I 12 PAGES TODAY i \ i 111 ! Published Mondav, Wednesday , and Frtdav Alternoong By mau, pet year (in advance) $340 _* ' Carrier, per year On advance) $3.00 It’s Just Next Week—The Big Cleveland County Fair, “Carolinas Greatest” LATE NEWS The Markets. Cotton (Spoti ..18',c Cotton Seed, per bu. . 10' ac Light Frost Likely. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Partly rloudy and cooler, possibly light frost in extreme west portion tonight. Thursday fair, eooler in east portion. B. S. College In Easy Game Facklev's Baptist Tram Drubs Dallas High By A « To 0 Score. Tire first football encounter of the year in this section of the Car olina? turned out to be a veritable pigskin landslide at Boiling Springs junior college yesterday when B'.ainey Rackley s eleven ran rough shod over the Dallas high school team by a mere 67 to 0 score. Although the opposition to the Baptist collegians was a light high school eleven, fans and supporters of the school are about ready to be lieve that the former Wake Forest star has som<* threatening scoring punch out at. the junior college. It takes an exceptionally good team to make ten touchdowns on any type of opposition, particularly when i* is the first game of the year. Stroud A Star. Coach Rackley attributed his vic tory to a heavy charging line, speedy backs and "Just high school opposi tion," but when the game is re (Conttnued on page ten) Young Smyre Tells Of World Jamboree rirdmont Scout Council Compris ing Five Counties Holds Meeting Here. Gratifying reports of the work of the Piedmont Boy Scouts of Amer ica. Piedmont council, were heard here last night at a meeting of of ficials from the five counties of Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln. Ruth erford and Polk. Editor J. W. Ad kins of Gastonia presided and a feature of the meeting was the re port of the World Scout ^mboree held at Burkenliead. England, dur ing the summer, this meeting being attended by 60,000 scouts from 11 nations and 12 possessions. Young Fted Smyre, Jr., of Gas tonia, was one of the few scouts from North Carolina to attend and he praised Uncle Sam for providing the best quarters of any nation represented and thanked the men of the Piedmont council for spon soring the splendid work which is being carried on through R. M Schiele, scout executive. "That jam boree created a world-wide good feeling not only among the boys, but among the leaders of the na tions of the world,” declared Young Smyre, clad in regulation scout uni form Piedmont council has 1375 scouts and 45 troops were represented in camp at Tryon during the summer when 700 scouts attended. Repres entative business men from the five counties were here last night at the ' dinner served at Hotel Charles and : went over the work of the past and ; planned for greater things in the I future. The key note of the meeting seemed to be a lack of scout lead- , ers who will make the sacrifice fjr the young manhood of this section | in training them in scouting. The next meeting of th« council ] will be held here about th? middie j of October. Recorder Holds An All Day Court On Tuesday; 17 Trials Court Hour? Jammed. Every Seat FtJled For Increasing Grind Of County Court. County recorders court in Cleve land county has grown to be almost [ a* important, if not as important as superior court—that is, from the i standpoint of interest and the num ber of cases. Usually the Monday docket, with “the week-end after" imbibers and their headaches, takes up the major portions of the day, but here Tues day the county session ground away ! nearly all day. beginning at 10 in the morning and holding forth un til after 3 in the afternoon. Every seat. ii> the main courtroom and in (lie negro gallery was filled j with spectators. or witnesses, to I hear the 17 cases which'were dis- 1 posed of. These cases, according *o Judge Horace Kennedy and Solici tor P. C. Gardner, dealt for the .nost part with prohibit.on law violations ] end worthless checks, although; quite a number ot the c„ses had to ‘ do with an alleged disturbance o: rpligious worship at a colored church in the Lawndale section re cently. j Metts Coming Tuesday About Cavalry Troops Wants Shelby Proposition For Troop Presented To Him Thrn. J Van P. Melts, adjutant general of North Carolin.t. will be in Shelby next Tuesday afternoon , and eve ning to consult with local men about, the proposal to establish 1 cavalry troop of the national guard here. Some months back information coming to Shelby had it that a troop of cavalry yvould be organiz ed in this section and several Shel by and Cleveland county men with cavalry experience during or prior ] to the World war immediately in terested themselves in applying for the troop location here Since that time other towns and cities in the section have also ask ed for the troop. At present at least three other cities—Charlotte. Winston-Salem and Marion—are asking for the troop Wants Drtails. In a letter of those interested here Adjutant General Metts says that on Monday he will begin a torn of the four cities wanting the trooo to decide just which one can offer J the best facilities and prospects for establishing a troop. Ke will reacn Shelby about noon Tuesday, or shortly thereafter, and at a meeting with leaders interested desires that actual facts be placed before him as to prospects for officer and enlist ed personnel, armory and stable equipment, and finances Meeting Called. All local young men, particulars ex-service men. who would be inter ested in enlisting in the troop, if established here, are asked to meet at the Company K armory Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock Ex-service men not interested in enlisting but who may offer advice about -the establishment of the troop are also 1 urged to attend the meeting. -1 County Deputies In Session Here; Talk By Newton Made One of the first meetings of nil law enforcement officers, working under Sheriff Irvin M. Allen. In some time was held last night at the sheriff's office in the court house here. Twenty-six deputies were present in addition to the sheriff. An interesting talk on law en forcement and an explanation of the law was made by Attorney J. C. Newton, and this uras followed by a talk by Sheriff Allen in which he outlined and urged cooperation upon the part of his force in en • forcing the law Dr. Wall To Begin A Revival At Oxford! __ i Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of the First Baptist church of Shelby leaves tIre last of the week for Oxford wheio he will conduct a revival meeting at the First Baptist church from Sept. 22 to October 3. Gardner Says Troops Were Held Ready Last Saturday At Gastonia Raleigh,—Although local authori ties of Gaston county declined to request troops last Saturday upon orders of Governor Gardner the Gastonia company of the national guard was mobilized in its armory subject to call at the time of the advertised meeting of the National Textile Workers' union at South Gastonia which was to have been addressed by communist speakers. This was learned this week tor the first time from Governor Gard ner. At the time the chief executive merely announced that he had dis patched Judge N A. Townsend, executive counsel, to the scene with ' instructions to prevent any riot in connection with the meeting. ; “X instruced Judge Townsend to ' inform the civil authorities that! troops would be sent if they request ed, which is the only was they could be sent," said the governor today. “I was informed that no troo-is were needed, but I had the Gastonia comp ray held in readiness. “The shooting of the woman oc curred some miles avav from wheto trouble was expected and 1 do not ; think that troops in South Gastonia could have had any effect on the halting of the truck at West Gas tonia. four miles away, or the shoot ing of the woman on the highway some miles beyond " All other issues raised at Gastonia have now been submerged by the su preme issue of lawlessness," the gov ernor declared today. “Questions of the stretch out. communism and all other questions raised can be settled in the calm light of reason, but when the fabric of the law is urakrnrd all other evils flow from it," declared the ex ecutive. "The situation in the state now only involves the supremacy of the law and it shall be kept supreme, he stated emphatically. Governor Gardner, when read the ! statement issued at Charlotte to night by Bill Dunne, secretary ot the communist party in America, in which Dunne charged that th? -statement issued by the governor Saturday night "is condoning the vhe'e m nder scheme here." to; t the Associated Press that he had no comment to make on the matter. Gastonia Riots Brinu Death and Suffering n When anti-communist demonstrators at Gastonia. C., shot into a truck containing striking textile work ers killing Mrs. Ella May Wiggins, they left these lit tle children motherless. They are left to right. Albert, 3, Myrtle, 11, holding; 13 month* old Chalady, and Minnie. 6. (Insetl Bill Dunee, secretary of the Com munist Tarty of America, reported missing after the strike disorders at Charlotte, N. C. Conspiracy Charges Dropped Against 8; Wells An Atheist Judgment Suspended For Deputy Tried On False Arrest Count In county court here yesterday Deputy Sheriff Bob Kendrick was found guilty of a charge of false ar rest. false imprisonment, and as sault. but due to the nature of the offensp. which it is said was not intentional, judgment was suspend ed by Recorder Horace Kennedy. The charge developed over the ar rest last week of Lloyd Hopper' in east Shelby. A warrant was sent to this state from South Carolina for Hopper Deputy Kendrick thinking, it is said, that the South Carolina warrant could be served in this state if endorsed by a local magistrate, carried it to a magistrate and then moved on to make the arrest. Such a procedure, however, is illegal here and the false arrest charge followed Riot Gun* Warrant Withdrawn. Wells An Unbeliever, Testi mony Out. fharlotte. Sept. 18.—Seven de fendants were bound over to su perior rnurt here yesterday by Judge Thomas J. Shaw in connec tion with the anti-communistic mob episode across Gaston and .Meck lenburg counties in which P«en Wells, union organizrr. was flogged. In announcing the bond after his investigation into the mob aetivi tics the veteran jurist declared that mob violence in North Caro lina would not be tolerated. Those bound over included sup erintendents and employes of the Loray mill. Seven of those held were dismissed, this number includ ing Solicitor Carpenter and Major A. L. Ruhvinkle. who had been charged with accompanying the mob. I Charlotte, Sept. 17 —The charge j of conspiracy to overthrow the state government, prrlerred last Friday! against eight textile union workers ! and Communists was nolle pressed when they appeared in city re corder's court yesterday for prelim inary hearing. City Solicitor Oliver Litaker, when court convened this morning, toH City Recorder K. M Currie that the warrant had been withdrawn. A. x: Justice, who had been retained to assist in prosecuting the men told the judge that for “some reason" the state had been unable to secure the need evidence. The men were C M Lell, C D Saylor, George Saul, Paul Sheppard. Taylor Shytle. Dewey Martin. John Gibson and Etlev Ritch Seven of the men were arrested at a rooming house here Thursday; night and a quantity of arms and ammunition seised. The eighth man, Savior, was arrested some hours later At. tire time of their arrest, n charge was placed against them. Judge Thomas J. Shaw, investigal ing mob activities at Gastonia anci Charlotte, threatened to release Lell and Saylor unless some charge was made against them and just before j the hour he had set in his ultima tum the charge of conspiracy w is placed against them. J. Frank Flowers,one of the In ternational Labor Defense attorn-" s f <Oou! tnued on page leu i I Gas Plant Matter Before Kiwanians sturkey To Talk Gas Franchise Before Club And City Offi cials Thursday. Chas M. Sturkcy, of Lexington, will appear before the Shelby Ki wanis club at its meeting Thursday evening at the Cleveland Springs hotel to discuss a gas plant and franchise for Shelby. Mayor S A. McMurrv and the board of aldermen will be present as guests of the club to hear the Sturkey talk. Tlie program is in charge of Ear! Hamrick. Couples From This Section Married In Gaffney Last Week The following couples from this etton. according to the Gaffney Ledger secured marriage license in Gaffney last week: Dewey Jones and Amanda Good man, both of Kings Mountain: Robert Green and Pearl Peterson, both of Kings Mountain, Ford Big gerstaff and Janie Turner, both of Bostic: Joseph Bunyan Brooks, cf Ellenboro. and Essie Faye Lovelace of Mooro.boro. Officers Rounding Up Fair “Spirits” Fair Joy Water, Stored I p For Event, Falling Into Clutches Of law. Thcip will bp joy water along the midway at the county fair next week, and, again. there will be some joy water which will never get there. Shelby and county offi cers have been rounding up quite a bit of fair spirits this week. Yesterday Police Chief McBride Poston and Deputy Mike H. Austell found and captured a five gallon charred keg full of whiskey in the home cf Willie Hamrick, colored, in the Flatrock section Willie was not at home when the callers ar rived, and hasn’t been since. Monday Police Chief Posion and Deputy Ed Dixon captured a gal lon and a little more in the room of O C. (Footsv) Mullinax. taxi driver, at the Colonial service sta tion rooming house. Mullinax was fined $150 and the costs in county court yesterday. Another capture of i gallon in a five-gallon glass demi john was made Monday afternoo j n the South Shelby section by Deo ; (ties Bob Kendrick and Harvey Harrelson. The owner of the whis ;r_y was not at linnir at the lime met has not been captured Truck Drivers Make Plea For School Youths I'rgr Motorists Of County Tn Hr Careful About Passing I oadrd .School Buses. "Watch the white flat and atop your automobile." That's the ppeal 41 driver* of Cleve land rountv school (rucks made this wrrk to the people of Cleveland county after holding a meeting In Shelby to discuss the safe transportation of school children. Following up a resolution passed In the county board ol education in the boards last meeting. the truck drivers declared that, here after they would use a white flic as a signal every time the school buses were stopped to take on 01 unload school children Near Accidents "We hope the motorists, of tin. county will watch those (lags nnn observe the law by stopping." Ill’ drivers urge ' Several times ahead this year we have had near senoti accidents because passing motorists refused to stop for the school buses, and on some occasions even refus ed to slow.'' The state law. school officials re mind. is that any motor vehicb upon the highway must come to .» full stop when it approaches r school bus which is loading or un loading children Very few Cleve land county or North Carolina citi zens, the bus drivers say. are com plying with this law. ‘‘When a ear zips past us when children are crossing the road to get on. or after having unloaded I from the truck, we know nearly al ! ways that it is a North Carolina j car,'* the bus drivers say, "for the autos from the east come to a stop 1 every time. They have a similar law ! up there and they observe It seem-. ! to us that the people of Cleveland county should be at least as parti cular about saving the lives of their children rs are motorists from dis tant states. "Watch the white flag—and stop! Tom Abernethy New I Legion Post Leader Ex-Service Men Hope To Enlarge Organization During Tear. Installation Soon. Tom Abernethy. former adjutart of the post, was elected commander of the Warren Hoyle American Legion post at a meeting held last night in the court house here He succeeds Mike H. Austell as com mander. Other officers named were: J H Grtgg and W. S Beam, vice-com manders; Henry Mills, adjutant. Basil Goode, finance officer, W. T Alexander, sergeant-at-arms: C. B McBrayer, service officer; O. W Powell, guardianship officer; Ches Woodson, athletic officer: Res O. Hamrick, welfare officer; Fran< Petway, membership officer; W R Gary, publicity officer; and Buck Archer, Americanism officer. In connection with the making of an athletic officer the local legion post hopes next year to have a jun ior baseball team from Shelby ro compete In the national Legion baseball series Plans were discussed at the meet ing, which was well attended, to in crease the membership of the poy and to make it a more important factor in the life of the city and county. Sophisticated Shelby! Objects Not To Bare Legs, Sun-Backs No Appeal To City Father* During Summer To Curb Latent Style*. Visitors from (lie big rities may, label Shelby a tank (own anri a hay* i srrri burg, From the standpoint of j size and appearance the home town may appear as such to the city, people accustomed to counting pop-1 ulation in hundreds of thousands, j But when it comes to being mod - j ern, and stylish--and even broad- j minded—Shelby may class herself as stylish and a bit sophisticated The city fathers of the town will j tell you that. They have reason ip ' know. While numerous other towns and cities in the south. and else, where, have heard kicks this sum-, mrr from the conservative citizens 1 about the audacity of stockinglcss j limbs and low cut sun-back dresses, not a single complaint, has been fil ed before Shelby's board of ald-’ men about the nerve shown by the young ladies of the town in keeping step with the latest in styles. That’s the word from the aider men. "Not a single time" city had officials say, "has anyone asked us to keep bare legs and sun-tanned backs off the streets of Shelby' And now the twang and zip of fall is in the air and sun-backs will oe ! giving away to fur coats—or fur ‘ collars—and the bare limbs will be seeking a little more protection by encasing themselves in sheer silk ; ?r rayon. I Kidnap And Beat Kings Mtn. Union Leader Last Night Tessner Dumped In S. C. After Beating, Catches Ride To Charlotte. Was Taken Away In Night Clothes. Union Speakers Stand at Kings Mountain Dynamited Also. Cleo Trssnrr, alleged organir er and tabor agitator tor the National Trxtilr Worker* union, wa* taken from his home on i Piedmont avenue at King* Mountain this morning about I o'dork by 5 men. who dragged him into a ear, beating him as they carried him. and taken tor a ride near Gaffney, across the South Carolina line, where he was dumped. Tesiner, now undergoing medical treatment In a Char lotte hotel, says that after being badly beaten up and dumped from the rar that he was told by the five men, who kidnapped him and beat him to run, and as he ran hr said they shot at him. Shortly thereafter, about 3 o'clock in the morning, he hailed a passim: truck, driven by two negroes, ami rode with them to Charlotte, bor rowing a pair of overalls eh route, he said Tes.ner was badly bruised from head to (ret: Dynamite Platform. Tlir kidnapping of Ti* nor was one oT two incidents of tin* night m Kings Mountain. where somn i trouble was anticipated Rfter re 1 ports were broadcast that the tex i tile organizers were shifting their j lieadquartcrs from Gastonia to the ' east, Cleveland comity town, i The other happening was the I dynamiting of the speakers plat form at tlie union assembly ground, on a vacant lot on the Cherryville road near the northeastern limits i ! of Kuigs Mountain. The stand, a ! small wooden affair, was blown tol j bits, nearby residents said. about 1 30 this morning, or 20 or 30 min- I utes after Mrs Tessnrr said her ! husband was carried from their 1 : home by the unknown men. Wife Tells Of Kidnapping. Around 2 o'clock this morning i Mrs. Tessner got in touch with Po- I lice Chief Hedrick, of Kings Moun- | tain. Policeman Creel Ware and I other officers there and told them j of the kidnapping They immediate- j ly began a search southeast of 1 Kings Mountain for the missing man. the rar which carried him away having been said to go In tha1 direction. Mrs Tessner's story was that about 1 o'clock five husky men. dressed in overalls and driving a Chevrolet touring car. drove up in front of the home on Piedmont avenue. where the Tessners had moved after being ejected from the Cora mill residence. Two of the men. she said, came to the door and called out that they were dep uty sheriffs and had papers for her j husband. They urged him. she said, to come out. but he refused to get out of bed and do so Drug Out? Then, she said, the two joined by the three others came on into tne house dragged her husband from the bed. and carried him from the house without giving him time to dress. Between the house and the street, w’here the car was, she said i they began to beat and abuse him ! Throwing him into the car the five j men piled in after him. she said, j ami drove hurriedly away. She has not seen her husband since. Nh-k Sanders, who lives next door to the Tesaners in the Wilson house, heard the commotion, according to Policeman Ware, and looked out of his window to sec the car and tha 'ti-ange men Mrs. Tcssner did not recognize them and neither did Sanders, the officers said. None of the five was masked, it was stated. ft was thought about Kings Mountain this morning, according to remarks made to a Star writer, 'hat the same men who kidnapped Tcssner might, have turned about and driven back to the northeast corner of town where they dyna mited the union speakers platform. Asks Aid Of Sheriff. Kings Mountain officers failing to find any trace of the missing union man last night and early to day. Mrs. Tcssner came to Shelby about 11 o'clock and appealed to Sheriff Irvin Allen far him to aid in searching for her husband. Sher iff Allen immediately left for King* Mountain to investigate. Shortly later it was learned that Tcssner was in Charlotte. Reeognied Them? Tessner. according to reports from Charlotte, said that he could identify two of the men who car ried him away. They told him. he said, that they were anti-commun ists from Gastonia and meant to drive every one of his kind from the section, whether or not they we-e in Gaston county. Tessner came to Kings Mountain several weeks back from Maryland. Since the textile labor, disturbances in Gaston county he had been dis tributing literature for the N. T. W. U , it is said. Some weeks back he was discharged or left the employ of the Cora mill. in northeast Kings Mountain, and near where the speakers stand, which was dy namited, was located. Shortly there after he was taken into recorder'a court and tried for trespassing on the Cora mill property, where it ■* said he continued to distribute lit erature He was acquitted on the trespass charge, but was then ar rested and placed in Jail here for operating his car with a Maryland tag. He was fined S25 by Recorder Horace Kennedy and the ftne. re ports here had it. was paid by the union On the same day he was arrested on the license charge of ficers served ejectment papers upon him and removed his household goods from the Cora mill residence. After leaving Jail here Tessner moved Into the house on Piedmont street where he was living when kidnapped. About the scene of the union lot, where the platform was blown ut>, very little was known about the in cident. The proprietor of a store operated next door, together witn other citizens living nearby, stated that they heard the blast, but after being aroused could see no one about scene. Headquarters Strike Leaders AtKingsMtn.? Removal There Reported But Can* not Be Located. One-Day Strike Fails. i By STAR STAFF WRITER.) Kings Mountain. Sept. 18.—Citi zens of nearby towns and section.', kept hearing reports yesterday that thp headquarters office of the Na tional Textile Workers’ union, which has been connected with much of the labor disturbances In Gaston county, had been moved from Gas tonia to Kings Mountain. But it the union headquarters of the strika agitators has been shifted to Cleve land county, nothing definite con cerning its location could be learned by newspapermen and others her* yesterday evening. V After the scheduled^* anti-Com munistic and N T. w. U. gathering (Continued on page ten t

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