12 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. 130 SIIELBY, N. C, FRIDAY, NOV. 1, 1920, Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons (taffiSS S3 r LATENEWS THE MARKET. Cotton, per pound__ 17}£c Cotton Seed, per bn. ....__ 401$c More Rain. , Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Cloudy and continued warm tonight and Saturday with occas ional rain in west portion tonight and in west and north central por tions Saturday. . White Man Gets 2 Years On Meat Stealing Charge Bata Hamrick, Whoso Divorced Wife Testified For Him, Con 4 victed In Superior Court. r .Bate Hamrick, neatly dressed 'white man of Cleveland and Burke counties was convicted of meat 'stealing in Superior court here late Wednesday and was sentenced to two years in the State prison by Judge W. F. Harding. The charges upon which Ham tick was convicted were those of entering smoke houses of Lem Hamrick and C. R. Wright in the Beam’s mill section in 1928 and stealing hams, shoulders and oth er meat. A peculiar automobile tire track caused officers to trace a car to the home of Hamrick’s father ' where there was a car with salt, 1 apparently from meat, in the seat, but no meat was found there. Sev eral weeks later officers visited the Bate Hamrick home in Burke coun jty and in a pile of tops found a ! portion of one ham which was ' identified by Mr. Wright as part of his meat. }- The Hamrick defenso attempted to establish an alibi by '■ending Hamrick’s divorced wife and her ' present husband, both of Gastonia, , to the stand where they testified that Hamrick had spent the night 1 on which the meat was stolen with them. The jury was out about 30 mln ! utes before bringing in the verdict ' cf guilty. Attorney B. T. Falls rep , resented Hamrick, while Attorney | Jim Cline, of Fallston, assisted Solicitor Spurling In the prosecu tion, Mr. Taylor UpKolds Carolina: Insurance Vice President Of Security Life , Speaks Here Before Kiwanl* 1 Club. C. C. Taylor, vice president and general manager of the Security Life and Trust company of Win ston-Salem upheld southern life In surance companies last night when he spoke before the Kiwarns club at the Hotel Charles; George Moore being in charge of the program. Mr. Taylor paid a tribute to the men of vision of thirty years ago who laid the foundation for Carolina’s won derful growth and stated that when the Idea of a Southern life Insur ance company was conceived to keep Insurance money at home, the northern companies pointed out ! wrecks strewn on the shore and ! predicted such for the North Caro lina companies, yet today these | Carolina companies are prospering and loaning millions of dollars on farm land and for home ownership. Ihis has forced the northern com panics to make loans In this state where they did not before, j Mr. Taylor stated that over a ! hundred million dollars worth of life Insurance la carried in this 'country and quoted a number of rich men, advanced in years, who ! are buying life insurance to create estates at their death. Dwight Houser Gets License To Marry The marriage license record book at the court house here today show ed that marriage license had been issued to Dwight Houser, 23. of Shelby, and Jean Norton, 21, of Shreveport, Louisiana. The mar riage .according to reports, is sche duled to be solemnized some time today. Mr. Houser, Is the son of Dr. E A. and Mrs. Houser, and is well known in Shelby. Miss Norton, it is understood, has been teaching at Lincoln ton for several weeks, f . ‘BABSON SAYS’ •Credit Is like the blood clr dilating in your veins. Any thing which retards the flow of credit harms the business body. Hence, when you owe money all of your city suffers thereby. "Debts cause death both to men and communities. If yon really are anxious to improve business in your city pay up ail your current bills immed iately so that others can pay you.” Aid In Your City’s Pro Pay Your Bills Promptly and gress and Development! Free Negro In Killing Case Here CUff Fullenwider, Who Rilled Brother-In-Law. Acquitted By Jury On Self-Defense Plea. The first of four murder trials to be heard by the term of superior court now in session here resulted in an acquittal late yesterday when Cliff Fullenwider, middle-aged ne gro, was freed by a jury for the slaying of his brother-in-law For rest Wilson. Fullenwider. whose wife, accord ing to his attorneys has led him from one scrape to another and finally into court for murder, shot Wilson near a negro church north of Shelby some months back. The negro was represented by Attorney Clyde R. Hoey and when the case was called yesterday Mr. Hoey speaking for his client plead guilty to the shooting but declared that it was in self-defense. Solicitor Spurllng stated that he would not ask that the defendant be tried for first degree murder, thus removing the death chair likelihood, but would prosecute upon second degree murder or manslaughter as the evidence might indicate. Attorney A1 Bennett assisted in the prosecu tion. Not Guilty. The jury received the case short ly before court adjourned yesterday afternoon and returned the "not guilty” verdict shortly after ad journment, accepting the evidence that Fullenwider was being rushed by his brother-in-law and another colored man at the time he fired to defend himself. The Jury trying tne case was composed of W. P. Hern don, Mike L. Borders. W. B. Petty, E. M. Eaker, J. H. Palmer, Alex Costner, J. E. McCraw, P. H. Lee, A. J. Dedmon, Bee Allen, Pressly Cost ner and Charlie Whitworth, ArrowoocTs Father Dies At Bessemer Aged Citizen Passes At Age 83 Years. Nine Children Sur vive Him. L, U. Arrowood, prominent lum ber dealer of Shelby, attended the funeral oi his father D. M. Arro wood at Long Creek church Wed nesday afternoon. Deceased died at 1:1s home at Bessemer City Tues day at the age of 83 years. His wife preceded him to the grave fifteen years ago. He is survived by five sons, L. U. of Shelby, E. B. of Con cord, Clyde and Milton of. Lincoln ton. Prof. Fred of Reidsville, Ralph of LInwood, four daughters, Mrs. T. R. E. Oates of Bessemer City, Miss Laura Arrowood of Lincolnton, Misses Stella and Ida Arrowood of Bessemer City, A Ten Pound Daughter, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lelatid Jones a ten pound daughter, Tues day October. 29. Mbther and babe are getting along nicely, their many friends will be pleased to learn. Cleveland County Booth Which Won State Prize Above is pictured the Cleveland County Fair booth which this year won first prize at the N. C. Stale Fair in Raleigh for the third consecutive year. The booth was arranged by R. W. Schoffncr. county farm agent; E. L. Weathers, superintendent of exhibits at the Cleveland County Fair; Prbf*. nilllngham and Coley, agricultural teachers at No. 8 Township and La ttlmore schools; and by Thamer Beam, of Waco. Rev. Putnam Resigns Charge A t Dover, Goes To Beaver Dam Accepts Call To Beaver Dam. Dover Church Has Had Very, Gratifying Growth. Rev. D. F. Putnam who has been pastor of the Dover Baptist church has resigned and closed his work there last Sunday night. In the three years and a half of his pas torage there, the membership has trebled. A debt of about $6,000 nas teen paid and $2,000 spent in com pleting the building. The house of worship cost nearly $15,000 and was dedicated out of debt Oct. 6, this year. Much progress has been made in the various departments of L'» church work and the future *s bright for this young, growing church. The present membership numbers 250. A committee has been appointed to recommend a pastor to succeed Mr. Putnam. The retiring pastor will give Ids entire time to the country churches. Beaver Dam lias called Mr. Putnam for, half time and services will be held there on the first Sunday night, second Sunday morning, third Sunday night, fourth Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and fifth Sunday morning? ■ .;.1* Property Sold At Two Auction Sales Large crowds attended both the J. B. Nolan company sale of the Rudasill property on S. Washing ton street and the Harrill and King sale of the H. C, Elliott place on highway No. 18 south of Shelby Wednesday afternoon. Jesse and Billy Lowery bought the Elliott farm of 100 acres for $7,500, At this sale A. V. Runyans of Blacksburg drew the $25 capital prize. At the sale of the Rudasill property D. H. Cline bought a lot on S. Washing ton for $5125 and Charlie Austell a lot on S. Washington extension for $300. Ralph Hoey drew the $15 prize and Mrs. A, P. Weathers the $10 prize 4 State Fire Engineer Gives View About Fighting Hotel Fire Here Fire Track Pump Can Pump Only Available Supply. Answers Query Of Star. The explanation of the Shelby fire chief about the low water pres sure at the Cleveland Springs hotel fire being due to the fact that the water supply travelled almost two miles through a six-inch main is a "sound” explanation in the opinion of Capt. Sherwood Brockwell, state fire engineer. Following the fire a controversy arose here as to the low water pres sure firemen had to battle the blaze, the Shelby chief explaining that water carried through a six inch pipe lost much of its pressure firemen had to battle the blaze, the Shelby chief explaining that water carried through a six-inch pipe lost much of its pressure in a distance of two miles. The Star, desiriou3 of securing expert opinion on the mat ter, wrote Mr. Brockwell in Ra leigh, giving him the facts in the case and, also, the statement of the local fire chief, In reply Mr. Brockwell wrote; ‘‘Not knowing the height of your tower or the capacity I cannot give you a definite answer as to the amount of pressure at a hydrant on a dead end of a two-mile, six inch pipe but I will say that the chief’s explanation as expressed In your letter is sound and as the fire oc curred at an hour when we reason ably expect a heavy normal con sumption of water and as this six inch main, you refer to, goes through a large residential section before reaching the hotel, theoretically there would be a very limited amount of ivater delivered at the hydrant, so located, “A very fair idea of the amount can easily be obtained by going to the hydrant at about the same time the fire occurred and opening it which will give a practicaly an swer to your inquiry and if it is possible to obtain a pilot guage guage the pressure. The number of gallons delivered will be 29.7 times the square of the diameter of the opening multiplied by the square root of the pressure: as example: if the guage shows a pressure of nir.e pounds the number of gallons of water delivered would be 29.7x6!*x3, or 585 gallons per minute. '"The function of the pumping engine is to take the volume of water at hand and convert it into fire streams and, of course, the amount of water so pumped Is lim ited to the available supply plus the amount of water the engine will pump with a safe ,w orfcing vacuum." Is This Champion In Cotton Picking? George Getty*, of K-3 Ellen* boro, Is claiming the distinction, at least his friends are claim ing the honor for him, of being the champion cotton picker of this entire section. In five days be picked 2,200 pounds of seed cotton, an average of over 400 pounds a day. In one day when he was making this record, he picked 450 pounds. Shelby To Observe Educational Week Speakers To Appear Before School Children And Civic Clubs. Par ents To Visit Schools. ~ Elaborate plans arc being made for the observance of American education wdek, November 11-17. The American Legion, schools, civic clubs, homes, Parent-Teachers as sociations, churches, etc., are. Join ing in studying and promoting the cause of public education and the things it represents. Some promin ent school executives will speas to the Lions club, the Kiwanis club, and the Rotary club. Supt. Clyde A Erwin of the Rutherford county schools will address the Lions; Superintendent T. Wingate Andrews of the High Point city schools will address the Kiwanians; and Supt. R. W. Carver of the Hickory city schools is being invited to speak to the Rotarians, The program Is built around the seven cardinal objectives of educa tion which were formulated in 1918 by a committee of the National Education association. These ob jectives are health and safety; worthy home membership; mastery of the tools, technics, and spirit of learning; faithful citizenship; voca tional and economic effectiveness; wise use of leisure; ethical charac ter. The purpose of the observance of education week is to acquaint the public with the alms, achievements, and needs of public schools, and to elicit their support in behalf of the cause. The various schools arc arrang ing special assembly programs for each day in the week and the topic for the dfty will be related to the regular class work, Mr. D. Z. Newton will speak to the high school pupils on Armistice day as a feature of a program Mrs. R. W. Morris is arranging a pro gram on our debt to our soldier dead and peace as a goal of good citizenship, The Parent-Teachers association officers are arranging to have every teacher in the system enter tained in a home on Tuesday even ing—home and school day. The Colonial Art exhibit Will be on display at the high school dur ing the week. It is expected that ail the school children and many of the patrons will view the reproduction of a number of the masterpieces in art. It Is hoped that all patrons will at some time during the week visit the school where their children are enrolled, see them at work, see tne conditions, etc. Wednesday is the regular day for visitation, but the patrons will be welcome at all times. Sunday, the seventeenth. Ts God and country day. An etfort will he made on the part of the teachers to • get all school children witn their parents to attend services at the church of their preference on that day. The ministers will bring mes sages from the Great Teacher on child personality, character train ing, or some theme pertaining to the occasion, ^ • • . r j College Game Here Saturday; Mt Holly Defeats Shelby Hi. Bolling Springs And High Point Reserves To Clash Here. Mt. Holly Strong. The Bolling Springs college eleven will make Its first appear ance in Shelby tomorrow, Sat urday, afternoon under the tu torship of Blalney Rackley, former Wake Forest sensation, when the Junior Baptists take on the strong reserve eleven of High Point college. With the Boiling Springs student body at tending a large crowd is anti cipated for Shelby’s first college' grid play of the year. Shelby High's Golden Tornado yesterday ran into another eleven which refused to budge before the pale and the charging Mt. Holly team defeated the yellow jerseyed lads 18 to 12 In a game which was much of a thriller near the close tut far from tasty football until that period. Blocked kicks, intercepted passes, completed passes, and long returns of punts featured in the making of all five touchdowns. Mt. Holly drove one six-point marker across by line charges, intercepted a Shelby pass— a pass made on first down—to make the second, then return a Shelby punt 30 yards and followed that with a triple backfield pass trans formed into an end run for the third touch down. Shelby’s first marker came on a 40-yard run by “Shorty” McSwain, most consistent of Shelby performers, after a Mt. Holly kick was blocked. The other touchdown came on passes during the desperate final quarter rally of the golden Jerseys. This period gave fans their only thrills of the afternoon. Holding Mt. Holly on the ten-yard line, aft er the Gaston boys had shoved over a marker to take a two touchdown lead, the rookie Shelby eleven for live minutes or so resembled Shelby team of bygone days. Rippy, shot back into the game after being re moved earlier in the play when his generalship was not working smoothly, began to flip passes right and left. The Shelby ends and two substitute backs started stabbing them. Gains on passes were mixed | with a couple driving line plunges (Continued on page twelve.) Local Teachers In Meet At Charlotte Practically all of the teachers In the Shelby city schools are in Char lotte today attending a district teachers meeting. School work was suspended yesterday so that the schools might be closed today lor the teachers to attend the Char lotte sessions. Barkley To Lead Census In Section William H. Barkley, of Hickory, will be supervisor of the 1930 cen sus in this district, according to an nouncements from Washington. The district is composed of the follow ing counties: Alexander, Avery, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, A|eve land, McDowell, Mitchell, Ruther ford and Watauga, Ford Prices Down $15 To $50 Each Today Chas. L. Eskridge received a tele gram today announcing price reduc tions on all Ford units, the price cut ranging from $15 to $50 per unit, according to types. The re duction is effective today. Sinclair Back Here To Teach School Music Dirrclor Who Carried Shelby Band To State Honors Back On Faculty Monday. Prof. W. T. Sinclair. who last year led the Shelby high school hand to a state championship, will Monday morning return to the lo cal school as director of music. This announcement was mads yesterday by Dr. Tom Gold, chair man of the city school board, and by Capt. Ben Smith, school super intendent. Supt, Smith speaking of Prof. Sinclair's return said: ‘‘Wo feel tcry fortunate ih getting Mr, Sin clair back because it Is generally ! rallied what beneficial work he accomplished last year and prior to that time In instructing the band crchestra and other departments. School officials during this term have constantly been endeavoring to get him back and are now pleas ed to have succeeded in the en deavor." Tald By Pledges. Prof. Sinclair, it is understood, will not be paid as a regular teach er as no provision was made In the cchool budget for a musical direc tor. but will be paid by pledges made by citizens, who desired his return, and by a donation from the city council. Just how much of the Sinclair salary will come from the aldermen la not made public but it will not reach the sum. the understanding Is. that was asked of I hn hern*• rl Prof. Sinclair last year so trained the high school band and orchestra that these two organizations were outstanding, along with Individual school musicians, at the state con tests. Due, however, to financial handicaps facing the school board at the end of last year's session op erating expenses of the school were clashed by a new school board and the slash cut down on the portion or the budget for musical Instruc tion. Prof. Sinclair felt then that he could not return under the cir cumstances and this year has been employed in New Jersey and New York. School patrons and parents of children in the band and orches tra made a special canvass for pledges to assure the salary desired by him and asked the city board to contribute a certain amount. At that time the total raised did not. secure his return, but negotiations of recent weeks proved successful. SicknessTies Up Change Of Pastors There will be no preaching serv ices at Central Methodist church here next 8unday. The new pastor, Kev. I*. B. Hayes who comes to suc ceed Dr. Hugh K. Boyer will not arrive until the last of next week with his wife and three children from West End Methodist church, Winston-Salem,,Dr. Boyer will not gc to his new charge at Morganton until early next week because the pastor on that charge. Rev. P. W. Tucker Is sick and is unable to move and make the parsonage available for the Boyer family. Title Football Game Is Not Played Here The Forest City-Lincolnton foot ball game in the class B state championship series is not being played here today. News dispatches Wednesday said that the game be tween the two schools wa3 to oe played in Shelby this afternoon, but this later proved to be an error, and the two elevens are clashing today on the Forest City gridiron. Hornbuckle Given 4 Year Term For Killing Scruggs With A Stick Favorable Report From Grand Jury Irjr* Fire How For Protection At County Home. New Store At Jail Needed. All institution)! of the Cleve land county government, Includ ing the chain fane and county home, are In food condition and are belnf properly operated with a few minor exceptions, accordinf to the frand Jury re port filed in superior court yes terday with Judre W. F. Hard Inf. The report signed by Thad C. Ford, foreman, has the following to say of county Institutions: “We found the county home Jn fine shape. Inmates well taken care ef and provided with comforts and conveniences necessary to their welfare. We looked particularly into the sanitary conditions, exam ined beds and bed clothing and found no evidence of bed bugs or other obnoxious and unsanitary conditions anywhere about the buildings and premises. Everything Indicated pride and progress and humane treatment. “We found two fire hydrants ap proximately 60 and 90 feet respec tively from the main home. The hy drants are supplied with water from a four Inch main connected with the city of Shelby water sys tem, but we found no fire hose uo the premises. We, therefore, suggest and recommend that the county commissioners purchase at least 200 feet of standard fire hose, and that same bo kept In close proxi mity to the hydrants for fire pro tection since this is the only protec tion afforded. we iouna me county jau in gooa condition in every particular witn the exception of a few broken win dow panes, and a cooking: range in a bad state of repair, and we rec ommend the purchase . of a new cooking range as we believe the one now in use to be dangerous and onsatlafactory. '■We found the No. 6 township convict camp in fair condition with comforts and conveniences ordinar ily found at prison quarters. We would like to recommend that this camp also be provided with a new end larger cooking stove, as the one they now have la entirely too small and is hardly worth repair ing. “Upon examination of the court l ouse we found it to be In good shape Inside and out." Near $100,000 Tax Is Collected By Allen Sheriff Irvin M. Allen and De puty Ed Dixon have collected near ly $100,000 in Cleveland county tax es in a period of two weeks. They secured the tax receipt books on October 15 aqd through yesterday had collected $90,243.16. One per cent reductions was allowed on all taxes collected In October and to day, but through the remainder of November a reduction of only one half of one percent will be allowed. Poston, Convict Boss, Out After Illness Mr. Clyde Poston, boss of the No. 6 chain gang, was able to be out yesterday for the first time after being ill with typhoid fever. 70-Year-Old Cherokee Man Sued By Woman For Seduction Spartanburg Woman Wants $25,000 Damages From T. M, Phillips Of Cowpens. Gaffney, Oct. 31.—Suit for $25, 000 damages for alleged breach of promise to marry and seduction has been filed in the office of Cleric of Court T. M. Caldwell hero against T. M. Phillips, of Cowpens, route 1, by Estelle Sellars, of Spartanburg. According to the papers filed in the case, Mr. Phillips is now 70 years old and the plaintiff Is 32. The alleged breach, according to the complaint, originated in 1024 when, it Is claimed in June of that year Mr. Phillips proposed marriage and was accepted by the plaintiff, at her home on North Church street in Spartanburg, where she con ducted a boarding house. The com- j plaint further alleges that a mar riage license was secured from Pro bate Judge Lake W, Stroup, of Cherokee county, December 19, 1924, and that the two had agreed to marry December 25, 1924. It Is also asserted that Mr. Phillips made an announcement to the effect that he and the plaintiff were to be married in the presence of several of the plaintiff’s boarders. A copy of the purported marriage license is attached to the complaint. With reference to the allegation of seduction, ttie complaint reads: "the plaintiff is now informed and believes the defendant promised to1 marry her with a view and for the purpose of seducing her and then abandoning her, and the defendant by means of his promise to marry the plaintiff, seduced the plaintiff,” etc. Judge Harding Pimm Sentence Nd Lem Than Four Nor Mon Than Six Yean In Priam. A. J. (Kid) Hornbuckle, blithe and well-dressed younr prizefighter known throughout the Carolinae and Georgia, was sentenced *o 4 yean in the State prison here this afternoon by Judge W. F. Harding In Superior court for the killing here last February of George Scruggi. The sentence was deh« ally received by the 20-year-old. brown-eyed youth who never lost hie composure during the trial. The sentence of not less than four nor more than six yean was passed by Judge^Harding Just after court convened at Z o'clock title afternoon. The cue got underway this mom* tug and defense counsel announced that they would plead their client guilty of manslaughter and would attempt to show by evidence that he killed Scruggs, a textile mill •worker, in self defense. The man* slaughter plea wu accepted by So licitor Spurting, and a Jury was not used. Judge Harding hearing the facts in the case aa presented by both sides to determine the degree of guilt. Scruggs died in the hospital here two days after be wu struck by a stick of green cordwood wielded hr Horn buckle during an altercation at the railroad crowing at Eastslde. Hornbuckle left the town and State just after the affair and wu latte apprehended in Alabama where 1m) was known as Jack Edwards. Fashionably Dressed. The defendant, debonair in man* ner and drew, resembled a stylish young college boy mare than be did a prize-fighter. He wu dressed In a blue serge suit with a gold watch chain dangling acrosa his vest front end wore a snappy red-and-whita bow tie. His brown eyes followed with alertness every move end act (Continued on page twelve) Sparling Has Open Field In Keeping Office Young Solicitor, Native Of Cleve land, Him No Announced Op position So Far. Spurgeon Spurting, young Lenoir attorney and a native of this coun ty. who two yean ago was elected solicitor of this court district, seems slated now to be nominated again by his party next spring without opposition and then reelected. Anyway, with the next primary no great distance off and with office seekers making their plans not a single candidate, Insofar as is pub licly known, has even talked of op posing the Caldwell man. That de spite the fact that Solicitor Spur ling won the office in one of the wannest political races the district has ever known. Six attorneys scat tered over the counties of the dis trict sought ;the Democratic nomi nation two years ago and all made intensive campaigns. The race fin ally dwindled to a struggle between Sam Erwin, of Morganton, and Spur ling, the latter winning in the run-off. Wins Admiration. That Solicitor Spurting has won the admiration of the district by his meftiod of prosecuting is evidenced by the lack of opposition material izing against him as the primary nears, although numerous barristers are announcing and preparing them selves for the office of judge in the district, which is to be vacated next year by Judge James L. Webb. A. ju quicaei, uncommon lawyer, has already been endorsed for th* nomination by the Lincoln bar and is considered in the race. B. T. Falls, former county judge here and ones , a leader in State legislative circles; Wilson Warlick, Newton attorney, and others are considered as likely candidates for the court bench. None of the candidates has mad* definite entry into the race yet aij indications are that there will b* three, if not four or five, men ip the district who will petition Demo- -M crate voters of the district to tender them Judge Webb’s seat. And with such interest shown in the judicial seat while there seems to be no m» i terest at all in the solicitor’s race, !; it appears likely that the young | prosecutor bom in the shadow at Cleveland county’s South Mountains v and later making Caldwell his adopted county will be unopposed.