CORNELL GETS *20,000 GIFT LETTERS SIGNED L. D. ANON’ Ithaca, N. Y—A unique gift to Cornell University was announced by President. Farrand A typewritten letter signed "L. H. Anon” contained a draft tor *20,000 draw on a New York bank and requested that the gift be Rep lied to the general funds of the un versity. The donor expressed the j wish that "this gift remain entirely : anonymous- and gave no clue to his 1 Identity. While the university would like to express its appreciation to its un known friend, his wishes will be res pected and no attempt will be made to trace the gilt to its source. * Cornell has had many gifts where anonymlte was requested but this j is the first time on record where the | university has been ufiable to trans mit its thanks to the donor of a con siderable sum. " ADMINISTRATOR 8 NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Mary Ledford Blanton, deceased, late of Cleveland county, North Carolina, this Is to j notify all persons having claims j against the estate of said deceased i to exhibit them to the undersigned! at Lawndale. N C , on or before the 14th day of October, 1930., or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment, This the 12th day of October, 1929 C. M. LEDFORD. AdmlnWtra tor of the Estate of Mary Led ford Blanton, deceased. Newton & Newton.. Attys. A Well Baby Is A Happy Baby Dr. Thornton’s Easy Teethar It used to destroy the germs that cause stomach and bowel diseases of teething babies and older children. It acts cm the Liver, Kidneys, etc., ridding the blood and system of Impurities. Pleasant to take as loaf sugar. Contains no opiates. Bold taT druggists or sent direct for 25c. ■AST TEETHER MEDICINE CO., Westminster, 8. C. WHEN CHILDREN Need a Laxative "w* am sm Thedford'a Black-Draught in oar family for nineteen yeare. I have found It of grant help in rais ing my family. "I have given it to all aix of my children. Whenever they complain of up a at stomach, or begin to loo* p«o and sick hr, I make a tea of Black Draught and begin giving it to them. In a day or two they are all right "I give it to them for constipation. and my hus band and I both take it I always give it for colds in winter, for I believe a way to prevent them ia to keep the system dean."—Mrs. Dosbie Terry, 1206 4th Ave* Decatur, Ala. •bwU tali. CARDUl hi -BILLIARDS Cleveland Cigar Store Hotel Charles Bldg., Corner Trade and W. Warren SU. .. * — Or. Charlie H. Harrill — Dentist — . Office in Judge Webb Bldg. \ Qver Stephenson Drug Co. Office Phone 530, Residence b3'i SHELBY, N. C. L—— ^pii iiin.wi.M‘riC [|ij|i' i ~ hi i i ,J DR. H. C. DIXON DENTIST Office Over Woolworth’s. . TELEPHONE *95 -- ... ■ .. ... *) Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By RENN DRUM A READER. CLAIMING TO BE A REGULAR CUSTOMER OF) these typewriter tracks, notes that the American public spends a million j dollars a week on chewing gum, and then adds ‘ and out of that Bill I Wrigley couldn't gqt enough to win more than one game from the | Athletics.” A pretty punchy pun, partner jo u might help us plug up this white j 'Pare some tthie again. I—-—.-...i Por those holding p similar poli tical philosophy the colyum would inlorm that last week's Collier's had a nice little article entitled “Seesaw Simmons ’’ As we recall lit; lives down about Newbern, this state, and did or didn't do some thing during the last elect ion. Thanks, Bub. That, so-labelled colyum you write to me isn't so hot. And t ight often sensible people term it Just so much rot. -Bub Buncombe. And as a potet the anonymous Bub doesn't seem to have any more heat than this spasm does aa a spasmist. AND WHILE OTHER POLKS are being quoted it is recalled that the following statement wfts heard on a Shelby street last week: "Well, l notice that Governor Gardner never sends his personal counsellor, Judge Townsend, to in vestigate any of the football games for him.” And that remark, our guess Is was spawned by the recollection that the governor did not give the man who made the statement a job as supreme court Judge—or as sanitary inspector, No Need Of It. Last year, as memory serves, the Shelby srhool board regulated that none of the local school marnv; !houid stay out with their sheik friends In a huddle party after midnight, for tear that such dis sipation might hamper their teach ing ability on the following day. This year the srhool board passed no such regulations, and from vari ous and sundry reports such a reg ulation would be entirely unneces sary this year. When Supt. B, n Smith gets through working his teachers during the day. these v. end s. reports have it,, they’re Teady to hit the hay long before "tho stroke of 12—even if John Gilbert were on hand and needed little curls twisted in his appealing moustache. & y _ ' * " T ONE THING SURB. WHEN Squire Cling Eskridge gets tired of this world, and we hope itNl h" many years before he tires, the peo ple of No. 7 township should erect a monument honoring- his loyalty to his home section. Every taxpay ing season lie faithfully reminds tlie "boys* about the sheriff's of fice that ‘‘old No. 7" always <eads the way in taxpaying., indicating thereby the dependable and staunch citizenship of the section. Fellows who migrated from Nos. 9. 10. 11 and other townships just as faith fully argue with him lor their sec tions, but, when the arguments»gtf warm Squire rails on the sheriff to pull nut the tax books and let die figures talk. Who's The Champion? Yo-yos are still selling bv the gross in Shelby, and many chubby Stomach Trouble If you suffer from gas. bloating, heartburn, acid, or sick stomach, bcacuse of dyspesia. try Uie Oioten 15 Minute Test. Absoluately harm less. Works fast. Five positive di gestive aids in pleasant tablet form. No soda, dopes or laxative. Get Diotex from your druggist for only 60c. Try it. See how fast It works. Money back if It doesn’t give stomach comfort in 15 minutes, and soon help restore good diges- | tion. ~ I y<tia I . IMnkham's \i'di’labk* (ompoomi Women Suffering Bladder Irritation i If functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your sleep, or causes Burn ing or Itching Sensation, Backache, Leg Pains, or fauscular aches, mak ing you feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the Cyatez 48 Hour TeBt? Don’t give up. Get Cyatez today at any drug store. Put it to the test. See for yourself how quickly It works. Money back if It doesn’t bring quick improvement, and satisfy you completely. Try Cyatez today. Only 60c, r faced children recently have been receiving extra Ice cream cones :o permit their dads and mothers to play with their toys. The latest riv al of the Yo-yo is the Ro-ro top And since the yo-yo craze has Shel by yoing around on its head, what about staging a yo-yo yoing cham pionship on the court square? A couple of school superintend ents have been telling us lately what is wrong with our schools. We don't kno^-, fcfr from the failure standpoint the same tire, apoar ently, was flat in the school we at tended. But we notice that a test paper handed in by a ninth-grad-v spelled the name of the subject on which the test was given as “aleger ba.” Perhaps it’s because a new subject like that is In the curri culum. * Electric Current Bill Cut Two Bil lion A Year. Science Due Pub lic Support. Research in the industries is accomplishing; enormous savings to the public, General John .1. ('arty, , vice president of the American Telephone and Tel egraph company declares in a foreword to a collection of Pop lar Engineering Foundation, the research organization of the ma - jor engineering societies. “It is sometimes instructive 'o ap praise the value of scientific re search, in pecuniary terms,” General Carty says. “For example, take me very great improvements in electric power and electric lighting which have been made by the industrial scientists during the last twenty-five years. Helps Human Achievement. ‘‘Were it not for these improve ment* tlje bid which the public is now paying for electric current would be greater by more than 000,000.000 a year. A similar story could be told p| the results of scien tific research conducted on the tele phone industry and in the chemicii and metallurgical Industries - "But the higher values of scienM ■ fic research must be stated in tirms of human achievements, the elimi nation of poverty and disease, the advancement of learning, the growth of right, living and good understand ing among men. Scientific research is indispensable to the attainment of all these ends. “According to the vision of science life must no longer be regarded ns a struggle among men for a limit ed store where one mans gain or' one nation's gain must be another's loss. Under the banner of scientific research we are asked to join with our feliow-men utilizing the bound less forces of nature. Such is the message of 'Research Narratives.' Pleads For Support. “American business and commerce and industry and the American pub lic should be urged to give a scien tific research in our universities and else-where that support which it so greatly needs. ‘Science, -aid Pasteur, is the soul of the prosperity of nations and the living source of all progress.' “For all of the benefits which it confers upon us science asks only that we provide its zealous workers with the opportunity to multiply their efforts in our behalf. “The progress of scientific re search in our country depends in the last analysis, upon the support which it receives from the pufciic. "There is no lack of problems to be solved, all of which in one way or another, affect the welfare of the nation, and there will be no lack of competent scientific investigators who will solve'them ir the necessary financial support la provided. Highball Good For Old Folks, He States Chicago.—Moderate use of alcohol during or after middle age was rec ommended by Dr. Edward Martin of Philadelphia, former president of American college of surgeons, at the Uth annual clinical congress here Dr. Martin said he emphatically dis approved use of alcohol by younger persons. “Liquor prolongs life and adds to its joys,” observed Dr. Martin, who is white haired and 70. "but it must be used moderately.” “When a man is fatigued, one high ball is an excellent tonic, but .it must not be too vhigh'. when. you have had a drink, you have had enough.'* PATROL HEAD FOR LICENSED DRIVERS IN NORTH CARDli Should Have Law For Klimination Of Incompetent Drivers And System Checking:. Raleigh.- After three to have an individual driver's license, way pa trol. during which some 50,000 cats have been stopped for violations cf some*sort, mostly for incorrect lighting, and more than 1,000 arrests made, the outstanding need is for a state-wide drivers' license law, ac cording to Captain Charles D. Farm er, commander of the patrol. No matter how vigilant the patrol men may be. how many cars they may stop or how many drivers they may arrest, until there is a drivers’ license law through which tne pa trolmen cap check up on violations, there will continue to be dangerous and reckless driving, according fo Captain Farmer. If there was a law' compelling every driver to have an individual driver’s license thejj it would be possible for a patrolman and for the highway patrol gener ally to keep track of the motorists stopped and warned, and see how many of these became "repeaters” —that is, how many are habitual violators Of the motor laws. But under the present law's there is no way to check up on “repeaters. ’ Although the report for Septem ber is not yet quite complete, the figures from eight of the nine hien way districts show that 17.533 auto rpoblles were stopped and warned during September and that 444 driv ers were actually arrested, according to Captain Farmer. But there was no way of telling how many, if any of these, had ever been stop ped and warned before, though it is possible to check up on the arrests. However, one thing can be done that is not being done that will be a great benefit to the state, ac cording to Captain Farmer. And that is if the cities and towns, re quiring drivers’ licenses will com pel every applicant to demonstrate his or her ability to drive an auto mobile before issuing these licenses, and require the police department to see that no one drives a car in any of these cities and towns with out a driver’s license. "At the present time, these mu nicipal drivers’ licenses are purely revenue-raising propositions, arid it is only necessary to pay the *1 or $2 for the card and license tag to get the license,” said Capt. Farmer, “as no effort Is made to examine the ability of the applicants to actually drive automobiles. As a result, these drivers’ licenses arc meaningless and of no value ex cept that they produce revenue "If however, each city and town that now requires such licenses would actually carry out the spirit of the law and require each ap plicant to prove his or her ability to drive an automobile before issuing a license, and then require the police departments to strictly en force the law, this alone would c’im inate nearly 50 per cent of the care less and dangerous driving in the state and go a long way toward making the streets and highways safe.” Indications are, however, that the Trustee’s Sale. , By virtue of the power and au thority vested in me as trustee in a certain deed of trust, executed the 16th day of March, 1928, by Ida Al lison Humphries to secure an in debtedness to J. A. McCraw, which deed of trust is recorded in book 152. page 12, of the office of the register for Cleveland county, N. C„ and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness, thereby secured, and demand hav ing been made upon me to execute the trust, I will sell to the highest bidder at the court house door in Slielby. on, Monday, November 4, 1939, at 12 o’clock. or within legal hours, the following described real estate to-wit: All that certain parcel of land situate in Cleveland county, North Carolina, In No. 1 township, adjoin ing lands of S. Bridges, Kester Hamrick, A. G. Humphries. Estate of Plato Allison, and others; con taining 16.62 1-2 acres of land more or less. Being a portion of the land conveyed to Ida Allison by Plato Allison, Commissioner, In deed dat ed January 11, 1912, and recorded in office of register of deeds for Cleveland county. North Carolina, in book 3-P. page 225. This the 28th day of September, 1929. B. T. FALLS, Trustee. POSITIVE RELIEF Opens nostrils, checks head pains clean head, note and throat. First treatment proree it A Physician’s Prescription. L—SI-JsUK Jt. {mildmr §trvngth) 1*r various municipalities will continue to regard thqir drivers’ license or dinances merely as revenue raising measures until the state passes a drivers’ license law. It will be remembered that the highway patrol bill introduced in the 1929 general assembly soon sored by the Carolina Motor club, called ior a state-wide drivers’ license, which would have financed the patrol. But the general assem bly was afraid of the political ef fect of this part of the bill end finally adopted the miniature pa trol bill in which the state high way commission would bear the en tire cost of the highway patrol. It Is believed now, however, among those who have followed the prog ress of the present patrol, that the next general assembly will not only materially increase the size of the patrol, but that it will also add a requirement for a state-wide driv ers’ license. In order to give the patrol an adequate check on high way violations and In order to elim inate those who are physically, mentally or temperamentally un fit to drive automobiles. He Liked It. i _ There was a worried look on the grocer’s face as he raced, hatless, down the street, and ran up the steps of a suburban home. "I'm sorry to say there’s been a slight mistake, Mrs. Grumm,” he panted. ‘‘You ordered two pounds of oatmeal yesterday and, by mis take, my apprentice put up some sawdust that our grapes came pack ed in.” The lady leaned back on the door post and for fully three minutes in dulged in a laugh that brought all her neighbors to the rescue. "Well, that's downright funny.” she ob served when she could speak. "Funny?” queried the grocer, “Yes, funnyl Here we’ve been married 12 years and my husbard has never paid me a compliment till this mortiing at' breakfast, when blest if he didn’t pass his plate for Another of that sawdust, and told me it reminded him of the porridge his mother used to make’” They’re Cute, Anyway. Peeved Dad: "I can see right through your chorus girl's intrigue, my son.” Loversick boy: "I know. Dad, but they all dress that way these days.” DON’T MUZZLE Your insistence on high quality gas and oil at the lowest price within reason. To try SINCLAIR GAS and OPALINE OIL is to prove to your own satisfac tion the advantages of sup eriority in both quality and purity. Sinclair Gas and Opaline Oil is more than you expect in every re spect. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors Thomas Hilton, 16, of Mattoon, 111., was fined $50 for fastening a lighted paper to a cat’s tail. Commissioner’s Sale Of Land. Under and by virtue of an order of the superior court made in spe cial proceedings, entitled “D. P. Wright and wife, S. J, Wright vs. W. J. Wright and others,” the under signed commissioner will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder on the premises of the late R. H. Wright on the 9th day of November, 1929, at 12 in. the following described lots of land: Lot No. 1: Beginning at an iron stake, Will Wright’s comer, and run ning thence N. 13 east 65 poles to a stake in old road; thence south 85 west 47 1-4 poles to a stake; thence north 89 1-2 west 18 poles to a stake in old road; thence north 25 3-4 west 35 1-2 poles to a stone or chestnut comer; thence south 84 1-2 east 53 poles to a stone; thence south 3 1-4 west 21 2-3 poles to an iron stake; thence north 89 1-2 east 15 1-2 poles to the place of beginning, containing 18 1-2 acres, more or less. Lot No. 2: Beginning at a stake in the old road, second corner of lot No. 1 above, running thence north 13 east 82 3-4 poles to an iron stake; thence north 88 east 65 poles to an iron stake in the old line; thence north 13 1-2 east 72 1-2 poles to a willow stake in branch; thence up the branch as it meanders to a small poplar on north bank of branch; thence south 25 3-4 east 159 poles to a stake in the road; thence south 89 1-2 east 18 poles to a stake; thence north 25 east 47 1-2 poles to the beginning, containing 66 1-2 acres, more or less. Lot No. 3; Beginning at the bridge place on the east bank of Buffalo Creek, and running thence down the east bank of said creek, 35 1-2 poles to a stone; thence south 38 1-2 west 1 2-3 poles across the creek to a stone; thence north 81 west 16 poles to a maple; thence south 34 west 7 1-2 poles to a stake in Carpenter’s line; thence north 43 5-6 west 23 1-2 poles to a stone; thence north 35 east 7 1-2 poles to a poplar; thence north 2 1-5 east 33 1-4 poles to a white oak on the east bank of the creek; thence following the east bank of creek to the beginning, con taining by estimation 5 1-16 acres, more ox less. All the aforesaid land lies in No. 9 township, Cleveland county, North Carolina, and is a part of the estate of the late R. H. Wright. Terms of sale 1-3 cash, the remainder in one and two years. This October 4th, 1929. R. A. LACKEY, Commissioner. J. H. Quinn and Newton & Newton, Attys. GEO. P. WEBB — REAL ESTATE — Farms and City Property UNION TRUST BLDG. SHELBY — Telephone 454-J — Have Your Eyes Examined Regularly DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTOMETRISTS Office Over Paul Webb & Son's Drug Store. DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Surveyor Farm Surveys, Sub-divis ions, Plats and General Engineering Practice. - Phone 417 - ‘ . ...- —■ 1 111 "i—" T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book Seller Phone — 82 WE KNOW COAL We Want You To Be One Of Our Satis fied Customers. D. A. BEAM COAL CO. =- PHONE 130 — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON P1 A VirTTITVIT I V FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—9:45 a. m.;.l:45 p. m..; 3:15 p. m.; 8:45 p. m. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:50 a. m.; 10:50 a. m.; 12:50 p. m.; 2:50 p. m.;4:50 p. m.; 6:50 p. m.: 9:50 p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—10:50 a. m.; 2:50 p. m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:50 a. m.; 70:50 a. m.; 2:50 p. m. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE 450 QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY Attention Ladies Free instructions are now being given in the art of Plastic Clay and Clay Molding. We teach you to decorate many useful ar ticles for the home and for gifts, in a few lessons. Classes daily from 9 to 6 o’clock for the next two weeks only. Make your Christ mas presents now. SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET Next To Betty-Jean Beauty Shoppe SHELBY AA ONE DAY ONLY JB Wed. Oct.«0 BARNETT BROS. 3-RING CIRCUS And Trained Animal Shows olMMl affncatkar o( wondtrfal partorminc BkphuiU. Ham*. Poo Mankajr*. Baautlfal Tropical Bird*.—taa«M and Oar Inc Act*. , Won dart ol Blcyclltti. High Wire Dim CLOWNS - 26-FAMOUS A SHOW -9? ’ STUPENDOUS surprise I PEERLESS PROGRAM OF.PRE-EMINENT PERFQRMHtS (wrltal NM, N»4 C«tl, «XC«M.|. An Hm«i «a>- --„ u, .. A,W **"•**Sift? *>«■.< « —■ T. * ifim— THE WORLD’S LARGEST MOTORIZED 25and50c CIRCUS SHOW LOCATED ON WEST WARREN ST. We Never DISAPPOINT POSTPONE DIVIDE

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