FLINT KILL HEWS OfPERSO! HEMS tocfnl at The Church-Many No tations of People Coming and Going Tbr Flint Hill B V T U ga\e a ■ ocia! at thr rhurch Saturday night. Cake and ire crram tire ffrved and all reported a nice time. Mr and Mrs Jessie Harrill spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs Nee ten Harrill. Mr. and Mrs. Andie Hawkins spent the week rnd at Moorrsboro witti lus parents Mr. and Mrs John Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrill visited Mr. and Mrs. John Harrill Friday right. Mr. and Mrs. F M. Ledbrt!-r spent Wednesday night with M. and Mrs Otbo Hamrick. Misses Glad's and Blanche Bed better spent Wcnncsday night with Misses B'anche and Alma Pearson Miss Effie Pearson spent Satur day night with Miss Tula Pearson. Mr. and Mrs Edgar Moore, and . daughter, r.dna Moore, visited Mr i and Mrs. Fred Ledbetter of Shclhv Saturday. Miss Maudie Moore visited Muss Gl*tl.vs Ledbetter Saturday. Mr. Rex Ledbetter spent Friday Right with Mr Grady Blanton Mr, and Mrs Fred Ledbetter visit- 1 rd Mr. and Mrs. James Moore Sat- ; urriay night. Mr Frist us and Erastus MeSwain visited their grandparents Mr. an i Mrs. Greene MeSwain tJaturday | night. Mr. and Mrs. Je.ppie Pearson vih' -! ed his parents Mr. and Mrs Charlie Pearson Saturdey night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ledbetter vis ited hta parents Mr and Mrs t. M. Ledbetter Sunday Those visiting til Gar tom a Sun day were as follows, Mr. and M:Vi. James Moore and family and Mr. and Mrs. M A. Bridges and son Ray. Miss Lillian Russ visited Mr. and Mrs. Duran Putnam Saturday night, Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Ledbetter and family visited tits parents, M . and Mrs. E, W T Ledbetter Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. Otho Hamrirk and family arid Mr. and Mrs T. W '1 'Ledbetter spent Sunday''at C.'tni s.ide with Mi nurl Mr; Clnifi llav.k , nv. Mr. Grady Blanton spall Monday in Dorrs t City. Those visiting at Mr 'Sam Weav ers a while Tuesday night were a.s follow,.: Mi Myrlel llarnll. Mi Bui on Ledbetter. Mr (irad.v Blan ton, Mr. Bros: ir Hamrick and Mi Duran Putnam Mr .1 \V Moore i i •Pod hi: grand l daughter. Mi I'rcd Ledbetter Sat urday. Mi and Mr dai.nr.s Moore ■ pr n Friday night with her parent:. Mr. and Mrs,,Bani Weathers. Mr, and Mrs Clifford Kelly visit ed Mr and Mr A P Haw kin,- Sat urday night. I.iltie Miss Margaret Pea Ham nek spent mo.: of last week V. Knitimore with l.er ui.irle and min' Mr. and Mrs. Kilim Bridges Mr. and Mrs Bert Hamrick spent aw hile Sunday nielvt v. n il Mi and Mrs. F. M Ledbetter Mr. and M: (• ('• Pearson . pen' 'ast Sunday'with Mr and Mrs Rob ert Hawkins Miss Blanche Ledbetter -pen Sunday night with Mi Venue Hamrick of Rolling Spring: Mr. and/Mr P llawkin .pen: Sunday with Mr and Mrs Clifford Kelley. M Charlie pearson 'pent Wed nesday in Thiekel.y Mountain. s C Miss Madge (irrenr spent Satur day nieht with Misses Doitus air! Eula Russ. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Clan , pent Saturday night with Mr and Mrs Bill Frank Blanton. Mr .lark Jolley spent Sunda with Mr find. Mrs C'ha.lie Pearson. Mr. fieri and I,lord Pearson spei.t Sunday v.ith Mr Edward Putnam. Mrs Oiella Martin spent Sunday with Miss Verdie Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. G O Pear. On spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Charlie Pearson Miss Alina Pearson spent Tues day night with Miss Effir Pearson Mrs. Charlie Penmen .spent Wed nesday night with Mr and Mrs. G G Pearson Miss Tula Pearson spent Wed nesday night with Miss Flffie Tear son Mr. Clarrnee Hawkins spent Sun day night with Mr. arid Mrs. Rob ert. Hawkins. I Tacky Party Is (ireafl.v Enjoyed. Still fining Off in ( lillrjc. Personal''. 1 Special to The Star v T'alLton, Sept: 17—One of thr most enjoyable parties of the -ca M»n whs a ‘tacky party" given Tn- i day night at the home of Mr. anti Mrs R W Wilson Many intern - i jnR c.tines were played after whirl) delicious candy, cake and ice cream were served by Misse Jewel Francis and Hazel Wilson A prize was giv en to the tackiest- couple which was Miss Alice DC Yoder and Ml. Hoyle Lutz, jr Mu Maude Kepdrick who h teaching at; Dallas'spent I by week- j end licre with her parents Mr and Mr:. T. M. Kcndltci Mr Evan Wilson •!.. leaviDR lot r.lai? ‘college Erul-ay. Mr, and Mrs. W A Rev,..;-;-, had, as their dinner curst\ Sunday• Mr and Mrs, D A. Cline and family of Lincclnton. Mis., Kcah LnlUiUoie : pent Sun day with Miss Tr'lie Stniney Mr and Mrs. Yates, Stroup ha\e returned to their heme m Merida after an extended trip here with relatives. Me:,M's (irrrr Murray and (.' ear •Morgan have returned to their homes here, They hair been taking a barber course in Richmond Va. Mr and Mr:,. Thomson ' Hamrick of Beams Mill were t h" dinner guests ol Mr and Mrs L. F llam riek Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Clatldr Stamey had as their dinner guests Sunday Mr i and Mrs. I.ee Cornwell and famih I of the Zion Community Mr and Mrs. Ira Elmore and family el near Lawndale and Mr and M, Claud Ciettys of Hollis Mrs. A. 11 Beam ol MoorrsviiV spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. -end Mis. C. L> Stroup Mr Lloyd Wilt on who-Is (curbing school at Ca rr .pent i!ie week-etui with his parents. Mr and Mr n. W. Wilson Mr. Dixon Stroup left Monday fur State college, Raleigh. “ | Mr. and Mrs. A M. Hoyle and ; family visited Mr and Mrs R,.l Philberk of Patterson Springs Stin ! day j Misses Ar.-ie Wright, Katie Lee Clay and Ruth Morgan were the dinner guests of Miss Minnie Wright Sunday Mr, joh'n IJ Falls of Newark N ,t is visiting Mr and Mrs C C. Falls Mr. and Mrs. Worth Hoyle and j mother Mrs Carrie Hoyle were the dinner guests of Mr anti Mrs. Grad.' Ilov'r Sunday. Mr. and Mrs M E lloylr ami children..visited Mr and Mrs. M L Murray Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M L, Smith and family visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C Murray of St. Paul Sunday, Miss Eulalia Hoyle spent, Satur day niglit v itli Miss Katie Lee Clss Mr and Mrs. Clem Iloyle visited Mr. and Mrs Latrn Edwards fi Bclwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Martin visit* rd Mr. and Mr> Clem Mart in. Sun day. Mr, and Mrs; Ed Wise of Lincoln ton visited Mr. and Mrs. (Sk L. Hoyle Sunday. Born to Mr and Mr.. Clem Mar tin Sunday, a nice boy. Mother and baby are getting along nicely. Mrs rtatsie Norman of Beams Mt.ii is spending several days wi’.n lirr daughter. Mrs G. A. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Royster, Mr and Mrs. Carl Spurting of Shelby and Mr and Mrs George Ross vis ited Mr. and Mrs. P O. Ross.Sun day. Mr and Mrs. C I. Royster and family visited Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Bowen of Double Shoals Sunday. Mrs. M. 3. Gantt and children of Chester, S. C. visited Mr. and Mia. Lcrn Williams last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A Hoyle and family spent Sunday with Mrs Hoyle’s parents. Mr. arid Mrs. Amor, Pruett of Cesar. Messrs. John and Franklin Bum gardner left Monday for Columbia, s. c. Mr. and Mrs. .lake Fortenburv ct Lawndale. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce For tenbury of Bolwopd and Mr. and Mrs. o. Fortenbury visited Mr. and Mrs. J M Hoyle Stuiday e\cit ing Mr, and Mrs John Lackey and family visited Mrs Lackey's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. II Shrum of Lin colnton Sunday. Mrs. Ira Kins of Four Oaks spent tiir week-end litre with relatives. Mr and Mrs. Adalie El’iott and family were St. Paul visitors Sun day. Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Ho.vle ami family of Shelby visited Mrs. J. B. ; Stroup Sunday. Mr. C. M. King has gone to Cha : pel Hill to enter college. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoyle and ip.ni ! ilv of Charlotte visited Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lee Sunday. Miss Ruth Boggs spent Sunder with Miss-Hazel Wi’.sooi. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Hoyle and ; family of Shelby visited Mrs, J. B. Stroup Sunday. Mr and Mrs, K ft. Spurling and ! family visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank j Spurling Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Baxter and family visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A Wright Sunday. GROVER HI TO POTATO STORAGE Hill Have Capacity Of 10,000 Bush r!-.. Kcctcrs Are Building 't wo Nth Homes. iSpecial to The Star > Grover. Srpi 17,—The Grove;- Po tato corporation is enlarging their warehouse and when finished will he able to take rare of ten thous and bushels They will be ready to lake rare of this years crop. Mr 1 Julian Turney is manager. H S, Keeler and company are j building two nice - residences tn town which will be for rrnt when finished . Mi's SaDelle Marry is taking a secretarial course at the Ce;;l business college, Asheville, and not at the university as reported m last week's Star. Mr. J D Hambright is in Colum bia attending the University of South Carolina. Mr. Fred Hambright Is a freshman 1 at, Clemron college this fall. Miss Margaret Hamrick Is at-i Irnding Mars Hill junior college this j fall. Miss Margaret, attended the summer classes there getting off enough of the first years work to enable her to get off some of th? second year's work this year. _ Mr and Mrs. Forrest Hord of Kings Mountain were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Green. Mr. Burriss Keeler and familv and brother Kermit Keeter of Sh*l i by were visiting their parents Mr. ! and Mrs. T, S Keeter Sunday. Mr. D. d. Wilson of Gaffney, S C. is visiting his daughter. Mrs. W. j E. Dav is, this week. Rev. J. P. Dendy. Mrs. Dendy and ' Miss Elizabeth motored to Chariott' 1 last Friday. i Mr. E. C. Byers and family went j (o Gaffney last Sunday afternoon to ; attend the annual singing conveti i tion held at. Limestone church and | also to visit theit daughter. Ml .s Hlddis, who is a senior at Limeston* ; vollcge ! Rev. W. E. Furcron and family , were dinner guests at the home of 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bookout las' ' Sunday. Mrs. C F Mullinax was taken suddenly ill last Saturday night and was very sick for some time i Sunday, but she has taken a chance ! for the bettor this morning. Mrs W M Hambright who has i been quite low for the past two i weeks is also improving now. Little Ruby Moss, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Moss has been 1 sick for about two weeks and is | still quite sick. They are hoping this morning that it v ill be omice sary for. them Id lake her to the hospital. Grover high school will close now in about two weeks in order that the children may help gather in the eotton which is opening rather rap idly around here. Perfect Hand I* Caught In Gaffney Gaffney Ledger. The thrill of holding 13 spades, generally described as "the perfevt bridge hand,” rame Wednesday evening to ‘‘Shag" Hofler, of Win ston-Salem, N. C. in a game here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C Lowe on South Limestone street. Hofler bid and made seven spade;. Hofler was playing with Paul Pittman, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Pittman, as his partner Mrs. Lowe and Charles Boyd were the other players. This is the second lime 13 ot a suit has been held in Gaffney in recent months. Rostmond Cook, of the Peoples Drug store having drawn all the hearts in the deck at once. 4 Toda\ Fine Quality Uniforms f / ** ' \ >t performs with i ster is all the vnjut V.p \ J / kJ QJ dashme swiftness anr today, Among low- ^’f.o ». ^ floating smoothness priced roadsters it fvu.-SIZE — lt*mtu S*t that are utterlvamaztng easily cuts the smartest i n a car so low in price. figure in appearance, jusr a« ir leads them all with its tipical Chrysler performance. Here is a roadster that is m,in lizt, not l oy-size—full-size, trot tox-snu. It has that length of hood ajid expanse of rear deckw hich go to make a roadster truly graceful. The PI vmouth Roadster is a quality car from first to last — in beautr; in engineering; in riding ease; in size and in behavior. lit Si x h"i