Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By RENN DRUM "CORN CRACKER" t how.doctors iiiey err. "When I was 3*> year* old. or ,iu ' half the age l am now . ' he relates. "I decided to take out tome in v- : ancr. I secured my blanks and everything and visited the office pi a physician. Alter a thorough, ex amination of my body, the phv i etan shook his head sadly and m formed me that, much to hi\ regret. . he found that my heart was too big I a risk for the insurance company , to take on ‘‘That worried me for n time, tor being told that your heart c likely to cease pumping at. any moment i> far from chef ring news Gradual!', , I let the information slip my min'd and. as a natural procedure, kept on living Of course, 1 did not, secure j the insurance. and have seeded none since But, in glancing over this list of Shelby men with 'arge insurance policies. It occurs to me that, that doctor might not. h r. e1 done such a had job for his tnsur- | a rice company in passing me up "You sec. the doctor who refus ed to endorse me ior insurance lias bcni dciWI tor nutu.v years In tael hf died before In wa. liif. and 1 am null navigating. at 72. I ma> not be vri'v loti v. but that dames * on.1 lira it w inch was too risky fir I!ir m.n.nanrr company ;Ui year.; BS'o. bas done a fairly good job if it to la; THK I IF ADI INKS CONCRRN irig the (rri!t outbreak uf labor troubles at Main n also rocalle1 to Corn Cracker Hint Cap! W I R Bell, prominent Cleveland . county educator in the old days, prophesied llie present labor troubles in tini state more than a score of .ears ago At a putilie gathering 20 odd years back in Rutherford county. Corn. Cracker who was also one of the scorned apostles urging better educational facilities for the masse, in the then benighted North Caro lina. remembers that Capt Re!!, lo whose memory a monument no.v stands on the Central high school rnmpus here, declared In a spc'c.i HEALTH TEACHER RETURNS TO CHARLOTTE, N. C. Shelby People To Have Privilege Of Expressing T heir Beati tude For Beneficial Results Obtained From Famous Medicine. Free Bottle To Former Users Headquarters. Paul Webb & Son. All Former Patrons Invited To (’all On Him Saturday, October 5!e. i Extract, formerly ' known as Hero Juice—the most remarkable em edy yet discovered for constipation, inactive liver, coated tongue, slom arh and bowel disorders These ail ments are now being quickly over come since the discovery of this famous remedy It is said to be the most effective pleasant laxative discovered for constipation C.!ea'ia and purities the entire system b>' its free action on the bowls Thou sands of Shelby r it liens have ’fen benefited or restored to health Mn. F. It. WOODY service. of course. and*to those thal | have used this medicine with bene ficial resu'.ts and are willing to tes tify to that fact publicly a full-sired ! bottle will be given free. If you are not enjoying goo t health you are not living right tic cording to a statement made by the Herb Juice company's representa tive. You have violated some law ot nature. Mother Nature supplies every being with the necessity to sustain Its natural existence. If you are unhealthy, you are unnatural, living wrong, violating nature? laws. Maybe,. you eat too much, drink too much or fail to sleep reg ularly or take the proper cxc xbe or you may have allowed your sys tem to become contaminated with poison, maybe through neglect Yon are a victim to the menace to health, constipation. Authentic, now contend that 80 percent of on human ailments are caused row constipation, brought on by failutc I since its introduction herr The v - tal needs for suffering humanity) are supplied in this great nature'., remedy. If your health is bad or i you don't tee! right. have a taik ">th the Herb Juice company rep resentative You owe it to you: el! and to your family to be healtny. Herb Extract was formerly called Herb Juice.” and you don't need any pills with this medicine, its a real medicine within itself. ; antcetl to give results A medicine veal enn take three ,or four bottles j without scettig any results is not1 much of a medicine See the spe cial reprcscrUatne direct from tl< laboratories at his headquarter at Paul Webb and Son. Shelby. N c. where he is now explaining the merits of this medicine. Ihoc la lined by thou ;uuf>, «< tn,. most effective, agreeable tonic lax ative on the market, proven satis factory and beneficial for o\ u a million people Iasi jc.n Ach. that In the years to come the yju'h would be torn asunder by labor dis turbances such as were then trou bling tire East and North. “Agitators in those days," Corn Cracker reminds, "were not. yet known as Bolsheviks, but as anat-j chists and nihilists, Capt. Beil told his audience, a big portion of which j wa adverse to his p'ea for taxa- i lion for education, tliat sooner or j later, as the south gradually be came an industrial section, the an'* | arehists and nihilists would be j down here. And his contention w;.sj that education of all classes, edu cation by taxation, would do more to thwart the amis of these anar chists, which we now call 'reds.' when they came, thfin anything else. "Right often since then; par* - j cnlarly of recent months, I lia\ : thought about the true prophee 1 Capt. Bell made more than a score of years ago. Ills fight to raise 'he ' educational standards of this «te.te| were to a degree successful, bur not j so much as they might be AROUND OUR TOWN THIS morning ;ecclvcd the follovjnsi night letter from Jesse Washburn.1 former Shelby young man who Is now an oil distributor at High Point "Please announce to the re tire world that I hare a seven-! pound daughter Ziegfeld is bidding) for her for 1949. She has advised I me that she will not consider matri mony with any member of the Key chib Regards.” The same to you. papa’ A CLOSE READER OF I HE personal items In The Star, an adopted citizen of Shelby, calls at tention to the fact that Cleveland county people have many unusual given names. There's Void Humphries, who ; lives m No. 1 township; Zero lluff ■ man. Zero Mull and Zero New'on. Mir latter a Shelby attorney, there are Sum Bridges, Iron Hull and Dont Wesson, and also a young girl ! student at Boding Springs eoiieg? b.v the name of Ima Carpenter. Many others might be added to the list, bul the above is anip'e proof that Cleveland county could form a right interesting Names is ■ Names club. Former Huns Buddying With Doughboy Vets ! Lancaster. bk V -As far as this pleasant, city is concerned. tl.e World war and it's international rivalries have been completely fnr . gotten. Nine former members of the Im perial Germany army of WiLtepn ! II. living in Lancaster, have rs ab ; lished themselves as the boon ccin pantcuns of the former douglmoys. gobs and leathernecks of the local ; American Legion post Ever since last Memorial Dev, | when the Lcgionaircs invit’d the | former German soldiers to march with them in the parade, the Ger man war veterans have been ottu ; dies of their former enemies. A number of them have attended 1 meetings or the Legion post here 'and all'of them have been -nte.r rained in the homes of the Legior I men One of the Germans is Ric tun'd Engelfrtend. who was at one 'jme known as the youngest pilot in the German an forces. He spoke . t a Legion meeting recently, desenmng his experiences as a membet of a German combat patrol on the east ern front. It happened that ail of Engelfriend s serv ice w as again.- ' the Russians, so that none of his war endeavors had been directed agninst the Americans who ma:i» tip his audience. Engelfriend expects to gr 1-i, final American citleenshtp papers soon, and as soon as he ha > them hopes to enter some branch oi . na tion. The other eight German veter ans served in the infantry, ar"Pc v and machine gun battalions. Three I of them bear wounds sustained in action, and five of them are proud i possessors of the Iron Cross. Karl Bnmning, late of the sui cide squad." as the machine gun companies in the German arm : were called, is the original hard luck member of the group He was wounded three times. the last, wound bring received on the morn ing of Nov. 11. 1918. a brief nour o so before the armistice end-d a'l hostilities. This Iasi wound nearly cost him his life, and he was kep j in a hospital for a year bv it. Two of the men have their final j American citizenship papers, ana ; all the rest have their first paper; ! They arc establishing themselves here as industrious, hard-working residents, and Lancaster is glad of their presence. George Kcehnlein. w ho saw .nervier in France anti Rus sia. was wounded and won an iron Cross, is a butcher. August -S, ■'<. who fought m France. Russia Serbia and Italy, is a baker Other members of the group arc Gustave 3och. a former non-com missioned officer, who holds doth the Iron Cross and the V/urtem berg medal; Bert Rauycynk, vl.o served in France and Russia and won the Iron Cross; Albert Po \ [ who was cited for bravery oil tee Russian front: Frederick ' ; and Karl Fries Ike’s Tale Deer Star Reeders: Mr and Sal went tu tltc fair last i Satterday an seed everybody else thar—fur wide Ls the gate and \ broad is the way that leads to 11>e Cleveland county fair and many; there be which go in thereat. Every body had a big time while hit tast ed but now its over with and it pears like starvation had struck the whole county, especially here whar I stay. Sal sez we will get ove; hit by Christmas but I don't know fur the worst fs tu cum yit. I dont remember ever seeing a.i j much devi'ment agoin on at one j time in my life before, as I seed last Satterday, hit reached all 'hr way from the main building clear on past the grandstand and way j out in the future years. Thar wuz j the most tilings tu ride on of any | place In the world. I reckon thar wuz little old tent shows every whar, with folks cookin' an eatin all in between and people, a sea of 'em Jist about the same as the Atlanta ocean. Down on the lower side a gang of darkles wood run out on the front porch of a place and sing and dance around awhile then go bar* inside, an everybody wood roller 'em tu see how hit wound up. Everybody wuz a riding on sump thin or another. Not fur from the wild west show, I seed about half a dozen white gals come out and stand an look around like gals duz when they air a lookin fur thier fellows. They wuz shore purty os they stood thar with paint all over thier faces and with nothing at all over thier legs. I started to git up close tu see if I knowed any of ’em but Sal grabbed me and pulled me along atter her, fur she don't much like fur me tu associate with there kind. I went on with her jist like 1 didn't rare a durn about them sals till I got a chance tu slip, off from her. fhen I hit it back hi whar 1 could look at them a plenty. I got up a rhat with 'em and the way I told lies wuz a scandal. I told them 1 wuz not married and if they ever got up about Casar tu be shore and i come tu see me an Sal. Sal !s ny I sister, l told 'em. Hit made me sorter mean tu think how easy I worked the trick on Sal, so I started In tu have a bi? time with every woman I seed *ha had little enough sense tu fool With me. I bought cue gal 5 cents worth of popcorn, another sum lemonade. ! then I got a ballon fur a swee, | looking little silly that I had never i seen before. After I got shet of Sal I enjoyed the fair the most I ever did. and if mv money hadn t a give out I ood a bought up the whole thing. Thar , I went up the midway a having [ fun with all the gals—X jist know ed that Sal wuz a running cverv where a hunting fur me and mad a the dickens. Just as I got even with the Fcrrtsh wheel I heard Walter Lee a doing sum of his big laugh ing and that' shore ctiuf wuz him and Sal a taking a ride! I min'' done nothing about hit yet but if Walter don't soon do sumpthin fit pro\e that his character is good. I aim tu let hint get acquainted with Horace Kennedy. IKE. Red Ryan, imprisoned at Kings ton, Ont , for banditry, has invent ed a burglar proof lock for mail bags DO YOU WANT $1,000.00? If so start ten shares with us this week and at. the end of 332 weeks you’ll have $1,000.00— All you have to do is to carry ton shares by depositing with us $2.50 per week for 332 weeks—you will only pay in during the time $830.00, the difference $170.00 is profit to you. IF YOU WANT $2,000.00 —then carry twenty shar es at $5.00 per week—and if you w/nt $5,000.00, car ry fifty shares at $12.50 per week and so on. You Can Do It If You Have The Will —and it tatSes a will to ! save. We can only tjoint 'I the way. The rest depends upon you. Our October ser- j ies is open for you now. We j1 should like to tell you more J about it. Hundreds of peo ple are carrying R & L. shares. Why not you ? J. I,. Sl'TTl.K, Secretary. CLEVELAND Building & Loan Association Office With C I.KVKI.ANn BANK & |l TRltST CO. PERSONAL QI IZ GALLS CHICAGO t. FRESHMEN Chicago.—The freshman ques tionnaire which all must answer before registration at the Univer sity of Chicago is arousing criticism in the class. Among the questions are: Are you shocked when sex prob lems are discussed or when risque stones are told? "Do you love your mother or your father better? "Have any of your ancestors been insane? "Have any of your family ever had the drug habit? "Is your mother satisfied with her lot in life? "Are you shy? "Are" you apt to become frighten ed in the dark’ •‘Were you the scapegoat of the tamily? ■ Have you ever experienced a complete lapse of memory?” NOTICE OF SALE. Sealed bids will be received by the board of aldermen of the city of Shelby at the mayor's office in Shelby, N. C. until 12 o’clock noon on the 5th day of October, 1929 for the purchase of $58,000 school bonds of the Shelby special charter school district number thirty-three, dated September 1, 1929 and payable $2,000 annually September 1, 1932 to 1951 inclusive and $3,000 annual ly September 1, 1952 to 1957 in clusive, both principal and semi annual interest payable in gold at Chase National bank, New York City, N. Y. Bidders are invited to name the rate of interest 'n their bids in multiples < one quarter ol 1 per cent, must not exceed six per cent, and as between bidders nam ing the same rate of interest the amount of premium will determine the award. The city will furnish the bonds and opinion of Messrs. Storey, Thorndike. Palmer and Dodge. Attys.. Boston. Mass. Bond will bo sold upon scaled bids with no auction. Bidders must present with their bids a certified check upon an in corporated bank or trust company unconditionally payable to the or der of the city for 2 percent of the face value of bonds bid for to se cure the district against any loss from failure of the bidder to Com ply with the terms of his bid The right is reserved to reject all bid'. L. E. LIGON. City Clerk K auditor's Notice. Having qualified an exetuiois of the estate of J. M. Blanton; de ceased, late of Cleveland county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons havin' claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Shelby, N. C„ on or before September ti. 1930 or this notice will be pleaded: in bar of then recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate settlement. This September 4, 1939. HUDSON BLANTON, THURMAN BLANTON, Executors of the estate of 3 M. Blanton, deceased •Tho. p. Mully, Atty. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of W. R. Poston, deceased, late of Cleveland county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned adminis tratrix on or before the 20th day of September, 1930, or this notice w ill be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 20th day of Sept . 1929 MRS. F F POSTON. Admin istratrix C B McBraver, Atty A Well Baby Is A Happy Baby Dr. Thornton's Easy Teether is used to destroy the germs that causa stomach and bowel diseases of teething babies and older children. It acts on the Liver, Kidneys, etc., ridding the blood and system of impurities. Pleasant to take as loaf sugar. Contains no opiates. Sold by druggists or sent direct for 25c. EAST TEETHER MEDICINE CO., Westminster, 8. C. i Star Advertising Pays Administrators’ .Nolire Having qualified as administra tors-with-the-will-annexed of the estate of J. L. Parker, deceased, late of Cleveland county, N. C., this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhhibit them to the undersigned at Shelby. N. C.. on or before the 10th day of September. 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will.please make im mediate payment This the 10th day of September 1929 BEULAH PARKER EDNA PARKER, Administrators-with-the-w ill-an nexed of J. L. Parker, deceased. Try Star Wants Ads. SPECIAL EXCURSION ~ FARES Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM 11 FRIDAY, OCTOBER. 192 Round-Trip Fares From SHELBY, N. C. To Atlanta, Ga._$6.50 Birmingham, Ala._$8.5'‘L Chattanooga, Tenn. _ $8.5 Tickets on sale Octobc 4th. Final limit Atlanta October 8th. Birmingham ) and Chattanooga, Octobc ! 10th. ASK TICKET AGENT! ADVEBTISE IN THE STAR MORE ! Issac Shelby Flour ' i Is Used In Cleveland County Than Any Other Two Flours that are Sold I In This Section. Dependable Goodness And Wholesomeness Arc The Reasons. mm Eagle Roller Mill Company N\>t many of the hundreds of thousands who have purchased the Pontiac Big Six selected it simply because it i: so inex pensive to own. Most of them bought it because they were attracted by its big car performance, its big car style, its big car safety and riding ease. But it is a fact, nevertheless, that with a Pontiac Big Six you actually save nioncx. ^ on rave— When you buy The Pontiac Big Six costs less to buy—not because it io the lowest priced car you can get—bu t because it is the lowest-priced car ever pro duced which offers so many advan tages. Try to find similar adran> • ages in another car—and you m U! find that the car huh ofTi-rs them costs hundreds of dollars more to buy than Pontiac. ten you drive A A i<’U save la operation and main tenance witli a Pontiac 3ig Si*. During 1923, a large public util company operated 99b auto mobiler of 33 different make*. According to its figures, it* Pontiac* cost one cent less per mile to oper ate than any other lout-priced sii* When uou trade it in Yon save with n v *r >vhen "you ■ re ready for ■ new car. The demand for u<*> '• df hi niMU'lt «A»#. Cseesidar tbs MmpW pr**a as maO as ike Ugt I t m. b ) pries tabs* eamjwaseg avis •asbi'e mkiss fleklsr-d "anets- 4?' erael gripse iaelvjs salt atiiksnesti ekmrgee far ft right and daUa* r* and the thjtrge fat »■•' edduisnel