Mrs. Vance Royster Home From ' Hospital. I’crsonal Mention Of Intorrst. (Special to The Star ' Fal’.ston;- Sept. 26—The cotton is getting its cover of white. The farmers are cotrina: ready to pick it Mrs. Vance Royster: has return ed to her liome She underwent a serious operation at the Lincoln . hospital Mr. Hulo Sweeny of Morganton is spending several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Swoezr. Miss Gazzie Martin was the din ner guest oi Misses Thelma and Cloe Wright Sunday Mr. and Mrs George Floss had as their dinner guests Sunday Ms and Mrs. J. C. Royster arid latiiily and Mr arid Mrs P: O Ross and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Stanley and family visited Mrs Stanley's pat ents, Mr and Mrs. George Corn well oi the Zion community Sun day. Mr. and Mrs W A. Royster and family were the dinner guests of Quick Safe Relief Firat treat in e o t r e lie^es fev erish wheez ing. c J e a - s witerr e?e* and checks snf-f mg. Protect* mem branes aeries’. 'ar tacr attar <* of pc:s onons pollen j* sician's nreae* th- t-. SI-NDK *i. Or Tig Mw«f« 1 For sale by Kendall Medicine Company and all good drug stores. Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature's Foundation of Perfect Health.” _ Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Turify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks-—and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family package with full directions. On * ]y S5 cts. at drugstores. (Adv). Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Harrill of Ellen- ‘ boro Sunday. . I Mr. arid Mrs J. M. Morgan visit'- j ed Mr. and Mrs. .Elem. Martin Sun-j day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright visited Mr and Mrs. Yates Lutz Sunday. Messrs. Oscar Morgan and Urea' Murray have returned to their wont j ui Richmond. Va Mr. and Mrs. H A Beam and Mr . and Mrs. E. ',f Cleveland county, N, C., of which Shelby is the county seat, wherein plaintiff prays Judgment for absol ute divorce on the ground of more than five years separation, under the statutes: and the said defend ant will take notice that she is re quired to appear at the court house in said city, county and state, and at the of fire of the clerk of the su perior court therein, on or before the It day of October, 1929, and answer or demur to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply at, term for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 5th September. 1929. A M HAMRICK Clerk Superior Court. W. B. Beam. Atty. for plaintiff. 4t 5c NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Carolina. Cleveland County. In the Superior Court It. E. Campbell, Plaintiff, vs. t D H. Dellinger and Nonnie Dellin ger, Defendants. The defendants in the above-en titled action will take notice that on thr 18th day of September. 1929, a summons in said action was Is sued against defendants by A M Hamrick. clerk superior court, Cleveland county, N C, plaintiff claiming a balance dur of $390 00 on notes daded September 8, 1926, and interest in the amount of $19600 on said notes, which sum mons is returnable before the elerk of superior court for Cleveland county, N. C. The defendants will also take notice that a warrant ef attachment has been issued by said clerk of superior court on the 18 h day of September. 1929. against the property of said defendants, which warrant is returnable to the super ior court for Cleveland county, on October 28, 1929, when and where the defendants are required to ap pear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the relict demanded will be granted This the 18th dnv of September, 1929. A M HAMRICK Clerk Su perior Court Newton A- Newton. Attvs ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having: qualified as Hdmint.stra irix ol the e.state of W. R Poston,; deceased, late of Cleveland county.1 North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under,signed adminis tratrix on or before the 20th day of September, 19,10, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 15th day of Sept 1929 MRS F F. POSTON, Admin istratrix j C B MeBrayer, Atty. Administrators' Notice Having qualified as admlnistra tors-with-the-will-annexed of the estate of J. L Parker, deceased, late of Cleveland county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the e.state of said deceased to exhhibit them to the undersigned at, Shelby. N C’. pn or before the 10th day of September. 1930, or tins notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said e.state will please make im mediate payment This the 10th day of September, 1929. BEULAH PARKER. EDNA PARKER. Administratars-with-the-wilJ-an nexed of J. L. Parker, deceased. NOTICE OF SALE. Scaled bids will be received by the board of aldermen ot the city of Shelby at the mayor’s office in Shelby, N. C, until 13 o’clock, noon on the Mh day ot October, 193!) for the purchase of $40,000 water bond' of said city, dated September 1 1939 and payable $1 000 annually September 1, 1933 to 1941 incluslvt and $3,000 annually September 1 1942 to 1958 inclusive, both princi pal and semi-annual Interest pay able in gold at Chase Natlonn’ bank, New York City, N. Y. Bidder: are invited to name the,rate of in terest in their bids in multiples o! one quarter of 1 tier cent, must not exceed six per cent, and as be tween bidders naming the same rate of interest (lie amount, of premium will determine the award The city will furnish bonds and opinion of Messrs Storey, 'Thorndike. Palmer and Dodge. Atty’.s of Boston, Mass. Bonds will be sold upon sealed bids with no auction. Bidders must present with their bids a certified check upon an in corporated bank or trust company unconditionally payable to the order of 1 hr City for 3 per cent of the face value of the bonds bid for (o secure the city against any loss from fail ure of the bidder to comply, wi'h the terms of his bid. The right is reserved to reject alt bids ti F. LIGON, City Clerk NOTICE OE SALE. Sealed bids will br received bv I ho hoard 01 aldermen of tho city of Shelby at the mayor's office in Shelby N C. until 12 o'clock noon on the 5th day of October. 1929 for t he purchase of Soft 000 school bonds of the Shelby special charter school district number thirty-three, dated September 1. 1029 and payable $2,000 annually September 1, 1932 to 1951 inclusive and $3,000 annual ly September 1. 1952 to 1957 in clusive, both principal and seml ananial interest payable in gold at Chase National bank. New York City, N Y Bidders are invited to name the rate of interest in their bids in multiples t one quarter of 1 per rent, must not exceed six per cent, and as between bidders nam ing the same rate of interest the amount of premium will determine the award The cltv will furnish the bonds and opinion of Messrs, Storey, Thorndike. Palmer and Dodge. Attys. Boston. Mass Bonds will be sold upon sealed bids with no auction Bidders must, present with their bids a certified check upon an in corporated bank or trust company unconditionally payable to the or der of the city for 2 percent of the face value of bonds bid for to se cure the district against any los; from failure of the bidder to com ply with the terms of his bid Th< right, is reserved to reject all bids. L. E LIGON, City Clerk. 6 6 6 ta » Prescription (or Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. it is th* most speed; remedy known A Well Baby la A Happy Baby Dr. Thornton'* Ea*y leather la used to destroy tha germ* that cause stomach and bowel dlsea*ea of teething babies and | older children. It acta on tha Liver, Kidneys, etc., ridding the blood and system of Impurities. Pleasant to take as loaf sugar. Contains no opiates. Sold by druggists or tent direct for 35c. EAST TEETHE It MEDICINE CO, Westminster, f. C. FOOTBALL GAMES Carolina vs Georgia Tech Friday, October llth. Yale vs Georgia Saturday, October 12th. via SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Very low railroad rates— $10.06 Shelby to Atlanta and return with slop off at Athens to see Yale-Georgia game. Do not miss these two wonderful football games, which start— Carolina vs Georgia Tech at Atlanta 2:00 P. M. C T. Yale vs Georgia at Athens 2:00 P. M. E T Seaboard dining cars will be parked at Athens serv ing all meals. You will be away from home only two davs, Friday and Saturday, Oct. llth and 12th. The Seaboard is the only road having Atlanta and Athens on its main line. Make your pullman reservations with any Seaboard Agent, or call on: JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Telephone 2700, Raleigh, N. C. DR. GEORGE OATS PROPERTY AT AUCTION FRIDAY, jj OCT. 4th 1:30 and 2 P. M. Q GROVER, N. C. FIRST:—AT 1:30 P. M. WE WILL SELL THE NICE TWO STORY RESIDENCE, WITH LARGE LOT LOCATED ON RAILROAD AVENUE. ALSO WE WILL SELL ONE NICE VACANT LOT, LOCATED JUST ACROSS STREET FROM THE RESIDENCE AT THIS HOUR. REMEMBER THIS IS SOME OF THE BEST PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF GROVER AND YOU BUY AT YOUR OWN PRICE. / SECOND:—AT 2:00 P. M. WE WILL SELL AT ABSOLUTE AUCTION THE DR. OATES FARM CONTAINING 120 ACRES, LOCATED JUST OFF THE GROVER-KINGS MOUNTAIN ROAD, AND IS KNOWN AS THE SHEPPARD AND MOSS LANDS; THIS IS FERTILE LAND AND LAYS LEVEL, AND HAS TWO GOOD HOUSES, ALMOST IN THE HEART OF GROVER, N. C. THIS FARM HAS BEEN SUB-DIVIDED INTO THREE TRACTS, AND IN A WAY THAT WE THINK WILL PLEASE THE MOST EXACTING BUYER. LOOK THIS FARM OVER BEFORE THE SALE, AND MAKE YOUR PLANS TO BE THERE. REMEMBER THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD FOR THE HIGH DOLLAR. & C OME TO THE SALE YOUR PRICE IS OUR PRICE .FREE $25.00 IN GOLD ... LIVE WIRE BRASS BAND..EASY TERMS It Will Pay You In Big Dollars To Be At This Sale jj J. B. NOLAN CO INC., Shelby, N. C. lAPH U#*l lAfMfAP ■t AP"inr "inp Selling Agents =9SB VABA