Webb Theatre To-Night and Tuesday IT’S HOT! FLAMING YOUTH! JAZZ MADNESS! JOIN THE PARTY AND SEE JCAN CEBVIOBD ov"> MODERN MAI OEMS With Douglas Fair hanks, jr. Anita Pago, Rod La Roque ^fjr PICTURE ADMISSION . 10 & 40 SHOWS _ 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9. Webb Theatre k ■y y/ ! ONE MORE WEEK ONLY OF THE SERVICE DRY I CLEANING COMPANY’S I OFFER OF ■ $1.00 FOR DRY CLEANING Ladies’ Light and Heavy Weight Coats. And Men’s Light and Heavy Weight Overcoats. This is a SPECIAL OFFER. It brought us unprecedented business last week when it opened, and we expect even more pa nonage this—THE FINAL WEEK. Ladies and Gentlemen, get your fall and winter coats out and take advantage of this unprecedented offer. We will mak» the garments look like new, and you will be prepared for the cool weather when it comes. — CALL 33 TODAY! — SERVICE DRY CLEANING CO. West Graham Street, Next Door To The Ideal Ice Plant. 4 LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Mrs Leary W, Adams and little daughter, Billie Rita, returned to J Charlotte today after spending two ! weeks with Mr and Mrs P S, Gel- ! tys of Lawndale. « Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Get tvs of i Lawndale are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs Burme Souther land in Jonesboro, Tent' Miss Pearl Dixon lefi Tuesday for Marsha'.lberg. where she will leach school Miss Maude H’ghtower is visiting her uncle, near Saluda Mrs Clifton Brooks of Chariotte and Mr C C Leonard of Cherry \ille are visiting their sister M,s John Honeycutt. Mesdames Brevard Hennessa. Henry Edwards. Frank Kendal! and Miss Fvelvn Wilkins spent Satm'day in Charlotte. Mr and Mr-. L. R Corneun visit ed in Gastonia Friday The following young men left yesterday and today for Durham, where they will enter Duke univer sity. Troy McKinney. Lloyd Lit. Roy Self. Harris Luton. Milton Lov and Alee George Mr and Mrs W C Harris and Ed Harris accompanied Tom Har-.vl to Rutherford college Saturday where he will be a student this : year. Mrs Sam Srhercher nt Crystal City, Texas. Miss Josephine Kincaid and Ragan Houston of San Antonio Texas are visitin’' Mr and M:s. John Schrnek at their lvotne at Lawndale. . j Mrs John Sebcnek, jr. and chil dren returned today front Blowing Rock, where they have been spenc ing the summer. Mrs J. Rush Oates of Asheville will arrive Wednesday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Blaiuon for a feu days. Mrs. Gordon Dudley, jr. returned last urek from Sanford where she had been visiting her parents. Dr and Mrs. Kemp Funderburk ! and litt'e daughter. Nancy Beam, j spent Sunday with Misses Laura i and Nora Cornwell. Mrs Madge W Rilev leave Wed nesday for Raleigh where she will ; visit her sister, Mrs, O. M. Gard ner for some time. Miss Attie Bostic left Saturday fo" Charlotte to spend two or three weeks. She spoke to the missionary society of the First Baptist church ‘ there today. Mr and Mrs. Vetas Hamrick and family moved to Shelby last week from Goldsboro and are occupying : the Carl Thompson house on W. | Marion St. j Robert Elliott of Polkville left to day for Chapel Hill where she will enter the university. j Miss Elizabeth Dudley spent the ' week-end with her sister, Mrs. Quinn McCombs in Hickory, Misses Virginia Hoey. Caroline Blanton and James Webb Gardner and Tommy Harrill will be guests ; of Gov. and Mrs. O. M. Gardner at ' the mansion in Raleigh for several days this week. Miss Hoey will be i the debutante from Shelby at the debutante ball given there Thurs day night and Tommy Harrill will ! be her marshal. i - Mrs. Ben Montgomery of Spa - tanburg after a visit to Mrs F. O. Gee returned home last week ac ! conipanied by Mrs. Gee who return ed to Shelby Friday. Miss Mary Reeves Forney leaves 1 tomorrow for Asheville to enter Cecil business college Mrs. J A. Suttle and Miss Nancy Suttle spent Saturday in Charlotte Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Baber anti Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baber and families spent yesterday in Spar tanburg Mr. and Mrs. L. E Powers and daughter of Rutherfordton visited friends and relatives here yester day. Mr. Roy Stsk returned last night from a ten days vacation spent at Atlantic City and New' York. Mr. and Mrs John McClurd spent Sunday with Mrs. Ambrose Mull in the country. Mrs. W L. Packard and Miss Jennie Lee spent Friday with Mr-.. Jack Shuford at Cliffside. The many friends of Mrs. Patlie Blanton will be glad to learn that she is very much improved from a rrervu sic* spell a I her home on N. LaFayette street. Robert Ha use and W, C Roberts were visitors in Gaffney last even ms Misses Ella MeNlchols Etta Be' - er’y. C'anie MeNlchols o( Chariot ? and Mrs W B Nix motored to Montreat. little Switzerland and Burnsville tor a week-end visit re in: nine last night Miss Marguerite Leverette of San ford visited Mrs Robert Wilson the first of last week. Mr and Mrs. Hoyle Starnes of Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. t A Harmon of Charlotte spent the week-end with M: and Mrs Knox Hardin. Misses McDonald. Pryor. and Steverscn of the city school faeul y \istted at Spindale and Ruther fordton Saturday Alec Gcr. Louis Roberts and Btily McKnight left last Wednesday to enter Davidson college Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Jenkins ac companied their daughter. Miss Virginia, to Raleigh last week where she enters St Marys eollegr Mrs O R Dixon of Kent. Oh o. is' visiting tier daughter M. Racket t Wilson on Cleveland Springs road for a few weeks. Born 10 Mr. and Mrs. H W. Hen derson of Greenville. S C , a dainty daughter Mary Caroline. Mrs Hen derson formerly was Miss Lucile Smalley of Shelby. Mr and Mrs Nestor G Hamrick and family, manager of D Pender j store, spent the week-end with Mr. | and Mrs. J B McGinis at Char lotte and left Monday for Chase City. Va , Richmond and Washing ton. D. C and will return througn the Shenandoah valley. Mrs William Yelton of Lawndale has returned home after spending several days at the bed side of her husband who is in the Charlotte sanitorium. Mr Yelton is improv ing nicely. Mr and Mrs D J Wood are vis iting Mr. and Mrs J C. Wood They rame up to be with their son who has been very ill but is grad ually improving. Miss Ruth Beam who teaches in the Lmcolnton city schools spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs Sephus Beam. Mr and Mr W. B. Beam ana two children ol Cherryville spent Sunday with Mi D. A. Beam and family. They came up especially to hear Hon. Clyde P.. Hoev Sunday morning. Mr and Mrs. Grady Maunev spent the week-end with Mrs. Man ney's father who is in the Char lotte sanitorium. A Calf club show will be held bv members of the Iredell Jersey Ca'f club at the Piedmont Branch sta tion near Statesville on September 21. Twelve pure bred Jersev bulls and nine registered heifers were purchased by farmers of Anson county in August. Keep in touch with home while away at college. A spe cial rate of $1.50 for the nine months is made by The Cleve land Star to school students. Former Clevelandite Killed In Oregon William Bryant, Native Of County I* Killed When Car Misses Bridge In Oregon. A clipping from a northwestern [ paper brings the news of the tragic death of William Bryant of Walla Walla Washington who was killed j last. Sunday morning at 2 o'clock when he was riding with a party of 1 friends in the state or Oregon, go j ing on a fishing trip. Mr Bryant i was born and reared in this coun ty. his mother being a Lovelace. Hr is a cousin of County Commission er R. L. Weathers. Bryant who was 82 years of age was head of the men s wear de | partment of the Gardner and com ! pany department store and in the car at the time of the accident were Ward Gardner, Clifford C. Dou glass. Gardner ' was driving when i the ear came to a ninety degree surve in the road. Not familiar wi-h j the road and the highway being un marked, the car struck the approach . to the bridge and straddled one of ! the steel supports. The men were i precipitated into the stream of wa ter 15 feet below. The other two ! men escaped with injuries, but Bryant was killed outright. Young Bryant was the son of Geo. W. Bryant and is survived oy his widow, two sisters and a broth i er. He was a member of the Amer ican Lesion, Rotary club. Bela Theta H fraternity and Walla Walla coun ^ try club WE WANT YOU TO DRIVE THE NEW CHEVROLET SIX THERE’S A DIFFERENCE WE CHEERFULLY DEMONSTRATE. CRAWFORD CHEVROLET Co. - PHONE 265 —' ^i BEAUTIFUL NEW PICTURES Just in' Vl large assortment of pretty Pictures—copies of famous paintings— including many popular subjects. We want you to see these pictures and note their beauty of coloring and very low price. You will surely want several of them to brighten up the home. Price $1.00. $2.00 and up. T. W. Hamrick Co. — JEWELERS & OPTOMETRISTS JJ BECK & PRATT ARE AT YOUR SERVICE FOR YOUR FALL DRY CLEANING \ This is the season for you to patron - ize the dry cleaners to the fullest, having your summer garments clean ed for laying away, and your fall things brightened up for wearing. We are at your service one hundred per cent with expertness, efficiency and courtesy. Give us a call today. Phone 686. $1 .50 ISN’T IT WORTH JUST To have your fur-trimmed coat thoroughly dry-cleaned —the fabric refreshed—the fur re-glinted—and skill fully moulded back to noticeable smartness? PHONE FOR US TO ('ALL TODAY SHELBY DRY CLEANING CO. 1^= 113 rr=-^-•="-~ WHAT DOES YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT DO FOR YOU? Gives the Extras That Make Life Worth Living I I WHEN you want a new radio, a piano, a new ear or a long planned trip in the sum mer—then you will be glad you made Regular Deposits in your Savings Ac count. For steady saving is the fastest and surest way to get the extra things that put joy into living. Make deposits often^ FIRST NATIONAL BANK SHELBY, N. C. A SAFE BANK FOR SAVINGS. (/ J. B. NOLAN INC., — REAL ESTATE BROKERS - SHELBY, N. C. Offers the following valuable farm lands for sole at unheard of prices: 1056 acres, near Newberry, S. C. This is a fin# farm, located on pood sand clay road, in good neighbor hood, a quantity of good timber, well watered, has 7 ten ant houses. The entire farm lays well and is fertile land, will make bale cotton per acre. If you are inter* ested in buying a real farm it will pay you to investigate this one. Price $6.00 per acre. We will be glad for yoif to call at our office and get any information you desir# about Ihe land. 204 acres, near Mariah church and school, about 6f acres under cultivation,, 30 acres good bottoms, an<| about 75 acres more can be cultivated. Fine pasture, 9 miles from Casar, N. C. This is a good piece of land! and the price is only $3,000.00. 35 acres, more or less, near Toluca, good 5 room house, splendid orchard and pasture. This is good lay ing and fertile land and is located on State Highway No. 18 and being the farm now' owned by J. B. Sain. Th# Price is $3,500.00. We have a Cash buyer for a farm containing about I 80 acres of land. This farm must have good improve ments, with not less than a 6 room house, must be pro ductive and lay good and not farther than 8 miles fronp Shelby. If you can fill the bill w'e will be glad for vow to call on us. It is our confident opinion that now is the time to buy your farm. Financial conditions are looking much better, and we are sure that we can sell you property much lower in price now than we can in the future. W* 1 are in position to sell you what you want at the right I price. “Our Real Estate Service Will Please You." J. B. NOLAN CO INC., TELEPHONE 70. SHELBY, N. C. V- -^ .—^ TRY STAR WANT ADS FOR RESULTS