VOL. .XXXV, No. 134 12 PAGES TODAY i .-1 SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESD’Y, NOV. 13, 1920 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons By mall, per year (In adrance) 99M Carrier, per year Five Com Plots In Test To De termine Fertilization Needed For Corn, Seven dollars in cash will be giv en away in six prizes, Friday, Nov ember 15, at 2 p. m„ when a field meeting for farmers will be held at the com fertilizer demonstration, conducted cooperatively by the ag ricultural department of the Ellen boro school and the Chilean Nitrate of Soda Educational Bureau on Highway 20 at the Rutherford Cleveland county line. James M. Gray, state manager, for the bu reau, located at Raleigh, is to be present and talk on fertilizipg corn. Mr. Gray who is an authority on agriculture is an interesting and effective speaker. He will base his remarks on what the soil fertilized with different kinds and amounts of fertilizer in the test show. The test has been conducted with the aim that the best and most profitable way of fertilizing corn may be demonstrated to farmers. The five one-tenth of an acre plots which make up the test have been fertilized as follows: Plot 1, 250 pounds of an 8-3-3 fertilizer all ap plied at planting; plot 2. 200 pounds of nitrate of soda all applied as a side-dressing when the corn was knee high; plot 3, check, no fer tilizer was used; plot 4, 250 pounds of acid phosphate with 30 pounds of muriate of potash at planting with 200 pounds of nitrate of soda applied as a side-dressing; plot 5, was fertilized the same as plot 4 except 300 pounds of nitrate of soda were used. All farmers and others who are interested are urged to be present xor the meeting. Lowdermilk Is New M. P. Church Pastor Succeeds Cardson. Congregation Ex pects New Minister About Sunday. Rev. E. C. Lowdermilk will be the new pastor of the Methodist Pro testant church in West Shelby ac cording to the appointments read out Monday at the conference in Greensboro. Rev. Mr. Lowdermill succeeds Rev. W. L. Carson and the M. P. congregation expects him some time during the week-end. perhaps on Sunday, Stockton Is Named Mill Superintendent W. D. Stockton, for some time designer for the Dover Mills here, has been named superintendent of the Charles mills at Red Springs, which are controlled by Shelby men. Mr. Stockton is a graduate of the textile school at N. C. State college. Where Her Music Failed Margaret Shot-well, heireaa to $900,000 tells the world how ahe lost her entire fortune in the recent upheaval in Wall Street. Former Local Man Is Killed In S. C., Details Not Known f ormer Superintendent Of Belmont Mill Killed, Nephew Hears. Details Not Known. B. L. Lcdwell, superintendent of the Belmont mill here years back, was killed last nlfht at 7 o'clock at Port Shoals, S. C-, according to a message received here this morning by his ne phew, Lloyd B. Anthony of S. La Fayette street. Mr. Anthony did not receive any details as to how his uncle, who will be remembered by many here, met his death. One or two relatives of the de ceased are buried in Sunset ceme tery here and the body may bs brought, it was said, to Shelby f6r interment. Shelby Star With Broken Jaw Unable To Save His Eleven Milky Gold’s Punt Saves Oak Ridge Eleven From Defeat For Few Minutes. "Milky” Gold, all-Southern grid der while at Shelby high, on Monday went into tho game for the Oak Ridge Cadets at Greensboro wi.h a broken jaw, wired together lor two wpeks, in an attempt to save his eleven from defeat at the hauds of the Duke freshmen but his long punt only staved off the defeat for a few minutes. For the first quarter the game was scoreless although the Duke team kept driving down the field near the Cadet goal to be held lor aowns, but on the exchange of punts Oak Ridge kept losing ground. Just as the second quarter started the Cadets held the charging Duke team within the Oak Ridge 16-yard line and Coach Weaver sent the injured Gold in to drive the fresh team back. Gold, with his broken jaw, stood under iris own goal posts and booted the ball back into Duke territory where the Cadets kept It lor the remainder of the half. The Shelby boy was taken out again just after the kick, and in both t