'Special to The Star.'' Belwopd. Sept. 17.—The farmers of this section are about thrown pulling fodder and are utmost ready to pick cotton. Mr. and Mrs. 3 L. Lackey and children of Sheibv and Mr. and Mrs. Esper Royster and son. C K. of Flay spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peeler. Mr. and Mrs Frank Sain have moved into their new brick bunga low which Mr. Hugh Hoyle erected tor them. Miss Katherine Hubbard spent Sunday with her cousin. Miss Dbr oth.v Peeler. Misses Rosemary and Mildred Peeler spent last Thursday night with Miss Helen Sain of Toluca. Miss Ethel Norman was the din ner guest of Musses Pearl and Mayo Gantt Sunday. Born to Mr and Mrs. Ambrose Richard on September 13 a bonne TRl'SITE'S SAI.E or KI AI. ES TATE. Under and by virtue of the am thoritv contained in that certain rirrd of trust, executed by D 1. Wil lis and wile and assumed by J. Grady Blanton to the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust bein'; dated March 20. 1928 and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county. N. C. in book 149. at page 188. securing an indebt edness to. the Shelby and Cleveland County B. fi L. association and de fault, having been made in the pa - men* of said indebtedness, I will on Saturday, October 12, 1929, at 12 o'elock noon or within legal hours; at the court house, door in Shelby, N. C .sell to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the following: described real estate, being located on the Charlotte Asheville state highway No. 2! about 2 1-2 miles east of Shelby and being lots Nos,. 17. 18. 19, 20. and 21 in block C as shewn by plat record ed in plat No. 2 at page 12. the reg ister • .! d'v.s office Cleveland county N. C. and being those sam jots conveyed to D L Willis by L. S Stewart and v.ife by deed dated September 9. 1927 and. recorded in the office rf the register of deed: for Cleveland countv N. C. in deed hook 3-W. page 317 tTerms of sale: Cash. This Sept. in. 1929 JNO P. MULT Trustee A Well Baby Ik A Happy Baby Dr. Thornton's Easy Teether Is used to destroy the gefms that cause stomach and bowel diseases of teething babies and older children. It acts on the \ Liver, Kidneys, etc., ridding' the blood and system of impurities. Pleasant to take as loaf sugar. Contains no opiates. Sold by druggists or sent direct for 25c. EASY TEETHER MEDICINE CO., Westminster, S. C. SFLt IAL EXCURSION FARES To WASHINGTON. D. ('. Via son HERN RAILWAY X SYSTEM ^ Fr:thy. September 2ft. 1020 ' Round-Trip Fare Front SHELBY. N. C. $13,110 FINAL LIMIT 3 DAYS Bill League Baseball Games: St. Louis Browns vs Washington Senators. September 21st, and Phila delphia Athletics vs Wash ; inglon Senators Septem ber 22nd. • Ask Ticket Agent. mg boy. Mother and babe are doin'.; | nicely. Mr. and Mis. A J. Jcfferice and children ol Lincolnton were the, dinner .guests', of. Mrs. jcfferice »] parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nor man Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cline and; Children of Lawndale visited Mr . and Mrs Mark Smith Sunday alt ernoon. Mr... Eliza Mull spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peeler. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sain had as, their dinner guests Sunday Mr. and, Mrs. Sain of Vale, Mr, and Mrs..! W. \V. Richard and children Ruby i | and Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Ruff and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Daber I ry and children j. Mesdamcs Jasper Childress and Lawrence Miller and children and Mrs. S. T. Gantt and daughter. Miss Pearl .visited Mrs. Eugene t Jaynes at the Grace hospital. Mor ! ganton, on Monday. The many friends of Mrs. Jaynes will be glad to know she is improving some, Mr. Walter Goodman spent Sat urday night with Mr. Colin Peeler. Mesdamcs Jasper Childress; and •S. l. Gantt, spent last Friday witn Mr and Mrs. L. E Miller of Fall ston. j Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Goodman and : children spent. Sunday afternoon-, with Mr. and Mrs, Quincy Har, man. Mis;ps Hazel ana ti'a meuain .spent Sunday atummon with Misses Nanie Lou and Lorene Goodman, j Misses Annie and Mohta Lula j Richard spent Sunday afternoon' with Misses Pearl and Mayo Gantt, Misses Blanche and Alice Brack ett, spent Sunday with Miss Man Elizabeth Hubbard Mr. and Mrs Olin Murry and1 children of Fallston visited Mr and Mrs C, G. Richard Sunday after- 1 noon. Mr and Mr- A, J. Jefferices.and 1 children of Ltncolnton' and Mr ; and Mrs. Frank Norman visited | relatives in Casar Sunday after-1 noon. Mrs Rachel l.eonahrdt of Cher I'vvil.le is .spending some time with! ' her daughter Mrs. C G. Richard, j Miss Tula Ivester has returned, home from Boone where she has i j been in school. i Mr. and Mrs. Tliad Ford and; ! children Margaret and Edwin of j | Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs. W. | R Porter Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Bruce Fortenberry j and children and sister Miss Johnnie spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Hoyle of Fallston i Mr. and Mrs. John Queen and children spent Sunday in Lincoln- ; ton with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Stanley and daughter Mary Frances and Mr. j and Mrs. W. M. Stanley of Fallston | • pent Sunday afternoon \yith Mr. i and Mrs. S. A. Peeler. Miss Veda Daberry visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Daberry Sunday Misses Alma Hendrick and WiH^, nr a Carpenter of Lincolnton spen. Sunday afternoon with Misses a Georgia and Pansy Queen. ! (3R.ANDFATHE&S CAY ■x- S'END FLOUJERS/-— rr-^ LOW ROUND TRIP FARES \ TO \ WASHINGTON, D. C. VIA SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1929. $13 Round Trip Fare From Shelby, N. C. T.ickrts witl be sold for nil trains September 20th, with final return of September 25th. Baseball Septem ber 21st and 22nd Washinton Senators vs. St. Louis Browns and Philadelphia Athletics. For further information and pullman reservations call on any Seaboard ticket aent, or H. A. HARRIS. Agt. JOHN T. WEST. DP A. Shelby, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. j...:-^ Newell Dedicates Palm Tree Church Large Crowd Ancl Several Xotahlr srrmons Were Deliver p<i On Sunday. Editor Tile Star: The dedication of Palm Tree church was ably conducted ifi pres ence of largediscourse, in. mew. spacious and elegant temple of ar tistic beauty on September l!i. by Rev W A. Newell. P. E, from Gas tonia. The weather was idea!., the dis course was eloquent, timely and highly appreciated. The minister. Rev. J. W. Eitzgerald, pastor of. charge on Beluood circuit, was present, and officiated as master of ceremonies. The writer was present and recited in the very large and enthusiastic Bible class; and th's teauire of this place of worship, the Epworth League and the vocal and instrumental music are all of high order of excellence. It, is worthy of mention that a grand daughter of the late G. F. Lee. who officiated a . musical leader and director for HO years, presides at piano, and is gift ed with a superb alto voice. Music that is so universally In sistent in its appeal to the sons and daughters of men, was conspicuous on this occasion in morning and afternoon exercises. Quartets, octets and class singing were truly en joyable features: but the really uni versally enjoyed feature was a boun teous repast served at noon on a long and spacious table which was loaded by queens of the culinary art Thrn you should have seen elo quent ministers, adroit politicians and meandering and peripatetic scribes pay an expensive compli ment to these culinary experts. The afternoon exercises were a very able discourse by Dr Hardin, an out-standing pulpit orator from Gastonia, and Rev Mr. Rankin who was along with him to hold up the prophet's hands and fill the breach if orator were smitten by accident or disease. But no hitch was in performance, and the occasion was \oted a feast of reason and a flow of soul. In the rerent write-up in your columns, mention of memorial win dows dedicated to G. F. Lee and wife. E P. Shuford and wife. B Y. Crowder and wife. Frederick Grigg and wife. Mr. Wallace. Henry Schcnck and other consecrated workers and builders of the past who have entered into their reward. As the sad-eyed chronicler ha.; been discredited as a historian and execrated as a speller, please draw the mantle of Charity over his frail ties, and remember him as a victim of mental aberation who is pining on the crumbling shores of time ana eternity.—Corn Cracker, f T,3 M. L. WHITT ~ notice to creditors. P R Wootton. trading and doing .business as Wootton s Shoppg. 1t4w ing executed a deed of assignment to me as assignee,for the benefit of his creditors, all persons holding ■Claims against the said P. R. Woot uon will file same properly proven with the clerk of superior court of Cleveland county, N. C„ on or be fore December 15, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their right t6 share in the assets. This the 10th dav of Sept.. 1929. J. J LATTIMORE, Assignee for P. R. Wootton. It 2wk NOTICE OF SALE. T hereby offer for sale the entire Mock of goods, wares and merchan dise, fixtures and appliances at. the Wootton's Shoppe, consisting: chief ly of ladies ready-to-wear, fixtures including an electric elevator, the whole inventoring' approximately $4,400.00, same can he inspected upon request. Bids will be received up to and including September 25. This the 10th day of Sept., 1929. J J LATTIMORE, Assignee, for P. R. Wootton. It 2wk SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. Town Of Waco, N. C. Pursuant to authority invested by law. the following property located in the town of Waco, N. C. and on which taxes are past due and un paid. will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in front of the People's Bank at Waco, N. C., at 10 o'clock a. m. on Oct. 12. 1929 Mrs. J. V. Limerick, for 1928 tax and for prior years ... $40 47 J. R. Rhyne, for 1928 tax and for prior years - _ __- 11.33 M. A. Putnam, for 1928 tax and for prior years ... 26 89 Arev Bros, for 1927 tax_5.24 T. M. Putnam for 1928 tax and for prior years - .-.i... 17 00 Mrs. D. H Elliott for 1927 tax 6i0 Ezra Miller for 1928 tax.4.60 Clyd A. Erwin for 1927 tax and prior years . ... 4.77 By order of the mayor and board of aldermen: C. L. Barrett, Tax Collector A. J. Putnam, Mayor. 4t 11c An every-other-day letter from home will be sent to col lege students away from home for the small price of $t.50. This gives them The Cleve land Star for less than the price of a two cent postage stamp per copy. tf $1.50 takes The Star every other-day to school students away in college for nine months. Subscribe now. No reduction by waiting. Keep the college youths in touch with home. tf Work Starts On Now Brick Church Now B. V. P. I . Officers Arc Installed. Shelby, R-2. Sept. Jrt work lias started on out- new brick church The excavating "ill be ftnished shortly. Mr. J. H Brackett ol Shelby is the contractor. Mr. Joe Wesson is treasurer. See him when you get ready to pay your pledger Mr. Tom Holland is visiting hi. sister, Mrs B. Hames, and famll." of near Cliffsidr Mr. Jap Ledbetter of Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs Gillette Ham rick and family Sunday. Our grade in B Y. P. U. Sunday nigtit was the best, we have evtr reached. The total grade was 99 per cent. New officers were installed Sunday. The following were elected, president. Alvie Jones: viee presi dent. Mary Sue Holland: quiz lead er, Mozelle Wilson, treasurer and secretary, Euelyth Patrick; corres ponding secretary, Martha Ham rick; organist, Mrs. Crce Hamrick, chorister, Major Philbeck: group captains. No. 1 Miss Alda Wilson: No. 2-- Ruby Debrew; No. 3—Bill Philbeck; No. 4 Mallle Wallac" The following committer were ap pointed, program, instruction, mis sionary and social. A contest will start on next. Sunday night. Every group working to get new members and to make their programs more interesting. At the close of the quar ter the two groups having the low est grades will entertain the oth ers. Miss Lillie Martin entertained in<> young people and several married ones with a candy pulling Saturday night A large crowd was present and all had a good time. Mr. and Mrs Dont Wesson spent Sunday with Mr John Wallace and family. Miss Aldcm Lemons of Boiling Springs spent the week-end with Miss Kate Allen Miss Alien s friends surprised her with a party Sat urday night Mr. and Mrs E. L Holland and daughter, Miss Mary Sue. spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs G O. Hawkins of Lattimore Miss Margarette Queen spent the week-end with Miss Martha Ham rick. The W M U met, immediately after Sunday school Sunday and a very interesting program was ren dered. Mrs. A. T. Hamrick our ef ficient president offered her resig nation. Mr. and Mrs. L W. Debrew and family visited Mr. and Mrs. G. O Hawkins of Lattimore Sunday. Misses Myrtle and Lois Harrttl of [Flint Hffi vteitet^Mi»s Gladys Har rili Sunday. Mr and Mrs, James Wallace and family viiited flit. aid Mrs, Besola HnJrtrjck family* Sunday. Miss'Elmfnr^Harfffick visited at Mr. Bob McCurrays Sunday after noon." r’"1f Missae Lillie Martin and Mallfe Wallace kpetit $un<ft.v with Misses Gladys and Selma Lemons. They at tended the Mpor? reunion. Mr and Mrs, Truman Wilson and family visited Miss Janie Wilson at Boiling Springs college Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hamrick. Mr and Mrs. W. W. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Cree Hamrick visited Mr. and Mrs. J. P Barnett of Ellenboro Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Plato Williams and family of Shelby spent Sunday with Mrs B C Queen and children. Mr. Daner Wesson spent. the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wel don Pruitt and baby daughter. Mr. and Mrs. .John Harnll and children and Miss Green of Boiling ' Springs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Allen. Mesdames Lallage Hilton and daughter, Merle, and Daner Wes son spent Thursday afternoon with .Mrs. A M. Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hamrick and Miss Selma and Mrs. Dewitt Ham rick spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harrill of Mt Sinai. Mr. and Mrs P P, Hawkins and Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hamrick spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Hawkins of Lattimore. Mr. Everette Blanton made a busi ness trip to Ellenboro one day la3t week. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Wesson spent one night last week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wesson and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Jones, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Hamrick and family and Mr. and Mrs I D. El liott and family visited Mr and Mrs. Thomas Pruitt and family Sunday afternoon. The B. Y. P. U. will have their social at the house of Miss Evelytn Patrick next Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Cook and children of Missouri, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lattimore. Miss Nannie Jones spent Monday night, with Miss Elmira Hamrick. A saw mill is located on the farm of Mr. Jarvis Hamrick for a while. Mr. Toy Webb's new cotton gin Is doing fine work. He has already ginned several bales of cotton. This gin is run by electricity. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Brooks and family spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Truitt Hamrick and fam ily. Mr and Mrs. Plalo Bridges and family visited Mr, and Mrs. E.L. W-»mrirk SunflPvi Farmers Pulling Fodder \nd ( Tops look (iood. Personallinns Of Interest. 'Special- to The S'lat'.' Beams Mill, Srpt. 16 Wo are having some real hot weather now. The farmers are busy pulling fod der. Cotton is opening verv fn< Prospects (or a good crop arc re ported by most all farmer.' Miss Lena William spoilt the week-end at home with her paretvs Mr. and Mrs Kim William The many friends of Mr Chivon., Hoyle will he glad to know that he is able to be out again after several weeks Mr and Mrs Caleb Hovle and family spent Sunday with Mr arid Mrs Pressley Costner. Misses Goldie and. Grace Ham brick spent the week-end m th • eommunit \ will friend Ml. and Mrs .1. O Willis Mr Aletlia Hoyle spent the week-end with home folk. Mr. and Mr: Gas ton Hoyle Mr Hoyle Icdiord spent the week-end with his parents Mr and Mrs. John Ledford Miss Vr\rtte Elliott spent the week-end with her mother Mrs Z, Y Elliott Mr and Mrs M x Gardner pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs B F Gardner Miss Ena Mae Phllbrek spen several days last week With Miss Ray Hoyle Mr and Mrs Grover William spent Friday night with Mr. Billy Williams Misses Eula Louise Williams, Co rine Costnfr spent Sunday evening with Misses Li.ev Mar and A V Costner Mr. Clem Ledford spent Siihdav with his parents, Mr. and M John Ledford The many friends of Mi Lem TUI STEF'S SALE. By virtue of the power vested in me as trustee in a certain deed of trust, executed by Lum Milts and | wife. Rosa Lee Mills on the 23rd , day of June. 1928 to secure an in-. ! debtedness as set. forth in said deed ! of trust, said deed of trust being j recorded in booK 153 of deeds, page 71, of the office of the register Tor ! Cleveland comity. N C . and de | fault having been made in the pav | ment of the indebtedness thereby ! secured, and i emand having been i made upon me to execute the trust. ' I will sell to the highest bidder at j the court house door In Shelby Saturday. Oct. 5. 1929, at 12 1 o'clock or within legal hours the j following described real estate: ! Situated iri the town of Shrlbv, j N C. Beginning at a stake at the inter I section of East Warren street and Park avenue on the south side of E. Warren arid cast side of Parx 1 avenue and runs thence with Park avenue S 4.15 W 125 feet to a stake, corner of lot. No. 3: thence with line or said lot s' 85-45 E 57 07 feet to a stake, corrter of lot No. 3 in line of lot No. 1; thence with line of lot No 1 N. 1-16 t , 125 5 feet to a stake i on East Warren, corner of lot. No 1: thence with south edge of said street. N 85-45 W 45 feet to the be ginning. being all of lot No. 2 in block A Terms of sale: Cash. This the 3rd day of September, 1929. R T FALLS, Trustee 666 Is a Prescription for ('olds. Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Rilious Fever and Malaria. H is the most speedy remedy known PAINFUL INDIGESTION N *T suffered from In digestion; everything I ate gave me heart' bum,” says Mrs. Mat tie Muilina, of Pound, Va. "For months, I did not see a well I worried along, but day. never felt welL "I got a package of Thed ford’s Black-Draught at the •tore and began taking it— a dose every night before going to bed. I had been having an awful pain. After I had taken Black Draught, this pain entirely etopped. I began to gain in weight, and rested well at night. In a few months I was feeling fine. My health was better than it had been in years. "I keep Black-Draught in our home, and we all take it for constipation and up set stomach." Insist on Thedford’s I Hatnbnckni'C Riad to know hr is nble to hr out up sin Mr John ted ford and son Ooklir spent Sunday eveninH with‘Mr. Oa.. i ton Hoyle. Mr. Sloan Elliott visited at til* home of Mrs J V- Elliott Simdav rvenlnp Miss lena Williams, ■ ix nt Sun day e\eninK with ’Miss l.ucy Mac Costner. | Miss Ophelia Hendrick spent Saturday night v 'Hi Mr. and Mrs Doyle llendriek ot She! In Mr:. J V Elliott and lamliv \i-, iteel at the home ol Mr and Mr.r. Sylvan. Green Sunday evening Miss Irene Costner 'spent Sunday with Miss Elizabeth Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Cotentan Elliott vi > fed Mr. and Mrs Berry Coin." Stindav evening. Mr and Mis. Paul Bi irige-. was the dinner guest of Mr and Mrs I'rcsslcy Costner Sunday. Mr. Billie William and lamily vis ited Mr and Mrs. Furman Her.' I dnek of Cherryville Sunday. | Mr and Mrs. Charlie William spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Webb Barnette !Try Mm m C H RYS LE R ©I CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT! A JOY IN MOTORING THAT IS WHOLLY } ) No matter how wide ond how Jl, varied your motoring experience, (t you find all the thrill behind the wheel of one of the newChryslers that came when you drove-your first car. Yet the reason is simple. It is to be found, for instance, in these epochal new ad vancements of the new "77" ond "70"i— MULTI-RANGE GEAR SHIFT DOWN DRAFT CARBURETION SYNCHRONIZED POWER SYSTEM PARAFLEX SPRING SUSPENSION ARCHITONIC BODIES and a host of other revolutionary engi neering features. In the "66", lowest-priced Chrysler Six, you will also experience a-performance characteristically Chrysler, combined with easy riding and handling—a perform ance that, puts this car as far ahead in the field os the new "77" and "70" and the Imperial are in theirs. *2895 WICtS—Nuw Body I2nst»t3us.r. 5pecial Equipment WH MUITVIAMU ‘1595 NEW MHOS—NIm $1S»5 to *171 (Special Equipment OTM MULTLIAMW WITH MULTVIAMSI (ttAjt Mrr *985 New chvysui “»•* •^'CES—Si« tody Stylet, from *9»5 to St^»5. f. O. ». factory (Special Equipment Eidra). THE LOWEST-MICIDCHIYILE* t« I F. B. LITTON CO. West Warren St. — Shelby. N. C. They changed to “STANDARD” they won't change back [fit “Standard” Motor Oil is an oilier oil made from low carbon crudes and specially proc essed to produce perfect lubrication and less wear on every moving part. In actual tests this oil has reduced the wear in the motor to one-third of normal. “ Standard ” Motor Oil is backed by the greatest oil laboratories in the world. ‘‘Standard " resources have not only made it possible— but possible at a price no greater than you ordinarily pay. Ask for “Standard” Motor Oil at your dealer’s. Fill your crankcase with this rich-bodied, oilier oil. Get addo> miles ot service from your car. 50% less repair bills 10% more mileage per gallon of gasoline— were the results when a well known Transport Com pany, Charleston, S.C., changed from fancy priced oil to “Standard.” “STANDARD” MOTOR OIL The Oilier Oil “VJV;

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