jdPENNEyaa Shop Now Remember Christmas Is Bur a Short Time A wav! Part Wool Blankets Assorted Plaid Patterns Splendid value ... this pert wool pWd blanket with sateen hound ends. Lovely plaid pet* ♦owe. Sise 72x84, pair Single Cotton Blankets la Plaid Patterns A soft, light weight blanket with ibell Hitched edges . . . plaid patterns to natch the bed spread ... size 70x80. Only, each Blankets Plate Colon Practical cot* too Uaafeets in plain colon . . . e*ped»Thr de niable tot colWye-bound Van and Kiri*. Pair $1.98 Blankets Doubt* . . . .Phnd An excellent t*xtaa blanket in attractive plaid pattern* . • . aateen bound rad* • • • «b* 70x80, t $2.98 You Get Warmth Plus Freedom of Movement With This Fleece-Lined Sweater An excellent garment for the active outdoor worker this Fall and Winter. The style allows plenty of swing for the added warmth that is so necessary, the arms—the weight and quality give Men's Sweaters Warmly Fleece Lined Excellent (treaters at an ofi •wslty low price. Uade with - *wo large pockets and fleece ■nlng thronghotrt. Solid color*. Outstanding value l $1.19 Bath Robe* __ cot ML ihtvl collar. 1 tdm. (ilk sTc.r. if£i $2.98 to $6.90 Boys’ Sweaters All Wool, Shaker Knit / Heavy, all wool sweaters with' big warm shawl collars. Coat style m popular solid colors. Warm shaker knit. An excel* lent value— Men’s Sweaters Wool Mixed With thawl collar mod two 98c Underwear For Boym Medium mrricht ribbed cot ton union roit*.« mil bojr*’ ritei, 49c TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN THE STAR! EARL COMMUNITY SOCIAL-PERSONAL Mr. B. F. Jones of Georgia -spent a few days in the village last week the guest of his family. Mr. Jammie Whtstnant of Rock Hill, S. C„ visited relatives here the past week. Mr. Anthony Lavendar and grand daughter, Miss Jessie Borders, went up for the picture A1 Jolson at the Webb Theater Friday evening. Mrs. McOee and tw-o children of Rock Hill, S. Q. are the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Green. Miss Thelma Earl a sales lady at Eflrds department store has been at the bedside of her father for the past two weeks. Mr. Earl is able to be up but has not been out on the streets as yet. Those going to Charlotte shop ping last week were Mrs. B. F. Jones and daughter, Mrs. R, L. Nichols, Mrs. W. F. Bettis, Mes t’ames George Washburn, Eugene White of Columbia and Misses Bet tis. » Card Of Thanks. We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown us during the sick ness and death of our husband and father. Mr. A. H. Cline. Mrs. A. H. Cline and Children. heTH STRONG AT 48 Hanes (N. C.) Cabinet Maker Says He Is Able To Go Hunting Or Anywhere .„He So Djcsires; Feels Fine All The Time; Praises Millers’ Herb Extract. "Your Herb Extract remedy is the only medicine I ever could find that would act proprely on my bov/e’s. It is the greatest laxative known to me. I firmly believe there’s none better anywhere and I doubt if its equal cam be found on the market today. SUrely such a wonderful lax ative, tonic and system regulator has my hearty indorsement," said Mr. J. B. Sikes, expert cabinet maker, 137 Second Street, Hanes, N. C., who is always telling nls * Mr. J. B. SIKES friends about Miller's Herb Extract, commonly known as "Herb Juice." "I am 84 years of age. have used most everything cn the market that was recommended for such ills and ailments as I had. but I am fni.k to admit that no medicine I ever used before would half-way compare with Miller’s Herb Extract, called ‘Herb Juice.’ For about ten years past I’ve been in poor health. I suffered dreadfully bad at times with rheumatic pains in my shoul ders and at times every joint in my body would ache and cause me great pain. I was a victim of chronic constipation for years, stomach up set so bad that I suffered terribly bad with gas and indigestion. Every meal was a dread for months be cause everything I ate would hurt me. a fullness and chocking sensa tion seemed to grip me and warp me about in such a manner that I could hardly breathe at all. Bowels svere very irregular, liver and kid neys all out of order. I would have to get up many times during the night, due to excessive kidney ac tion. But at my age, 84. months ago, I heard of and started using Miller’s Herb Extract. This remark able remedy has banished all my aches and pains. I am once more free from all that suffering and mis ery. My general health today is very good, in fact, better than it has been in ten years. I fully be lieve that the Herb Extract remedy has prolonged my life, for I doubt if I would be here today had I not used it when I did I am now able to go out hunting with the boys; go anywhere I please—this I could not do a few months ago. Herb Extract or Herb Juice has restored me <o health, and I am mighty glad to tell anyone about it. I will answer any inquiries about this medicine. My wife takes it and she thinks it ^ the best medicine in the world. We heartily recommend it to all suf ferers. It will do the work ” Sold and recommended by Paul Webb & Son. Shelby, N. C„ and leading druggist everywhere. i Short Skirts Show Too Much Says Mary Garden Of Fashions Chicago.—Women. In the opinion of Mary Garden, are not the charmers they used to be. Short skirts are one reason. Talking to newspapermen on her return from Europe to re join the Chicago Civic Opera, I hr singer declared that short skirts may be the smartest thing modernists have discov ered, but "they’ve robbed wom an of her most fascinating attri bute, mystery." The great charmers of yester day are no more, Miss Garden asserted, adding that women "who have a penchant for wanting their cake and eating it arc getting dumber as they grow smarter.” The new freedom and the whole modem trend, she avow ed is a hoax. “Women enjoy this freedom." she concluded, "and I wouldn't be anything but a modern wom an myself, but the modern woman has ceased to be wh it every woman craves to be to man—his eternal charmer." Mr. Crocker Sick; Grover New* Items Grover Baptist Church To Have Homecoming In December. Personal News. (Special to The Star.) Grover.— Mr. Logan Crocker who has been making his home with his daughter, Rev R. C. Tate for the past few years was taken with a severe spell of something like the "flu” last Friday and gradually grew worse until Sunday he was carried to the Shelby hospital Sun day and the last report we had was that he was a very sick man. Small hope Is held for his recovery. This will be sad news for his marly friends in and around Grover. Mrs. W. T. Poteet, who moved into this community about a year ngo from Gastonia, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dave Griggs, Sunday afternoon. She will be bu ied this afternoon in Gastonia. Fu neral services conducted by the Rev. \V. E. Furcron, pastor of the Grover Paptist church. Mrs. Poteet leaves a husband and a large circle of chil dren and grandchildren to mourn their loss. Smith Robbins, a highly respect ed colored man, who was a tenant on the farm of Mr. Lester Herndon, cued at his home Saturday morning, age 56 years. He was carried to a church cemetery near Lockhart, S. C. for burial Sunday afternoon. Quite a large crowd went from here to the funeral. The Grover Baptist church will have a home coming day the fust Sunday in December. The commit tee on arrangements are busy new on the program for that day end Invitations are being sent out to all former pastors and friends to be with us. One of the things of inter est will be a dinner served on the church grounds. A full program will be published later. Mr. Laxton Hamrick says that he is taking his daily dozen now at ldght and we suspect it is because cf little Miss Sallie Joe, who came to make her home with them on October 27. Prof. Hamrick is one of the teachers in Grover high school sr.d his grade, the seventh, have all been over to call on Sallie Joe. Miss Marie Roberts of Patterson Springs is boarding with Mrs. P. B. Crocker and attending high senool here. Mrs. T. P. Brannon had as guests for the week-end two of her sisters, Mrs. J. P. Walker of Buffalo. S. C., end Mrs. J. F. Ledford of Gaffney. S C. and one daughter, Mrs. J. W Ervin and children of Gaffney Dr. G. O. Moss of Cliffslde was a dinner guests Sunday with his par ents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moss. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner of Shelby attended services at the Gro ver Baptist church Sunday morning 8nd were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moss. Mrs. C. L. Johnson of Charlotte spent last week with her mother Mrs. F. A. Moss. There has been ginned in this sec tion to date 2,212 bales of cotton and the fields are still white in many places. The farmers are hav ing a hard time on account of the rainy weather to gather their croos Miss Margaret Hamrick who is attending Mars Hill college this fall spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. L. C. Hamrick. • Messrs. Burris and Kermit Keet ev of Shelby spent Sunday here with their parents, Mr and 'Mrs. T. S. Keeter. T* Liceiue Farmers. From The Columbia State. Now, really is that not a Joke’ It might be feasible in Uptopia, where ever that is, but not in America. Yet it is proposed by that great expert who supposedly guides many men in their financial opera tions, Roger W. Babson. the statis tician. He says that therein lies the only hope of retaining farmers as a jlass, they should be licensed according to their training and record and the demand fo? farm products. Doubtless many of the farmers would welcome some such method if it would mean that jobs would be provided for th< j who could not secure a license (Special to Tile Start Mrs. D, C. Beam has returned from- a three weeks visit to her sis ter, Mrs. D. C. DcCamp, of Gaff ney, S. C. Misses Nejlic Stanley ancf Eloise Royster spent the week end with Miss Mary Pegram of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spur ling of Shelby, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ware of Kings Mountain and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Willis and father, Mr. Willis visited Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Ross Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Hoyle and children and Mr. A. B. Hoyle visit ed Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hoyle of Rutherfordton Sunday. Mrs. Claud Stamey and little son, Charles, spent the week end with Mrs. Stamey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cornwell. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jenkins of near Lattimore spent Friday night with Mrs. Jenkin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lackey visit ed Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Morris Sun day. Mr. Elvin Barnette of Beams Mill visited Miss Laura Ross Sun day. Miss Reah Lattimore spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lattimore of near Polk ville. Mr. Claud Stamey and son, George, have returned from a few days trip to Tennessee. Rev. G. P. Abernethy was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Royster Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen and mother, Mrs. Ida Allen of Shelby, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Sweezy Sunday. Mrs. Robert Cline and Master Everett Jr. Spurling have recovered after having their tonsils removed. Misses Minnie Royster and Min nie Katherine Allen visited Miss Martha Sue Royster Sunday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pearson and children of Gastonia visited Mrs. Kate Edwards Sunday evening. Mr. Jasper Green of Lattimore was a Fallston visitor Sunday. Mrs. Kate Edwards and family visited Mrs. Irene Ingle of Lincoln ton Friday. Mr. Talmadge Williams of Ohio is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Williams. Mrs. Phoebe Beam was the din ner guest of Mrs. Lon Royster Sun day. Mr. Lester Edwards Is spending this week with his sister, Mrs. L. F. Pearson of Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Beam of Mooresville spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Stroup. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hoyle visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hoyle Sunday. Miss Eloise Royster spent Sunday night with Miss Nellie Stamey. Washes, Carries Coal, Woman Gains 18 Lbs, "I wash, iron and carry coal and don't get tired since taking Vinoi. Also, I have gained 18 pounds.’”— Mrs. S. Cortese. Vinoi is a delicious compound ot cod liver peptone, iron, etc. Nerv ous, easily tired, anemic people are surprised how Vinoi gives new pep, sound sleep and a BIG appetite. The very FIRST bottle often adds several pounds weight to thin children or adults. Quinn's Drug Store. atlv Administrator’s Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Johannah Bur chett, late of Cleveland county, N. C., this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the said estate to present the same to me properly proven on or before the 12th day of November 1930 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereof. All persons owing the said estate will please make immediate settlement to the undersigned. This November 12, 1929. J. L. BUTTLE. Administrator, Estate of Johannah Burchett, deceased. WORKS HARD IN JM. FIELD Relies Upon Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound Rankin, Illinois.—"T took Lydia ; E. Pinkbam'a Vegetable Compound as * tonic Delore »nd niter my drat child tree bom aix year* •go. Then "when my eecond child came and I felt weal and ran- ; down, I took it •gain. I am etill taking it and I am feeling bet ter. My mother need it for her mii wnin i wm ana »iwnvs r>t good remit*. She still takes it. do all kinds of heavy work, includ ing my housework end I alto help in .! the Held. I recommend the Vegetable Compound «nd T am willing to an »wer any letters.” - Man. Sb Obe.\- , l.*[»r>t Rgute rn Han 111 a. Illinmi. . Flint Hill Section Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Blanton of Blacksburg, S. C., visited Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Dover Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Blanton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Scruggs. Miss Alma Pearson spent Sunday with Misses Gladys, Lois, and Myr tle Harrill. Miss Mary Ella Dover spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jim mie Blanton of Blacksburg. Mr. Debro Webb spent the week end with Mr. Gradie Blanton. Mr. Jay Dover of Lenoir spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S, Dover. Miss Effie Pearson visited Miss Blanche Pearson Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Phillips visited Miss Mary Ella Dover Sunday aft ernoon. Misses Lonicell Pearson and Irene Hawkins spent Sunday with Miss Blanche Ledbetter. Mr. Claude Dover and Havlond Blanton spent Sunday with Mr. James Hawkins. Miss ituby Pearson spent Sun day with Miss Olene Hawkins. Misses Lillie and Sisie Blanton visited Miss Pearl Scruggs Sunday Mr. Lee Dover of Shelby visited his brother Mr. R. S. Dover Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Harrill of the Sharon community visited her son Mr. N. L. Harrill Sunday. TRUSTEE’S SALE. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust execut ed by Ralph T. Mauney and wife, to me as trustee, on October 7, 192G recorded in book 140 of deeds of trust, page 201, securing an indebt edness to the Shelby Building and Loan association, and default hav ing been made in the payment thereof, I, as trustee, will sell for cash to the highest bidder at pub'ic auction at the court house door in the town of Shelby, N. C„ on Monday, November 25, 1929. at 12 o’clock M, the following des cribed real estate: Situate in No. 6 township, Cleve land county, N. C.. and being a part of the M. L. Borders property, and designated as lot No. 4 on the plat of the property of the Cyclone Auc tion Co., as recorded in book one of plats, page 72, said lot being locat ed on the west side of Peach street and east side of First street, and fully described in a deed from E. A, Houser and wife to Ralph T. Mau ney, dated February 11, 1926. This October 22, 1929. CLYDE R. HOEY, Trustee. Try Star Wants Ads. Trustee’s Sale. By virtue of the power of sale contained In deeds of trust, Dealing date April 3, 1923, and December 12, 1923, executed by G. C. Ham rick and wife, to me as trustee, se curing an indebtedness to the Shel by B, & L. association, said deeds of trust being recorded in book 125, page 159, and book 126, page 121 respectively, in the register's office of Cleveland county, N. C., and de fault having been made in the pay ment of said indebtedness, I, ss trustee, will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at the court house door in the Town of Shelby, N. C., on— Saturday, December 7, 1929, at 12 o’clock M., the following de scribed real estate: Situated in the Town of Snelby, K C., and being that lot deeded Sunie Mae Hamrick by W. C, Wnii r.&nt and wife, by deed dated March 22, 1923, by deed recorded ’n bock “KKK” of deeds, page 586, of the register’s office of Cleveland coun ty. N. C., reference to which deed is hereby made for full description of said property by metes end bounds. This November 4, 1929. CLYDE R. HOEY, Trusts. Notice. This is to notify all creditors of E. H. Johnson, operating as Home Provision company, that the said E. H. Johnson did, on the 19th day of Oct., 1929, execute and deliver a deed of assignment for the benefit of his creditors; and further that E. B. Hopper has been appointed trustee to execute the provisions of1 said deed of assignment, and has in his possession for the purpose of sale the following chattels: viz: All the stock of Groceries, market fix tures and etc., located at the place of business of the Home Provision company, and also one Ford delivery truck. All those indebted to the above said E. H. Johnson will please see the undersigned trustee and make immediate settlement. All persons holding claims against the said E. H. Johnson will please present their claims properly proven to the un dersigned at once. E. B. HOPPER, Trustee. 4t-pc ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administr.i tor of the estates of J. D. Hicks an; Jane Hicks, deceased, late of Clave land county, North Carolina, this to notify ali persons having claim a—'nst the estates of said decea.. to exhibit them to the undersiy:c< at Shelby, N. C., on or before t!' 6th day of November, 1930, or t,*.. notice *. * be pleaded in bar of th. recovery. All persons indebted t said estates win please make ini mediate payment. This Novemb. 6th, 1929. PRANK L. HOYLE, Administiv tor of J. D. Kicks and Ja:< Hicks, deceased. NOTICE or SALE. Under and by virtue of the pom of sale contained In a certain m.'ri sage deed dated the 33rd day c February, 1928, and executed by i Y. Green to Mrs. Oris Martin as purchase price mortgage as shov. • in book number 139, at page 183 o registry of deeds for Clevelar. county, which mortgage was gb'c-s to secure certain indebtedness en default having been made in tlv payment of indebtedness there! secured, the undersigned mortgag; will on the 27th day of Novemb?; 1929, at about 12 o’clock a. m. oife said land for sale to the high? bidder for cash at the court hou door at Shelby, North Carolir. which land is described as fntiows Lying and being in number township, Cleveland county, Nori Carolina, beginning at an iron pi at the North margin of nighw-i No. 20, 100 feet west of a new strer and runs N. 39 feet E. 140 feet to iron pin; thence N. 49 feet W. (> feet to an iron pin; thence S. 3 feet W. 140 feet to an iron pin i the north margin of highway No 20; thence with north mr.rgin < said highway S. 49 feet E. 80 feet r the beginning. Containing C41' square feet. The same being lot No 5 in block A. This is a second mortgage to op held by the Federal Mortgage com pany of Asheville, N. C. Sale is sub Jeet to this mortgage. This 28th day of October, 1929. MRS. ORIS MARTIN, Mortgage! J. Lee Lavendar, Attorney. THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., OP PHILADELPHIA, PA. ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENT OP OTTO V. HAMRICK SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR CLEVELAND COUNTY, When you meet an OLDSMOBILE OWNER YOU MEET A FRIEND OF OLDSMOBICE TIE high regard Olusmobile own ers have for their cars is sig nificant of the deep and enduring satisfaction this fine car of low price gives in daily use. In the past few weeks alone, hundreds of owners have written to Olds Motor Works, voluntarily expressing their enthusi astic praise of Oldsmobile. Talk with owners. Find out how their enthusiasm continues to grow, mopth after month, as Olds mobile demonstrates its ability and reliability under all conditions. Fingertip steering and a short turn ing radius make parking easy, even in small spaces. Try it on the open high way. Oldsmobile’s big 62-horsepowcr high - compression engine provides swift, sure acceleration—speed for any emergency—power for any need. After you drive Oldsmobilc and com pare it with other cars, you will appreciate its outstanding value. And after you listen to owner after own er, you will realiie that whenever you meet an Oldsmobile owner, you meet a friend of Oldsmobile. Then, come and drive the car yourself. Learn through personal experience not only what this Oldamobile can do, but how it does it. Drive it through traffic. TWO DOOR SEDAN *875 . o. b. factory, latumi, tichipf* Sport T irt and Bumpart Extra. CONSIDER THE DELIVERED PRICE Ccmeider the delivered price u well u the liet price *hei eon perm* automobile value*. CMdemobile deliv ered price* inelnde only reevniHe chtr(M for delivery ead financing. 0LDSMOBILE t*l# f“f W t • A L Hawkins Brothers DEALERS

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