VOL. XXXV, No. 120 10 PAGES TODAY * V » ■ ~ I »y mau. pei year (In advance) *2.6o Carrier, per year (In advance) $3.00 LATE NEWS THE MARKET. Cotton, per pound _.. If'jc Cotton Seed, per bu._....... 42c _ Fair And Wanner. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight, not so cool in extreme west portion. Thursday in creasing cloudiness and slowly ris ing temperature. State Closes Case. The prosecution in the Adrrholt murder trial at Charlotte was ex pected to wind up its evidence about noon today. When the court ad iouraed yesterday afternoon the state had used 35 witnesses in the attempt to convict Beal and his companions of second degree mur der. County Boards Have A Quiet Session Here Neither Board Overly Worried With Petitions. Some Bridge Dam age Reported. The two Cleveland county, gov ernmental boards—the board of commissioners and the board of education—had the quietest ses sions here this week of any regular meeting they have held in months. No momentous question of pub lic importance had to be decided at th two sessions, and peculiar to the custom petitioners for this and that were not so numerous during the day. Bridge Damage. The commissioners aid very n:ue other than dispose of routine busi ness, check over the county’s opera ting expense for the month, and order what bills paid they thought deserving. However, the commis sioners did hear from several citi zens of bridge damage In several sections of the county resulting from the recent heavy rains and flooded streams. No large bridges were washed away and none of the dam age reported was very heavy, though. "It was about the quietest meet ing we’ve had in a long time,” de clared J. H. Grlgg, county superin tendent and secretary to the board of education, in reporting the meeting of educational heads. The minutes of this meeting covered little of public importance other than the routine happenings that come up each month. Cottofi Is Burned At Rutherfordton Twenty Bales Of Long Staple, Load ed On Truck, Catches Fire On Street. Rutherfordton, Oct. 8.—Twenty bales of long staple cotton en route to the Grace mills here from Cam den, S. C., caught fire on Couth Main street this afternoon and was practically destroyed. The fire is thought to have started from a match being thrown on the cotton by a smoker who lit a cigarette. The fire truck was called out and soon extinguished the flames. Quick work of the local fire department saved the truck on which the cotton was loaded. Ira Hodge, clerk in the local post office and member of the fire de partment, while trying to board the fire truck, was thrown against the pavement and had his right leg broken. He also suffered bruises on his head. He was rushed to the hos pital and is doing well. Gene ban ner, fireman, was slightly injured when he fell from the truck on which the cotton was loaded. The loss of the cotton is estimat ed at more than $1,000 as it was last year’s cotton and sold for 31 cents per pound. Mr. and Mrs. Alger Hamrick have moved to their new home which has just been completed on W. Marion street. New* Item* Sent By Mail To Star Must Be Signed News items sent in by -nail to The Star for publication, must be signed by the party writing the same, otherwise such items will not be ptib’isli ed. This rule is made for our protection and not qe:essar ily for the. purpose of usins the name of the aut lor 10 the news item. A newspaper is no plar» Vi play jokes and further ncre ii is a violation of the aw for any person to furnish fatso information to a newspaper that will embarrass, lunlll ate or injure a person. Auto Tangle' Sends County Youth To Jail Bought Car In Tennessee Friday, Sold It Here Saturday. First Payment A Bad Check. Virgil Shipes, alias Geo. L. Per son, 17-year-old Kings Mountain printer, did some speedy automobile trading last week, but this week, as he was removed from the Cleveland oounty jail to the Johnson City, Tenn., Jail, he was paying the prire. Last Saturday Shipes, using the name of Pearson, appeared in the North Brook section of Lincoln, just across the Cleveland line, with a new Chevrolet coupe. After seme dickering he traded the new coupe to a man by the name of Smith for a ’23 model Ford, a $180 note and a $40 check. Then he came to Fall ston to have the check cashed Bank officials there asked him to have himself identified and the young fellow said he was work’rg for the Cross motor company at Cherryville. When communicated with the Cherryville firm declared he was not known there. The bank then called up Smith, the man whe gave the check, and told him theje was something suspicious. S/nlt’i asked that the youth be held, and after telling several varying stories he was brought to jail here. Sheriff Knew Him. just as soon as ne was seen ny Sheriff Allen, the former^Kings Mountain chief recognized him ns Shlpes, a Kings Mountain boy. Th-* title receipt revealed that the car came from Johnson City, Tenn., and the motor firm there when no tified said that Shlpes bought the car from them on the day before he sold It here, but that he gave them a bad check, of $185 for it nnd ■till owed them a balance of $431 Paced with that Information Shlpes admitted his guilt and de clared that he would return today with Sheriff Worley, of Johnson City, without extradition papers. In Johnson City he will face charges of giving a bad check, trad ing under an assumed name and of disposing of mortgaged property. Great Gathering Of Singers At Second Baptist October 13 Mr. J. C. Bridges, manager of the singers convention says the gather ing at the Second Baptist church on Sunday October 13, will be the larg est gathering of singers the con vention has ever had. Quartets, duets, choruses, bass singers, solos, etc., are expected to feature the convention. Among the singers who are expected to attend are the ladles quartet from Greenville, S. C., the S. C. Fowler quartet from Simpsonvllle, S. q. Then there will be a bass solo contest by such mer. as Judge Lake W. Stroup of Gaff ney, C. R. Upton of Cale, Mr. Pear son of Spartanburg and George Borders of Patterson Springs. Judge Stroup Is said to be a bet ter bass singer than he Is a marry ing squire. He states that he would like to meet on this occasion, all the couples he has married. Mr. Wade Humphries of Gaffney, Prof Sisk, the high tenor, the Jones quar tet from Grassy Pond, the ISd Sar ratt and Camps Creek quartet, the Carolina quartet of Hickory, Rich quartet of Morganton. Wright's of Fallston and others are expected to be on hand. Estimate Of Big Cotton Crop Seijtds Market Down Somewhat Dozen Radios Here Give Public Broadcast To Shelby’s Base ball Fans. Chicago and Philadelphia folks may consider the World Series a home-town affair for them, but t*-y to tell that to hundreds of Shelby and Cleveland county baseball fans who are packed about a dozen pub lic radio broadcasts here this week listening in on the big time play— not to mention scores of people who are hearing the series over private sets. Funny thing that. Scores and scores of the fellows who are pack ing and jamming around the pub lic broadcasts in Shelby this week have radio sets of their own at home, but a basebull bug is a base ball bug. Which is to say that base ball fans cannot enjoy a baseba'l game by themselves. They nust have someone to eat peanut? whh, predict what the next hitter will do and work all manner of tricks upon th$ imagination with. A fellow would get mighty little kick out of seeing a baseball game by himself, and he gets even less hearinz one by his lonesome. That’s why the many public broadcast about Shelby are drawing the fans. Nearly every drug store in ‘own. all radio dealers and several o*ber business firms have public sets rig ged up in addition to the set v/hich is giving a free broadcast for The Star. Just a few years back only one or two firms gave a public broadcast of the baseball classic, but this year the fans are having no trouble finding standing. 3nd even sitting space where they may listen in. Incidentally, the public is invited to hear the broadcast in front of The Star office for the remaining games—and the invitation goes, too. for the other broadcasts about town. I HUMAN CANNON BALL RECOVERS The Human Cannon Shell act, featuring the GT'eak-Wilno, the human Imllet, will play at the North Carolina State Fair, Raleigh, despite injuries which havo cost one naan his life, and another two broken legi, and two broken arms. Wilno, who was injured at the New York State Fair, will be recovered in time to appear at the N. C. State Fair, October 14 to 19. His doable was killed when the mechanism failed to go off properly, at the Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, Mass. At Italcigh, Wilno will be shot 100 feet through the air, and land la a aet. -ew . ~ ; Bishop Cannon Again Gets In Action In Virginia Politics Bury Plato Gettys Today In Rutherford Father Of Shelby Woman And For mer Member. Of Legislature Dead At Hollis. Rutherfordton, Oct. 9.—Funeral services were held at Big Springs church at 1 o’clock today for Plata Gettys, 61, former member or the general assembly, who died at his home near Hollis Tuesday morning Rev. D. G. Washburn and Rev. W. M. Gold officiated. Mr. Gettys represented this county in the general assembly about 12 years ago. From 1923 to April, 1929, he served as chairman of the coun ty board of education. He was wide ly known and held in high esteem. Mr. Gettys is survived 0/ one brother. T. Jeff Gettys of Hollis; one sister, Mrs. James Young of Forest City, and the following '•hil dren: Thomas and Claude Gettys and Misses Ollle, Ola, and Mattie Lee Gettys, of Hollis; William Get tys of Petersburg, Va.; Mrs. Tom Cabaniss of Shelby and Mr. Ciuude Erwin of Forest City. Stroups Feature In A Gaffney Marriage Gaffney, S. C.—A wedding which turned out to be an all Stroup af fair took place at the county court house Saturday when Luther Stroup, of Gastonia and Miss Pearl Hord, of Shelby, were married by Probate Judge Lake Vk Stroup After the cermony Miss Trivia Stroup, of Shelby, a friend of the bride, signed the marriage certi'i cate. According to the judge neither of the three Stroups had known each other before the wedding took place. Other couples from the She’by section married here were: Sunkey Lovelace and Minnie Cosby, both of Shelby; Robert Proctor and Esslc Heavener, both of Kings Mountain Oppose Regular Democratic Nomi nee For Governor Because He Is “Raskob Man.” Washington, Oct. 9.—In his first public statement on the Virginta gubernatorial campaign since the regular Democratic and anti-Smith Democratic-Republican candidates took the lield, Bishop James Can non, Jr., chairman of the board of temperance and social service of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, Tuesday said the issue at stake was: ‘‘Shall the men who not only be trayed the cause of prohibition in the last election for the sake of a partisan victory, but who also de nounced, Slandered and vanned as ‘traitors,’ ‘bigots’ and ‘hypocrites’ those men and women who had put moral convictions above party reg uiarny—snail these men now, un repentant and unashamed, be re warded for such despicable conduct by electing them to positions where they may exultingly proclaim *h»lr vindication and again In 1932 be tray the cause of prohibition If po litical expediency demands It?" Opposing Dr. John Garland Pol lard as “the nominee of the Smlth Raskob state democratic organisa tion,” Cannon asked: “Can anti Smith Democrats vote for such men with any regard for consistency or personal self-respect?” "I can not,” he answered. Bishop Cannon would not discuss reports that he would take the stump. He plans to disclose late whether today’s statement is pre paratory to such a step or is in tended to take the place of a series of campaign speeches. The statement bristled with de nunciation of “Raskobian liberal ism.” He denied that in taking his position he became a Republican. ‘‘I still remain an independent Democrat,” he asserted, "flatly re fusing to wear the wringing wet col lar of Raskobian liberalism and call ing upon my fellow Democrats to rescue the Democratic party from the inevitable disintergration and destruction which must follow the continuance of the present leader ship.” Bishop Cannon called for the elec tion of Dr. William Moseley Brown, the anti-Smith, Democrat-Republi can nominee, recalling that he had "rendered exceedingly effective per sonal and platform service” during the last presidential campaign against the Democratic nominee. Ho said Brown was a "convicted advo cate of prohibition and a good mixer” with, a "practical outlook on life.” Bishop Cannon's 5,000 word state ment dealt at length with the 1928 political campaign, describing John J. Raskob, chairman of the Demo cratic national committee, as “a»Ro man Catholic Knight of Columbus and a chamberlain of the Pope s household,” Bishop Cannon said he had “deliberately insulted the Pro testant ministers of the South, es pecially naming the Methodist, by declaring that they would be muz zled in the expression of their op position to the ‘wet’ Tammany Smith by the threat that prominent church members would withhold their contributions if they did not (Continued on page nine.) Strikers Fired First At Marion Witnesses State First And Second Shots Came From Strikers, Testimony Of Mill Workers. Marion, Oct. 9.—Testimony for the defense began yesterday after noon when the state's attorney and attorneys representing strikers at the Marion Manufacturing com pany's mill rested their rases against Sheriff O. F. Adkins and 12 of his deputies who are accused of having fired the shots that killed five men in a riot at the mill early last Wednesday morning. Witness summoned by the de fense to give testimony before Judge W. F. Harding, sitting as committing magistrate to investigate the riot, presented evidence to show •that the first shots were fired by strikers who had gathered at the mill gate to prevent workers on the morning shift from entering the plant, and not by the sheriff and his deputies. Two Deputies Freed. Coincident with the completion of their case. Solicitor J. W. Pless, Jr., and the strikers' attorneys ask ed that warrants charging murder against John Snoddy and lohn Oowan, deputy sheriffs’ be dis missed. Judge Harding order the release of the men. a parade oi witnesses, most of them mill workers, passed before Judge Harding in the afternoon ar.d testified that the sound of the, first shot fired in the riot came from where the strikers were located. First Shot From Crowd. Charlie Jenkins, mill employe, testified that the first shots came from the ‘‘crowd of strikers.” Ten kins, in cross examination said that he had bought a gun some time ago and still had it. In answer to a question from Judge Harding he had not seen anyone shot us they ran away. Martin Swan, mill employe, fol lowed Jenkins on the stand, testi fying that the first and the 3econd shot fired came from the crowd cf strikers. He said that Jeter Parrish, a striker fired at him during the fight and that he saw Allen St.iart. a striker use a club on Sheriff Ad kins. The strikers, he said, ncariy all carried sticks or broom handles. Dan Moody, a mill worker raid that as he started toward the mi’.! gate he was warned by C L. Moody, a striker, not to “get out in the crowd; it’s dangerous out there and you might get killed.” The first shot he swore came from the crowd and not from the officers. _ Scout Council Awards Merit Badges Monday Frank Jenkins Becomes An Eagle Scout. Many Merit Badge Awards. On Monday night at the recourt court of honor of Boy Scouts of America, Frank Jenkins, was award ed the Eagle rank and was present ed the badge by Henry Edwards in a short, appropriate talk. Elgin Caruthers became a life scout. Merit badges were awarded to many from Shelby and Belwood troops and Mr. J. W. Davis of Earl had a num ber of boys looking on who expect to form a scout troop^ at Ear). Scout work In Cleveland couhty is reviving after the summer months and Mr. Schiele of Gastonia, scout execu tive of the Piedmont council was over at the meeting Monday night to deliver the merit badges and as sist ki conducting the examination. The scout Jury was composed of L. P. Holland, Hugh Arrowood, It. T. LeGrand, Henry Edwards, and V C. Mason. Insanitary Bedding Is Cause Of Arrest Forest City.—A warrant charging E. L. McAlhaney, manager it t ie local branch of the Cooper furni ture company of Gaffney, il. C„ with violation of the state s&njtary code has been taken out by Chief District Inspector John E. Floyd of the state health department. The state law forbids the sale of bedding that is not strictly sanitary, and It was charged that mattresses In spec ted at the Cooper furniture company’s store were stuffed with floor sweepings, jute, and cotton bagging. Warrants were also issued by In spector Floyd against the managers of five local barbershops for alleg ed violation of health regulations The barbers named In the warrants appeared this morning in the may or’s court and were fined. Curbed Cubs Howard Ehmke (above), veteran Athletic hurler, won the openlnr. game of the world's series yesterday for, Philadelphia over the Chicago Cubs, and in doing so he establish ed a world's series record^ in strik ing out 13 opposing hatters—whiff ing the great Hornsby ant] llagk Wilson twice in succession. Athletics Get Opening Game hiimkr Pitches Masterful Rail To Defeat Cubs. Foil Hits Homer. Chicago, Oct. 9.—One game be hind, due to their inability to hit Howard Ehmke’s slow curve bull, the Chicago Cubs this afternoon are hoping to even up the World'; serif.? with the Philadelphia Athletics. Highlights of Philadelphia’s open ing game victory were the unex pected decision of Coftie Mack to use Ehmke, not considered a first string player, on the mound; the 35-year-old Ehmke's masterful hur.ing which established a world s series record by striking out 13 Cub batters, and a long home run by Jimmy Foxx, Athletic first sa ker, j in the seventh inning. Oreat catcher were made by Jimmy Dykes and Ai Simmons, of the Athletics, and by liack Wilson, of the Cubs. Near 51,000 people saw the Athle tics win the game 3 to 1. Wa* Mi** Warlick, Not Mi** Wallace An error which appeared in The I Star in connection with the cotton | fashion at the Cleveland county i fair is called attention to by Mrs. A. P. Warlick of Kings Mountain. It was Miss Virginia WarlicK and not Miss Virginia Wallace who won the second prize on misses street dresses. The names of the winners were taken over the telephone and the name was misunderstood. World Series Regular Local Play For Shelby, Thanks To Radio Estimate Boosts Crop Near 100,000 Bales Over Last Estimate Given Out. New York, Oct. 8.—Cotton prices ■today dropped sharply 25 to 29 points on the reopening call after the department of agriculture, at 11 o’clock, issued its crop report as of October 1, estimating a crop of 14 - 815,000 bales on a condition of 55 per cent of normal. This was an in crease of 90,000 bales over the Sep tember 1 forecast of 14,825,000. Washington, Oct. 8.—A cottcn crop of 14,915,000 bales this year was forecast today by the department of agriculture. The department said this was in dicated by the condition of the crop on October 1 which was 55 per cent of a normal. A month ago production, of 14, 825,000 bales was indicated on the condition of the crop September i.j which was 55.4 per cent of h ooi - i mal. Last years crop totaled 14,478 000 bales and the condition on Oc tober 1 was 54.4 per cent of a noi mal. The condition on October 1 end the indicated production by elates follow .Indicated State Cond’on Pro'ion Virginia ... - _ 70 45,000 North Carolina . _ . 55 825,000 South Carolina _ . .55 (163,000 Georgia . . .. ... 58 1.360,000 Florida . .. 67 30.000 Missouri . .. _ 73 210,000 Tennessee _ _ 67 475,000 Alabama , . .. 57 1.300,000 Mississippi .. 64 ' l 330,000 Louisiana . _ 59 • 800,003 Texas . 47 3 350.000 Oklahoma ..49 1.785,000 Arkansas . ....._53 1.43( 000 New Mexico ..75 34,000 Arizona . ........i_83 157,000 . California . -_ .83 332,000 All othef states ... 70 11 040 Lower California . - 85 73.000 ! Baptist Association Draws Record Crowd; Suttle Is Re-elected Body Of Morehead Has Not Been Found Bo