The Cleveland Star SHELBY, N. C. • MONDAY — WEDNESDAY — FRIDAY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE By Mall, per year . .-—--S3 50 By Carrier, per year__ ,-...* —-—-W OO THE STAR PUBLISHING COMPANY, INCT" l.rir B. WEATHERS -- .-..--___President and Editor & ERNEST HOEY T_Tlr—T___Secretary and Foreman RENN DRUM.... News Editor A. D. JAMBS - ___ Advertising Manager Entered as second class matter January 1, 1905. at the postoffice At Shelby, North Carolina, under the Act of Congress. March 8. 1879. We wish to call your attention to the fact that It is. and has been our custom to charge five cents per line for resolutions of respect, cards of thanks and obituary notices, after one death notice has been published. This will be strictly adherred to. WEDNKSD’Y. AUG. 28, 1920 TWINKLES Higher education to the majority of hoys is snagging forward passes on their college football eleven. ^ ‘‘Spanking Breeze Aids Zeppelin,” informs a headline. Ho, the big craft is just being paddled along? Robert Quillen wants to know why they have life-savers If a beach. Our idea is that they have them there to attract the girls who attract the hoys and the older boys. Some of the critics declared that Cleveland county’s 15 cent tax cut was only paper talk, but now it is an actuality, and some folks are just so built that they will seek some thing new to criticise instead of expressing pleasure at lower taxes. The young man who is going to marry Ruth Elder, or is engaged to her, is referred to by the newspapers as "Walter Camp’s son.” Now, if he marries Ruth Elder, past experi ence indicates that the only recognition he will ever get will be as “Ruth Klde/s husband." Poor cuss never to have an identity of his own. — The American Ixigion convention is on in Raleigh and the News and Observer in welcoming the ex-service men says "Raleigh is yours. If you do not sec what you want, ask for it,” And it may be that some of the boys will ask the Old Reliable editor to point out one of those autos at which a fellow crooks his finger and immediately gets a short pint, or whatever quantity he desires. That was the method, as we remember the News and Observer description, by which Raleigh, that part so inclined, secured its kicking beverage some time back. AN AMAZING TALE ■yHE CURRENT North American Review prints an inter view with the well-known A1 Capone, in which Chicago’s alleged vice king is quoted as saying that he and his gang leaders have been spending no less than $30,000,000 a year in Chicago to bribe legal authorities and political higher-ups. In his Pennsylvania prison cell Capone has denied the authenticity of the interview—a not entirely surprising move, often indulged in by more reputable public characters. If the interview, however, was authentic, it is one of the most amazing things in recent history. If one gang, in one city, uses $30,000,000 each year for bribery, corruption and misrule in this county crime must be infinitely more pre valent than we had dared imagine. MONAZITE TALKED AGAIN ' LONG COMES the state geologist with the opinion, dif “mg with that of the university professor, that monazite deposits in the Carolinas are larger than any others in America and might be profitably mined with the proper tariff and assurance that a market could be found. The latest information, we believe, developing from Congressman Jonas’ investigation into the monazite industry was that very little monazite from anywhere is being made into mon azite products. Such being the ease it is somewhat like be ing all dressed-up with nowhere to go. Plenty of monazite which would sell for a good price, provided a buyer could be found. Yet there may come a demand again some day for monazite and with that optimistic outlook in mind it is at least pleasing to know that we have it, much of it. here abouts. A MEMORIAL TO GORGAS 'J'HERE ARE MEMORIALS and memorials. Some men get statues with their names carved on them—and those are fine memorials. But other men, who don’t get statues, sometimes get something better; living institutions that stand as ever-present testimonials to their wisdom, heroism and knowledge. That thought is provoked by an article in the current is sue of the Red Cross Courier discussing the late William Crawford Gorgas, the famous army surgeon and health ex per. It points out that Gorgas will never lack for a monu ment as long as the Panama Cunal continues in operation. And, when you stop to think about it, what finer memorial could a man want ? What Gorgaas did is worth reviewing. Too often we gi\e fame and wealth to men whose services are highly in substantial. Gorgas was a genuine benefactor of the race, andhuysrorkshould be familiar to everyone. ■figanish-Amoiraii wav, during whu h lie m>vv Bt>rp*. Gorgas was sent to Ha By 1902 his studies of yellow had practically rid the Cuban His work was so spectacular >04, sent to the Panama Canal Kineh from completing *t at least 4 per cent annually. Considfcr yncle Sam mobilized death list of around 1400. So Gorgas, who had discovered at Havana that yellow fever is carried by the mosquito, got busy. So well and so thoroughly did he work that a scant year after his arrival Gorgas was offering $50 to any person not a member of the health department notifying him of a case of yellow fever in the canal zone. And there is no record that that offer was ever claimed. Gorgas’ triumph was complete. So the canal was built; and it stands today as a great monument to the medical genius who made it possible. It ensures his fame forever. ABOUT SCHOOL TKACHERS yllK RURAL school child in North Carolina does not have equal educational advantages with the city school child be cause the latter, the Charlotte News points out, has better prepared teachers. In setting for this view The News says: “In terms of scholastic preparation for their work, teachers in the public schools of North Carolina have spent on an average of 2.3 years in college. ‘‘The average training of the rural white teachers is 1.94 years in college, whereas city white teachers have an aver ag<- training of 3.35 years in college. In other words, there is nearly a year and a half difference between the teachers of rural and city schools. “The results of this study show that these better train ed teachers receive on an average the better salaries. As a consequence, the per capita cost is greater in city systems. “Currituck county leads the rural system in having the highest trained white teachers. Currituck county pays the highest average salaries. Naturally, the cost in Currituck county is among the highest in the state. “This same statement might be said of Asheville as it relates to the largest city systems. “This shows with fresh emphasis the disadvantage suf fered by the rural school child of North Carolina. It is en titled to the same grade of teaching as the urban child, of course, but it is evidently lacking a lot when it comes to get ting it." NOBODY’S BUSINESS GEE McGEE— (Exclusive in The n this Section.) Uncle Sam wants John .Bull to destroy 54 cruisers already afloat so\s he can stop building a like number to even up the 5-5-3 ratio. Now why wouldn't it be more sen sible for Uncle Sam to buy some of John Bull's ships and thus equal ize the holdings that are essential to the maintatnance ot the Kel logg Peace Treaty? This is a day of bare heads and bare legs and bare backs and sun burns and cigarettes and salad dressings and card parties and di vorces and gangsters and racket eers and mergers and combines and paints and powders end puffs and such like, but with all of these de tractions and distractions, I don’t suppose the world is much worse off morally than it was before the advent of modernism. But what gets my goat is Un cle Joe's Sammie. He went up north to some kind of training school last summer and he came back home with a head crammed full of the kind of sense that ain't sense at all. He found out while away that there isn’t any God and it’s all a Joke about a hell or a hereafter and the Bible is a book of myths and he and all the rest of mankind evoluted from the monkey and he likes to laugh at religion. If I were called on to hold an autopsy over his re mains. I'd look for his brains in the neighborhood of his gall blad der, and I realize now that I would have to send to the Lick Observa tory for their big spy-glass to find the speck of grey-matter that his carcass might contain. Sammie is related to me. but I don't want the monkeys to find it out. A Bermuda naturalist has dis covered that radium is a most wonderful fish bait. He knows, ife tried it and caught something. Now. boys, you can get a nice lit tle piece of radium the si*e of the eye-ball of a fish worm ror exact ly $76,564.88 in cold cash, and by assuring yourself that Mr. Pish don’t grab your radium and run off with it. it is possible that you might catch as much as a or 10 pounds of mullets and horney heads and other members of the finny tribe We are indeed thank ful for this information. Mr. Na turalist. The lucky dog was a poodle. The early bird was not. a Jay. The stitch in time was taken on a silk hose. The rainy day was the day after the funeral with no insur ance. The apple a day was a horse apple. The wise old owl went blind. let- Henry Ford take care of your dollars and your dimes will take care of themselves at Woolworths. Beauty is now paint deep and knee high All is not gold that glitters said the old woman when her old man tried to pass the buck.' Good night. Uncle Joe says he has a friend , w ho lives in another ‘ state who knows how to make whiskey and how to sell whiskey and possibly how to drink whiskey. And from what Unple Joe says, I believe Un cle Joe knows about as much as his Iriend knows about the subject now up and before us. It seems that this ‘'friend" suggests the following plan: 1. Pick out a nice little stream and then follow it far enough to get out of sight of the public road till you come to a plan* where bushes grow thick and the water shows some speed, and then your still-sight troubles are over. 2. Next you must hunt up the prohibition enforcement office” and tell them where your still i; so‘s they won't ever find it by ac cident or otherwise. N. B Th; sum of $26.00 and a quart a wcck will fix some of the boys so that they can’t see out of but one eye. and $50.00 and 2 quartes a week will put a great many of them stone; blind.) 3 Select a drizzly dark night to fetch down your still and worm and barrels. Most any of your friends who like a tiny snip now and then after prayer-meetings will assist you in this work, only don'i let nobody know that they helped you. You’ll need a few empty barrels and a long trough, and when you get these things prop erly fixed, you are all set for business. 4 Take 4 bushels of corn mecl and 100 pounds of sugar and fi cans of Red Devil lye and 4 wheel barrowsful of dry stable manure and 10 boxes of sulphur matches and as many old beef bones as you can get and place them in the aforementioned trough and cover everything with water. Let it set for 4 or 5 days, but come back and skim off the small house flies every few hours, but don't bother the big blue flies that get drowned in the mash: they add a kind of bead to the brew. S. As soon as your concoct* ment has turned to beer, notify all of the officers that you will be busy for a day or so, then take the contents of your trough and strain out all solid matter and pour the fluid into your still and fire up. You ought to get at lea it 75 gallons of “spit-fire" from the first run. not counting backings. It will be no trouble to peddle it out In your community. But to keep things In apple pie ord-'r all the time, it is a good idea for tlv? officers to find your still and cut it up every few weeks. Of course, you must ascertain from the offi cers what night they are coming so's you can take your worm hoot# with you. as the worm Is valuable and the still ain’t. Now that's the way they do in Uncle Joe's friend's community in another state, so says Uncle Joe. Wisdom From The City. “Oh! I know how' they milk a cow now,” said the sweet young thing from the city. "You take her in the barn, give her some breakfast food and water and then you drain her crank-case." EIGHT HUNDRED AT ELLIOTT HI (Special to The Star.) Recent mention was called in your column to a time-honored event of annual occurrence. Reference is of course made to Elliott reunion which is featured 14 miles northwest of Shelby, three miles from Polkville, «md some twenty miles from every where else, except Charlotte and Gastonia, which places, as usual had representatives. The visitors were estimated at from 700 to 800, and were present, and accounted for. Enough human provender was on 3 a table 120 feet long to feed 1.000 of the fnmishing, and enough left over to feed 300 The weather was ideal until 3 p. m. when a refreshing shower fell. This region Was in toils of a drought, of 20 days, which was relieved by a very refreshing shower on Friday afternoon, and its salutary effects re-enforced by the one of Saturday afternoon. The only wind-jamming permit ted on these pleasant occasions, are announcements to spread the din ner, and some ministers present to say grace over meal before taking and after taking. These short and reverential invocations were pro nounced by Rev. John Hoyle and Rev. D. M. Lowman. Representatives of the homecom ing instinct were present from Shelby, Lattimore, Eilenboro, Rutn erfordton and Forest City and Cliff side. with Gastonia and Charlotte and the states of Alabama. Georgia thrown in for the gayety of nations. Please permit me right here to make a candid statement. Some peo ple are inclined to criticise anything a decent and intelligent white man does or says, and hence charge ex aggeration in reports of attendance on these meeting. My claims are supported by others, and the crltirs are invariably from persons very economical with the truth. Among celebrities present, may be mentioned Aunt Eliza Elliott, a former slave, aged 90; and for alti tude. J. C. Elliott, aged 84 and towering 6 feet. 4 inches, Plato El liott. registering 6 feet. 6 inches undep- army standard—and Sam El - liott, of color, towering into the ether blue to an altitude of C feet 5 inches. Of course the occasion would not have been complete without Capt. A. M. Lattimore. not so tall, but a comrade of Capt. J. C. Elliott in the fateful sixties and of practically same age. MELVIN L. WHITE. NOTICE WE HAVE THE GOODS ON HAND AT RIGHT PRICES. SHELBY SUPPLY CO. See Us Before You Place Your Orders, Our Prices are in Line Pyrene Fire Extinguishers. Rubber Belting, Leather Belting, Gandy Belting. Clipper Belt Lacing, Alliga tor Belt Lacing, Rawhide Belt Lacing. Gin saw files and Gummers Wire Cable, All Sizes, Ca ble Clamps. Electric Drills, Electric Wire, Electric Lamps. Government Genuine Bab bitt. Cold Roll Steel Shafting, All Sizes. Pipe, Valves and Fittings. Cotton Scales, Cotton Trucks. Bear Brothers Pains and Varnishes. Steam Hose, Water Hose and Air Hose. Rod Iron, Band Iron, Bolts, Nuts and Washers. Agents for Steel Split Pulleys. Injectors, Ejectors and Lubricators. Agents for Gould’s Pumps. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. YOUR BUSINESS IS APPRECIATED BY MAIL OR BY PHONE. WE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SHELBY SUPPLY CO. SHELBY, N. C. Last Store on North LaFayette St. Fhone 121. CAMPBELL’S ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OF NEW FALL MERCHANDISE Our Buyer* have just returned from an ex tensive buying trip to the Northern Markets where new Fall Merchandise was bought in large quantities for our stores. Shipments are arriving on almost every train. We invite you to visit our stores and inspect the extraordi nary values we are showing in new Depend able Merchandise. Your visits will be appre ciated by us and will prove pleasant and prof itable for you. CAMPBELL DEPT. STORES SHELBY and LAWNDALE

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