WKDNESD'Y, KEPT. Co, l'»2!' Published 10 PAGES TODAY Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons VOL. XXXV, No. Ill SHELBY, N. C. By mau, pet year (in advance) $2.50 Carrier, per year (in advance) S3.0t f LA TE NEWS lbe Markeis. Cotton ISpoti _ -. 18' ic Cotton Sred. prr bu.. lie What? More Kain. Today's North Carolina Weather Report; Rain tonight and Thurs day. No Red Conference. Governor Gardner made the an nouncement yesterday at Raleigh that he would not hold a eonferenre with Communist labor leaders in connection with North Carolina labor troubles. He explained that h" ; knew not how to confer with men [ who do not recognize government, law and order. Federal Grand Jury Completes Work In Hurry Term Will End Herr Today. 31 True Bills Out Of .lust 33 Indictments. Federal Judge E Yates Webb, who can. perhaps, keep the United States court machinery operating faster in high gear than any other jurist who holds court in North Carolina, this week found a grand jury which also believes in sliced under the new "Jones fi\e and ten" law, which is the biggest threat of all to prohibition law violation, were turned over to the grand jury here Monday rooming, and ear1..’ yesterday the grand jury marched into the open court with its work completed From the 33 bills of in dictment came 31 true bills, care wherein defendants are liable to ihe severe penalties o( the Jon^s law. Heretofore in the Federal court sessions in Shelby all defendants j were tried "upon information," a j grand jury not being used, but this j time it was necessary to have a | grand jury pass upon the indict ments coming under the new law. While he grand jury was at woik Monday and Tuesday morning upoo 1 indictments the court grind moved 1 rapidly, something like three score cases being disposed of before the court adjourned Tuesday afternoon to permit jurors and attendants to take a peep at the Cleveland Coun ty Fair. With a continuation of this speed the 31 remaining cases will likely lie disposed of today So far no major cases have ap peared on the docket, most of the indictments having to do with minor infractions of the prohibition laws. A big percentage of the defend- : ants at this term, according to j court officers, came from the South ; Mountain sections of this county, j Burke and Rutherford, and such : has been the case at previous terms, something that has caused Judge Webb to class this moon- : shine brewing section with the j Cat's Head section of Henderson ! county. Pick Sacks And Knee! Pads Are New Styles j Merchants Find Ready Sale For Two New Cotton Harvest Articles. Cotton picker sacks and knee pads are selling well in Cleveland county. Picker sacks are something new, while knee pads made them debut last season and proved so much in demand that practically every store selling farming articles i are stocked with knee pads this I year. The Belwood Collar company j made up a quantity last year and has found a ready sale for this ne.v article. The knee pad is ? leather shield that buckles cn the knees by means of straps. The inside of the pad is lined with heavy felt and is used by cotton pickers in walking on their knees through the cotton rows. The pads save the clothing and the flesh from injury and at the same time lighten up the strain on the back by making knees of the feet, thus placing the cotton pick er closer to the cotton stalks. The cotton sacks are just an im provement over the old guano sack w ith a strap to go over the should ers. The new sack is made of cotton, his a duble strap to reach over both shoulders and openings on both sides so a picker can use both hands in gathering the fleecy staple Likeness Of Coolidge Seen In Court Here O B. Martin, who is also knowr. ] as 'Slim" Martin, is a double of ex- j President Cal Coolidge in the eyes ; of Attorney D. Allen Tedder. Mr. i Martin was in the federal court I here this w eek on a minor charge, j end a profile vi«w of Martin with ’ his sharp features, reveals him to . have much of the likeness of the j ex-president. Martin lives between j Bessemer City and Kings Moun- ' Uiu Attendance Records Shattered At County Fair Offer Rewards In Flogging Of Kings Mtn. Man Total Of SHOO Offered For Convii - tinn Of Tcsrieair’s Three Assailants. Kr^rartls totalling $900 have been offered for the arrrst anti conviction of the three men who last week kidnapped and flogged t'leo Tesneair. tex tile union organizer, at Kings Mountain. A reward of $400 is offered hv the state of North Carolina, according to an an nouncement hy Governor Gard ner, and $500 is offered by the American Civil Liberties Cnion. Despite the offer of two rewards officials in this county say that continued investigation fails to un earth a single clue as to the identity of the three men Tesneair says kidnapped him and then earned him over into South Carolina for a flogging To File Suit. From Charlotte comes the an nouncement that the Civil Liberties Union will also file a suit on the part of Tesneair for damages re sulting from tire flogging he. receiv ed. It is presumed the filing of th.= suit must await the arrest and identification of the trio charged with the kidnaping The following explanation of the Tesneair rewards was made by the Charlotte Observer: "A press dispatch to The Observ er from the capital city explained that Governor O. Max Gardner in announcing offering of the reward said that no rewards had been of fered in the Aderholt and Ella May Wiggins killings because immediate ly following the slayings arrests had been made in each case The state's offer of $400 bring' the sum already offered for the apprehension of parties guilty of lawlessness growing out of the sharp clash of communist and anti-com munist forces over the past severe! weeks to $2,400 in addition to an indefinite number of $250 rewards for the apprehension of parties to the alleged conspiracy to kill Mrs Wiggins. Others By Union. AH the rewards with the excep tion of the $400 offered by the state are made in the name of the Amer ican Civil Liberities Union. Announcement by Governor Gard ner of the offer of the $400 reward followed a meeting of three we!! known cotton manufacturers of the American Cotton Manufacturers' association; and J. H Separk of Gastonia, head of a chain of tex tile plahts. Mrs. Tesneair Gone From Kings Mountain This Week, Reported Mrs. Cleo Tesneair. wife of the union organizer who has been in bed at a Charlotte hotel since his kidnaping and flogging last week, disappeared from her home at Kings Mountaih over the week-end according to Police Chief Hedrick, of Kings Mountain, who was in Shelby yesterday. It is likely, the officer said, that she may be In Charlotte with h.r husband, or on a visit to relatives while her husband is away. The household furniture, he said, had not been removed from the house into which they moved on the day prior to the kidnaping. The officer did not say but it is presumed that her 10-year-old son. Howard, is with her. Where This Entire Section Is Gathering This Week I The activity of the South's largest Individual county fair—the Cleveland County Fair—is centering this week about the scene above. The large exhibit halls, pictured togrther with the big dome over the new educational hall, are filled with the biggest array of farm and home products vet shown at the Shelby fair. I Photo bv Fills Studio,. 231 Bales Cotton Ginned In County By 16 September What promises to hr Cleve land rounty's greatest cotton erop Is not as late as was the erop last year despitr reports to the eontrarv. The first gining report of the season indieatrs that it is earlier, anyway. I'p to Sep tember lfi. this year 2.11 hales of rotton had been ginned in the county, as compared with 22 hales up to September lo. last year. This report was is sued late yesterday to The Star by Miles H. Ware, gin ning agent for the eountv. Sheriff Opens Drive On Slot Machines Here Will Fight Case* Through Courts To Show That Machines Are Illegal. ThP operation of slot machines , in Cleveland county must, be stop ped. according to an announcement made today from the office of Sher iff Irvin M Allen. Sheriff Allen is locally advised that slot machine operation in thin ; county and state is a violation of the law and declares that this week he and his officers will begin a drive to rid the entire county of the machines. Two Are Convicted. In fact, the drive really started over the week-end with officers se- ; curing two machines and making j two arrests. In court both opera tors were convicted. One of the op erators paid his fine, while the oth- , er announced his intention of carry- j ing his appeal on through the higher courts. "We are willing to have it de cided by the higher courts." the sheriff says. ‘'The law says slot j machines are not to be operated. It is m.y business to carry out the law to the best of my ability, and that goes for. the slot machines, too. If j the law is wrong, the appeals should | show it. but until higher courts j show the law to be defective I in tend to carry out my oath by en forcing it." Forest City Salvage Buys Wootton’s Stock The Forest City Salvage company has purchased front Mr. J. J. Latti | more, trustee In bankruptcy, the , stock of ladies ready-to-wear for merly owned by the Wootton's Ladies shop over Blanton-Wright Clothing company's store. The Forest City firm is offering every thing In this stock in a sale be ginning Thursday of this week Standing Room Only At County Jail Here Now; 56 Prisoners Sheriff Irvin M Allen, who is also county jailer in addition to his duties as sheriff, is ready to hang out the “Standing Room Only sign at the front door and rear doors of the Cleveland county jail There are 56 prisoners confined to the bastile today, and the build ing is the fullest ever, because it can be no fuller un'f's the sheriff takes 3 correspondence course from some sardine factory on parking them in However, it is explained that Shelby and Cleveland county arc not being unusually wicked this’ week. Many of the prisoners are out-of-county prisoners brought here for the term of federal court, which adjourns today, after which the prisoners will go to the federal penitentiaries or to the jails of their native counties. An incident pointed out, to show that a crime .wave is not sweeping the .section is that only four peo ple of tpc 3g.not) attending the fair yesterday were iai’ed The quart f was given cell space because th-' four decided to go the weather man one better by making it a fair week with the aid of moonshine as a sub stitute for the missing sunshine. Many Ministers Think That Evidence Of Atheist Is 0. K. Wet Weather Is Damaging Cotton County Farmers Say Cotton Already Open Is Hotline Along With Bolls., (tinning Hanger Seen. The equinoctial rains, or the wrt weather of this and last week, are proving very destructive to Cleve land county cotton, according to leading farmers of the county in" Shelby today to attend the fair. The rain and cool spell Is caus ing the open cotton, which cannot be picked until it is dry. to rot. while several sections, particularly up the Fallston way. report that bolls ar" not opening are rotting "I have heard more about rotting cotton bolls this week than ever be fore." says Deputy Tom Sweer.v. w-ho lives in the up county section, i Wet Ginning. W—«*•#•%—-.4* • • A f ~ i Another danger of the wrt sea-1 son. ginners and farmers point ou*. is the fart that after the rains cease much cotton will be picked ! before it is thoroughly dry and tak en to the gin. Just how many bales the we! j weather will knock off the county | total cannot be forecast, but. the weather is hurting and those who | estimated 60.000 bales or more j some weeks back ^re now w ondering ! if another 53.000 bale crop will not be pretty good, after all. Negro’s Skull Gets Crushed From Blow Inflicted By Wife Johnny Sims In Serious Condition At Hospital. Wife Is In Jail Cell. I Johnny Sims, colored man. and his wife. Dannie Mae. had a fail- ! ing out" shortly after 9 o'clock last. I night, and apparently they decided not to get along together Anyway, they are not together today. Johnny is in the Shelby hos- j pital with his skull fractured, and i has just a so-so chance of pulling j through. Meantime the wife is in | the county jail charged with deadly ' assault, a charge that may be move serious should Johnny die. When Police Chief Poston and other officers arrived near th» Southern station, where the brav1 took place. Johnny's head was lari open, across the. top. caused, it is said, by a blow inflicted by Dannie Mae when she felled him with an iron brace used on telegraph poles. A portion of the skull was driven down upon the brain. but at the hospital today at noon it was said that the negro was conscious and seemed somewhat improved. Easom Will Lead Singing At Central Methodist Meeting Horace Easom, musical director of the First Baptist church. will lead the singing during the week s evangelistic services which begin Sunday. October 6, at Centra! Meth odist church here, it is announced by Dr. H. K. Boyer, pastor of the church. The preaching for the meeting will be done by Dr. Plato Durham, of Emory university. Dr Durham is a native of Shelby and one of the souths outstanding ministers and orators. Dr Boyer says that reports coming to him have if that many people from adjoining counties, and some from adjoining states w l! visit Shelby during the week to hear Dr. Durham >ome Ministers Think l( Crrdlhlr And Others The Reverse. Nut Courts Business. unarioue Declaring mat a witness should not tar disqualified m the courts because of lack of be lief in God. several Charlotte min isters. orthodox pastors of leadine churches, make almost startling statements. Others cling to old be liefs that belief In God is a requisite to making statements on the wit ness stands. A bishop, a pastor of the biggest congregation in the city and pastor of a fashionable Myers Park church are among those who drclare that announced belief in God is not a requisite for veracity. Rev W W Peelc, D. D , pastor of First. Methodist church, formerly Methodist pastor in Durham, is among the liberals. He said: "In the first place, a man may be a good citizen without, being able to say that he believes in God. In the second Instance, he jtigy be ahlitloj. teJT t he truth, ftmigh he must hon estly declare that he does not believe in God. The business of the court is not to ascertain whether a man is an atheist or not but to find the facts In the case being tried. I do not believe that a statement that a belief ui God is necessary in order to get from a witnerc his knowledge of i the facts. I understand, of course, that at present behind the law is an i 'Continued on page ten > City To Sell Bonds To Amount $98,000 S58.IMW1 Are School Bond' And $40,COO A|> For Water Work'. Sale October 5. Ninety-eight thousand dollars worth of city bonds will be offered for sale at the city hall at noon on October 5. the bonds to run over a j period of years and to bear a rate of : interest not exceeding six per cent. Of this amount $58,000 of the i bonds are to cover the school deficit that has accumulated over a period of years in special charter district No. 33. These bonds were authorized by vote of the people a few months ago will not cover the accumulated deficit amounting to approximately $70,000 as revealed by the audit, re cently made by certified accountants : and published in The Star. The remainder of the oond sale. I amounting to $40,000 is to pay for i repairs and improvements at the I city water station. Work on repair | ing the pumps and making certain improvements was started under the last administration end has Just 1 been completed. The legality of the bonds has been | approved by the well known bond attorneys, Messrs. Storey. Thorn dike. Palmer and Dodge of Boston. Mass. The city reserves the right to j reject all bids, I _____. Key Gone, Thieve* Abandon Stolen Car Mrs Julius Elliott, who lives with her brother J. H Ponder on Nortn j LaFayette street, carried the key to ' her Chevrolet car with her into the house last night, and fpr that rea son she still owns a car today. This morning the car was miss ing from its parking place in the backyard. Deputy Ed Dixon war called and after learning that the | car was locked he started hu search out the Casar road. Down at the foot of the Hopper s park hill he found the car abandoned by the 1 roadside The thieves apparently rolled the car down the hill hoping j it would start. When the motor failed to start, it was apparently 1 abandoned Lutheran Mascot, Black Bear, Not T o Visit Shelby Hickory—'Frisky', (hr Moun tain Bear of thr Lenolr-Rhynr college ramp, will not arrom pany thr Mountain Rrar foot hall squad to Shrlhy Saturday for thr T. C. game at thr fair. ( oach tiurlry announced to day. Thr hrftv black boar, which ha s a drn on thr college campus, weighs too much to lake along with thr tram on road trips, hut will hr seen on thr ftrld for local gamrs. (Othrr sport nrws will hr found on pagr three of The Star today. Details of the opening game for Shrlbv high, and the big college game here Saturday. I New Highway May Stop At S. C. "Border? Report* Are That New Highuav South Ha* No Way To Get Out Of State. The new state highway. No 1A. from Shrlbv south to the South Carolina line may one of these days find itself all dressed up with no where to go. In fact, the dressing, or the top soil, is on now, but reports have it that the newlv constructed highway about the routing of which there was considerable controversy, has no outlet so far into South Carolina after it reaches the state line—and it Is already there Where the new highway strikes the South Carolina line there is no state highway in South Carolina in which the new road may pour out Its traffic. When the highway was decided upon an agreement of some kind was reached with South Caro lina highway officials whereby the understanding was that the sister state to the south would build a road which would connect with the new North Carolina highway and carry the traffic to the Dravo bridge, where the road would cross the river and tap the South Caro lina highway. But therein comes the Jonah, as the reports have it. At present South Carolina announcements have It that state is not ready to build a connecting road between the point whore highway No. 18 hits the bor der and the Dravo bridge. The'i; is a’road on the South Carolina side which could connect with the new highway it is said and serve as a part of the link until another is built by that state, but the re ports have it that this road is a plantation road, not a public road, and that the plantation owner is unwilling to permit the use of his (Continued on page ten ' Wet Weather Fails To Keep Thousands Away On First Day Officials Estimate That 38,000 People Pass ed Through Gates On First Day Of Cleve land County’s Sixth Fair. Finest Array Of Exhibits And Displays. Tuesdav was fall day for Cleveland nn<1 adjoining counties despite the wrathei man, and today officials of the Cleveland county fair esti mate that at least 38.000 people passed through the gates on opening day Tuesday to w lines., the biggest fair array assembled during the six rears of Jhe countv institution. Admission Price At Fair Is Not Boosted Reports Spread About County Of IIiKtier Admission Saturday Are erroneous. It will cost no more to enter the Cleveland County Fair on Friday and Saturdav than It does lor anv other day In the week This announcement is made by fair officials after they learned that a report, per haps started by an enemy of the fair, had been circulated over the county saying that the admission price would be higher for thosr two days. I.ihewise fair officials want the people of the rnuntv to know that no admission charge is made for entering and In- I ■peeling all the exhibit halls, booths, displays, and farm shows. Similar reports were broadcast that admission to thr exhibit halls was being charg ed. i County Writer Gets Eye Of Big Publisher Knopf Firm Write* Cash About Writing Book On South For Them. Mr W J Cash, of Boiling Springs, who wrote the caustic bio graphy of the gentleman from Newbern for a late issue of The j American Mercury, and whose ar- j tide entitled "The Southern Mind, appears in the current issue of M: Menckens almanac, Saturday re ceived a letter from the publishing house of Knopf, calculated to make ’ him take a hitch in his belt. The letter was from Mrs, Blanch" j Knopf, vice president of the pub-1 lishing house, which is one of the ' best known in the country, telling Cash she had read his article on "The Southern Mind" and was so impressed with it. she would like to inquire if he had plans for writ ing a book Thus the prestige of this newest Cleveland county author ex pands. It happens but seldom that a writer is asked to pen a book on the strength of two magazine ar ticles. About 14,000 School Children, Cleveland See Fair Tuesday Approximately 14.000 Cleveland, county school children and teachers took in the opening day of th ? Cleveland County Fair here yester day as free guests of the fair. Prof. J. H. Grigg says that near 14,000 tickets were distributed from his office while scores of children were admitted at the fair ground. This figure, of course, does not , include the hundreds of school chil ! dren from adjoining counties, in both Carolinas. who were also ad mitted free on opening day Old Train Wreck Injury Now Giving Gov. Gardner Worry Time When Gardner Almost Has Killed Recalled By Pain In Rack. Raleigh, — Governor Gardners bones ached this week with the accumulation of H years and nis excellency suffered more pain than he has had during all the admin istration ; The kirks which edi'orial writers give him do not hurt much. -He has been reading the papers re ligiously and is pleased with the treatment hr has received. The kick; do not hurt. But that old injury received the night before the Thanksgiving game between Vir ginia and University of North Caro I hna in 1915 comes back during bad weather The governor's nearly brok- : i cn back worried him today. Governor Gardner was riding in a deeper on his wav to Richmond H years ago and his. train was sidr trarked in the Salisbury yards. Fn gineer A TankerSle.v, pulling raw ( Southern's best train, tore into the) Richmond sleeper and drove 30 odd j feet through the wooden ear. Mr tContinued on page ten.) This record attendance came through a maze of handicaps. Prac tically all day there was a slight but steady drizzle of rain and many spots about the 56-acre fair tract were blankned In mud. But open ing day was school day and thou sands of school children took advan tage of free admission and attended along with parents and relatives. Back Again Today. First indications today were that it would be another discouraging wet day to dampen the enthusiasm of what promised to be a record fair week for any one county In the south, but the weather man fore cast fair weather for the afternoon Rnd for Thursday, and early th(i morning highway 20. both east and west, was thronged with packed cars heading for the fair grouna*. Yesterday's mammoth crowd gave the fair, more colorful than eve: before, valuable advertising and with fair weather for the remaining days the event may as yet stack up iu greatest success. The Fashion Show. Practically the same program of exhibits. Judging. farm shows amusements, racing, free acts and fireworks will hold sway tomorrow Then on Friday comes the event the women of this section have been planning and preparing for weeks the cotton fashion show. At 9:30 Friday morning the fashion parade, with society taking a hand, will show to the thousands that dain\v womanhood can still be garbed in cotton and be beautifully dressed* and beautiful. Football Saturday. The hig feature of the closing day Saturday will be the section's first college football clash. The game, starting at 2:15 will be play ed between the Mountain Bears ut Lenotr-Rhyne college, coached by Dick Gurley, and the Presbyterian college eleven. of Clinton. S. C.. coached by Walter Johnson, one of the south's most successful coaches. The South Carolina elgven holds the odds but the hundreds planning to see the game know- that th» Lutheran eleven from Lenoiv Rhyne will make a great fight in its first contest with the famous and scrapping P! C. eleven. The upper end of the big grandstand. that portion nearest the playing field, in the infield of the race track, will be used to seat spectators. while hundreds of others will be turned In the gates to the sidelines in the in side of the race infield. rs. iterora t. rowa. "There Isn't any doubt but what the gigantic crowd last night was the largest ever packed in the fair ground,” Dr. J. S. Dorton. fair sec retary. said today, "and during ths day yesterday the gatekeepers and other workers about the ground tell me the crowd was practically ~.s large as attended on opening day Isfst year. That being the case we estimate this morning that between 37.000 and 40,000 people were at the fair yesterday. That's not so bad you know, considering the weather, and I think mo3t of them enjoy'd the day. If the weather man will give us a bit. of sunshine we'll give them more pleasure and enjoyment during the remaining days. Just think what a crowd we might havj entertained had it not been for the rain—but there are other days during the week and it seems as if Cleveland county fair is so well known already that rainy weather will hot keep them away.” Ail the new conveniences and ad ditions since last year- met with the approval of the big crowd, and the livestock exhibits, the farm displays, the commercial booths, the shows, and the amusement features wer* highly praised by scores and score* of people, many of them from sec tion miles distant from Shelby. (Note: Detailed accounts of the farm and commercial displays wit! be found on page two of this issue h

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