CORNELL GETS *20,000 GIFT LETTERS SIGNED L. D. ANON’ Ithaca, N. Y—A unique gift to Cornell University was announced by President. Farrand A typewritten letter signed "L. H. Anon” contained a draft tor *20,000 draw on a New York bank and requested that the gift be Rep lied to the general funds of the un versity. The donor expressed the j wish that "this gift remain entirely : anonymous- and gave no clue to his 1 Identity. While the university would like to express its appreciation to its un known friend, his wishes will be res pected and no attempt will be made to trace the gilt to its source. * Cornell has had many gifts where anonymlte was requested but this j is the first time on record where the | university has been ufiable to trans mit its thanks to the donor of a con siderable sum. " ADMINISTRATOR 8 NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Mary Ledford Blanton, deceased, late of Cleveland county, North Carolina, this Is to j notify all persons having claims j against the estate of said deceased i to exhibit them to the undersigned! at Lawndale. N C , on or before the 14th day of October, 1930., or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment, This the 12th day of October, 1929 C. M. LEDFORD. AdmlnWtra tor of the Estate of Mary Led ford Blanton, deceased. Newton & Newton.. Attys. A Well Baby Is A Happy Baby Dr. Thornton’s Easy Teethar It used to destroy the germs that cause stomach and bowel diseases of teething babies and older children. It acts cm the Liver, Kidneys, etc., ridding the blood and system of Impurities. Pleasant to take as loaf sugar. Contains no opiates. Bold taT druggists or sent direct for 25c. ■AST TEETHER MEDICINE CO., Westminster, 8. C. WHEN CHILDREN Need a Laxative "w* am sm Thedford'a Black-Draught in oar family for nineteen yeare. I have found It of grant help in rais ing my family. "I have given it to all aix of my children. Whenever they complain of up a at stomach, or begin to loo* p«o and sick hr, I make a tea of Black Draught and begin giving it to them. In a day or two they are all right "I give it to them for constipation. and my hus band and I both take it I always give it for colds in winter, for I believe a way to prevent them ia to keep the system dean."—Mrs. Dosbie Terry, 1206 4th Ave* Decatur, Ala. •bwU tali. CARDUl hi -BILLIARDS Cleveland Cigar Store Hotel Charles Bldg., Corner Trade and W. Warren SU. .. * — Or. Charlie H. Harrill — Dentist — . Office in Judge Webb Bldg. \ Qver Stephenson Drug Co. Office Phone 530, Residence b3'i SHELBY, N. C. L—— ^pii iiin.wi.M‘riC [|ij|i' i ~ hi i i ,J DR. H. C. DIXON DENTIST Office Over Woolworth’s. . TELEPHONE *95 -- ... ■ .. ... *) Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By RENN DRUM A READER. CLAIMING TO BE A REGULAR CUSTOMER OF) these typewriter tracks, notes that the American public spends a million j dollars a week on chewing gum, and then adds ‘ and out of that Bill I Wrigley couldn't gqt enough to win more than one game from the | Athletics.” A pretty punchy pun, partner jo u might help us plug up this white j 'Pare some tthie again. I—-—.-...i Por those holding p similar poli tical philosophy the colyum would inlorm that last week's Collier's had a nice little article entitled “Seesaw Simmons ’’ As we recall lit; lives down about Newbern, this state, and did or didn't do some thing during the last elect ion. Thanks, Bub. That, so-labelled colyum you write to me isn't so hot. And t ight often sensible people term it Just so much rot. -Bub Buncombe. And as a potet the anonymous Bub doesn't seem to have any more heat than this spasm does aa a spasmist. AND WHILE OTHER POLKS are being quoted it is recalled that the following statement wfts heard on a Shelby street last week: "Well, l notice that Governor Gardner never sends his personal counsellor, Judge Townsend, to in vestigate any of the football games for him.” And that remark, our guess Is was spawned by the recollection that the governor did not give the man who made the statement a job as supreme court Judge—or as sanitary inspector, No Need Of It. Last year, as memory serves, the Shelby srhool board regulated that none of the local school marnv; !houid stay out with their sheik friends In a huddle party after midnight, for tear that such dis sipation might hamper their teach ing ability on the following day. This year the srhool board passed no such regulations, and from vari ous and sundry reports such a reg ulation would be entirely unneces sary this year. When Supt. B, n Smith gets through working his teachers during the day. these v. end s. reports have it,, they’re Teady to hit the hay long before "tho stroke of 12—even if John Gilbert were on hand and needed little curls twisted in his appealing moustache. & y _ ' * " T ONE THING SURB. WHEN Squire Cling Eskridge gets tired of this world, and we hope itNl h" many years before he tires, the peo ple of No. 7 township should erect a monument honoring- his loyalty to his home section. Every taxpay ing season lie faithfully reminds tlie "boys* about the sheriff's of fice that ‘‘old No. 7" always - --„ u, .. A,W **"•**Sift? *>«■.< « —■ T. * ifim— THE WORLD’S LARGEST MOTORIZED 25and50c CIRCUS SHOW LOCATED ON WEST WARREN ST. We Never DISAPPOINT POSTPONE DIVIDE