Hasn’t Missed Sunday School In Six Years r,rnvrr Youth Has Established Fine Eecord. Baptist < hurrh Elects Officers. (Special to The Star' The Grover Baptist church elec' fd the following officers for next yPar Mr E C. Byers, treasurer, Mr, B F. Bird, Church clerk; Mrs. Ophelia Rollins, pianist; Mr, .Jona than Byers was elected to a slst E C Byers as chorister. Rev J. T. Dendv is leading 11: people in a Bible study course this month. They meet three evenings a week. Rev. Drnriy reports that at tendance and interest is fine Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ellis and daughter. Miss Olive, ot Pamiri r were guests Sunday of Mr. and M's C. A Mulltnax Miss Beverly Jones of Shell'' spent Sunday with her sister Mi -- Eleanor Jones ' ho is one of on; high school teachers this year, Mrs. Will Moss of Earl is visiting this week «hh her sister-in-la" Mrs F A Moss Mr. and Mrs r E Herndon and Mrs J. F Herndon and duightri ^ Miss A quill a. all ot Baden, are vis iting this week with Mrs. W. J j Mo; s Mrs J E Parker of Shelby sppn part. of last week with her motliei Mrs J. G. Herndon Rev \V. E. Fureren and Mg. Fureroti motored to Greenvil'e ■ C last Friday to witness 'he tool hall same between Parker high and Easley. Jack Fureroti is on th"| rarker team this year playing halfback The score was f< to 0 n laser of Parker. Grover has one long dutan. ehainpton with an enviable endur ance record. Lewis Hamrick. 1 rears old, has not missed Sunday j school in six years. Tie is not only a regular attendant of Sunday school but he also attends preaching serv ice and he is president of the iun tnr B Y. P U. and makes a splen- ; did presiding officer ADMINISTRATOR s NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Do; a Mooney, late of Cleveland comity H c., notice is hereby given 10 all parties indebted to said estate o make immediate payment to the undersigned. All persons having claims against said estate are here by notified to present them to me properly proven for payment on 01 before September 15. 1930. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of theti recovery. This September 13, 1939 JOHN W. MOONEY. Admr. of the Estate of Dora Mooney, deceased. Tyburn A Hoey, Attys. Sept t8p NOTICE OF SALE. Sealed bids will be received by the board of aldermen of the city of Shelbv at the mayor's office in Shelbv, N C.. until 12 o'clock noon on the 5th day of October. 1929 lor the purchase of *40.000 water bonds of said citv. dated September 1. 1929 and payable *1,000 annual.> September 1. 1932 to 1941 Inclusive and *2.000 annually September I. 1942 to 1938 inclusive, both princi pal and semi-annual Interest pay able In gold at Chare National bank, New York City, N. Y. Bidders e.re Invited to name the rate of in terest In their bids in multiples of one quarter of 1 per cent, must not exceed six* per cent. and as be tween bidders naming thr same rat" of Interest the amount of premium will determine the award The city will furnish bonds and opinion of Mesera. Storev. Thorndike. Talmer end Dodge. Atty’r. of Boston. Mass Bonds will be sold upon sealed bids with no auction. Bidders must present with their bids a certified check upon an in corporated bank or trust company unconditionally payable to the order of the city for 2 per cent of the fa *e value of the bonds bid for to secure the city against any loss from fail ure of the bidder to complv wi’h the terms of his bid. The right is reserved to reieet all bids. L E. LIGON. City Clerk NOTICE OF SALE. Sealed bids will be received bv the board of aldermen of the city of Shelby at the mayor's office in Shelby, N. C . until 12 o'clock noon on the 5th day of October, 1929 for the purchase of $58,000 school bonds of the Shelby special charter school district number thirty-three. . dated September 1. 1929 and payable $2,000 annually September 1. 1912 to 1951 Inclusive and $3,000 annual ly September 1. 1952 to 1957 in clusive. both principal and semi annual interest payable in gold v Chaae National bank. New York City, N. Y. Bidders are invited in name the rate of interest n the: bids in multiples c' one quarter of 1 per cent, must not exceed six per cent, and as between bidders nam ing the same rate of interest the amount of premium will determine the award. The city will furnish the bonds and opinion of Messrs. Storey, Thorndike. Palmer and Dodge, Attys., Boston, Mass. Bonds will be sold upon sealed bids with no auction. Bidders must present with their bids a certified check upon an in corporated bank or trust company unconditionally payable to the or der of the city for 2 percent of the face value of bonds bid for to se cure the district against any loss from failure of the bidder to com ply with the terms of his bid. Tha right is reserved to reject all teds. L. E. LIGON, City Clerk Star Advertismg Pays Home, Farm And Schools On Parade At Fair Exhibit Hall Exhibit frcm home farm and •school in the exhibit, hall at tin Cleveland county fan tin year uio far nbore anything that has eyr. 1 been .shown declared Mrs. Inn i [Wallace, as she piloteti a represen tative of The Star through the. wilriernr: of pirtty tlnns yes'er (lav Cleveland county is on pared' 'heir (In irar and the finality ol thur.:: slumn i lai above I !r ■•quantity is much larger. Although two of the exhibit halls have been, connected, w ith a large ueta go.n shaped strueinre m which points a massive si'ver. colored, dome, every available inch ol space Is taken Each year .hr fan grow.- ' greater and this year it i , trii'.y ‘ "Cleveland's Greatest"' ('(immunity llooths. Starting at the south entr ance,; one sees on the left the commun ity booth No 8 township is ex hibiting tor tlie first time and thy booth Is a show within it: ell Bethlehem is back again Two 'ears ago that community won first price for tlie beat rohuinimcy booth Saint Paul is shown tlie third time this year, t a t year the- thriv ing community won second place Lattimore brought ihr best from its community fair and will run a’l Other exhibits close for first, prize. Lattimore is the only community in the county that had a community fair tills year. Then comes an exhibit tinm.th" Methodist church community a, Speer. N C Speer is not a fami liar place hut it i up hi Averv county and v hmt The Star reporter passed by one of the Avery farm er, stated that two car loads nt registered rattle and a quantity bt : iieep were en route for exhibit Then comes the legume and hav crops m a general display and tin -1 is followed bv 'household arts <!•-' part merit."■ where everything on exhibit is marie by a needle Tlie curio department is snm’ thing new for the fair, but Mr Carvus Hamrick In charge, has. a number of interesting Indian relic., and freaks of nature. Down thr inside of (hr rent'-, aisle on flip cast is flic honey de partment. thru pastry and cake.-, and panned fruits and vegetabK t that are so tempting. they make one's mouth water to view them. Flowers* Under Dome. I Under the mammoth dome are j the flowers banked in a pyramid ! and these make a very attractive setting as one enters* at this point Around the flowers is arranged th" j horticultural exhibit Home Demonstration Clubs. Mrs Wallace has If! home dem onstration elubs in the conn* • Nine of these hn\e exhibits at th" Talr. all arranged side by side an.I earh teaching a lesson o( import ance. Beulah's exhibit is shewing the use of old sacks. Everything in the exhibit was made from sacks Sharon shows the five keys ft pond health; Polkville, the pot o' gold at the »md of the rainbow; \Vaco shows Gulliver's adventures m health; Pallet':-.on Grove shoe-: a baseball panic between the Mai and the scrubs. indicating the food to eat that build, a strong body and the food not. to rai with a bott! of. milk acting u: umpire Piedmont presents: the ladles of liealth; Roiling Springs the " he’I ol health and Bethlehem the av.ay'i to health, rrprestnlrd by the walk., the steps and the open doth Ml Bethel : how; the diet shop, representing the tat thin and nor mal woman 'I heShelby. Woman club is the only Tdrrated club wit. i an exhibit and this project compares the school buildings of 1829 with the r ol 1020 At'the.usual glare is the antique department with a wonderful colics- j tten of old relies showing the pro-' gress through which this .section, has passed since its first settirmrm. Then in the corner are the arts and crafts Two entries that are e per iail.v interc: ting here are a chan and a flower box made from meal caps from bottled drinks. School llxhibits. Practically all of the high scho >’ 1 of the county have exhibit', -a i; project emphasizing some import ant idea or lesson Patterson Sp.in , exhibit .is a project on "Kngh n I : America. ' Kings Mountain has library exhibit. Mooresboro lb "solar system ol the un family. Belwrod a general project; Ka i emphasizes the idea of organization and the three important units nf| I he community sueh as the Parent - Teachers association, literary see. - I lies and boy and girl scouts. l.sttunore shows what tram work m the communit y will do; Boilin; Springs has a special project on outdoor playgrounds; Grover, Casir and Piedmont hate two aitraet; e exhibits with school projects; No 8 township emphasizes health an 1 a balanced ration, the Shelby ci school display trophy nips won various contests while Waco ex hibit is mad" up of several project: Individual Farm Exhibits. Many farmers are showing indi vidual farm exhibits this year, and they come not, only front Cleveland county but trout Avery and Gaston counties; R L. Eakcr front th<* Sunnyside section of Gaston is here, also I). Buchanan of Avery is trying to take honors from Cleve j land county. George Hamrick Is l clown with an exhibit front Latti ! more. Coran Campbell, one of the i diversifying farmers of No. 8 is i bark again with a splendid exhibit. • t P McDaniel front No. 4 towu ; ship. Beam brothers farm from No "v township. G M Goforth of No 4 In the center of this exhibit hall will be found work done by o'd j ladies over fifty years of age arid the Woman's rlub has a mnceUan ! eons lot of entries. while at tit* | north end of the hall will be found i a rare roller'ton of minerals. Firms Display Modern Wares In Manufacturers Fair Hall The buxincr-s building at I lip f a ir Is solidly occupied by Shelby sud Cleveland counyv hustne. s entry prise-, aio less then 21 of the 23 ex hibits being of local origin Modern appliances of many de scriptions are on display, from Mie latest in motor vehicle.', to the radio, the last word in farm imple ments. electric appliances, even m exhibit of structural steel bring .n the list Some very novel device; lm« been employed to advertise tlv' wares of the time. Amongst the very noticeable new things is to b seen in the booth of the Union Trust company, where on>’ may se> a burning building, with a btg time fire apparatus dotny tus bit on the scene. And included in the display ts a building partially burned These visualized ideas, are of course assembled to advertise the fire in surance business of the company. Charles L Eskridge, who sells the well known product from De troit, has a very effective display in the form of a Ford car tint is ef fectively taken apart so that the spectator may see how ft works he chassis is on display in one sec tion, with the removed body in another. And of course there is a complete Uncle Henry, fully equip ped. on full view Best's bakrrv has a tasteful ex hibit of the products of the wc'l known bakery; the First National bank is amongst those present; the Pilot Life Insurance company, the Woman's club, and there is i Prex , byterlan booth, dispensing lefres’.i , inents i nr oiiciDy Hardware company ! lias no less than two booths, one given over exclusively to the At | watrr-Kcnt radio, and the other to ! finer lines of paints and lacquers. | The Pan-American Life Insur ance company is represented in a | very attractive booth And of fs. i pecial merit is a rtupla.' represen - j tative of tire Shelby Creamery. This | booth is. one might say, aim os' j sensationally arranged, taking the form of a miniature farm, with thr farm house, the grainery. the barn, the rural charm of the scent being | enhanced by a picture lake in ih: foreground of the picture And then there is a miniature of the cream ery building itself. The Arey Refrigerating company displays its w are'- effectively- th • well known Frigldaire. the RCA radio. the VVcstinghousc elect’ic stove, etc. The structural steel display i. fathered by the ,1 C Weathers company, and includes no less r u item than a steel bridge. a water tower of modern construction, and steel pieces in many sorts. The Cleveland Hardware coni party has a \ cry well arranged booth down the centre space, the display including such things ns 'Washburn's" features - modern farm implement; and sporting coeds W A Pendleton has a big rad > display, giving special attention to the Majestic and Victor. This booto ha a puzzle for the public to solve, in the form of a flying Zeppel: i. representing Majestic "The Mon arch of the Air' which is suspend ed in space, no me seems to know just how. The Staf-O-Life Feed eompam is represented, and W H Blanton tr. head of the Shelby Auto and Wagon company has a strategic position at the entrance of the hail, "here is displayed no less an oh tect titan a wrecked automobile. ■Mr Blanton being a reconsiruc tor' -together with a representation of duco painting and . truck 'body building. The Fills studio is amongst those present, together with an effective display of Buick and Marquee cars by Lawrence Lackey, and th" Dodge and Chryslers by the Litton Motor company. Amongst otlier well known firms who have displays are the C!e\e letid Oil company. and the Blti* Bud Ice Cream company 6 6 6 to a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Denjue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. , B is ihe most speedy remedy kifonn murder \v it ness Hobart White, ore of the persons ri<Jinon the truck, when Gastonia, N. C., ntob opened lire on union strikers and kdlcd Mrs. Ella Mae W iggirr. White had his arm broken in the battle that, followed the killing and will be one of the important witnesses when the sus pected mob inert] hers are brought to trial. Big Memorial For Chicago Boy Killed Chicago. Tlie Bnbhv Frank:, memorial to perpetuate the memo v of the child victim of the Loeb-Leo pold "thrill murder'’ has been de cided upon by the trustees named :n the will of Bobby's father, who died 18 months ago The American hoys' common - wealth has been chosen as benefi ciary under the eldrr Franks' $100. 000 bequest. The choice was made, the trustees explained, in keeping with the father's desire as express ed in the will. "The type of memorial I riestr • my trustees shall establish ,shall be a fitting memorial to perpetuate the memory of my boy. who would de sire that the memorial in his name should be one-that wiuld give pleas ure. haip. encouragement to boys, as he in his lifetime gave sympathy encouragement and eonsideration 'o his playmates " One half of the $100 000 will be voted to improving the property of tlie American Bovs’ Common wealth. The other half will be sequestered as a trust out ol which from time I to time help may be given boys in | connection with the work ni th • commonwealth. Richard Lorb and Nathan Loo : pold. jr, are serving life sentences j at Joliet (or flip murder of the | Franks boy. Touching a live wire, a black eat in Waukegan. 111., was e'.eetroeut'n and the short circuit put two fac tories out of commission Married Woman Tears Gas —Tats Only llahy Food "For 3 years. I ate only baby food, everything else formed pas. Now, thanks to Adlerika. I rat anything and enjoy hie," Mrs M Gunn. Just ONE spoonful Adlerika re lieves all GAS so you can eat and sleep better. Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel removing poisons you never knew were there, and which caused your stomach trouble. No matter what you have tried for stomach and bowels, Adlerika wili surprise you! Paul Webb A: Son. Druggists adv BACKACHE Tf functional R'adder Irritation disturbs your sleep, or causes Burn ing or Itching Sensation. Backache Leg Pauls, or muscular aches, mak ing you feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the Crys tex . 48. Hour Test? Don't give up. Clot Crystex today. Put, it to the test See for yourself how quickly it works and what it. does Money back tf it doesn't bring quick im-' provement. and satisfy you com pletely Try Crystex today Only 60c Suttles Drug Store. adv. SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. Town Of lVaco, X. C. Pursuant to authority invested by law. the following property located in tiie town of Waco. N C. and ip which taxes are past due and un paid. will he sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash n front of the Peoples Bank at Wan N. C . at 10 o'clock a. m. on CM. 11. 1929 Mrs. J. V. Limerick, for 1928 tax and for prior years *40 47 J R Rhyne, for 1928 tax and for prior years . ... .. .. 11,33 M A Putnam, fo: 1928 lax and for prior years . ... >6 39 Arey Bros, for 1927 tax .... 5,v| T M. Putnam for 1923 tax and for prior years _ .17 to Mrs n H Elliott for 1927 tax fi -n Frra Miller for 1928 tax _4.60 Clvd A. Erwin for 1927 tax and prior years 477 By order of the mayor and board of aldermen: C. I Barret! Tax .'Collector A. J. Putnam, Mayor. 41 ric Clock Over 200 Years Old Entered At Fair |». M, Vtliisnant Sends Old Relic To Fair. I’rrsonal Items Of People Going About. (Special to The Star.) Lawndale R-1. Mrs John Whis nan't has been right, sick for the past week, though she is able to be up again. Roosevelt Hunt spent the week end with Clem Hunt Mr P M. Whisnant and daugh ter carried an old fashion clock to the fair It is oxer 200 years old. Miss Madge Gantt spent Sundax night with Lucile Self. Miss Pauline Whisnant spent j Sunday with Miss Lillie Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Giiszlr Whisnant visited Mr. and Mr?, itero Mull Friday. Mr. Ophus Deylnney motored to Gostonia Sunday and spent the day and night. j Mr. and Mrs Fred and Gaw.ie visited their daughter. Mrs. John Whisnant Sunday. Misses Maude and Lois Self, Rtiloh and L D. and Ltllte Hunt, j Pauline Whisnant. Leola and Mary D Pricr. P. M Whisnant ir. and Lilford Price visited O. J Deven nry Sunday There has been lots of rainy weather the par,; week in this sec tion TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ES TATE. Under end by virtue nf the au thority contained in that certain deed of trust, executed by D. L Wii lig. pnd wife and assumed by .• Grady Blanton to the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust being dated March 20. 1928 and recorded in the office of the register of deed for Cleveland county. N. C in book 149. at page 188. securing an indebt edness to the Shelby and Cleveland County B fic L. association and de fault having been made in the pay ment of said indebtedness. I will in Saturday, October 12. 1929. at 12 o'clock noon or within legal hours, at the court house door in Shelby. N C sell to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the following described real estate, being located on the Charlotte Asheville state highway No. 2b about 2 1-2 miles cast of Shelby and being lots Nos 17, 18. 19. 20. and 21 in block C as shown by plat record ed in plat No 2 at page 12. the reg ister of deeds office Cleveland county, N C and being those same, lots conveyed to D. L. Willis by L. S Stewart and wife by deed dated September 9, 1927 and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county, N. C. in deed book 3-W, page 317 Terms of sale: Cash. This Sept. 10, 1929 JNO P MULL. Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power vested in me as trustee in a certain deed of trust, executed by Lum Mills and wife. Rasa Lee Mills on the 23rd riav of June. 1928 to secure an in debtedness as set. forth in said deed of trust, said# deed of trust being recorded in boox 153 of deeds, page 71. of the office of the register for Cleveland county. N. C, and de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and r emand having been made upon me to execute the trust, I will sell to the highest bidder at the court house door in Shelby Saturday, Oct. 5. 1929, at 12 o'clock or within legal hours the following described real estate: Situated in the town of Shelby. N C. Beginning at a stake at the inter section of East Warren street and Park avenue on the south side <A E. Warren and erst side of Pars avenue and runs thence with Park avenue S 4.15 W. 125 feet to a stake, corner of lot No. 3: thence with line of said lot S 85-45 E 57.07 feet to a stake, corner of lot. No. 3 in line of lot No 1: thence with line of lot No. 1 N 1-16 ’ 125.5 fret to a stake on East Warren, corner of lot No 1: I hence w ith south edge of said street N 85-4.» W. 43 feet to the be ginning. being all of lot No. 2 in block A Terms of sale Cash. This the 3rd riav of September. 1929. B T FALLS Trustee. GEO. P. WEBB — REAL ESTATE — Farms ajid City Property UNION TRUST BLDG. SHELBY — Telephone 454-J — . A Well Baby la A Happy Baby Dr. Thornton'* Easy Teether ls used to destroy the pern's that cause stomach and bowel diseases of teething babies and older children. It acta on the Liver, Kidneys, etc., ridding the blood and system of impurities. Pleasant to take as loaf sugar. Contains no opiates. Sold by druggists or sent direct for 25c. EAST TEETHKIt MEDICINE CO., Westminster, S. C. |i READ THE REASONS WHY These Oldsmobile Owners Bought Their Cars Nowhere is the thorough satisfaction that comes with Oldsmobile owner ship more frequently or more def initely expressed than in the thou sands of written messages which purchasers of Oldsmobile cars are con stantly sending, of their own free will, to the Olds Motor Works. Read the reasons why these owners bought Oldsmobilcs—and their ex periences in owning and driving Olds mobiles. “I like the pick-up and ease of handling of Oldsmobile—also its many new features. The location of the distributor on top of the engine is convenient. Radiator shut ters are an excellent feature. Front end appearance and general good looks of the car appeal to me." — Kingston, 7*1. T. ■‘Oldsmobile has attracted my attention fora long time, due to its constant perfec tion without radical changes. Its construc tion is sturdy throughout, and its engine develops a lot of horsepower for its size.” —.\eu*ar^, Ohio "My neighbor drove an Oldsmobile 11 years, and the car had a good record all that time. 1 looked at a new one, thought it the best proportioned car I ever saw, and bought it. I'm glad I did.” —Lebanon, Ohio “In my opinion, Oldxmobile {« a mighty good car for its price. For a small difference it gives an excellent oiling system, smooth ly balanced crankshaft; smart appearance; and many other items that cheaper and lighter cars don't give.” —Parts, III. These expressions of owner opinion are typical of thousands of others which tell the 6amc story of brilliant performance, restful travel, and de pendable operation, Oldsmobilc owners in your own com munity will express the same en thusiasm. Ask them yourself what they think of their cars. Then come in and examine Oldsmobile’s fine fea tures . . . and drive the car. The many sound reasons why Oldsmobile owners bought their cars will be come more and more apparent to you as you become better acquainted with this fine car of low price. TWO DOOR SEDAN /• «.K factoi%L»r«t«g, Mid*. %wr*Tif8(MiJBiii»pen Extra CONSIDER THE DELIVERED PRICE Connderttfce delivered rnee u well u the Iwt price when com* pertnf ratenebila veloee. OUmebiU delivered pncei in clude only rtuoiubld chargee w*r delivery end financing. 0 IDSMOBI • *r • • v Hawkins Brothers DEALERS your own hill -then try this! rTPAKE the stiffest hill \ou can -*• find—put nothing but ESSO in your gas tank—take your car un in high— f v.d try to Set a £nr bunch out of iff Make this om: test with *r>y other motor fuel and notice the difference. Hundred.', of thor.rsr.ds r>f motor ists arc discovering ESSO. Already - more ESSO is bough* at n premium than any competing brand at regular prices in the territory v. here ESSO is sold. You can hank on one thing—it has to be remarkable motor lucl to make that record! Try ESSO - today. STANDARD” O I L C O M P ANY O F N E J E R S F ' Star Job Printing At Cost

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