SOCIETY News MISS MAYME ROBERTS—Social Editor—Phone 256. New* Items Telephoned Miss Roberts Will Be Appreciated. Bridge Tarty. Thursday and Friday 4 p m. Mrs. D. Z. Newton is entertaining with bridge at her home on Cleveland Springs road. Taul Thilbeck Beds Miss Holcombe. Miss Mabel anounees the marriage of her brother Pan', to Miss Naomi Halcombe in Gaffney, S. C., on Saturday August 24. 1929. Mis* Jackson Weds Rev. Mr. Stoudenmire. Mr. and Mrs. Landrum Jackson announce the marriage of their sif ter. Bess Jackson, to Rev. Arthur Thomas Stoudenmire on Tuesday morning. August, the twenty-sev enth, at nine o'clock. Baptist church. Duncan, South Carolina." Motor Tarty. The following formed a motor party to Myrtle Beach last, week where they spent several days, Mr and Mrs. j. D. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs G. B. Hamrick, Mr. and Mrs. D D Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dodd and Miss Eulalia Elliott.. Fish Fry. Mr. Arthur Blanton of Greenville, S. C... and brother. Mr. Hershel Blanton entertained about twenty five of their friends and family with a fish-fry last Saturday evening a' the home of Mrs. J. C. Dodd A very delightful evening was spent by all. Mr*. Shuford Has Birthday. Mrs. Ceph Blanton surprised her mother, Mrs. Fannie Shuford, on her birthday yesterday by Inviting Mesdames H. E Higgins and W II Thompson to spend the day with her. Other friends called during the day and presented her with flowers and candies. VerPIank-Ferguson Marriage. A large number of Shelby peo ple will be Interested In the rn nouncement of the marriage of Miss Lou VerPlank of Albany, N. Y.. to Mr. Arthur Ferguson of that city on June 22. Miss VerPlank spent one winter with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Willard and also visited them sev eral different times here. Celebrates Sixth Birthday. Little John Phifer celebrated his sixth birthday Thursday at th; home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Phifer on Sumter street. A number of little friends in the neighborhood were Invited in and after a series of games and fun. re freshments consisting of icc creau; and cake were served. Andre ws-Sullivan Wedding Announcements. Announcements have been receiv ed of the marriage of Miss Bessie Andrews to Mr. E B. Sullivan of Asheville, which took place in Gaff ney, S. C„ April 25. The wedding was kept a secret until last week Mrs. Sullivan will continue to be in Shelby and Is with the Betty-Jean beauty shop. Pinner Party. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Buttle were delightful hosts at a dinner party Monday evening entertaining at the Blue Parrot tea room honoring Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hancock of Oxford who Rre guests of Mr. and Mrr, D W. Royster. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, Mr. .»nd ..Mrs. D. W. Royster and Mr. and Mrs. Suttle Calendar For Week. Thursday evening.—The Kiwanlt members, their wives and friends will enjoy an outing at Pinev etv lake. A picnic lunch supper will be aerved by Mrs. Irma Wallace. Saturday 3 p. m — Miss Virgin' i Hoey will entertain with bridge at her home on E. Marion street non oring Miss Louise Lattimore of For est City. Birthday Party. Mrs. Roland Elam delight! illy entertained twelve little girls it her home Saturday at 4 o’clock honoring her daughter, Evelyn, on her eleventh birthday anniversary Indoor games and contests were enjoyed, Miss Marie King winning the prize in the guessing contesi The dining room was prettily ar ranged with summer flowers, a color' note of pink and green pre dominating. The large white birth day cake holding the eleven oink WATCH FOR CAPTAIN LASH candles graced the center of the table, which was cut and served with ice rream and green and rink mints. The party Included: Misses rMarie King, Helen Marshall Ham rick, Marguerite Wall, Ellen L. Gtd ney, Martha Davis Arrowood, Mlll cent, Brackett, Mary Margaret Mull, Justine Grigg, Rebecca Hopper, Patsy Honeycutt and Evelyn Elam. Mrs. Elam was assisted by Mrs. Tom Abernethy in entertaining and serving. Pritrhard-Cralg Announcement. Mrs. Joe Willis of this city an nounces the marriage of her sister. Miss Margaret Pritchard to Mr. Charlie Craig of Gastonia. The wedding was solemnized at Che;.,or, S, C.. January 15, 19C7 and was kepi a secret till Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Craig are mak ing their home in Gastonia and began housekeeping there Monday. Dinner Guests. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Brocks had. 6s their dinner guests Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Lane Brooks and little son, Jennings, Mr and Mrs. M. M. Gold and daughter. Hub.v. Mrs. D. G. Washburn. Sarah, Mrs. Garlon Washburn and Garlon. jr., Mrs. C. A Hamrick and Miss Vera Dixon, Mrs. J D. Lee. Miss Eliza Brooks, Miss Bertha Hawkins nnd Mr. Will Brooks. Mrs. Williams Hostess To Isprning Club. Mrs. Charlie Williams wa. a charming hostess to the members of the Ishpening club Tuesday after noon at 11:30 o'clock, entertaining at the Blue Parrot Tea room which was gaily decorated with quanti ties of lovely roses. The four bridge tables were also graced with vases of rosebuds. The high score prize was won by Miss Mary Moore of Forest City and the low score prize by Mrs. Pitt Beam At the close of the afternoon a delicious salad and ice course was served. Carver- Snider Wedding. Coming as a surprise to her many friends and relatives, was the mar riage of Mrs. Madge Thompson Carver to Mr. Abel Heist Snider on August. 10. the ceremony quietly solemnized In Pontiac, Mich. After a short visit to Mr. Snider's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Snider in Hes peler Ontario, Canada. Mrs. Snider came on home. Mr. Snider being unable to accompany her on ac count of business arrangements. He will loin her at a very early date and they will make their home In Shelby for the present, with Mrs Snider's mother. Mrs. W. H Thomp son. Mrs. Iloev Clives Luncheon. Mrs. Jack Miller of Griffin, Ga. who has been spending some t.nre with her sisters in the city, . was charmingly honored yesterday with a 1 o'clock luncheon by Mrs. C. R. Hoey at her handsome home on W. Marlon street. The dining table was covered with an exquisite lace cloth and graced with vases of pink radi ance roses and clematis. An elegant five course luncheon was beautifully served to the following: Mcsdames Miller, T J. Babtngton, R. L. Ar mour, John McClurd, John Shan onhouse. Misses Gussle Sisk, Mayme Hardin. Elora Alexander. Jessie Hamrick and Mrs. Hoey. Following the luncheon rook was played and a delightful afternoon spent. PERSONALS Messrs. Wren -and Earl Honeyedtt have returned from a visit with relatives at Madison. Miss Mary Brockwell and Mr Hoyt Brockwell of Mars Hill college. Miss Ruby Fowler of Union, S. C., and Mr. Theron King of Sanford. Fla., spent the week-end here with Miss Sedalia Propst. Miss Sara Palmer returned last night from a visit to Miss Hath? >.ne Caldwell in Blacksburg. Mesdames Roland Holland and J. T. Jones spent today at Avondale i attending the W. M. U. of 'he 1 Sandy Run association Mrs D I>. Weaver was the guest of her sister. Mrs. H. Morehead in Charlotte Sunday. Mechanics W. B Nix. J. Y. Irvin, Misses Lucille and Rosalynd ix and Thelma Young spent Monday in Charlotte. Mesdames Kate L. North. Ray mond Carroll. Misses Egberta North and Mildred Weaver were Char lotte visitors yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hancock of Oxford left today for their home after a two weeks visit to Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Royster. CADS COLLIDE 11 IN ONE CAR Two Motor Cars Collide On Na tional Highway. Four Additions To Church. (Special to The Star t Grover, Aug. 27.—The Men's Bible class of the Grover Baptist church enjoyed a fish fry at Dover's lake last Friday night. This was the supper that’ the reds gave to the blues; he blues having outstripped the reds in their race for new mem bers last quarter. The correspondent from Boiling Springs made a mistake last week in reporting that the three banners were awarded to the unions of Earl. These banners went to the junior, Intermediate and senior unions of Grover. There was quite a serious wreck on the national highway in front of Bookouts mill last Fttday when a Ford touring car driven by Marcel Fortune, of Grover, collided with an Oldsmoblle driven by D. H. Harr's, of Cramcrton. There were eleven people in the car driven by Mr.! Harris, six adults and five children ! Several of them were pretty badly cut and bruised. They were taxer, over to the Peoples drug store where Dr. Oates gave them the necessary medical attention. Mr. Fortune es caped unhurt. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hambright and daughter. Mary Frances, accompan ied by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Connelly and daughter, Hazel, all of Atlanta. Ga . were week-end guests of Mr. Hambrlghts parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H Hambright.. Mr. and Mrs. ,1. G. White spent last week motoring in Virginia, vis iting many points of interest In the Shenandoah valley and on tnon return they accompanied by Mrs. White's nephew. N. C. Sheppered of Stewart. Va.. who will spend sortie time with relatives and friends in Grover. Little Miss Will-Ed Furcron enter - taincd a number of her classmates at her home on the night of the 16th of August this being her twelfth birthday. After a .round of merry making. games, etc., refreshments were served. The little hostess re ceived many nice and useful pres ents. Mr, and Mrs. Monroe Beam spent the day with relatives in Lincolnton last Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Raymond Frazier, of Charlotte, were guests last weev or Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bridges. Messrs. Landus Ellis, Frank -°p perd. and Buford Hambright were in Wilmington last Wednesday and Thursday attending the Feast of the Pirates. There were four additions to the membership of Grover Baptis* church last Sunday at the mottiinr service. This makes 45 add* tons since the first of the year. The hours for the night services have been changed to 7:30 instead of 8 oclock We are using the prayer meeting Miour to study some subjects select |ed that is of genereal interest and | we believe it will help you to at tend these Thursday night services Our Deputy Mr. Charley * Sliep pered caught another two-pint, boot legger last week and put him under bond until he could be brought to trial in Shelby. A large number of our young folks attended the ice cream sup per at Mount Paran last Saturday night. PERSONALS Mr. Lewis Forney of Cincinatit is visiting his family on E. Marion street. Mr. A. V. Wray, of A V. Wray and 6 sons, is back from a buying trip north, which carried him as far as New York city. Mr. Wray was accompanied by his son. George Wray, who is still in the markets being located today in Baltimore. Miss Bessie McBrayer. popular cashier at Campbell’s, is back at her desk after a ten days’ vacation, part of which was spent on a visit to her sister at Columbia, S. C. I - Miss Elizabeth Ebeltoft and Miss Elizabeth Hall returned Sunday morning from a delightful trip to New York. Miss Hall left this morn ing for her home in Hickory. Mrs. Robert Stokes and daugh ter. Miss Effie Stokes, of Charlotte, visited Mrs. T, W. Ebeltoft the first I of the week. _ Mrs. L. M McKensie of German (ton. is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. W. D Bablngton. Mrs. J. C. Bundy of Charlotte ind | guest, Mrs J. H. Hill of Gcrmanton | spent last Thursday with Mr. and I Mrs. W. D Babington. J Miss Miliicent McCraw of Gaff | ney. S. C. is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Beam in Beaumonde Terraces. Miss McCraw is a niece of Mrs. Beam. * CAPTAIN LASH WILL GET YOU Double Shoals News Of Current Week Methodist Sunday School Goes On Picnic To Dairy Farm. Per sonal Items. i Special to The Star t Double Shoals, Aug. 27,—Reg^ar monthly service was held on Sun day afternoon with the pastor pres ent who preached from Psalm: “T will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence conieth my help.” I'he sermon was highly appreciated by the congregation. The Methodist Sunday school vent on a picnic a few days ago toj Shuford's dairy farm and report aj fine trip. John Peeler and son Clyde went j on a mountain trip last week visit ing Asheville. Johnson City, and Knoxville. Tenn., and other point.1 Mr. and Mrs. A. P Shytles of Shelby spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Champion. Mrs. Barabara Towery and fam i'y visited relatives in Parksville, S. C. last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Lank ford on August 17, a son. Mr. and Mrs. A. L Spangler and children spent a part of last week on the coast, carrying Miss Tolar, a former school teacher here, back home after spending a while visit ing around the Piedmont vicinity. Mr and Mrs. J T. Spangler of Shelby spent Friday night with their children, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Span g'er. ■ Little Miss Bettie Sue Spangler spent a part of last week with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B Lskridge. Mrs W K White and Miss Magratha Hamrick of Kings Moun tain and Gastonia spent last Thrus day night and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Costner. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Spangler, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cornwell are spend ing today near Waco visiting Mr. and Mrs Yates Spurlin. Little Miss Yvonne Cornwell has it-covered fropi scarlet fever and Is ready to return back to school. At The Theatres "Two Weeks Off." starring the popular favorites, Jack Mulhall and Dorothy MackaU'l. is the feature picture today and tomorrow at the Webb. It's a First National, direct ed by William Beaudine. According to the press sheet, this is the theme of the picture: Arc vacation ro mances, real love affairs? Is the iast vacation kiss forgotten the first day back at work? See what happens to Darling Dorothy when she Tails in love with a vacation "show off." Bebe Daniels has turned to the newspapers for the theme of her latest, ripping, thrilling comedy, "What a Night!" which opens for a two day run at the Princess tlic tre Thursday. It is said to be the best comedy-melodrama that has appeared here in seme time and during the next two days of its local run, "What a Night!" is bound to thrill thousands more. Excitement, thrills, laughter and love make up the adventure which this dashing star evokes in this story of newspaper life and news paper doings. Crooked politicians, gang leaders, reporters and Bebe, herself, make up its characters. It is the talc of a "big scoop" which the newspaper tries unsuccessfully to break until Miss Daniels' blun dering efforts as a reporter uncov ers the necessary data. Everything you ask Face Powder Face powder should be perfectly suited t(\the tone of your skin. It should not rub off. It must be deli cately perfumed, and imper vious to moisture. Dorothy Gray's Day Powder in four charmingshades delightfully combines all these^-alities. At our i oilet Goods Department *1.50 CLEVELAND DRUG CO. - PONE 65 - No Fear. From the Philadelphia Star. Producers do not need to fear i saturation of the market when they learn that only 30 per cent of Amer I ican homes have radios, only 50 per cent of homes have washing ma chines. only 5 per cent of homes have electric refrigeration. And as for motor car saturation, no danger of that so long as man's imagina tion is such that he wants a new car every time a new model comes out. whether he needs it or not. CROYDON BEACON MODEL TO GLIDE WICHITA FLIERS Wichita, Kas.—Night fliers over Wichita soon will be guided by a powerful beacon light similar to that used at Croydon airdrome, London. Located atop a 40-foot tower 6l the roof of the Beacon building the light will be visible more than 100 miles away. An automatic clock will turn it on at dusk and off at day break. VIRTUALLY A NEW WARDROBE — That is what our dry cleaning service means to you. We renew the fresh, smart look'to clothing. Get out your fall things and send them to us. We will send back something closely akin to a new autumn outfit. Beck & Pratt DRY CLEANERS AND HAT RENOVATORS. -PHONE 666 -- OH BOY! AT THE PRINCESS THURS. - FRIDAY 10 - 20 CENTS Bumping the humps with a gay guide to fun! She spills into love in a riot of thrills! There’s “Swim Girl, Swim” and “Hot News” and a i whole lot more in ‘‘What a Night!” Added , “Summer Saps” A Rich Comedy DON’T FORGET Every Wednesday IS BARGAIN DAY 10c TO ALL “We Thank You” CAROLINA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 409 South Main Street Reidsville, N. C. "Going Forward" ■»» Eight Reasons Why CAROLINA Students Succeed /"*—1. Our courses of study are standard. ^ based upon texts and systems that have received international endorse ment and adoption. A—2. Our study-practice method of training develops unusual ability in thinking and rare skill in doing. D—3. Our instructors are experts, and our advisers, among the leading busi ness and professional men of the country. Q—4. Our students’ efforts are careful ly supervised, corectcd and returned for review and improvement. I —5. Our students have access to a busi ness-legal library of exceptional val ue; also to timely solutions of mod ern business problems through such magazines as System. Forbes and Printers’ Ink. 6. Our cxtra-curricula activities offer unusual opportunities for the devel opment of supreme poise and pow er. M—7. Our affiliation with large corpor ations in nearby cities enables us to PLACE OUR GRADUATES in most desirable positions. A -8. Our ideal is embodied in that per fect slogan. ‘ He profits most who serves best;” and it is our constant aim to inculcate this idea and ideal on the minds of our students. Investigate today and matriculate right away. CAROLINA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 409 South Main Street Reidsville, N. C. Phone 476 ACORN '■ •..•. ' ■ — ■ ATTENTION MEN HERE’S VALUABLE NEWS FALL SUITS Fresh out of the cases. They’re as new as the sea son. The Two Trousers Suits ( offered in all the new style patterns and shades for FALL. Grey, Tan, Brown and Blue—and ALL SIZES. $9.95 - $13.95 $19.95 - $24.95 — MEN AND BOYS’ OXFORDS — Acorn Super-Quality Shoes are recog nized for their Style, Quality, Low Prices by the wise and trinity buyers. Every pair is guaranteed. PRICED: $2*98 to $4.98 MEN’S PURE SILK HOSE 25c 35c 45c and 85c — MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS All New Patterns and shades to select from... 98c Also $1.29 to $1.95 MEN’S NEW Genuine Felt Hats $1.59t0 $4.98 THE LATEST AND NEWEST FALL DRESSES for LADIES Wonderful variety of stunning models to se lect from. Priced: $4.95t0 $14.95

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