Doiible Shoals News Of Current Week Rfr. J. W. Fitegerald Preaches hast Sermon Before Conference. Personal News. iSpecial to The Star.1 Double Shoals Oct 22.—The farmers were getting along fine with the cotton picking until the '\v.n came on Sunday night. Seems now that cotton picktrs arc through for a day or so for the rain continues to come. The pageant at the Baptist church last Sunday night was well attended. A large delegation f’-on. lire Union community was there ’along with other visitors. The regular monthly services will be held at the church on Saturday and Sunday preaching and confer ence on Saturday <at 3 o'clock. Sunday school at 1and prcab Ing at 3 o'clock Sunday p. in. Every SHOES FOR ALL, BABY UP —the busiest department in our store is our Shoe Department—in fact last Saturday it was impossible to wait upon all who came; but we are ready now to serve you better— COME HERE FOLKS FOR YOUR WINTER SHOES Save up to 50V on Shoes during our closing out sale. We have shoes for babies, children, boys, girls, wom an and men—Shoes for sverybody, not the cheap kind—but the good kind at low prices. SHOES SHOES- SHOES FOR ALL. THE PARAGONS CLOSING OUT SALE body is invited to attend both. Rev. J. W. Fitzgerald preached his last sermon at the Methodist church on Sunday night before go ing to the conference. Mr. and Mrs. Clemmie Spangler of Charlotte spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Tysie Ledford Tid Mrs. "A. A Toney and daughter, Miss Fay, went to Gastonia last Sunday to sec Miss Grace Toney, a nur.-e in a Gastonia hospital, who has'or .'it sick but is better now. Messrs. Clyde Cornwell and A L. Spangler went to Charlotte last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Costner sir-nt Sunday p. m. in Kings Mountain. The weekly teachers meeting of the Sunday school meets at the church on Thursday night at 7 30 o'clock. SUPREME COURT SENDS 8(1.03 Grew Out Of Suit Over Boundary Of North Carolina Anil • Tennessee. Raleigh.—The general lurid ol North Carolina was increased re cently by the sum of $4,986.03 when a check for that amount received from Clerk Charles Elmore Cropley, of the United States supreme corn l, by Attorney General Dennis C. Rrummitt was turned over to State Treasurer Nathan O'Berry. The check was for balance due North Carolina after the coshs had been paid in the suit of eouity brought by the state of North Car olina against tile state of Tennes see to establish tire boundary line between the two states. The 'tilt was started in 1914 and went, to the supreme court in 1916. The late Governor Thomas W. Bickers, then Attorney General, and F. A. Sond ley. of Asheville, argued the care and briefs were filed for the state by them and by Theodore F. David son and by C. B. Matthews. The casts of the appeal were to be equally divided between the two states and North Carolina deposit ed $7,250. One-half of the costs, it developed amounted to $3,428.97 leaving a balance due to $3,821.03 to which is added the sum of $1,165.00 paid by North Carolina to.the com missioners in the case, makhiT the total amount due and received $4, 986.03. The suit was instituted be ause Tennessee claimed the Tcllico river and Slick Rock creek basins, large ly in Haywood county, North Caro Una, on the basis of the survey made by Tennessee and North Car ohna commissioner in claimed these basins, the line at that time having been established and rati fied by a conference on both states, as following the Slick Hock . reek i and Fodderstack ridge, rather than I the Hangover ridge, thence iollmv- j ing the main ridge of Uiiaka M run-! tain in a westly direction and cross -; ing the Tellieo river. Tennessee has only recently jnade the deposit in this case, which was! won by North Carolina, the supreme court clerk wrote. He expressea thanks to the attorney general for the patience exercised in the mat ter. I’lane Hag Stop. Great Bend. Kans,—The railroad flagstop station has its counterpatf in aviation. This little city, in the heart of the Kansas wheat country. has been made a flag stop on the Universal Lines transcontinental train-plane route. The planes stop at the air port here whenever there are pas sengers to take on or discharge. The city has lighted'' its airpor, for night landings. Taxicab drivers may nQt be not ed for excessive intelligence, but one in New York recently did some straight and rapid thinking which with the aid of a box of toothpicks saved 30 lives. Seeing an apartment house on fire nt, right, he rushed from door to door. inserting the toothpicks in doorbells pushbut tons*.Thus- causing the bells to rinj continuously until tne occupants wore awakened, and all escaped. TRUSTEE’S SALE. By virtue of the power of sa’.c contained in a deed of trust execut ed by Ralph T. Mauney and wife, to me as trustee, on October 7, 192’'. recorded in book 140 of deeds of trust, page 201. securing an indebt edness to the Shelby Building ard Loan association, and default hav ing been made in the payment thereof. I. as trustee, will sell tor cash to the highest bidder at pub'ic auction at the court house door in the town of Shelby. N. C„ on Monday, November 25, 1929, at 12 o'clock M. the following des cribed real estate: Situate in No. 6 township. Cleve land county, N. C., and being a part of the M L. Borders property, and devSignated as lot No. 4 on the plat of the property of the Cyclone Auc tion Co., as recorded in book one ->f plats, page 72, said lot being locat ed on the west side of Peach street and cast side of First street, and fully described in a deed from E. A. Houser and wife to Ralph T. Mau ney, dated February 11, 1926. This October 22. 1929. CLYDE R. HOEY, Trustee. OVERSIZE AND WHAT IT MEANS IN RADIO — Many of you know what it means when one says, This is an oversize tire. You at once know that it’s a larger, stronger and more durable tire and in most cases, cheaper in the long run. In Radio it means the same thing. Every Unit in a MAJESTIC Radio is an oversize unit. It is made strong and sturdy to last a lifetime. The Chassis Speaker and Power Pack in the Majestic Radio are more than twice the size of any other set made today. Majestic is giving the public more for their money and the public has found it out. MAJESTIC ha* demonstrated to the world that a truly fine Console Radio could be built and sold to the American home in volume at a reas onable price.^ , Majestic has truly been Called THE MIGHTY MONARCH OF THE AIR. IJUILT UP TO A STANDARD— NOT DOWN TO A PRICE. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY US— If Offers You Exclusively POWER DETECTION e Model 91 ItffliS'lea tubes PWtr Detection tnd iK« nn» -4S mhn ptui foot tuned Main of radio frequency enable* Mih«k to produce the moat powerful and selective radio mi ever KuiW. Absolutely no hum and no oacittanon ac anv vm length Automatic wnuiirtiv control give* uniform teneitivity and amplification in hath high and \cm wave lengtht. Improved Majestic Sopor THnamu Speaker. Fatra henv, wurdv Msfesrtc Tower-Pack, with poaittv* voltage-hell am. insure* long life and aaftry. Early tngluh design rahtnoi of American Walnut. Inerummi panel overlaid mth gemunr imported Australian Lace wood- •on plate and knob* hiwhad in genuine lihrer. . Get a FREE Hume Demonstration Pendletons Music Store 23 YEARS SELLING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Upper Cleveland Personal Mention Seven Year Old Bov Picks 10j Pounds Of Cotton In Six Hours. 'Special to Tlie Star t Lawndale R-l, —The people ve behind with their cotton on ac count the wet weather. Mrs. Vernie Weaver has returned home from the Shelby hospital Mrs. J. N. Whisnant has been sick for the last tew days. Mr. Ernest Self of Dunan's Creek spent Sunday with his cousin Misses Lucile and Nina Self. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Whisnant at tended the children's day at Pisgah Sunday. Mrs E G, Hunt visited Mrs. A W. Whisnant Sunday afternoon. Peony Column FOR SALE: ONE OLD TIME walnut and maple corner cupboard. Refinished walnut. Good condition. Eight glass in each upper door. Bargain for quick sale. Hudson Hamrick Shop; N. Trade St. tf 23c FOR SALE ONE Mascot range, used only 12 months. Rea sonable. Phone 392 M, or P. O, Box 210. 2t-23p IP YOU ARE PLANNING TO buy shrubbery, see us before you give your order to someone e’.-e. West View Nursery, 4 miles west of Shelby, N. C„ R-2. 2t 23p Batteries Charged $1.00. Used Batteries for sale. Cranes Vul canizing Plant, South Lafayette street. 6t-23p FOR SALE—t ’28 Essex Coupe with rumble seat. 1 62 Chrysler Coach. 1 60 Chrys ler Sedan. 1 '27 Pontiac Truck pick-up body. 1 GMC 1-2 ton (ruck with Screen body. 3 Model T Fords, all to go at a hiirgain. A. B. C. MOTOR Co. Arey Bldg. 2t-23c REMEMBER: THE BETTER your training, the better your em ployment. No matter what happen*, the competent, well-trained worker is always needed and he is veil paid. We have assisted hundreds of young people successward. May we help you? Write today for informa tion. Gastonia Business College, | Gastonia. N,'C. • 2t 23pI FOR SALE - ONE i new Essex Coupe with rumble seat, state li cense, extra tire and all equipment. At 'a big bargain. See Arey Refrigerating co. 2t-23c LOST: DOG. BLACK SPOTTED and blue speckled hound, short tail. Reward if returned to E. H. Cole. Kings Mountain. Box 28. It 23p GUARANTEED Flour $3.45; Pinto Beans 8 1-3 cents; Breakfast Bacon 22 cents; Thick Fatback 14 Cents; 24 pounds i Flour, plain, or self rising, 98 cents; Eight Pounds Swift Jewel Lard ,97 Cents. Cash Prices. C. H. Reinhart South Shelby. 2t-23c LET US SELL YOU YOUK Evergreens and Flowering Shrubs to beautify your home grounds. West View Nursery. 2t 23p TRUSTEE S SALE. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust execut ed by Clefn Costner and wife, to me as trustee, will sell for cash to tne and duly recorded in book 149 ef deeds of trust, page 62, securing on indebtedness to the Shelby B. As L. association, and default having been j mad* in the payment thereof, 1, ■ as trustee, will seel for cash to 'lie highest bidder at public auction ai the court house door in the town of Shelby, N. C„ on Monday, November 25, 1829, at 12 o'clock M„ the following de scribed real estate: Situate in the southeastern por • tion of the town of Shelby, N. C, and fronting on Graham street and being part of the T. W. Kendrick .property, and being fully described In a deed from. J. Lee Dover arid wife to Clem Costner, dated Ap-l! 13, 1925, and recorded In book 3-Q of deeds, page 349, of the register'3 office of Cleveland county, W. 0. This October 22. 1929. CLYDE R HOEY, Trustee. Misses Jessie Pearl Whisnaru, Marie Hunt, Lucile and Nina Self attended the corn shucking given at the home of P. M. Whisnant Fri day night. Mr. Olen Hunt attended a party given at the home of Miss Melonia Gamble near Bostic Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Lookadoo of Morganton visited Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Morris Saturday night. Miss Winnie Whisnant attend’:! a party at her cousin's home, M;s; Melonia Gamble Saturday night near Bostic. Mr. Q. J. Devenney known a*; “Ike” and P. M. Whishant visited Mr. Nath Morrison of Morganton last Thursday night. Mr. John Whisnant's seven year old son picked 103 founds of cottcn in six hours last Friday. READ STAR ADVERTISEMENT SOME ni.MA’,’ IN WOMEN VOTE, IU j NONE MAY KIN FOK AN OF FI Cl Bucharest.—Rumanian women, under a new law, are to be allowed to vote for the first time in parlia mentary and municipal elections although they may not stand as | candidates. The franchise is not to be universal among women and the categories to whom the privilege is restricted are rather unusual. They comprise women who have graduated from high school, spe cial school; those who hold a pro fessor's diploma or kindergarten teacher’s certificate; women who re ceived decorations during the war; war widows who have not since re married; women employes of the state, district or city and superin tendents of welfare institutions. LYRIC THEATRE Home of Silent Drama & Vaudeville. Come, out and Enjoy Our Entertainment — TONIGHT — “The Eternal Woman,” with Olive Borden. “Marked Men” — A good Serial. ADMISSION . 10 — 20c. ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW. -—COMING THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY — The Original “HILL BILLIES” Coming In Person. A1 Hopkins and his Buckle Busters-MUSIC — VAUDEVILLE — COMEDY Vitaphone, Radio and Brunswick Recording Artists. ADMISSION .... 10 - 25c A Show Worth Twice The Admission. Come Early And Avoid The Rush. COMING SPECIAL — ALL WEEK OF OCTOBER 28 — A Return Engagement of the Best Show That Has Yet Played Shelby. “DESMOND’S NEW YORK ROOF GARDEN REVUE.” J. W. RUDASILL ESTATE AT AUCTION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30th. at 10 A. M. iOO X 150 FEET ON SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET, ADJOINING VICTOR HOTEL PROPERTY AND THAT OF GOVERNOR O. MAX GARDNER AND OTHERS. ANOTHER LOT 86 x 116 FEET ON SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET EXTENSION. REMEMBER, YOUR PRICE IS OUR PRICE. COME! BE WITH US AT THIS SALE. . • Free $25.00 in Gold * MUSIC BY OUR LIVE WIRE BRASS BAND. LIBERAL TERMS TO BE AN NOUNCED ON DAY OF SALE. EVERYBODY IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THIS SALE. SALE CONDUCTED BY J. B. NOLAN v ?r. Company Inc., SELLING AGENTS, , SHELBY, N. C. COLONELS RUSH AND NOLAN, Auctioneer.. Let U» Sell Your Property.

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