—-.-l-j. ■_-,T l.. . ■ —.. i 11— ... . .......—-.. ..- rattK bKVKN Let A Star Want Ad Sell It For You At Small Cost Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size type 1 cent per word each Insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. Ads that amount to less than 25c. will be charged 25c for lust insertion. IF YOU ARE PLANNING I’O build, let us make an estimate. Plans and sketches cheerfully sub mitted. First class workmanship guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con tractors, Phone 727-J. tf 18c WANTED TO clean your blankets, rugs and quilts. Shel by Steam Laundry. Phone 18. tf-24c CARS WASHED and Greased; also storage. Texaco pro ducts. Temple Service Station rear Masonic Building, Phones 774 796. tf-lOc SHELBY AUTO AND WAGON Company, speclalilznK in rebuild ing wrecked cars, building commer cial bodies, duco painting, top up holstering and glass work. Black smlthlng. Phone 753-J. South Mor gan Street. tf 15c FOR SALE: EIGHTY ACRES land, five miles northwest of Caff ney. Half mile state highway. J. B. Jones, 502 Depot St., Gaffney, S. C. 6t bp BATTERY SERVICE, Au tomobile Glass Replacements, Starter and Generator Re pairing. .1. L. GAFFNEY, tf-c WE REPAIR BAT TERIES, Generators and Starters. Turner & Williams Garage, tf ■■ ■ 1 ----- FOR SALE—ONE FORD DE livery truck, in good condition Shelby Steam Laundry Inc. Phone 18. U-t FOR SHEET COPPER AND Niekled Plated zinc sec Smith Roofing Co., opposite A. B'.antonO’d stand. tf 23c "far m e r s of Cleveland county get my price on Nitrate OF SODA before you sign a contract for your 1930 needs. Call 780 or write me at Victor Hotel, Shelby, N. C. E. O. Limmer. Sep-30c ONE SIX ROOM HOUSE ON Fallst.on road for rent. See W. A. Broadway. tf 9c .1. B. MEETZE CO. Fainting - Interior Decorating Furniture Refinishing WE KNOW HOW I’honc 5K4. Box 153. GAFFNEY. S. C. 12t-llp FOR SALE - MAY hatched Leghorn pull ets. H. McConnell, 2t-16c ROOMS FOR RENT FOR LIGHT housekeeping. furnished or un furnished 417 S. LaFayette street. 3t-16o L1NDBERGH-THE fastest pony in Cleve land county for sale at a bargain price. Fields Young^ Jr. 2tl6 FOR RENT: TO REFINED saleslady or school teacher, attra> tive front room in private horn; Reasonable. 414 N. Morgan St. 3tl6p FOR RENT: 5 ROOM HOUSE See w. A. Pendleton. 2t 16c FOR RENT: FIVE UNFURNISH ed rooms. Water and lights. 419 N. Washington. 6t IGn FOR SALE: THREE TRACTS OF land. Known as the P. L Buff land. One track of 8 acres in No. 10 town ship and two tracts in No. 11 township, one containing 125 acres and the other 63 acres. Sec A. L. Bull, R-3, Vale 31 16p > SEE SMITH ROOFING CO fop all kinds of sheet metal work. Repairing and painting metal roofs. Agents for Carey's Bonded Asphalt Roofs. tf Tic TERRA COTTA Pipe, all sizes is sold by Cleveland Hard ware Co. ltc ANYONE KNOWING THE whpre abouts of Allie Jane Saun ders formerly Allie Jape Smith write Mrs. J. B Bridges, Chase City, Va. Route 3. 3t-13c _ FOR SALE: CORNER LOT. | close in business location, immed i lately south df new Chevrolet build ! mg. known as the Jennings ba:n ! lot Mrs. W. H Jennings. S. Wash ; mgton St., phone 300 3t 13c SPECIAL PRICE on Barbed Wire this I week. Cleveland | Hardware Co. ltc i SI.50 lakes The Star every th her-dav to school students away in college for nine months. Subscribe now. No reduction by waiting. Keep the college youths in touch with home. tf I SEED RYE AND Barley. D. A. Beam. 3t-13c COLEMAN LAMPS Lantern* and repairs1 are sold by Cleveland Hardware Co. ltc FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent. S. LaFayctte St. phone 442-R. tf 13c WANTED AUTO MECHANIC. Must give satisfactory reference.1 See D. P. Crowder at once on No. 18 three miles above Toluca. 3t 18v> FOR COTTON Scales see the Cleve-J land Hardware Peo ple, Washburn’s Place. ltc FOR SALE FORD TRUCK AND ! two Ford cars. Good condition j Sip,Withrow. R-5, Shelby. 3t Up I 24-IN. Wf LL TILE is sold by Cleveland Hardware Co. ltc FOUND: ONE TRUCK WHEEL and tire, owner can obtain same by properly’ identifying and paying for this advertisement. Charles L Esk GENUINE OLIVER i Plow Shares sold only by Cleveland Hard ware Co. ltc I REGISTERED SHORT*$bRN rattle for sale. Duel purpose cattle. Best blood lines. Prices reasonable Dan Frazier, Shelby. N. C. 3t 16p COTTON PICKING Knee Pads are sold by Cleveland Hardware Co. ltc j FOUND: ON WEST WARREN i street, a purse containing two kevs | and sonic small change. Owner may l get same by calling on Iverson ' Stroud, janitor at the Court House. ! And paying for this adv. It 18p FOR SALE: GOOD MILK COW Sec Tom Webb. 2t 18p DO NOT TAKE A chance. Protect your i cotton from fire and ! weather damage. Store in our Bonded Warehouse. Receipts are good at any bank. We are under state and federal supervis ion. Planter &. Mer chants Warehouse Co. 2t-18c “GUS AND GUSS1E” There’d Be Static, Too WELL, WWAT 'D'PFECEMCE t»0 CLOUDS MAkE Tq ,, A RAD'O yAUMOUWCER.7 ( Off On Hi* New Career WEi_L, VJISM Me UJCK — 1M FOR TT-iE STUJlO Tb LAUAJO MV CAPEEP AS TP»E HEW STAR. O "THE OIOwc - •• GQS, THE DE/AOM ^AMMOUMCER t/i a I HOPE MDO UO OVER LiRE A PRA'R'E FiRE , K'D — WELL BE WERE teminG To Vou amd PULLING FDR VOO — ILL V\hSM MARD -— WJ'T* .A'-L MV t CONCENTRATE, PERSONALLy VJMAT MORE CAM « I DO? 'AjELL.'VoU COULD START • O^p THE FOR SALE: SEVERAL TRACTS of land. Some large, some smail. Small cash payment down, balance on easy terms. See me quick If you want a land bargain Claud M. In man, Sec. and Treas. 4t lkc LOST: WHITE AND BLACK spotted female Walker hound, rigiit ear split and both ears brown. Black spot on hips. Reward. Clint We1'. mon, R-5, Shelby. 3t 18p FOR RENT — FURNISHED front room, close in. Phone 534-W 3t-18p GUARANTEED Flour $3.35; 24 lbs. Flour, plain or self rising 98e; heavy fat back 15c; Milk, large cans 10c, small cans 5c. C. H. Reinhardt, South Shelby. 3t-18c . BUY YOUR SEED oats and seed rye from J. N. Dellinger. 2t-18c FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. Close in Phone 345-R. 3t 18c NOTICE: MAIL YOUR SILK hose to Good Hose Mending Co., Belmont Apt.. Asheville, N. C. Thir ty-five cents first run, five cents additional run. It 18o i FOR WATCH. CLOCK AND . jewelry repairing, see Morrison> I located downstairs next to Han»s ' Shoe Store, telephone 585. tf 18c i OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR sale at The Star office. Twen ty cents per hundred. Call at ; the press room. tf-26x ANTIQUES FOE SALE: ONE i three cornered cupboard ol walnat, two chest of drawers of walnut ail'd j cherry and a few tables. B. B. Freer | man, Rutherfordton. 3t JHc ! —i- ——-—--—-— i FOR RENT' PRACTICALLY new 5-room bungalow within two blocks of square. Phone 515 or 324-R. 2t 11c FOR RENT: TAYLORS' SERV ice Station, South Shelby, good ! business already established. Sc* j Royster Oil Co., Shelby, N. C. 3tl6: 1 ~FOR SALE: 11 JOINTS TERRA Cotta tile, 24 inch. P. C. Dellinger. R-2, Cherryville. 2t 18p STRAYED OR STOLEN FROM my home on September 15. onr black and tan bitch, bob tail. Find er notify Flay Jones, Lattimore. N, C. and receive reward. 2t ISo Keep in touch with home while away at college. A spe cial rate of $1.50 for the nine months is made by The Cl^ve (land Star to school students. Mount Sinai News Of Late Interest Rrv. Rush Padgett Becomes III After Service, l.adies Club Holds Meeting. ^Special to The Star t Shelby R-2— Our pastor. Rpr Rush Padgett, filled his appoint ment at Mt. Sinai Saturday after noon bringing to us a very inter esting gospel message Between Saturday afternoon and Sunday he became serTOUslf~ffi and was un able to be with us on Sunday We were sorry to hear of his suffering and hope he will be ^peedily restor ed to health. w Rev. Mr. Browti iS his very earn est manner preaeheff for us Sunday afternoon. His subfff't was "Wear ing the Badge of Christian Broth erhood." Misses Ural Rollins and Rheama Clary, teachers in the primary d<’ part merit of our Sunday school en tertained the members of their class at the home of Miss Rollins Wednesday afternoon After a num ber of interest me outdoor games had been enjoyed the guests were invited into the dmmg room where i delicious refreshments were served. The ladies club of this commun ity met at the home of Mrs. Gor don Ellis Tuesday afternoon. A busi ness meeting was held. Then Mrs Wallace in her very helpful way gave a cooking demonstration after which the hostess assisted by mem bers of the club served delicious re freshments. Miss Dovie Putnam of Ruther fordton spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs. Yates Putnam and other relatives in this section. Mrs. Clarence Self of Shelby vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mm. David Champion Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. L. E Weaver of Gaffney spent Sunday with Mrs. J. H Rollins. Mr. and Mrs. Cfiff Dysart and SHELBY, N. C. fjhe famous nationa lly, advertised Ollendorff Watches ••T >ME FOR X. LIFETIME1' FAT—Ladiee' watch. 15 jewels. With meth bracelet.. $28.SO SPORTSMAN— Mon-, mkh M K uhiU toli-fiUnL 15 jeweU. Wirt bar band.#53.50 Q^/alches that tell more than lime Yon? watch should tell time, accurately, of course. But that is not all! It should tell more than time. It should •peak of style, of quality, of class — and Ollendorff Watches do. See the two-page Ollendorff advertisement In this week’s Saturday Evening Post and see the watches themselves at our store. George Alexander — JEWELER — DISTRIBUTOR OLLENDORFF Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Putnam of Lattimore were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Putnam Sunday, Miss Maude Rollins was at horn' from Shelby Thursday. Miss Edna Putnam who Is in school at Boiling Springs s-peait tlie week-end at home. Mr. Andrew Hunt ol Pock Hill visited his parpnts, Mi and Mrs J M Hunt during the week-end Miss Moltie Hopper of Huther fordton visited relatives in this sec tion recently. Mr. mid Mrs. Swofford and Mr mid Mrs. Meredith and children >t ijjpartanburg spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Foy Putnjim. Mr. Charlie Ellis is erecting a handsome nets residence near the site ot his present home. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hartman and children visited Mrs. Hai l men's parents Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Dayberry of Belwood. Card Of Thank*. We wish to thank the good peo ple of South Shelby for their kind ness and sympathy shown us dur ing the sudden death of our belov ed husband and father. May G»d bless them all. Mrs. S. D. Gibson and Family. Try Star Wants Ads. 'jgjasgBwt'Be.. .■■■"i.iim WITH WOMEN IT’S STYLE! AND THE NEW DRESSES VND COATS AT WRIGHT-BAKER CO. SURELY HAVE “IT ” Such beautiful creations *. . . dresses and coats distinctive for their individual ity . . . each garment looks like the work of an artist. Many new styles have been arriving this week. Our racks are load ed down . . . don’t miss the opportunity this week of making a selection from our wonderful stock. We Invite Your Charge Account. WITH MEN IT’S QUALITY! Which Accounts For The Ever Mounting Popularity Of Wright Baker Co.’s Suit* We don’t mean that men do not like styles as well as women, but they de mand more in quality. A Wright-Bak er suit will satisfy your demand for both st;yle and quality. And don’t forget that Wright-Baker has your New Felt Hat. 107 N. LaFayette St. ^ ~.—= Wright-Baker Co. SHELBY, N. C.

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