10 PAGES I TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. 103 &HLLBY, N. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1920. Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons By mail, per year tin advance) $3.10 Carrier, per year (in advance) $3.00 LA TE NEWS l'he Markets. Cotton, per pound «._ lDc Coton Seed, per bu. .......... 4U5j Cloudy Saturday. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight. Tartly cloudy Saturday ana possibly thunder storms In the interior. 14 H. E. Clubs Serve A Feast About 300 Attend Kiwants Meet At rinevfew Lake. Cream Of County Cooking:. Fourteen home economic clubs from various sections of Cleveland county, headed by Mrs. Irma Wal lace, agent, served a most sumptu ous feed to the Kiwants club Thursday evening at 6:30 o'clock at Pinetiew lake. The cream of Cleve land county cooking was there in great abundance and the 75 Ki wanians declared that no section of the state afford better cooks than those in thes; 14 clubs. The variety, the abundar.ee and the tasty man ner in which the fdod was prepared appealed to the hungry Ktwanians who*hearti!y endorsed the work of the clubs which bring about com fort, contentment and competence in the home. George Blanton was in charge of the program and commended the ladies for their fine work. Short talks were made by Mrs. Wallace, home demonstration agent and Miss Martha Creighton. district agent for the Piedmont section. The club members were very loyal to Mrs. Wallace and responded nobly in spite of the rain. Members ot the county board of agriculture were guests of the club and alto gether about 300 people were in at tendance. Spind&le Children Shot, Their Father Being Held For It Tragedy However Is Not Explained. Might Have Been An Explosion. Rutherfordton, Aug. 30.—Clarence Tate, 36, a World War veteran, is in the Rutherford county jail and his two small daughters, Mildred, 8, end Marjorie, 6, are in the hospi tal here suffering from serious wounds, the exact cause of which has not been definitely determined. The tragedv occurred yesterday morning early at the Tate home but Is at yet somewhat mysterious, al though a four-year-old child near by declared Tate did the shooting. The father suffering from tubercu losis and said to be off mentally at times says that he was In the yard when he heard something resem bling an explosion and dashed in to find his two little girls wounded. This statement coincides with the theory that they might have been playing with a dynamite cap which exploded. Still another theory is that some passerby might have shot into the house. However three load ed pistols were found in a trunk in the house, and Tate had been seen with a pistol on the preceding day. Both little girls were wounded about the fact and Mildred suffer ed the loss of an eye and wounds about the a* ms. Marjorie also may lose an eye. For a while Mildred's life was despaired of, but later in the day it w\*s stated at the Ruth erford hospital that both had a chance to recover. Dr. Wall’s Subject For Sunday Service The subject of Dr. Zeno Wall’s sermon Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the. First Baptist church will be "Broken Vessels." His sub ject for the evening service at 8 will be “The Delays of Love." Spe cial music at both services. Mr. and Krs. Everett Houser are back from a vacation spent at High Hampton, wh'rh Everett describes as an isolated and beautiful spot located in Jackson county, near the Georgia line. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Houser took up their abode in their newly completed home on the Cleveland Springs road. Mr. Charles L Eskridge is home i from a motor jaunt and fishing trip , to the big open spaces on South Carolina and Georgia coasts. Mr. Eskridge first visited Palmetto Beach, which he described as a. re treat so complete that there is not a telephone in thirty miles. Then he went to Tybee, Georgia, which h* reached by way of Savannah, which he says is the most inviting resort on the southern coasts. THE STAR ••WANT ADS" WILL FIND IT FOR lOU* Dynamite Marion Mill; 2 Killed At Paw Creek -----• _ _ . . , ____ __ _____1 | County To Get Farm Agent Free Of Cost During Fair Period Assistant \Rcnf raid By State To Come To County "For Trial. Cleveland county is to have a farm agent, minus any county expense, to help complete , the farm contests started this fall and to assist in the very important work of arranging farm exhibits for the big county fair next month. This was anounccd today by A. E. Cline, county business manager, as the latest development in the farm agent matter which is attracting county-wide attention. Following the failure of the coun ty and stats extension department to reach an agreement on a new farm agent to succeed Alvin Har c'in, resigned, Director I. O. Schaub, head of the state farm extension bureau, was informed what an im portant role (he farm agent must play in arranging for the fair. He, too, was informed that numerous contests had been started among the farmers of the county in the spring and that they might fall through unless there be someone to supervise them. Considered Fair. Mr. Scha.ib’s reply, considered by the county farm board as an un usually fair proposition, was that there are several counties near Cleveland which not only have reg ular farm agents but also assist ant agents, which are paid by the state. “In order to help you get your fair ready," Schaub wrote County Manager C me, and in order to keep your agricultural contests gQing^ I am willing to send you one of these assistants agents, who are being paid by the state and will cost the county of Cleveland nothing, to help get joj; fair exhibits ready and to keei in touch with other developments of the fall, the im portant season on the farm.’’ County Mai ager Cline immedi ately wired Mr Schaub to send the assistant agent along as an agent is needed here now to aid in the fair preparations and to keep check on cotton contests and other con tests being carried on by $he farm ers. The general supposition is that if the assistant agent sent here, to “tide over” for the few important months, can show himself worth while and of beneficial aid to the farmers he may be retained as reg ular farm agent for the county. However, hat angle is only prob lematical. Yet county officials, farmers, and others interested in the success of the approaching fair are pleased wiih the offer made by Mr. Schaub. And thus, for a time, at least, che farm agent matter Is closed. Smith Held, Whisky Found In Residence Deputies Make Haul Above Shelby On Fallslon Road. Made Night Raid. A little more than four gallons of whiskey was found in or about, the home of Irvm Smith, who lives near Highway 18, north of Shelby, Wednesday night according to the officers who w;ere in the raid Deputies Bob Kendrick. Harvey Harrelson and John Hord. The officers say they found about two gallons and one-half in the house and the remainder in the garden. Smith is being held for trial. Miss Lavada Beam, secretary at the Crawford-Chevrolet company, is home from a vacation trip to Wrightsville. I Shelby Grocers Talk Of Merger Of Local Stores Meeting La^t Night Finds Grocers In Attendance Favoring Qual ify Merger. At a meet ng of more than a doz en grocers of Shelby and surround ing section held last night in The Star auditorium, the plan of merg ing all local grocery stores into a chain of Quality Service Stores met with general approval. No actual move towards the mer ger was made, however, as those present hop; 10 interest 10 or 15 more grocery in the merger, thus covering practically the entire field hereabouts. Charles Buice, grocery man, who presided over the meeting last night, states that the grocers present will this weelc attempt to see other grocers and convince them of the sound business principles in volved in the merger, after which another meeting will be held next week for organization purposes. Two Gastonia grocers, members of the Quality Service Stores chain, were present at the meeting. The proposed plan is that all local grocers maintain their own stores but operate them as links in the growing chain of Quality Serv ice Stores so that the local grocer may offer tetter competition to rivals by De.ng enabled to purchase in tolumc. Red Men Plan Melon Feast; Stage Drive For Big Membership The Sekonee Tribe No. 23 of the Improved Order of Red Men in Shelby will hold a meeting and a watermelon feast on Saturday night, August 31, at 7:30, at which time plans will be discussed for the big membership drive. In this campaign, which will close about the first of the year,, accord ing to W. A. Cook, many new mem bers are expected to join the Red Men due to the reduced member ship fee for the drive. Wootton’s Ladies Shop Closes Down Wootten’s Indies shop made an assignment vesterday morning for the benefit c* creditors. The store was closed at 9 o’clock and J. J. Lattimore has been named as assig nee to wind up the affairs of the company. Dixon Again Named Junior Order Deputy Ed W. Dixon, of Shelby, has b en named district deputy to succeed himse'.f. Mr. Dixon thereby resumes his duties as head of the Junior or der in' the fifth district. BAPTIST I ASTORS TO MEET HERE MONDAY After suspending their monthly meetings for the summer, the pas tors of the Kings Mountain Bap tist association will meet Monday afternoon a* 2 o’clock at? the First Baptist church. Singing At Palm Tree. Prof. Paul Collins and his quar tet will sing at Palm Tree church Sunday night, September 1. All Eight Months Schools In County Will Be Open Monday When the Dover school opens Monday morning every eijnt months school in Cleveland county will be in operation, according to J. H. Grigg, county superintendent. This means, the school head ex plains, that two-thirds of the ru ral school children in Cleveland county will be back at their books next week—a total of 4.500, there being approximately 7,000 rural school children. The remaining 2, 500 will attend tl six months schools. The eight months schools this year, most of them already open, have the largest enrollment in th history of the county schools, it is said, and the big enrollment is explained by the fact that tcoies of children in six months s :he« districts are enrolling in the t ght months schools. Mill, About Which Strike Centers, Is Damag ed; Rural Cop And Stranger Slay Each Other; Many Are Drowned At Sea. A portion of the Clinchfield cotton mil] at Marion, about which strike agitation has centered for some time, was wrecked by a dynamite blast early this morning around 4 o’clock, according to reports reaching Shelby. The explosion was under the opening room of the mill and the damage resulting will total several thousand dollars it is said. No one was killed or injured. No arrests have been' ntede and so fat officers have found no clues tending to help identify those who placed the dynamite there. The dynamiting follows the termination of a conference, urged by Governor Gardner, between strike leaders and mill owners. MECKLENBURG COP KILLED AS HE KILLS OTHER MAN. Officer S. S. Rogers, of the Mecklenburg rural police force, and H. L. Lequire, a cotton mill worker, are dead cs the result of a gun battle early this morning at Paw Creek, near Charlotte. Rogers and another rural officer, Diggers, were in Paw Creek watching for thieves due to three recent robberies there, including a drug store and a filling station. While awaiting developments the officers saw a car pull into a side road and stop. It was occupied by one man, Lequire, and as the officers approached they informed him who they were. Lequire it is said immediately reached down into his car, grabbed a gun and shot Rogers in the stomach. The of ficer falling to the ground fatally wounded reached' for his gun and fifed one time, the bullet plowing through Lequire’s heart. Biggers, it is said, never had the opportunity to en ter the combat as both men were dead within a few seconds time. VESEL SINKS, 63 DROWN. Six try three lives were reported to be lost today in the sinking of the “San Juan,” a vessel at sea Just where the vessel was at the time of its sinking, is not known. The news came this afternoon at 2 o’clock over radio to San Francisco, according to the news over the Dow-Jones market ticker out of New York. Lion *s Club Sturts Here, 20 Members ..Claude Grose Is President. Civic Club Will Meet Twice Each Month Here. A civic organization known as the Lion's club, new to this section but said to be the second strongest international organization of this kind in the world, was perfected yesterday with Mr. Claude Grose as president. The Lion’s Club In ternational embraces 1,890 clubr with 72,000 members in five coun tries of the world. The Local Lion’s club will meet on the first and third Tuesday eve nings and the meetings will be held for the present at the Hotel Charles Besides Mr. Grose who serves ns president, the following officers have been elected: first vice presi dent, Joe Turner; second vice pres ident, Bill Osborne: third vice pres ident, Dr. D. F. Moore; secretary treasurer, Arthur Benoy; lion tamer, A1 Bennett; tail twister, Shine Blan ton. These four constitute the board of directors; H. C. Dixon, Ed McCurry, Robert Wilson, Frank Kendall. * Other members in addition to the above officers are: Worth Eskridge. Ian Walker, Frank L. Hoyle, jr.. Clyde Nolan, V. C. Mason, F. W. Hamrick, Peyton McSwain, Chas Dover, C. W Boyette. Making Store Room Ready For Furniture The store room formerly occupied by Nix and Lattimore on North LaFayette streefs is being remodel ed both outside and Inside, prepa toiy to the opening at an early date of the Boyette-Elmore Furniture company, Messrs. Boyette and Ill more come to Shelby from Wilming ton where they have been engaged in the furniture business. The opening date cannot, be announced until the improvements are nearer finished. Mr. Miller Harris has • ac cepted a position with the new company. CURTIS OVENS REAL ESTATE OFFICE HERE B F. Curtis has opened a real estate office in the Beam building. Mr. Curtis is a contractor and builder and ruo been quite active in real estate for the past several years. S. P. U. After Electric Plant At Lattimore _ Subsidiary Of Southern Power Com- i puny Offers $1$,0M For The Plant There. The town of Lattimore which owns its municipal light plant serv ing the town of Lattimore and the near-by town of Mooresboro will decide on Sept. 28 whether it will accept the offer of the Southern Public Utilities company to buy the plant at a cost price of $18,000. An election will be held at the Union Trust company's Lattimore brrnch bank on this date when tne citizens will determine whether they favor the sale or not. It is un derstood that the sentiment there is strongly in favor of the salj of f he plant. Dr. H. L. Hunt is mayor and W. S. Walker is town clerk of Lattimore, and in order to ascer tain the will of the majority of *he voters in the city which owns the plant, this election has been ca’Jed. The Southern Public Utilities company is a subsidiary of the Southern Power company and one of the strongest public service cor porations operating in this part of’ the State. A new registration is called for and the books will be open from August 26 to Sept. 25. Loy Heads School Leaders In County Prof. H. M. Loy, principal of the Casar High school, is the new head of the School Masters club of Cleve land county, an organization com posed of all the principals and su perintendents. At the recent meet ing in which Mr. Loy r.a* cl^W president of the club Prof. C. A Ledford, of Belv.ood was named secretary. The club members also discussed school exhibits and other depart ments of the approaching county fair. District Governor Rotary A Visitor Ernest Withers, district Rotary governor, vas the guest speaker of the Shelby Rotary club today at the Hotel Charles. Mr. Withers devoted his talk to building up the local club and the entire district. Next Friuav night the- club will btage its semi-annual ladies night. J Governor May Be Witness In Strike Hearing Will l.ikely Remain In Shelby I n til Neat Week Await ing Call. Governor O. Max Garnder ra\ extend his vacation In Shelby a few days because of the trial of the Gastonia strikers In Charlotte, to which he was subpoenated as a witness. Discussing that likelihood a dls: patch from Raleigh says: “It will be Tuesday or Wednes day of next week before Governrr Max Gardner returns from his vaca tion In Shelby. Governor Gardner plans to remain in Shelby until It is decided whether or not he will be required to appear as a defense witness in Charlotte at the trial of the Oastonia strikers for the n ur dar of Police Chief Aderholt. ‘The governor is still under seb poena. issued at, the request of de fense counsel, to appear and produce a letter written to him about six weeks before the shooting, in which a striker requested the governor to protect the strikers’ headquarters. The letter was written shortly rfter an as yet unidentified mob wrecked the first headquarters occupied by the Gastonia striekrs. "Oovernor Gardner, while always expressing his willingness to make public any information he had with regard to the strike at the trial, -ias always doubted whether this lpi*er. or any other information that he has, could be of material value to the murder case. “Judge Barnhill's ruling yesteidav limiting testimony in the strikers' trial to the alleged conspiracy on ‘. he night of the murder, and eliminat ing evidence concerning other as pects of the strike, may result in a ruling that what Governor Gard ner could say- would be irrelevant. In this case the governor plans to return to Raleigh very soon. jut. if he is to testify In Charlotte, he does not plan to come to Raleigh and immediately return to Char lotte. In that case he will remain In Shelby until he is called as a wit ness. unless it becomes apparent that he will not be called for some time, If at all." Vet* Can Now Get Denver Trip Slips From Sheriff Logan -_ Spanish-American war veterans of Cleveland county and adjoining sections who plan to attend the an nual reunion at Denver, Colorado, should see lormer Sheriff Hugh Logan and secure from him the necessary Identification slips. These slips Issued by the veterans bureau entitle veterans to a reduced fare to and from Denver. ■_JL- __ Beam Thinks Crop Estimate Too High John Beam who is a close observer and somewhat of a farmer, .iV*n* self, says the cotton crops estimates are too high. ‘ Back when Bass Suttle, Dr. Royster and others tv ere so optimistic as to predict from 05, 000 to 75 000 bales this year, I thought they were right, but since then the crop has been sadly In need of rain and many shapes h. ve fallen off. There are many sections where the drought has been rltfht severe and I. think we will do well now to make 00,000 bales. That would be my top guess." Mrs. Gso.-ga B. Jones, of Wewa hitchka, Florida, and Mrs. J. E. Ja don, of Savannah, Ga.. are visiting Mrs. Ida Suttle Half Of Strike Jury Picked; Situation At Marion Tense Tronin Said To Be Ready To Go To Strike Srene; Three Held For Dynamiting. Marion. An?. 211.—'The situation was tense iieri* tonight as the re sult of a serkr of dynamite explo sions in the CHnchfield mill village, an attempt to dynamite the home ot a minister and the discovery of a stick of the explosive on the fac tory's railroad siding. No move has been made as yet to throw tror.pr into the mill villages but several companies In other cities are known to be standing by fqr orders and a move of the units which have been quartered at a lo cal hotel here for two weeks is hourly expected Alleged Dynamiters Caught. Three "trik'ng textile workers. Robert Perkins Bruce Stacey and Oeorge Styles, were bound over to superior court today after a prelim inary hearing before Magistrate E. H. Dysart on charges of attempting to dynamite the home of the Rev. J. N. Wise, minister who has been active In elfcrts to have troops brought to the village. Bond for each was f'xeo. at *3,000 by the magistrate. According to the testimony offer ed at the trial the defendants, rid ing in a car marked "Labor,” drove past the home of the minister, stopped the cai in front of the house, lit wiiat appeared to be a fuse and tossed some object into the yard near' the front porch. The minister and his son hao been awakened by an exploalon in the vicinity a few minutes befero and were up. They say the car true back and the men got out and searched for the dyna mite which had failed to go off. ap parently. The minister's son got his own car out and gave chase, pick ing up Shsriif Oscar Adkins, who finally cornered the fugitives after p chase near the Marlon hospital. A stick of dynamite with cap at tached and a partially burned fuse v as found near the hospital where the car attempted to turn around. Albert Hoitman this afternoon announced that elaborate plans are being made for a labor celebration here Mondvy. Speakers will be brought from every part of the state for the event, he stated. The morning will be devoted to field events and athletic contests with the afternoon and evening sessions including addresses and a barbecue dinner. Deaf To See Show Free Due To Story In This Newspaper Inspired by the story in the Cleve land Star to the effect that the deaf did not care for the "talkies” the local manager of the Princess the atre and the proprieters of the Cleveland Star have made arrange ments whereby all deaf people in the community ere to see the show at the Princess Monday free of charge. Simply let the doorman at the theatre know you are deaf and you will be admitted fr?e. The at ft-action for Monday Is "Captain Lash” starring Victor McLaglen, a "silent" pictured romance of a man who was a Simon Legree among men but a shorn lamb with a woman. It is to be hoped that every deaf person in Clevclcnd county wil' take advantage of the offer nri be on hand Monday to see the program. Big Game Here Tomorrow To Close County League Year I __ Cloth Mill And Eastside Fight For Pennant. Golf Match Dans, The doutce till in the city park here tomorrow will b* the official close of th? county league season end unless the first game of the double header, between the Cleve land Cloth mil! and Eastside ends in a tie hie penant winner will be decided. Neither club has lost a geme and at 2 tomorrow afternoon they face eaih other determined to decide the It ague honors. The two ptrmier moundsmen of the circuit. Smith, for the Cloth mill, and K-niriok. for Eastside, will oppose each other. The second g£.me of the double bill will see Lily mill i.ud Dovcr-Ora opposing ench other. Other Sports, The golf match scheduled for to day between the Webb brothers and Avcork, of Badtn, and Farlowe, of Greensboro, at the Charlotte Coun try club has been postponed, it is understood until Saturday. Mondays’ match in Shelby, how ever, between Bill Goebel, of Char lotte. and the Webb boys, is still on the cards and promises to draw golf fans from several nearby towns and cities. Tn addition to playing the best ball of the young local golf ers, Goebel will give an exhibition of trick shots. Business Or Picking Jurors For A«* rrholt Trie! Is Slow Affair. Charlotte. August 30.—Half of thg Jury that is to hear tlje .Aderholt murder trial had been selected in Mecklenburg superior court yester day shortly bf [ore adjournment for the aftermcn was taken after two full days had been spent examining 126 special veniremen and regulor Jurors. Mill Worker Selected. Two farmers, a carpenter, a news paper vendor, a cotton mill employe and a sted worker now are on the Jury. Thosa* chosen yesterday are J. W. Hicki. cotton mill employe, Hoskins; J, O. Campbell, newspaper vendor, 306 Fast Seventh street. Charlotte; r. w. Martin, carpenter. 812 East Fifth street. Charlotte. Those previously chosen are: Zeb Morris, Jr., farmer, near Matthews: J. O. McCoy, steel worker, Char lotte; S. U Caldwell, farmer, near Huntersville. Anticipate 1 exhaustion' of the special venire of 200 chosen Mon day was responsible yesterday for another special venire of 300 being drawn soon niter court opened in the morning. Most of these venire men are required to report at two o'clock this afternoon, although some have been summoned to ap pear at 9 o'clock 160 Veniremen Served. Of the tint 200 special veniremen chosen, service was secured on only about 160, of which number 138 have been called for examination, leaving approximately 40 still to be called today. Previous to the exam ination of «1 c special veniremen, 18 of the 16 regular jurors chosen by county commissioners for service had been exnmlned, the other three not being present. Examine 10 An Hoar. In the examination yesterday, which was at the rate of about 10 veniremen an hour, slower than Wednesday, the state used five of its 58 peremptory challenges bring ing Its total up to 21. The defenesa used 16 of its 168 peremptory chal-; lenges, bringing Its total up to 42. The state challenged four for causa, yesterday, a total of 11. The de fense challenged 31 for cause yes terday, a total of 46 for the two days. Twenty-six of the 46 veniremen examined yesterday, In addition to the three Jiuors selected during the day, said they had formed the opinion that the defendants were guilty, 14 sa'.tf they had formed no opinion and six expressed the be lief that tho defendants were inno cent. , «„ Bank. Teller Catches Negro With 2 Forged Checks Wednesday One On J. B. Jones And Another On Ben Elii*. Both Soem Forced. Charlie Hull, negro man said to be of the Rutherford section, is be ing held in Jail here on a check after being caught late Wednesday while attempting to cash one cheek and with the other in his pocket. The two checks were for $12 and $18, one upon J. B. Jones, local travelling man; and the other on Ben Ellis, service station proprietor. The negro entered the bank a.?d handed one of the checks to H-.p son Austell, a teller, who examined the check before refusing cash for it. The negro then left but was run down by Austell while the po lice were called. The other check, it is said, was found in his pocket Hull contends, It Is understood that another negro gave him the checks in payment for a suit. Jefferson Agency Opened In Shelby ,T Ft Herndon of Kings Mo* in tain and J, D. McArthur of Albe marle have opened a district agency for the Jefferson Standard Life In surance of Greensboro. Mr. Hern don will alternate his time be tween Kings Mountain and Shelby, while Mr. McArthur will move hi* family to Shelby as soon as a suit able house is available and be in charge of the office which has been opened in the Judge J. L. Webb building.

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