I 10 PAGES j | TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. 128 SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY. OCT. 28, 1929 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons By mall, pet year (in advance) $2.80 Carrier, per year (lraadvancei tSOQ LATE NEWS THE MARKET. Cotton, per pound J__ 11'At j Cotton Seed, per bu._46 Vic Rain Likely. 1 Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Increasing cloudiness fol lowed by rain in central and west portions tonight. Tuesday rain and not so cold in extreme west portion tonight and Tuesday. i Negro Shot To Death Saturday Near Lawndale Arthur Dixon Killed By Ceph Thomas. Straight Of Shooting Not Known. Arthur Dixon, negro tenant farm er of the Lawndale section, is dead and Ceph Thomas, colored, and his son, Alvin Thomas, are in the coun ty jail as the result of a fatal sheet ing affair near the old Douglas ne gro academy at Lawndale Saturday night. Dixon died instantly from a bul-i let which plowed into his neck and ranged downward, the bullet, ac cording to information given offic ers, being fired by the cider Thom as. Unexpected' Shooting. Several negroes were gathered a bout a negro home there, but the volley of shots came as a surprise to all the others, they told Deputy Sheriff Bob Kendrick and Deputy Harvey Guin who rushed to the scene. Dixon, it is said, h?d not spoken to the father and son before they began shooting. He was in the yard of the home and Thomas and his son were inside, one witness said, when Alvin Thcmas came out shoot ing. Both then began shooting all about the yard, the witness said. Twelve shots were fired in all, only one bullet striking Dixon. One version of the affair would indicate that the Thomases were merely doing some wild shooting and one of the stray shots struck Dixon, but as one witness related it to officers the elder Thomas raised his gun, pointed it at Dixon, and fired, and it was recalled that there had been some trouble be tween the two about one year ago. Dixon, said to be a quiet, hard working negro, worked for Clyde Gold and had formerly been with Hague Metcalf. Thomas lived on company land at Lawndale, Deputy Guin said. Thompson Heads Hoey Bible Class Succeeds Anthony As Class Presi dent, Charlie Coble Elected Secretary. Carl Thompson, prominent Shel by business man, was elected pres j ident of the Hoey Bible class of | Central Methodist church at the : meeting of the class yesterday. He ; succeeds Oliver Anthony as head of ■ one of the state’s largest Bible 1 classes. Carl Webb was named vice presi I dent; Charles C. Coble, secretary, Marks Hamrick, assistant secretary; I Lawrence Lackey treasurer, ma Claude Mabry assistant treasurer. The re-election of Clyde R. Hoey i as teacher of the class was, of course, only a matter of form. Big Junior Meeting Here Friday Night ! A district-wide Junior order gath ering, which will be open to the 1 public, will be held in the Central I school building here Friday night at I 7:30 o’clock, according to Ed. W. 1 Dixon, district deputy. I Juniors from four counties will be in attendance but the public is urged to attend the meeting as C. E. Hamilton, of Monroe, state coun cillor of the order, will be the speak er. “You’re The . ' Doctor” ‘ If your credit is healthy, you made it so; if it is unhealthy the chances are you have no one to blame but yourself. When it comes to your own credit stand ing— Your’re the doctor. Every time you open a new account; every tiqie you secure credit from any Source you have an opportunity to build up or to undermine your Credit Health. The rating after YOUR name is the result of one thing only, the manner in which you pay your bills. A prompt rating re sults from prompt pay; a slow rating from slow pay. A Prompt Rating is worth the effort. Pay Your Bills Promptly And Keep Your Credit Rating Healthy. Lawton Blanton Is Temporary Head New Club New County-Wide Organization To Be Completed On November 29. Much Interest. FromJjO to 100 men, representing everv/section of Cleveland county met'in the court here In Shelby Friday night to consider the advis ability of a county club for Cleve land county. Mr. J. B. Smith ore sided over the meeting. R. E. Price, editor of The News, Rutherfordton, representing the National County Clubs association spoke and outlined the plans, purposes, etc. of a coun ty club. He told of the many good things that the RutheTford county club has done, in helping to unite the county, wipe out sectional feel ing, eliminated ill feeling between certain large interests and had dene much for the agricultural, commercial, social and moral wel fare of his county. He told of the value of a county club being af filiated with the national organ ization, which would furnish each member with a magazine, programs, and interesting articles on subtecls like county government, county business affairs, etc. Mr. Price further stated that the county club broadens one’s viewpoint and makes the member think in terms cf his county. It helps to unite the town and country people to work as one unit. Speakers. Prof. Lawton Blanton, principal of Lattimore graded school was th? next speaker. He was enthusiastic for the county club for Cleveland and suggested some problems chat might be worked out, such as bet ter health for our school children. Mr. Blanton was applauded by the big crowd. Short and enthusiastic talks were made by Prof. W. R. Gary of the Fallston school, Elbridge Weathers, prominent young farmer of the Polkville section, J. L. Herndon of Grover, Gard Hamrick, Boiling Springs, Prof. J. D. Huggins, prin cipal of Mooresboro graded school, Dr. J. 8. Dorton, secretary of the Cleveland county fair, J. H. Grigg, county superintendent of schools, John Beam and H. M. Loy, Shelby, County Solicitor P. C. Gardner, Joe E. Blanton and others. All agreed that a county club would do much good in Cleveland county. The encouraging thing about the situation in Cleveland is the large number of farmers who were pres ent and showed an interest in a county-wide civic club in which they would be well represented. Temporary Officers. Enough signed the application blanks to secure a club. It was moved and carried that a Cleveland county club be formed and that temporary officers be elected. Prof. Lawton Blanton was elected presi dent pro tem with Mr. J. L. Hern don, secretary. Due to the farmers being so busy it was decided to hold charter night on Tuesday night, November 26 at 7:30 p. m. at which time the organization will be com pleted, constitution and by-laws adopted, directors elected and the officers made permanent. All who join up to and including charter night will be considered charter members. The next meeting will be in the court house. After the club is formed and “gets to going we!’.” it will probably be held during a meal and will meet at various p’aces in the county. Efforts will be made to have every (Continued on page nine.) Cotton Crop Is Behind That Of ’28,. Report Says The Cleveland county cot ton crop this year is still around 1,500 bales behind that of last year, according to late ginning statistics. Up to October 18 this year 15,889 bales had been ginned in the county, while 17,134 bales had been ginned up to the same date last year. The ginning statistics were issued Saturday by Miles H. Ware, special ginning agent. Art Exhibit At Shelby School Is To Be Held More Than 100 Masterpieces In Ex hibition Being Sponsored by School System. •On November -13-15 or Wednes day, Thursday, and Friday, of American education week the peo ple of Shelby will be afforded a rare opportunity of seeing an art exhibit consisting of about one hun dred and twenty masterpieces of the leading American and European artists. The exhibit is being spon sored by the Shelby public schools. It will be held in the Central high school building. The pictures exhibited are fac simile collotypes which are faith ful and exact reproductions of the originals. Works of the following masters and others will be exhibit ed: Edwin A. Abbey, Paul Cezanne, Leonardo Da Vinci, Holbein, Mur rillo, Raphael, Rembrandt, Von Gogh, Millet, and Reynolds. At a meeting called by Sup, B. L. Smith the following organizaticn was formed for putting on the ex hibit. Mr. W. E. Abernethy from the high school was made general chairman. A publicity comm>U°e consisting of the following was ap pointed: Miss Agnes McBrayer, chairman: Miss Laura Cornwell, Mrs. G. F. Hamrick. Buena Bostic, Miss Selma Webb, and Mr. M. H. Randolph. A committee on contributions will call on the civic clubs, merchants, or other citizens to solicit them for donations of a picture to be pre sented to the school. A brass plate bearing the donor's name will ac company the picture. This commit tee is composed of Miss Lucille Nix, chairman; Mrs, R. W. Morris, Miss Nancy Suttle, Miss Augusta Alex ander, Miss Alpha Gettys, Miss Thelma Young, and Miss Madge DePriest. Each school will have an assem bly program emphasizing art and artists. This committee is composed of the following: Mrs. A1 Bennett, Miss Alice Brunson, Miss flara Cowan, Miss Minnie Roberts, Miss Elizabeth Suttle, Miss Clara Ed wards, Miss Pearl Tweed, Mrs. Ben Hendricks, and Miss Evelyn Wilk ins. The sale of pictures and tickets for the exhibit is in charge of the following committee: Mrs. Robert Doggett, chairman; Miss Winnie Blanton, Miss Hazel Holmes, Miss Ruby Marshall, Miss May Crowell, Mrs. Elizabeth Hennessa, and Mrs, Jessie Ramseur. The exhibit will be arranged by the following committee: Mrs. Rob ert Hord, chairman: Mrs. Henry Mills, Mrs. Mial Tlddy, Mrs. Ruth Plaster, and Miss Mae Connor. Jones, Charlotte Lawyer, Likely Rival For Jonas Seat In Congress Charlotte Oct. 28.—Hamilton C. Jones, Charlotte attorney, former state senator and chairman of the Mecklenburg county Democratic ex ecutive committee will probably be a candidate for the party’s nomina tion tot congressman from the ninth district at thb June primary, it was indicated here. Several outstanding party leaders have urged Mr. Jones to make the race, it was learned. He said he had not fully made up his mind as to what action he would take, but indi cated that he would run if he had assurance that he could secure the nomination without a bitter fight in the primary. i Others Mentioned. A number of lawyers and promi nent Democrats, have been men tioned as possible candidates for the poet since Major A. L. Bulwinkle of Gastonia was defeated by Congress man C. A. Jonas, a Republican, at the November general election. Among those suggested are 'Major Bulwinkle, John G. Carpenter, dis trict solicitor who was dafeated oy Major Bulwinkle in the Democra’ic Drimarv in June. 1928: F. M. Redd lawyer and former mayor of Char lotte; Walter Clark, Charlotte law yer and state senator; W. A. Gra ham of Lincolnton, state secretary of agriculture, and several others Just what support in the party Mr, Jones has been assured is not known, but former Gov. Cameron Morrison is known to be supporting Mr. Jones for the post. It is believed that Mr. Jones would also gain the support of O. M. Mull, state chair man of the Democratic party, with whom Mr. Jones worked during the 1928 campaign. Mr. Graham, who has indicated that he would, under no conditions, be a candidate for congress, will probably support Mr. Jones, is said. Among the other Charlotte m°n mentioned for the post. Senator Clark is the only one who still seems to be contemplating the race. Mr. Redd points out he has. returned to the practice of law after being' mayor of the city of Charlotte for two years. Mr. Clark has never formally an nounced himself p candidate, out (Continued on page nine) Gastonia Strikers Get Long Terms Behind the bars of the jail at Charlotte. N. C., are the seven textile onion men who were given I Gardner Sets Flying Record For Governors By Greensboro Flight I Chief Executive Hops From Raleigh To Greensboro Airport In Forty Minutes. Raleigh. — Governor Gardner's flight to Greensboro Thursday was not the first that a chief executive has taken, but it broke all records for speed and reports from his ex cellency after he had landed at the Greensboro airport said he had made the trip of 90 miles In 40 minutes. A few automobilists have reported that they have negotiated that dis tance from Raleigh to Greensboro in 80 minutes, but nobody has been taken along to verify the records for fast freight. Governor Gardner was due to speak In Summerfleld Thursday afternoon and Thursday night in Winston-Salem. - The first North Carolina gover nor known to have taken a flight by airplane during his incumbency was Thomas Walter Bickett, who rode from Raleigh to Wake Forest with Belvin W. Maynard, the fly ing parson, the Lindbergh of his day. v Governor Bickett hid hfi purpose from Mrs. Bickett. and climbed into the pit with the Baptist preacher and set out for the alma mater of both the aviator and the governor. Wake Forest. The preacher-flier took Governor Bickett to ride end gave him a thrilling flight. Over Gore field, hardly above the ground The preacher-pilot lifted his ma chine in time to clear the trees ad joining the field. As Governor Bickett hopped off with the preacher his excellency waved his hands at the crowd and said: “Tell Max Gardner to make a good governor.” Governor Gardner was then lieutenant governor. After the flying pair returned to Raleigh, Bickett stuck, up his short stubby fingers at Maynard and said 'Par son, I want you to quit this flyhtg business. You will get killed if you don’t.” Bickett was <^ad within a Tittle more than two years and Maynard was killed about four years later in making a flight for a county fair in one of the New England states. Gov ernor Gardner rode with Pilot E. L. Benway and W. H. Decker today. The universal' prayer was that his Excellency would make the trip without mishap. Harding Opens Record Docket Superior Court Four Killing Cue* And 160 Othei Cases On Docket For Trial Thli Week. A superior court term faced by the heaviest criminal docket In th« history of Cleveland county eon* vencd here this morning with Judge W. F. Harding, of Charlotte, pre siding and Solicitor Spurgeon Spur] • Ing, of Lenoir, prosecuting. In addition to four killing cases, a record in itself for the county, the court is faced with disposing of 160 other criminal cases. • Court Officers. Mr. Thad Ford, of 8helby, was named foreman of the grand jury and Deputy Sheriff J. J. Wllklna Is the officer In charge, while Deputy M. A. Jolley Is acting as court of ficer. No First Degree. It was the general presumption about the court room this morning that the court would hardly prefer the first degree murder charge in any one of the four killing cases These cases are the Hornbuckle cess in which A. J. (Kid) HoitotmeMe. widely known boxer, is charged with killing George Scruggs with a stink of cord wood; the Orover case in J which several young white men are charged with fatally assaulting a negro; the fatal shooting of negro Saturday night at Lawndale, and the case against Ollff Fuller wider, negro, charged with killing his brother-in-law at a r»gro church some,months back. The Hornbuckle case, due to the reputation of the defendant as a boxer, will likely attract more In terest than any other case. Mr. James Green Buried Sunday Prominent Citlsen Is Interred Sun day At Boiling Springs Bap tist Church. Mr. James Green, age 77 yeavs. nine months and fourteen dajs who died in West, Shelby Satur day, was buried Sunday at Boiling Springs Baptist church, a crown that overflowed the large edifice attending to pay tribute to his memory. Mr. Green was born and reared in the Boiling Spring* Torr munlty but had lived in Shelby a short while. Deceased joined the Beaver Dam Baptist church at the age of 16 years. He was first married to Lu cinda Hamrick who preceded him to the grave 48 years ago. His sec ond marriage was. to Bailie Drake who survives, together with the fol lowing children: D. D. Great, , ot Gastonia, Mrs. John Potent, of Gastonia, Mrs. Mary Hamrick ol Boiling Springs, Mrs. Rush Gresu of Dennis, Ga„ Berry Green of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Gus Phillips of Gastonia, B. B. Green of Shelh.v Also surviving are 44 grandchildren and 38 great grand children: The funeral was conducted oy Rev. Rush Padgett, assisted o Reys. Sisk and Goode. Cotton Crop In County Good Now Says County Ager Says Talk With Fanners Indies That . Last Tear Record May Be Passed. R. W. Shoffner, Cleveland coun farm agent, Is a conservative talku but after a ramble over the countr last week and after talking wit! numerous farmers he is ready to go on record as saying that tbu county cotton crop is one of the best if not the best, he has ever seen. "As for producticn, the crop look far better now that it did when 1 first came to the county, and the way it hay been opening in recent weeks has caused the majority of the farmers I have talked with to believe that they will make more than they did last year, and '.hit means that the county as a whole should,” he said. Rudasill Property Will Go At Auction | The J. B. Nolan company is an nouncing another whoop-her-up auction, this time the J. W. Rude* sill estate goes under the hammer This Is a South Washington street property, adjoining the Victor hotel, it is what might be called an historical tract in Shelby. Another tract on South Washington street te | also included in roe sale, which t« scheduled for Wednesday, October sn. Wednesday *t W gl m. > ' • d