VOL. XXXV, No. 129 SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 39, 1929 12 PAGES TODAY .—. u. , J Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons y5r (madvanS) *ioo LATENEWS THE MARKET. Cotton, per pound __ 17^c Cotton Seed, per bu._49',ic Rain And Warmer. ! Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Occasional showers tonight. Thursday partly cloudy with show ers in west portion. Rising tempera ture in central and west portions Thursday. - John Roach Straton Dead, pf The Rev. John Roach Straton, D. D., noted fundamentalist Bap tist preacher, died yesterday at a sanatorium at Clifton Springy New York. Dr. Straton, pastor of Cal yary Baptist church in New York city, had been seriously ill follow ing a nervous breakdown a month r*_ Divorced. Wife Testifies For Former Hubby Woman And Present Husband Take Stand For Former Husband In Court Here. ’ A divorced wife and her second husband took the stand in superior court here yesterday and were used as witnesses for the woman's first husband who was the defendant in a meat stealing case. The two were used in establishing an alibi for the defendant, both testlfyfng that the former husband spent the night with them in Gas tonia when he was charged with be ing in this county collecting val uable hams and shoulders'from two smoke houses. The defendant in the case was Bate Hamrick, who at the time of his arrest lived near Enola in Burke county. The meat was stolen, ac cording to the owners—C. B. Wright and Lem Hamrick of the Beam’s Mill section—on the night on Jan uary 13. last year. Evidence was introduced showing that a man had been tracked from the Wright and Hamrick smoke houses to the road side and from that point on a ca' was tracked for some distance by a defective place in one of the tires. After reaching the highway the track w-as lost, but was picked up again on a side road leading to the home of Mr. Sammie Hamrick in No. 8 township. There it was testi fied, that a car was found in the yard with a tire upon it which made the peculiar track, whila in the back seat salt was found, in dicating the state attempted to show that the meat had been canied there as it had Just been salted away before being stolen. The car. it was brought out, was brought there by Hamrick’s son, Bate, defendant in the case. Later officers visited tne Bate Hamrick home in Burke coun ty and found a portion of one ham which Mr. Wright identified as his because the hairs were not entirely scraped off and it had been, ac cording to Mr. Wright, a peculiar ly colored hog. Offer Alibi. Evidence offered by the defendant tended to establish an alibi for the defendant on the night of the meat stealing. Boy Allen, who lives at Gastonia and who had married the defendant's divorced wife, testified, as did his wife, that Hamrick hrd spent the night with them. The date was recalled, they said, be cause Mrs. Allen’s daughter by her marriage to Hamrick was sick and that her first husband had been sent for. On cross-examination Solicitor Spurling brought out that the meat stealing night was the first night the defendant had ever spent with his former wife and her second hus band. No School Friday, Teacher# Attend District Meeting The Shelby city schools will close Thursday afternoon for the week end with no school Friday due to the fact that practically all local teachers will be required to attend the district meeting of teachers In Charlotte on Friday. “DON’T DODGE IT,” said Theodore Vail Theodore Vail, late presi dent of the Bell Telephone company, said: “The way to meet a difficulty Is to face It. If you owe a bill don‘t dodge it. Pay It today if It Is hu manly possible. Retain vour self respect—make good your credit standing. If you can't pay today tell your creditor when you will pay, and keep your promise. You will win his good wlU and save your self embarrassment’and loss of standing.” PAY THOSE BILLS TODAY! KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD! Shelby Prepares To Welcome 1,000 State Baptists Murder Trials Open Thursday; Will Try Hornhuckle Friday Four Murder Trials In AM, Fifth Continued. Negro Killer On Trial Tomorrow. Disposal of the largest number of murder cases to come up on a dock et for one term here In many years will get underway in superior court here tomorrow, it was announced today by Solicitor Spurgeon Spurl ing. Cliff Fullenwider, middle-aged negro, will face the bar of justice in the first of the murder hearing. Fullenwider is charged whb Kill ing his brother-in-law at a negro church near Shelby several months back, the trouble between the tv o centering about Fullenwider's wife, a sister of the slain mam Four Altogether. Four killing cases are scheduled to be heard at the present term Five true bills charging murder have been returned by the grand jury, of which Thad Ford 's fore man, but the fifth case, a shooting affair between negroes at Lawndale last Saturday night, will be con tinued to the next term of court. On Friday the court is scheduled to take up the murder, charge against A. J. (Kid) Hombuckle. young boxer, who will be tried for fatally slugging George Scruggs m east Shelby last February. Two killing cases are booked for Monday’s session, the' first being the charge placed against several young white men of the Grover section of fatally assaulting a negro at Grover several years back, while !n Uie second case Boyd Law is charged with killing another negro over a girl, the killing taking place a few weeks back. No First Degree. Solicitor Spurling as yet does not know definitely the degree ill ask in each case, but he is inclineo to believe that the extreme cenaliy, which upon conviction would mean the death chair, will not be asked by the state in either of the four cases. The defendants, one in each case except the Grover case in which there are several, will pre sumably be tried upon counts rang (Continued on page twelve.) Georgia Man Die* Here At Age Of 78 W. W. Rochester who died here last Thursday night at the Shelby hospital came to Cleveland county about* six years ago from Geo'gia. He had been living in the Union community and wras 78 years of age. The funeral was conducted Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock and Interment was in the cemetery at Union Baptist church. She Presides Miss Selma Webb of Shelby, chair man of the pammar grade depart ment of the Fiedmont district as sociation of the North Carolina Educational Association presides over this meeting in Charlotte Fri day afternoon of this week. JIfss Webb is prominent In school circles in this territory. Juniors To Put On Big Meeting Several Hundred From Over Dis trict Expected Here Friday Night. Meeting Ope^*^ District Deputy Ed W. Dixon ex pects the district Junior Order rtJ'v here Friday night of this week it the Central school building to draw one of the largest crowds of any meeting ever held in the district, which covers four counties. Originally the meeting was sche duled to be held in the Junior hall but after State Counsellor D. W. Sorrell, of Durham, and Vice Coun sellor C. E. Hamilton, of Monroe, agreed to attend it was decided to stage an open meeting with the public invited to attend and to hold it in the school building to ac commodate the crowd anticipated. The district embraces the lodges of Caroleen, Henrietta, Forest City, Spindale, Cliffside, Rutherfordton, Ellenboro. Concord Bostic, Latti more, Shelby, Fallston, Flay and : Logan’s Store. Judge Harding Wants Facts Of His Court, No ‘Maybes’, ‘Abouts’ Scoffs At Strangers Who Gives Drinks Away. Criticises Old Character Witness Phrase. Judge W. F. Harding, who is pre siding over Cleveland county’s big gest criminal court here this week, prefers facts from the witness stand rather than ‘‘maybes” and ’abouts.’ He Is a stickler for getting his informaiton straight but keeps a court room alert and entertained with his wit as he makes his de mands. In fact, an attentive ob server might readily reach the con clusion that the Charlotte Jurist once shedding the dignity of the court bench could measure up wi'h Will Rogers in .a wisecracking con test. Explodes Old Phrase. Perhaps the most used and most heard phrase in the court room is that expression of a character wit ness when asked about some de fendant’s Character—"It's good, so far as I know.” One witness used the wom-out expression in the court room yesterday and Judge Harding immediately jumped on him writh both feet, figuratively speaking: "Yes,” snapped the judge "and it's good so far as I know, too, but I don’t know him at all. How far do you know?” Whereupon barristers and court attendants, who had been hearing the expression for years and con sidering it a good one, began to look at each other and wonder if, after all, it was a very exprestive answer. Doubts One Story. In another case a young defend ant, who had rua afoul of the law while partially intoxicated, had made a pretty good defense until he took the stand and tried to ex* plain about it. The judge w-as a bit curious as to where1 the young fel low had secured his whiskey, and to satisfy his curiosity he began to ask questions. “I guess somebody gave it to you. did they?” queried the judge. "Yessir,” was the eager reply of the witness. * ‘'Did you know them?''' “Nossir.” "Strangers to you. were they?’ asked the Judge. “Yessir,” answered the witness, perhaps wronderlng just how the kind jurist seemed to know just how he had been enticed into trou ble. ‘‘Hadn't ever seen them before, ch?” "Nossir.” "And did you permit, a couple of strangers nice enough to give vou a drink or two to go away without finding out their names?” •Yessir.” “Well, young man I must be somewhat different from you. If a (Continued on page twelve.) County Second In Ginning In State So Far Robeson County Nearly 2,000 Uales Ahead l!p To Oct. 18. Mistake' In Other Figures. Cleveland county had ginned 17,880 bales of cotton up to Oc tober 18, this year, Instead of 15,889 as was reported In Mon day's Star, and at the time tl,e ginning report was issued this county was second In the state. Robeson county to the same date had ginned 10,680 bales, or 600 bales more than that comi ty had ginned to the saihe dale last year. The revisal of the ginning figures this week has the coun ty 750 bales alirad of last year's ginning. Only five counties in the state had ginned over 10,000 bales up to October 18, and their ginning figures this year and last arc given: County 1929 102S Robeson. 19,680 19,088 Cleveland . ..... 17,889 17,171 Harnett-. _ .. 17,106 18.311 Johnston. 11,789 17,117 Sampson __ 13,376 13,38'! Lincolnton To Play Forest City Eleven In Shelby Friday Two Teams Clash In Class B Series Of State Championship Grid Race. Shelby It appears now will have three football games this week in* stead of two. News dispatches in L.e morning papers today stated that the Forest City and Lincolnton high school elevens have been scheduled to play here Friday afternoon in the first round of the class B state championship race. Thursday, tomorrow', afternoon the Shelby eleven plays Mt. Holly here, while Boiling Springs college plays the High Point college re serves on Saturday at the city perk. Funeral Of Young Riviere Held Today The funeral service of Alexander Riviere, who died Sunday at one o'clock at his home in Norfolk, Va. was conducted today, at 2:30 o’clock from the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Laugh ridge on N. Morgan street by Dr. H. K. Boyer assisted by Dr. Zeno Wall. The pall bearers w»ere the fol lowing young friends of Alexander: James and John Lutz, W. D. Bab ington. H. A. Logan. Floyd Wulis and Guy Laughridge. Relatives fi otn a distance at the funeral were; Walter Riviere, a brother, from the navy school in New London, Conn . Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Riviere, his :sar ents and family from Norfolk, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Nesblt Riviere, of Nor folk and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. John son of Wilmington. Doster Youth Gets Thirty Days On Gang Ernest Doster, white youth, was sentenced to 30 days on the chain gang by Recorder Horace Kennciv in county court yesterday on the charge of stealing a suit of "lothes last Saturday afternoon at ".he Montgomery Ward store. A little over a year ago he re ceived a road term for a larceny of jewels from the Alexander jewelry store. Have Fine Catch On South Carolina Coast Bringing with them six channel bass weighing 121 pounds and rep resenting a day's fishing at South Island on the coast of South Caro lina, Jake Elliott, Jim Elliott, Carl Putnam and Boyce Dellinger re turned to the city Monday *,h "tell their friends.” The channel bass ranged in weight from ten to thir ty pounds. Two Local Couples Married At Gaffney Only two couples from tins sec tion of North Carolina were married at Gaffney, S. C„ last week. They were: Clyde Humphries, of Patter son Springs, and Era Batchelor, of Kings Mountain; Gary Huskey ar.d Ruth Blanton, both of Cliffside. Whfere Baptist State Convention Meets Nov. 11 th to 14th The First Baptist church of Shelby is the meeting place ior the Baptist State Convention. Here it met In 181J, 1890, and 1913. The auditorium has a seating rapacity of 1,500. The church property Is valued aat $300,000. In the building are 103 rooms. Inset, reading right to to 1 eft. nr. Clyde Turner of Greensboro, president of the convention; Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of the First Baptist church and host to the convention, and Dr. J. Marcus Hester, of tVllmington. who preaches the convention sermon. Child Falls From Moving Car And Dies From The Injuries A1 Wants To Know If He Is To Blame For Stock Market Crash Springfield. Mass.. Oct. 29.— "Will they blame the stock market on uic Democrats?—‘Al.’ " Such was the laconic message sent by Alfred E. Smith to a meeting of the West ern-Massachusetts Democratic club last night. The message was enthusiastically applauded, coming after Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, of New York had declared that if such a market debacle ever took place' in a Dem ocratic administration it would im mediately be hailed as the result of business bungling by the party in power. -, Pinned Under Car, He Dies Farmer Of Lower Cleveland Meets Death As Car Turns Turtle On No. 18. Jeff, Davis, farmer living >ri Cleve land, county below Boiling Springs was buried Saturday afternoon at Elizabeth Baptist church ft 2 o'clock, following his death or Fr day night on state highway No. 18, north of Shelby in Burke county. It is understood that Mr. Davis was driving his car. returning home from Morganton with his son, when the car left the road near South Fork Creek. Mr. Davis who was 68 years of age was pinned unde. and received injuries from which Ac died before the sen could get medi cal aid Mr. Davis Is survived by his vile and several children. He is well known in several parts of the county where he lived at different times Mrs Katherine Dysart Buried At Rehobeth Mrs. Katherine Dysart was buried Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock at Rehobeth Methodist church. 3he was 78 years of age and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lee Whitesides with whom she had been making her home. Mrs. Dysart was a splendid woman and an exemplur Christian who will be greatly miss ed in the community. Her husband preceded her to the grave and be sides her daughter, Mrs. Lee Whitesides of this county, on? sou Charlie Dysart of Latpria. Cia rlso survive.. Mr. J. M. Holland and Mr. R. M. Schiele of Gastonia were over today planning with local officials for the Boy Scout drive here on next Tues day. Wu Visiting Relative* Here With III* Parents. Body Taken To New Jersey. A four and a half year old New Jersey child, visiting its grandfather Mr. Joe Runyans and other rela tives here, fell from a moving auto mobile Sunday and sustained a rup ture of the liver from which it died in the Shelby hospital Monday morning at 10 o'clock. The child's father P. F. Runyans and his broth er Craig Runyans and Craig's three children went out for a short ride after church service. The fathers were in the front seat and the four children In the back sent playing. In some manner the rear door of the car flew open and the four and a half year old child, William Fletcher Runyans. fell to iho ground, sustaining the fatal inju. v. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Runyans wei e here on a visit to his father, bring ing with them their only child which was a victim of the accident. They left yesterday for Newark, New Jersey with the body which will be buried today in tire cemetery at Mountain View, N. J., a suburb of Newark. Mr. Runyans has oeen manager of dne of the Great West ern Grocery stores in Mountain View, N. J., for the past ten years. Drive For Scout Funds Is Planned Civic Club Members To W»(f Cam paign For Shelby's Quota In Piedmont Council. Civic club members of Shelby are planning to wage a campaign next Tuesday for $1,000. Shelby's quota for the maintenance of the Picd I mont scout council. Oliver Anthony j is general chairman and the Ki I wanis, Rotary and Lions clubs have | appointed committees to conduct j the campaign. | Mr. J. M. Holland, council truas j urer and R. M. Schiele, scopi ex ecutive of Gastonia were to Shelby today conferring with leaders in planning the' campaign. The fol lowing committees have been ap pointed : Kiwams: R. T. LcQrand, Earl Hamrick, Chas. Hoey. Jack Palmer. J. D. Lineberger. Henry Mills, J. H. Origg, Bill McCord, Max Wash burn. Forrest Eskridge. Horace Easom and H. N. McDiarmld. Lions club: A. L. Bennett, Arthur Benoy, Charles Dover, Clav.dt Oroce, Clyde Nolan, Peyton Mc Swaln. Rotary club: Dean Duncan. Hor ace Kennedy, Charlie Hubba’d, Roy Sisk, Henry Massey. Rush Thomp son, DcWitt Quinn, Tom Oo’d. Negro Congressman Adds To Heat Of Political Trouble In Virginia Charged That Republicans Would Repeal Poll Tax Voting Law. Racial Issue Raised. and denials resulting from a printed circular asserting that the Republi can party stood for repeal cf the poll tax as a prerequisite to voting and showing pictures of Oscar De Priest, negro congressman, and hie wife, together with portions of De Priest speeches, this week usurped some of the interest that oUkt phases of the Virginia gubernatorial campaign has held. Party officials exchanged letters concerning the circular, Hen#y W. Anderson, Republican leader, seek ing to learn if the circular was ‘‘authorized or approved." and T. McCall Frazier. Democratic head quarters director, denying any offi cial connection with the pamphlet. Anderson Replies. Mr, Anderson spoke of the cir cular as being an “outrageous at tempt to associate Dr. Brown (Wil liam Mosley Brown, coalition gub ernatorial candidate), and myself with DePriest." He accus'd Demo cratic headquarters of distributing the circular, and denied that the F*e publtcan platform stood for :epeal of the poll tax. Mr. Frazier, who received and an swered the letter in the absence of Dr. John Garland Pollard, Demo cratic nominee lor governor, wrote Anderson that insofar as he knew | Dr. Pollard did not know of the cx ; istence of the pamphlet and decl.tr | cd that no one connected with the Democratic headguarters had any thing to do with it. Mr. Frazier wrote that Dr. Pollard was "no more responsible for its printing and dis tribution than is Dr. Brown or his headquarters responsible for the printing and distribution of the cir cular signed by Dabney Harrison, which ,is row being distributed by friends of the coalition candidates and in which Dr. Pollard is shame fully slandered.” Circular’s Charges. In the DePriest circular It is charged that Dr. Brown, coalition candidate for governor; Henry W. Anderson and the platform on-which Brown is running “demand a radiccl revision of our election laws, in cluding the repeal of the require ment that three years poll tax must be paid as a prerequisite for voting. DePriest and his wife are pictured in the circular standing together, the illustration appearing alongside the statement that Anderson, Brown and the Republican platform s*cnd for repeal of the poll tax. The circu lar charged that the poll tax was put into the Constitution to elimin ate the negro vote. The circular bore on the front page this question: "Can white su tContinued on page twelve.) State Meeting Comes Here For Fourth Session Last Baptist Convention Held Her* Was In 1913; Plan Two Banquets. One thousand delegates and vis> (tors are expected to attend the Baptist state convention whiob meets In Shelby November 11 to 14 inclusive with the First Baptist church which will entertain tht convention for the fourth time. To get some Idea as to the strength of the Baptists in North Carolina and the importance of the deliberations of this body of religious leaders, it is learned that a year ago there were 2,281 Baptist churches in tbs state with 386,403 members, con tributing for all purposes nearly four million dollars. It is estimated that the summary will show over 49*,(iW members of the Baptist denomina tion In the state this year. Ample Quarters For Meeting. The First Baptist church which ill be host to the convention this 'fir is greatly enlarged, having lunch property, Including tha nndsome parsonage, valued at 5300,000. The church and gduca tional building were remodelled within the past year and now the plant has 103 rooms, the church auditorium having a seating capa city of 1,500. Here tire t conventior meetings will be held, while In thf educational building adjoining thf church are ample department room! for sessions of the various branchei of the convention to be held The First Baptist church has Dr Zeno Wall for Its pastor. He la be ginning hts fifth year and la con sidered one of the outstanding lead ers in the denomination In th* state. Horace Easom la education*' secretary and director of music anf is playing an important part it making plans for the entertainment of the visitors. Hon. O. M. Mull b chairman of the committee on en tertainment and is making the as- , signment to homes for the dele gates. The host church is one of th< strongest of the Baptist faith i« the state with a membership of 1,« 200 and a Sunday school enroll ment of a like number. This church entertained the Baptist convention (Continued on page twelve.! ^ ■ t Courtney Presiding Elder For District Stanford Remains At Broad Street In Statesville. Other Appointments. Rev. R. M. Courtney is the new presiding elder of this district of the Methodist conference succeed ing Rev. W. A. Newell. Rev. A. L. Stanford, former pal tor of Central church here, was i«* turned by the conference Mondaf to the Broad Street church ai Statesville. The full appointments for thW district, now known as the Gastonia district, follow: Presiding elder, R. M. Courtney. Belmont Main Street, H. C. Sprin kle. jr. Belmont Park Street, J. C. Greece Belwood, J. W. FI teg er aid. Bessemer City, C. B. Newton. Cherryvllle, W. G. McF'arlanri Cherryvttle circuit, T. V. Crouse Cramerton, J. P. Morris. I Crouse circuit. Van B. Harrison Dallas, J. W. Vestal. Gastonia. East End. T. J. Huggins. Bradley Memorial, A. C. Salford. Main Street, J. B. Craven. Maylo, T. B. Honeycutt. Smyra, T. H. Swafford. Trinity, J. R. Warren. West End, R. A. Taylor. Goodsonville, J. W. Combs. Kings Mountain, J. R- Churn Lincolnton, P. W. Tucker. Lincoln circuit, C. R. Allison. Lowell. P. H. Price. Lowesville, J. O. Cox. McAdenville, D. P. Carver. Mount Holly, J. C. Cornett. Polkville. J. M. Barber. Rock Springs, R. F. Honeycutt. Shelby. Central, L. B. Hayes. LaFayette Street, W. R. Jenkins. ,, Shelby circuit. R. L. ForWs. Southfork, W. J. Miller. Stanley, J. W. Oreece. Missionary to Japan, I. L. Shave# ' Student, Duke University, G. 9, Hood Student Boston urn vers tty, P W, Townsend. Religious director, William an* Mary college, M. T. Hipps. Conference missionary secreiaejfej R M. Courtney

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