10 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. 133 SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY, NOV. 11, 1929 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons carHer^per year (in advance) S5o LATE NEWS XJ1E MARKET. Cotton, per pound ...._.... 17c Cotton Seed, per bu.__—. 45c - Rain For Tonight. ..Today's North Carolina Weather Rtport: Cloudy and wanner rrith rain in west portion tonight. Tues day occasional showers. • Beal Their Hero. Boston, Not. 11.—Fred E. Beal. < onvicted with six others of second degree murder in connection with the slaying of Chief of Police O. F. Aderholt during the Gastonia strike disorders, arrived here yesterday to be greeted by his father and an en thusiastic crowd at the South Sta tion. Beal, free on bond awaiting the outcome of an appeal, was car ried on the shoulders of the crowd to a waiting automobile, which took him to the Boston headquarters of the Gastonia strikers’ defense com mittee. His father, William C. Beat, of Lawrence, embraced his son When he stepped from the train. Shelby Schools In Educational, Peace Programs Wewton Addresses High School. Prominent Educators To Appear Before Civic Clubs. The Shelby city schools cooperat ing with Parents-Teacher associa* tions are today and this wee's put ting on or supporting several Ar mistice programs find also meetings featuring national education week. Three well-known educators of the state will during the week ad oress the three civic clubs of Shel by on educational work. At the meeting of the Lions club this week Supt. Clyde Erwin, of the Ruther ford county schools, has been secur ed to make an address by Messrs. Kendall and Mason. On Thursday night, Dr. Pitt Beam, who is in charge of the program, has secured Dr. T. Wingate Andrews, High Point superintendent, to address the Kiwanis club, while on Friday Supt, It. W. Garver, of the Hickory schools, will speak to the Rotary club with Mr. John R. Dover in charge of the program. The high school orchestra will furnish music for the three luncheons and a'l the clubs hope to have a full attend ance. In connection with the general observance of educational week. Supt. B. L. Smith, of the local schools, will speak to the Salisbury Civitan club. At the chapel exercises this morning at Central high school At torney D. Z. Newton addressed the students and members of the American Legion as a part of the schools observance of Armistice day. At the Morgan school this morn ing Miss Juanita McDougald, of the" state department of education, spoke at a program arranged by the teacher training department of the school. Gardner, Daniels | Plead For Brother I Methodist Leader Chicago, 111.—Two letters of In tercession for mercy, one from Oov. O. Max Gardner of North Carolina snd tho other from former Secre tary of the Navy Josephus Daniels, were read in Chief Justice Dennis J. Normyle’s branch of criminal court in behalf of Claude W. Rowe, of Chicago, charged with an offense against two little girls. Rowe, it is said, is a brother of the Rev. Dr. Gilbert T. Rowe, ot Duke University and his family is said to be one of the 61dest in North Carolina. Attorney James C. Winston, coun sel for Rowe, asked the court to turn him over to North Carolina authorities upon promise that he . would be committad to the State in sane asylum there. Assistant States Attorney Wayland Brooks agreed to nn indefinite continuance of the case tc await arrival here of North Caro 4 lina officers and necessary papers. Details Of Wesson Death Reach County * Mrs. Mary McMurry, of the Lawn dale section, sister of the late An drew Wesson; who died recently in Texas, has received a letter from relatives in that state telling of the details of the passing of the man who moved to the Lone Star state from Cleveland county. Mrs. McMurry says Mr. Wesson died October 31. of high blood pressure, alter being ill but two ► hours, His home was at Weir, where he was buried. He was forty-nine. Years ago two of the Wesson brothers moved to Texas from Cleveland county to seek a liveli hood, About, twelve years ago, Al bert was killed. Mr. Andrew Wes son, Mrs. McMurry said, leaves three children by a second marriage. Miss Ellen Moses of ThomasviUe N N. C. spent the week-end with Miss Virginia Hoey, -' Vanguard Of Baptist Throng Reaches City Today Tessener Youth Fatally Hurt As His Car Skids In Sand And Tarns Over Sunday Afternoon Cotton Ginning In County Ahead Of Last Year Now L'p to November 1. this year, 2,074 more bales of cot- j ton had been ginned in Cleve land county than had been ginned to the same date last year, according to the official ginning report issued to The Star today by Miles H. Ware, special agent. The report shows that up to November 1, this year, 30, 611 bales had been ginned in the county as compared with 28,537 bales to the same date last year. The crop this year is later than it was last year and with the present ginning figures ahead of 1928 conservative cotton men are now estimat ing that the total crop will exceed the 53,000 bales of last year which set a record for the county in leading the state. Morrison In Shelby Today; Is Irked By Simmons* Attitude Tonner Governor Passes Through Shelby' Today. Candidate For Overman Seat. Former Governor Cameron Mor rison passed through Shelby this morning en route to Forest City where he spoke in the Armistice celebration, and his short stop here brought into local political conver sation his emnity to Senator F. M. Simmons as reiterated Saturday right in Raleigh. While there, according to the News and Observer, he esymessed bitter opposition to the renomina tion of Senator Simmons. May Rival Hoey. He also made it plain that he would be a candidate for Senator Overman's scat in the United Strtes senate in 1932, and since political speculation has it that Clyde R. Koey, of Shelby, may also be a can didate, the short stop of the ex gayernor here today added extra materiai._for the political talk. “I do not think the devil himself could devise a surer method for the demoralization of the Democra tic party than the renomination cf Senator Simmons,” the distinguished Charlotte man is quoted as having said in Raleigh Saturday. “I do not agree with those who think the renomination of Senator Simmons is the road to peace.” continued Mr. Morrison. “I think It would only result in turmoil and disregard for party authority and would be most unwise. I think the thing to do is to agree on some good man if we can, and if we can't to fight it out.” But while leaving no doubt as ,tc his position insofar as Senator Sim mons is concerned, Mr. Morrison declared that he had and would (Continued on page ten.) Minor Accidents. Two or three people suffering from minor injuries received in week-end auto wrecks were treated at the Shelby hospital, but all were able to leave after receiving treatment. 2('-\>ar-01d Youth Lives Only \ Few Minutes. His Head Crush - * ed By Car. Thurman Tessener, 20-year-old son of Mr. Tate Tessener of the Thaee County Corners section, died in the Shelby hospital here shortly after 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon as the result of Injuries received 30 minutes before when his automobile skidded and turned turtle on a road to the left of highway 206 just on this side of Buffalo. Young Tessener, who lives v/ltli Yates Morgan on the Henry Bot-ts place, was alone at the time, but those who visited the scene of the fatal wreck soon after the car turned over are of the opinion that the wheels of the car struck a sand bar at the side of the road and sent the car oven The young man ap parently was caught between the c<»r and the roadway and the car in turning over to right itself atTain crushed his head. Police Drive Ambulance. Deputy Sheriff Ed Dixon heard of the crash and rushed to the scene followed a few minutes later by Police Chief McBride Poston and Patrolman Bufus Sparks who drove an ambulance there to. secure the injured man and rush him to the hospital, where he died just a few minutes after being brought in. Funeral services were held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Beaver Dam, The deceased is survived by nis father, two sisters, Mattie and Tavy. and by a stepmother and two half sisters. Simpkins Funeral To Be In Georgia Joseph Simpkins Dies At Home Of' Daughter Here. Poisoned By A Watermelon. Joseph Simpkins, 69-year-old cit izen of Shelby and Georgia, died last night at 8 o’clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. S. Howard, in the Dover mill village. Mr. Simpkins was poisoned by a watermelon last July and had never icgained his health, becoming seri ously ill a week prior to his death Sunday. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at his native home in Manchester, Georgia. He is survived by three sons and cne daughter: George, of Shelby; Robert, of Georgia; Cleve, of Ala bama; and Mrs. Howard. Surviving also is a brother, Robert Simpkins, of Atlanta, and 18 grandcnlldren. For three yeajs he had been mak ing his home here with his daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Howard. Duck Pin Player* Play Here Tonight Shelby’s first contest in the duck pm league, composed of teams from Charlotte, Hickory and High Point, will be staged at the bowling alley here tonight at 8 o’clock. The local bowlers will take on the Lucky Strike team from Charlotte and a good crowd is anticipated for the match. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Starnes and little daughter, tyary Beth, of Ashe ville, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H, Morgan. Cotton Loans To North Carolina Made By Federal Board Members Two And Half Million Placed At State's Disposal. On 16-Cent Pound Basis. Washington.—Three loans totaling $13,500,000 were made available late 1-st week to cotton co-operative as sociations in North Carolina, Miss issippi and Oklahoma by the fed eral farm board. At the same time the board in formed Governor Dan Moody of Texas that funds would be made available to the Texas Farm Bureau Cotton association as soon as that association applied for them. The board announced that it had revised a commodity loan of $ti, 000,000 to the Staple Cotton assoc iation of Greenwood, Mississippi, so that the organization could make loans to grower members on a basis V—/ . . — — of 16 cents a pound. Two And One-Half Million. A commodity loan of not exceed ing $2,500,000 to the North Caro lina Cotton Growers Cooperative association at Raleigh, was approv ed. This will supplement loans ob tained from the Federal Intermed iate Credit Bank at Columbia. S. C., and will enable the association to advance 16 cents per pound to grow er members. The board to its telegram to Gov ernor Moody said the Texas Farm Bureau Cotton association met the requirements of state and federal cooperative statutes and is a qual ified borrower under the agricul tural marketing act. “Immediately upon receipt of the application,” the telegram sail, “the .tConttouqd on page ten.), • ; Extends Welcome To Visitors lion. Odns M. Mull (itore), State Democratic chairman and an offi cial of the First Baptist church here, is chairman of the entertain ment committee which is today and tomorrow welcoming the state Bap tist convention to Shelby. 11 Years Ago This Mom In Joyous Shelby County, Which Sent 600 Soldier Boys To War, Awakened To Celebrate By ’Phone Girl, About 3 o'clock in the morn ing eleven years ago today, the lone operator on night switch •> board at the Shelby telephone office yawned, and- pashapw powdered her nose, as she sleepily wondered if 7 o’clock and the day operator would never come. It had been a mild night with practically no excitement since the other operators had left at 10 o’clock. Perhaps she could doze for a win or two. Then came a call over the board. Perhaps it was a call for a doctor, coming at the hour it did. But, no, it was a long distance call. And in the flash of a second the yawns and i the far-off 7 o'clock quitting hour! were forgotten! A ’hello’ girl, ex cited as she had never been before, joyously began to press call buttons and tell all Shelby a story that sent the sleepy town into an ectasy of happiness and a wild celebration that did not end until the next day —the story she told was a story which at that hour was transform ing a war-tom, bleeding, wonder ing world into one of peace after it had passed through a carnage which had staggered the human race. It was a short little message she shouted gleefully into the telephone receiver of one Shelby home after another—“The war is over! Sure trough, this time!’* Celebration Starts. Within an hour the wide, deserted streets, which ordinarily would have remained silent until the milk wagons began rolling, were fill'd with frenzied, shouting parents, brothers and sisters, whose * boys were then crawling from mud-filled, blood-drenched trenches “ever there.” Rapidly the excited gather ing grew until at 8 o’clock it form ed into a mammoth parade which lasted throughout the day and kept business at a standstill. Mingled Emotions. Throughout Shelby and the coun ty as the news spread there were mingled emotions and actions. In many homes mothers aroused from their slumbers a sleep marred by sub-conscious thoughts of the bey who might not be sleeping and breathed a prayer of thankfulness to the Prince of Peace for the won drous event. Fathers rubbed their eyes as they dressed and wondered how the boys they sent away would look as men now that they had (Continued on page ten.) Bostic Winner In Wake Forest Debate Mr. Wade H. Bostic, a member of the senior class, was on the winning team of the annual society day de bate held Saturday at Wake Forest. Young Bostic, a son of Rev. Wade Bostic of Shelby and China, rep resented the Phtlomathesian society and upheld the negative side of a query on national disarmament, < , County Farmers To Be Told 01 Their Progress All-Day Meeting Of Farmers Here On November 19 To Show Farm Progress In 8 Yra. A most interesting all-day meeting will be held at the court house here Tuesday, November 19, at which time Cleveland county farmers and all others interested In the agricultural development of the county will be shown by facts and flgtites just how much progress vhe county has made agriculturally within the last eight years. Announcements concerning the :\eetlng were made today by R. W. Shoffner, county farm agent, who has cooperated with the county board of agriculture in arranging what promises to be one of the most interesting sessions ever arranged for the farmers of the county. Several Speakers. Two or three well known speakei'3 and agricultural experts will ad dress the meeting, but the most im portant phase of the session 13 ex pected to be the giving of statistics, as assembled by the agricultural de partment, showing Just what Cleve land fanners have and have not done since 1920. Among the speak ers on the program will be I. O. Echaub, state agricultural director, cf Raleigh, and Mr. E. S. Millsaps, district farm agent, of Statesville. The statistics to be presented will show just what ranking the county had in each crop and farm move ment in 1920 together with the In crease or decrease In each unit since that time. Dairy Cows Go!nr. One item in the table ot statis tics indicates just how Interesting these figures and facts should be to farmers of the county who are de sirous of knowing just wha they arc ^qcogujlishtrig and have been ■feccompnshing. This item shows that there are 3,800 Jess dairy cow3 in Cleveland county today than there was in 1920. The list gives equally eu, surprising information along Other agrictfltural lines. In addition to the review of eight years of agricultural achievement in the county the meeting will rake up and discuss farm pros pec ts-and a program for the year ahead. Business men and other citizens not directly interested in farming, but depending as does practically the entire county upon the farm, are urged to attend the meeting along with farmers and their wives. The meeting will open at 10 o'clock in the morning with a session again in the afternoon. Name Jurors For Special Term To Try Crash Suits Thirty-six Jurors Drawn For Spe cial Term Of Court To Start On Dec. 2. Thirty-six jurors to serve during the special term of Superior court to convene here on Monday, De cember 2, have been drawn by the county commissioners. These jurors, who are scheduled to hear the several damage suits de veloping from the building crash here in August, 1929, in which six lives were lost, follow: George L. Ledbetter, C. B. Ham rick, Carl Blanton, L. -C. Hord, Hugh Ware, J. L. Herndon, George W Moss, Coleman Blanton, J. Lee Eskridge, Alonzo M. Hamrick, Plato D. Crowder. Toy B. Webb, W. H. Covington, D. D. Lattimore, G. L. Cornwell, E. H. Lutz, Ambrose Eoyles, A. A. Horton. Second week—Gilbert Jones, H. T. Vassey, R. W. Lemmons, W. C. Blackmer, H. H. Houston, William Hord, R. L. Lackey, Robert L. Low man, Cage Ellis, E. Lee Beam, Bert Hawkins, Carl C. Jolley, John D. Grayson, Thomas Palmer, Yates Lutz, Dixon Kendrick Enoch Self, C. H. Hasting. Shelby Airport On Recognized Roster The Shelby municipal airport In a statement just, issued by the de partment of commerce Is listed as one of the 36 recognized larding fields in North Carolina. Eighteen additional'fields are listed as being considered for recognition by the department. Miss Lois Bollinger has returned to Lincolnton after spending several v.eeks with Mr. and Mrs. L. O, Bol linger. t F They Prove Their Story I hi* Shelby party had a ft*h story to tell on their return recently from a fishing trip In Sooth Carolina, and for fear there would be doubters, the tlsh were brought along. Pictured above is the llt-pound catch. The three Walton disciples shown with the catch are Boyce Dellinger, Carl Putnam and Jim Elliott. Jack Elliott, who caught the 34-pounder, was not present when the photo was made. Citizens Complain Of Being Held Up In County As Bootleg Suspects Numerous Citizens Halted, Inspect ed And Occasionally Searched By Deputies. Just what privileges does the law-abiding cititen have upon the highways of Cleveland coun ty, and how far should he stand for being held up and searched as a rum-running suspect by of ficers before expressing and de manding his rights? This query has developed into quite a con troversy in the county in the last fortnight due to activities of deputies and other officers in attempting to apprehend rum-runners along Highway 1ft in the northern section of the county. Considerable objection ha* been 1 expressed by citizens to several hold-ups, and lust week County Sol icitor P. Cleveland Gardner .was | told of several “hold-ups" in which ] the parties stopped and questioned v. ere leading citizens with no tl.'ought of trafficking in booze. Stop County Agent, The most recent mistake in the attempt to halt the flow of whiskey south over Highway 18 from the South Mountain section was on Friday night when County Fair agent R W. Shoffner was held up r.nd Investigated near Toluca by two men he did not know, but were deputies judging by their conversa tion and actions. Mr. Shoffner had been to Iredell county with Cleveland farmers to attend a sale of Jersey cattle and was returning home along Highway 18 and had no thoughts as he drove along of becoming a rum-runner. Without warning, he says, two men hopped out into the road in front of him, threw their flashlights upon him and told him to stop. Due to their sudden appearance it was im possible for the farm agent to tell at once whether the men were high way robbers desiring to rob him and perhaps steal his car or whether they were officers. His first hunch, he says, was to keep moving and run by or over the two mysterious men as the hold-up was along a lonely stretch of road. He decided, however, not to do so, and, instead, he slapepd on his brakes and stop ped the car. The two men without ceremony or warning leaped upon the fenders, inspected the car and (Continued on page ten.) Search For Lincoln Man Not Successful Henry E. Han-ill Of Lincotnton StU! Miming After Elver* Are Dragged. Lincolnton. Nov. 11.—Henry E. Harr 111, who has been missing from his home-here since last Sunday night has not been found neither has any trace of him been found except a hat. alleged to have been his, discovered near the Seaboard trestle over the South Fork river last Wednesday. A. diligent search has been con ducted by Coroner Fruit Barkley lor HarrlU's body, even to the drag ging of the South Fork river from the Seaboard trestle to Labaratory mill. Sunday afternoon the pond at Labaratory mill was drawn off with the hope that the body would be icund there. Earlier In the week several sticks of dynamite were used in breaking away rubbish heaps In the river which were thought to be holding the body of the missing pian. It is understood that Harrill real ized his mental condition and that he left home with suicide in mind rather than face the alternative of going to the state-hospital. He is reported to have told friends that he was going to drown him self and that ills body would never be found. This statement of his to friends has caused investigation of ficials to believe that his body is anchored with weights. Sheriff Reinhardt stated that in stead of drowning himself he pos sibly left his hat as a decoy and end left for an unknown destina tion. To Bury Mr#. Poteat In Gaston Co. Today Funeral services lor Mrs. Hulda A. Poteat, who died yesterday at her home In the section between Grover and Kings Mountain, were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at Mt. Olive church in Gaston county. Mrs. Poteat was 52 years of age end her death Sunday afternoon re sulted from pellagra. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grimes of Kings Mountain were Shelby visitors yes terday. ■4 Mechanical Parson Trend Is Decried By A Baptist Leader Rev. Mr. Dickey Says Trend Is To "Good Mixer” Rather Than Spiritual' Ability. The trend of the modern church in America, a dangerous trend, is to demand a ‘‘live wire” and a “good mixer” for a pastor rather than that he be a spiritual leader cajMblc of carrying out., the high duties of his noble calling. That was the opinion expressed at the first session of Baptist pas tors of the state cohvention at the First Baptist church here this aft ernoon by the Reverend Charles H. Dickey, pastor of Memorial Baptist church, Willlamston. Rev. Mr. Dick ey’s address to the conference of. leading pastors of the state came under the subject of “The Menace of a Standardized Ministry,” and la his talk he deplored the tendency to make of the minister a mere me chanical unit of the church organ ization. “Rattle Of Machinery.” The speaker used the following quotation from another leading minister to express his point: ‘’It seems that the rattle of machinery In our churches has drowned the voice of the Spirit. . . The preacher has little time left for the higher duties of the office.” Another pas tor was quoted as saying: "High standards and perfect organization is the order of the day but I con sider them a curse unless they are thoroughly spiritualized . . Our pas tors are so busy here and there that (Continued on page ten.). Pastors Gather In Meet Before The Convention State Convention In Mth Gathering To Plan Centennial. Many ~ Grave Problems Cp7 Between 750 and 1,000 delegates to the state Baptist convention be gan to arrive in Shelby today lor the convention’s 99th session which gets underway tomorrow in the First Baptist church. The vanguard or the Baptists hosU arriving by noon today and early in the after noon was made up of Baptist pas tors of the state who held the first of a series of conferences at the church this afternoon. Another conference of pastors will be held at 7:30 this evening and still another Tuesday morning, but the main portion of the dele gates are not expected before noon tomorrow, arriving In time for the first session of the convention at 2:30. Represent 400.000. The pastors and delegates who will attend the three-day session will hold the Interest of approxi mately 400,000 white Baptists In Neath Carolina, and the convention meeting here foe the fourth time In , its 100 years Is being Staged ti s county said to have more Baptists to the square inch than any similar area in the country. Plan Centennial. Peculiar Interest attaches to the approaching session because of the fact that plans will be made for tbs proper celebration of the centennial anniversary of the convention at the next session either In Greenville, where the convention was organis ed 100 years ago, or at Raleigh, which is more centrally located and which has adequate hotel and auditorium facilities. But before the convention can properly, celebrate neat year Is felt that it will be necessary to car ry to a successful culmination the centennial campaign which was launched a year and a half ago in order to raise a million and a half dollars to free the seven Baptist colleges in the state of debt Plana will be laid for completing the task. Grave Problems Ahead. It is expected that other very vital questions will he presented and that satisfactory solutions will be found. That there are grave prob lems ahead no one will deny, but. it Is said. Baptists always have a way of getting together and working their way out of their difficulties. “We have a good report to make to the convention in the main,’* says Dr. Charles E. Maddry. Ra leigh. general secretary of the con vention. “We have made progress along all the lines of our work, but (Continued on page ten,) Baptists Will Get Hospital Reports Baptist Hospital At Winston-galem Spent $47,500 In Charity Wort. Report Shows. Winston-Salem.—During the past year, according to the annual re port of Supt. O. T. Lumpkin, the Baptist hospital here has spent slightly over $47,500 in charity work. In this time a total of 2,878 patients were enrolled and received treat ment. The annual report of the hospi tal will be submitted by Mr. Lump kin at the annual meeting of the Baptist state convention which edit bo held at Shelby opening on Tues day. > The report shows further that in the six and a half yean of opera tion there have been 12,675 patients treated at the hospital and that over 5,000 of these have been helped either as full charity or part pay patients. During the last year 1,380 pa tients out of the total 2,675 were helped, 345 were treated as free patients and 1,045 was part pay pa tients. The report also shows that the hospital has spent for the work in excess of $47,500, of which the churches and Sunday schools of the state on last Mother’s day contri buted $14,750. The Duke endowment gave $3,516, and some small amounts were received from individuals on special cases. Patients came to the hospital (Bit ing the year from every part of the state, troubled with almost every known Jdnd of disease, sod they were received as patients whether they had any money or not, pro vided they were recommended by the churches and the local doctor from the community whence they ccme,