12 PAGES TODAY Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons carr££\5?yw 8.00 SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, NOV. 8, I I I f THE MARKET. Cotton, per pound_........ 17c Cotton Seed, per bu. __.... 45c •* " Rain Saturday. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Cloudy tonight and Satur day. Rain Saturday and in west por tion tonight. Not much change in temperature. i-Jr Foolish Selling. On t statement issued yesterday at Washington, Chairman Legg of ihe federal farm board declared that in his opinion “any one selling fcheat or cotton at the present mar ket prices is foolish.’’ He did not elaborate on his views other tlian lo say that good harvesting weather has caused the markets to be flood id and held the price down. ^Through cooperative associations the farm board hopes to advance money to growers so that the cot ton may be held until more satis factory prices are received. Highway 18 To Be Finished By Cherokee Co. Work Being Pushed By State En gineer On Plans To Meet j Highway From Shelby. LATENEWS Gaffney, Nov. 8.—Plans for the Cherokee county portion of the new highway from Gaffney to Shelby, from Broad river to the Cleveland county line, are being worked out by state highway department engi neers at Columbia, according to a letter received by E. L. Gossett, county treasurer and clerk of the county commissioners, in reply to an inquiry submitted to Charles H. Moorefield, state highway engineer. These plans probably will be deliv ered to the Cherokee county author ties before the first of the coming year, Mr. Moorefield stated. Upon receipt of the plans the county commissioners will make arrangements for letting a contract for the construction of the link be tween the river and the Cleveland line. Cleveland county has already built Its portion of the road south from Shelby. Sometime ago a re port gained currency at Shelby to the effect that Cherokee did not in tend to construct the part of the road in this C9unty. This report was promptly contradicted by Cherokee county authorities. Mr. Moorefield’s letter to Mr. Gossett Incidentally mentions the fact that the South Carolina high way department is rushing plans for construction in this state, which it is hoped to begin early in January under the provisions of the $65, 000,000 road bond issue act. His letter follows: “In reply to your letter of Octo ber 26 requesting information as to the survey to be made by the high way department for the Gaffney Shelby road, we have completed the survey of the section from Broad river to the North Carolina line and will start on the plans within a few days. As soon as the plans are com pleted we will furnish you with them so that the county can pro ceed with the work as outlined by the plans. We cannot state definite ly when these plans will be com pleted, but they should be complet ed before the first of the year; we are rushing plans for construction work which we will let some time during January under the bond act. “Assuring you that we will make every effort to get these plans to you at the earliest possible date, I am,” etc. Billiard Expert Shows Here Tonight James Thompson, one of the world’s leading billiard shots, is giving two exhibitions and meeting all comers today at the Cleveland Cigar store. The first exhibition was at 3:30 this afternoon and the sec ond will be at 7:30 tonight. Thomp son, his manager says, holds vic tories over Ralph Greenleaf, Prank Hoppe and other experts. IT’S HARD TO LOSE Anything In Cleveland County More than 20,000 people read the “want ads” in The Star three times each week. If you have lost anything, found anything, have something to sell, or want to buy something, tell the entire county about it in Star “want ads.” / That's why it is hard to lose anything in this county provided you advertise the loss in The Star. STAB WANT ADS are read by more people than the wants ads of any news paper not published daily in the; tarolyias. Governor Gardner To Attend Convention Of Baptists In Shelby City Ready To Entertain State Convention For Fourth Time. 1,000 Visitors Expected. Governor O. Max Gardner | has sent word, it was announc ed here today, that he will at tend the State Baptist con vention in Shelby next week and will make a brief address to the convention on Tuesday night. Other outstanding lead ers in the State who will at tend in addition to the Gover nor and leading Baptist minis ters include Dr. Francis P. Gaines, president of Wake For est college, and Dr. W. I. Po teat. Delegates and visitors to the con vention, particularly Baptist pas tors, will begin arriving in Shelby Monday, while the peak of the at tendance will likely be reached by noon Tuesday as the convention proper gets underway Tuesday af ternoon. Homes Thrown Open. Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of the First Baptist church which is host to the convention, and Mr. O. M. Mull, chairman of the entertain ment committee, stated today citi zens of Shelby, regardless of de nomination, had been very gener ous about opening their homes to entertain the 1.000 or more visitors expected and that ample entertain ment preparation had been made. Due to the Cleveland Springs hotel fire practically all of the uptown hostelries are near filled each night with commercial travellers and the major portion of the 1,000 visitors will be entertained in private hem es of the city. In this connection Dr. Wall stated that the board of stewards of the Central Methodist church had generously offered o canvass the entire Central congre gation to help provide rooms lor the visitors. First Meeting. The first programs or prelimi nary programs of the convention will come on Monday. The first of a series of pastors’ conference will be held at the First church Mon day afternoon at 2:30, The second will be held Monday evening and the third Tuesday morning at which time Dr. Gaines, Wake For est president, is expected to address the pastors. On Tuesday after noon the convention proper gets underway and the sessions will ex tend through Thursday morning. Tuesday Night Leads. The Tuesday night session prom ises to be the most outstanding of the convention. Soon after the ses sion opens Governor Gardner is scheduled to make a brief talk. His address will be followed by a spe cial musical program and by the convention sermon, which will be preached by Dr. J. M. Kester, pas tor of the First Baptist church at Wilmington and former pastor cf the Shelby church. Organization Banquets. Organizations of the North Caro lina Baptist church will hold two banquets, during convention week. On Tuesday evening Sunday school leaders and workers will banquet, while a B. Y. P. U. banquet, which may be attended by 300 or more young people, is to be staged on Wednesday evening. These bm quets will be served near the churt h. In order to aid the eating places of the city to handle the hundreds of visitors one organization of tne First church plans to serve 250 meals twice each day in the dining room of the church. 3 Mrs. C. H. Hardin and two chil dren and Mrs. Tom Miller Were Kings Mountain visitors yester day. Forecast On Cotton Up; Price Unchanged After Report Given Yield Indicated 94,000 Bales More Than Last Report. 10,889,314 Bales Ginned. The government cotton r»port issued today gave an indicated yield of 15,009,000 bales, or 94. 000 batys more than the last forecast of 14,915,000. Very little change in price was shown on the market within two hours after the forecast of an increased yield. L'p to November I. according to the report, 10,889,314 b.vles had been ginned. The indicated yield as to j acreage for the entire crop was given at 154.1 pounds per acre. Central Methodist Planning To Secure Assistant To Pastor -i._ Rev. Mr. Hayes, New Pastor, Here And Will Preach At Central Services Sunday. Officials of Central Methodist church are negotiating now, .t -s understood, to secure an assistant pastor for the church. Mrs. M. P. Coley, who aided in the clerical work during the pastorate of Dr. H. K. Boyer, is leaving Shelby and church ! officials hope to secure an assist ant pastor to handle this and other departments of the church in a progressive program mapped out for the church for the coming year. So far is known no definite action has been taken as yet in the matter although the topic has been taken up in several conferences. Hayes Moves Here. Rev. L. B. Hayes, new pastor of the church succeeding Dr. Boyer, moved into the Methodist parson age yesterday with his family. The new pastor, who comes here from Winston-Salem, will preach at the Sunday services of the church. Big Hunting Year Over This County Game Warden Sells Many Licenses. Bird And Rabbit Season Open Soon. The present hunting season promises to be one of the biggest in the history of Cleveland county, ac cording to County Game Warden Mike Austell. So far this year the game war den and his deputies have sold 218 state hunting licenses, 480 county licenses and 13 combination licenses, hunters of the county paying a total of $1,188.50 for hunting privileges. The bird and rabbit seasons do not open until November 20 and with the opening of the two seasons scores of additional licenses will be sold. Miller New Head Of Ella Textile Plant Mr. H. B. Miller, of Florence, Ala., has moved to Shelby to become superintendent of the Ella mill of the Consolidated Textile corpora tion, succeeding Mr. W. J. Erwin. Mr. Miller was former secretary of the Cherry Cotton mills, whik Mr. Erwin has been promoted to the of fice of the Consolidated firm at Great Falls, S. C. North Carolina Nimrods Buy More Hunting License This Year Raleigh.—Collections from the sale of hunting licenses have pass ed by $5,000, the receipts on the same dates last year, Col. J. VV. Harrelson, director of the depart ment of conservation and develop ment announced. Total remittances this week readi ed $76,000, in comparison with $71/ 000 a year ago. This showing has been made. Colonel Harrelson point ed out, in spite of the fact that open seasons for game, by legisla tive enactment, have been general ly later this year than they were last season. Bird gea§o^, however, wjs ad vanced ten days this year in order to allow for hunting on Thanks giving Day, a favorite time for sportsmen to take the field. It is shown, however, that the bird sea son will not open until November 20, and the big rush of license buying is expected to be experi enced before this time. •‘Reports from over the state in dicate this year that there is more game than has been seen for the past fifteen years,’’ Colonel Ha rel son said. "The larger sale of li censes is evidently a reflection of the greater supply of game which creates a desire for more hunters; . to go tQ t^e |ield. WEEK-END GUESTS AT MANSION ' MU i Members of the Cceilian Music Club, of Bhelby, who were week end guests at the Mansion with their hostess Mrs. Gardner, also a member, aud Governor Gardner. The guests include: Mrs. Georgo A. Hoyle, Mrs. VV. C. Harris, Mrs. V. U Heiuiessa, Mrs. W. B, Nil, Mrs. Thnd <\ Ford. Mrs. John F. Svhneck, Jr.. Mrs. Kush Thompson, Mrs. A1 Bennett, Mrs. Will Arey, Mrs. William McCord, Mrs. Earl Hamrick, Mr* Cline Lackey. Mrs. A. B. Buttle, Mrs. I). W. Royster, Mr*. Pitt Beam, Mrs. Grady Lovelace, Mrs. DeWitt Quinn, Mrs. Frank Love, Mrs. Charles Wall, Miss Amos Willis, Miss Mamie Roberts and Miss Bertha Bostic. Photo courtesy Raleigh News and O bserver. Virginia Rout Of Anti-Smiths Starts Talk Of Simmons Rival In North Carolina Again No Armistic Day Program In Shelby Many Shelby And Cleveland People Will Attend Celebration In Forest City. Shelby and Cleveland county will hold no formal program celebration Armistice day on Monday, although throughout many churches . of the county Sunday the Armistice day theme will be used as sermon topics. Quite a number of Cleveland peo ple, indications are, will attend the big celebration planned at Forest City. A Forest City dispatch telling of the events there Monday follows: Everything is in readiness for Forest City's big county-wide Ar mistice day here next Monday. Plans are being made to entertain hun dreds from all communities of the county. Invitations have been ex tended to all ex-service men ever the entire county to be present and participate in the big celebration. As Monday will be a legal holiday, practically all business establish ments of the county will be closed at least part of the day. Since this is true, additional hundreds arc expected that could not otherwise be here for the big event. A speakers’ stand has been erect ed on the cast end of the plaza, di rectly in front of the memorial to the World War dead. From this stand cx-governor Cameron Morri son will speak at 11:30 o’clock. lie will be introduced by Attorney C. O. RidingS. Seats have been reserv ed for ail parents of boys who made the supreme sacrifice during tut World war, and invitations were mailed this week to parents of the thirty-four boys who died in service, to be present for the occasion. The Program. The program, as outlined oy uic committee, will open at nine o'clock, and will be as folows: 9:00 a. m.—Registration of all ex service men, with Frank Dorsey in charge. 9:00 a. m.—Band concert in square. Spindale band. 10:30 a. m.—Mammoth street pa rade. 11:30 a. m.—Address, by Hon. Cameron Morrison. 12:30 p. m.—Picnic luncheon for ex-soldiers, their wives and chil dren. 2:30 to 3:30 p. m.—football game, Cool Springs high school. Forest City vs. Kings Mountain. 3:30 to 5 p. m.—Stunts on street. 6:00 to 8:30 p. m.—Prize fights. 8:30 to 12 midnight, street dance. LATTIMOUE SCHOOL TO REOrEN ON NOVEMBER 13 The Lattlmore high school, which has been closed down for several weeks so that students might aid in cotton picking, will reopen on Mon day, November 18, it was announced today by Prof. Lawton Blanton, principal. • - v - . . - ■ Raleigh Democratic Cliieftians fclat ed Over Outcome Of Virginia Election. Raleigh.—Democrats here are elat ed at the success of the Democratic party in Virginia and the weakness shown by the antl-Smlth Demo crats in the gubernatorial election there Tuesday, In fact, the anti-Simmons group was so elated that before noon yes terday the report was current throughout capital circles that on? member of the Supreme rourr-. namely Associate Justice VV. J Brogden, of Durham, was likely to resign within 48 hours in order to become a candidate for the U. S senate against Senator Simmons in the primary neat June. Still other reports were to the effect that Chief Justice W. P. Stacy might also be come a candidate, as well as Josiah William Bailey. When asked if there was -ny basis for the reports, Judge Brog den stated that the report wras utterly unfounded, that he had no intention of resigning and had gi-, en the matter very little thought. He stated that he had received some letters urging him to make the race. but had discussed the matter with no one and that he had been far too busy to even think about it recently. Judge Brogden also sated that he thought it far too soon to draw any con clusions one way or the other from the Virginia election or to try to dissect the varjotfir issues and fac tors involved ^nd apply them to Carolina, to get & per Chief Justice the situation th Norf It was not possible sonal statement from Stacy, but those close to him de clare that he likewise has no in tention of resigning, certainly not in the near future, and that there is very little likelihood that he would become a candidate for the sens torial nomination against senator Simmons. Neither was it possible to obtain a definite statement from Josiali William Bailey as to whether he would be a candidate lor the sena torial nomination, or whether he would withdraw if another candi date announces. Bailey Not Decided. However, those close to tiauay say that it makes no difference to him who else gets in the race and that if he decided to run, he will run regardless of the others—if there are any others. It is believed Ijy his friends that he is postpon ing the actual announcement of his candidacy to see if there is a gen uine demand from the Democrats of the state for him to run. For the time being, the feehcg here is stronger than it has been in months that there will bo a candidate to oppose Senator Sim mons next June, largely because of the overwhelming victory of the “regular" Democrats in Virginia' For this, according to some here, would indicate tirett most of the old anti-Smith sentiment has died in Virginia, and that consequently '.Continued on page ten ). Over $1,000 Raised In Boy Scout Drive Financial Canvass For Scout Ol ga nizat ion Successful. Some Yet To Report. Shelby's drive this week for the Boy Scout organization has proven successful, according to Oliver An thony, naVned by the Piedmont Scout council to lead the drive On Tuesday representatives of various civic organizations in the town, including the Rotary, ICi wanis and Lions clubs, began a can vass which is not yet complete. A minimum goal of $1,000 was set for the drive and today Mr. Anthony stated that the goal had already been passed with several of the canvassing teams yet to report, County Native Dies At His Texas Home Andrew Wesson, Prosperous Farmer Of Lone Star Slate, Dies There. Details Unknown. News has reached Shelby of the death, at his home in Texas a few days ago. of Mr. Andrew Wesson, who, as a former Cleveland county resident, was well known here. He was the son of the late "Jim” Wesson, of Grover. Removing to Texas years ago, he became a pros perous farmer of the Lone Star state. Details concerning Mr. Wesson’s demise are lacking, but the news of his passing will be read with re gret by many friends and relatives in this county. Numerous Cases Of “Flu” About Section Quite a number of cases of "flu” of a mild nature are now scattered about Shelby and the county, ac cording to physicians. Mr. H. O Champion, pharmacist at Suttle's drug store, was out today with a, light attack of “flu,” while Mr. Lee Weathers, Star president, has been confined to his home for two days. Longest Term Of Criminal Court Is Ended In Cleveland Divorces Outnumber Marriages For One Week In The County Four Divorces Granted Here This Week While Only One Mar riage License Was Issued. Marriages may outnumber di vorce* for the year 1929 In Cleveland county but divorces chalked up a win over mar riages for this week. In county court this week di vorce* were granted to four couples, one of the men receiv ing a divorce securing It from his wife, while downstair* Reg ister Newton Issued only one marriage license. The couple securing the wedding paper* were Felix Lloyd Patterson and Willard Geneva Goforth, both of the county. One divorce was granted early in the week, while the three following were granted yester day: Alice Sllvey from John Sllvey; Novella Heath from F. It. Heath, and James T. Ham rick from Dora Kandell Ham rick. Men Held Here Also Being Sought In S. C. White Man And Negro Arrested Near Lattimore Wanted For Laurens Wire Stealing. Officers from Laurens, South Car olina, today came to Shelby after James Mayhcw, white, and Eb Jen kins, colored, who were being held in the local Jail on a robbery charge in this county, to take them to Laurens to be tried for stealing copper wire. Last Saturday night Cleveland officers arrested Mayhew and Jen kins at a cotton gin in the Lattimore section in connection with the larceny or attempted larceny of a motor truck battery. While they were being held here Laurens of ficers called about them. Gave 8elf Away. The South Carolina officers, it la said, were not positive that the two were the ones wanted there for stealing 1,000 pounds of copper wire, but a local deputy after receiving the message went to the county jail, called the colored man aside and asked him where they sold the wire. The surprised negro then opened up, the officer said, with the needed Information. Palmer Not Member Of Grocery Group Mr. Oscar Palmer, Shelby grocer, today stated that he was not vice president of the Quality Service stores organization for Cleveland and Rutherford counties as reported by a Rutherfordtom dispatch in The Star. "Numerous people have been asking me about it,” he says, "and you see I can't tell them anything at all since I am not even a mem ber of the newly formed grocery chain," Sheppard Funeral Service At Grover Funeral services for Mr. R. C. Sheppard, aged 40, son of .1. W. Sheppard, were held at Grover Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The services were con ducted by his pastor assisted b7 the Presbyterian pastor at Grover and Rev. H. E. Waldrop, of Shelby. Mr. Sheppard, who died on Nov ember 1, had been ill for a year at the home of his sister, Mrs. A. J. Spake. He leaves five brothers and three sisters. Shelby Second Town In State To Protect City Water Supply Only one town in North Car ! olina took legislative action be fore Shelby to assure protection for the city water supply. This information about Shel by, which very few, if any, Shel by people knew, was learned by R. V. Toms, city water depart ment superintendent, while he was In High Point this week to attend the convention state waterworks convention. In 1909, Supt. Toips says, the < record at the convention re vealed that Shelby through the county representative passed a law protecting the city water shed from imparities and dis posals above the point where the water is secured from Sec ond Broad for local'use. It was hoped to bring the next convention of the waterworks group to Shelby, but the meet ing at High Point decided to meet next year at Henderson ville. Court; Run* Nino Days Before Ad journing. No Civil Cases Taken Up. When Judge W. F. Harding ad journed his session of Superior court here early last night he had completed the longest criminal docket term on the court records in this county in more than 10 years/ according to Clerk A. M. Hamrick and Mr. George P. Webb, former clerk. The term opened Monday week ago and held forth for nine days, disposing of four killing cases, numerous assaults, several store rob bery hearings, and many minor cases. The longest sentence meted out was to Odell Eskridge, negro youth, for storebre&king and rob bery. Eskridge received a five year sentence to the State prison while two other defendants, one white and one black, were sent up for four years each for manslaughter. In ad dition to the seven prison sentences quite a number of convicted de fendants were sent to the chain gang. Big Fine For Ellis. One of the cases disposed of by the court during its closing session yesterday was the charge of aseault with Intent to kill against inyis Ellis, colored. This was the case which centered about the slugging of Boyce Meeks, colored, with an ax in the Meeks shack some months back. Ellis was fined $280 and the costs, but must serve 12 months on the roads if he fails to pay the tine. 'Possum Qo( Cue Ends. An action which has been on the court books here tor four years, In which the defendant was chanted with the larceny of a 'possum dog, was brought to an end yesterday after costs and expenses bad totalled the value of a good 'possum hound several times. Four years ago Ur. F. H. Lackey, of Falls ton, lost a 'possum dog. Soon thereafter Rob ert Hollar, of Catawba county, was charged with taking the dog. For year after year Hollar posted bond and managed to evade trial, but this week Judge Harding armed Deputy Ed Dixon with the neces sary papers and sent him to New ton for Hollar, who yesterday nft emoon was ordered to pay Lackey for the dog and expenses Incurred, also court costs, the defendant to serve a road term unless the order ed settlement is made. No Civil Hearings. Due to the fact that the criminal cases took up practically all of the weeks session no civil issues, other than several divorces, were disposed of. Cleveland Among Counties Reducing Expense Of Schools A statement from the state board of equalization shows Cleveland county to be one of the 62 counties In the state decreasing school ex pense this year. Fourteen counties show an Increase, while two main tained the same annual expense. In Cleveland the school tax iate was cut to 45 cents from 51. In Lincoln county the reduction was from 49 to 47, in Rutherford from 68 to 51, and in Burke from 46 to 44. Herb Doctor Unable To Work, Must Leave In county court today Judge Hor ace Kennedy ordered James Flow ers, negro herb doctor, to leave the county. The herb doctor was up on a charge of being drunk and beat ing his wife with a shoe but the loyal spouse did not show up to testify against him, and as ne was unable to work because of his phy sical condition he was ordered to leave. The trial of five negroes charged with stealing cotton from fields in this county and selling the stolen cotton in another county was con tinued until Tuesday of next week. Lutheran Services. Lutheran church, Marion school building, Rev. N. D. Yount, pastor, Sunday school at ten o'clock. Morning worship, 11 o'clocx, ser mon by the pastor, followed by an important congregational meeting. Luther league 6:30; subject, “Up rooting the Causes of War." . Evening worship 7:30, sermon by pastor. Our slogan: Every member on time every time. Our welcome heatty all the time. Come,

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