12 PAGES TODAY . Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons By mall, pei year (la advance) 92M Carrier, per year Maadrapaei MOO VOL. XXXV, No. 124 j SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, OCT. 18, 1029. LATE NEWS I I THE MARKET. Cotton, per lb.___H!4c Cotton Seed, per bo. ...._40V^c Eight Frost Coming? Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Fair and continued cool tonight. Light frost In west portion. Saturday fair, slowly rising temp erature. To Broadcast Game. Radio reports today stated that the Carolina-Georgia game Satur day afternoon at Chapel Hill trill be broadcast play by play over sta tion WBT Charlotte. Atheist Can Testify. Concord, Oct. 17.—A person need ; not believe in a supreme being to be : a competent witness in the eourts j of North Carolina, Judge A. M. ! Stack of Monroe, presiding over the trial of four Gastonia men | charged with flogging Ben Wells, i radical union organizer, which was begun at this afternoon's session of Cabarrus court, ruled today In sharp contradiction to the recent ruling of Judge Thomas J. Shaw of Greensboro. Enrollment In Schools Here Is Gain Over 1928 More Than One Hundred More Students In School Than At Same Time Last Tear. Enrollment and attendance fig- j tires tabulated at the end of the j first month in the Shelby city schools show that both have in creased over the first month of last year. The first month enrollment this year was 2,669 and last year 2,535, and the attendance this year 2,455 or slightly ahead of last year’s at tendance of 2,421. Figures tabulated for enrollment and attendance in the Shelby schools this year show an increase over the first month last year. The enrollment increased from 2535 to 2669; the attendance from 2421 to 2455. The schools are listed below in the order of rank as based on per cent of enrollment in average daily attendance: Marion 96.9, Washington 96.5, Jefferson 96. Graham 95. High school 94.6, Morgan 91, Lafayette 90.5, Colored high 89, Colored ele mentary 62, and Zoar 76 per cent. Sixty Students At High School Attain Honor Roll Ranking Seven Pupils Make Grand Honor Roll With Perfect Attendance And Grades. Over at Central high school six ty children so lived and worked the first month of school that their names are Inscribed on the roll of honor. To be eligible for this roll of honor a pupil must meet the fol lowing requirements: Make an average grade of ninety per cent on all academic subjects studied, have perfect attendance except for two excused absences or tardies on account of Illness, and conduct him. self In such a manner as to bring no reflection upon himself, his parent or his school. Following the regular honor roll Is a special or grand honor roll of seven pupils who had perfect at tendance and who made a grade of “A" on all subjects studied. Eighth grade—Paul Arrowood, Ixn-is Dover, Griffin Holland, Rlch ard LeGrand, Colbert McKnight, Edward Post, Margaret Ford, Ruth Forbls, Bernice Miller, Jean Thomp. son, Lucile Whistnant, Cornelia Sparks, Edith Sanders, Thurman Moore, Ruth Smith, Maxine Cost ner, and Eloise Heffner. Ninth grade—Isabel Armour, Eliz abeth Thompson, Mary Sue Thomp son, Ethel White, Franklin Jenkins, Ida Mae Bridges, Ruth Edwards. Ora Hlott, Evelyn Smalley, and Paul Wray. Tenth grade—C. L. Austell, Hes sentine Borders, Mary Frances Ken drick. Helen Anthony, Annie Mae Bobblt, Elizabeth Blanton, Helen Bess, Mildred Camp, Lena Ham rick, Annie Lou Hoyle, Metilda Jenks. Mary Llneberger. Alice Goode King, Evelyn Short, Sara Thompson, Annie Lee White, Mil dred Weaver, Doyle Webb. George Blanton. Felix Gee, William In gram, John IrvJh, jr„ Sherrill Line berger, and May Lattlmore. Eleventh grade—Elsie Gidney, Gidney, Elizabeth Gidney, Marietta Hoyle. Elizabeth LeGrand, and Mil ' dred McKinney. Grand honor roll of perfect at tendance and scholarship: Eighth grade—Colbert McKnight, Edward post, and Margaret Ford. Tenth grade—Matilda Jenks. Mary Lattlmore, Sarah Thompson, and Felix Gee. MORE LOCAL NEWS WILL BE FOUND ON PAGE TEN OF THIS ISSUE. i. Aderholt Shot By Cops, Argue Beal Attorneys Own Men Carried Shotrnns. Hocy Makes Opening Speech For State Counsel. Charlotte, Oct. 17.—Declaration that the evidence shdwed O. V. Aderholt, Gastonia chief of police, was shot by one of his own offi cers was made today by T. A. Adams, defense attorney, in argu ments before the Jury in the trial of seven textile union members charged with second degree mur der in connection with the death of the police chief. Molding up the dead chief’s gar ments Adams roared: “Look at the clothes he wore. He was peppered with shot in the back from his head to his feet. The only way in which he could have been shot in that manner is by a sawed off shotgun and the only man on the ground that night that had one was one of his own officers.” In testimony during the trial Adam Hord, Gastonia plain clothes officer and one of four officers who accompanied their chief to the tent colony grounds of the Loray mill strikers the night Aderholt was fat ally wounded, had said he carried a sawed-off shotgun. Hord Had Sawed-Off Gun. Hord had further testified he went behind the union headquar ters building in search of a man he saw with a gun and was there when Aderholt was shot. The police chief received a mor tal wound the night of June 7 from a shot fired in the darkness after he and officers with him had been denied admittance to the union grounds by armed strikers. They had gone to the tent colony to in vestigate reports of disorders there. Newell Also Cites Clothing. Aderholt's blood-stained, bullet ridden clothing also received the at tention of the prosecuttng attorney in his arguments. Requesting the Jury to cast their eyes upon it, Jake Newell, prosecution attorney, said it was "proof of a conspiracy to mur der the police chief. “Shot in the back. Shot by cowards. Shot by murderers. ^ “Any answer to that? There can t be. Any shooting in front? No. The only shots he got were from the back and that’s the proof of con spiracy. A conspiracy dark as night, black as hell.” Four speeches were made to the jury during the day, the first by Clyde Hoey for the state: the sec ond by J. D. McCall, • of the de fense; the third by Newell and the fourth by Adams. Judge Barnhill today announced he might adjourn court tomorrow afternoon until Monday in order to have ample time to study the evi dence and prepare his charge. Hoey Opens Up For State, Attacking Beal Oratory Of Shelby Man Brings Tears To Eyes Of Two Ader holt Jurors. Charlotte. Oct. 17.—Smooth, piercing oratory of Clyde R. Hoc-y, for the state, and eloquent irony of Johnson D. McCall, for the defense, vied each other this morning In a forensic battle for the freedom cf the seven radical labor defendants in the Gastonia-Aderholt murder case in Mecklenburg superior court Fred Beal, chief of the seven de fendants, sustained a bitter at-ack by Mr. Hoey, indicating probably that the- state will make Beal the main point of its fire. The Shelby man exercised his powers of ridi cule in showing Beal as a shiver ing coward in hiding while his fel lows stood bravely on the line of battle. *'You can't have anything but (Continued on page ten.) The Policeman Pastor The Rev. R. R. Bach, of Wichita, Kan., who plays the dual role of policeman and pastor. His is six feet tall hnd weighs more than 200 pounds. During the week he pounds the pavements as a patrolman on the Wichita force and on Sunday he occupies the pulpit of the Brown Memorial Reformed Church. He is liberal in his views and states that he does not mind girls smoking, as long as they do not court Lady Nico tine in public. later national Nawtraa* Special Court To Hear Crash Suits On Dec. 2 Hearing To Be Held Unless Set tlements Are Made. Date For Term Changed. The special term of court which Is to be held here begtrihlhg Mon day, December 2 will be for the pur pose of disposing of the seven dam age suits filed in connection with the disastrous building crash in Shelby on A*ugust 28. last year, it Is learned at the court house in con nection. with the changing of the date for the special term. The term for hearing the bank crash suits and clearing up a con gested civil court calendar here but was changed early this month until the first week in December due to the fact that labor distur bances have taken up so much time of court officials in other sections. As the court calendar now stands the suits, centering around the catastrophe which cost a half dozen lives, will come up for disposal at that time unless settlements are made. Regular Term. The regular criminal and civil court term is to convene here Mon day, October 28. or one week from next Monday. Several killing cases are on this docket. Boxer Held For Murder Ha* Hoey For His Attorney When A, J. (Kid) Hornbuckle, boxer well known • throughout the Carolinas, goes on trial In superior court here two weeks from now for murder he will have Clyde R. Hoey, now engaged In the Aderholt hear ing at Charlotte, as his attorney. Hornbuckle Is charged with fatal ly injuring George Scruggs, a tex tile worker, with a stick of cord wood in east Shelby last February He escaped immediately after the alleged slaying and was captured only a few weeks ago in ' Georgia and has been in Jail here since. Quality Service Stores Assured Now In Shelby Section, Said Meeting Held Here Last Night At tended By Grocers From Ruth ford Towns. That a large numbei of the In dividual grdcers in Shelby and iur rounding section will combine with each other in becoming links in a cooperative grocery chain operated under the name of Quality Service Stores seems a certainty now fol lowing a meeting last night. The meeting attended by a score or more of grocers definitely on - dorsed the plan and decided to no'.d I another meeting next rhuisday I night at Forest City, *r which '-Iw*' the organisation will be fotniad. The plan Is that the group of gro cers will retain their own stores, but change the fronts and operate them as branches of the Quality Stores, all going together in *heir purchasing so as, they say, to com pete with the large chain stores and keep the home grocer In Busi ness. In addition to Shelby and Cle a land, county grocers in attendance at the meeting here last night there were grocers from Forest City, Rutherfordton, and Spindr.le. A representative of the national organization is now in Shelby inrl will open art o*'i>e here for the organisation of t stores in ihitf section * Cleveland Town Has Tax Rate Of Only 10c On $100 Valuation I.attimore perhaps enjoys the lowest tax rate of any Incorpor ated town in this section. Dr. R. L. Hunt, mayor, says since the sale of the municipally own ed light plant to the •Southern Public Utilities company for $15,500. the town's tax rate has been reduced from 50c to 10c on the $100 property valuation. The Southern Public Utilities company Is Improving the entire system at Lattlmore, setting new and taller poles and string ing heavier circuit wires throughout the town. Recently there was an election In which the citiren* voted almost un animously in favor of the sa'e of the municipally owned plant to the private corporation r.:td from the money derived from the sale the town's Indebtedness was paid off, leaving: sever.il thousand dollars In the town’s treasury. Mooresboro Is to vole soon on the sale of Its elertrtr plant to the Southern Public Utility for the sum of 115,500 and Indica tions are that the election will carry. F.llenboro, In the edge of Kutherford county sold Its plant some months ago and the plant Is undergoing Improvement. Low School Rating | Explained By Grigg Interesting Facts About County Schools Given fey School Head. Debt Is Low. In outlining the method of rating schools In the United States, Coun ty Superintendent Horace Grigg last night gave Interesting and startling facts pertaining to Cleve land county which ranks 81 in schools among the 100 counties In North Carolina. The facts were re vealed before the Kiwanls club meeting in the Woman's club room after the club had been driven from Cleveland Springs hotel by the recent fire. “There are ten points which de termine a county’s school efficien cy,” said Mr. Grigg and since Cleveland, which is first in so many points, yet is ninth from the bottom in the matter of schools, the ex planation as to the method of rat ing was very interesting. Ten Efficiency Points. In the first place the percentage of average daily attendance is cut down because there is a large per centage of tenants who are con stantly moving during the senool period in Cleveland county. Prom 1910 to 1926 the number of tenants in Cleveland Increased 27 per cent as compared with 1.7 per cent l-i Rutherford, 184 lh Catawba and 27.7 to Gaston. The average length of school term in 1927 in Cleveland was 128 days, in 1929 was 143 days against thastate average of 142. In the matter of training of teachers the county’s rank was 75 In 1927 and 1928. The percentage of enrollment in high school 1927 28 ranked Cleveland 71 as compar ed with other counties in the state. Not Advancing Fast. In 1927-28 51.8 per cent of the children were over-age. that is were not advancing in their grades as fast as they should. In the pay of teachers the coun ty ranks 84th among thfe counties or the state, the average pay being $712.40. The instructional cost jvr pupil In the county was $19.40. This compared with $27.12 in Ruther ford, $24.86 in Catawba and *29 in Gaston for the year 1927-28. In the matter of current expen ditures per pupil the county ranked 89th. while the current expendi tures per teacher was not given by Mr. Grigg. The value of school property ranked 90th. while the county ranked 39th In property valuation per school child. School Debt Low. Cleveland county's school in debtedness per capita was $40 as compared with $99.50 in Ruther ford, $62.75 in Catawba and $78.65 in Lincoln, said Jdf. Grigg. this county ranking 80th with the oth»r counties in North Carolina. “Our county has not gone in for stone and marble in building school hous (Continued on page ten.) This Man Has Potato Of Unusual Length ! A sweet potato resembling v»ry 1 much in form a long blacianske was being exhibited in Sheloy yes terday by H. E. Beattie, who liver east of Shelby on the Fallston road. The potato measured exactly two and one-half feet in length. Many Fans Here To Attend Big Contest A large number of Shelby and Cleveland county football fans are leaving today and early in the morning to attend the Carolina Georgia football classic at Chapel Hill. Due to Carolina’s victory over Georgia Tech and Georgia’s win over Yale Saturday's game at Car olina will have an important beur ing on both the Southern and nu-j »iona 1 gridiron ehampionsliips. I “Milky” Gold, Oak Ridge Star, Break* Jaw; Out For Year | Oak Ridge, Oct. 17.—“Milky’ j Gold, quarterback on the Oak ; Ridge Military Institute foot- j ball team, an all-southern grld der at Shelby High last year, suffered a fractured law In practice yesterday afternoon and Trill be kept out of the game the remainder of this season. News of this injury came as a heavy blow to Cadet supporters. Gold has been a flashy field gen eral and his loss will be felt In the Oak Ridge backfield. Flay con, Leaksrllle cadet,,Is expect ed to call signals In the future. The cadet eleven will leave tomorrow morning for Raleigh, where they win work out In the afternoon in preparation for the Rocky Mount game Saturday afternoon tgainst Hampton Sydney freshmen. Gold received his Injury dur ing scrimmage when he at tempted to recovrr a fumble. He was accidentally kicked In the jaw. No Plans Yet For Rebuilding Hotel; Blow For Lessees Martin And Beauregard Just Start ing Wide Advertising For Hotel When Fire Came. What is to become of Cleveland Springs? This question Is being ask ed by scores of people In and about Shelby, and so far there has been no definite answer from the men who control the property where the well-known hotel was destroyed by fire Tuesday night. Mr. O. M. Mull, secretary-treas urer of the hotel company. Is In Raleigh for the week-end, and any discussion of future plans will like ly carry over until he returns. Meantime stockholders are adverse to discussing possibilities of re building. Despite numerous bad breaks and handicaps it is generally known that the Cleveland Springs hotel, was a great asset to Shelby, one of the town's best advertisements, a gathering place ior civic meetings and such, and many Shelby people hope that by some method the hotel can be rebuilt. Good Era Ahead. From all indications the hotel was just facing what promised to be one of Its most successful periods. The lessees, Martin and Beauregard, of recent weeks had Just entered upon a wide advertising schedule for the hotel in addition to making ar rangements whereby the hotel property would be used in helping to defray operating expenses. The lessees were at the time of the fire erecting highway signs along the main north and south highways from Virginia to Florida, and they were, also, using a travel agency to boost the hotel and resort (Continued on page ten.) Shoe Shop Robbed 6th Time In 5 Years Burglars entered the Shelby Shoe shop of which J. O. Panther is proprietor on West Warren street last night, making the sixth time In five years this place has been entered by thieves. Entrance was gained by forcing open a window with tire tools. A quantity of shoes was stolen, The time the shop was entered a 200 worth of leather was stolen. Exposed Cult Activities C. R. Dabnefc, who, according to Mrs. Otis Blackburn, now under arrest in Los Angeles, Cal,# is the man who brought about the espose of the religious cult now being pur sued by the California police M ra. Blackburn is responsible for the story that Dabney “peached” on the j cult because the members refused to j let him assume the role of “Christ," whereupon he went to the authori ties with evidence that led to the dis covery of the body of Wills Rhodes, buried beneath the floor of her home. lBMrnkU«D»l N«w»**« ..—,—, ! Move Opening County Schools Back One Week Six Months Schools Not To Open I'ntil No*. 11 One To Late Opening Of Cotton. Between 2,500 and 2?700 students In the six months schools of Cleve land county will not start to school until Monday, November 11. a week later than the original date of No vember 4. which was set some time ago by the county board of educa tion. This was announced yesterday by J. H. Grlgg, county superintendent, as a ruling made by the school board this week. The moving back of the school opening for one week is due to the fact that the Cleve land county cotton crop Is several weeks late this year and the chil dren will be needed at home until that time to old in cotton picking. Others Picking. Twelve of the 14 eight months schools in the county have been closed for several weeks picking cot. ton, and the majority of these. It is understood will not reopen until either November 4 or November 11. This means that approximately 4, 000 children will remain In the cotton fields of the county for two to three weeks yet aiding In get ting out what promises to be a record crop. Boyer’s Last Day As Pastor Sunday The two sermons Sunday at Cen tral Methodist church will likely be the last In Shelby of Dr. Hugh K. Boyer as pastor of the church. Dr. Boyer has completed four years with the local church and ac cording to conference rules will be moved to another charge by &he Methodist conference which gath ers at High Point next Wednesday. There 1s a likelihood, however, that he may preach here once after Sun day as transferred pastors custo marily come back to preach on the Sunday following conference and before they move to their new charge. New $40,000 Fire-proof Freight Station For Southern Ry. Here To Be Erected At Early Date 59 Bolls • Make Pound Of CottoA The earlv October storms may have damaged the Clere. land county cotton, but they tailed to take all the quantity and quality from the crop which may bring a new pro duction record. M. M. Mauney, who farms the plantation of J. J. Mc Murry and son*, picked 100 bolls from one of his fields yesterday and brought them to town. The cotton from 59 bolls weighed exactly one pound, while the cotton from the 100 bolls together lacked four ounces of weighing two pounds. Cotton men usually figure that it takes between *5 and 100 bolls to produce a pound of lint. - —' " • ■■ ' — DePriest Sells Car Agency To Forest City Auto Deajers trank Iloggett And A. C*« Harrel son Open Oakland-Pontiac Agency on N. Morgan. Prank Doggctt and A. G. Harrel son, Forest City dealers lor the Oakland and Pontiac automobiles and operating a sales agency at Forest City under the name of The Arrow Sales company, have pur chased the Oakland-Ponttac agency from A. B. C. DePriest, who has been the representative for these cars and operating on S. Washing ton street at the A. B C. Motor Company. The deal was consum mated this week and Messrs. Dog gett and Harrelson have moved Into the Washburn building on N. Mor gan street In the store room former ly occupied by the Litton Motor Company, The Arrow 8ales Company, there fore, will maintain the agency for the Oakland and Pontiac cars, pro ducts of General Motors, at both Forest City and ShBlby. Mr. Tom Osborne, a well known local automobile salesman has be come sales mnnager for the Arrow Sales Company and entered upon his duties this week. Mr. Lee Improving After Having Hi* Arm Amputated Arm Badly Mangled In Cotton Gin Saw At PolkvtUe Last Friday. Reports from the Shelby hospital today stated that Mr. John Lee. of the Polkville-Lawndale community, was gradually Improving after the amputation of his arm which was badly mangled In a cotton gin saw at Polkville last Friday afternoon. Mr. Lee’s left arm was caught In the gin saw and practically cut to shreds. His life was thought to have been saved when he was pulled from the saw by his brother, Mr. Clem Lee. He was rushed to the hospital here and the mangled arm was am putated, after which he was given a blood transfusion. For several days he has been In critical condition, but today the reports from Ids bed side were more encouraging. Shelby Horse Win* Carl Hatchell’s horse. Brla Brou, which was a trotting winner at the Cleveland County Fair and also at the Cabarrus district fair at Con cord, continues to win races. At the Salisbury, fair yesterday the horse of the Shelby man placed first In the [2:16 trot. Killing Frost Predicted Before End Of October By Martin Grant Chester Weather Prophet Sees Early Frees. Will Be Warm Again In November. Chester,—Warning of the early arrival of killing frosts has been is sued by J. Martin Grant of Halsell ville, Chester county’s well known forecaster of weather variations, who claims that in 30 years he has never erred In predicting the time of Jack Frost’s arrival. Fanners having crops likeiy to be damaged by frost are advised by Mr. Grant to reap their harvest before October 29. as all astronoml- j cal signs and celestial portents in-j 4 dicate a heavy frost on October 29 or 30. “Storm diagrams show two per iods of disturbance" Mr. Grant said “one In the closing days oi October, the other during the first, week of November. Low barometric pressure will occur in the west on October 29 or 26, with a cold wave following the storm that will spread east ward, causing frost far Into the south. “A killing frost may reach tire south on or about October 29 or 30. tt wl’l probably turn wr.rmer in the diys of November, with in v loudlness, rains and wind, 'cl by colder weather. with ieavv ti.jst nlxuit November 4 to 6.” % Tearing Down Of Old Statl**« .Starts Today. Civic Clubs Get Action. As a result of the request of civic clubs of Shelby to officials of the Southern railway, a new $40,000 fireproof freight station will be erected here, workmen starting this morning to tear down the old sta tion. The suggestion that Shelby needs a new station was brought tc the attention of the civic clubs by John S. McKnight of McKnight and Co., wholesale grocers, who were big shippers. Quick action was had because the nedd of the hew sta tion was taken up direct with high officials. It is learned that Bowj^torf Go forth of Charlotte have the con struction contract and that this firm will begin work early next week or as soon at the present wooden station is dismantled. The new building will be 40x12$ fee:, built of brick, with tile roof and ce ment floors. An additional side track will be built and the freight yard paved from the freight station to the street, so that shippers can drive to the station in all kinds of weather. While Improvements afe under way, the freight depot will be in temporary quarters and the offlct will be at the passenger station. Taxes Pouring In Here Early Sheriff Allen OeUects Over $2,00* With Books Open Two Din One Big Foyer Fays. The majority of Cleveland county - citizens are not sluggards about paying their taxes although a small amount of property Is advertised for sale for unpaid taxes each year. Yesterday aftrttioon after having had the tax receipt books for 1939 in his possession only two days. Sheriff Irvin M. Allen had already collected approximately 92,900 in county taxes. Among the early tax payers Thursday was one farmer whose taxes totalled over $800. The 1929 notices were sent Out last wjek and early this week but the receipt books used by the Sher iff were not ready until Wednesday and for that reason no payments were received up until that time. Father Of John ML Best Passes Away Aged Father Of Local Furnitnn Dealer Passes Away At Franklin ton. Friends of Mr. John M. Best, lo cal furniture dealer, sympathise with him in the death of bia father W. M. Best, ago 73, who died at hie home at Frankllnton Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Best and children left Wednesday aftemoor for Frankllnton to attend the funer al services which were held ther* Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock Deceased was one of the oldeat anc most respected citizens of that city. He is survived by his widow anc five children, John M. Best, Shel by; William Best, Lumberton; Char les F. Best. Frankllnton; Mrs. J. H. , Ffnlator, Raleigh and Mrs. Nonle B Harris, Frankllnton. New Eating Place To Open Here Saturday Wayside Restaurant Opens In For mer Stand Of Bine Pupil Tea Room. The Wayside Restaurant, Qhelby s newest eating place, will open Odt urd&y morning In the Hoey build - ing on East Warren street, Jn th« l former location of the Blue Parrot 1 Tea Room, which closed early jj: . J | the week. _ The proprietresses of the Way-' side are Mrs. Alice Boland, who op erates the Piedmont cafe, and Mrs Tom Abernethy. In their announce ment Mesdames Boland and Aber nethy say that they will serve spe cial dinners and dinner parties it addition to operating a fuil-tinw restaurant. Although the formal opening ta not set until tomorrow ths new restaurant o'clock church his subject •he tin.

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