Mr». West Answers Suit Of Her Husband Asheville Woman Denies Allega tions Of ItMeonduet And Mak*t Charges. Ashevllle.~In the case of Mildrco T. West, vs. Martin II. West, an answer was filed in the Buncombe superior court by the plaintiff. I'hls action was taken for Mrs. Wes1 by J. P. Jordan, jr., who represents Mrs. West in her divorce acticn, be gun seme time ago. Mrs. West is seeking an absolute divorce from her .‘.'and. alleging misconduct and f*»ure to support her and her child. In an answer West did not have X cross bill filed of ask a divorce, but did ask pot acs.non of the child. and made a number of allegations against hi wife, who is emoloyed*by the Ameri can National bank, and involvin'; I L. Jenkins, vice president ot the bank. The case has attracted unusual at tention from the lact that Mr Jenk ins is well known in the busine ••••md political life of the state, haring been the candidate of the Repub licans for consre. - in flits, Hie lentil district, and is now holding the position of treasurer of Buncombe county. He was at one time dialled by his party as candidate for a state office, and friend, suggested NOTICE OF SALE OF STOCK CERTIFICATES. ■Whereas, on September B 192i D. H. Dellinger and Nannie Dellin- , gcr executed and delivered u> R. E Campbell thru- notes payable a* I follows: *625.00 December 8 1926, 1 and $625.00 September 8, 1927; and whereas, only $200.00 has been paid on said notes: and where as on September *8tti, 1927; and said D H. Dellinger transferred, as signed and delivered as collateral j security for the aforesaid notes i stock certificates Nu*. 59. 103, 192. I 193. 194 and 208. comprising ten (10) shares of the capital stock ol | the Farmers' Union Supply Co., of Cherryvllle, N. C, with the further contract that, upon failure to pay either or any part of the aforesaid notes at maturity, the said R E. Campbell was empowered nnd au thorized to sell said shares of stock In the manner provided by law lor the sale of personal property und'r conditional sale contract, and to apply the proceeds from the sale of said stock to the payment of the aforesaid notes: Therefore, under the authority of the aforesaid assignment and agreement and under the provisions of the law. the undersigned will offer for sale to the highest bidder rt public auction for cash at the court house door in Shelby, Norln Carolina at 12 M. on September 14. 1929 the aforesaid shares of stock, mcn i.cned above. This, August 23, 1929 R. E CAMPBELL, "cwton A: Newton. Attys Tbe be$t 9&f and the best dervice in town RUI Speedway__$4.75 *0x3 Goodyear___ 4.50 •0x34 Goodyear . 4.95 *0x3 <4 Goodyear, O. S.5.35 *9x4.40 Goodyear __ 5.95 *0x4.50 Goodyear_*_6.60 j All other siie* carried in stork at comparatively LOW PRICES. SMITH’S GARAGE KALLSTON, N. C. his appointment as comp!roller ol the treasury at the beginning ol the Coolldgc administration. West, in his reply to the actor taken by his wife, asking a div <rcr diarged that his wife had made trips to Washington with Mr Jenk ins. that .•■lie was paid an abnormal salary by corporations in which Mr ! Jenkins has an interest, and Mia1 she took meals with Mr. Jenkins at the bank here after closing hours. In the rcnly lt’Cd for Mrs. We»t by Mternev Jordan the chorees mode bv West are'declared to be lo ans tal: r and untrue," the product of n di>ca * (I and distorted mind, a unbalanced bv the excessive us" of whisky and d;u«.s. and in the r.m’.y Mi.. West goes further, alleging that her husband has the general m>u‘ti t km in. Asheville of being a “vercnol fiend, or ve-cnol addict.' It r, admitted that Mr We-1 oc casional'.v took lunch with Mr Jen kins at the hank, when Hie press, of business made u difficult to leave but that such lunches were prep,a ed anti >ent to the hank by Mrs. Jen kins. and it is ot interest in this connection to state that since West made the sensational ehnrfies in volving his wife and Mr Jrntons, Mrs Jenkins and Mrs. Wen have been seen toge'her in public, ami their relations air cordial It 1 stated that when Mr. West went to Washington, it was to look nftcr the secretarial work for Mr. Jenkins when his regular secretary was away on business, and that when in the national capital she stayed, not in an apartment rented by Mr. Jenk ins. but, at one of the hotels. Mrs. West dec'ares that, she has for years been obliged to support the family, and it is at this point that the allegation is made that her hus band has become a drug addict, after intoxicants had failed to satisfy his cravings, and that, as result of all this the plaintiff has been subiect ed to "multitudinous Indignities " that the husband is now suffeMnst from o “loathsome and contagious disease.” this resulting from a de dauched inode and manner of liv ing' It is also set forth in the reply ot the plaintiff. Mrs. West, that the defendant. West, is under indict ment on a charge of violating the criminal laws of the state, that he had impersonated ail officer, and entered the home of a citizen ostensibly in search of liquor. It is possible that this case will come up for trial in the Buncombe superior court next month, as attor neys for Mrs. West declare they will then prosecute the indictment of West on the criminal charge. West, it Is declared, threatened long ago to ‘‘b'acken the character" of his wife if she evrr nppealed to the courts for relief, and that he had made charges against Mrs. West similar to those he is now making against other men who had been I lie employers of Ills wife. BACK YARDS SPOUT OD IN 60-PERSON VILLAGE Greenwich, Kas.—Virtually all of this village's 60 inhabitants have found undreamed sources of wealth in their own back jards Eighteen oil wells have been drill ed within the six square blocks that is Greenwich. Already produc tion exceeds 3,000 barrels daily. Not a dry hole has been fount'. Their potential riches, however, are burning no holes in the pocket. of Greenwich people. Characteris tically conservative, they continue their simple life, suspiciously eyeing strange fortune-seekers In their midst W H Avery of Burke county has begun construction of the first monolithic concrete silo to be built in the county. Mr. Avery sells whole milk in Morganton. Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tell you that “Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature’s Foundation of Perfect Health.’* Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system h*r tak ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs arc the greatest of all system purifiers. Get. a family package with full directions. On ly 35 cts. at drugstores. (Adv). Tf ; :• Save any of the following symptom* I have lie remedy no matter what your trouble has b en diagnosed: Nervousness stomach trouble, lo»» of weight, loaa of sleep, »o;o mouth, pains iu the hook and shoulders, peculiar Swimming in the head frothy like phlegm ill throat, passing raucous Irom the bowels, especially alter taking purgative, burn ing feet, brown, rough or sallow skin, burning or itching skin, rash on the hands, face and arms resembling sunburn, habitual constipation. ometirncs alternating with diarrhoea) copper s>r metallic laste, skin sensitive tosiinbeat,forget fulness. despondency and thoughts that sou might lose sour mind, giinis e fiery red and falling away from the teeth, general weakness ssi'hlosa of energy. these (i If you have Ss-rsptoBis and have I C. *. D. tikeo *1.1 kinds nt i tscdicice *nd still i 4e}t, 1 especially «*at 70a to imte for h>\ booklet j Mri. J. D. Collett, Poute No. 4. High Point, N. C., ♦ hose picture appears here, ♦rites: "During the winter of 1927C3 I took your treatments, and lam glad to *ay that my fatuity doctor saya 1 have uo symptoms oow. 1 look, feel, and am a different person altogether. 1 cannot thank you ami your naedicine enough''. ,1 at**, j. i>. ivLun Youiir People On Picnic. Personal! Of People Motoring In And Out. 'Special to The Star ' F/'lston.—Miss Roberta Ro;.stc; is .spending several days with Misr Mary Louise Huffman of Morgan - ton. Mrs. Robert Cline has returned from a to her home at Bcn netfsville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spending of Shelby were the dinner guests of Mr and Mrs P. O. Ross. Mr. C. C. Falls has returned .-m a business trip to Four Oaks Mr Summie Weathers of ?,an Antonio, Texas. Mr. Yan Wea her and Mrs. Major Hopper were ‘h. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs W / Rovster Frida'-. Mr Ray Wilson and Miss Amor* lea Hendrick visited Mr. and Mrs. Dcvlr Hendrick Sunday. Mrs. L. B, Pierce and daughter. Virginia, have to Young Har ris. Oa Mrs. Pierce will teach school and her daughter attend school. Miss Ruth Griffin of Ben.' vlt'e. S. C. is \Citing her aunt Mrs Robert Cline Mr. Paul Yoder of Nashvit'e Trnn.. visited Mr Ray Wf nr. Thursday Mr and Mrs ’I M Sweeny visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Clcmmie Roy-ter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Yates Stroup of Miami. Fla . are visiting relat'ves here Mr. H. O. Hellinger is attending court at his hotr.o in Stony Foi it Misses Pearl Jelly and Mari? Hambrick visited Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Spurllng Simony evening. Miss Thelma Hoyle has return:*’ from an extended trip to Morgan ton. Mr Furman Wright of Gash rln spent the week-end with his parent Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. Miss Mertel White of Belwood was the week-end guest of MMs Ola Boggs Mr. T A. Lee is on a business trip to New York for the Stamey com pany. Mrs A. L. Hoyle Is visiting Mrs. R. M. Brackett of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs M. M. Hays of Shel by visited Mr and Mrs. M W Wright. Mr. and Mrs A. H. Beam of Mooresvllle spent the week-end with Mrs Beam's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Stroup. Mrs. J. B. Stroup. Mr. and .Mrs Pink Lackey and daughter. Mai the Love, were the dinner guests of Mr. Ed Dickson and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Stamey and family and Miss Royster vis ited Mr. and Mrs. S. A Peeler of Belwood. Mr. John Dickson of Belwood vis ited Mr. J. B. Hoyle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Wright of Gastonia visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A Wright Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Olen Murray and children of New York city arc visa ing relatives here. Miss Rea Lattimore and Clare Williams spent the week-end vith Misa Lattimore's parents, Mr. end Mrs. J. D. Latti.nore of near Polk ville. Misses Nellie Stamey pmd Eloire Royster were Polkville visitors Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. G S. Royster had as their guests Saturday, Mr. Sunn'e Weathers of San Antomo, Texas, Mr, Yan Weathers nnd Mrs. Majo. Hopper of Shelby. The B. Y. P. U., Epworth league, and Christian Endeavor went on a picnic Tuesday night to Pineview lake. Swimming and boat riding were enjoyed after which supbe. was spread. Flint Hill News Of Community Items fSpecial :o The Start The farmers ere through with their work for awhile Mr. end Mrs. Jimmie Blantc.i of Blacksburg visited Mr. and Mrs R S. Dover Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ledbetter of Shelby visited ileir parents stun i day. Mr. Grady Blanton spent fhe ■ week-end with Mr, Rex Ledbetter. The following spent last week with Miss Ruth Blariton of R ng Mountain: Misses Effie. Blanche end Almond Pearson. Blanche Lcdbeitc-, Mary lie Hamrick Miss Mary Ella Dover spent the week-end with Miss Gladys L<d : \ter. ' Misses Mary Ella Dover ,nc! -" >dy.s Led bcue- arc spending pan . this week at Kings Mountain with has Ruth Blanton. Mrs. Furman Ledbetter. Miss Mvr “C Xlarrill and Mr. Rex. Ledee ter V'ht Tuesday at Kings Moun'aiu. Mi&s Myrtle Louise h- ■ ■■pent, part of Iasi week at. Kings Mountain with Miss Ruby Pans. Mr. Graham Weaver spent, tin week-end with Mr. Jack Pearson. Mr. Sherman Weaver was the dinner guest of Mr. Rex Lcdb:.ter Sunday. Messrs. Robm I re and Jay J).v isited their parent-. Mr. and Mrs j .1. S. Dover Sunday afternoon. Try Star Wants Ads. | REV. JIM GREEN i Tent Meeting On At Toluca. Kills Hardman Home Is Burned. He Is Struck By Lightning. f Special to The Star.) Toluca. Aug. 29 —Revival services still continue at the tent. Wonderful ! messages are being delivered twice | each day. Rev. .Jim Greene is n n I ducting services this week. He If a I real God-sent man. Mr. Ellis Hallman had the mis fortune to lose his home by fire on | last Sunday night, also the smoke t house. As everybody was at the tent ; there was not anything savpd from | the fire. He carried a small insur ance. Mrs. S A Sain had the misfor ! tune to miss her footing on the jporrh step last Saturday evening, .falling and cutting a bad gash ini I her leg. She was earned to the doc- I tor where 10 stitches w ere required 1 to sew up the gash. She is getting | along very well but is unable to ' walk. Mrs. Oscar King and daughter, Inez, of Lincoln county spent the week-end with her daughter Mrs Tcxir Boyles and attended the tent meeting. Miss Lucy Ye’.ton, Mr. John Leslie Yclton of Lawndale also Miss Maie Sain of Bclwood were Toluca vislt oors last Friday. Mrs. T. P. Deal of Rockdale was a dinner guest of Mrs. S. A. Sain on last Thursday. Mrs. Grace Davis and Mrs. Bessie j Davis of Rockdale visited Mrs. M S. Boyles the past week end attend ed the tent meeting.. Mrs. Alvin Lackey and chlld'en of the North Brook section were jToluca visitors last Sunday. Mrs. Lee Anne Boyles spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Yarbro. Miss Charlotte Peeler, a nurse or Morgan hospital is spending lonie time at her home. Mr. and Mrs. ,1. M. Carpenter motored to the home of their broth er. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carpenter of | near Charlotte one day last week to I see Mr. Carpenter He suffered a j stroke of paralysis some time back I but is improving some. Mrs. Charlcie Carpentpr -nd daughter, Miss Ima Carpenter of Knob Creek visited at. the home of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Yar bro last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Willis of ! Mnlden have been attending revival meetings at the tent the past we ek Miss Gertrude Seism was a visitor in Shelby last Saturday. Mrs. Odus Norman ant! children of Belwood the week-end with oer parents, Mr and Mrs. S. A. Sain. Mr. Dewey Hartman of Chervv ville spent the week-end with hr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hvt man. Mrs. Alice Sain of Knob 2'eek was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sain Sunday. Mr. Ellis Hartman was hit by lightning last Friday while at Rhodrhiss fishing The hgh'ninr struck In the water knocking M". Hartman down. He was burned across the shoulder and breast. Much plowing under of clover sod has been done in Lincoln coun ty during the first part of Angus., The season has been fine for turn ing land. . 1J.J HAY EVER Quick Safe Relief First treat * m e n t r e h hevea fee •ruh when in*. elfin _ w a t * r y eyes and checks sneez ins. Protects mem branes asrrinst fur ther attacks of pois onoas pollen. A Phy sician’s prescription. nok i# a### t*mmr• At All C.ncd Drue Store* For sale by Kendall Medicine company and all food dru* stores. Blanton Child Dies Friday Of Colitis • Seven .Months Old Son Of Mr. An* Mrs. Kura Blanton Buried At Ross Grove. I (Special to The Star.l The death angel visited the home I of Mr. and Mrs. Eura Blanton and claimed their dear little seven months and sixteen days old son, Cloye, Friday evening at 3:30 oclock. He suffered a very serious attack of colitis which lasted only a lew days. Cloye was in perfect health Tues day. but took sick suddenly Wednes day morning. He was rushed to the Shelby hospital but could not get any relief. So he was brought nack home and everything that loving hands could do, did not save nlm from death. Rev H E. Waldrop conducted the funeral services at Ross Grove Bap tist church Saturday morning at 11 o’clock. Train Pulls I'p At Garage. Front The Wall Strej^ Journal. It may not be long before the railroads of the country will begin to use the roadside garage and re pa.. shop for repairs to their equip ment. A start in this direction was made last week when the "Katy Flyer.'’ the M-K-T's crack train had a broken piston valve on the engine near Temple, Texas. The engineer coasted until he came to a garage, stopped his train, had the valve repaired at a cost of 75 cents and pulled out 30 minutes late. Card Of Thanks. We wish to thank our many friends for the kindness they ren dered to us during the sickness and death of our little boy, Clo; e. Mr. and Mrs. Eura Blanton. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SIM MONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina. Cleveland County. In the Superior Court. Novella Heath, oy her i.ext fr<cr.d, G. W. Shipman, plaintiff; vs. F. R. Heath, minor defendant. The defendant, F. R. Heath, minor, will take notice. that an action entitled as above, has been commenced in the superior ;ourt of Cleveland county, N. C., to obtain an absolute divorce upon the grounds of adultery; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the clerk of the superior court of said county in the court house in Shelby, N. C., on or before the 1st day of October, 1929, and answer or demur to the complaint m the said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court lo the re lief demanded in the said com plaint. This 5th day of Aug.. 1929. A. M. HAMRICK, Clerk Superior Court. M. R. Weathers, Atty. for plaintiff. E. P. Hopkins of Mt. Pleasant route 1, in Stanly county made 71 1-4 bushels of Fulgum oats an 1 acre on four acres of land this sea son. , ASSIGNEE’S SALE OF ESTATE. REAL By virtue of the authority vested in me as assignee in a certain deed of assignment made by W. B. and wife. Hattie L. Nix, on the 5th day of April, 1929. and recorded n book 3-X, page 463, of the office of the register of Cleveland county. I will sell to the highest bidder at the court house door in Shelby on Saturday, September 21, 19*9 at 1 o'clock or within legal hours, the following described real estate, to That house and lot situated in the northwest portion of the town of Shelby, the property of W. B Nix, fronting 75 feet on the cast sidw of North Morgan street and ex tending back with an east and west alley a distance of 229 feet to a north and south alley, and bound ed on the north by the property of H. A. Logan, and being the re maining portion of that lot conveyed t# w. B. Nix by W. H. Strickland and wife, and further described a the residence lot of W. B. Nix and 1 wife. The aforesaid sale will be mad? subject to a deed of trust to Cleve land Building and Loan association in the sum of $5,000 and recorded in book 157, page 67. of the office of the register for Cleveland county. N. C. This the 16th day of August 1929. " J J. LATTIMORE, Assignee. i SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE. North Carolina Cleveland County. In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. J. L. Taylor, administrator of Es tate of Mrs. E. A. Taylor, deceas ed and J. L. Taylor, individually, Vs. Clarence Taylor, Bessie Taylor Pos ton and husband, W. D. Poston. Minnie Taylor Dawson and hu> band. Cal Dawson, Millie Tayln: McSwain and husband, Willard McSwain. To Minnie Taylor Dawson and Husband, Cal Dawson: The defendants above named will take notice that a special proceed ing as above entitled has been commenced in the superior court for Cleveland county, and before the Clerk for the purpose of sellns real estate in which they have interest for the purpose of making assets and for division of any ex cess thereof, and petition in said cause has been filed with the clerk of superior court, and the said defendants are required to ap pear before the clerk of superior court at his office in Shelby. N. O. on or before the 27th day of Sep tember, 1929. and answer or demur to said petition within 20 de.ys thereafter, or the telief prayed for will be granted. This the 23rd dav of August, 1929 A M. HAMRICK, Clerk Superior Court. rr LOW ROUND TRIP FARES To WASHINGTON, D. C., RICHMOND NORFOLK, PORTSMOUTH, VA. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY SATURDAY, AUGUST 31ST, 1929. i i ROUND TRIP FARES Tickets will be sold for all trains August "1st, with final return limit of September 5th, tickets good in pull man cars on payment regular pullman fare. For further information and pullman reservations call on any Seaboard ticket agent, or Via Shelby to Washington Shelby to Portsmouth Shelby to Richmond _ H. A. HARRIS, Agt. Shelby, N. C. JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A. ' Raleigh, N. C. Announcing Curb Service BLUE BIRD ICE CREAM STORE SHELBY, N. C. - PURITY - QUALITY - QUANTITY - ALWAYS SOUTH CAROLINA Foods And The Goiter Problem The disease known as goiter is an enlargement cf the thy roid gland, due to a deficiency of iodine in the diet. Conse quently, one of the most important preventive measures ever undertaken in the interest of health is the effort to obtain foods that naturally contain a sufficient amount of iodine so that when eaten in moderate quantities they will prevent goiter. South Carolina farms produce food products, vegetables and fruits, high in iodine content. Farms consisting of tracts of 50 to 500 acres may be purchased on attractive terms. Foi particulars write N. B. Gamble, Box 1318, Columbia, S. C. Don’t Worry About Your Car When In Charlotte Park It In the Heart Of the Busi ness Section Addison Storage Garage 210 South Church Street Members of mgg Per Hour the tkp Minimum A. A. A. Charge 25c MORE Issac Shelby Flour Is Used In Cleveland County Than Any Other Two Flours that are Sold In This Section. Dependable Goodness And Wholesomeness Are The Reasons. Eagle Roller Mill Company kt «*#UP j PICNIC BASKET VALUES A. & i\ Kc-.kI Stoic.; ' ju itifuPy stocked with good ; thai* v i'i rdd u> a nappy juuik—everythin:; you p-„c'i t. > na ;o th? holiday picnic or lunch a real triumph. The prices al low too! A. & P. PURE GRAPE JUICE .. 23 PINT BOTTLE CANADA DRY GINGER ALE o ISOTTLlv u* 50c house Evaporated Milk 3 ™vs 25c QC.AXKK- B£ANS OVEN MAIL) BAKED 3 29c 8 O’CLOCK COFFEE lb. 0! C PLAIN OLIVES small jot 1 Oc PICKLES S'vecl or Mi:;2<1 Quart Jar 35c N. B. C. Crackers 6-5c pkgs. 25c IVORY SOAP 2 Cakes 15; New Pack TOMATOES No. 2 can 10: Clicquot Club “SEC” 3 BOTTLES 50 c Lucky Strike, Old Gold, Chesterfield, Camel, Piedmont CIGARETTES CARTON, £ *1 I p 10 ljre. pkgc. *P 1 * I O =, Aomtica Pacific

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