English As She Is Spoken In 1929. Chicago.—English as she is spoken becomes daily more intricate. A policeman today was explaining •>ne or the stunts on the program for the police field meet at Soldier Field next Saturday, and this is what he said: “A cannon fades a mark and takes it on the lam with the boodle. ’He is tailed by the bulls, duce-cap pcd, given the weeps by a Niagara pineapple, and hooked for the rap.” Translated for the benefit of the kiddies. “A gunman holds up a citizen and runs away with the man's money He is trailed by police, cornered, driven from his refuge by tear gas bombs, and captured for punish ment. Fast Thirty Anyhow. "Willie,” said his mother, "go over and see how old Mrs. Brown is this morning.'' Willie was back in a few moments "She says it's none o’ you blam ed business how old she is,” an nounced Willie. Take lure h. INN 50 miles from Shelby. A delightful week-end trip or evening drive. An Alpine _setting on beautiful — LAKE LURE. NOTICE OF SALE OF BUILDING EQUIPMENT. Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred on the un dersigned by an order from Hon. H. F. Sea well, Jr.. U. S. referee l.t bankruptcy, I will on Saturday, August 31. 1929, at the hour of 12 o’clock noon, on the vacant lot near the old sample room, at the rear of the Hotel Charles in the city of Shelby, Cleveland county. North Carolina, offer for public sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to *wit: | .2 John F. Byers Machine Co. hoisting engines and complete rigs; pne Osekosh Mfg. Co. mixer and boiler, together with other small •'equipment such as pulleys, cable, blocks, etc. Any one desiring to see .this property can do so by applying to Mr. Charles Burrus, Atty., st Shelby, N. C. This August 9. 1929* 1 J. C. PITTMAN, Trustee. J. W. Stout and Company. Bankrupts, Sanford, N. C. August 14-21-26-30. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM MONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Cleveland County. . In the Superior Court before the Clerk Alice Silvey, plaintiff vs. John Si’vey, defendant. . The defendant, John Silvey, will lake notice; that on the 13th day oL August, 1929, the plaintiff above named commenced in the Superior court, of Cleveland county, an ac tion entitled as above, to obtain an absolute divorce upon the grounds of five years separation; and the said defendant will further take no ' tice that he is required to appear at the office of the clerk of the Superior court of said county in the courthouse in Shelby, N. C., on the 13th day of October, 1929, and an swer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint. A. M. HAMRICK, Clerk of Superior Court of Cleveland County, N. C. \^I. R. Weathers, Atty. for plaintilf. WEAK SPELLS fc^jp=saBSjyL^Bj *1 was so weak," says Mr*. JosephiiM Cockcroft, of ' Baldock, 8. C, "that I was not able to do anything. "At certain times, I Buffered dreadfully* with pains in my back and aides. My bead would hurt —felt like it would split open. Spells of weak ness would last for weeks. "I read of Car duL I sent for a bottle and began taking it. My case was atuoDom, ana at times I almost lost hope, but I could see a little im provement. At last 1 began tq feel much better. Then I improved rapidly. For the last year I have been in better health than I ever have been before. T give the credit to Cor* dui, for after I had giv en it a thorough trial, I got well." WOMEN g^Y ^ TO HEALTH T.W TWdlord'* BLACK-DRAUGHT For CoiwhpMiaw. bw&yhon, Bilwwiao. Belwood Personal News Happenings r . ’ Voung People Enjoy Ice Cream Supper. Epworth Leaguers On Picnic. Personals. (Special to The Star.) Belwood. Aug. 27.—The young people's class ot Knob Creel: church enjoyed an ice cream sup per Saturday night at the home of Miss Eloise Deal. A large crowd at tended and all reported a fine time. Kadesh, Palm Tree, and Fallston Epworth Leagues all enjoyed a pic nic Friday afternoon near Morgan ton. All the members reported a wonderful time. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ledford and children and Mrs. Amos Ledford of Casar, visited Mrs. Walter Chnp p. an Saturday afternoon. Miss Peal Gantt was the supper guest of Miss Ethel Norman Sat urday. Mrs. Salon Deal spent the week end with Mrs. Hugh Hunt of Lin colnton. Misses Ruth and Dorothy Greene and Mayo Gantt spent Sunday aft ernoon with Misses Hazel and Ruby Richard. Mr. and Mrs. DecBtur Elmore of Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Richard Sunday afternoon. Miss Catherine HuBDara spent Saturday afternoon with her cous ins. Misses Dorothy and Rosemary Peeler. Mrs. Mary Proctor is spending awhile with her sister, Mrs. Sam Taley of Vale. Miss Helen Sain of Toluca spent Tuesday night with Misses Rose mary and Dorothy Peeler. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Richard and son. W. C.. spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Walker of near Casar. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Peeler of Washington visited relatives in the community last week; Mr. Leo Greene spent Monday night with Mr. Garland New'ton. Mrs. Eugene Joynes and sister, Miss Pearl Gantt spent Wednesday night With Mr. and Mrs. Plato Gantt of Vale. Mrs. Lewis Greene spent Wednes day night with her mother Mrs Bridges of Shelby. Mrs. Bruce Fortenberry and daughter and Miss Johnnie Forten berry visited Miss B. C. Turner Monday afternoon. Mr. Solon Deal of Rockdale spent Tuesday night with Messrs. Leo and Hubert Greene. Mr. Mayberry Wise and son Loy, of Vale, were visitors in the com -, niunity Monday ’afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Olen Murry anil children of Fallston, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. C. G RichaM. Misses Georgie and Pansy Queen visited Misses Annie and Eva Rich ard Sunday afternoon. Misses Ruth and Vera Hartman visited Misses Nanie Lou and Lorcnc Goodman Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Quincy Hartman and Lee McMurry spent last week in Lex ington and High Point. Mr. and Mrs. John Queen and children spent Sunday afternoon in Shelby with relatives . Mr. Robert Wilson spent a few days last week with Messrs. Dever and Leo Greene. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin Johnson of Lawndale visited Mr. and Mrs John Queen Sunday afternoon. Mr. Dock Willis of Lincolnton visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Willis Sunday afternoon. Miss Meril Houser and Estelle Bess of Vale, spent the week-end with Miss Maie Edwards. Mrs. Jake Fortenberry is spend ing sometime with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fortenberry of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fortenberry and children of Lawndale spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fortenberry. Misses Ola Maie and Mary Brack - ette and Maie Edwards spent last Tuesday with Miss Jessie Dixon of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fortenberry and son and Mr. Jake White and daughter Elsie of Shelby, spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fortenberry. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Higgins of Spartanburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Gaither Higgins spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peeler. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Smith and children of Fallston spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith. Mrs. Molly Parham and children of Kannapolis, and Mrs. Lou Led ford of Beams Mill spent last Fri day night with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith. Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Lackey of Fallston visited Mr. and Mrs. B P. Peeler Sunday afternoon. Miss Maie Edwards spent Monday afternoon with Miss Johnnie For tenberry. Administrator’s Notice. Having thus day qualified ss ad ministrator of the estate of John L. Shade, deceased of Cleveland county, North Carolina, this is to no* tify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of August 1930, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 12th day of August, 1929. L. C. PALMER, Administrator of John L, Shade, Deceased. CLEVEUUVD CLOTH MILL NEWS ITEMS Miss Eva Mae Hopper and Mrs. Nealy Addy were two of about thirty guests at a gorgeous birthday din ner Sunday which was held at Miss Hopper's home near Boiling Springs and in honor of her brother and grandmother. During the afternoon music, swimming and watermelon slicing were enjoyed. Miss Hopper and Mrs. Addy reported a wonder ful time. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Nicholson Were week-end visitors of home folk at Westminister. S. C. They were joined at Gaffney by their aunt, Mrs. D. P. Grant and cousin. Mrs. Shelton Pryor who also visited nieces and nephews here at the home of Mr. and Mrs R. A. Alleu. Mrs. Grant, was very much inter ested in the work at Cleveland Cloth mill. It was quite different from one, alone, taking the raw wool from the sheep's back, color ing and finishing the material all in the home. It was from the old Nicholson home that the weaver did her own designing and finishing materials and made suits out ot the fashionable color "gray” for Governor Ansel, senators and oth er distinguished men of Soutn Carolina, n was crus same 100m that made ‘‘all wool roll blankets" in that day which sold for fifteen dollars a pair. We ere very sorry that this good lady failed to see any of the finished materials from Cleveland Cloth Mill Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Carzine spent last week with Mr. and Mrs E. O Smith. Mrs. Carzine is a sister of Mr Smith *Mr. and Mrs. E. G Smith were visitors in Charlotte over the week end. They visited Mrs. Evelyn Nokes another sister of Mr. Smi‘h who was there for a while from Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reynolds, little son and Miss Isoline Wilson spent Sunday with Mrs. Reynolds'' daughter of Lowell. Mrs. Hester McSwain, daughter and son spent Sunday in Lowell. Misses Tessie and Della Lail ard Evelyn Beatie motored to Tincview Lake Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Louis Burgers and children' of Greenville, are spending th-* w-eek with her mother Mrs. Tram mel. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpn Pnrkpr and' family spent the week-end in Greenville, visiting idatives and. friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. £ Ross and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lybrand motored to Boiling Springs, 8. C-. Sunday to visit the graves of Mrs. Ross' parents and then on to Fair forest to visit relati- cs. Mrs. Bert Gardo's mother of Cramerton is spending the week with her. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Scw"ll have returned to their home In Phila delphia after a few days stay with Mrs. Sewell's mother Mrs. Tyner. Everyone is invited to attend the revival meeting which Mr. R; R Cook is holding this week at Wal lace Grove. To those who are n,i familiar with Wallace Grove, may find the place better by knowing that it is near Mr. Green’s home and also near the place where a church was burned some time ago. Mr. and Mrs. John Green and Mr. Homer Smith attended the funeral, of Mr. Green's grandmother at; Forest City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilson and little daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Green at New House. Miss Ruth Walker was the guest of Miss Sybil * Brown Saturday night. Miss Myrtle Spillar of Greenville. S. C., was the week-end guest of her cousin Miss Helen Ballard. Miss Sybil Brown was the dinner guest of Miss Ruth Walker Sun day. Everyone w^ir disappointed not to have seen the Cleveland Cloth MiU-Eastside game Saturday aft ernoon on account of the rain. It had been the most anticipated game of the whole season but we've got that to look forward to for next Saturday. Everyone is invited, do not miss it. Hens in demonstration, flocks throughout North Carolina laid an average of 16 eggs a bird and paid about 21 cents each above feed cost during July. Try Star Want* Ads. j IfiCOlillTY DEWS 6LEIIISS Eighteen Additions To Church As ■ Result Of Revival. Road Forces Working. (Special to The Star.' Soar, Aug. 26.—The revival meet ing closed Saturday morning with 18 additions to the church. Our pas tor, Rev. J. W. Sutt'.e preacher! some helpful and inspiring t ser mons which were n great blessing to us. Rev. Frank Putnam was present Friday evening and filled the pulpit. He preached a great sermon The many friends of Miss Lily Allen met at her home Saturday evening and gave her a surprise birthday party. There were quite a number of young people present and a very enjoyable time was had playing games etc. Mr. Z. L. Searcy, the music teach er who has been with us tor the past three weeks, left for his home at Urec Saturday afternoon. Mr. Okley Jones was again a most welcomed visitor at the Tues- , day morning service. He is visiting at the home of Mr. Mr. D. Hum phries. Mr. George Horn of South Shel by was a welcomed guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Champion Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wacaster and little daughter Margaret were guests of Mr. and Mrs, S. B. Hamrick Thursday.-'They were also present at the revival services. Miss Etta McSwain of Trinity Is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Redman Davidson. Miss Frances McSwain of Moores boro. is visiting relatives in the com ■ m unity. Miss Flora Hamrick of Grover, *s spending a week in the community' as a guest of Miss Elsie Hamrick. Mrs. Boyd Hill and two children of South Carolina arrived Monday to spend a fortnight with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Champion. Mrs. T. D. Hamrick who is known and loved by all in this section is seriously ill at the home of her sdhrMr Demus Hamrick at Morgan ton. Mr. Garland McEntire and Mr. Elvin Barnetfe spent several days visiting in Charlotte and other points near there. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil , Humphries were visitors iri* Grover last Sun day. Miss Evelyn Beam of South Shel by i»spendln#sev*x»Mi«** with her aunt, Mrs. S. B. Hamrick In order to attend the revival services. Born to Mr. and Mrs. North War ren a fine baby August 19. Miss Brace Sailers of Union com munity has been spending a weak visiting relatives in the neighbor hood. Mr. and Mrs. George Spake visit ed Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hughes F. i day. We are always glad to wel come' tTietri to our community. Misses Ruth and Eva Allen of Eliabeth community have just re turned home after en extended visit to their sister, Mrs. Carver Bridges.1 Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Blanton were welcomed guests at the home of their mother, Mrs. F. F. Poston Friday. Rev. and Mrs. Lowell Barnette of FOPULAR EXCURSION FARES Vis SOUTHERN railway SYSTEM . SATURDAY, AtTGUST 31, 19W ROUND T&IP FARES FROM SHELBY, N. C. TO Washington, D. C.$13.00 Norfolk, Va.$10.75 Old Point Comfort_$10.75 Virginia Beach _.... 511."5 Richmond, Va._... .. $9.75 LIMIT 5 DAYS. Tickets good going and return ing regular trains. ASK TICKET AGENTS. At All Druf Stow. Adult* 75*, Chlldrt* to*. You’ll Appreciate Its Worth Beams Mill community have been spending several days with their pa* rents, Mr. and Mrs. Arvllla Mc | Swain. Mr. Carver McSwaln of Hickory has been spending his vacation a' the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arvllla McSwaln. Mr. Dan Davidson left Monday for Richmond, Va„ where he ex pects to Work for several weeks, Miss Pearl Glascoe of Beaver Dam community has been spending .sev eral days at the home of her grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Street. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Street and family left Monday for their home at Savannah, Ga. They were ac companied by Mr Fred Belle who expects to spend a fortnight there as their guest. Miss Elsie Hamrick left Sunday for Kings Mountain where she ex pects to be a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Humphries for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Spake Of Elizabeth community were welcomed .visitors at the preaching service Thursday morning. Mr. William Peterson of Kings Mountain was a welcomed guest at the home of Mr. Thomas Ware Sunday. He was accompanied by his brother, Theodore. Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Humphries of Grover were welcomed guest at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Humphries. Mr. Gold Ledbetter tame home with Mr. David Rlee from Marion to spend the week-end. Work has been begun on Hickory Creek Bridge near here. This bride? is on number 18 which is being built through our community. They’ll Be Hitched. Edmonton, Alberta.—Two athle tic stars, especially good on defense, are to wed. Eddie Shore of the Bos ton Bruins, star defense man of the National Hockey league, is engaged to Miss Kate McRea, defense star of the Edmonton Commercial Grads bksketball champions. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of the will of Alice Prances Green, de ceased. late of Cleveland county, N C., this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate cf said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at Shelby. N. C., on or before the 13:h day of August, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment of such indebtedness. This the 13th day of August, 1929. Wm. UNEBERGER, Executor of will of Alice Frances Green, deceased. Newton <5s Newton, Attorneys. .. .. All About Rudy. New York.—Up rises Mrs. Charles A. Vallee with a snappy comeback to Bert. Lown. who is suing her son : Rudy, jazz favorite, Lown said he found out that. Rudy was clever and showed him how to make money "So this man Lown said he de tected the kid's class, did he?" ask ed Mrs. Vallee. ‘‘Well. I made that same discovery 25 years ago." W A. Ybrk has been elected presi dent and I. F. Armfield, secretary of the Surry county board ol agri culture. Commissioner's Sale Of Land. By virtue of a decree made In special proceeding entitled Alice Eskridge, widow, vs. Maggie L. Hop per and husband. Stowe Hopper, by the clerk of superior court of Cleve land county, N. C.. on August 7. 1920, I as commissioner will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, lor cash at the court house door In- Shelby, N. C.. at 12 nr., Monday September 16, 1929, t ie following described real eslntr: Lying In No. 6 and No, 9 town ship. Cleveland county, N. C.. and being the dower interest of N R London, deceased, in the lands of her late husband, C. L. London, and being described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a hickory on the south side of a branch, the Esk ridge corner, and runs S. E. 65 poles to a white oak, one of the original corners: thence S. 72 W, 262 poles to a stake on bank of river; thence up the river as it meanders 66 poles to a stake In Eskridge's line; thence with said line N. 72 E. to the be ginning, containing 107 acres, more or leas. This the 8th day of August, 1929 J. C. NEWTON. Commissioner. Newton & Newton, Attys. NOTICK OF SUMMONS North Carolina. Cleveland County. In the Superior Court. J. B. Strange, plaintiff; Ellle Gib son Strange, defendant. The defendant herein, Elite Gib son Strange, will take notice that an action, above styled, has been commenced in the superior court of Cleveland county, N. C, of which Shelby is the county scat, wherein the plaintiff petitions for an ab solute divorce on the grounds of adultery and other statutory charges; and said defendant named will take notice that she is requir ed to appear at the court house in said city, and at the. office of the clerk of court thereof, on or before the 28th day of September and answer or demur to the complaint, or that the plaintiff will apply at. term for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 7th day of August, 1029. A M. HAMRICK. Clerk of Superior CourJ. W. S. Beam, Atty. for plaintiff. 4t-7c Willie Was (<