•Special (i TlTr S'.aiA Quite a large number front on rommunity attended the. county fate last week Every one who wen. reported a very enjoyable time in spite o( the weather condition Our Sunday school was fine Sun day A very Interesting program cm “God's Carr' »r rendered by the pupils 9lid teachers with otu: new ly clee’ed .superintend; sv Mr Ceril Humphries in charge The special music, which consisted of a ; oio by Mr. John .Bridges and a quarte'ie “Sharon Rose wa- e pccfally r.oc-d. Mr. and Mi- Guy Roberts an.’' two children were yur ts ol Mi- Ol he .Mae Putnam Sunday afternoon They were com ponied • by Mr. Kvaiv. Roberts ol Ciavnr n Mr. and Mrs John GanP and family were wrrk-c-'nd sue:.!••1 their parent1. Mr and Mrs W H McSwam M Daud liter w ho has " beep r orkinc at, Asheville, came ■ horns j aturd..y to spend a month with his mother. He wa. accompanied bv Mr Gold Ledbetter- of Marion who eariic to pend the week-end Mr and Mi. . Oscar McEntire of C. C were week-end cue t of their parent:-. Mi and Mr R Mo Irnt ire. M- and,Mrs Henry Bolton were v. rtois in-the roiim .itt'v Saturday and Sunday Mr and M; Buford Weaver n( Fouth Sheik.-, v-r ■ s'.r ''a :: parents. Mr and Mrs. V, R T ' Entire -Sunday Me- r? Voile fo' end Corione M. Swam motored to pattersons Spring-, arid Sulphur Springs Sun day Miss Nell Wilkie ofySOut.il Shd'bv v a.-. a week-end guest o! Mi priby and Made McSwaVn: Mi . and Mrs Elbert Hamrr < spent. Sunday in Grover as guests of their parents, Mr. and Mu Thomas Hamrick Mr-5 Elizabeth Putnam was the mar welcomed guest, of Miss. Delta Ware. Sunday. I FOOTBALL games I Carolina vs Georgia Tech Friday, October 11th. Yale vs Georgia Saturday, October 12th. \ ia SEABOARD AIR FINE RAILWAY Very low railroad rates— $ 10.00 Shelby to Atlanta and return with stop off at Athens to see Yale-Gcorgia game. Do not miss ihese two wonderful football games, w hich start— Carolina vs Georgia Tech at Atlanta 2:0(1 P. M. G T. Yale vs Georgia at Athens 2:00 l\ M. E T Seaboard dining cars will be parked at Athens serv ing all meals. You vvill be away from home only two days, Friday and Saturday, « Oct. 11th and 12th. The j Seaboard is the only road | having Atlanta and Athens J on its main line. Make your pullman reservations with any Seaboard Agent, or call on : JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Telephone 2700, Raleigh, N. C. NEW I* INTEREST QUARTER On October first a new interest quarter started in ; our Savings Department. I-'nr the third time this with us in our Savings Do-; partment in any amount from one dollar up. We pay 1 per cent compounded quarterly, and it counts, fast. | You will need money some j' flay, Come in and start n savings ,v. ■count now—' Don't wait—and you’ll have! money. RANK Sc TRUST CO. | Shelby, N. C. year we credited to our v many savings accounts in- j| tcrest, accrued. \ou are iu-l: vited to open an acc unt j! Double Shoals News Of Current Week (Special la The Star.' Double Shoal. —The heavy down pour of rain that Tell Tuesday end Tuesday night.put the water course high within 12 inches of the high water Iasi year. People up and down the river saw their entire corn crops covered i,p with water, Sunday past was permotipn da" ;it the Rnp.ti'! church Many ( hanger, were made m the school One new cfa<> of junior boys was added. The : . hoo! was very for tunate, in securing Mrs Yates Horn a . te.Hhc We now have. 15 classes including one in the eiadle roll ages \ . Las: conference . day thechurch elected ah the present ol fleers end trach.ers for another year. They rue a ; ■ follow S Supt.'C P. Spang ler,; associate superintendent,. J W Costner, secretary'. R 1. Eskridge; lies urer H C Royster; chots!?r; T, .TV Spangler.; pianoist, -Misses Florence Seisin and Mae Eskridge Teacher. J \V Costner. L it Seism Carl Spangler. Misses Eva Toney Florence Sc cun Bessie Esk ridge. Mae ''Eskridge.-. Euna Spaiir i.ei. Mcsds tries' J. W. Costner, C. H Spangler, 1! C Royster, R L. Esk ridge. <» C Eskridge Clarence Wil • on and Mr Yates Horn who will be elected on 'next conference day. Home depart men: superintendent Mr:- (IP de Cornwell: ciaulV' roll, uipefmtenclent. Mrs S B, Eskridge and Mrs Cirreriee Wib-rn as cradle util class leader Wr hi ve maintain ed the Standard all the year fcv hard work, and haw nothing shi.t of the standard ns our'aim litis year. The -jvintoi B Y P. U with 1 B Seism as director went, to .Pleatant. • trove last Sunday night nd demon:lrated a junior R Y P U. Tiie children, were happy to go on tins occasion. County Students At Mars Hill Organized The students'of Mars Mill college from Cleveland county met last week and organized a Cleveland county club The following officers were elected President. Mr. H E Yarbrough of Shelby: vice presi dent. Mr T L Suttle of Shelby; secretary and treasurer. Margaret Hamrick-of Grover, Members ither than these were Mr J. Edley Mar tin of Baltimore. Messrs. Charles Alexander and Howard Camri.itz. of Shelby. Miss, Lois Adams of Balti more, Miss Thelma Hoyle and Messrs. Tom Dixon and Hovle Lee of Fallston and Mr Eugene Roberts of Kings Mountain. BREAST TEI.FPHONES I'SED NOW IN ITAI.Y An original telephone service has hern inaugurated in Italy, accord ing to a statement Just Issued to.the Italy American society. The serv ice operates at the main railroad sat ions A railroad employe walk ing up and down the platform car ries a breast telephone and olfers its service to the passengers. on the standing .trains. By this device any traveler is enabled to commun icate outside during the train’s’ stop The telephone is connected with the local exchanges, and the passengers : converse while in the train. This service has proved very accommodating for the traveling salesman who can transmit or re ceive orders while on the road By this service. Italy leads all other nations in improved and fast tele phone communications. All the ”de luxe" trains are supplied with tele phones. enabling any traveler to converse for a few seconds before its departure. *1 was so weak,” says Mrs. Josephine Cockcroft, of Baldock, S. C., "that I was not able to do anything. "At certain times, i sunerea dreadfully with pains in my back and sides. My head would hurt —felt like it would split open. Spells of weak ness would last for weeks. "I read of Car dui. I sent for a bottle and began i. ——— j i a & i □ g ii*. xtiy rase was stubborn, and at times I almost lost hope, but I could see a little im provement. At last I began to feel much better. Then I improved rapidly. For the last year I have been in better health than I ever have been before. "I give the credit to Car riui. for after I had giv en it a thorough trial, I got well." WOMEN TO HEALTH, T.k» Th.dlntd. BI.ACt DRSUCHT f or (nrvViprttion, Wwiic*.Aiion. Ktfi'vjgrv***. FLINT HILL SHEWS Miss lily (.1, n Gives Tariv Per sonals Of People Coming And Go’ng (Special to The Star ' Miss Lilly Green entertained a number of young people Saturday night by giving a party. Everyone present reported a fine time The people of this community' ,t tended the fair last week Mrs. Effie Phillips and daughter. Miss Elizabeth spent tiie week-end with Mr. and Mrs R. S. Dover. Miss Lillian Russ of Shelby is spending this fall with her Mste. Mrs T D. Blanton Miss Gladys Harrill spent Suns day afternoon with Mrs- Mary Ella Dover Mr Graham Weaver was (he din ner guest of Mr Jack Pearson Sun day Mr Willie Harris of Gaff net spent Sunday with: Mr. .funic] Scruggs. 1 Misses Gladys Harrill,; Mary Ella Dover and Mr Graham Weave: spent awhile Sunday afternoon with ■ Mr and Mrs Ross Greene of Site!- ! by. Mr and Mrs Newton Harrill and , children visited Mr, and Mrs John : Harrill Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Irv in Chapmen • visited his parents Sunday. Mi i and Mrs R S. Dover. Mr Palmer Wilson from China 1 visited Mr and Mrs. R S Dote; : last week j Mrs Effie Phillips. Misses Gladys ! Harrill, Mary Ella Dover and Eliza,-! bctli Phillips were the dinner guests j of Mr. and Mrs C. A Dover Sun- \ dav. Mr and Mrs Alev Weaver spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs F. M Ledbetter Mrs F M Ledbetter. Messrs R»x Ledbetter, Gradie Blanton, Misses Myrtle Harrill, Alma Pearson mo tored to Chimney Rock Sunday afternoon. Harlan Blanton spent Sunday nft - ernoon with Claude and James Dover Miss Estell Blanton spent Sunday with Misses Ruby and Lucile Pear : son. Miss Arvle Blanton spent Sun day with Miss Oviele Martin Miss Lota Harrill. Messrs Buron Ledbetter and Brossie HamrDk visited Miss Mary Ella Dover awhile Sunday afternoon Miss Effie Pearson spent Sunday with Miss Blanche Pearson. Mr Hulon Ledbetter visited Mr and Mrs. G. G. Pearson Sunday. 'Special to The Star '' Promotion day was observed in the Sunday school last Sundav. Also the new officers were install ed The following Is the main of ficers in the Sunday school: Supt of the home department, Mrs ). B Wright; superintendent young peo ples department. Mr. Wtlbur Wil son; superintendent of intermediate department. Mrs T D. Philbeci. superintendent primary depart ment. Miss Ruby Washburn; super intendent of beginners department, Mrs. B, B. Moore; superintendent cradle roll. Mrs. F. E. Greene; ;ec retary. Mr. Olin Greene and treas urer, Miss Eliza Brooks Mr F E. Greene is the efficient superintend ent. Owing to the recent heavy rains cotton picking has been delayed very much. It is beginning to rot .n the boll Farmers are mighty glad to see the sun shining Mr. J M. Gardner had the mis fortune of failing from the roof of his house, where he was plastering around the chimney. Wednesday evening. He was carried to the Shelby hospital where an examina tion revealed no broken bones. Hr can hardly move and has suffered much but is resting very w'ell now. 1 Mrs. Nash Magness is in the Shelby hospital for treatment aga'n she has been right sick. Mr. and Mrs. Yates Bridges visit - ed Mr. and Mrs. P B Bridges Sun day Prof, and Mrs. V. C. Taylor ana sons, V. C , jr.. and Glenn from Surry county, spent Saturday night ' with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wash burn. They were also welcome visi tors in Sunday school Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Garlan Washburn and son moved to Newton. Monde.i Mrs. J. C. Washburn spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs Preston Neal, near Grover. Mr. and Mrs. John Hunt visiteJ Mr. and Mrs. Yates Harrill Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A V Washburn of Sylva spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Washburn. Mr Wash- ; burn left Monday evening for Can ton while Mrs. Washburn remain- 1 rd in the eommuntiy until Thurs day. Mr and Mrs. Yates Harrill had as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs John Williamson and Mr. Alfred Falls and Miss WilHc Zion Community News Gleanings Promotion Day Observed. New Corn Mill. Crops Greatly Damaged. iSpecial lo The Star.' Our Sunday school observed pro motion dav Sunday. The suprun tendent. awarded ’23 certificate? to different pupils who were’■promot ed to other departments Mr and Mrs. V. O. Moore and children spent last week with M s Moore's parents. Mr and Mis. 1 P. Cabantss. Mrs Nash Magnes.x underwec an operation yesterday at the Shelby hospital She seems to be getting along very well Mr and Mrs Drue MeCartpr and little daughter spent Sunday with Mrs, McCarter's parents, Mr. and Mrs J W Irvin Mr and Mrs Tat ham Wilson were the delightful guest Sunday of Mr and Mrs John Gold Mr. and Mrs Ralph Gold had as their guest Sunday Mr and Miss Geo E. Gold and Mr and Mrs Tom Dixon and family. Mr. F. W Cabantss is still in proving at his home. We are clad to learn Miss Madge Matinev was home from Limestone college for the week-end with her parents. Mr. anti Mrs S, S Mannoy Miss Mabel Neal was the pleasaut guest Sunday of Misses Nina and Thelma Cabaniss Miss Janie Irvin spent the week end from Boiling Springs eolleqe with her parents, Mr and Mrs. J W Irvin Mrs H G. Metcalf is still improv ing Wr are glad to learn Mr and Mrs. W. W. Williamson and soil. Worth, jr . spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs Pleas B Cabaniss and attended the fair Sat urday. Miss Mary Ruth Walker was the delightful week-end guest of Miss Ruth Gold The farmers were greatly dam aged by the heavy rainfall last week and this Miss Mabel Jones is spending awhile with her grandmother Mrs C G Poston Mrs. Tom Cabaniss. ir , and chil dren have been at the bedside of her father. Mr. Plato Gettvs, who is better at this writing. Why Should She? Conduetor—“Madam, you'll have to pay for that boy." Old Lady—"But I never have be fore." Conductor fhotlyi—"That don't matter to me He s over 12 years old and "ji&iCy have to pay his fare or 111 put htfn off the car " Old Lady—"Put him off What do I care? I never saw him be fore." NOTICE OF SALE. Sealed bids will be received by the board of aldermen of the city of Shelby at the mayor's office In Shelby, N. C . until 12 o'clock noon on the 5th day of October. 1929 for the purchase of *40,000 water bonds of said city, dated September 1, 1929 and payable *1.000 annually September 1. 1932 to 1941 Inclusive and *2.000 annually September 1, 1942 to 1956 inclusive, both princi pal and .semi-annual interest pay able in gold at Chase National bank, New York City, N. Y. Bidders are Invited to name the rate of in terest in their bids in multiples of one quarter of 1 per cent, must not exceed six per cent. and as be tween bidders naming the same rate of interest the amount of premium will determine the award. The city will furnish bonds and opinion of Messrs. Storey. Thorndike, Palmer and Dodge. Atty's of Boston. Mas*. Bonds will be sold upon sealed bids with no auction. Bidders must present with their bids a certified checl; upon an In corporated bank or trust company unconditionally payable to the order of the city for 2 per cent of the face value of the bonds bid for to secure the city against any loss from fail ure of the bidder to comply with the terms of his bid. The right is reserved to reject all bids. L E LIGON, City Clerk Mount Sinai News Of Late Interest rraixex I or The Cleveland County lair. Mr. rutnain. Quite III. 'Special to The Siir> . Shelby. Route 2 — With more than a week Of r.iitiy weather the farm ers would like to see some run- i 1 shine They fear the cotton crop ; will be (1,unaped Many people from this section at- j | tended the fair last week All agree ! that the exhibits were the most I i attractive they have ever seen si ! The Cleveland County Fair. j Mi Kugrnm Rollins who teaches in the Kail stow school spent the work -end at home . Mi and Mrs Wilburn Ruin ini and little daughter of Latt.imorej visited ve.lf.tive:. in this section j Sunday | Mr and Mrs l. K Weaver of! Gaffney ipent Sunday in this com- ! m unitv Mr Andrew Hunt of Rock Hill ! visited hr parents. Mr. and Mrs j d. M Hunt during the week-end | Miss Maude Rollins was at home! froth Shelby during the week-end. It Mr (Miff Putnam continues qu’te : sick We hope he will be better j soon ! Mr and Mrs Reggie Weaver and 1 'children .petit Thursday night with j Mr and Mrs Prior Led be! ter. I Me Too. “How'cl vou like to be In 'not thing wav up (hat?" someone asked Sambo as tltey were watching an airplane “Alt much prefer to be up (liar in it that to be up (liar out of it!" said he. "SjwghtH A STEP IN THE WRONG i DIRECTION 1 often gets a person in bad. j A welfare worker approach j ed a man serving a term for j ! forgery: She usked him what he was in for, and he [ replied: “Flattery Ma’am; ! 1 was caught imitating an other man’s signature on a check.” A step in the right direc tion would be for you to in sist on SINCLAIR pro ducts. The quality of the gas and oil you use is im portant because on it de pends not only the life of your motor but its effic iency as well. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors COFFEE, PLUS— Delicious Taste and Health! In other words—Coffee plus Chicory—as in our Gold Ribbon Blend is delightful to tasre and it’s praised by authorities for its health value. Double strength, too—that means twice as many cups from a pound. „ _ A DOUBLE STRENGTH oWS1 ii Gold Ribbon! (BKAND) Coffee Chicory fr.'-= PARAGON’S LATEST ARRIVALS IN Sports Wear This season finds the Paragon aglow with the latest and most appropriate styles in sports wears. Many new things have been added to stock this week. We can outfit you from head to foot in just the style or color most becoming. Every garment carries the usual Paragon guarantee. Our prices are reasonable. NEW AND ATTRACTIVE SPORTS DRESSES ..Silks Light Wools - Jersevs $10.00 4 $16.75 Realizing the tremendous demand for Sportswear this season, the Para gon has gone the limit in selecting the very latest and most desirable ma terials and styles. Want you to come in and let us show you the wonderful sport frocks we are featuring right now at these low prices. STYLISH BUT INEXPENSIVE -JEWELRY— * TO MATCH 50c $2.95 A small piece of jewelry will siltl wonders to your new out fit, This week many new things have been received in our Jewelry department arid t he coat is so small you won’t hesitate in selecting several pieces. Lovely Pur Trimmed SPORT COATS 1 $ 1675 $49 50 The sport coats this season i have snapped out of the rut. They are so different, so attractive and yet not expensive. Considering the quality of the material and furs used. If ypti can’t af ford a dress coat this sea son then see these attract ive Sport Coats. OTHER COATS $ i g 75 AND UP The dress coats are luxur iously fur trimmed. Tans, browns and blacks are the outstanding colors. Some are perfectly straight and others have a ripple here and there or a bit flared. You may be sure the styl< is right if you make your selection here. Distinctive Styles NEW MILLINERY $2-95 10 $10°° If you caro to get away from the sameness and want some thing new and different then you must see these new Hats that have so recently arrived. Every hat was personally hnd carefully selected for correct ness in style, color and shape. SWEATER AND CAP TO MATCH SPECIAL $1.95 (All Wool.) Colors of Tan. Brown, Navy and Rod. A real bargain at this price. — BERETS — In Every Wanted Color 59c to $1.50 It's a season of Knit Caps for the child or Misses. You'll have no trouble in finding what you want from our new stock. MISSES FANCY SWEATERS AT $1.95 Every girl will want one of these neat pull-over sweat ers. A very large assort ment here and selection will not be difficult. See i hose tomorrow. You’ll he well dressed and comfort ih|p in one of these light weight sweaters. MISSES SPORT OXFORDS $4.95 TAN AND BROWN — BLACK PATENT STRAPS Neat Styles $4.95 ° $7.50 Cuban Heels SPORT TIES $4.95 l" $7.50 ENNA JETTIC FOOTWEAR A complete line of the famous Enna Jetties now in stock. The prices are just $5.00and $6.00 THE PARAGON DEP T. STORE FEATURING A WONDERFUL LINE OF SPORTSWEAR