12 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXV, No. 137 SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESD’Y, NOV. 20, 1929 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons man. per year (la advance) OM i ’ Carrier, ner vear < In advance) ft.00 LATENEWS THE MARKET. Cotton, per pound ........__ 17c • Cotton Seed __ 42c Cloudy And Colder. Today’p North Carolina Wea'hcr Report: Cloudy tonight and Thurs day. Slightly colder in west portion tonight and in dast portions Thurs day. Probably frost in interior to night. A “Dry” Congressman. Washington, Nov. 20.—The in dictment of Representative Edward E. Denison of Illinois by a federal grand Jury yesterday on a charge of possession of liquor added new force to the storm which has raged re cently over prohibition enforce ment in the capital. A leaking suit case and a trunk containing liquor addressed to John Layne, in care of Denison, 411 House Office building, were the basis of the indictment, wftich also named Layne, who was Denison’s secretary nine years rgo. Denison said the indictment result ed from a mistake, and Layne dis claimed any connection with the ease. Plan Red Cross Drive Thursday Shelby Ladies Gather At Court House To Plan Canvass. Set Two Days. A score or more of Shelby v/om m, selected by Attorney Henry B. Edwards. Red Cross chairman for the county, will meet at the court house here tomorrow, Thursday, aft ernoon at 2:30 o'clock at which time they will plan the Red Cros3 roll call to be made by them Friday. Plans of the roll call committee now are that the women will can vass the business section Friday for annual subscriptions to ootaiu Shelby's quota of $500, .while the Boy Scout organizations, doing the'r good turn, will complete the can vass on Saturday. All Interested citizens are urged to attend the Thursday afternoon meeting as It was Impossible to reach all listed by telephone yester day. Likewise Chairman Edwards urges that local citizens who are .iot ap proached during the roll call mall their check for $1 In to him or the treasurer. Attorney D. Z. Newton as it is tho hope of the committee to pass the county's $500 quota in the two days drive. Bury War Secretary In Iowa On Friday Secretary Good Died Monday Night. White House Services On Today. , Washington, Nov. 20.—The last tribute of the government will be paid today to James W. Good, sec retary of war, In the east room of the White House where sorrow, tri umph and happiness frequently have been written into American his tory. In the presence of President Hoo ver and a distinguished company', the rites of the Presbyterian enured will be conducted and lacer the body will be placed upon a special train to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for burial Friday. The death of the cabinet member Monday night was mourned n an official White House statement in which President Hoover said it would be not alone for his public services that Mr. Good would be remembered, but also "for his loyai and self-effacing friendship.’ » While the service today will ce as restricted as possible for such an important figure In public life, the full honors of military burial will be extended. A guard of honor, whicn took Its station shortly after the secretary died, will remain with him until his body is placed in his na tive soil. Early today a flag was placed across the casket and the secretary's body was taken on a caisson to the *> Whlfe House where services, con ducted by the Rev. Joseph Richard Sizoo, pastor of the New York Ave nue Presbyterian church begin ct 11 o’clock. Afterward the invited guests, which will consist vnly of public officials, members of the di ll " plomatic corps and personal friends, will be permitted to pass the casket. Duck Pin Matches On Here For Two Nights Two duck pin matches are booked tor the remainder of the week at the L. S. Cook bowling: alley here. Tonight the taxi drivers team takes 1 on the team of barbers for a sec ond contest, while on Thursday night a team from the Blue Ridge products company will bowl the taxi drivers. Play At Casar High. On Friday night, November 22, the Casar high school is presenting « play entitled "Too Much Mother % In-Law."' You should see thl> play Admission will be 15c and 25r Merchants Put On Dinner And Talk Plans Here Jack Palmer Named Secretary Of Association. Group To Meet Each Month Now. The Shelby Merchants association held a get-together dinner at the Hotel Charles last night, and lis tened to speeches by J. C. Newton, F. O. Smith, manager of Sterchl’s, enjoyed some peppy music, attend ed to some important business, amongst the items of which wes an agreement to meet henceforth at a dinner once each month. Another detail was the election of Jack Pal mer to the secretaryship of the or ganisation. It was a -very spirited and enjoy able meeting, which some thirty five well known business men and women attended. The last dinner given by the organization was a stag affair, but four women were in attendance last night. They were Mrs. Jean Hamrick and Mrs. Betty Phillips, beauty shop proprietors, Miss Ethel Elmore, who helped Hor ace Easom and the orchestra with the musical program, and Miss Ossie McCrary. Henry Mills presided, and num bers of the members were heard on various and sundry topics apper taining to the business affairs of the town. Charles L. Eskridge was heard from on at least two occa sions, boosting at one time the idea of broadcasting information abort the Shelby air port, and at another offering a resolution to the effect that before an advertising solicitor can work in the city he must be armed with a letter from the Mer chants association. This subject of ad. soliciting was borne down upon • emphatically, Wm. Ltneberger being heard from on the topic, I. J. Stillwell, who does his stuff at the Piggly Wiggly, Fred Morton, Forrest Eskridge, and others. Meet Monthly. W. E. Koon, manager of Wright Bakers offered the resolution that the association meet monthly at a (Continued on page eleven.) Mistrial In Court In Liquor Hearing, Check Case Heard Three Defendants In five-Gallon Case Get Off With Costs. Check Case Tried. In county court here yesterday three young Barnes boys of the No. 1 township section had whiskey charges preferred against |hem nol prossed upon payment of the costs after a county court Jury failed to reach a verdict. Officers, testimony was, saw the boys stop at a spot along the road and then drive on. Investigating the officers found five gallons of whisky in a glass demijohn nearby and the trio was charged with the owner ship, the boys denying the charge. To Higher Court. Harold Burleson, young white man, who was charged with giving a worthless check at the Paragon store last Saturday and also with forgery, was bound over yesterday to superior court under a $500 bond, which has not been given so far. The name signed to the check was that of Mrs. Sides, said to be a sis ter of the youth. Burleson had just come to Shelby from California and was using the check to purchase shoes. Pretty Iowa Girl Le ids , Her Champion to Show Elm* Golcke, sixteen-year-old low* girl, and the Hereford yearling: which she will exhibit at the International Live Stock Show at Chicago, Novem ber 30th. This steer ia a full brother to the 1928 International Grand Champion steer which sold for $8,000. IntomilloMl Kiwi ml Report That Hoey May Defend Marion Officers Starts Things Hold Two Negroes For $800 Robbery Of Plant In Shelby One Found On Street Here Wearing Suit Taken From Service Dry Cleaning Flant. Two negro men, Murphy Bernes and one known only as “John Henry,” are being held in jail here in connection with the theft of something like $800 worth of cloth ing from the Service Dry Cleaning plant some weeks back. Ever since the robbery Worth Branton, proprietor of the plant, has kept a weather eye peetfagjtee some of the suits taken, and yesterday morning his close observance of every passerby was rewarded as he saw a colored man, Barnes, walk ing down the street wearing one of the suits. He grabbed Barnes and yelled for the cops, Barnes attempt ed to wrench loose but received a couple of biffs to quiet him until the officers arrived. After his arrest the negro told Chief Poston that he bought the suit from a pawn broker in Asheville. Yesterday after noon Chief Poston, Patrolman Hufus Sparks, Branton and the negro vis ited Asheville only to find that there was no foundation to the yam related. Returning in the wee hours this morning Barnes was urged by his mother to tell the truth about the robbery and he Informed officer* that three other colored men had robbed the plant and that he had helped in getting them away. Barnes livgs in Ruthertordton and the haul was taken to that section, divided and later sold in Asheville, he said. As the result of his confession the officers arrested “John Henry,” lo cal colored man, who was said to be one of the trio. The identity of the others is not known, or at least officers are not as yet making it known. So far the only clothing re covered were the suits worn by Barnes and John Henry. Born, this morning, at the Shelby hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Honeycutt, a daughter. Mother and daughter are getting along nicely. Shelby's Final Football Game Of Year Played Here On Friday Highs Close Season With Annual Kings Mountain Game. Boiling Springs Off On Trip. Those who are fond of their foot ball about Shelby, of which there are many, will see their last game of the season Friday unless they travel afar for some gridiron tus sle. •On Friday afternoon the Shelby highs will close their year here in the annual game with Kings Moun tain which decides the county championship. And It Is one of the few times that Shelby is in danger of losing the crown, assuring thereby a thrilling scrap for Shelby’s last encounter. Boiling Springs defeat last week by Campbell college practically makes It certain that .Shelby will have no gardes this year after Fri day. Had Boiling Springs won the officials there would have chal lenged Weaver college, with w.iom the junior Baptist would have been tied for the Junior college title, to & play-off game in Shelby. As it is Boiling Springs has only one more l game scheduled and that is with the Appalachian Normal eleven this week with the contest to be played on the latter's home gridiron. Quite a gathering is expected to witness the Shelby-Klngs Mountain clash Friday for several reasons. Kings Mountain always turns out in full farce for the fray, particularly so when there is a strong possibil ity for a Kings Mountain victory. Then no matter how disastrous has been the season for both elevens, Shelby and Kings Mountain teams always play at their greatest when facing each other because of at: old athletic rivalry. Added to those things which will draw crowds Is the further fact that very few college games will be played roundabout this week rs college elevens are skipping week-end flashes in pre paration for the annual^ Thanks giving games Rumored That Employes Were Threatened With Discharge For Letting News Out. Attorney Clyde R. Hocy told The Star here today that a delegation of Marion people vis ited him yesterday with the purpose of employing him to de fend the eight McDowell depu ties connected with the Marlon mill riot, but that no definite agreement was reached. This was due, he said, to the fact that Shelby will have the spe cial term of court to try the building crash suits on Decem ber 3 and Mr, Hoey was not sure that he would "be through with these cases before the re opening of the Marion trial in Yancey county on December 9. Marion, Nov. 19.—It is considered virtually certain that Clyde Hoey. Shelby attorney, will be a member of defense counsel at the trial of eight McDowell deputies in Yancey county,' beginning December 9. Hoey, It Is understood, has been ob tained by employes of the Marion Manufactuding company, who hare raised a fund for this purpose. It was rumored here this morn ing that petitions were being cir culated for the fund and it was lat er learned that a committee had been to see the Shelby attorney. There was also a rumor about town tills morning that some employes had been threatened with dis charge for divulging plans about Hoey's employment. Asked about this matter this afternoon. President Baldwin of the Marion Manufactuding company said that there was no truth what ever in the report of threat of dis charge of an employ for suen a thing. He said that he had heard something about such a petition be ing circulated but knew nothing about it, that if his employes want ed to raise such a fund it was their business, that the mill management had nothing to do with it and that so far as himself or any of the mill management having said any thing, there was not a word of truth in it. The eight deputies who are to be tried in Yancey are now represent ed by other able counsel including W. L. Morgan, Wallace Wtnborne, G. F. Washburn, and Robert Proc tor, of Marion and Frank Watson of Burnsville. Shelby Made Friends Of Baptists Visitors Williamston Minister Says Town Entertained Baptists Of State In Royal Style. Scores of Baptists who attended the State Baptist convention here last week have since sent messages here stating that they were well pleased with the entertainment and hospitality shown. One letter, typical of many oth ers, comes to The Star from Rev. Charles M. Dickey, of Williamston, who made one of the outstanding addresses of the convention. It says, in part: “Shelby made a lot of friends during our convention. It was a royal way in which we were entertained. We shall always -e tnember your fine city and shall nope to return. The complimentary copies of The Star were also great- ! ly appreciated." Honor Roll For 340 Pupils In Shelby Schools Seventy-Eight School Student* At* tain Honor Distinction In Second Month. The scholastic report for the sec ond month of the Shelby city scliools Is unusual In that 340 students in the elementary schools, the Junto; high school, and the high school mRde the honor roll. Sevepty-elght of the 340 students making the scholastic honor list were high school students. The roll by schools and by grades follows: Lafayette. First grade—Loyd Duncan, Ned Bost, Myrtle Hull, Juarfita Noggle, Mary Adelaide Bosworth. Pearl Freelove, Mack Kale, O. W. Wig gins, Ruby Beaty, Nell Bowman. Winona Daves, Pearl Norman, Jeanette Smith, Katherine Rlppy. Second grade—Bonnie Mae Wil son, Hubert Pearson, Jack Wilson, Francis Trlmmler, Andrew Wiggins, John Wiggins, Camella Workman. Third grade—Nellie Mae Wise, Ethel Huggins, Edith kugglns, Paul Martin. Fourth grade—John Putnam, Bon nie Daberry, Dorothy Greene. Fifth gTade—Clyde Grlgg, Esther Howell, Burene Hughes. Sixth grade—Donald Roberts, Pearle McKee. Jefferson. First grade—Boyd Allen, L. J. Falls, J. A. Montleth, Douglas Sweezy, Clyde Reynolds, Ellen Blanton, Mahrler Cobb, Edna L\ DeVine, Thelma Grlgg, Mildred Lar.enby, Helen Lovelace, Marie Mldgett, Selma Moore, Catherine Raymer, Faye Stevenson, Minnie .Tillman. Second grade—Drucilla, Jones. Third grade—Ida Lee Batson, Beatrice Beamon, Margaret Braz zelle. Virginia Crocker, Virginia Holliday, Phyllis McCraw, Charles Price. Fourth grade—Virginia Fair, Ava fitters, Frances Carswell, Ran«*y (Continued on page eleven.) Much Interest In Art Exhibit Here Estimated That 1,200 Saw Exhibit At High School. Money For Pictures and Pictures Given. Keen interest was manifest in the art exhibit which has lust closed at the Central high school. A thousand school children and approximately two hundred adults attended the exhibit. In general more Interest w»s shown by the elementary schools than by the high school. A total of $107.66 was derived from the sale of tickets. The pa trons of the Morgan, Graham and Marion schools donated $40.43 ti these three schools for the pur chase of pictures for the school rooms. A number of pictures were presented to the LaPayetto and Washington schools by the patrons of these schools. The donations d the proceeds for the sale of tickets will be used for the purchase of pictures for the different schools. The Marion school followed close ly by the Morgan school led in the sale of tickets. The Graham school led in the amount raised by dona tions for the purchase of pictures; the Marion school was a close sec ond to the Graham school in the (Continued on page eleven.) Says Truck Backed On Children In Yard Mr. J. R. Graham, father of- the four-year-old boy whose leg was broken by a city truck last week, says that the truck backed in tlie yard and hit his son and a small daughter of Mr. Claud Harrill and that tne children were not hurt while swinging on the truck at the Oakjsfcreet comer. The children wer? playing, he says, in the yard of the Harrill home on East Warren BL The youth whose leg was fractured is recovering. DePrieat Operating Temple Station Now Messrs. A. B. C. and T. & De Priest, formerly operating the A. B. C. Motor Company, are now op erating the Temple Service station on East Warren street at the rear of the Masonic Temple. Oyster Sapper. There Will be an oyster supper at Jefferson school, Eastside, Friday night, given by the home economics class. Meeting Of Farmers Here Hears -■ Of Short Feed And Food Crops Played Her Own , Requiem While Others Danced At her ups s saxopnone, playing tne latest jawjQii#^ A*-btr