yet. Stough Wray seism, iz-year-oid son of Gaither Seism, who live* on Shelby route 6. is recovering at the Shelby hospital from a head Injury received last Sunday when it is said he was struck by an automo bile. Kiwani* Club Goe* To Lake Thur»day The Kiwanis meeting this Thurs day will be in the nature of a Farm ers Picnic to be held at Pineview Lcke near Union church where a picnic supper will be served by the County Woman's Club, under the direction of Mi's. Irma Wallace. George Blanton will be in charge of the program and the guests are ask cd to assemble at 6:30 in order that the program and meal might be j earned through before dark. ■ Revived Movement To TUce County Native In Farm Agent Office Turned Down. If Cleveland county does have an other farm agent, and the much de bated question remains in doubt, it is now a certainty that he will not be a home man. This information has been handed down once and for all by I. O, Schaub. head of the North Caro lina extension service, it was learn ed by The Star here today. An Effort Made. In the last week or two several citteens in the county, it is under stood. have written Mr. Schaub ad vocating that he reverse his ruling about not permitting an agent to serve in his own county, the ap peals setting forth the qualifications of Mr. Haylus Moore for the lob. No reply was received for some time. then. The Star learns, came the letter from the extension direc tor saying that his former decision, a ruling followed over the entire state, would stand. First of all, it tr, understood Director Schaub point ed out that he had investigated Mr. Moore's qualifications and believed that the Boiling Springs man did not have sufficient experience in ex tension work to become agent for a county of Cleveland’s sire at the present time. He further pointed out, as he did in his previous mes sages. that the extension depart ment had learned by experience that an agent could not get along successfully In hto home county m he could not secure the same co operation as would be ordinarily expected if working in anotner county. Just what the next move In the (arm agent matter will be The Stir does not know and cannot prophesy. There Is still a considerably demand that the county should fill the of fice left vacant by the resignation of the last agent, Alvin Hardin, who left the office on the 15th of this month. Unofficial supposition upon the part of some is that the coun ty commissioners have delayed ac tion in the matter to await the sec ond appeal to the extesion director for a home man, and it is now an ticipated that some action will like ly be taken by the commiasionrs at their next regular session Monday. Three Wive* Charged To Him, He Fails To Appear For Hearing James Wray. Facing Doable Bigamy Charge. Not Present For 3 Trial Here. On occasions it is hard to explain to one wife, and it must be quite a task to explain allegations of hav ing three wives. Anyway. James Franklin Wray, 31-year-old white man of the No. 3 township; failed to show up in county court here to day to face a bigamy charge. Last week In connection with a case dealing with illicit relations among members of his own family it came out that Wray might have more wives than the law permits and he was ordered to appear her# today to be tried for bigamy, bql when the case was called Wray fail ed to answer. The charges of the court are that Wray has a wife living in Bessemer City, another in Cowpens, and the third with whom he lives in No. 3. The allegations remained to be prov ed but they are that he married Wife No. One, who lives In Besse mer. in 1918: Wife No., Two, who lives in Cowpens, in 1933. and Wife No. Three in 1936, not having ec ured a single divorce. Whether either of the three al leged wives of Wray knows that he j is supposed to have other wiv;s is not known. Younar Minister Goes To Texas Seminary Rev. Lawrence Roberts, sen of Mr. Lester Roberts who lives three miles east of Shelby leaves today for Forth Worth. Texas, where he will enter the Southern Theological Seminary, headed by Dr L. R. Scar borough. one of the ablest Baptist leaders in the south. Mr. Roberta will spend two years there in study. He recently finished at Furman University. Greenville, & C., and has been holding the pastorate of two churches at Greenville and Greer, S. c. For the past three weeks he has been engaged in revival meet ings. Mr. Roberts Is a young minister of line promise and goes out from the Elisabeth Baptist church. He is being accompanied to Fort Worth? by hio wife and three children. •.