' .. 12 PAGES TODAY * m ■ ---- - . ” - > - ■ --!--—i—-—l-lj—j .111 'J-J Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons By mail, pex year un advance* tZMO Otrrler. per yetr (toMnmit tl.30 * LATE NEWS the market. Cotton, per pound-— 1,c Cotton Seed ---42c Fair And Colder. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight and Saturday. Colder tonight with a cold wave in •ast and central portions and freel ing to coast. Slowly rising temper ■tore Saturday. Wiggins Killing Suit. Raleigh.—J. Frank Flowers. Cnar lotte attorney who was chief de fense counsel in the recent Aderholt murder trial has confirmed reports that he had been retained by the American Civil Liberties Union to bring civil suit for damages result ing from the death of Mrs. Ella May Wiggins, textile worker and mother of five children who was shot on the highway near Gastonia by an antl-Communist mob on the after noon of September 14. Mr. Flowers stated that the suit will be brought with Wesley May, brother of the dead woman and her administrator, as the plantif. He stated, that the Nantucket, Rhode Island, owner of the Loray Cotton Mill at Gastonia, •would be one of the defendants and that not less than $50,000 would be asked in damages. How Long Will Mull Hold On, Raleigh Asks Being Assistant Governor Has Al ready Driven Three Men Out. Is Tough Strain. Raleigh.—How long will Odus M. Mull last as executive counsel, and how long will It be until he finds out that he has accepted the Job that calls for more hard and un pleasant work and less glory than any other in the state, and like N. A. Townsend, Edwin B. Bridges, and H. Hoyle Sink, who preceded him, decide to chuck it? These questions are being ask ed here following the announce ment that Judge .Townsend has resigned as executive counsel, to become effective December 15 and that Odus M. Mull, chairman of the state Democratic executive committee, member of the house from Cleveland county and! long time personal friend and business associate of the governor, would suc ceed him. There was no particular sur prise here at the resignation of Judge Townsend,, especially among newspaper men, who have been noticing the Increasing strain under which Townsend has been working for a number of months and the effect of this strain upon him. It has also been apparent tnat the most onerous part of the duties of the executive counsel has been those duties which were formerly carried out by the commissioner of pardon*, whose duties were com bined with those of the executive counsel by the 1S29 general assem bly. For while Judge Townsend has had many difficult tasks to per (Ccntinued on page eleven.) Pay Taxes And Save Borrowing, Plea O f Mayor T o Citizens Mayor McMnrry Urges Citizens To Pay Taxes To Meet Obliga tions Of City, In a statement today Mayor S. A. McMurry urges citizens of Shelby to pay their taxes right away so that the city may meet approach ing obligations without borrowing additional funds until the 1929 taxes are in, "The city has to meet several ob ligations on December 9,’’ he said, "and unless, citizens begin paying their taxes, already due, now we may have to borrow money to me*>t these obligations. The taxes mu-t be paid and it citizens will pay them now it will keep us from having to borrow money and pay out addi tional interest.” New Members Attend Rotary Club Meeting Rliranls Calls Off. Meeting For Thanksgiving. New Singer On Program. Mr. Dale Kalter, new choir direc tor of the Central Methodist church, and Mrs. Rush Thompson <rve a musical program at the Shelbv Rotary dub today ” with Rush Thompson in charge of the progrem Mr. Basil Ooode and Mr. Smith, manager of Sterchl’s, were present us new members of the club. The local Kiwanis club meeting Thursday night was called off be cause of the Thanksgiving holiday. Robert Gidney and Charles Ca veny, students at the University of North Carolina, are spending the Thanksgiving holidays nr hemic. Big Cotton Man Connected Here Died Wednesday Judge W. J. Fullerton, Intersled In Local Plants, Passes At His New Jersey Home. Scores of Shelby people were ; shocked yesterday to hear thpt J Judge W. J. Fullerton, head of the ' Wilson and Bradbury firm in New York and connected with local tex- j tile plants for years, died Wednes- j day night at his home at Ridge- I wood, New Jersey. Mr. John R. Dover, with whom j Mr. Fullerton has been associated with in the operation of the Dover i milk here, left for New York to at tend the funeral after receiving news of the Fullerton death. Messrs. Jack Dover and Earl Hamrick were in New York at the time and will likely remain over for the funeral services today or tomorrow. Mr. Fullerton became Interested In textile plants In this section years ago and has since been interested financially with the Eastsldc, Dover and Ora mills here and the Ham rick mills in the Gaffney section. His firm, one of the best known m New York, was also selling agents for the local plants in which he was interested. He was a visitor to Shel by once or twice each year and was well known to local manufacturers and businessmen. Grover Church To Have Home Coming Special Program At Baptist Church There This Sunday. John son To Preach. Tlie annual home coming day c£ the Grover Baptist church is set for the coming Sunday, December 1, with a special program for both morning and afternoon. Followirn the Sunday school program the welcome address will be made by the pastor, Rev. W. E. Furcron, Mr. li. -SnEener will giwr the church history, and Rev. Boyle Love will preach the morning ser mon. There wli be dinner on the grounds followed by a musical pro gram and short talks by former pastors and friends and then at 2:30 a sermon by Rev. W. O. John son. Forest City To Have New Tapestry Mill Plant Will Manufacture Tapsefries And $73,000 Stock Is Already Subscribed. Forest City.—Forest City is soot. to have a new textile plant which will manufacture tapestries, bed spreads, damask, upholstering and other novelties. The plant will have an 8,000 spindle capacity and will operate more than 50 Jacquard looms, which will furnish employ ment to approximately 100 people J. M. Lumley, superintendent of the Ellenboro Manufacturing com pany, of Ellenboro, Is engineering the project. About $75,000 of the capital stock has already been sub scribed, part of which was sub scribed by the Belk company of Charlotte, principal stockholders of the Ellenboro Manufacturing com pany,, The plant will be located about a mile south of Forest City on the J. L. Butler property. The con tract fear Its construction will be let about January 1 and It is expected to have the plant in operation by next spring. Mrs. B. H. Palmer, Miss Sara Palmer and Ralph Ray Palmer were guests at a delightful dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Baker at their home in Lincolnton Thanks giving. High Spade Came Canifolers Fate Rests on Deal of W itnesses in His Trial for Rothstein Murdei 0.1 . GfWGt I AT'fiAt/t/s ••• A\a SG§§^ THmoiVKATe" I A>V/1O*0 | c/AatAs' \ CHAM The deal George McManus gets from witnesses in trial for the murder of Arnold Rothstein, notorious gambler, following heavy losses in high-spade game, will either acquit or convict him in Criminal Courts, New York. From left to right are Arnold Rothstein, “king of the underworld,” and "Smiling” George Mc Manus, who is accused of hid murder. Biller, under indictment, is still being sought in the murder. "Titanic,” also a player In the game, Is State’s wit ness, as is "Bed” Bowe. “Nigger Nate” Raymond, big winner in the game played at Meehan’s apartment, merely got $200,900 worth of I. 0. U.’a from Roth stein. (Lower) —elnez Norton, Broadway star, enjoy ing the breeie from the‘ surf In th* company of lothsteii^-f'1; V-n •• *£+*!?*■'m"~ , * Tntr'fMtioiuO Nemre . * Star Starts Christmas Fund For Poor Civic Clubs And Entire City Asked To Aid Paper In < Lending A Helping Hand To Shelby’s Needy. That it might be Christmas time for all,” The Cleveland Star will next week start its an nual “Christmas Stocking Fund” for the purpose of tak ing necessities of life into the homes of the poor and unfor tunate on Christmas eve. For years this fund has been a success as Shelby contributed readily and gladly to the fund which carried flour, wood, coal, shoes and clothing into pov erty-stricken homes, and medi cine into homes where there was sickness with no one able to work and pay doctors and medi cal bills. Last year due to an influenza epidemic the campaign was not started until late in December yet a sizeable amount was con tributed, and this year the cam pa'.gn win begin early so that r.U may have the opportunity to contribute. The funA committee will not be definitely organised until nest week bnt until that time and a permanent chairman is appointed contributions may be left with J. B. Smith, county welfare officer, or with The Star. This committee, which each year investigates needy conditions about Shelby and contributes the fund, is usually made up of a representative from each of the civic clubs, the head of the Woman’s club, the ministers of Shelby, and the superintendent of schools. Heads of the Rotary, Kiwanls, and Lions clubs arp asked to name representatives from their clubs to attend a meeting of all the I i representatives name above at the court house next week, the exact date to be announced later. Not a rent of this fund, It should be recalled, ever goes for toys or playthings. Every dollar will be spent for necessities such as food, clothing and shoes, and nothing will be wasted as all distributions are made where the welfare officer and the in vestigating committee say the need is most urgent. Contributions may be made in the name of clubs, organiza tions, schools, or lodges, or as individuals, and where desired the name of donors will be with held, as has been the custom in the past. Who will make the first con tributions to be published next week? Bel wood Juniors To Have Meets Saturday All members of the Belwood coun cil of the Junior Order are urged to attend the regular meeting to be held there on Saturday right, November 30. A class of new mem bers will be initiated, according to R. L. McMurry, and there will be an address by a wrell known Junior.. Poison Of Rattlesnake Is Fatal 15 Months After Snake Is Gone Lenoir—This Is the story of a rattlesnake wh06e poison brought destruction for* more than a year after the snake’s death, Levi Reed, who lives on the Taylorsville highway about nine miles from Lenoir, has a special ly made box in which he kept rattlesnakes, but he has not had one in the box for a year and three months. But Mrs. Reed put 18 young turkeys in the box ro keep them over night, and the next morning all of them were dsad. Later a possum was put in the box and the next morning it was dead. And not tong ago a large field mouse ' got in the box and Mr. Reed put his cat in to do battle with the mouse. There was a lively fight in which the cat was victorious, but the next morning the cat was dead. Chickens which have been put in the box have been found dead the next morning, and Mr. Reed is at last calling for aid in solving the phenomenon. It did not oc cur to him Uiat the poison from the snake could , remain so dangerous for a period* of 15 months, yet he cannot attribute the stronge death to any other cause. And nobody in the Little River ^section nas vol unteered to spend a night in the box to see if the same straDge thing will happen to n person. , Gardner Appoints Celebration Group Governor Selects Number Of Im portant People To Aid Willi Celebration Plans. Raleigh.—Governor O. Max Gard ner announced the appointment of the committee to represent North Carolina in "preparations for and in holding the King’s Mountain ses qui-centennial celebration to be t eld at Kings Mountain October 7, 1£30. The committee named at the re uest of C. O. Kuester, Charlotte, gener al chairman, follows: Governor Gardner, chairman; Mrs. W. N. Reynolds, Winston Salem; Mrs. A. G. Myers, Gastonia; Mrs. Ralph Van Landiugliam, Char lotte; Mrs. A. C. Lineberger, Eel mont; C. E. Neisler, Kings Moun tain; C. R. Hoey, Shelby; Cameron Morrison. Charlotte; Ju.lie John son J. Hayes, Greensboro; Major A. L. Bui winkle. Gastonia; Smn'.or Lee S. Overman, Salisbury; B. B. Gossett, Charlotte. Governor John G. Richards of South Carolina is expected to name a committee for South Carolina who act with the North Carolina cun mtt*er Dr. Lackey Improves At Hospital Here General Condition Gradually Get ting Better. Mr. Weathers Im proving Also. ' At the Shelby hospital today i; ] was said that the condition of Ur. ! F. H. Lackey, of Fallston, had been showing gradual improvement for the past two days. Dr. Lackey suf fered a stroke of paralysis last Sat urday night and has been speech less since. He is conscious now, al though unable to speak, and seems to be strengthening. A steady improvement is also tfc Ing shown by Editor Lee B. Weath ers of, The Star, who has been ill with influenza for three weeks and a patient at the hospital for a week. With continued improvement; as shown recently he will likely be able to leave the hospital before very long. Editor Visits Here. Editor J. F. Hurley, of The Salis bury Evening Post, and Mrs. Hur ley were Thanksgiving guests of Attorney and Mrs. R. L. Rybi.-n in Shelby. Miss Mary Grace Ledford, who -s a student at Boiling Springs college 1 is spending the Thanksgiving noli 1 rtnv* at home Cleveland Farm Methods Used On Prison Farm Governor Gardner Direct* Farming Operation And Lose* Only On Cotton Doe To Weevil. Raleigh,—Cleveland county farm ing under direction of Cleveland county’s scientific agriculturist, Oliver Max Gardner, has resulted hi the growing on state prison farms of 250.000 pounds dt pork, more than 60.000 bushels of corn and other food crops In proportion. The one fall-down of the Cleve land county farmer was In produc tion at which he has proved ps^t master, cotton. But Cleveland !s a very diffefcnt community from those which admit the boll weevil with great hospitality. Governor Gard ner had hoped that the state pris on would turn out/ 2,500 bales of cotton, but the boll weevil got half of the crop. Hog and hominy has been one of the very highest notes which the executive has sung since coming here nearly 11 months ago. and hog and hominy do abound. Governor Gardner doesn't pretend that he has raised all the truck: reaped on the state farms. He merely likes what has been done. The state farms have gone about living exact ly as they go in Cleveland. They have whereof to eat In the very premises and it Is a varied bill of fare which the state prepares. Being such a terrible prohibition ist, nephew by blood and marriage of Judge Yates Webb, Governor Gardner's Ingenuity Is shut off when I he undertakes to deal with that corn surplus. For Instance, In the | olden day, one bushel of com made I three gallons of liquor. At a dollar a gallon that made a bushel worth (3. But good com now sells for *10 a gallon. There are many ex cellent distillers In the stale pris on and numerous fine merchants who could, sell the stuff. The state could make 95 a bushel clear on Its owa cxeij.. ft W aei^ make this llcker for “medicinal purposes.” Governor Gardner, of course, will not allow anybody to tell him how to run a farm. Governor Gardner, commenting yesterday, said that the rains ard the boll weevil have reduced the an ticipated cottcn crop on the prison farm from 3,500 bales to approxi mately 1,300 but tbat he is gratified to know that the farms have pro-1 duced this year 14,DM bushels of sweet potatoes, 4,590 barrels of Irish potatoes, also 12,500 bushels of wheat and 9,390 gallons of molasses. The hog crop he thinks good and the prison will have for slaughter more than 1,000 head of hogs, which will net a quarter of a million pounds. The corn crop will produce approximately 60,000 bushels and sufficient forage not only for th* prison farms, but will offer some for sale to other Institutions. All permanent camps have good gar* dens, which now are growing tur nips, collards, rape, spinach, car rots and the like. They will nave nearly enough flour to supply the prison and more than enough corn. The flour and the meal are ground at the prison mill at Caledonia. Names Omitted On School Honor Roll Through an error made In the of fice of the principal of the high school the following names were not Included In the list of pupils who made the honor roll for the seoond* month. The principal regrets that this error was made. Eight grade: Edith Saunders. Ninth grade: Sara Louise Falls. Tenth grade: George Blanton, Helen Anthony, Milla Putnam, Doyle Webb, and Adelaide Elam. Eleventh grade: Thelma Spang ! ler. Thanksgiving Day In City Quiet Occasion Lattimore Youth Back From Meet Walter Darla And Companion Hon ored At Kansan City. Per sonal News. (Special to The Star.) Lattimore, Nov. 29.—Walter Davis returned Sunday from Kansas City, Mo., where he had attended the na tional congress of Future Farmers of America. There were 3,000 delegates pres cut. Wade Turner, ot Llllngton. was elected president of the nation^ organisation. Three boys front North Carolina were elected to receive the degree ot the American Farmer wnlch is the fourth and highest degree A the organisation. All members received free passes to the American Royal Stock, show and were entertained by several of the citv clubs. Mr. Ind Mrs. W. E. Walker had as their dinner guests Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Z. R. Walker of N-w House, Mr. and Mrs. Yates Ham* rick and Miss Maude Morehead. Misses Willie Falls and Virginia Mauney have returned from Kale'gh where they visited friends at Mere dith college.. Miss Falls also visited Miss Margaret Broughton. Prof. Heckertnan, member of the faculty of Lenoir-Rhyne crUege, Hickory, was present fon chape* ex ercise Monday morning. He made an interesting talk on college educa tion. Messrs. Hew land and Bob Lath more of Bailey institute accompan ied by three of their friends Messrs. Nesblt Cook, Harold and Glannard Watson are spending Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lattimore. Messrs. J, E. Morehead and O. O. Hawkins leave Friday for Florida to spend the winter. Rev. J. M. Barber of Polkvillo. former pastor of First Methodist church of Bel wood will preach at Lattimore the second Sunday night at 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McBrayer and children of Forest City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Tama (Continued on page eleven.) Shelby Man Owner Of Hickory Plant Shoe Lace Manufacturing Company Purchased By L. M. Hull. Has Been With Firm. Mr. L. M. Hull, Shelby citiaen. last week became the owner of the Hickory Shoe Lace Manufacturing company at Hickory. Mr. Hull has been connected with this concern before as salesman to shoe manu facturers and wholesalers. Mr. and Mrs. Hull left early In the week for Hickory where they will be for the present. Confederate Veteran Has 118 Descendants Spry 84-Year-old Thinking of Mar riage Again. Bis Hair Hasn’t Turned Gray. Some people consider themselves old when they reach the age of 50, but Mr. E. R. Ellis, 84-year-old Con federate veteran of Shelby whose hair is yet,black, admits, or rather relates It with pride that he some times thinks of getting married again. Mr. Ellis has 118 living descend ants—seven children, 43 granchil dren 82 great grandchildren, and six great great grandchildren. Children Should Not Be Afraid Of Losing In Yo-Yo Contest Quite a number of Shelby | boys and girls are hesitant about entering The Star’s yo~ 1 yo contest tomorrow afternoon because they think they do not have a chance to win. This im pression should not keep them out—yo-yos are likely to do mo6t anything and some boy or girl who thinks he or she has very little chance may win the first cash prise. No youngster should shy at entering the fancy yo-yoing contest which will be staged be fore the endurance contest, for it i* hard in tell lust what ex hlbltlon the judges will term the best. The contest begins at 1:3* Saturday afternoon and all youths who hare entered are urged to bring as many Mends with them as they can. Three dollars will go to tho winner of the endurance contest and two dollars will go to the winner of the fancy contest. Only one hand may be used in the en durance contest, but both bond* may be need In the fancy exhi bition. All that is required for entry is that the entrants Pt Ister their names and adtfrew; with The Slur. No Sertooa Wreck* Or AtMffiU Reported In County. Early • Morning Services. Shelby and this section yesterday passed through one of the quteest and most eventful Thanksgiving days in many years. . Not a single auto or hunting ac cident of a serious nature was re ported during the day, and ; IMS morning there were more empty cells In the county Jail than on the morning after a holiday in ft tony time. At the Shelby hospital It, was stated that not a single accident case came in yesterday despite the fact that scores and scores of Cleveland county people were out hunting and motoring. Church Services. One unusual feature of the day for Shelby was the holding of an early morning Thanksgiving service at Centre! Methodist church, where the main auditorium was well filled for the service at 8 o'clock in the morning. At 10 o’clock services were held at the Presbyterian churcn. Local business-houses observed a holiday wth the exception of drug stores which were open for Sunday hours, and throughout the day with no business going on with M per cent of the city either taking it easy at home—that is, until after dinner when some could not take it easy—or away visiting or attending football games, Shelby streets were deserted. Only five people were placed in jail during the day and night, the major portion for imbibing too free ly, and this, according to Sheriff Irvin Allen, Is not as many as are often Jailed over the week-end. i _ Carolina Winner In Virginia Game Dtfe»t VlrrfSUM « To 7. Brock Buns 1M Yards As Davidson Bests Bake. Thirty-one thousand fans packed in the Kenan stadium at Chapel HU1 yesterday saw the big blue Carolina football eleven win ks 13th victory from Virginia in 37 years or play by the record score of 41 to 7 as CardOKa backs galloped madly over the gridiron to roU up the highest score ever made on Vir ginia. On the same afternoon eight thousand fans at Davidson saw the Wildcats upset the dope bucket by defeating Duke 13 to 13 in a game that was featured by a 102-yard run by Capt.Thad Urock, of the Davidson eleven, the long est run ever made in North Caro lina football. Several score Shelby and Cleve land county people attended the two games, some going to Chapel Kill over special trains. Virginia was Saved from a shut out by a great 30-yard run by tt* team’s brilliant captain, John Sloan, who took a kickoff on bis own 10 yard line in the first quarter and ran 00 yards for a touchdown Dp at Hickory Bon defeated Dick Gurley’s Lenolr-Rhyne eleven by a 13 to 7 scon for the “Little Six” state title after Gurley's team led until the final quarter. Kentucky played Tennessee to w 8-5 tie thus leaving Tulane to & clear field for the southern title as it was the first time for Tennessto to be defeated or tied. r Other scores of the Thanksgiving tuts: -.’wwww Wake Forest 13; Mercer 0. ciemson 7; Furman 8. Georgia 12; Alabama 0. Georgia Tech 19; Auburn 8. V. M. L 14, V. P. X. 0. Florida 25; W. AID. 7,. Tulane 21; L. 3- U. 0. Pitt 20; Penn Statb'7. - VanderbUt 28; Sewanee 8. m This Man Had Much To Be Thankful For J. M. Bunt, termer of No. . J township, perhaps did not bare an over abundance of turkey for ids Thanksgiving dinner, yet he was not without something to eat. Just a few day* before Thanks giving he killed the first SOO-pouad hog reported In the county so far this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Q. M. Ledford spent Thanksgiving with Mr. J. T. Ledfeafd and family.

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