20,000 People Read Star Want Advs-The Cost Is Small; Results Good .WhatVonWantl k Tn the WANT Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This else type 1 cent per word each Insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. Ads that amount to less than 25c, will be charged 25c for first insertion. IP yOU ARE PLANNING TO build, lee us make an estimate. Plans and sketches cheerfully sub mitted. First class workmanship guaranteed, Lowman Brothers, con tractors, Phone 727-J. tf 18c WANTED TO clean your blankets, rugs and quilts. Shel by Steam Laundry. Phone 18. tf-24c BATTERY SERVICE, Au tomobile Glass Replacements, Starter and Generator Re pairing. J. L. GAFFNEY, tf-c FOR RENT: 5 ROOM HOUSE on Lineberger St. A. Blanton Groc ery Co. tf 2oc ONE SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR rent, Fallston Road, See W. A. Broadway in Royster building. Iil4c FOR SALE; NEW 5 ROOM house on Jefferson St. Modern im provements. Also 2 houses to rent. C. A. Morrison. U lfcc CHRISTMAS Cards made to order. Beautiful line and cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. Phone The Star Office and dur salesman will call .and show you. tf-1 [ FOR SALE: 5 ROOM BRICK '■veneer house, modern conveniences. W. c. Peake, Shelby Casket Co. tit4p FOUR ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD .location for sale on easy terms or ► will trade for vacant property. ^Horace Kennedy. tf-25c j STOLEN— $25.00 REWARn FOR ’ the party that got Pointer Pup Jfiom my store September 30, Chas. (Buice. 3l-6p FOR RENT ONE SIX ’room house close in. New paint, new floors tD.A.Beam. 3t-6c "for RENT: CONNECTING rooms for light housekeeping. Call 423-R or 466. 3t 6c A GOOD SIX ROOM HOUSE, close in, for rent. Call 348-W. St 6p WANTED — EXPERIENCED Furniture Salesman. Montgomery Ward <fc Co. 2t-8c FOR SALE: HEATROLA, RE frigerator and five burner oil stove. All in good condition. Phone 119. t 2t Sc I -PHILCO iDIAMOND GRID BATTER i IES ^Automobile Electric Co. Phone *380 N. Washington St. tf-6c MARRIED MAN, 25 YEARS OP *ge, business course, with six years mercantile experience, now employ ed but desires change. Apply “Y' care Star office, 2t 8p LOST BETWEEN PENNEY’S end City cafe, baby's blue coat with fur colar and cuffs. Finder return to Henderson Jenkins, Mooresboro, N. C. , It lip LOST—HANDBAG NEAR AB ' Jackson Store. Finder please 10 . turn to Mrs. Farmer Moore, Grover Route 1, or Star office. lt-9p FOR RENT: 5 ROOM HOUSE, *5. LaFayette St. Modern conveni ences. C. A. Morrison. tf 11c FOR RENT: 6 ROOM HOUSE on McBrayer street. R. E. Camp bell. tf 11c FOR SALE CAFE GOOD LOCA TION. See H. E. Baber, Colonial Service Station. 3t lip GUARANTEED Flour $3.50; Fatback 12£c Eight Pounds Swifts Jewel Lard 97 • cents. Cash prices. C. H. Reinhart, South Vatican City Has Population Of 518 Rome,—A census just taken or the inhabitants of the Vatican City reveals the pope has 518 subjects. Two of these acquired their citi zenship by birth within the pre cincts of the papal state since Peo ruary 1. the date of the coming into force of the Lateran agreement. The remainder automatically be came subject to papal sovereignty on the same date by reason of pos sessing Vatican domicile. Although the papal territory has been more than doubled by the agreement, the present number ir almost exactly equal to that of the previous parishoners of the Vatican before the Vatican City was form ed. This is due to the rigorous comb ing out ordered by the pope, so that the privileges going with Vatican cit izenship should be restricted to the minimum number.’ Italy contributes the largest con tingent of Vatican citizens—380. Then comes Switzerland with 113 be longing to the Swiss guard. Prance has eleven, the United States one and other countries 12. trustee s sale of land. Under and by virtue of the power ol sale contained in that certain need of trust executed by Ivlrs. M. M. Lowery, widow, to the under signed trustee for Commercial Bank and Trust company, dated December 5, 1928, and recorded In the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county, N. C., in book 152, page 133, default having been made in the payment of the indebt edness thereby secured, and at the request of the beneficiary, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door in the city of Shelby, on Monday, December 9, 1929, at 12 o'clock noon, the fallow ing described real estate: Situated in the town of Kings Mountain, N, C., and beginning at a stake in the east edge of City i street, Sam Mode’s corner and runs | thence with his line JT. 83 E. 148 feet, | more or less, to a stake in Plonk's line; thence with Plonk's line southerly 75 feet to a stake, new corner; thence a new line westerly and parallel with King street. 146 feet, more or less, to a stake in the edge of City street; thence vich said street northerly 75 feet to cite beginning, containing 10,290 square feet, more or less, and being the same lot conveyed by Wiley Atkin son and wife to Mrs. M, M. Lowery as will appear on record. This November 4th, 1929 M. E. HERNDON, Trustee. O. F. Mason, jr., attorney. Trustee's Sale Of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in those certain deeds of trust, executed by L, M. Hull to the undersigned trustee, said needs of trust being dated April 18, 1927 and Jan. 5, 1928, and re corded in the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county, N. C. in book No. 145 at page 81 and kook No. 149 at page 91. securing and indebtedness to the Shelby and Cleveland county B. & L. associa tion, and default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness 1 will on Thursday, December 5. 1929, at 12 o'clock, noon, or within legal hours, at the court house door in Shelby, N. C., sell to the highest bid der for cash at public auction those certain’lots or parcels of land de scribed as follows: Lying and being in the town of Shelby on the west side of south Washington street and bounded as follows; First lot: Beginning at a staite on the west edge of South Washington street Mrs. H. M. Loy’s S. E. corner and runs thence with her line west 185 feet to a stake, J. C. McNeely’s corner; thence with his line South 15 feet to a stake; thence east 185 feet to a stake on the west edge of South Washington street; thence with the said edge of said street north 15 feet to the beginning and being all except 15 feet off the west end of the lot conveyed to L. M. Hull by L. E. Ligon and wife by deed dated Oct. 1, 1908 and record ed in book T. T. at page 29 of the register of deeds office. Second lot: Adjoining the above described lot on the south and be ginning at a stake on the west ’dge of South Washington street, *S. K. comer of lot above described and runs thence with line of said lot west 174 feet to a stake in T. G. Hamrick's corner; thence with his line south 60 feet to a stake, a new corner; thence a new line east 174 feet to a stake on the west edge of South Washington street; thence with said edge of said street north 60 feet to the beginning and be ing the northern part of the lot conveyed to L. M. Hull by Fred 3. Davis and wife by deed dated April 25, 1907 and recorded in the office Of the register of deeds for Cleveland county, N. C., in deed book R. R. I at page 10. , I This November 4, 1929. ,,aJNq.E.,MULL..Jriistea. \1 “GUS AND GUSSIE” — Between Two Miseries. HE WOAi'T TALK TO ME - HE'S SO 'SOISE HE VS/O-M'T EVEM LOOK AT ME - poor k»d. VOU'RE CI5AZV ABOUT ludv lame: AQCM'T VOU? TELL YOU WMAT. WWV COULDAl' YOU <30 AM'SEE THAT COUAIT^SJ O’ BEAVEKQOAOD AM’ ©ECS HERi TO POKGIVE YiDU, AM’ T=|X UP THE MIX UP? I'M MISERABLE BECAUSE r HE'S MAD 8ECA0Se Z DCOYE HER AWAY-—IF I SQUARE HIM WITH HER, THEN I’LL' BE MISERABLE BECAUSE ' HE'LL BE WITH HER AGAIM* Proof Of Quality. 5 YOU «CV«. YxAfT W' IDEA 0*= vDO<a» ABOCT .vf TO SEE THE COOMTfi^^ 8EAVEQs BOARD AMD ASK TO FORGIVE ME AMO S.QI ME VJITU LODV LAME*7. r >MC i4EC rl GOESS thatm WAS A BAD 1 UMSPlBATiOAJ, ) MUM? / rM GOIAJG to SEE HER. AMO THROW MYSELF OM THE MERCY OF THE COURT* SURE LV WHEM A WOMAM IS SlTTtMG PRETTY LIKE SHE tS, SHE CAM AFFORD TO BE CHARITABLE • GRAF TO CRUISE ' IN ARCTIC AREA German Airship Will Float Over Wastes Never Before Seen By Man. Washington.—Over the top of the world It once encircled, the Oraf Zeppelin, bearing scientists and ex plorers who envision an unbroken control of the Arctic, will cruise in April and May. Memorable expeditions have open ed up narrow tracks into the Arctic but great gaps exist in man's scien tific knowledge of polar conditions that scatter their influence to the inhabited world. Through systematic and wide spread observations for which the basis will be laid by the Graf’s flight, a permanent control will be established by scientific studies hin dered so far by the inaccessibility of the region. The ship will float over s'ark wastes never before seen by man, a ghostly region of ice and snow where the sun may shine at mid night or a night may be six montlis long, lighted alone by the fluttering banners of the northern lights. Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, famous Nor wegian explorer, will be the scien tific leader. Included in his scien tific staff of 15 will be Sir Herbert Wilkins of Australia, H. U. Sver drup, noted Norwegian explorer ana three American scientists. The expedition is sponsored by the International Society for the Exploration of the Arctic region by means of the airship, more frequent ly known as the Aeroarctic society, 'for a preliminary reconnoissance paving the way to more intensive studies in later years. Polar phenomena win be studied for their effect on weather and cli mate, soundings will be taken in the seas and meterological observations so important in the development of air navigation will be taken. Arrangements in the United States are being made by John A. Fleming of the Carnegie institution of Washington and acting vice president of the American branch of aeronautics. The project envisions a control of the Arctic region by which knowl edge may be secured where and when it is needed, a control impos sible tn the age of sledges and sea ships hut forecast in the success of expeditions with planes by Byrd, Wilkins and Bielson and with air-! ship by Amundsen, Ellsworth and j Nobile. From northern Norway at Trom so, the dirigible will start April 1. Its destination will be Fairbanks, Alaska, definitely selected as the base because of the government railroad which connects it with the west coast, permitting the transpor tation of gas and supplies. From Fairbanks the Graf will head again over unchafted regions, areas in which only narrow strips have been covered by explorers. IiQoping close to the pole, it will re turn to the base. Its home flight to Norway will carry it over more un known territory. Capt. Ernst Lahmann and a crew Of 31 .wdl Queiate the big shm. v. I Only One Cured Of Caneer In Mouth Just One In The World And She Lives In Winston-Salem, Says Dr. Bloodgood. Winston-Salem.—The only person in the world to be cured of cancer of the mouth lives in Winston Salem at 2140 North Liberty street, according to a statement made to day By Dr. J. C. fljooflgood, can cer specialist of Baltimore, Md. He stated that there is no record of any other actual cure, so far as he has been able to learn. The individual who holds this world’s record is Mrs. Mary Hutchens, wife of the late W. A. Hutchens, a well known citizen of Yadkin county. The cure was ef fected sixteen years ago in Johns Hopkins hospital, and at that time Mrs. Hutchens lived in Yadkinville. Recently she called at the hotel to see Dr. Bloodgood, and was ex amined by him in the presence of a number of physicians in attendance upon the sessions of the eighth dis trict of the North Carolina Medical Society here. Dr. Bloodgood Is of the opinion that the concentrated effort* to educate the public regarding the discovery of cancer, its cause, pre vention and control will have a wonderful result, and that much will be accomplished when the facts are known. In a statement given out Dr. Bloodgood said: •‘Mrs. Hutchens had cancer Be cause she used snuff, and anyone who uses tobacco in any form runs the risk of cancer of the mouth. The two factors are tobacco end teeth, which are* not perfectly smooth and clean.” Fat And Lean Repartee. A very fat man got into a bus. He almost smothered a sour-faced little man when h* sat down. The sour-faced man glared at him and growled, “They ought to charge by weight in these busses.’* “In that case,” bellowed the fat man, “it would not be worth wnile stopping to pick you up.” 6 6 6 Is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Roxanna Blanton, deceased, late of Cleveland county, N. C. this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home in Latt.t more, N. C.. on or before the 21st day of October, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This October 21, 1929. BOYD H. BLANTON. Adminis trator of Roxanna Blanton, da ceased. Administrator’s Notice. Having qualified as as adminis trator of the estate of A. A. Whis nant, deceased, late of Cleveland county, N. C„ this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home in Lawndale, Route 1, on or before the 19th day of October 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This October 19th, 1920. A. W. WHISNANT. Ad ministrator of A. A. Whia nant, deceased. -BILLIARDS Cleveland Cigar Store Hotel Charles Bldg* Corner Trade and W. Warren Sts. V ^ Dr. C. M. Peeler ' —DENTIST*— Office Over Woolworth Residence Phone 460-W Office Phone 99-W Each Year More Mothers Treat Colds Externally The Dealers of “Dow*” Cold* Now Avoided by Use of Modern When Vicks VapoRub was intro duced, mothers especially were quick to appreciate It, because it is Just rubbed on and cannot upset children’s delicate stomachs, as “dos tng" is so apt to do. Today, the whole trend of modern medicine is away from needless “dosing.’' As more and more mothers adopt* ed this modem external treatment, the fame of Vicks spread until today it is the standby for colds—adults* as well as children’s—in over 60 countries. Just nibbed on throat and chest, Vicks acts through the skin like a piaster! and, at the same time its medicated vapors, released by the body heat, are inhaled direct to the Inflamed air-passages, loosening the K&”g easing the difficult Ever-increasing demand for this better method or treating colds is shown in the familiar Vick slogan. Made famous when Vicks reached ‘IT Million Jars Used Yearly’’— ater raised to “21 Million’’—there ire now “Over Million Jara Used 5M& . >» T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book Seller Phone — 82 GEO. P. WEBB — REAL ESTATE — Farms and City Property UNION TRUST BLDG. 8HELBY — Telephone 454-J — ■ i CANNOT BE BEAT ^ Speed to spar/e. There's sur plus power a-plenty-speed to spare—in high grade Sinclair gas. And Opaline lubricants. To use them regularly is to keep down repair bills, improve your road performance and gen erally increase the satisfac tion you derive from mo toring. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors i Adi WE KNOW COAL We Want You To Be One Of Our Satis* fied Customers. D. A. BEAM COAL CO. — PHONE 130 — cr QUEEN CITY COACH LINES FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVKXE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—9:45 a. m.; 1:45 p. m.J 3;45 p, m.; 8:45 p. m. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:50 a. m.; 10:50 a. m.; 12:50 p. m.; 2:50 p. m.; 4:50 p. m.; 6:50 p. m.; 9:50 p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—10:50 a. m.; 2:50 p. tn. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:50 a. m.; 10:50 a. m.; 2:50 p. m. \S FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE 450 QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY jt FOR SALE special: lot of ( . . .. ' . Rayons, Crepes, Twills And Satins r BEAUTIFUL YARD GOODS AT BARGAIN PRICES Cleveland Cloth Mill mE sunn HE *!

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