Old Reporter Tells Why He Refused. To Write Story Of Underworld Crime (The Stroller in The Rutherford Sun) He was a human piece of drift wood; with white hair, a face that once had been handsome but now showing the effects of -dissolution; eyes once blue, keen and penetrat ing. now' plainly exhibiting the ef fects of constant and hard drink ing. a tremulous mouth; a kindly face unshaved and none too clean; clothes that had seen long ago far better days; shoes that were de crepit, he seemed to be down and out, but there was something about him that showed he did not con sider himself so and there was ev ery indication he had retained his self-respect That the prematurely old man needed food and a drink was clearly apparent There was no air of mendicancy about him. and though without money, he did not ask for any. After a short conver sation a small "loan” was made to him, for he was a newspaper man At one time. There was no expec tancy of seeing him again and no hope of the ' loan*' ever being re turned. But he did return and after some months had elapsed (lie two dollars was sent in an envelope, postmarked—well, it does not mat ter where. It was late In the evening when the man, owe. back; the food and drink—somSlow he toadmanaged to ! obtain otf»ritfw»gjv'the town is sup posed to be bone dry—had steadied him and sitting down he asknd i some questions about the county. He wras, he said, on his way South; frankly he stated he had been ho boing to a city where he thought he would be able to find a job at his »un iraae—reporting. me man had *wked on many large dallies; his weakness, drink, almost invariably leading to his discharge, though on one or two occasions his leaving the paper wae due to his refusal to write Jup a story he had been sent to re ' P°rt- It Was about one of these he jtold and the incident, recalling it to (his memory was due to the distant sounds of a woman crying. *‘A woman crying—how well t remember the bitter weeping of—. well, not a good woman, and how it cost me my job. Yet, somehow, I have never regretted thc decision 1 made then. It must have been fully twenty odd years ago and the place tvas Philadelphia. Never mind the paper I was working for—that does not matter.” Somewhere the old re porter had found iPpint of -moon shine” and aftfr politely offering a drink, which, needless to say, was refused, he took one himself and then was quiet for a few minutes. He seemed to be looking at the rising moon but doubtless h* w-as lost in thought. After a long sigh he re sumed his narrative. "It was bcfora ths real, days of dang warfare, bttf, ,there‘had been a shooting and two men had been killed, a police officer and a woman badly hurt and it was a first class front page story. Somehow or other our city editor got a hot tip thal there was a woman in the tender loin that could tell a whole lot a bout the affair, and to turn her name over to the police meant that she would be grabbed by them at once and not allowed to talk. There was someone going to the gallows— it was before the days of the elec tric chair in Pennsylvania— the po lice said if the sergeant died. What he was doing on lower Race street when his precinct was in West Philadelphia was glossed over by the authegfclos But from what I knew of fleer he was there for no good purpose. . "It- was not much trouble to pick up the woman's trail; it was only to be expected that she would leave her old haunts and go somewhere else. I tried to reason as she would, nut few women really reason out anything, they play their intuitions. So I tried one. ^ looked until I found some one who cotrid and would tell me where the jane's mo ther lived. It was way out in East Kensington. At last I managed to get to the house and found it clos ed up. The neighbors told me that the old woman had taken her grand cnua over to St. Christopher’s Hos pital for Chiloren—Fifth and Hunt ington streets Of course I followed t*» the clue and at the hospital I found the kid—a pretty two year old girl dying of pneumonia—and her grandmother and mother_the woman I was after, she was sitting in the hall crying Crying softly like that woman we heard. She told me her story. •; W‘I don't cere if you re a copper or not,' she began, 'I’m going to tell you the trath. And It don’t matter to me If you believe it or not. it’s too late nowt My baby is dying and my mother won't live long, she thinks I’m hgood girl. Of course I ain’t and you know it. I was work ing in a store down town when Jimmy—that’s the man I tried to kill apd I hope he dies— met me CAPTAIN LAST WILL GET YOU Widow Loses Fortune Mrs. Bula Crokcr, widow of Richard Crokcr, former Tam- j many leader, will lose a fortune of live million dollars if a de cision made in Florida by Cir cuit Judge C. I£. Chillingsworth is sustained by the higher courts. The suit involves prop erty in West Palm Beach and Palm Beach and the dccisioi\ will be appealed by Mr6« Crrjter. Unttrutloul N«w«r*«4> and finally it, came out just as he wanted It. 1 didn't know he was married, I didn't even know he was a policeman. He was handsome and I fell hard for him. So hard r didn’t think it queer he couldn't marry"me at once. He said he would when he had more money And then my baby was born and when I not well he told the truth for once In his dirty life. He said T'd have to go out an’ make my own livin’. He'd been promoted to be a sergeant. An’ if I didn't do as he told me he'd make it hot for me. So t had to go on the streets, my mother had only a few dollars a month to live on— her man was dead an’ I was her only child, at least, the only one to grow up, all the others died when they wore babies—air’ she couldn't support my little baby But my man —curse him—used to come ’round to my room whenever he felt like It an' I had to give him a percentage of all the money I made—God, how loathed it all. “ The night I shot him I had Just heard my girl was dying an' I went 'round to my room to get the money I'd been savin’ up in case somethin' should happen There I found Bee— she is my friend and we used to walk the streets together—and two men. They were drunk and it wasn't long before they were fighting. '’Bee' got hold of one of the guns and threw it on the floor. I picked it up and as t he other man came at me I shot him. He dropped and I knew I had killed him. Then the other fel low and Bee were having an awful time; he had her by the throat and was chokin' her to death. So I shot again and again at him. At least four times before he let go. Then I saw I had killed him and hurt Beef. I acted quick and frisked both the men. leaving a little cash in their pockets. 1 gave half to Bee, at least I put it in her stocking. Then Jim my came in and saw me leaving. He was lit, up and wanted money. And I shot him in his fat paunch— where it would hurt him most, for I didn't want to kill him. for after all he’s the father of my baby.* "Just then a white capped nurse came out of a room and said it was all over, the child was dead. I took the girl to one side and told her to beat it, to go to some small town where the dicks would not be likely to look for her. That dirty ser geant would be sure to give a good description of her. But she wouldn't, she wanted to see her baby buried and it was after leaving the ceme tery she was nabbed. 'When i got back to the office I was pretty average drunk and told the city editor there was nothing to the story and he knew I was lying and fired me. The sergeant died in hospital just about the very hour his little daughter did—of course he had a fine funeral and everyone said how good a man he had been. What became of the jane? Of course she was tried; on the stand she got up and told her story, but said nothing about the sergeant. She took all the blame for the killings and laid it to ‘coke'—cocaine. She swore she had a shot or two of it that night. Na turally she was found guilty but her sentence was commuted to life im prisonment I know, said the old newspaper reporter, “that I betrayed my paper by not turning in the story. But if I had it to do again I would. I can't seem to forget hearing that woman cry. By the way X saw in a Philadelphia paper yesterday that she had been turned loose—pardon ed. She was a good-looker then and now X suppose she has the appear ance of—well. I don't know what. Some girls have it easy and some get the tough breaks “ THE STROLLER Type, Color, Health, Cleanliness And Symmetry Count In Judging Birds, Raleigh.—It is expected that all poultry men of the state will exhibit their best birds at the fall fairs and especially at the State fair now that there have been added the utility classes in Barred Plymouth Rock. S. C.. Rhode Island Reds. White Wyandottrs and S. C. White Leghorns, says Dr. B. K. Kauprt, head of the poultry department at State college. One of the points that count Is "type." by which we mean standard shape as required for the breed by the American Standard of Perfec tion. Color is another important point. These two count fully ha f in the placing of the birds. Health, cleanliness, and symmetry are oth' r lactors determining whether or not the birds are prize-winners. About. 40 disqualifications are listed in the Standard for the different breeds To get the birds in best, condi fiaa, pne nuMjt ,bqginv several weeks ke(ord theyfare it) be-Shown whether at a county fiir or at a State fair. Select about twice as many birds as you think you want to show Feed them extra mash with an oil meal and proper mineral supple ments. Clipped wings, spin wings, oe formity of the beak or back, twisted feathers,' abnormal tombs, and ab normal weight as well as stubs on the, shanks of clean shanked birds faccording to the standard* are among some of the more common disqualifications to be avoided. Would Discourage “Free Lot” Sales Real Kstate Board Frowns On Mis leading Real Estate Propositions To Public. The North Carolina Real Estate, Commission is continuously receiv ing enquiries from various sources in the state in regard to veal estate operations of companies employing what is popularly referred to as the “Free Lot” method of securing pros pects in selling sub-divisions. This method consists of sending out let ters to individuals advising them that they have been selected to re ceive a “free lot” in a given sub division, and telling them that they can receive this lot by calling at the office of the company in person and presenting the letjter. The Jetter fur IWeHadviStt lift* a nbmJrralsum will be required to care for the expenses of surveying, mapping and record ing the deed, and that the offer holds good for a limited time. The North Carolina real estate commission has found that this method of advertising is mis-lcad Ing in that it is simply a means of gettng the prospects in the office of the company, for the purpose of try irtg to sell them an additional lot, or lots. In all investigations it has been found that the “free lot” which is offered the prospect when he calls ts undesirable and its worth is prob ably not as much as the nominal sum which is asked and claimed to be the cost of the mapping and re cording of the deed. Real estate com missions in other states have re fused licenses to parties using this method, and the North Carolina real estate commission has found that it is contrary to the purposes of I the license law, and. therefore, the commission is refusing to license any parties using this method of selling. However, individuals and compan ies owning and selling their own property are not required to make application for' license, and, there fore, the commission has no power to supervise the selling methods of such individuals and companies. It has come to the attention of the North Carolina real estate commis sion that there are companies in the state handling this method, and the investigation of the commission discloses that these companies arc handling and selling their own prop erty. the real estate commission of North Caroltna. as a state agency, created for the purpose of protect ing the public in real estate trans actions. desired to call the atten tion of the public to the fact that chapter No. 210 of the public laws of North Carolina enacted by the 1927 legislature, requires all develop ers of building lots, in a new sub division. to post a bond with the clerk of court in the county in which the sub-division is located, guaranteeing the completion of any improvements, such as side-walks, water, sewerage, or lights. A pur chaser of a sub-division lot on which improvements are promised should take advantage of this protection under Chapter No. 210, public laws of 1927 and demand that the bond be posted with the clerk of court. Star Advertising Pays Suicide’s Widow Mrs. Elsie Hamilton (above) of New York‘while vacation ing in Europe, learned of the tragic death of her husband. Gail Hamilton, who committed suicide with a former secre tary after an all night drinking party in a love nest near Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (International Nawarael) r In The Motor And Business World Electric Bulb Is Half Century Old It Is rarely that a happening of fifty years ago lia,v«o great a. beai> ipg on present-day life everywhere, as the event that occurred half a century ago this year in a laboratory in East Orange, N. J, It was Just fifty years ago this year that Thomas A. Edison in vented the first incandescent light. The results of that event are bi coming greater caclvatw* Just thirteen yeamN^SSManw# inventor. C. F. Kettering, pul the finishing touches on another ap pliance that—linked with the in candescent bulb—has carried elec tricity to hundreds of thousands of farm homes. The incandescent bulb came into being in 1879, and the in dividual electric plant was develop* ed in 1916. They hare brought., a new era of better living in couttU less farm homes. Champion Guernsey To Be Shown South May Royal’s Sheik, the Guernsey bull which won fourteen junior championships including the na tional. last year. wfll -b£ included in the herd which will be exhibited at the leading southern state fairs this year by J. C. Penney, according to word just received from the Pen ney breeding division at Emmadine farm. May Royal's Sheik was bred at Emmadine farm and is an out standing example of what scien tific breeding will do for dairy ani mals according to such well known authorities as Prof. Kildee of Iowa university. Prof. Fitch of the - Uni versity of Kansas and others who watched his progress last year. .in iiiarvuik, up uic tin u vmuvii a to be sent through the southern cir cuit, It was decided to show the leading members of the herd and those which would mast clearly em phasize the importance of carefvl breeding. It is certain that the Penney* herd will be shown at Birmingham, Alabama; Atlatna, Ga., Columbia, S. C.; and negotiations are now be ing carried on at Knoxville, Tenn . and Nashville, Tenn., for special ex hibits there. Mr. J. c. Penney is well known i throughout the South for his acti vities as chairman of the board of Foremost Dairy Products. Inc., his interests in Florida United Growers', and his operation of the 120,00 acre farm project of Penney Farms. One Million Cars Of New Chevrolet Detroit. — One million six cy linder ChevTolets have been plac ed on the road since the first of the year. This sensational announcement. indicating as it does the great pop* ular appeal of the new six cylinder ;ar, was made at the central offices of the company here today as as sembly plants in various parts of the country were operating on the big gest summer production schedule In the history of Chevrolet. Never in the history of the In dustry has any other manufacturer equalled the achievement of placing a million six cylinder cars on the road in less than eight months. In fact, according to observer, this Is more than three times as many six cylinder cars as were ever produced by a manufacturer during a like period. The record-making model, prob ably the most famous of all Chevro let record cars, rolled off the assem bly line at the huge Flint, Mich, plant on August 5. It happened to be a sedan—the new Imperial sedan, Introduced a few weeks ago. The glistening record-breaker was wel comed at the end of the assembly line by W. S. Knudsen, president, and other high Chevrolet officials. Without any ceremony the car left the plant for Detroit where it will be presented as one of the in teresting exhibits that arc to be a part of the mammoth Chevrolet sales convention in Detroit, during August. Frigidaire Offer* $25,000 In Contest Local essayists now putting in a supply of ink or typewriter ribbons in anticipation of the $25,000 contest in connection with the National Food Preservation compaign, have been invited by Arey Refiigerating company, local Frigidalre represen tative, to visit his display rooms for helpful information. In issuing this invitation, the local representatives pointed out that he has numerous charts and pamplets that will enable essay writers to dis course with authority on "Why 50 Degrees is the Danger Point,” the [subject of the essay contest, ‘‘For instance,” he pointed out, !“we have micro-photographs of var ious foods, taken at temperatures both below and above the 50 degree limit of safe refrigeration. Photo grahps taken under warm tempera tures show the great prevalence of destructive molds, yeast and bac teria, the active causes of all food spoilage. On the other hand, pho tographs taken of food kept at a temperature below the danger point reveal that bacteria and other microorganisms present are much fewer in number and are dormant. "Excerpts from bulletins of vari ous public health organizations and the U. S. department of agriculture show how this 50 degree mark has been recognized by authorities a3 the absolute maximum of refrigera Uqu temperature. Another feature depicting the history of food pre servation. These charts show the successive stages in mankind’s strug gle with the problem of food pre servation, and will be of aid to the essay writer in furnishing the back ground necessary for writing on food preservation and refrigera tion.” Cleveland Develops 1 Health Program In Public Schools Cleveland, Ohio, has one of the most extensive health programs if! its public schools of any city in the United Stales. It is described by Men# 8 Curtis In the September issue of Hygeia, which is the annual school number of the magazine. Dental service is one of the most important features of the Cleveland program. Nineteen full-time dentists, seventeen dental hygienists and twenty assistants examine the teeth of the elementary school children every year, point out the defects and give dental instruction, but do not fill er’extract teeth. That is left for the family dentist to do. There are twenty-one sight con servation classes in the Cleveland schools. The children use books which 24 point type (about a third of an inch high>, large crayons about I inch in diameter and pen cils with large black leads. Periods of study are short and most of the instruction is given orally. It is in teresting to learn that these children often go back to their regular classes to recite. • Lip-reading classes are in the process of formation for the chil dren who are hard of hearing. The author calls attention to the fact that surprisingly few children in Cleveland have defective hearing. The authorities believe that this is due- to the attention that the chil dren's ears have received from their first contact with the schools, par ticularly to the removal of diseased tonsils and adenoids, which are or dinarily responsible for many car troubles. Cleveland has 200 classes for chil dren with speech defects and a waiting list of 200 children most of the time. These classes are taught by specially trained teachers and meet only one a week. Exciting Enough. •‘You mean to tell me he just sat here all evening with his arms fold ed?-’ "Yeah—but I was in them.” He Ain't. Kind Old Gentleman: “What is you little brother’s name?" Buddy: “His name would be Jack if he was my brother, but he ain't, and her name is Ruth.” Carolina Commerical College Reidsville, N. C., “Going Forward.” Of fers‘Excellent Courses That Prepare You To “Go For ward” To Superior Business Positions. g REASONS why you should enroll with CAROLINA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Read our ad on page six Today DAY SCHOOL 8:30*3:30 Sa turday s-8:30-12: ?0 Late Afternoon Classe* NIGHT SCHOOL Mondays-Tue*.-Thur«. 7:30-9:30 SHORTHAND, Gregg or Pitman TOUCH TYPEWRITING BUSINESS ENGLISH SECRETARIAL DUTIES PENMANSHIP and ENGROSSING BOOKKEEPING and BANKING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC SALESMANSHIP and ADVERTISING SHOW CARD WRITING TEACHERS’ TRAINING FALL TEM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 2 AND 9 Beginning Classes Also Start September 16, 23, and 30 Write today for information, chocking subjcc ts in which you are interested. Carolina Commerical College 409 S. Main St. Phone 476 Reidsville, N. C. CAROLINA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 409 South Main St., Reidsville. N. C. Gentlemen: Please furnish me, without obligation on my part, full information concerning the course I have checked above. Name ............ Street, or R. F. D. __— City and State ..-.-.. m jf••• yyORLD'S FINEST PERFORMANCE 3 CHRYSLERS WITH MULTI-RANGE GEAR SHIFT < and IMPERIAL Nina tody Stylo, from >2895 to 93855. t. O. 8. Focfory (Special Equipment Extra) I J7J NEW CHRYSLER "77" PRICES— Nina Body Styles, from $1595 to 91795. F. O. 8. Factory (Special Equipment Extra.) I Z J NEW CHRYSLER "70" PRICES— Six Body Style*, from 91245 to 51395. F. O. 8. Factory (Special Equipment Extra) *985 NEW CHRYSLER "66" PRICES— Six Body Styles, from 9985 to 91085. F. O. 8. Factory (Special Equipment Extra) *2895 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL PRICES — give new driving thrill "THROUGH the development of a new Multi-Range Gear Shift ^ *■ and other sweeping advancements, Chrysler has left the in* dustry far behind. First created for the magnificent Chrysler Imperial—and now carrying out the Chrysler ideals of Standardized Quality, also incorporated in the new "77" and "70"—the Multi-Range Gear Shift completely revolutionizes range and quality of motor car performance. The results are entirely without counterpart in automobile experience. There is nothing new to learn in driving. You shift gears as before —:but with what a difference in results and what a difference in the joys of driving! Not until you actually drive a Chrysler Imperiol, "77" or *70" will * you realize finally]and fully how for ahead the new Multi-Range Gear Shift has carried the standards of motoring. » * •* Nor do you want to miss seeing and driving the remarkable new Chrysler "66“—lower in price than any six that ever before bore the name of Chrysler—a new creation already proclaimed far and wide as the foremast six-cylinder value of the times. If is every inch a Chrysler in the best Chrysler tradition, from radiator to reaf axle, from rims to roof—and what a value! j CHRYSLER ^ CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCTS y F. B. LITTON CO. West Warren St. — Shelby. N. C. READ THE STAR. IT NOW GOES INTO 5,000 HOMES EVERY OTHER DAY. $2.50 A YEAR BY MAIL. FOUR WEEKS FOR A QUARTER BY CARRIER BOY. Star Job Printing At Cost