tar 10 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV. No. 121 SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, OCT. 11, 1929. Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons By mall, per year On advance) 9340 Carrier, per year (la advance) W'oo LATE NEWS THE MARKET. Cotton, per pound-3 V - c Cotton Seed, per bu.. Vx The Weather. North Carolina parti; cloudy. Not ■o cold in west portion tonight. Sat urday fair. Slowly rlsinr tempera ture. j* Two Die From Poisoned Meat At Cliff side Two More Are 111 In Same Family. Ate Canned Goods That M ere Left In Can. Boyce C, Wyatt and son, Paul, a.e dead and two small sons, Melvin and James, are seriously ill in the Rutherford hospital as a result of ptomaine poison, according to Dr. J. M. Allhands of Cliffsidc, family physician for the Wyatts. On September 27 the W/£TfM a ro ily ate some potted ham and minced meat, it is reported, the ham being in tin cans. Later in the day they ate more of the meat, after it stayed in the tin can open. Melvin and James took some of it to school with them. They roon became ill. Sunday, September 20 Mr. Wyatt took ill, and died Mon days morning and was buried lues day. His nine-year-old son, i'ai’l, died Tuesday morning just 25 hours after his father passed away. The mother and two small children ate s very little of the food and felt nc ill effects. Wyatt was an employe of the Cliffslde mills, was 33 years of age and leaves a widow and four children. County Manager Sick This Week Is Confined To Bed At Kings Moun tain Residence. Over worked At Fair. The executive head of the Cleve land county government, Mr. A. E. Cline, ia this week absent from hi* office in the court house here, be ing confined to his home at Kings. Mountain with illness. Just when the county manager will be able to return to his post is not known as yet, but trends, who have visited him, hope that he may be out next week. A. M. Hamrick, clerk of couvi and Andy F. Newton, Register of deeds, who visited Mr. Cline yesterday, state thatAie is apparently suffer ing with something resembling the influenza or grippe. Mr. Cline is al so president of the Cleveland Coun ty Fair association and his H'.ness, it is thought, resulted from long hours of work during the fair and the fact that he got wet and con tinued at work during the rainy days fair week. Efirds Get Lease On Beam Building According to a 15 year lease re corded yesterday at the court house. " Eflrd Department store will move its Shelby store into the Beam building now occupied by the Par agon Department store on January 1. The lease was signed by Zcb and Enos, Beam, owners of the Bearn building and is made to Eflrd’s Department store, J. B. Efird, pres ident. The Paragon Department store announced early this week that the lease on the building and fixtures were e#Td to a Charlotte chain store and that the entire stock of merchandise of the Paragon would be sold out in a sale beginning next Thursday. Oct. 17th. Tt Is learned on good authority that the Efird Shelby store will vacate the Blanton building opposite the square and move into new quar ters the first of January. No Service* At The Central Ch. Saturday At 2 o’clock today Dr. Boyer, pas tor of Central Methodist church, after consultation with Dr. P'ate Durham announced that there would be no services at this church on Saturday. The revival will continue, however, with services at *he usual hours on Sunday. Doctor* To Present Cancer Prevention The public is invited to a meet* log of the physicians who compos he Cleveland County Medical so ciety to he held Monday evening at * o'clock ;n the court house in the interest of cancer prevention. \evt seek has been declared cancer pre vention week by the American Medi i jal society and local physician* wili make talks to a public audience on subject. . • ' Women Club Members Urge U. S. To Join World Court Shelby Woman Presides Over Meet in* With 16 Ciubs In Dis trict Catherine. Rutherforil.on, Oct. 10.—Sixteen out of 22 clubs were represented here today at the annual conven tion of the fourth district. North Carolina Federation of Womens clubs held at the First Methodist church. Mrs. Edward M. Land of Statesville., president of the state federation, delivered the principal address of the morning session. She outlined the alms and pur poses of ihe federation, advocated a survey of women in industry and discussed prison reforms and law observance. Mrs. J. M. Hobgood of Farmville, second vice president of the state organization, deliv ered a most interesting address. Miss Gertrude Weill of Golds boro. spoke in the afternoon and advocated a survey of women fa industry and endorsed the pioposal for the accession of the U. S. into the world court and urged that the senate ratify without delay the new protocol. Dallas won the atten dance banner while Bessemer City wins the convention next year Shelby Woman Presides Miss Kibler. chairman of library work spoke and showed the great need of more rural libraries i'i this state, showing that North Caioltna ranked 47 in rural libraries. A bounteous box lunch was served in the dining room of the church. Mts. W. T. Alexander of She'by, president, presided over the con vention. Resolutions of love and respect were adopted in honor of the late Sallie Southal Cotton, "beloved mother of the federation’’ as she is called, who died last ! spring. Resolutions urging that the U. S. Join the worl<Tcourt and the senate to ratify without delay th? newr protocol, when presented, were adopted. Durham Dedicates Poem To Home That Community Is Sweetest And Highest That Has Been Mother Lap. A beautiful home coming poem, expressing the sentiment of Dr. Plato Durham, native of Cleveland county and now one of the leading divines in the South, was read by Dr. Durham last night before the Kiwanis club and dedicated to his native county. The Kiwanis club members, many of whom knew Dr. Durham in his boyhood, sat en raptured as he read the beautiful sentiment written at the request of Hon. Josephus Daniels of RalPigh, for state wide home coming to he observed next week in North Caro lina. The poem will be published In The Star and preserved by those who honor Cleveland county and revere its sweet memories. A Saeret Spot. "Cleveland county has been a sacred spot to me for many, many years,” said Dr. Durham. He re called his early training at Kings Mountain, his boyhood walks to £1 Bethel church where lie buried five generations of his family. “It seems rest to me to get back where the caravan of our fathers rested many years ago,” he Said. He urged that Shelby grow In beauty in order thct the thoroughfares may never escape the memory of its children. Each man and woman should see to it that the public schools are like golden gates aswing and that chil dren should be taught to honor and hold high those men in exalted noc itlon and see to It that the breath of the everlasting God are breathed into them and that the church bells of the community sound with the melody of Heaven. He reached the height of eloquence when he de clared that the “community is high est and sweetest that has the best mother lap.” Mr. W. E. Jordon was in charge of program which began early' in order that Dr. Durham might meet his engagement at Central Metho dist church where he is can<3uctir>g a revival meeting. Mike Austell made a hip fo Charlotte yesterday, attending the Ringling Brothers circus. More Unusual County Names Recently the "Around Our Town” column of The Star published a list of unusual names In Cleveland county, and the list was far from complete, if all the unusual names to be found in the county are included, accord ing to Dr. E. B. Lattimore. ... “First of all,” said the phy sician in naming over the un usual names in his acquain ance, “there is Amos Ketter.” Other nanseaJte listed were: Orange Peeler, O. B. Jolly, Pink White and Gray Green. He also listed the name of D. D. Dodd, a Cleveland man who uses only two letters to spell his entire name, and G I. Grigg, who needs only three letters out of the alphabet to spell his name. Parent - Teachers To Meet Jointly There will be a Joint meeting of all Parent-Teachers association of Shelby at the high school audito rium Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock according to an announcement made today by Mrs. Rush Thompson. All school patrons are urged to be pres ent to discuss whether to have a high school association or a town council meeting every quarter. RUTHERFORD POST OF LEGION NAMES OFFICERS Rutherfordton.—D. C. Whittaker of Cliffside, is the new commander of Fred Williams post No. 75, Amer ican Legion for the ensuing vear. following an election of officers just held by the post. The post decided today to hold its annual banquet here November n. The other officers elected ore: W. C. Barnes, Rutherfordton, and C. B Edwards, Cliffside, vice command ers; Philip Norris, Rutherfordton. adjutant; F. S. Hall, Avondale, chaplatn; S. P. Dunagan, service of ficer; R. E. Price, historian: S. I.. Powers, bugler; and D. S. Wilkins, sergcant-at-arms, all of Rutherford ton. Popular Local Barber Dies Following Tonsil Operation Twit tv Green Dies In Charlotte Sanitorium. Wanted To Be come A Minister. Twttty Green, a popular young barber,died Friday afternoon in the Charlotte Sanitorium at 5 o'c’otk following an operation there on Wednesday afternoon for the re moval of tonsils. His death was a shock for him many friends in Shelby and upper Cleveland, he having lived at Fallston for awhile. For three years he had worked In the McWhirter Brothers Palace Barber shop here and was a mem ber of the city fire depai tment Young Green was 22 years of rge. Young Green went to Charlotte Wednesday morning and was oper ated on by a Charlotte specialist that afternoon. He had expect! d to recover rapidly and witness the cir cus Thursday. After the opB\itii»'i he bled profusely and the nurse hi charge of the rase called the rpt’ jitlng physician back, but lie re port he was “engaged on im portant business” and sent ano her physician. After his death, a num ber of physicians gathered to de termine the cause of his unexpected death1. Native Of Lincoln. Ambrose McWhirter with whom young Qreen worked here in the barber shop was in Charlotte jay terday afternoon and remained with the body until his parents, Mr ar.d Mrs. Sid Green reached his be 'side from their home near Vale in uo per Lincoln county. It is understood that Mr. Grean thought of studying for the -iin istry. He was a fine young fellow and greatly beloved by his host Pi friends. He was a member of Fal’s ton Baptist church, but the inner a’, and interment will take place at El Bethel church near LawiKUtr on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock the services to be conducted by' Rev Rush Padgett. Besides his ir “nt , a number of brothers and sitters survive. A1 Gets His M Simmons, » member of ihf Athletics home run pair of Foxx ] and Simmons, secured hi* first ! homer of the world’s series in Wednesday’s game when he banged one over the righttield gate with one on. Foxx secured his second homer of the series In the third in ning of the same game. Third Contest Of Series On » 4 \ Athletics, Two Up, Take On Cubl In Home Park At Phllly This Afternoon. Philadelphia, Oct. 11.—Back In their own backyard and two game* . up, Connie Mack's Philadelphia Athletics are this afternoon bat ting the Chicago Cubs In the third game of the world’s series. Yester day there was no game as the two clubs moved to Philadelphia from Chicago. Hammering three Cub pitchers the Athletics, led by Jimmy Pox and Ai Simmons, both of whom hit home runs, defeated the Cubs Wednesday in Chicago 9 to 3. George Earns haw started on the mound for the Athletics but after striking gout seven hitters in torn and two-thirds innings he wes taken out and replaced by Robert Moses Grove, the left hander who throws the fastest ball in the game. Groves struck out six more Cub slugggers. Malone started for the Cubs, gave away to Blake, then Carlson replaced Blake, and ITehf took Carlsons place to finish the game. Forty-nine thousand people sew Wednesday’s game and paid $217,311 to do so. Star Service To Baptists Praised Account Of Convention, Written, Printed And Papers Delivered In Two Hours. Service to Baptists in. session at Boiling Springs Tuesday and Wedneday when the Kings Mountain Baptist association met in annual session brought forth a vote of thanks to The Star from the Baptists delegates. The Star waged a campaign for books for the Jun ior college library and received over a thousand volumes as a result. On Wednesday the last day of the association, a reporter left Boil ing Springs with notes on the high spots of the meeting and in two hours and ten minutes after nis de parture, the reporter was back In the Memorial Hall ready to dis tribute free 300 copies of The Star carrying a detailed account of the association's meeting. In this chort interval the reporter drove to Shel by, wrote a 1.500 word news item, which was put in type and through the half dozen processes necessary before printing and the big 24 page press rolled out the entire issue of over 5.000 copies in forty minutes after starting. Three hundred copies of The Ster were given free to the delegates in attendance upon the two asebcia I tions, the issue carrying news of the | high lights of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner, Miss Elizabeth Roberts and Louis Rob erts leave early tomorrow f ir Athens. G».. to attend the Ynh | Georgia football game. City To Sell Property For Taxes Nov. 11 j Several t housand Dollars Worth Ot Shelby Property Advertised In Paper Today. Friday, November 11 la |oin( to be more than Armistice Day | in Shelby. On that date the city of Shel by plans to sell thousands of dol- , lara worth of Shelby property. | most of which Is residential property, in order to collect around £5 or 39 thousand dol lars In unpaid property <*nd j street taxes. A list of the property, as is re- t ! qulred by law is published In to day's Star by city officials. It was announced last week by city officials that the prop erty would be advertised then I but a delay In arranging the list of unpaid taxes caused the ad vertisement to be carried over until this week. ‘We've waived about as long as we can to col lect," officials say, "and adver i Using and selling the property seems about the only way out now." The sale will be held at noon ! on November 11 In front bf tbr court house, and a coincidence j In that it Is being held on Ar misUce Day is that auction safes are always held on the west side j of the court house where •» erected the memorial to the Cleveland county veterans in the World war. Oil Stove Causes First Shelby Fire Since July 17th When an oil stove flared up about 7:30 Wednesday night in the Lee Wray residence on North Morgan street it brought out ihe Shelby fire trucks for their | first taste of action since July I !’ The blase was quickly ex tinguished and resulted in lit tle damage, but the alarm was enotigh to mar a record of near three months In Shelby without an alarin. In one more week It would have been exactly three months since the fire depart i ment received a call within the | city limits. Baptists Asked To Help College $5,500 Yearly\ $5,500 Annually Neeeesary To Keep Boiling Springs A Junior College. j. When the cause of Christian 2<?u cation was* presented Wednesday afternoon to the delegates of the Sandy Run and Kings Mountain Baptists associations meeting in joint session at Boiling Springs, a resolution was offered by Judge.B. T. Palls and unanimously passed, asking the churches of the associa tion to raise $5,h00 necessary to keep the Boiling Springs junior college in the standard class. Dr. Zeno Wall, Dr. Ayers, O. P Hamrick, J H. Quinn and others made strong appeals for Christian education and It was significant to Mr. Quinn, chairman of the board of trustees that the meeting Wednesday was on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the adoption of a resolution at Zoar church, leading to the founding of a Baptise school for this territory. Judge Falls pointed out that in order for Boiling Springs to main tain its rank as a junior college it must have a fixed income in $10,000. Prof. O. P. Hamrick of the college faculty started out threg weeks ago in a subscription campaign %nd raised $6,000. The school needs $6. 500 a year until the endowment *s $10,000, so the resolution by Judge Falls asks that each church raise above Its budget a sufficient amount: to meet this aobligation. A commit tee will be appointed to determine what the quota of each church is. The following were elected trus tees of Boiling Springs for the en suing year. J. W. Suttle, Z. R. Wal ker, W. W. Washburn, D Fletcher Hord and Zeno Wall. Mesdames H L. Hunt and l|plph Ballentine and guest. Mrs. Harry r Bnllentine of Hagerstown. Md , are ; | spending today in Charlotte. STATE FAIR QUEEN Mitt Julia Bradham. of Rocky Mount, winner of tbo “Mlsa Personality" son lest at Carlin'a Park, Baltimore, Maryland, last fall, has been named as “Queen of the State Fair,” and will entertain the visitors and the fa*r with songs and dances every night at the free act aland. Miss Bradham wa* named “Miss North Carolina" by Governor 0. Max Gardner, before entering the eontest at Baltimore, and she is the official Sweetheart for the North Carolina Stato Homecoming Week, la addition, the it the national Sweetheart of the American Business Clubs., Miss Bradham. who turned down an offer to appear in one of Earl Carroll's revues, in order to continue her studies in the Koeky Mount High School, will come to Ra'.eigh only in the evening, from Monday October 14 to Friday Oetobcr 18. On the test day of j,ha fair, Bbttti^ay. October '19, she will appear in both the afternoon and evening. No dif ftenlty will be experienced in hearing her songs, as the grandstand at the fair grounds hat been equipped with loud speaking devices, which wUHnot iscd for the free nets, but also to announce racing rneulta. ( • Big Tri-Motored Planes In Ford Air Tour Roared By Thursday City Give* $3,000 To Family Of Aderholt New Gastonia Fund Rales Total Compensation To $6,000. Gastonia.—By virtue of the action of the city council Tuesday right j in regular session, the widow and ! family of the late Chief Aderholt. j slain on the night of June 7 in a riot at union headquarters her?, will receive as a supplemental fund to the amount of $3,000 raised by the Dally Gazette during the pas , sum mer. enough to make out the total of $6,000. This was done by reason of the fact that the chief's family would have benefitted to the amount of $8,000 through the workmens' com pensation act which went into ef fect on July 1, only three weeks aft er the death of Mr. Aderhoh, the cost of this would have been borne by the city of Gastonia. The Gazette fund for the Arier holt family totaled $3,086.70. Hence the amount to be given by the city payable in the sum of $72 monthly will be $2,013.30. Giant Plane.* Were In Lap Of Tour Between Winston-Salem And Greenville Yesterday. Shelby and Cleveland county peo ple had a little air circus of thltr own yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock when more than a dOJ»n of the 28 planes in the Ford air tour roared over Shelby going from Win ston-Salem to Greenville. The big planes, the majoiitv of which were trl-motored. glistened above town in the bright rays of the afternoon sun. but none of them hesitated in the flight over, all hop ing to hold their places in the rar.p from Winston to the Greenvillte airport. The tour started in Philadelphia, raced to Baltimore, from Baltimore to Richmond and then to Winston before starting the Greenville leg of the flight. One of the planes, a Fatr.hi'.d. was piloted by a woman, Mrs. fteftn Miller. At Richmond • in landing Mrs. Miller did a ground loop, en dangering herself and plane, to keep from hitting a small bov on (Continued on page nine.) Local Legion Post Hopes To Build Own Building During Next Year Will Stage Drive To Get Every Cleveland County Ex-Service Man In Port. The local organization of the World War veterans, the Warren Hoyle post of the American Legion hopes during the appro? "hing year of 1930 to build a hut, or a build ing of its own on the legion prop erty on East Warren street. This was made known here today by of ficials of the post who are no.v ore paring for a big membership cam paign Want Them AIL "We want to get every ex-service man in Cleveland county into the; Legion during the remainder of this j year and 1930, and we are going to do our best to attain our amtvfcc on. ’ Legion officials stated. "We believe any ex-service man; who gives it proper thought wfil '< agree that it is to his benefit and) also to his pals of war days to be come a member of the legion. This organization is now doing a won derful work for its disabled buddies of the big scrap. Many of them who are disabled have not as yet receiv ed compensation. The legion is do ing all it can for these buddies, f-jr their wives and their children What's more the legion is lighting in every possible manner to get the con)f>ensatlon these disabled buddies deserve—and the stronger the or ganization becomes the easier it will be to get justice for all concerned With a building of our own ehih recreational features we hope to make a membership in the local post more attractive to cx-service men in addition to showing fhem how all ex-service men benefit by joining the legion.” Frank Petway, membership offi cial who attended the convention in Louisville, is directing the member ship campaign. I Morehead Body Found; Funeral Held At Sharon Body Of C'ennty Boy, Drown ed I in Friday, Came To Surface Near Highway 20 Bridge. After being lost in a swollen stream for five days the body ol Guy Morehead. 22-year-»ld 3haror boy, who was drowned last Friday at McAdenvIlle was found Wedne« day afternoon just after it came tc the surface in the South Fork river The body was first seen by Ksrl Rhyne, of Belmont, as it float'd near • the bridge, over the Sou I Fork Highway 20 close to AfcAden vllle. It was only a few bunder;’ yards down stream from where t;. yduth drowned. Many At Funeral. Funeral services were held /ertrr day afternoon at 3 o’clock at Sh-trcvi church with a large crowd of hi home section friends attending the service. The drowned youth w*.» the son of Mr. and Mys. Seth Motr head and was known througnou; the entire section as well as n 8helby and other parts of the ooun ty. and he was popular with all win knew him. ■ k, '**§ \ ,, Lone Search Mate. Early last Friday morning youiw Morebead. who wag a lineman fm i the Southern Bell Telephone com- ^ pany along with another lineman B C. Lackey, were cent to Mr Adenvllle to help clear up the tele phone damage resulting from the heavy rains and flooded streams The two men were in a boat rid ing out into the awoUen river when the boat capsiud. Both started ; wirrunlng for the bank, but More , head, presumably weighed down fcv : his belt and working tools, was U' rble to make it and sank. Lackey ' arted back for bis pal but the oody did nob come up any nur-e Day and Right searching parties continued to search, and It was thought that the body would come to the surface within three dayc as it has been noticed that drowned bodies usually come up within thrr* days, a legendary connection :4th Christ's resurrection after tore* days. But at the end of three days and of four day* the body was not found, many Cleveland count7 peo ple joining in the search over the t week-end. Of the search the Char-.. lotte Observer say4: v r | "Seldom has such a Search en gaged the attention of so many people. At any hour of the day hundreds could be seen on both sides of the stfeam and In boats, looking for the floating body of the young man. Employes of the tele phone company, mill workers and others helped.” • , Young Morehead had Just been transferred to the Charlotte branch of the telephone company from Charleston a few days prior to his downing. His mother at Aharon re ceived -a letter from him the day before he was drowned telling of th« transfer. t ; j. -1|| Shelby Fftns Takes * Pullman To Game* Twenty-Seven Local gridiron TtK Seeing Tech-Csrolina Struggle • On Today-V * Shelby foot bull fan*, 27 In num ber. left here late yesterday aft ernoon on a specially chartered Pullman car to attend the Georgia Tech-Carollaa football game in At lanta today, and the Georgia-Yale game in Athens tomorrow. The lo cal Pullman was hooked on to a spe cial train of cars carrying football fans at Charlotte. A score or more of other •hc'hy and Cleveland county fans made the trip to Atlanta for the game by au tomobile. Toluca Get* Vi*it From A Strange Cat Beautifully Spotted Cat Turns To Anything Bnt Beautiful fn Smell. 1 Reports reaching Shelby from Toluca section tell of the finding by Mr. S. A. Sain one night recent ly of a strange eat in his i.huck house. Mr. Sain gave the animal the once-over, noticed that it was' beautifully spotted, black and white and then made a dive for frpsh air. It was tJte first polecat, or skunk, ever seen in the Toluca communlt, . the species of the animal * “ identified by 1ft. % M. 85-year-o!d visitor in the Sain i when the polecat was killed.

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