8 PAGES TODAY Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons By mall, per ywr On advance) J3J0 >_ _earner, pat year (lanimw 8U8 LA TE NEWS THE MARKET. cotton, per lb...17'4c Cotton Seed, per bu. ..._40 (*c MORE RAIN. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Rain tonight and possibly Tuesday morning Cooler Tuesday iis west portion. Seven Die By Gas. N, New York, Ort. 20.—A pan of water, which boiled over and ex* tinguished a gas jet of a kitchen stove today caused the deaths of a father and six children, three daughters and three sons, as they slept in their W’est 46th street apartment. Walter Cavanagh, 4?, private chauffeur, had failed to re port for work today and the garage where he kept his employer’s auto mobile called the apartment house to see if he had overslept. Knocking brought no response from the Cava nagb apartment. Samuel Briswick, whose apartment is on the same floor, smelled gas and, finding the Cavanagh's door locked climbed the fire escape and entered a window. He found Cavanagh and the chil dren—Ethel, 17; Catherine, 15; Rose, 13; Thomas, 11; George 9, and Walter, jr., 8, dead. To Form County Club On Friday Night In Meet Committee Named To Line Up Charter Members In Earh Township Of County, At a meeting to be held in the court house here Friday night, Oct. 25, at 7:30, a county club for Cleve land, similar to the club in Ruth erford, will be organized, according to a representative of the National Association of County clubs. At a preliminary meeting held here last week a committee was ap pointed to line up charter mem bers from each township of the county. The idea of the club ’s to have members from each town arid section, including the rural sections, in the entire county. The club is to meet once each month in a ban quet with the major aim of co operative building and boosting of the county. The committee to lifte up charter members is as follows by townships: No. 1 township, P C. Gardner; No. 2, C. S. Young; No. 3, Bill Mc Cord; No. 4, Sheriff Irvin Allen: No. 5. Maud Whitworth; No. 6. Lee B. Weathers and Bert Price; No. 7, Dr. R. L. Hunt; No. 8, A. M Hamrick; No. 9. Prof. W. G. Gary; No. 10. O. M. Mull, and No. 11, H. M. Loy. Cotton Market Cotton was quoted on New York exchange at noon today: Dec. 18 08. Saturday’s close: Dec 17.95. Tropical storm in Florida straits moving north apparently of'slijrht intensity, dull week in Worth St, p.rices unchanged. Goods market in Manchester for v/eek disappointing. Steadiness of market Saturday made a favorable impression. Flos sick says no increase in crop. it hedge selling lets up market shoulki turn up. CLEVENBURG. Mr. Andrew Lattimore of Brook lyn is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lattimore in the Sha ron section. PRESS RUN 5,048 These figures represent the press run of The Star for the last two issues. Now THE STAR goes into the homes of over 5,000 readers. Verily, The Star leads all of the 200 week ly papers in North Caro lina and 18 of the 38 dailies. Second Degree Verdict For 7 In Aderholt Case Record Cotton Picking Week Ginners Think More Cotton Taken Out Of Fields In County Last Week Than In Any Other. Hundreds of bales of cotton were picked in Cleveland county ' last week for what is believed to be Cleveland county's record cotton picking week—and perhaps a rec ord ginning week. also. Gin operators and leading farm ers in Shelby Saturday were of the opinion that more cotton was pick ed and taken to gins, or stored, lari week than any one week in the history of the cotton. Perfect Weather. An important factor in transform ing a big portion of the large coun ty crop from the boll to the bales was the weather. For the first en tile week since cotton began to open the weather was practicallv perfect. With one day of sunshine after another cotton opened rapid ly and farm families were in the white fields from early morning un til late in the evening. A little over a week back observers declared that cotton was being picked more slow ly than ever before. This was due, for the most part, to inclement weather and a late xrop made more so by the rainy period. But last week with the bolls bursting open over -the entire county and with thousands of school children ex cused from school to aid in the rush work a record amount of cot ton was picked, and with similar weather this week another record may be established. Find Portions Of A Marine Uniform At flings Mountain What Became Of Wearer Remains A Mystery After Several Weeks Time. What became of the young marine, portions of whose uniform were found in the woods near Kings Mountain near three w'eeks ago? That question is the latest mystery at Kings Mountain. A little over two weeks back the coat and cap of a United States ma rine uniform, both new, were found by the foot of a tree to the right of Highway 20 leaving Kings Moun tain to the east. But since that time authorities there have not been able to determine just where the uniform came from. There are two possible explanations about the uni forms—one that some marine de serted and abandoned his uniform there so as not to be caught, while the other is that a marine might have met with foul play while pass ing through the section. The first theory is considered the strongest, but at Kings Mountain no trace can be found of any youth there who might have joined the marines and later deserted. All the Kings Moun tain boys who have joined the ma rines in recent years are still in the service. Frcigh Depot Torn Down In 24 Hours In just 24 hours time the freight station of the Southern railway at this place was completely torn down and moved away to make ready for the new station, work on which war to start today. Boyd and Goforth of Charlotte are the contractors for the new station which is to be a fireproof building and cost about *35,000 to *40,000. How Cleveland Springs Looks Today. The photo above of vhat is left of Shelby’s widely known resort h otel was made on the day follow - inf the disastrous blaze. The vie w, made at the east end of the b nilding. shows the six white columns still standing on the right front, and in the foreground the beautiful shrubbery scorched and singed by the flames. (Star Photo by Ellis. 1 Those Going Crazy Over Politics Are Scored By Methodist Bishop 3,000 Paw One Corner In Hour Shelby’* busy fall shopping season added another rushing Saturday afternoon over the last week-end. Throughout the entire after noon and until 9 o'clock Satur day night parking space in any portion of the uptown business section was very difficult to find and the streets were thronged with shoppers. A count made on the First National bank corner, Warren and Lafayette streets, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon revested per minute being 95 people. Thousands Gather For Furniture Draw Twenty-Four Prises Given Away By Kester-Groome Furniture Co. Saturday. v A crowd estimated a.t between 2,500 and 3,000 gathered Saturday night at the Kester-Groome Fur niture Co. at the drawing for prizes estimated to be about $700 in value. This new store opened on Thurs day and in the opening announce ment it was stated that these prizes would be given away Saturday night at 8 o’clock. The visitors had writ ten their names on a card and dropped these cards in a box. Win ners had to be present when their names were called to get their prize. Mrs. Leroy Ledford was awarded a trunk, Mrs. Alice Lineberger a rug, Hulan D. Smith a bed spring, Tom Kendrick a smoking stand, Tom Brown a mattress. Dorothy Kendrick a card table, Mrs. W. H. Hudson a living room suit, Mrs. S. B. Wilson a rug, Lottie Fair a congoleum rug, Edwin Smith a smoking stand, W. T. Sparks a laundry heater, Willie Willis a par lor furnace, Mrs. Nora Page, a kitchen stool, Mrs. John H. Floyd an occasional chair. In addition to this 10 automobile baggage racks were given away. Post And Crawford New Rotary Members Ed Post, traveling salesman, and Jack Crawford, head of the Craw ford Chevrolet company, are newly added members of the Shelby Ro tary club. Since its beginning Shel by’s second civic organization has grown steadily and is now one rtf the ranking clubs in this district Republicans Plan To Build Up A “White” G. 0. P. Party In South Party Plans To Build Up Militant Organization In Each State. Atlanta, Ga.—A militant ‘‘white” Republican party, with membership limited, will be established in every state in the South, it is predicted by Judge E. L. Calloway, Florida Republican leader, who declared su<ji a reorganization would-* result "through or over” the present party. A movement to this end within the Southern Republican ranks. Judge Calloway said in a state ment here last night, has the sup port of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, the Anti-Saloon League and the Ku Klux Klan, A conference of white Republi can leaders to be held in Atlanta probably in December, with the view of organization a strong “lilly white” Georgia Republican party as a step in the South-wide movement was anounced from Washington by the judge early this week. • "The forces which in the last presidential race for the first time broke through the Solid South,” Jic said, “will unite to promulgate and quicken as a political factor tne principles advocated by them in the Hoover-Smith race." Asserting the South was ripe for a political revolution Judge Callo way forecast a South as solidly Re publican as the few England states | Ridicules Idea Of Reforming World By Resolutions. Haps Loose Morals. Richmond. Va„ Oct. 20 —Bishop Collins Denny in the Sunday ser mon of the 147th session of the Virginia annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, here, scored loose moral standards, Americans who censure the bootleg ger, “while they themselves break the laws of the land,” and “persons who go crazy over political con tests.” He referred to the “idea of some people, that the world can be re formed by resolutions.” and said “it can't be dons.” Hollowing' his sermon he said the action of the conference board of temperance and social service, which endorsed and pledged the unstinted support of the conference to Resi dent Hoover, the Anti-Saloon lea gue, the Woman’s Christian Tem perance union and other agencies for the suppression of liquor traf fic, had nothing to do with re marks made in his sermons. "We have standards in the state government, and in the national government,” Bishop Denny said, in! his sermon, “a great many people don’t like them. We need them. "The trouble is that so many choose the standards they want to follow. We can do more by the ex ample of our own actions than by all the resolutions you can pass. We think we can reform the world by resolutions,” he said. “We can’t. We never have done it. “We had a presidential contest last year over which some people went crazy. We are now having a gubernatorial contest over which some people have gone crazy. I don’t want to go crazy over any thing.” Bishop Denny s sermon was his last before the conference as its bishop. He is completing his fourth year as bishop of the district com prising the Virginia, Baltimore and West Virginia conference. Custom in the district prevents a bishop from presiding more than four con secutive years. He has beeto a bishop in the Methodist Episcopal church. South, since 1919, and recently celebrated his fiftieth anniversary in the ministry of the church. Boys Sell Souvenir Cards Burned Hotel Some folks.always manage to find a silver, or perhaps, a copper lining to all the dark clouds. All day Sunday three young Shelby boys were doing their best to realize a profit on the destruc tion by fire last Tuesday night of the Cleveland Springs hotel. The youngsters had secured somewhere several shoe boxes filled with photo postcards of the hotel and springs and were selling them as souvenirs to visitors and curious people who visited the scene or the charred walls and smoked columns Sunday. Business, they said late in the afternoon, had not been so hot. James Ross Dies. James Ross, 49 year old farmer of No. 5 Township died Saturday morn ing following a second stroke of paralysis and was buried Sunday al-1 temoon at 2 o’clock at Antioch Bap tist church just over the state line in South Carolina. Funeral service was conducted by Rev. C. J. Black of Kings Mountain. Mr. Ross lived In the Oak Grove community and is survived by his wife; five sons and two daughters. Beauregard Wants ^Cleveland Springs Rebuilt If Possible Hotel Operator Talk* With Mull And .Stockholder*, But No Plan* Hare Developed. The future of Cleveland Springs was talked over at a couple of week end conferences, but so far stock holders and interested parties are mum about prospects of rebuilding. Mr. Beauregard, of New York and Florida, partner of Henry Martin, who was operating the hotel when it burned, came here late last week end conferred with Mr. O. M. Mull, secretary-treasurer of the hotel company, and others, but just what stage the conferences reached has | not been made public. "Mr. Beauregard is very anxious to have the hotel rebuilt, and he sees a big future for it," Mr. Mull stated today, "but so far we haven't an idea just what course will be fol lowed.” \ Asked pointblank If he thought there was even a slight hope that the famous resort would be rebuilt Mr. Mull said; "I don’t know Can't tell yet" Free Gastonia Men In Flogging Affair Defense Argues "Whole Kidnaping And Beating” Framed By Radicals. Concord. Oct. 18.—Pour GAston county men were acquitted by a Cabarrus county jury today, follow ing 45 minutes of deliberation r,i charges of conspiracy to assault Ben Wells, British textile worker and communist labor organizer. Three were also on charges of nav ing perpetrated the assault. The charges were the outgrowth of an investigation made here re cently by Judge Thomas J. Shaw pf Greensboro Into alleged anti-com munist mob activity in Gaston, Mecklenburg and Cabarrus counties which included the alleged whip ping of Wells. Trial of the case started before Judge A. M. Stack Thursday and introduction of testimony was com pleted today. Judge Stack charged the jury early this afternoon and adjourned court .at two o'clock for lunch and deliberate. The jury went to the jury room at 2:35 o’clock and 46 minutes later an nounced they had agreed upon a verdict. "Not guilty,” declared *hc foreman as the nameof each de fendant was called. Those Acquitted. Those acquitted of the charges of assault and conspiracy are: A. G. Morehead, superintendent of Loray mill in Gaston where communist labor union activity started las*. April; Carl Holloway and Dewey Carver, employes at Loray mill and Horace Lane, overseer at Myers mill in South Gastonia. The men were accused of nelnq in a mob that took Wells, C. M. Leli and C. D. Saylors from a boarding house In Gastonia, through Char lotte and Mecklenburg county *o a poirtt eight miles east of Concord and there thrashed Wells. Miss Louisa Fortune Buried On Suhday Miss Louisa Jane Fortune who died Saturday at the home of Ros coe Bridges in No. 2 township where she made her home, was bur ied Sunday afternoon at Mount Le banon Baptist church in Ruther ford county tfhere she joined as a young girl. Miss Fortune was the daughter of Pleasant Fortune and was-67 years, 10 months and 10 days . Local Negroes Behave Well At Fair; 2 Jailed or IS Arretted At Fair Grounds Only Two Were Local Men. Fire Eater Arretted. A survey of the county court blot- ] ter here today right on the heels of { the Cleveland County Colored Fair pays a tribute to orderliness of Cleveland county colored people. During colored fair week 35 peo ple were placed in the county Jail here, 15 of’ them being arrested at the fair grounds, and of the 15 only two were Cleveland county negroes, the others arrested being sftowmen and visiting negroes. According to Deputy Bob Ken drick, detailed by Sheriff Allen to patrol the fair grounds, the five-day assemblage of colored people was far more law-abiding than was an ticipated and in behavior the local negroes were exceptional. Good Attendance. The fair drew no record attend ance during the day. programs, for it is cotton picking time in Cleve land county and the colored people were engaged during the week in changing the color of the cotton fields, but on Friday and Saturday nights the fair drew 'its record crowds with the Saturday night crowd being somewhat in the lead. Between five and six thousand peo ple passed through the gates Friday night with Saturday night's attend ance being estimated around 1,500. A" feature Saturday, which drew many white people to the fair grounds was a football contest be tween the colored elevens of Salis bury and Charlotte, the Salisbury eleven staging an easy win. Back Home To Jail. Some years back Clarence Mur ray, local colored boy, learned, per haps by guzzling alcoholic substitut es. that he had a sheet-iron stom ach and he Joined » show as a freak eater of fire and broken glass. The show playing the colored fair here last week happened to be the show Clarence was eating gloss and fire for. and Clarence was bock home today he is even more one of the home-comers as he is residing in a cell at the county jail not a hundred yards away from his old home on "Jail alley." Sometime Saturday one of the showmen missed a valuable suit of clothes and a suitcase. Suspicion pointed to Clarence and police Chief McBride Poston located the suit and bag in the home of one of Clarence’s relatives. Then the search started for Clarence. Saturday night the police chief heard that there was a colored man down South La Fayette street "lit up" on an alco holic substitute, raising a rucus, and guzzling the hot fluid os if it were Ice water. An investigation revealed that It waa Clarence. To his stomach toughened with broken glass and fire, rubbing alcohol was Just a soother, but because of the soothing potion he is being tried in county court today for public drunkenness and larceny. Fields Young, jr„ who is a stud ent at McCallie school for boys at Nashville, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H F. Young. Mr. Sam Thomas and Miss Annie Thomas, of Ridgeway. S. C., spent the week-end with Mr. Thomas’ daughter, Mrs. Frank Kendall. Shelby Has 1,224 'Phones Operating ' Hello fir!# in the Shelby of fice of the Southern Bell Tele phone company must hove food memories m well as pleasant voices and food looks—they have to remember 1.J34 num bers. That's how many telephones are In operation now in Shelby, accordinf to Sam Gault, Bell manafer here. Ninety-two telephones have been Installed here since Janu ary 1, Manafer Gault says, flvlnf a food Idea of the town's irrawth, while orders are in the’ manafer'# office now for 35 more telephone Installations. Mrs. J. D. Hicks Buried Sunday Prominent Woman Of SL Peters Church Died In Lincolnton Hospital, Age 59. One of the most beautiful floral displays ever seen at 8t . Peters church was a tribute to Mrs. J. V. Hicks who was buried there Sun day afternoon beside her husband who preceded her to the grave 18 months ago. Mrs. Hicks was ono of the most beloved women of that community and her death was a source of great sorrow to her many friends. She passed away Saturday morning at 5 o’clock In the Lin colnton hospital at the age of 56 years and ten months. Mrs. Hicks before marriage was Miss Jane Ramsey and is survived by two brothers Enos and ’Billy Ramsey, one of Gaston and the other of Rutherford county. The funeral was conducted bv Rev. J. W. Fitzgerald, assisted by Rev. J. M. Morgan of Fallstoo and a large crowd was present Deceas ed is survived by ten children: Austin Hicks of Fa 11ston, Mrs. Can* Mull, Mrs. Yates Harrelsop and Mrs. L. L. Smith of Shelby. Mrs. Johnnie Hoyle, Clyde Hicks. Roy Hicks. Ruby Hicks and Dwight Hicks of R-l Bel wood. McCIuti Hicks of Morganton. Standard And Gulf Erecting 4 Stations Work Haa Commenced On Four Modern Gee Service Stations In Shelby. Work is now underway on four modern gas service stations, two being erected by the Standard Oil company of New Jersey and two by the Qulf Refining company for which the Royster Oil company are local distributors. The old Lineberger dwelling at the corner of DeKalb and Warren street lias been moved back and on this site will be erected a handsome station for Oulf products. Work commence today on the erection of a modem service Oulf station at the corner of Sumter and N. T.a Fayette streets, on the lot belong ing to Paul Webb and O. M Mull and adjoining* the Kester-Grnome Furniture company. The two new Standard stations will be similar to Standard stations in other cities and are being erect ed on the lot bought from Frank L. Hoyle at the convergence of War ren and Marion streets, East, and on the lot purchased from Rush Thompson on West Warren street. Mexico Gives Husbands Right To Kill Man Who Takes Wife Mexico City.—A father has the right to kill his daughter and her seducer in cases where the irl sacrifices her honor, accordinj to the terms of the new penal code drawn up under extraordinary pow • ers granted to President Portes Gil by congress. The code is now ap pearing in instalments in the Of ficial Gazette. The code also says that the hus band who kills his wife’s partn t in a marital offense shall not be pun ished. The same holds true for the wife against the husband. The code stipulates, however, that the Killer shall go without punishment only if it is the first time he has hilled for that reason and only if the victims are caught in the act or are about to commit it. Persons Involved in differences which have brought about a chal lenge to a duel must appear Difore a tribunal of honor, which will try to bring about a reconciliation but will have no power to sanction the duel. On the side of social welfare, the code provides that habitual drunk ards be placed in aanitoriums for cure. The transfer of venereal dis ease is made punishable and treat ment obligatory. Persons with auch a disease will not be permitted to marry. Although the penal code was drawn up to become effective Dec. 15, Its publication in the Gazette has raised the question whether it does not become automatically effective. No official announcement has been made.. The code abolishes the death pen alty and replaces the Jury system with one of trial by groups of alien ists and other experts. Beal And Pah Face Long Term In State Prison Mecklenburg Jury Bring* IK Verdict In Only 50 / Minutea. (Special to The Star.) Charlotte. Oct. 21.—Fred Beal and his six companions were declared guilty of se&md degree murder in the slaying of Police Chief Aderholt of Gastonia by a Mecklenburg jury shortly after noon today. Sentence has not as yet been passed, or, rather, had not at 1:15. The Mecklenburg jury which re turned a speedy verdict in the case attracting nation-wide attention was only out of the court room 30 minutes before returning. Out At 11:13. At 11: IS this morning Judge Barnhill had completed his charge and the jury left the room to debate upon a verdict. Fifty minutes later, or at 12:06. the jury filed back la the room with the second dttree murder verdict. There was thres Possible verdicts: second degree murder, manslaughter, or not guil ty. The second degree verdict carries with it a sentence in prison from two to thirty years, and geoeral estimates soon after verdict was that the sentence would be f-om five to 10 yeets. The verdict as returned was against all of the seven defendants: Fred Beal. Clarence Miller, K. V. Hendricks, William McGinnis, Leu's McLaughlin, Joseph Harrison and George Carter, all union leaden or strikers. Mem Is Cease. In rendering the verdict the jury informed Judge Barnhill that it had not as yet reached a decision to re gards to the assault charge also preferred against the seven because of the attack upon Policeman Gil bert, Roach and Ferguson. After receiving the other verdict Judge Barnhill sent the Jury back »o bring a verdict in the assault, cue. Rutherford Fair Opens On Tuesday Will Continue Through Saturday. Fireworks Display On Each Nlghi. Rutherfordton. Oct. 21—T h t ninth annual Rutherford count> fair will open here Tuesday anC continue through Saturday. Several thousand school children are expected to attend the fair oe the opening day to see the foot ball game between the Central and Cliffside high schools, which will be played at the fair ground: Tuesday morning, and to take part In athletic games Tuesday after noon. Features scheduled for Wednes day and Thursday afternoons in clude horse and mule races. Frizes totalling $3,000 are ^ftered, and many wen known racers will com pete for the purses. An elaborate display of fireworks will be given each night. ' Large delegations from Cleve land, McDowell, Polk. Henderepn, Burke and Spartanburg counties are expected to attend the fair. Forest City Man Is Hurt In Crash Today Just after 1 o’clock today Folic# Chief Poston and Sheriff Irvin Al len were notified by telephone from Forest City to be on the watch for Chevrolet car, driven by two young men, which bad just featured in as serious wreck there. According to the telephone message the Ghevro# let drove around a car driven by Jade McKinney, of Forest Cltsv sM caused McKJney’s car to crash head-on with a Coca Colo true?: McKinney was thrown through the truck and was badly cut. Shelby Mill Erects Hall For Club Work A two-story building, the tint floor to be und for club work, i» being erected at the Shelby Cotton Mills. The hell on the first floor, when complete, it hr announced will be used for meetings of the Sewing club and the Textile club and other gatherings of pin **• ployes. Heretofore have t^een held in a hall of the stores near the mill. wPBMPp’' aver <nm ft ' 4

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