Iowa Farms, Chicago Gunmen-Back Home How Much It Takes Doubt* Trip By Motor Aero** Con tinent Costs Far Cess Than Thought By Many. fBy RENN DRUM.) . caving South Pakota. quite a tanning state itself. the tout isi heading east strikes Iowa, the farm ing paradise In the 8toux Falls-Sio -x City section, about the most frit IP belt of all as it leads to the Miss issippi river. At Dubuque. Iowa, the transcon tinental traveller crosses the Miss issippi for the second time, bnt the Father of Waters hardly appears to be the same stream as was crossed at New Orleans, where it If at its widest before reaching the Guii; neither does it seem to be the sam' big river which the Southerner often crosses at Memphis and .at Vicksburg. Nature's Checkerboard. Before reaching the Mississippi, however, between the Missouri and the Mississippi. the car winds through the great wheat and corn fields which have made Iowa the wealthiest farm region in the world and one of the . most prosperous states In the union, although Iowa, like other agrarian regions, must worry about prtees—wheat and corn prices instead of cotton prices. The fields, stretching across the fertile plains as far as the eye can see, re semble huge checker-boards with gigantic checks of yellow and green, both colors varying In shade ac cording to the nature of the gra'n, or whether the green check may he corn or some clover crop. Not an men oi iann seems wastca »uu ui* fertlllty of the soil as evidenced by the com and wheat seems almost unbelievable. For mile after mile the corn rows stretch every direc tion, the big stalk and ears resem bling corn on our rich, bottom lands of the South, while In this section we have not wheat to compare with the Iowa grain. Here and there, on the hog market as well as the grain market. Practically all the farming is done upon a large scale with modern machinery, and where plow ing la being done the traveller sel dom sees the plowman walking. If he Is not aboard a tractor, he is riding a two-horse plow. Cro,s Iowa from any side and It is easy to understand why the majority of the wealthy folks playing abot t Long Beach, California, arc retired Iowa farmers, and one also com prehends how they are able to tell the Long Beach city fathers that '•we'll take our 52 million dollars out of your banks unless you per mit us to pitch horseshoes In your parks." Chicago's Gunmen. WE ARE AFRAID ' that the chief objection to the modern house is that it has only one decent closet, and it’s called the break fast room; the rest of the rooms are so small that the dog has to wag his tail up and down because there isn’t room for him to wag it sidewise. We haven’t the room here to tell you about the merits of Sinclair gas and Opaline oil, but we will guarantee these products unreserved ly. Motorists who have years of driving experience know the difference in ac celeration and response these products assure. Cleveland OOCo. Distributors Two disappointments, or. rather, j pleasures. of the writer s trip across i the continent and back were the j paucity of rattlesnakes crawling | | over vour rot In the west, and or | 1 gunmen taking cracks at you u! | Chicago. Leaving Iowa the tourist car erosscs Into Illinois and It isn't long until Ohlen go is renrhrd from the west side, stipposcd’y the hang-out of the gunmen and bandits. Cicero, Chicago suburb to the west, is the den of the killers, but very fe.v move hearses arc seen moving about there than may be seen in North Carolina. Perhaps because automo biles do not kill as many there. Iu fact, Chicago apparently pays less attention to the gun mi n than the outsiders. Chi's crime wave is more or less overrated. We have several cities In the South where the homicide rate, in proportion to' the population, is considerably larger. In two days and nights spent wandering about Scarface A1 Ca pone’s town we failed to hear a sin gle gun fire, and did not see a sin gle hold-up. except the experience of paying the meal check in sored of the eating houses. The killings tl ere arc not played up as much in the home papers as they are In dalltes of outside cities, particularly down South where we count on the Chicago gunmen to make material for about, half of our big headlines A machine gun party there getv about as much space In the Chicago papers as does a Shelby sportin'; victory in the Charlotte papers. Chicago rates next to New York as wir largest, city and In many re spects pushes the little ol* whoopee town for honors. Chicago's shop ping district along State street is Just about as beautiful, In its style, as are Broadway and Fifth avenue*. New York's Riverside Drive hardly holds a candle to the Lake Shore drive along Michigan Boulevard in Chicago. Just what the outstanding points of Interest are there. It is hard to say. Chicago has a galaxy of such. Right now It Is the North Side baseball park, where William Wrig ley's Cubs are about to win the city's first baseball pennant in many years, and the manner in which the Chicago iolkr are (licking the turnstiles gt Wrigley’s Field in dicates that, the World Series Is al ready going on. Mr. Wrtgley. w'T. parked back and let the rest of us chew gum to make his millions, cer tainly knows his advertising In Chicago he has them believing that one baseball game per day la as necessary for the health as Is a stick of spearmint after each meal. On one day each week he turns the ladles in free even though Chicago is so exetted over Roger Hornsby and Hack Wilson that nearly a'l the women folks would be there if they had to pay their own way. On certain Monday’s each month tho big park is overflowing with young boys. One learns, upon lnquu-y, that Wrigley gets them to Sunday school as well as to the ball park Each boy in Sunday school on the day before Mondny's game gets a free pass to the game next day. Going to the Lake Shore Drive the sightseer goes by, and should stop at the Art Museum where the millions of the city have assembled some of the most costly and beau tiful art works of the world. Everyone, oi course, wno rocs id Chicago wants, first of all, to get the low-down on "the loop.” This widely known feature of the city Is the elevated railway which serves the heart of the city. The business district, as some may Imagine, is not erected in a loop plan. The elevated merely winds around the heart of the business center in a circle, certain cars being loop cars going all the way around the clrcl®. while the express cars l ranch off to the right here and there going out into the outlying business dialric and the residential sections. From Chicago to Sheltv by motor Is only two days driving, but pjettv stiff days The preferred route is by i way of Indianapolis. Indiana, and Cincinnati, Ohio, then down into Kentucky by way of Paris and Lex ington blue grass section to Middles boro and Newport, then into Ashe ville. Incidentally the mountain re gion about Cumberland Gap, where the three states—Kentucky. Ten nessee. and Virginia—run to a peak. PLUMBING CONTRACTING | By Men M ho Know How. Any Job. Large or Small. TRA’ US FOR SERVICE. All work guaranteed. Why risk chances of being over charged? We give you the price before doing the work. Call us and let us estimate your work. Smith Plumbing Co. TELEPHONE 201 is as beautiful as most any of the scenic points In the west. And, of i course, none of the bleak rock clh'U in the high Sierras and the Rockies have anything on North Carolina's Blue Ridge for appearances. Making Such A Trip. The customary remark about transcontinental motor jaunt >s 'Tve always wanted to make it, bn* it is too expensive.'’ Added to that is the query: “Well, the main thin,; I am interested in is the cost. I may make it some day?" Here come a few secrets. It doesn’t cost a for tune to see the west by motor, nit if you arc willing to keep away fro.n the high priced hotels, and that doesn't mean stay in uncomfortable surroundings. Due to the increasing popularity of motor cars travel is far less cost’y and far more con venient now than ever before, par ticularly along the main-travelled highways and trains of the west. As has been recounted heretofore, nearly every town and city along the main trails have tourtst camps. That means more than camping ground, for it includes comfortable sanitary cabins which may be rent ed. two people to each cabin, for >1 to 2 per night. That gives you cook ing privileges, saving outside meals. These camps usually have hot and cold showers and nearly every ac commodation known to modern man. Fact Is, when you start out to see the west, you will find that nine out of ten see it that way. The ma Jorlty ol tne people you meet are dressed in khaki or other clothing for hard wear, because, even if you travel hotel style, it is impossible to remain "dolled up.” Such a trip, if you look at all the people doing the same thing, is much like a picnic back here, except on a larger scale, and the tourists are dressed accord ingly. It Isn't an odd sight to see the car of a millionaire pull into a tourist camp at night. It’s too much trouble even for the wealthy to go into a hotel, change clothes entire ly and then change back again to make an early start next dav. And here, with the above facts stated, is the only Information, no doubt, in this entire narrative of a long motor trip which will be of much Interest: Four people in c good car (a car that is not break ing down every day) may go to the west coast and back, pay all ac tual expenses and sight-seeing fares on $125 per person. That in? eludes park entrance fees, boat fares, eating and sleeping expense, and all the incidentals. Just a little more, if you cart: to investigate, than a one-way railroad ticket without a Pullman or anything to eat, and seeing no sights except from the window. The above figure gives plenty of leeway for trouble. With proper economy the trip may be made for less than $100 per per son—believe it or not. And that estimate, if you please, does not merely cover a straiglK across trip to California and back. It covers travelling across 21 states and Mexico and visiting all the na tional parks and scenic points with in a hundred miles on each side of the highway, and a week’s playing up and down the Pacific coast. Our route not only crossed the continent two ways, but near three ways, from Carolina to California In en east iwest direction and from Mexico to Montana t bordering on Canada) in a north-south direction. Here are the states covered by tie 8,700 mtle trip; South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisana, Texas, the Republic of Mexi o. New Mexico, Arizona, California Nevada, Utah, Idaho. Montana. Wyoming, South Dakota. Iowa, Illonois, In diana Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia. Hope you enjoyed the buggy ride! 6-Cent Pension For 4$ Years Of Service i t Guilford. England—What Is b« ilieved to be the world’s smallest pension Is collected here weekly by Charles Pearce. 12, retired railwav employe. A veteran of 40 years service, he draws 8 cents a week. He explained that the company originally paid him I2.4A. a week. Later he qualified for a govern ment old age pension ol $2.4U, whereupon his railroad pension was reduced by that amount. It is not the amount that lead's him to collect his due. but the fact that so long as he co'lects it he re mains on the company's bks. And j while on the books he Is entitled to | one free pass a year, with the pri vilege of quarter-fare tickets for ; family. Buncombe-farmers have begun tr handle their farm woodlots accord ing to methods advocated by ex tension forester, R. W. Graeber. LANDIS SHOE , SHOP For The Best Shoe Rebuilding. Rebuilt And New Shoes For Sale. Also Headquarters For Singer Sewing Machines & Parts. West Marion St. 3rd Door From Western Union. Shelby, N. C. Ike’s Tale Deer Star Reeders: After the June bugs came our old hen went tu layin eggs. Sal has been doing a big thing this sum mer a-washin clothes fur the ar bors. so we decided tu get out and take a vacation as is common with all us rich fo'ks. you know. Thar 13 so many places tu go tu these times that hit is hard tu tell which is the best place tu vacation at. Fur my part I’d Just as soon a tuck hit rite j here at Casar a-drinking and i chawin' tebeccer with the boys. But I Sal wanted tu go way off outen the i state tu sum of these big places like Lawndale or Shelby. She sed Lawndale wuz a good place i” tu but I sed hit wernt't on account of the Schencks and Walter Lee and sum more folks who live down thar on the banks of First Broad. Shel by is a purty place If hit warn't fur that old court house and jail they've got down thar I never could understand why j sick a purty town as 8he!by would I build a Jail or court house in hit. Me and Sal wuz at the Jail one day last spring tu see her brother who wuz boardin’ thar awhile, and I’ll swear I never seed ns tough look ing set of men In all my life. After we came out of jail we went up tu the court house and went through hit and I’ll be durned If them fel lers down thar In jail wuz half as tough lookin’ as the men they've got in the court house in the rooms downstairs, you know under these conditions we knew hit wuz risky tu go, but we tuck a chance any way and went on. The first man we seed wuz this here red headed Joshua Lattlmore who commanded us tu stand still till he could fetch up all his friends and present ’em tu Sal. Zero Huffman lives sum whar in the wilderness of Soutn Shelby, and we started down tu eat dinner and supper an breakfast wiih him, fur he is of our kind an wuz raised near Carpenters Knob. A police told us Zero wuz not at home —that him and sum officers went down to Raleigh about a year ago —that the other fellers came back and left Zero down thar a-workin’ at hard labor. Him and Josh wuz all the fellers we knowed, so thar weren’t nothin at all tu do only santer round, silly like, and set on the benches under the trees and talk tu Oeorge Peeler an them other fellers; then^go out tu the foun tain and git a drink of water an look at the post office and Pcnnev’s store. The first, nlte out at sea we slept on the grass under a tree on the lawn Jist in front of the house whar the Star gits printed. I wuz fur goin over tu the hotel at Cleve land Springs but when Sal counted our money we jist had enough tu take us back tu Casar a walking, so we slept out in the grate open spaces, as hit were. Shelby shore is a big place with lots of stores and fine dressed men —the gals is so saving of their clothes that they jist wear a little of 'em at a time—a wrist watch sum beads and a belt is a plenty till hit begins tif frost. Hit wuz Tuesday when we went down and we could a-ben a-looktn at things CAPTAIN LAST IS COMING NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Town Of Lattimorr, N. C. Notice is hereby given that a spe cial election will be held in the town of Lattimore on the 26th day of September, 1929, for the purpose of voting on the question as to whether or not the town of Latti more shall sell its electric trans mission, distribution and lighting system, and all casements, con tracts. rights of way and personal property constituting same, and all property used or held for use, in connection with the operation and maintenance of same, including the transmission line from the town of Moores boro to the town of Lattt more. and also including all rights of Vay necessary for the mainten ance and operation of said trans mission line, for the price of EIGHTEEN THOUSAND. FIVE HUNDRED ($18,000.00) DOLLARS in cash. Ballots will be used, one reading "For Sale of Electric Sys tem to Southern Public Utilities Company,” and the other “Against Sale of Electric System to the Southern Public Utilities Company.’ The election shall be held from eight o'clock a. m. until sunset on the said 26th day of September. 1929 The poling place for said election will be at Lattimore, N. C., in build ing over Union Trust Co. A new registration of the voters shall be had for said election, and the books for said new registration shall be opened on the 26th day of August, 1929, and closed on the 25th day of September, 192S, and said registration books shall be m the possession of Forrest Walker, at his place of business on Main street in Lattimore. All by order of a resolution passed by the mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Lattimore, N. C. on the 19th day of August, 1929 ROBERT L. HUNT. Mayor. Attest: W, s WALKER Town Clerk It 21c. till Saturday, I reckon but Sal had planned tu wash on Friday fur Andy Warlick and I wuz a-gittln home sick fur a drink of whisky; so we had tu go. A year from now we hope tu go again fur tliar is sum things about our visit that we can t forget—sum of hit wuz pleasant an sum of hit wuz tuther way. Were back agin whar all is bliss Our feet no more shall roam— The secret of hit all is this Here's Casar—friends and home IKE. Clover Hill Observe* S. S. Day Sept. 1st Lawndale. R-l.—On Sunday, Sep tember 1 at 11 o'clock Clover Hill Sunday school will observe Sunday school day. The program consists of singing and a play, “With One Intent." The play is a demonstra tion of the Sunday school in var ious departments and including the different ages of Sunday school pupils. An attractive feature of the pro gram is an address following the play by Prof. H. M. Loy of Shelby. The public is cordially invited. No Salesman Need Apply. Suitor—“Sir, I have an attach ment for your daughter.” Her Father—"Young man. when my daughter needs accessories. I’ll buy them lor her.” NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that A. E. Cline, chairman of the board of commissioners is empowered to ne gotiate and dispose of a note in the amount of twenty-five thousand ($25,000) and no-100 dollars of the county of Cleveland to be issued for the purpose of paying appropriations for the current fiscal year in anti cipation of the collection of taxes and other revenue for school pur poses. Said note maturing in not over four months from date of is sue. Said note will be negotiated and disposed of after August 30, 1929. By order of the board. A. F. NEWTON, Clerk . Only THREE MORE DAYS •••who else wants FREE COAL? TIME ia flying! Only three more day# to secure Free Coal. When we close our doors on Saturday night, we will also close the Free Coal Club for 1929. Better make sure that you get in on this generous offer by coming in at once and joining the Club. The membership lee is only fx, and that, ot course, is applied on •he purchase price of your Heatrola. In the Fall, sve will install the llcatrola in your home—and tho coal man will deliver a ton of Free Coal to your bin (one-half ton with the Heatrola Junior). Then, when winter comes, how you will enjoy the Heatrola, with its cozy, whole-house warmth, Its beauty, its fuel economy. If you are not sure you'11 get to see us before Saturday night, tele* phone and we’ll come to see you. ohelby Hardware Co. “WE SERVE TO SATISFY.” PHONE 330 SHELBY, N. C. &o» 6-D—the netv deluxe ffeatrola. Advanced en gineering in a cabinet of Btrininjit medernltHa the NEW Estate HEATROLA ★ ★ ★ ★ READ THE STAR. IT NOW GOES INTO 5,000 HOMES EVERY OTHER DAY. $2.50 A YEAR BY MAIL. FOUR WEEKS FOR A QUARTER BY CARRIER BOY. ’965 ‘1035 TVaoa pricoa f.a. b. latch Fac tory, ipactal aouipmaat axtra. hUrqvolto Mhmd print inclada only nawnibli chargat far dalivary and financing. Canvanianl farmt eon bn arraitgad an thn lib oral G. M. A. C. Tina Fay nanl Flaa. Cantidar thn dalinarad pHea a» wall a* tha Ik* pnet whan tom pari ng automat It aval uaa. There's o remarkable new kind of performance In the moderate-price field—MARQUETTE perform ance! Another triumph of Butck engineering and Bukk craftsmanship. Dashing new response ... thrilling new speed ... amazing new power ... surprising new economy. A leader's mastery of every phase of action! Discover it for yourself today--drive this great performer. Take the wheel of a Marquette and feel it lift you in a smooth surge of speed from 10 to 60 miles an hour in 31 seconds. Experience its perfect road ability that lets you fairly float along at 60 or 70 miles an hour in complete comfort and security. Try it on the steepest hill and know its great re serves of power. No other automobile in its price range has an engine of *socfi*'large * phtaf* <_ „ remarkable enteprerf, diutgoo(i holslery—or it* windshield. < „_,__ field can offer a full quota of the that provide the most'thorough i motoring satisfaction^ See this splendid new'* cot.* _ smartly-tailored, low sewing Bodies hr ffdien. its handsome finish and appointment! visions for complete comfoit . . _ its. refinements and improvements that superiority complete. See the Marquette today. Compose it wUi-HMT other car in its doss. Drive this great perfanawSH ond discover the thrill that only a winnerkacyl BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, Fll Canadwr DKijion of General Me ton McLeughlm-4uick, Othawa, Out Corporation T, MICHIGAN MiiVMn at J. Lawrence Lackey Shelby - North Carolina WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUUTitiBUICK WILL BUILD -THEM