12 PAGES I TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. 118 SHELLY, N. C. I'UIUAY: OCT. I. 1!W. Published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons By man, per year (In advance) S2.M Carrier. per year (in advance) 13 00 n .■_ ——"J LA TE NEWS The Markets. Cotton, Spot ...— He I Cotton Seed, per bn._....... 15c j May Rain Saturday. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Tartly rloudv tonight and Saturday followed hv rain in west portion Saturday. Not mueh rhanse in temperature. Killing Cases In Court Here On October 28 Defendants Will Fare Kilim* Charge In At Feast Three C ases, llardin* Judje. When She next term of superior eourt convencs-here on Monday, Oi lober 23, there will be at least three murder charges on the docket, rhis is the largest number of murd'r charges cn a single docket here for one term in several years and the session of court will likely draw a big attendance. One rase will be that of the State vs. a. J. (Kid) Hornbuckle. young pugilist, on the charge of killing George Scruggs, textile worker, in east Shelby las-t February’. Horn buckle escaped shortly after i* is alleged he inflicted the fatal wound tout was captured a few weeks back in Georgia and is now in the coun ty jail here. The fatal blow v.a • 'aid to have been struck with a ;'ick of cordwood Other Cases. In another rase. Cliff Fulleu wider, colored, is charged with <ui ing his brother-in-law. a negro by the name of Wilson, some months hark. The fatal brawl devc'oprd nvrt Fullenwider's wife, and the rase was continued at the last term of court here. The other killing charge lias to do with the fatal assault Upon a i ?gro man at Grover two years ago. Four voung white men were implicated at the time in the fatal assaul, bet several of the number immad ately left this section and it was not un til recently that the last one was caught and returned here. All tour are now under bond and the case is expected to be disposed of at the court session this month Judge Harding, officials a' the court house here say. will likely preside over the court term. Junior Order Rally Here Tuesday Night Order With 613 Members To Have A Gel-Acquainted Night Next Week. The Shelby Council No. 436 of *’> •lunior Order will have one of its most interesting meetings next Tuesday night, according to lohn A Liles, councilor of the ordpr. Six months ago the local council had only 147 members and now ,t has 613 members and is still grow ing This big membership includes almost every vocation in Shelby and surrounding territory. In regards to the meeting Mr Liles says: "In lieu or the small weekly sick benefit which we nave been paying the council is now help ing its members to pay hospital bills and without any increase in dues or additional cost to the mem bers. The hospitalization plan is based on information and sugges tions from the Duke foundation and is an experiment. It is believed fhat it will be successful from a finan cial standpoint and if so will be adopted permanently. "Next Tuesday is the night set apart, for all the members to get acquainted with each other. The members will be introduced, one a: the time, giving name, business en gaged in and post office address. In addition to the general introduction a very important matter is going to be up for consideration and tor final vote; Every member is urged to be present even though they can not stay through the entire meet ing." Lyric Theatre Here To Have Stage Play* Ream Remodels And Enlarges Theatre. Stage Hay On Every Week. What is really a new Lyric Thea tre, opens its doors to the public tonight. The playhouse, under 'he management of Enos Beam, has not only been enlarged to double its former seating capacity, but M. Beam has added a stage, and Mir entire house has been renovated and beautified. The Lyric formerly rested ten hundred It will now seat four hun dred The stage is commodious, and Mr. Beam announces a stage olay at the show house every week. Tonight’s attraction will uieluae • performance by "Cherokee Hill " and Hex, bis wonder do;:. "Bill" i • crack shot, and will give a star tling exhibition of shooting. The ,»r eonipanying picture will be Doug ins Fairbanks' "Don Q ' School Equipment Here Inadequate, Supt. Smith States Toilrt rarilitics Bad l.ibrarv Near t'sele*. Says Shelby School V Head "Toilet facilities at sonic of th«' : city schools are unspeakably bad ! said Supt. B L. Smith last .nigh; when he and his principal, M£. Abernethy spoke before the Kiwan: club to better acquaint the business men of Shelby with the school sit uation here. Mr J A. Lyles was in ' charge of program and so inter esting were the facts revealed bv Abernethy and Smith that the , time was extended over the usual j hour's program. "What I say should not be ''li en as a reflection or criticism on past officials, but we have an ohh gation to meet and are trying to I meet it in the best possible aay. said Professor Smith. Fully 600 j books in our library eould be thrown away for they are useless. They should be substituted with good reference books to help the nhi! dren We are offering courses in science with little or no equipment A class of 60 in biology has only one microscope Desks are cut and mutilated and arc in no condition to breed good citizenship. During the heavy rains, water stood four inches deep in one place through which the children had to go to get to their rooms and I persona'iy lifted the class one by one over th,* pond of water." Shelby's Low Rating. “In a news story published if The Star on Wednesday it wai re vealed that the efficiency of the Shelby high school ranks third from the bottom and that 30 per cent of our graduates fail ui accredited col leges. We would resent it if we are to’d that our children are not as bright as children in other cities To meet this situation for ineffi cient work, we need better buildin°s and equipment and we are dung ing our method to gi- . personal in struction to pupils and groups of pupils and supervising their studies. New Alarm System. “I have assumed an obligation of $200 for an alarm system tha^ w'K 'Continued on page eleven.) Physicians Here To Have Open Meeting In Fight On Cancer County Physicians To Cooperate !n National Cancer Week. Program. Next week is the week set aside by the United States Cancer Con trol organization as a week in which to educate citizens to the import ance of getting early control ever the disease, and the Cleveland County Medical society announces that it will cooperate in the move ment. The cooperation of county phvsi ! cians will be to the extent that they plan to hold a public meeting, probably on Monday. October 14, at which tim» they will give a program i for the information of the average citizen about cancer. Medical gen ius has not as yet found a method which will unfailingly combat, or i completely cure cancer, but It is [ known that cases treated early enough, or soon after the outset ! may be halted, or practically cured. | This public program will be for the j purpose of acquainting citizens of j the county with this important angle. Genteel Vagabond Prepares For 1 he End Of The Trail Harry t'nllenividrr, Author, A-tor. And Troubadour, Wants Old j Swecthrart To Sing. Harry Fullenwidcr. "genteel vag abond." author, soldier of fortune, and ore of the outstanding chara - ter? ever turned out bv this town; of odd personages, is preparing for : hi.s final wandering the trip into, the Hereafter. These preparations upon the nart of the aging Spanish-American war , veteran. w ho m hi.s 67 years of i wandering has been a writer, a Shakespearean actor, a troubado; ; and a soldier, including the writing j of his last will and testament—s ! peculiarly interesting document m ■ iliat the precise 's'king interesting old fellow has little to bequea'h other than the profits which mas accrue from his best known book "31 Years of Genteel Vagabond ing . and the experience and wis dom acquired by a troubadour of the old days Fife Of Wandering. In early manhood Harry Fullen wider. Beau Brumme! of this his toric town named for a Revolution- j ■ Way hero, and a member of one j of the South's mast prominent farm lies. left, his home and his friends j here to lead a life of wandering 1 Thirty-one years he spent follow ing the cal', of the wanderlust, but , gradually age began to take tome ! of the lure and anticipated pleas- ; ures out of the winding road ahead. 1 | and the wandering actor became '■ | en inmate of the home for Spanish i American veterans in Virginia. Since I that time his summers have beer j '•pf'nt in Shelby, where he has come 1 to be as much of a character with the younger generation as he was with the old Shelby of three and four decades ago. His winters ar» spent with pals of his soldiering days in the Virginia home. Recently, however. the years spent in wandering have taken their toll and "the genteel vaga bond" feels that he is nearing the | end of the trail. It may be a year, | or two years, or. perhaps. Just a ! few week', but the author. who | assembled into a book the varied ! and interesting experiences of V i years of travel, has been engaged; (Continued on page eleven ! Three Grid Game* j Billed Near Here Three grid contests—two I being played today and one i tomorrow—this week-end aie j near enough to Shelby to | j 1 draw many local fans. The crippled Shelby highs are this afternoon playing Forest City at Forest City, while the Boiling Springs Junior college eleven is this afternoon clashing with Gaff I ney high at Gaffney. Tomorrow afternoon the ; | Davidson Wildcats ami j Wofford hook up at Spartan burg—a nearby game which i will draw many local fans. i Dr. Plato Durham Opens Series Of Services Here Sunday Morn Nationally Prominent Minister And Native Of Shelby Will Do The Preaching. — The Central Methodist churen evangelistic services will begin Sun 1 day morning, October 6. and con tinue throughout the week, with Dr Tlato Durham, of Fmorv university 1 doing the preaching Pr. Durham, a native of Shelby and son of Capt. Plato Durham, - Confederate captain and leading ‘ Cleveland county citizen, is one of | the best known orators and mmis i ters in America today. He was the J chief speaker at the unveiling •>'. ; the Stone Mountain memorial and (since that time, the speech being j broadcast by radio, he has be"n u. I wjrlr rlrm. iul for r\v icr | ice:-. Due to hi:- own brilliance a well as the family connections he has in this section the services he will conduct here are attracting in terest throughout several counMes. Night Services. Dr Durham will preach both Sunday morning and night, but for the remainder of the week there will be services only at 7:30 each night. Dr. H. K. Boyer pastor of the church, and church officials. *r* ex pecting one of the best, meetings in the history of the church and peo ple of all denominations are urged to hear Dr. Durham since he >s a i native of the county and a mem- | her of a family which was prom inently connected with the eavW 1 history of Cleveland, Mr. Horace Easom of thr First ! r.npti t church will have charge c,i the nv,nir. during the week. , Gastonia Strikers Released in New Trial Above are the nine Gastonia striker* who were mem bers of the original sixteen held and tried for the murder of Police Chief Aderholt. of Gastonia. N. 0., who were released by the court for lack of evidence. Below are the remaining seven whn mu ! 'land trial for the murder. It necrs*itatcd only two hours to secure a jury for the new trial. HCMk' InttnutionsJ N»w»r»' Young Sharon Man Drowned At McAdenville Early Today Guy Morehead Loses Life Wliitr In Southern Bell Employ. Body Not Recovered. Guy Morehead son of Mr and Mrs Seth Morehead. of the Sharon j section, was drowned this morning in South Pork river at McAdenvilV in Gaston county when a boat capsized as Morehead and his co-1 worker, a your.? man by the name j of Lackey, said to be from near Kings Mountain. were clearing wires and poles in a raging stream of water for the Southern Bell Telephone company. Body Not Recovered. At noon today, young Morehead s body had not been recovered, a~ cording to a telephone message to The Star from Gastonia. Young Morehead was working with a crew of linemen for the Southern Bell Telephone G» and the crew had gone to McAdenviHe where South Fork was raging be cause of the heavy rains. Debrts carried In the stream had caught on the wires and poles and More head and Lackey took to a small boat to clean out the lines. Some distance from the bank, the boat capsized in the fast moving ctu rent and both Morehead and Lac key were precipitated into the water'. Lackey reached the shore and looked back just in time to se-> Morehead submerge only 15 or :>0 feet from the shore Lackey t'h-n plunged in to get Morehead out Morehead did not come to the sur face again and his companion could not locate him. Searching Parlies Out. Presumably he was carried down the raging streams and searching parties were still trying to iixate the body at noon today. Members of the Charlotte fire departmerr and Boy Scouts from Gaston ami Mecklenburg counties were patroll ing the banks and searching the stream for the body. When the news was received V The Star office this morning, the parents in the Sharon community (Continued on page eleven.' Star’s Subscription Agent Now In Field Mr P. S. Gettys. who for many years has been The Star s subscription agent is now in Ui field, soliciting new and renewal subscriptions. It is hoped that as many as can. will pay Mr Gettys when he calls You are at liberty to pay at The St ir office when In Shelbv or nml your subscription direr). The date your paper cxpir" If sent to you by mail, bears a label showing tile date of ex piration. "Joe Doc—lODcc'-D ' means that the expiration date will be 10th day of December. 11)39. the first numerals indi cating the day of the liloiitll the last numerals' the year. Hr Gettys a! o has a list ol prrsro' riilr eribers showing expiration date ■>. Shelby Women Were Not Robbed Thursday Reports in Sheltjv early today had it that Mrs. J H Grigg Mrs j Carl Webb and M:s Ed Post, prom inent Shelby women, were held up and robbed between Charlotte and t Gastonia yesterday. These reports.: however, were declared to be un true today by the three women j I hev were stopped by several men I in another car who argued aoout the right-of-way in the highway. I but. there was no semblance of a robbery or an attempted robbery. According to the Shelby women' they were driving in the fast raf-• tic channel of the Wilkinson boule vard when they heard a horn blow behind them They were not quite ' making 43 miles per hour, the sup posed speed of the fast channel. | and after hearing the horn behind , again they pulled over to the slow j traffic channel on the right. The : car behind them shot ahead pulled 1 over in front of them, stopped sud denly and forced the Shelby car t stop. The men in the other es then alighted and made some re marks to the Shelby women aboir their not pulling over sooner and permitting the car occupied by the men to pass From that inciden' developed the reports here today of the robbery. Woman Hit By i Car Last Night Mrs. Clarence Brain Severely In Jurrd When Struck By Car On W. Warren Street Mrs. Clarence Beam, who lives In i West Shelby near highway 20. s in : the Shelby hospital today with four ' or five broken ribs and other paiu I ful bruises as the result of being S struck by an automobile on Wot I Warren street last night ! The auto which struck Mrs | Beam was driven by Mr. W. E. 1 Stubbs. Shelby saw-mill operator, and the accident occurred just about 7 o'clock. According to Stubbs and other witnesses, the Stubbs car was ap proaching another car, the lights of which somewhat blinded him. and just before his car struck Mis f Beam the driver noticed a smau i child run part of tlie way across the road ahead of him. He kept hr; 1 cyps, he said, on the child fearing I that it might run in the path of his leaf nr the car lie was meeting j About that time, lie said. Mr: Beam stepped m front of his « ji j and was hit. Presumably she start , cd across the street alter the child The injured woman was knockel ! several feet down the street, ah ! ambulance was called and she was rushed to the hospital, those who I witnessed the accident feat me if first that she was more seriously injured. Jury For Aderholt Trial Is Complete stair Will Begin Evidence Today In Second Trial For Aderholt Murder. Chariots. Oct 4—The Jury try the seven labor agitators an 1 strikers (o’- second degree murder m connection ^slth the fatal ahoo_ ing of O. F Aderholt. Gastonia ; chief of police, was completed late , yesterday afternooev Court then i recessed until today when the pros ecution began ns presentation of | eiidenre Nine farmers. a wealthy re'(red merchants, a rural mail carrier and an employe in an automobile as sembly plant, chosen alter twe rtays of effort, formed the jury. Prosecution attorneys announced 1 after court had taken its recess that their evidence will be presented ; practically the same manner it v.dj . presented in the former trial wnic.i \ came to an abrupt halt when one of the jurors became insane, neces sitating declaration of a mistrial. Dr. Branch Talks On Care Of Teeth Dr E A. Branch, dental special ist from the state department of health spoke at. the high school during, the assembly period Mon day morning on “The Healthy Boy and Girl. ■ Ap Economic Asset " Dr. Branch urged the necessity rf educational preparation for life and called to the attention of his audi ence the increased cost to the pub lic on account of retardation, fail ure to progress from grade to grade normally. He attributed 'his in part to defective teeth, resulting in bad health. WITH CHARLES STORE Mr.. Edward Bryon. formerly with the Charles store of Newbern. this state, has been appointed assistant manager, under E. A. Milliken. of the local store of the Charles chain. Sheriff And 53 Others Arrested In Marion Battle Football Star Of Shelby High Under Operation 1 uesday Mielhr High Eleven Weakenrd liv Absener Of Alfird Eskridge. I ullbaek. Thr Shrlby tilfilt football eleven which'started the season with only two experienced backflcld men is today weaker than at the beginning of the season as both experienced backs are out of the lineup and will be for weeks Tuesday. Alfred Eskridge full back arid the tone remamln; veiei an in the baekfleld was carried to' the Shelln hospital for an ap pendicitis operation Reports from the hospital state that he is re covering nicely following t he opera - t ion Zeno Wall quarterback and me . Other hackiicld veteran, tins been m crutches since thr first week cr I practice when lie wrenched a tente mjtirrd last summer With tooth Wall and Eskridge out Couch Mor ris will have Rippy, sub quarter of last year, to tire as tlie center of , Ins attack in the game with Fore ; City, and m llie line the only ex perienced players me Wilson, cen ter, and Farris and McSwani ends | Cup Winning Dogs At Fair Dog Show _ | Kings Muntain Dog' Carry Off Two ( ups. Henrietta Dog Wins. Winners in tlie do? show held s' the Cleveland County Fair, or lath er the rup winners as the ouls'and ing dogs, are announced as follows by Harry Hudson director of the show: Best male bird dost owned by Sam Suber. Kints Mountain: best female bird dog owned by Cha< I. Dover. Shelby: best male fox nouTJd owned by the Kings Mountain Ken nel club; best female fox hound owned by Joe Costner. Henrietta; best dost ol other breeds an Eng lish bull owned by William An drews of Shelby. There were about 300 or more uttered in the show one of the big gest ever put on in this section, with bird doRs outnumbering the others. 46 Divorce* -4n County In 2 Years ! Forty-six divorces were granted in Cleveland county during 1927 and 1918, ac cording to statistics assem bled by the department of commerce. and although numerous South Carolinians come hrre to be divorced Cleveland ranks low among the larger populated counties of North Carolina In divorces. Clay and Currituck coun ties with only one divorce each in two years rank the lowert in divorces, while Meeklen - burg with 131 in 1928 anil Buncombe with 114 last vear lead the state. In the entire state last year there were 1.609 divorres. Rutherford Plans To Stage Its Biggest Fair This Year Fifteen Exhibits Already Sreurrd. Feature Free Arts Booked. Forest City.—Fifteen communiy and individual exhibits have ai ! ready been secured for the Ruther ! ford county fair, which will be held | this year. October 22 to 26 A num ' ber of features have been added 10 , the fair that lytve never been seer. ' here or any fair in an adjo ning | county, it is said. The free arts and fireworks, will be the most elaborate ever seer, here, according to F. F Patton, | secretary of the fair association. These two items alone cost approx imately $2,000 says Mr. Patton. The community and indivi lust exhibits entered Unis far arc the exhibits of the Oakland, Mt Pleas ant. Watkins. Harris. Central Hijrh Flleriboro. West End. Fore.l City and Alexander iommunities, and an exhibit placed under the super vision of the state forest and same I warden, for the North Carolina de partment of conservation and de velopment Individual exhibits will ! be placed by L. S. Nash. Ruther* ! ton R-l; Mrs. Monroe McDonald. : Forest Citv R-2; Mrs. Morgan cf Sandy Much: D. E. Haynes, J. E. Cole. Win. Chatman and G. W. Dlvinney of Rutherfordton, R-l. and James Burgess of Union Milts Several other community exhibits have been promised. The free aeta will be furnished by (he Iltagland Hippodrome At'ra tions, Inc., and will consist of Rom an and standing chariot rvees. guideless wonder. high school, horses, mule derby, auto polo, push j ball game by six horses. Russian j leaping hounds, bucking mule and I bucking Ford, together with a -om edy act. Each of the above will be ■ seen in a separate act. Fireworks will be a feature at night. Judge Maiding Holding Inquiry, Public Funeral For Four Slain Strikers. (Special to The Star.! Marion. Oct. 4.—The court inquiry Into the strike clash which took a toll of four lives here early Wednesday continu ed today, hut up to noon very little testimony had been intro duced other than that of phy sicians who testified as lo the nature of the wounds received by the men killed. Marion and the section around Marion mill Ullage, where the clash occurred, were quiet today with tnt* national guard companies patrolling thr mill village. Marion, -Or1. 4 - This city urickiM*. with tragedy resulting from labor troubles was quiet last, nign*. anti early today following the arrev* yesterday afternoon of the sheriff of McDowell county, nine of his deputies. (our mill officials. f>*i» mill employe end 38 striker* on charges growing out of the lotllig Wednesday morning which te-uli rd tn the deaths of four men. th# last one having died from his wounds Thursday morning The Marion Manufacturing com pany's mill was running as usual, while 110 national guardsmen pa trolled the strike area, and no more deaths were expected among tire group of nine wounded men and a woman who are stall in the nospi tal The mill re-opened yesterdav morning without a picket line at its gates, strike leaders saying that .Judge N A. Townsend, executi'-e counsel of Governor Gardner, re fused to allow it Harding In Court The 53 men arrested will ho heard before Judge W F. Haid'ng of Charlotte, who has been ho'dinrr court at Morganton and who came to Marion at the request of Gover nor Gardner to direct the investiga tion and act as magistrate sitting at a special court here, which was to supplant the coroner's probe of the riot. Judge Harding convene 1 court at 3:20 yesterday, talcing tip the investigation where the coroner left off The 38 strikers. charged ‘with rioting, inciting to rebellion, assault, resisting arrest. and breach of peace, were released during the afternoon under bond of $500. Thu sheriff, his deputies, and the mi!! officials were given their freedom under $2,000 bond. Sheriff O. F. Adkins, the depu ties sheriff and mill men were ar rested on warrants sworn out by G A. Braaley, a strike aympathiwi. charging them with murder and conspiracy to murder. The list in cludes Sheriff Adkins, and the foi '.owing deputies: Broad . Robin*. William Biggcrstaff. Chalers Tat*. Alley Stephe. David Jarrett. Jim Owens. Taylor Greene.. Ed Cannon, and Seaglc Halliburton. The mill workers arrested are Adam Hunt, mill superintendent; John Sneddy, foreman of the card room; William Twiggs, foreman: Forest Smith, mechanic; and Webb Fender, mill employe. Strikers Arrested. The strikers are: Charles Fits* gcrald. Tilden Carver, Spurgeon Bradley. Jeter Paris, Sambo Dun (Cantinued on page eleven.’ Grade Of Cotton Hurt Over County Doubtful If Crop Will Come t:p To Record Mark Set Last Season. • __ The biggest damage done by tht lecent rains to the Cleveland coun ty cotton crop will be the lowering of the grade of cotton, according to farmers and cotton buyers. Due however, to the invasion of the boll weevil and the rotting dam age brought about by the rains, general estimates here this week can hardly see the present crop surpassing the 53,000-baIc mark last year, while many are of th* opinion ihat the crop this year will not equal that of last year and .ns* do well to reach 50,000 bales. The grade of the county cotton was lowered, it is said, because cl the rain seeping in cracked bolls. Very little of this cotton will rot, i* is thought, due to the sunshin# which this week followed the rain*, but the quality will be hurt af much of the cotton in the cracked bolls Is turning blue.

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