SOCIETY News HISS MAI ME ROBERTS—Social Editor-Phone 25«. News Items Telephoned Miss Roberta will Be Appreciated. Contemporary Book Club Changed. The Contemporary Book club scheduled to meet Tuesdny after noon. has been changed to Wednes day afternoon, at the home of Miss Millicent Blanton at 4 6'clook Social Calendar. Tuesday from 3:30 to 5 p. m Mrs. O. M Mull is giving a tea ii the Hotel Charles honoring the Chicora, club members. Thursday l p. m.—Mrs >ohn ; Schenck is entertaining the rwen lieth Century club at her home at l.awndale, Thursday. October 31 Thursday 3:30 p. m — Afternoon ihvision No. 3 will meet at the club room. Mrs. J. C. Smith chairman hostess commit tee Mrs. Daniel Honored. Mrs. Thompson Daniel was hon ored with a fhnnrr party Friday evening by Mrs. Fred Baber who entertained at her home on Cleve land Springs road, with lour de lightful courses, covers were laid lor Mrs] Thompson Daniel. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Miller. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs Robert. Miller. Mils Willie Hoyle end Mr and Mrs Baber. After *'.'e dinner bridge was played at two tables. Mr. And Mrs. Nolan Arrive Frem Wedding Trip. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nolan who were married October lfl at Mis bride's home at Terra Alta, W. Va arrived last night from an extended motor trip to New York. Philadel phia. Atlantic City and other points in the north. They will be at home for the present with Mr. and Mrs .! Nolan on N. LaPnyette s*re>t verttil their handsome new home in Cleveland Springs Estates is com pleted. Mis* l.Hiraml Honors Visitor*. Miss Elizabeth LeGrand delight - fully entertained Friday evening (it her home on S. Washington street with an Informal dance honoring her week-end guests Miss Minna Caldwell of Charlotte and ML«s Virginia Ttmberlake of Gastonia About forty young people enjoyed this hospitality. Miss LeGrand was assisted In entertaining end serving punch throughout the even ing by Miss Mary Jenkins. Flower Show Big Event. The annual flower show put on by the Garden division of the Wom an's club will be the big even*, of Tuesday, October 29 beginning at 2 p. m. at the club room. Oyster, eoffee. sandwiches and home made candies will be served. Any one who is unable to send their flowers please telephone Mrs. Colin Hull /dmission 10 cents. Everybody is urged to come. Hallowe'en games end other amusements will be pro vided livening Division Of ( luh Meets. The Woman's club room was gaily decorated with baskets,, of yel low and white chrysanthemums end bowls of nasturtiums Friday eve ning, when the evening division of the club held their regular meeting with Mrs. Mary Lou Yarborough and Miss Elizabeth Alexander as hos tesses. Miss Lucile Nix was lead *r of the program, the subject being "The Mother Country." The fi' ft paper. “Ways and By-ways” was read by Mrs. Fred Wagner. A piano solo, "Ballad of the Road” was given by Miss Carobel Lever. The program v as concluded with a paper "Afoot in England" by Miss Isqbel Hoey Mrs. Hugh Pratt’s name was added to this division of the club. The hostesses were assisted by Miss >s Augusta Alexander and Louise Falls in serving a salad, with hot tea and sandwiches. The invited guests were: Mesdames H. N. McDiamid. L. M. Hull, Jimmie Blanton, E. T. Switzer, C. B. Alexander, Misses Sara Louise Falls and Augusta Al exander. Mrs. Schenk Holds Bridal Party. The Suttle-Farnell bridal party were charmingly honored on Friday evening before the rehearsal at the church, with a delightful four course dinner and cake cutting, given at the Hotel: Charles hy Mrs. John Schenck. sr., aunt of the bride-elect. The private dining room was e'ab orately decorated, and the lone banquet table was graced with targe silver vases, tied with white tulle, holding white roses, swansonia ana lace fern, and in the center was tlie three tier white wedding cake, dec orated with sprays of valley lilies. In cutting the cake the lucky onej were, Mr John Eley. who cut the ring, the heart by Mr. James Hoa gue, the thimble by Mr. Forest Esk ridge, the dime, Miss Mary Forbes and the penny by Mr. William Far-, neil. Covers were laid for, Mr. and Mrs. John Schenck, Mr. and Mrs. William Farnell. sr . of Suffolk, V*., Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Forbes of Greenville, Mr. ard Mrs. Carl Thompson, Mr and Mrs. B. C. Vitt of Greensboro, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Schenck. Mr and Mrs. William Farnell of New York. Miss Margaret Blanton and Mr. Graham Holding, Miss Lula Mooro Suttle and fiance, Mr. Newton Farnell, Miss Mary Forbes ot Greenville and Mr. A S. Gifford of Greensboro. Miss Mllllcont Blanton and Mr. John Eley of Suf folk. Va.. Miss Inez Efird of Con cord and Mr. Warren West, Greens boro, Miss Virginia Hoey and Mr. James Hongue of Greensboro, Miss Vallie Farnell of Suffolk and Mr, Forest Eskridge. Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Baber and Mr. and Mrs. Jap Suttle. The bride-elect was beauti ful in a flesh >atin evening gown and corsage of Columbia roses. The hostess, Mrs. Schenck wore black lace and shoulder bouquet of sweet peas. Mrs. Hamrick Honors Recent Brides. Mrs. T. W. Hamrick was,s at one of the loveliest teas. si’Tn this season entertaining at her at tractive home on North LaFayette street. Friday afternoon from 3:30 to 5 o'clock In honor of Mrs. Chnr'es Dover and Mrs. Clyde Nolan, both recent brides. The guests were wel comed at the front door, by Mer dames J. R. Dover and J. B. Nofan The entire lower floor was beatfti fully decorated with large yellow and white chrysanthemums, red and pink roses and other lovely flowers. Mrs. Pari Hamrick directed the guests to the sun parlor, which v as banked with ferns and chrysanthe mums. where the hostess. hand somely gowned In orchid satin rnJ maline with shoulder bouquet of pink rose buds and swamsonia re ceived her guests and presented the honorees: Mrs, Charles Dover, who was beautiful In her wedding gown of ivory satin and corsage of bride's roses and valley lilies. and Mrs. Clyde Nolan, who was charming in a light green chiffon velvet ar.d shoulder bouquet of sweetheart roses. Playing beautiful musical se lections were: Mesdames Vick Wray, Gerald Morgan and Miss Mary Helen Lattimore. Entertaining in the living room was Mrs. Fred Mot gan. Directing the guests to the 1ln mg room were: Mesdames J. L. Lackey and Dewitt Quinn. The dining room was decorated witn yellow chrysanthemums and ferns, a color note of yellow and green being emphasized. The table was covered with a handsome lace and madiera cloth, and centered with a reproduction of the Nolan-Dover wedding, which the hostess, who is a very clever artist, had arranged. The whole wedding party were shown with tiny dolls dressed in gowns of the material of the bride and brides-maids, even the musi cians and officiating pastor were there standing in front of the screen of ferns, softly lighted by tiny elec tric bulbs. Seated at either end of the table were: Miss Agnes M Brayer and Mrs. J. S. Dorton, who poured coffee. Serving pretty plates of sandwiches, and cheese biscuits were, Mesdames Louis and Roland Hamrick, Jack Dover and Reid Young. Entertaining in the dining room was, Mrs. B. O. Stevenson. Mrs. Nelson Lattimore directed the guests to the nailway, where the register was placed and presided over by Miss Ruby McBrayer and Mrs. 6. M. Suttle. About one hun dred and twenty-five guests call -ri during the afternoon Miss Tula Moore Suttle Mr. Newton Farnell. in a ceremony characterized by beauty and charming simplicity Miss Lula Moore Suttle and Mr. D. New ton Farnell, Jr , were married Sat urday at noon at the First Baptist church. Dr Zeno Wall, the pastor officiated. This was the first wed ding to take place in the handsome new church and it was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The altar was banked with palms, au tumn leaves and floor baskets fill ed with large yellow chrysanthe mums, which formed the bark ground for the impressive ring service. Mrs. H. S. Plaster. Mrs. Ben Suttle, Miss Vallie Farnell, sister of the groom and Mr. A. S. Gifford of Greensboro rendered a program of wedding music prior to the cere mony. Mrs. Plaster first played an organ selection. "Moonlight in Granada,” after which, Mrs. Suttle sang "All for You” and My Heart' is a Haven.” Mr. Giffofd then sang, "Ah Sweet Mystery of Life,” and "Because," with Miss Farnell at the piano. The ever lovely wedding inarches of Lohengrin and Mendels sohn were used as the wedding party entered and left the church ana "Schubert's Serenade," was softly played by Mrs. Plaster at the organ dilring the ceremony. The ushers were Graham Holding, Robert Fraz ier, and James Hoague of Greens boro. John Eley of Suffolk, Va., Al len Suttle. brother of the bride end Jean Schenck. The tiny flower git Is i were, Martha Allen Baber and EHa Anne Thompson, cousins of the bride, who were daintily dressed *ti pale green crepe frocks and ca-ried small old fashioned bouquets of yel low roses, and fern. Little Ben Sut tle. Jr., cousin of the bride, dressed In a white satin suit was the ring bearer. Miss Mary Forbes of Green ville, cousin of the bride, was ma.d of honor and only attendant. Shi. wore a brown transparent velvet ensemble, with egg shell chiffon and lace blouse with brown accessories and carried large yellow chrysan themums, tied with yellow tulle. The bride was given in marriage by her father, Mr. Jap Suttle and they were met at the altar by the groom and his best man, Mr William Farnell of New York City, In her wedding dress, which was a handsome ensemble suit of blue Regal DpJfhire. with collar of parchment Lapin and parchment satin blouse with blue accessories, and carrying an arm bouquet of Pernet roses, valley lilies and swansonia. Miss Suttle was an exceedingly lovely bride. Mr. end Mrs. Farnell left immediately by motor for their honey moon trip and on their return, they will he at home at the Dolly Madison Apart ments, Greensboro. Mrs. Farnell is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jap Suttle and is cne of the city's most beautiful and popular young women, having been extensively entertained since her At The 1 neatres The Lyric Is bringing back the popular stage attraction this we^k —opening today—‘'Desmond's New York Roof Garden Revue.” This i3 a hot stage sketch, that packed 'em in when it was here before. There is a lively jazz band, beautiful chorus and special lighting and scenery. On the screen Douglas Fairbanks appears. The show is “The Nut," displaying all the wiles of the Fairbanks acting. A dance is advertised to follow the snow Tuesday and’ Thursday nights. The Webb is advertising one of the season’s top-notchers today — “The Gold Diggers of Broadway.” This is a truly fine picture—done in technicolor throughout, and a hun dred percent singing and dancing show, with a big chorus of one hundred Hollywood beauties. Claude Webb thinks so well of the picture, judging from its long runs else where, that he has booked it for four days—today, Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday. It is easily one of the most gorgeous, the ma;t beautiful and elaborate and colorful of latter-day specials. Clara Bow, the mad whoopee engagement was announced. She was educated at Meredith college in, Raleigh and Queens college in Charlotte. Mr. Parnell is the young est sbn of Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Far nell of Suffolk, Va., and is a promi nent young lawyer of Greensboro. He is a graduate of Washington and Lee University and is a member cf Kappa Alpha fraternity. Out of town guests here for the wedding, included: Mr. and Mrs. C S. Forbes, Miss Mary Forbes, and Charles Forbes of Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farnell, New York City, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Farnell, sr„ Miss Vallie Farnell, and Mr. John Eley of Suffolk. Va., Miss Inez Efird of Concord, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCauley and Miss Jean Davis of Gastonia, Mr. and Mrs. John Schenck, and Mr and Mrs. Hal Schenck. Lawndale, Mr. ir.d Mrs. B. C. Vitt. Messrs. A. S. Gif ford, Graham Holding, James Hoa gue, Robert Fraizer, Warren West and Slddon Boxley of Greensboro, things in long skirts and restricted girl of rne wua rarty iam;, comes to the Princess theatre again j in an entirely new .type of role in ! “Dangerous Curves" today ard Tuesday. “Dangerous Curves" is a story o' circus folk, and all the scenes are taken under the big top and in *ha circus trains. Miss Bow plays ti e part of a bareback rider and a clown. The characterization calls for dramatic and deeply romantic work, and she handles the part with a distinction and gusto that is even more interesting than her portrayals of flapper-dancer types. 63 MASCOT RANGES SOLD I I In 10 days we have sold 61 j j Mascot Ranges—We hac | j one hundred when our salt i started—So we only havt .‘57 more to tell. Come this week and select your Mas cot— $60.00 MASCOTS $39.75 $110.00 MASCOTS $69.50 We must dose our entire stock of Ranges, Heaters. Etc., at once. Don’t wait hut. come this week. THE PARAGON DEPARTMENT STORE )Come see Clara take “Dan gerous Curves” in high. Come see why she receives more fan mail than any other star in Hollywood. £,ee Clara Bow’s “Dangerous Curves.” CLARA BOWS DANGEROUS CURVES™^ Q. paramount Qicture TODAY & TUESDAY 10 20c ™ PRINCESS theatre THE NEW JEWELRY IS IMPORTANT FOR MEN AS WELL AS WOMEN: Watches, Rings, Fountain Pens, Watch Chains, Mesh Bags, Toilet Goods, Imported Chinaware, Lavalieres, Cuff Links, Pearls and Clocks of all kinds. The foregoing list of JeweV items does not by any means represent the complete assortment of Jewelry carried i n stock. Prices on this line of Jewelry is below comparison. You can save money by trading with us. Morrison Jewelry Store Located Next To Stephenson Drug Store. CJJje MW (Jbuixtfic RADIO witnHPawer Detection and the New- 45 Tubes C Mode* 91 $ 1375® (/ess fubes) Improved Majestic Super-Dynamic Speaker. Extra heavy, sturdy Majestic Power-Pack, with positive voltage-ballast, insures long life and safety. Early English design cabinet of American Walnut. In strument panel overlaid with genuine im !>orted Australian Lacewood. Escutcheon plate and knobs finished in genuine silver. plus the exclusive Majestic Automatic Sensitivity Control gives you QUIET, Smooth Reception, with no oscillation on the low wave lengths as well as the high ones FOUR TUNED • STAGES ' HALOS' NoA*C Hum Model 92 $1675® (/ess tubes) Improved MajesNe Super-Dynamic Speaker. Extra heavy, aturdy Majestic Power-Pack, with positive voltage-ballast, insures long life and safety. Jacobean period cabinet of American Walnut. Doors o# matched butt walnut with overlays on doors and interior panel of genuine im ported Australian Lacewood. Escutcheon plate, knobs and door pulls finished in gen uine silver. FREE Home Demonstration Pendleton’s Music Store — PHONE 272 — Star Job Printing At Cost YOU CAN BUY IT CHEAPER AT PARAGON’S GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE THIS IS NOT A SALE OF JUST AFEW ITEMS BUT POSITIVELY EVERYTHING IN THE STORE IS MARKED DOWN FOR CLEARANCE. THE TIME IS DRAW ING NEAR WHEN THE PARAGON WILL BE GONE FOREVER. HERE’S AN OPPORTUNITY NOW FOR BUYING HIGH-GRADE MERCHANDISE AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. WHY PAY MORE WHEN YOU CAN GET IT HERE NOW FOR LESS AND ONLY HIGH GRADE STANDARD BRANDS. IF YOU HAVE BEEN ATTENDING THIS SALE JUST KEEP IT UP AS LOADS OF NEW MERCHANDISE HAVE BEEN RECEIVED RECENTLY. IT ALL GOES RIGHT IN THE SALE AT SALE PRICES. FURNITURE, READY-TO-WEAR, SHOES, PIECE GOODS, NOTIONS AND ALL MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEARING APPAREL WILL BE FOUND RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICED. ATTEND THIS SALE DAILY — YOU ARE SURE TO SAVE AND YOU ARE SURE TO GET THE BEST. PARAGON DEPARTMENT STORE • .